PDS Drewgard 2808

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CWT-PDS-NA-Drewgard 2808-R2

Drewgard™ 2808 corrosion inhibitor

Product Description Packaging
Drewgard 2808 corrosion inhibitor is an alkaline This product is available in a variety of packaging
nitriteborate closed system formulation which includes sizes. Your Solenis representative will recommend
a specific corrosion inhibitor for non-ferrous metals. the appropriate packaging for the application.
Drewgard 2808 is designed to inhibit acid corrosion,
oxygen corrosion and pitting, and is effective in Important Information
protecting iron, steel, copper, brass, solder and other Typical Properties: Refer to the Safety Data Sheet
alloys used for piping, fixtures and valves associated (SDS).
with closed systems. Drewgard 2808 functions by
laying down a passivating, non-porous protective film Regulatory Information: Refer to the SDS or contact
on the metal surfaces and by maintaining the system your sales representative for any additional regulatory
pH within the desired alkaline range. and environmental information.

Advantages Safety: Solenis maintains an SDS for all of its

• Compatible with glycols products. Use the health and safety information
• Fully functional in softened or demineralized contained in the SDS to develop appropriate product
makeup handling procedures to protect your employees and
• Non-staining customers.
• Provides excellent corrosion inhibition to carbon
steel, copper and copper alloys Our SDS should be read and understood by all of your
• Effective corrosion inhibitor for engine cooling supervisory personnel and employees before using
systems Solenis products in your facilities.

Testing and Control

Drewgard 2808 is conveniently applied via a bypass
feeder installed across the recirculating pump or by
pumping directly into the system. The product should
be slug fed. Product dosage will depend on the type
of system, operating temperature and water
parameters such as pH, alkalinity and hardness
concentrations. Your Solenis representative will
provide the optimum dosage for your system.

All statements, information and data presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are not to be taken as a guarantee, an express warranty, or an implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or
implied, for which Solenis International, L.P. and its affiliates and subsidiaries assume legal responsibility. ® Registered trademark, Solenis or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries. ™Trademark, Solenis or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries.
*Trademark owned by a third party. © 2014, Solenis.

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