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Diy Credit Sweep

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Method 1: Swift

This method is best for closed accounts for 5+

years. It asks the credit bureaus to validate your
information. Validation is you asking the credit
bureaus to validate that the account belongs to
you and that all the information provided is
correct. You’re not telling them the account is not
yours. You want them to verify it.
If they come back with a letter stating the item
has been veri ed, you move to step 2, which asks
them to explain how they veri ed your
information. Credit furnishers, veri cation
methods, who they contacted, and how they can
de nitively prove the accounts belong to you.
They must also verify the amount, name, and
address of the account are right.
Most times, credit bureaus don’t have access to
this information and rely on their furnishers to
provide it for them. If, after step 2, you still have
items on your report that were disputed, you will
start a pre-suit. You will send a request that tells
them you are ready to sue and request evidence
for your investigation and litigation. It’s rare to
ever get to this point.
All templates are included in this program. Just
replace everything in red with your personal and
account information. Make sure to sign and date
each document you include in the program, even
the ID copy, SSN card, and proof of residence.
Save a copy of each letter you send them with
proof of postage and le a small claims suit using
the instructions below if they don’t delete. Most
times, credit bureaus do not even show up to
court unless it’s a big case, or they think you are
working with a credit repair agent.
The court will award you a judgment against the
credit bureau. You mail them a copy of the
judgment, and they are forced to delete it
immediately. + send you a check for the
damages. The highest amount per account per
bureau is $1000.00

Step 1.
This method is not a traditional run of the mill
request for validation. This method has been
adapted in-house and is currently functioning.
You want to send the credit bureaus the letters
attached below in order. Each one will ask for a
speci c thing until each item falls o . It’s
imperative you go in order and do not include
items deleted with previous letters in your other
request for validation.
Make sure you have up to date credit reports. You
can get a free credit report
at https://www.annualcreditreport.com/. You can
also get your credit report
at https://www.creditchecktotal.com. It’s $1 for
the rst seven days. Make sure to signup, print all
three reports, and cancel your membership if you
do not want to be charged $39.99/Month.
You will need the following:
Valid Identi cation, just 1 of the forms listed
· US State-Issued Driver’s License
· US State Issued ID Card
· US Issued Passport
Copy of Social Security Card And
Proof of Address, just 1 of the forms listed below.
· Power Bill
· Water Bill
· Cable Bill
No cellphone bills, bank statements, or anything
else. Just utility bills with address matching your
ID and address that will receive a reply from the
credit bureaus.
Credit Report for Each Bureau Disputed
Make sure your credit report is not more than 30
days old. You use the account numbers listed on
that speci c credit report, the same report sent to
the credit bureaus.
Once you have your credit reports in hand, nd all
the accounts you want to delete and circle them.
You will also need to gather some documents
that will need to be sent to the credit bureaus
along with your validation request. Make sure you
have all your unexpired documents ready before
you start this process.

Step 2.
Next, ll in the sample letter on the next page.

{Name} {Date}

{Address}{City} {State} {Zip Code} {Phone Number}

{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}


{Credit Bureau Name} {Bureau Address}

{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State} {Credit Bureau
Zip Code}

Request for validation of accounts To Whom It May


I request your company to validate the following items on

my credit le, which may be inaccurate. Please validate
these items are correct and belong to me. This notice is
sent according to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,
15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) that your claim is disputed
and validation is requested. Please forward a copy to the

This is NOT a request for "veri cation" or proof of my

mailing address, but a VALIDATION request made
pursuant to the Title named above and Section. I
respectfully request that your o ces provide me with
competent evidence that I have a legal obligation to pay
this debt. Please provide me with the following:

Identify the original creditor and what the money you say I
owe is for; Explain and show me how you calculated what
you say I owe; Provide me with copies of any papers that
show I agreed to pay what you say I owe; Provide a
veri cation or copy of any judgment if applicable; Prove
the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account;
Show me that the creditor is licensed to collect in my
state; Provide me with the creditor's license numbers and
Registered Agent;
At this time, I will also inform you that if your o ces have
reported invalidated information to any of the three major
Credit Bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion), this
action might constitute fraud under both Federal and
State Laws. Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found
on any of my credit reports by your company or the
company that you represent, I will not hesitate in bringing
legal action against you for the following:

Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Violation of the

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Defamation of

Suppose your o ces can provide the proper

documentation, as requested in the following Declaration.
In that case, I will require at least 30 days to investigate
this information, and during such time all collection and
reporting activity must cease.

Also, during this validation period, if any action is taken,

which could be considered detrimental to any of my credit
reports, I will consult with my legal counsel for suit. This
includes listing any information to a credit reporting
repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated or
verifying an account as accurate when there is no
provided proof.

If your o ces fail to respond to this validation request

within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all references
to this account must be deleted and completely removed
from my credit le, and a copy of such deletion request
shall be sent to me immediately.

I would also like to request that the credit bureau or

creditor make no telephone contact with my home or
employment place in writing. If your o ces attempt
telephone communication with me, including but not
limited to computer-generated calls and calls or
correspondence sent to or with any third parties. It will be
considered harassment, and I will have no choice but to
le suit. All future communications with me MUST be
done in writing and sent to the address noted in this letter
by USPS.

It would be advisable to ensure that your records are in

order before I am forced to take legal action. This is an
attempt to correct your records; any information obtained
shall be used for that purpose.



Best Regards, {Your Name} ALL CORRESPONDENCE


You can extend the dispute template to add up to

22 accounts at a time. Anything more than that
will be considered frivolous by the credit bureaus.
It would be best to have each sample letter
notarized to prevent the credit bureaus from
using stalling tactics. None notarized letters tend
to be sent an automatic request for proof of ID,
SSN card, and address even if you send these
documents in your none notarized package.
In a regular mail, envelope adds the following
documents in this exact order.
1. Sample Letter 1 (NOTARIZED
2. Full Credit Report
3. Identi cation
4. Social Security Card
5. Proof of Residence
On the outside of the envelope, write your name
and address, and the bureaus mailing address.
Use the links below to nd their up to date
mailing address.
correct-or-dispute-inaccuracies-on-my- credit-
credit-education/faqs/instructions- for-disputing-
Remember to send all the documents in the order
stated above. Also, make sure you notarize the
sample letter. Please keep copies of all the
documents and take a picture of your envelope
before sending it. This will ensure you have any
needed evidence if you need to advance to step
Make sure to send one letter to each bureau.
Remember, they will forward your complaint to
the collection agency or lender reporting
information on your report.

· Open Accounts
These accounts will most likely not be resolved
with method

· Department of education
The Department of education will not delete your
information even if they cannot verify it. For this
speci c case, you may consider calling them and
entering into a payment agreement or waiting for
the accounts to fall o themselves.

· Inquiries
Inquiries need to be disputed directly with the
reporting agency or lender using an inquiry
dispute method.

Once your package is in the above order, make

sure to have it notarized. Send the envelope via
USPS Certi ed Mail with Return Receipt. Keep
your receipt and tracking number stored with the
copies of your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond within 30
days or delete the account. We have personally
seen letters to the client dated the 30th day
mailed on the 45th day. We can use this against
the bureaus later, and is why it’s so important to
save everything.
You should receive a response with either Veri ed
or not. Deleted accounts will immediately boost
your credit score. Veri ed accounts will not
change your score. We are looking for the full
deletion of all the accounts you disputed in step
1. If all the accounts were not deleted in this step,
move on to the next step.
Step 3. This step will be used only on accounts
submitted in step 1. You cannot add new
accounts at this point. You will also need to make
sure you do not submit already deleted accounts.
Like in the rst step, make sure you keep a copy
of everything. VERY IMPORTANT!
If any accounts are left from your previous
dispute, it is most likely due to automated
veri cation. This means it's 1 line of code the
agency or lender uses to tell the credit bureau
your account was veri ed as valid.
The credit bureaus are required to do their best
e orts to investigate each dispute properly. And
since there are millions upon millions of accounts
disputed each year, the bureaus do not
investigate. They leave this up to the agency or
lender reporting.
The issue with this is most of these accounts
have been sold and rebought countless times by
di erent collection agencies after your default.
These accounts are sold between collection
agencies as a simple 1-page ownership
document (Receipt of purchase) and a code line.
Something like this:
Jane Doe: SSN1234-43-4343:DOB08241976:23 s
7st Jupiter New York
What this means is your original information and
account history is nonexistent. Therefore, all you
need to do is keep pressing the bureaus to send
you more information, and they will delete your
account. Lenders who have higher loan amounts
are more prone to delete accounts with this step.
And although legally required, none of the things
you are requesting are appropriately tracked by
any credit bureaus.
You should receive a response from the credit
bureaus within 15 days of their receipt of step 2.
This is not considered a dispute; it is considered
a follow-up and is allotted 15 days by law. Like
every other instance with the credit bureaus, you
may get a letter dated on the 14th or 15th day but
mailed on the 20th day.
Make sure you keep all of the letters and reports
they send you along with the envelopes. The data
processed by the post o ce will be encoded on
the envelope. This will be very important if you
need to move step 3 of this method.
Only use this step if you have already received a
response to your rst sample letter stating that
they have already veri ed your account. The
credit bureaus are also required to send you a
new copy of your credit report re ecting the
changes they made to your consumer credit
report. You will need this updated credit report for
the next step. If you did not receive it, you could
use an updated report from:
https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ OR https://

Again, gather the following documents:

3. Sample Letter 2 (You need to have each

sample letter notarized)
4. Full Credit Report (Update from Bureau or
Above Providers)
3. Identi cation (New copy not the same
one sent before)
4. Social Security Card (New copy not the
same one sent before)
5. Proof of Residence (New copy not the
same one sent before)
6. Copy of Response from Step 1
You need to have each sample letter
notarized to prevent the credit bureaus
from using stalling tactics. None notarized
letters tend to be sent an automatic
request for proof of ID, SSN card, and
address even if you send these documents
in your none notarized package.

Next, ll in the sample letter on the next

{Name} {Date}
{Address}{City} {State} {Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
Request for a method of validation
To Whom It May Concern:
I recently received a response to a dispute
(see attached) that I made under the Fair
Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC
1692g Sec. 809 (b)) regarding the validation
of the bellow accounts, you show validated
and belonging to me on your records.
I am hereby exercising my rights under
FCRA 611 (a) (7) to request a complete
description of all methods used to
investigate my dispute mentioned above.
I am very interested to learn how your
investigator(s) arrived at this conclusion. I
would like to see a complete list of all
documents and correspondence between
the credit bureau, existing creditor, and
original creditor. Please include all names
and contact information of employees that
you spoke to as part of your investigation.
All previous letters and documents that I
sent to you are attached along with this
correspondence to help you process this
I would like to request that you please send
me a template letter in response to this
request. I am in the process of planning a
legal case, so I need speci c answers to
the speci c questions asked of you in this
I expect to receive a response within 15
days of receipt of this letter, or I will expect
to see the item in question permanently
expunged from my record.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this
matter. I very much look forward to getting
this resolved as soon as possible.
Best Regards, Your Signature

You can extend the dispute template to

add up to 22 accounts at a time.Anything
more than that will be considered frivolous
by the credit bureaus. Make sure you do
not dispute information deleted in step 1.
This will trigger an automatic response
from the bureaus not to investigate.
Now that you have all your documents and
sample letter ready make sure to make four
copies of everything. Send one to each
credit bureaus and the other to keep for
your records. You may need to reference
these later, depending on the bureau's
Remember to send all the documents in
the order stated above. Also, make sure
you notarize the sample letter. Please keep
copies of all the documents and take a
picture of your envelope before sending it.
This will ensure you have any needed
evidence if you need to advance to step 3.
Make sure to send one letter to each
bureau. Remember, they will forward your
complaint to the collection agency or
lender reporting information on your report.
Once your package is in the above order,
make sure to have it notarized. Send the
envelope via USPS Certi ed Mail with
Return Receipt. Keep your receipt and
tracking number stored with the copies of
your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond
within 15 days or delete the account. We
have personally seen letters to the client
dated on the 20th day mailed on the 30th
day. We can use this against the bureaus
later, and is why it's so important to save
You should receive a response with either
Already Veri ed or Deleted. Deleted
accounts will immediately boost your credit
score. Already Veri ed accounts will not
change your score. We are looking for full
deletion of all the accounts you disputed in
steps 1 and 2. If all the accounts were not
deleted in this step, move on to the next
Getting this far is usually rare. Collection
agencies, lenders, and credit bureaus
rather not deal with disputes. They know
they are liable for damages if you sue them,
and they did not provide the requested
information within the allotted time frames.
30 Days allotted for original dispute 15
Days for dispute follow up
Step 4. In this step, we will work on a pre-
suit letter requesting they turn over all
evidence they have for you to formulate
your legal case. You will be requesting they
send you items such as the names of every
employee at the bureaus involved in
investigating your dispute. And all evidence
is connected to your account with their
This step is designed to attack the credit
bureaus directly. They are not required to
forward this information to their furnishers.
This is you asking them for information on
their systems, not 3rd party. This gets the
furnisher out of the way. Even if the
furnisher did provide the information
requested, it makes no di erence because
you are requesting evidence from the
bureau directly.
As stated before, credit bureaus do not
want to deal with this. They know it will
cost them thousands of dollars just to
respond to your suit request. And even if
they have all the information they need,
they will not ght you. They know the
courts will always lean towards the
This leads them to override the furnisher
and delete the account from your report. In
most cases, this step is rarely needed but
does work. It will cost the bureau about
$5000 to respond to your suit in a local
court. Plus, damages of up to $1000.00 per
account, vs. deleting your account $0.
Like any other step, remember to save a
copy of everything you send them and
everything they send you. You will need this
if they force you to move to step 4 or the
nal step of this method. If you have gotten
this far, you are already in rare territory. But
all is not lost just yet.
If you have gotten this far in the process, I
suggest analyzing a few things before
moving on.
1. Are you only disputing closed accounts?
2. Are you disputing the Department of
3. Are you disputing accounts less than ve
years old?
4. Are you sending updated documents
with each sample letter?
Make sure you have not done any of the
above things using the rst two steps of
this process.
If you have followed all the steps and
criteria and still have accounts left, this
step will give you a knockout punch.
Only use this step if you have already
received a response to your second sample
letter stating that they have already veri ed
your account. The credit bureaus are also
required to send you a new copy of your
credit report re ecting the changes they
made to your consumer credit report. You
will need this updated credit report for this
step. If you did not receive it, you could use
an updated report from:
https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ OR

Again, gather the following documents:

5. Sample Letter 3 (You need to have each

sample letter notarized)
6. Full Credit Report (Update from Bureau or
Above Providers)
3. Identi cation (New copy not the same
one sent before)
4. Social Security Card (New copy not the
same one sent before)
5. Proof of Residence (New copy not the
same one sent before)
6. Copy of Response from Step 2
It would be best to have each sample letter
notarized to prevent the credit bureaus
from using stalling tactics. None notarized
letters tend to be sent an automatic
request for proof of ID, SSN card, and
address even if you send these documents
in your none notarized package.

Next, ll in the sample letter on the next

{Name} {Date}{Address}
{City} {State} {Zip Code}{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}{Credit
Bureau Zip Code}
Request for evidence
To Whom It May Concern:
I recently received a response from your
company (see attached) Regarding my original
dispute (see attached). In where your company,
as shown in the attached document, responded
that the account was veri ed. I sent a follow-up
letter, which lawfully should have been responded
to within 15 days. That was not the case; instead
I received a template letter from your company
lacking all of the crucial information I requested
from you.
Please note, we are preparing legal action against
those involved in the illegal reporting of false
accounts. We request that you send the evidence
requested in our previous two correspondence
plus the following to help us build our case
against the false reporting culprits, whether it be
the bureaus or furnishers.
1. Original signed contract (Bearing My Signature)
2. Proof of ownership, the furnishers proof of
ownership documents
3. List of all names at your company who were
involved in this investigation
4. A clear and detailed explanation of what you
have done regarding my account from the
moment the original dispute was led.
Please note the intent of this letter is not to
intimidate any person or company. I have been
intimidated by actions taken against me and the
way this investigation is being handled. Your
actions behind a computer screen have real-life
consequences. I cannot gain new credit and am
forced to pay higher rates on just about
everything because of the information being
reported through your
Please provide all of the above evidence required
or immediately delete these accounts from my
credit report.
Best Regards,
Your Signature

You can extend the dispute template to

add up to 22 accounts at a time. Anything
more than that will be considered frivolous
by the credit bureaus. Make sure you do
not dispute information deleted in step 2.
This will trigger an automatic response
from the bureaus not to investigate.
Now that you have all your documents and
sample letter ready make sure to make four
copies of everything. Send one to each
credit bureaus and the other to keep for
your records. This is very important. You
may need to reference these later,
depending on the bureau's response.
Remember to send all the documents in
the order stated above. Also, make sure
you notarize the sample letter. Please keep
copies of all the documents and take a
picture of your envelope before sending it.
This will ensure you have any needed
evidence if you need to advance to step 4.
Make sure to send one letter to each
bureau. Remember, they will forward your
complaint to the collection agency or
lender reporting information on your report.
Once your package is in the above order,
make sure to have it notarized. Send the
envelope via USPS Certi ed Mail with
Return Receipt. Keep your receipt and
tracking number stored with the copies of
your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond
within 15 days or delete the account. We
have personally seen letters to the client
dated on the 20th day mailed on the 30th
day. We can use this against the bureaus
later, and is why it's so important to save
You should receive a response with either
Already Veri ed or Deleted. Deleted
accounts will immediately boost your credit
score. Already Veri ed accounts will not
change your score. We are looking for full
deletion of all the accounts you disputed in
steps 1 and 2. If all the accounts were not
deleted in this step, move on to the next
Getting this far is usually rare. Most
collection agencies, lenders, and credit
bureaus rather not deal with things like this.
They know they are liable for damages if
you sue them, and they did not provide the
requested information within the allotted
time frames.
30 Days allotted for original dispute
15 Days for dispute follow up
Step 5. If the above still has not worked for
you. It's time to make a last stand move on
the credit bureaus. You must do this
promptly after receiving a response from
step 4. The courts may decline your case if
your paper trail is outdated.
The rst thing is to make four copies of
every single document you have. One copy
is for each credit bureau, and 1 for the
court. Take one copy of all your documents
to your local circuit court. It cost $50 for a
small claims suit in most circuits, and this
is what you will want to le. Go to your
local courthouse, speak with a clerk in the
small claims department, and explain your
Let them know you have tried every
method to get the credit bureaus to delete
incorrect accounts from your consumer
credit report. Let them know you have
copies of all the correspondence between
you and the credit bureaus, showing them
breaking federal law and harming you.
The clerk will ask you precisely what you
want to do. Let them know you want to le
a small claims suit for damages caused by
the unlawful reporting of incorrect
information on a credit report. And give
them the sample letter included below.
They will take your documents, your
payment and give you a court date.
With this in hand, you will want to send the
4th letter to the credit bureaus. But, in this
case, the letter will not be sent via USPS. It
will be hand-delivered via a process server
in the bureau's area. It will cost you about
$40 per bureau to have a company serve
them. Do a quick google search for a
process server in the bureau's area. Use
the links referenced above for the credit
bureaus latest mailing address.
Documents you will need:
· 4 copies of everything you have saved
· 3 copies of small claims suit sample letter
· 3 copies of process letter
· 3 copies of court provided documents
· Identi cation
· Proof of SSN
· Proof of Address
First, you will need to le a motion with the
small claims department of your local
court. Use the sample letter below. Make
sure to change any information in BLUE or
not related to you before printing and
turning it into your local courthouse.
Next, ll in the sample letter on the next



And brings his complaint against

COMPANY BEING SUED, account number
5000020049, hereinafter referred to as
defendant, requesting an order authorizing
the removal of all incorrect credit data
related to this account.
Defendant has violated the US COURT OF
1.CLIENT is a sui juris individual and has
standing to bring this complaint.
2.COMPANY BEING SUED is a for-pro t
corporation, having its o ce at 6602
Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111.
3.This court has jurisdiction of the subject
matter of this complaint.
4.Venue is proper in this court.
stop reporting all incorrect credit
information or pay a ne of $5,000.
remove all incorrect information from their
consumer reporting system.
(c)For a judgment against the defendant in
favor of the plainti .
(d)To grant CLIENT such other and further
relief as this court may nd

CLIENT is ling prose

Change everything BLUE in the above
sample letter.
1. Hand 1 copy to the clerk
2. Mail 2 copies certi ed mail to the court
3. Mail 1 certi ed copy to each credit
4. Mail process server 1 copy for each
Make sure also to include all the previous
documents when mailing the credit
bureaus. Only give the process server
court-related documents.
The clerk should have given you a court
date for court. If not, it will post on their
online dockets within ve business days.
This may vary by court, make sure to ask
the clerk before leaving.
On your court date, arrive at least 30
minutes early. Make sure to have a copy of
and received from the bureaus and the
Make sure to circle the dates on all letters
and envelopes. Find out what day each
letter was processed. You will see a red
barcode on the envelope with the mail date
vs. date on the letter.
When it's your turn to speak, and you are
asked why you are suing, reference the
letters' date. And how much it has stressed
you out. Tell them you are trying to do
everything by the book but, the credit
bureaus use dirty tactics to discourage
Use one of 2 defenses for your case.
· Letters were late
· They did not provide what you requested
· Declined to investigate
If more than one, even better. You must do
your research and keep all your
documents. You must read every document
and write down every date. From the time
they receive your letter to the time, it is
mailed. That is the legal time frame they
have to obey.
They must provide you everything you
requested above or at least an explanation
as to why they cannot send or show you
the evidence. They might decline to
continue the investigation. Any of these can
win you a case easily in court.
I suggest if it gets to this point that you at
least get a free consultation with a few free
local lawyers so you can get a feel of the
system in your area. Just by talking to
them, you will know what you need to do to
win your case.
After you have led your case and your
court date has passed, the results will be
posted on your county's clerk of the court
system. Depending on your area, you may
need to call the court to nd out. It's a
good habit to check every 3-4 days at this
Once your court documents post since the
credit bureaus probably did not show up or
did not have the right answer to why they
regularly break the law, you will receive a
judgment. You may receive monetary
compensation at this point also.
With your judgment papers in hand, call the
process server in the bureau's area and
have them served with the judgment. Make
sure to mail them a copy via certi ed mail
also. Send them a short letter also.
Judgment Sample Letter;
{Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name} {Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
Please note a judgment has been issued
against your company. We request you to
stop reporting all information at once as
ordered by the court. Please see attached
Best Regards,
Your Signature Your Name
Method 2: Physical
This method can be used for any account
type and age. We do suggest you only
attempt this on accounts past two years
old that are closed. You never want to
dispute freshly defaulted accounts as the
dispute may be deemed frivolous by the
credit bureaus or the furnishers.
This is another 4-step process similar to
swift validation. The di erence here is we
ask for the evidence right away. If any
collection agencies or lenders call your
place of work, your references, or your
home, they will stop as soon as they
receive this dispute. They may still contact
you but only via USPS mail.
This rst step will be to have a dispute
initiated, request physical evidence under
section 609 of the fair credit reporting act,
and have the creditors stop calling. As in
our rst method, credit bureaus don't have
access to the documents you request and
rely on their furnishers to provide it for
All templates are included in this program.
Just replace everything in red with your
personal and account information. Make
sure to sign and date each document you
include in the program, even the I.D. copy,
SSN card, and proof of residence.
Save a copy of each letter you send them
and proof of postage and le a small claims
suit using the instructions below in the
event they do not investigate. Most times,
credit bureaus do not even show up to
court unless it's a big case, or they think
you are working with a credit repair agent.
The court will award you a judgment
against the credit bureau. You mail them a
copy of the judgment, and they are forced
to delete it immediately. + send you a
check for the damages. The highest
amount per account per bureau is
Step 1. This is not a traditional run of the
mill request for validation. This method has
been adapted in-house and is currently
functioning. You want to send the credit
bureaus the letters attached below in order.
Each one will ask for a speci c thing until
each item falls o . It's imperative you go in
order and do not include items deleted with
previous letters in your other request for
Make sure you have up to date credit
reports. You can get a free credit report
at https://www.annualcreditreport.com/.
You can also get your credit report
at https://www.creditchecktotal.com. It's
$1 for the rst seven days. Make sure to
signup, print all three reports, and cancel
your membership if you do not want to be
charged $39.99/Month.

You will need the following:

Valid Identi cation, just 1 of the forms listed

· U.S. State-Issued Driver's License
· U.S. State Issued ID Card
· U.S. Issued Passport
Copy of Social Security Card
Proof of Address, just 1 of the forms listed
· Power Bill
· Water Bill
· Cable Bill
Do not send cellphone bills, bank
statements, or anything else. Just utility
bills with address matching your I.D. and
address are used to receive a reply from
the credit bureaus. Also, make sure your
credit report is not more than 30 days old.
You use the account numbers listed on that
speci c credit report. You will be sent to
the credit bureaus.
Credit Report for Each Bureau Disputed
Once you have your credit reports in hand,
nd all the accounts you want to delete
and circle them. You will also need to
gather some documents that will need to
be sent to the credit bureaus along with
your validation request. Make sure you
have all your unexpired documents ready
before you start this process.

Next ll in the sample letter on the next

{Name} {Date}

{City} {State} {Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}
{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
To whom it may concern.
Under FCRA Section 609, I am exercising
my right to dispute the accounts listed
below. I am also formally requesting that
you prove this account belongs to me by
providing a copy of the original signed
contract. Please make sure you send me a
contract stating that I agreed to enter into a
nancial agreement with the company
listed below. Otherwise, your bureau, the
furnisher, nor I can prove this account
belongs to me. Please note I need full
copies and all other information you cross
during this investigation. A simple template
letter will not be enough. I am preparing a
legal case and need full certi ed copies of
everything you have on le for the accounts
Bureau/Furnisher must provide, at a
minimum, all of the following to prove their
A. Copy of an original signed contract
bearing my signature for each account
listed below.
B. all other information or evidence you
have on le of the accounts listed below. C.
Name, employee number, mailing address,
and phone number for each person
involved in this investigation.
If you cannot provide the above
information, I request you immediately
delete the accounts listed below from my
consumer credit report and cease all
collection activity.
Please note, I am trying to resolve this
matter as soon as possible. I am willing to
stop any further requests if you can comply
with my request. Also, note I have included
identifying information as requested under
the FCRA. Please do not send me an
automated template letter requesting
further veri cation.


Attached to this document, you will nd
Copies of identifying information
· Driver's License
· Social Security Card
· Power Bill with my address
Any letter requesting further Identi cation
will not grant you additional time to
conclude this investigation. Please note
you have 30 days to mail back a copy of
the requested documents. If your
correspondence is dated one day and the
envelope scanned another date, I will be
forced to take legal action against the
entity responsible for the delay. If you
cannot respond in the allotted time, please
consider deleting this account, and we can
put the matter to rest.
Pursuant to my rights under federal debt
collection laws, I am requesting that you
cease all phone communication with me,
as well as my family and friends,
concerning this and all other alleged debts
you claim I owe. I would like only to be
contacted by mail.
You are now noti ed that if you do not
comply with this request, I will immediately
le a complaint with the Federal Trade
Commission and the [your state here]
Attorney General's o ce. Civil and criminal
claims will be pursued.
Thank you very much for your prompt
attention to this critical matter. Please nd
all accounts in question below and
identifying the information attached to this
notarized document.
Best Regards,
Your Signature Your Name
You can extend the dispute template to
add up to 22 accounts at a time. Anything
more than that will be considered frivolous
by the credit bureaus.
Now that you have all your documents and
sample letter ready make sure to make four
copies of everything. One to send each
credit bureaus and the other to keep for
your records. This is very important. You
may need to reference these later,
depending on the bureau's response.
In a regular mail, envelope adds the
following documents in this exact order.
6. Sample Letter 1 (NOTARIZED)
7. Full Credit Report
8. Identi cation
9. Social Security Card
10. Proof of Residence

On the outside of the envelope, write your

name and address, and the bureaus
mailing address.
credit- le-by-mail
instructions- for-disputing-by-mail/
It would be best if you had each sample
letter notarized to prevent the credit
bureaus from using stalling tactics. None
notarized letters tend to be sent an
automatic request for proof of I.D., SSN
card, and address even if you send these
documents in your none notarized
Remember to send all the documents in
the order stated above. Also, make sure
you notarize the sample letter. Please keep
copies of all the documents and take a
picture of your envelope before sending it.
This will ensure you have any needed
evidence if you need to advance to step 2.
Make sure to send one letter to each
bureau. Remember, they will forward your
complaint to the collection agency or
lender reporting information on your report.
Do not dispute the following accounts.


· Open Accounts
These accounts will most likely not be
resolved with method

· Department of education
The Department of education will not
delete your information even if they cannot
verify it. You may consider calling them and
entering into a payment agreement or
waiting for the accounts to fall o
themselves for this speci c case.

· Inquiries
Inquiries need to be disputed directly with
the reporting agency or lender using an
inquiry dispute method.

Once your package is in the above order,

make sure to have it notarized. Send the
envelope via USPS Certi ed Mail with
Return Receipt. Keep your receipt and
tracking number stored with the copies of
your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond
within 30 days or delete the account. We
have personally seen letters to the client
dated the 30th day mailed on the 45th day.
We can use this against the bureaus later
and is why it's so important to save
You should receive a response with either
Veri ed or Deleted. Deleted accounts will
immediately boost your credit score.
Veri ed accounts will not change your
score. We are looking for the full deletion of
all the accounts you disputed in step 1. If
all the accounts were not deleted in this
step, move on to the next step.
Step 2. This step will be used only on
accounts submitted in step 1. You cannot
add new accounts at this point. You will
also need to make sure you do not submit
already deleted accounts. Like in the rst
step, make sure you keep a copy of
everything. VERY IMPORTANT!
If any accounts are left from your previous
dispute, it is most likely due to automated
veri cation, stalling tactics, or they sent
you everything requested in step 1.
Unless you are disputing a freshly
defaulted account, this evidence is
nonexistent. And even if the bureaus and
furnishers never have enough time under
current law to get the copies certi ed
reported and sent back to you under the
time constraints issued under the FCRA.
It is critical that as soon as you receive a
response from the credit bureaus or
furnishers, you follow up with step 2 right
Only do this if the accounts you disputed
have not already been removed in step 1. If
you accidentally add already disputed and
deleted accounts, they may send you an
automated response stating this
information was already deleted, and that
will make your claim void.
Therefore, all you need to do is keep
pressing them to send you more
information, and they will delete your
account. Lenders who have higher loan
amounts are more prone to delete
accounts with this step. And although
legally required, none of the things you are
requesting are adequately tracked by any
credit bureaus.
You should receive a response from the
credit bureaus within 15 days of their
receipt of step 2. This is not considered a
dispute. It's considered a follow-up and is
allotted 15 days by law. Like every other
instance with the credit bureaus, you may
get a letter dated on the 14th or 15th day
but mailed on the 20th day.
Make sure you keep all of the letters and
reports they sent you along with the
envelopes. The date processed by the post
o ce will be encoded on the envelope.
This will be very important if you need to
move step 3 of this method.
Only use this step if you have already
received a response to your second sample
letter stating that they have already veri ed
your account, requested further verifying
information, or deemed you do not have
the right to dispute. The credit bureaus are
also required to send you a new copy of
your credit report re ecting the changes
they made to your consumer credit report.
You will need this updated credit report for
this step. If you did not receive it, you could
use an updated report from:
https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ OR
Again, gather the following documents:

7. Sample Letter 2 (You need to have each

sample letter notarized)
8. Full Credit Report (Update from Bureau or
Above Providers)
3. Identi cation (New copy not the same
one sent before)
4. Social Security Card (New copy not the
same one sent before)
5. Proof of Residence (New copy not the
same one sent before)
6. Copy of Response from Step 1
You need to have each sample letter
notarized to prevent the credit bureaus
from using stalling tactics. None notarized
letters tend to be sent an automatic
request for proof of I.D., SSN card, and
address even if you send these documents
in your none notarized package.

Next ll in the sample letter on the next

Name} {Date}
{City} {State} {Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}
{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
To whom it may concern.
This is my second letter about this critical
issue. I have requested copies of the
following information in a letter notarized
and dated: {Date First Letter Was Mailed}.
A. Copy of an original signed contract
bearing my signature for each account
listed below.
B. all other information or evidence you
have on le about the accounts listed
C. Name, employee number, mailing
address, and phone number for each
person involved in this investigation.
Under FCRA 609, you must prove through
investigation that this account belongs to
me. The only evidence that can link this
account to me is an original signed
contract during the investigation. Any
employee of a furnishing company can
otherwise input any information they wish
into your credit reporting system.
If you cannot provide this information,
delete these malicious accounts
immediately from my credit report and
cease any collection attempts.
NOTE TO FURNISHERS: In my previous
letter, I also requested under 15 U.S.C. §
1692 –1692p, better known as the Fair
Debt Collection Act, that the furnishers,
collection agencies, and lenders in
connection with the listed accounts stop
contacting me via any other method
besides USPS mail.
If you continue to violate 15 U.S.C. § 1692
–1692p, I will seek damages in a circuit
court near me immediately upon your next
immediate action on this matter. Delete or
provide the requested information. This is
considered a follow-up letter to my open
dispute. Failure to respond with the 15
days allotted by federal law will force me to
seek compensation for the hardship your
entity is causing me.
Do not attempt any further stalling tactics
when dealing with this matter. We are
keeping copies of every single piece of
evidence and will seek damages if you
continue to report improperly veri ed
information on my consumer credit report.
This is a follow-up letter to my dispute
dated: xx/xx/xxxx
Best Regards,
Your Signature Your Name


You can extend the dispute template to
add up to 22 accounts at a time. Anything
more than that will be considered frivolous
by the credit bureaus. Make sure you do
not dispute information deleted in step 1.
This will trigger an automatic response
from the bureaus not to investigate.
Now that you have all your documents and
sample letter ready make sure to make four
copies of everything. One to send each
credit bureaus and the other to keep for
your records. This is very important. You
may need to reference these later,
depending on the bureau's response.
Remember to send all the documents in
the order stated above. Also, make sure
you notarize the sample letter. Please keep
copies of all the documents and take a
picture of your envelope before sending it.
This will ensure you have any needed
evidence if you need to advance to step 3.
Make sure to send one letter to each
bureau. Remember, they will forward your
complaint to the collection agency or
lender reporting information on your report.
Once your package is in the above order,
make sure to have it notarized. Send the
envelope via USPS Certi ed Mail with
Return Receipt. Keep your receipt and
tracking number stored with the copies of
your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond
within 15 days or delete the account. We
have personally seen letters to the client
dated on the 20th day mailed on the 30th
day. We can use this against the bureaus
later and is why it's so important to save
You should receive a response with either
Already Veri ed or Deleted. Deleted
accounts will immediately boost your credit
score. Already Veri ed accounts will not
change your score. We are looking for full
deletion of all the accounts you disputed in
steps 1 and 2. If all the accounts were not
deleted in this step, move on to the next
Getting this far is usually rare. Most
collection agencies, lenders, and credit
bureaus rather not deal with things like this.
They know they are liable for damages if
you sue them, and they did not provide the
requested information within the allotted
time frames.
30 Days allotted for original dispute
15 Days for dispute follow up
Step 3. In this step, we will work on a pre-
suit letter requesting they turn over all
evidence they have for you to formulate
your legal case. You will be requesting they
send you items such as the names of every
employee at the bureaus involved in
investigating your dispute. And all evidence
is connected to your account with their
This step is designed to attack the credit
bureaus directly. They are not required to
forward this information to their furnishers.
This is you asking them for information on
their systems, not 3rd party. This gets the
furnisher out of the way. Even if the
furnisher did provide the information
requested, it makes no di erence because
you are requesting evidence from the
bureau directly.
As stated previously, the credit bureaus do
not want to deal with this. They know it will
cost them thousands of dollars just to
respond to your suit request. And even if
they have all the information, they need
they will not ght you. They know the
courts will always lean towards the
This leads them to override the furnisher
and delete the account from your report. In
most cases, this step is rarely needed but
does work. It will cost the bureau about
$5000 to respond to your suit in a local
court. Plus, damages of up to $1000.00 per
account, Vs. Deleting your account $0.
Just like any other step, remember to save
a copy of everything you send them and
everything they send you. This will be
necessary if they force you to move to step
4 or the nal step of this method. If you
have gotten this far, you are already in rare
territory. But all is not lost just yet.
If you have gotten this far in the process, I
suggest analyzing a few things before
moving on.
5. Are you only disputing closed accounts?
6. Are you disputing the Department of
7. Are you disputing accounts less than ve
years old?
8. Are you sending updated documents
with each sample letter?
Make sure you have not done any of the
above things using the rst two steps of
this process.
If you have followed all the steps and
criteria and still have accounts left, this
step will give you a knockout punch.
Only use this step if you have already
received a response to your second sample
letter stating that they have already veri ed
your account. The credit bureaus are also
required to send you a new copy of your
credit report re ecting the changes they
made to your consumer credit report. You
will need this updated credit report for this
step. If you did not receive it, you could use
an updated report from:
https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ OR
Again, gather the following documents:

7. Sample Letter 3 (You need to have each

sample letter notarized)
8. Full Credit Report (Update from Bureau
or Above Providers)
9. Identi cation (New copy not the same
one sent before)
10. Social Security Card (New copy not the
same one sent before)
11. Proof of Residence (New copy not the
same one sent before)
12. Copy of Response from Step 2
It would be best if you had each sample
letter notarized to prevent the credit
bureaus from using stalling tactics. None
notarized letters tend to be sent an
automatic request for proof of I.D., SSN
card, and address even if you send these
documents in your none notarized

Next, ll in the sample letter on the next

{Name} {Date}
{City} {State} {Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}
{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
To whom it may concern:
This is my 3rd letter to you in regards to the
unjustly reported accounts listed below.
Your company has engaged in multiple
violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The most prevalent is your unwillingness to
treat this matter seriously. You have sent
me templated responses to this severe
issue on multiple occasions. Every time you
have mailed me, it has been passed the
allotted time under law. And you have not
adequately veri ed any account listed
This is a formal warning of pending legal
action. If you do not resolve this issue
immediately by deleting all the accounts
listed below, you will leave me no choice
but to take your company to court in my
local circuit for serious Violations of FCRA
609, 611, and 15 U.S.C. § 1692 –1692p
This is a follow-up letter to my dispute
dated: xx/xx/xxxx
Once again, this is a follow up to an open
dispute. You have 15 days allotted by
federal law to respond to this
communication or delete the information
listed below.
Best Regards,
Your Signature Your Name

You can extend the dispute template to

add up to 22 accounts at a time. Anything
more than that will be considered frivolous
by the credit bureaus. Make sure you do
not dispute information deleted in step 2.
This will trigger an automatic response
from the bureaus not to investigate.
Now that you have all your documents and
sample letter ready make sure to make four
copies of everything. One to send each
credit bureaus and the other to keep for
your records. This is very important. You
may need to reference these later,
depending on the bureau's response.
Remember to send all the documents in
the order stated above. Also, make sure
you notarize the sample letter. Keep copies
of all the documents and take a picture of
your envelope before sending it. This will
ensure you have any needed evidence if
you need to advance to step 4.
Make sure to send one letter to each
bureau. Remember, they will forward your
complaint to the collection agency or
lender reporting information on your report.
Once your package is in the above order,
make sure to have it notarized. Send the
envelope via USPS Certi ed Mail with
Return Receipt. Keep your receipt and
tracking number stored with the copies of
your documents. This is very important.
The bureaus are supposed to respond
within 15 days or delete the account. We
have personally seen letters to the client
dated on the 20th day mailed on the 30th
day. We can use this against the bureaus
later and is why it's so important to save
You should receive a response with either
Already Veri ed or Deleted. Deleted
accounts will immediately boost your credit
score. Already Veri ed accounts will not
change your score. We are looking for full
deletion of all the accounts you disputed in
steps 1 and 2. If all the accounts were not
deleted in this step, move on to the next
Getting this far is usually rare. Most
collection agencies, lenders, and credit
bureaus rather not deal with things like this.
They know they are liable for damages if
you sue them, and they did not provide the
requested information within the allotted
time frames.
30 Days allotted for original dispute
15 Days for dispute follow up
Step 4. If the above still has not worked for
you. It's time to make a last stand move on
the credit bureaus. You must do this
promptly after receiving a response from
step 3. The courts may decline your case if
your paper trail is outdated.
The rst thing is to make four copies of
every single document you have. One copy
is for each credit bureau, and 1 for the
court. Take one copy of all your documents
to your local circuit court. In most circuits,
it cost $50 for a small claims suit. This is
what you will want to le. Go to your local
courthouse, speak with a clerk in the small
claims department, and explain your case.
Let them know you have tried every
method to get the credit bureaus to delete
incorrect accounts from your consumer
credit report. Let them know you have
copies of all the correspondence between
you and the credit bureaus, showing them
breaking federal law and harming you.
The clerk will ask you precisely what you
want to do. Let them know you want to le
a small claims suit for damages caused by
the unlawful reporting of incorrect
information on a credit report. And give
them the sample letter included below.
They will take your documents, your
payment and give you a court date.
With this in hand, you will want to send the
4th letter to the credit bureaus. In this case,
the letter will not be sent via USPS; it will
be hand-delivered via a process server in
the bureau's area. It will cost you about
$40 per bureau to have a company serve
them. Do a quick google search for a
process server in the bureau's area. Use
the links referenced above for the credit
bureaus latest mailing address.
Documents you will need:
· 4 copies of everything you have saved
· 3 copies of small claims suit sample letter
· 3 copies of process letter
· 3 copies of court provided documents
· Identi cation
· Proof of SSN
· Proof of Address
First, you will need to le a motion with the
small claims department of your local
court. Use the sample letter below. Make
sure to change any information not related
to you before printing and turning it into
your local courthouse.
Next, ll in the sample letter on the next





And brings his complaint against

COMPANY BEING SUED, account number
5000020049, hereinafter referred to as
defendant, requesting an order authorizing
the removal of all incorrect credit data
related to this account.
Defendant has violated the US COURT OF

1.CLIENT is a sui juris individual and has

standing to bring this complaint.
2.COMPANY BEING SUED is a for-pro t
corporation, having its o ce at 6602
Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111.
3.This court has jurisdiction of the subject
matter of this complaint.
4.Venue is proper in this court.
stop reporting all incorrect credit
information or pay a ne of $5,000.
remove all incorrect information from their
consumer reporting system.
(c)For a judgment against the defendant in
favor of the plainti .
(d)To grant CLIENT such other and further
relief as this court may nd
CLIENT is ling prose
Make sure also to include all the previous
documents when mailing the credit
bureaus. Only give the process server
court-related documents.
The clerk should have given you a court
date for court. If not, it will post on their
online dockets within ve business days.
This may vary by court, make sure to ask
the clerk before leaving.
On your court date, arrive at least 30
minutes early. Make sure to have a copy of
and received from the bureaus and the
Make sure to circle the dates on all letters
and envelopes. Find out what day each
letter was processed. You will see a red
barcode on the envelope with the mail date
vs. date on the letter.
When it's your turn to speak, and you are
asked why you are suing, reference the
letters' date. And how much it has stressed
you out. Tell them you are trying to do
everything by the book but, the credit
bureaus use dirty tactics to discourage
Use one of 2 defenses for your case.
· Letters were late
· They did not provide what you requested
· Declined to investigate
If more than one, even better. You must do
your research and keep all your
documents. You must read every document
and write down every date. From the time
they receive your letter to the time, it is
mailed. That is the legal time frame they
have to obey.
They must provide you everything you
requested above or at least an explanation
as to why they cannot send or show you
the evidence. They also, at some point,
decline to continue the investigation. Any
of these can win you a case easily in court.
I suggest if it gets to this point that you at
least get a free consultation with a few free
local lawyers so you can get a feel of the
system in your area. Just by talking to
them, you will know what you need to do to
win your case.
After you have led your case and your
court date has passed, the results will be
posted on your county's clerk of the court
system. Depending on your area, you may
need to call the court to nd out. It's a
good habit to check every 3-4 days at this
Once your court documents post since the
credit bureaus probably did not show up or
did not have the right answer to why they
regularly break the law, you will receive a
judgment. You may receive monetary
compensation at this point also.
With your judgment papers in hand, call the
process server in the bureau's area and
have them served with the judgment. Make
sure to mail them a copy via certi ed mail
also. Send them a short letter also.

Judgment Sample Letter;

{Name} {Date}
{City} {State} {Zip Code}
{Phone Number}
{Social Security Number} {Date of Birth}
{Credit Bureau Name}
{Bureau Address}
{Credit Bureau City} {Credit Bureau State}
{Credit Bureau Zip Code}
Please note a judgment has been issued
against your company. We request you to
stop reporting all information at once as
ordered by the court. Please see attached
Best Regards,
Your Signature, Your Name
Next page, method 3.

Method 3. Identity
Did you know that 14.4 million Americans
were victims of Identity Theft in 2018?
Have you checked your report recently and
found any accounts which do not belong to
you? If so, this is the method for you. This
method will use the identity theft report to
have all the information immediately
blocked from your account.
This method can be used for any account
type and age. We do suggest you only
attempt this on accounts that are closed.
You never want to dispute open accounts
as the dispute may be deemed frivolous by
the credit bureau or the furnishers.
This is a fast process that will trigger the
bureaus to temporarily block all adverse
information you report in as little as four
business days. The results will not be nal
until 30-45 days, but you will get the
bene ts right away. This is by far the best
option for credit repair. The bureaus
respond swiftly to this type of dispute.
This process will require some preparation
and document gathering. You will also
need an FTC report, available online, and a
police report from your local police station.
These are also o ered online in some
Save a copy of each letter you send the
credit bureaus and proof of postage.
Have fresh credit reports
from https://annualcreditreport.com or
· Unexpired form of ID
· Social Security Card
· Current Utility Bill

Please follow everything in this process

exactly as outlined below.
Step 1.
Gathering documents What you will need:
· Credit Report for all three bureaus.
· Copy of Your Driver’s License or State
issued ID.
· Copy of Your Social Security Card.
· Copy of Recent Utility Bill.
· Copy of FCRA Section 609(e)
· FTC Identity Theft A davit


A. Go to https://www.identitytheft.gov and
le a complaint. Save your report number.
B. Print this report or ll in the sample we
provide below.
This step is essential because you will
receive a copy of your FTC identity theft
report with a complaint number attached.
You will need this to send to the bureaus.
Ensure when you ll out the form and put
all the negative accounts into the correct
section of the report.
Add all personal and account information
requested by the FTC, either online or
manually. You will still need to le a report
online to receive a report number. Please
see the sample forms below.
You will need to add all information, as
shown in the credit report you will attach to
this package. Make sure your credit report
is up to date. You will not be able to add
more accounts for deletion after this
process has been initiated.
Pay close attention to account numbers.
And the way the name of the reporting
agency is abbreviated. The credit bureaus
will use the smallest things to stall the
Make sure you add your name to every
page in the FTC report at the top, along
with the report number you received when
you led your complaint
at https://identitytheft.gov.

Next 6 Pages Sample FTC Report.


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