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Formulation and Evaluation of Antihypertensive and Antidiabetic Herbal Medicated Chocolate

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Formulation and Evaluation of Antihypertensive and

Antidiabetic Herbal Medicated Chocolate
Tanishq Hogade, Dr. Asmita Sakore
Genba Sopanroa Moze College of Pharmacy, Wagholi, Pune-412207

Abstract:- Chocolate is one of the world’s most cherished I. INTRODUCTION

indulgences, enjoyed by people of all ages and
backgrounds. The present study explores the development One of the finest delivery methods for patient
of a novel herbal chocolate enriched with Ashwagandha compliance is oral. In Oral route of drug administration, the
(Withania somnifera) and Flaxseeds (Linum drug is taken by mouth and absorbed through the stomach or
usitatissimum), focusing on its potential health benefits intestines into the bloodstream. It’s easy to administer and
and functional properties. The primary ingredients generally well-accepted by patients. Patients can take oral
selected for this study were Ashwagandha (Withania medications on their own, without needing healthcare
somnifera), flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum), Nuts personnel.
(Prunus dulcis and Anacardium occidentale), and
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum). A chocolate delivery system refers to the incorporation
of active ingredients or functional compounds into chocolate,
 Objective enhancing its nutritional or therapeutic value while
The prime objective of present study was to maintaining its sensory appeal. This system allows for the
formulate the chocolate containing drug i.e. herbal precise delivery of health-promoting substances, such as
chocolate for hypertension and diabetes patients without vitamins, minerals, herbs, or antioxidants, in a palatable form.
compromising taste of chocolate. By combining indulgence with wellness benefits, chocolate
delivery systems offer a novel approach to functional foods
 Method that cater to both taste and health-conscious consumers.
The formulation process involved optimizing the
concentrations of Ashwagandha and flaxseeds to maintain Herbal Chocolate is a new product that combines the
the sensory qualities of chocolate while maximizing health delicious taste of chocolate with the goodness of herbs. It is
benefits. Further prepared medicated chocolate is considered a symbol of happiness and perseverance. But
evaluated for general appearance, dimension, hardness, because chocolate is often high in sugar and fat, health-
blooming test. The formulation and evaluation of an anti- conscious consumers are starting to look for other ways to
hypertensive and anti diabetic herbal chocolate were help them reach their goals. But this study will help them to
undertaken using a combination of natural ingredients reach their goals, without compromising their health. Herbal
with well-documented therapeutic benefits. chocolates offer consumers desserts that nourish the body and
soul, with their careful design and emphasis on quality.
 Result
In terms of physical examination, dimensions, As various research`s are showing that many people are
texture, and hardness, every herbal formulation produced being suffering from hypertension and diabetes, Mostly
satisfactory results. Formulated chocolate passes the teenagers and old people. In this world, the only thing
bloomimg test. It also passes test for carbohydrates, test everyone enjoys is chocolate. Hence, this study has been
for proteins, ph. performed to formulate herbal chocolate to treat hypertension
and diabetes. Ashwagandha, a well-known adaptogen, is
 Conclusion traditionally used to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
Drug compliance, bioavailability and patient Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have shown
compliance are the major factors increased by promise in improving blood glucose control and enhancing
inexpensive medicated Chocolate. overall metabolic function. Flaxseeds, rich in omega-3 fatty
acids, lignans, and fiber, are recognized for their ability to
Keywords:- Herbal Chocolate, Hypertension, Diabetes, improve insulin sensitivity and manage cholesterol levels,
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Flaxseeds (Linum contributing to both anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic
Usitatissimum), Nuts (Prunus Dulcis And Anacardium effects. Nuts, such as almonds (Prunus dulcis) and cashews
Occidentale), Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum). (Anacardium occidentale), provide heart-healthy fats,
protein, and micronutrients that support blood sugar
regulation and maintain healthy blood pressure. Medicated
chocolate is prepared by using chocolate base and the drug is
incorporated into prepared chocolate base.

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a chronic  Flavonoids: These antioxidants help neutralize free
medical condition where the force of the blood against the radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting heart
walls of the arteries is consistently too high. Hypertension is and brain health.
classified into two main types: primary (essential)  Amino Acids: Amino acids in Ashwagandha, including
hypertension, which has no clear cause and develops tryptophan, contribute to its mood-enhancing and calming
gradually over time, and secondary hypertension, which effects by influencing serotonin levels.
results from an underlying condition such as kidney disease,
endocrine disorders, or the use of certain medications. The  Potential Health Benefits –
global prevalence of hypertension has been steadily
increasing, making it a major risk factor for cardiovascular  Adaptogenic properties: Help the body adapt to stress.
diseases, including stroke, heart attack, and heart failure.  Reduced anxiety and stress: It improve mood and reduce
cortisol levels.
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized  Improved cognitive function: Enhance memory and
by high blood sugar levels, either due to insulin resistance or attention.
insufficient insulin production. Type 1 diabetes occurs when  Enhanced immune function: Support the immune system.
the immune system attacks insulin-producing beta cells in the  Increased muscle mass and strength: Aid in muscle
pancreas. In contrast, Type 2 diabetes is often linked to growth and recovery.
lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity,
 Lowered blood sugar levels: Have potential benefits for
and obesity. Early diagnosis and management are crucial in
blood sugar control.
preventing complications such as cardiovascular disease,
nerve damage, and kidney failure. Treatment for diabetes
typically involves medication, insulin therapy, and lifestyle
changes. Advances in continuous glucose monitoring and
insulin delivery systems have improved patient outcomes.
However, the ultimate goal remains to find a cure or more
effective long-term management strategies.

Fig 2: Ashwagandha

B. Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum) –

 Chemical Constituents –

 Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Alpha-Linolenic Acid - ALA): A

Fig 1: Chocolate beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acid linked to heart
II. DRUG PROFILE  Lignans: Flaxseeds contain high levels of lignans,
phytoestrogens that have antioxidant properties and are
A. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – thought to support hormonal balance.
 Fiber: They are a good source of both soluble and
 Chemical Constituents – insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion, promoting satiety, and
supporting blood sugar regulation.
 Withanolides: These are steroidal lactones and the
primary active compounds in Ashwagandha.  Potential Health Benefits –
 Alkaloids: Alkaloids such as somniferine, withanine, and
anaferine contribute to Ashwagandha’s sedative and  Rich source of omega-3 fatty acids: Support heart health
relaxant effects, supporting its role in stress reduction and and reduce inflammation.
mental relaxation.  High in fiber: Aid in digestion and promote satiety.
 Saponins: Saponins like sitoindosides and withanosides  Help to lower cholesterol levels: Some studies suggest it
are adaptogenic compounds that help the body manage may reduce LDL cholesterol.
stress and improve cognitive function and endurance.  May improve hormone balance: Help to regulate hormone
levels, especially in women.

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

D. Cashews (Anacardium Occidentale) –

 Key Compounds: Monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber,

magnesium, copper.
 Biological Classification :-

 Kingdom – Plantae
 Phylum – Angiosperms
 Class – Eudicots
 Order – Sapindales
 Family – Anacardiaceae
 Genus – Anacardium

Cashews are a source of essential fatty acids and

Fig 3: Flaxseeds antioxidants that help protect brain cells from oxidative
C. Almonds (Prunus dulcis) –
 Potential Benefits –
 Key Compounds: Monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber,
vitamin E, magnesium.  Heart-healthy fats: Help lower bad cholesterol and reduce
 Biological Classification :- the risk of heart disease.
 Protein source: Aid in muscle growth and repair.
 Kingdom – Plantae  Fiber-rich: Promote digestive health and satiety.
 Phylum – Angiosperms  May improve bone health: Magnesium and copper may
 Class – Eudicots support bone density.
 Order – Rosales  Immune Support: High in zinc, cashews help boost the
 Family – Rosaceae immune system, supporting the body’s defense
 Genus – Prunus mechanisms against infections and aiding wound healing.
 May reduce the risk of gallstones: Help prevent gallstone
Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, fiber, and formation.
antioxidants, which can help reduce LDL cholesterol,
improve blood lipid levels, and support overall cardiovascular

 Potential Benefits –
 Heart-healthy fats: Help lower bad cholesterol and reduce
the risk of heart disease.
 Protein source: Aid in muscle growth and repair.
 Fiber-rich: Promote digestive health and satiety.
 Antioxidant properties: Vitamin E may protect cells from
 May help regulate blood sugar: Improve insulin
sensitivity and reduce blood sugar spikes.

Fig 5: Cashews

Fig 4: Almonds

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1: List of Ingredients used in Herbal Medicated Chocolate.

1. Dark Compound Antioxidant properties, heart health benefits, and mood enhancing effects.
2. Ashwagandha Reduce stress, improve energy levels, support immunity, and enhance overall vitality
3. Flaxseeds Support digestive health, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and improve heart health.
4. Almonds Provide a rich source of healthy fats, antioxidants, and fiber, supporting heart health, brain
function, and digestion
5. Cashews Enhance flavor with their rich, creamy texture and antioxidant properties.
6. Cardamom Provides a unique aromatic flavour.
7. Honey Used as a natural sweetener with antimicrobial, antioxidant, and soothing properties, enhancing
both flavor and health benefits.
8. Flavonoids Offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and mood-enhancing benefits, and give a unique aroma.

Table 2: Composition of Ingredients in Herbal Chocolate.

Dark Compound 30 gm 30 gm
Ashwagandha 15 gm 15gm
Flaxseeds 15 gm 15 gm
Almonds 8 units 8 units
Cashews 8 units 8 units
Cardamom 6 units 6 units
Honey 4 tbsp 4 tbsp
Flavonoids 5ml 5ml

III. METHODOLGY  Ashwangandha Powder and Flaxseeds Powder were

Extracted as Per Requirements to Prevent Wastage of
A. Extraction Procedure: Materials.

 Extraction Process for Ashwagandha Powder –

Ashwagandha dried roots were taken from laboratory

 Cleaning: Wash the ashwagandha dried roots thoroughly

to remove any dirt or debris.
 Grinding: Break the dried roots into smaller pieces, then
grind them in a grinder or blender to create a fine powder.
For a smoother consistency, grind in small batches.
 Sifting: Use a fine mesh sieve to sift the powder, removing
any large or coarse pieces. You can re-grind these larger
pieces if needed.
 Storage: Store the ashwagandha powder in an airtight
Fig 6: Ashwagandha Extract
 Extraction Process of Flaxseeds powder –
Flaxseeds were taken from local grocery market.

 Measure Flaxseeds: Decide how much flaxseed powder

you want to make.
 Grinding: Add the whole flaxseeds to a coffee grinder,
blender, or spice grinder. Grind the seeds until you achieve
a fine, powdery consistency. This usually takes 10-15
 Storage: Transfer the flaxseed powder to an airtight

Fig 7: Flaxseeds Extract

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

B. Herbal Chocolate Preparation Method:

 Roast the Nuts – Lightly roast the almonds, cashews in an

oven at 150°C for 10-15 minutes, then let it be cool. Make
medium pieces of almonds and cashews by using mortar
pestle to enhance crunchy feel in chocolate.
 Melt the Dark compound – Break the dark compound into
small chunks. Use a double boiler or microwave method
to melt the compound. Stir it simultaneously, to avoid
overheating. Once melted, remove it from heat and stir
until smooth.
 Add Ashwagandha Powder – Once the dark compound is
melted, add ashwagandha extract (powder) as per
requirement. Ensure even distribution to maximize their
benefits. Stir until well combined. •
 Add Flaxseeds Powder – Add flaxseeds extract (powder)
as per requirement. Ensure even distribution to maximize
their benefits. Stir until well combined. •
 Add Roasted Nuts – Once the above mixture is mixed Fig 9: Ashwagandha Powder
well, add the almonds and cashews medium pieces. Stir it
well so that nuts can be mixed properly in a mixture. •
 Flavor with Cardamom and Honey - Add cardamom
powder for flavor, and mix in honey to sweeten the
chocolate. Adjust sweetness as needed. Stir the mixture
properly so that every ingredient will be evenly mixed. •
 Add Flavonoids – Add some drops of rose flavonoids to
enhance the aroma and presentation of herbal chocolate. •
 Pour and Set: Pour the chocolate mixture into molds and
let it cool at room temperature. For faster setting, place the
molds in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to 1 hour until

Fig 10: Flaxseeds Powder

Fig 8: Dark Chocolate

Fig 11: Nuts and Cardamom

IJISRT24NOV1378 www.ijisrt.com 1753

Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

it mixes with the sulfuric acid to form a purple or violet

ring at the interface if carbohydrates are present.
 Test for Protein: The protein test of herbal chocolate is a
laboratory procedure used to determine the protein
content in the chocolate formulation. This analysis is
important for evaluating the nutritional value of the
product, especially when ingredients like ashwagandha,
flaxseeds, almonds, and cashews known for their protein
content are included.
 Blooming Test: The blooming test of herbal chocolate
assesses the appearance of surface "bloom" – a whitish or
grayish layer that can form on chocolate due to fat or sugar
crystallization issues. Blooming typically occurs from
temperature fluctuations, improper storage, or issues in
the chocolate-making process. The test involves storing
chocolate under controlled conditions and observing for
bloom formation over time, helping ensure a smooth,
Fig 12: Herbal Chocolate Poured in Moulds and appealing appearance and maintaining flavor and texture.
Kept for Frozen.  Physical Stability: To check the physical stability, sample
of chocolate was kept in closed container for 1 month at
28℃ after one month interval, Test sample of chocolate
was observed for physical appearance and drug


Table 3: Organoleptic Properties

1. Colour Dark Brown
2. Odour Chocolate with no brunt,
no smoky smell
3. Taste Slightly sweet, Creamy
4. Texture Smooth , Crunchy

A. Test of Hardness –

 Initial reading on hardness tester = 3.5 kg/cm

Fig 13: Herbal Medicated Chocolate
 After breakage of chocolate = 7.5kg/cm
C. Evaluation Tests  Therefore, hardness present in the chocolate formulation
= 8.5 kg/cm -3.5kg/cm i.e. 4kg/cm
 Organoleptic Properties: Organoleptic properties refer to
Hence, Hardness of herbal medicated chocolate is 4kg/cm.
the sensory attributes of herbal chocolate, encompassing
taste, aroma, texture, appearance, and overall mouthfeel,
B. Test for Carbohydrates –
which contribute to the consumer’s experience. These
Place 2-3 drops of the sample in a test tube. Add 2-3
properties are crucial in herbal chocolate as they
drops of Molisch reagent to the test tube. Add concentrated
determine its appeal and acceptability, especially when
sulfuric acid along the sides of the test tube to form a layer
incorporating unique ingredients like ashwagandha,
beneath the solution.
cardamom, flaxseeds, and rose flavonoids.
 Test of hardness: The chocolate should be hard enough to
Appearance of purple colour indicates the presence of
break in diameter. The hardness of chocolate is a good
indicator of its strength. Hardness is measured with a
Monsanto hardness tester. kg/cm2 is used to express
C. Test for Protein –
Add 1-2ml of the sample solution into a clean test tube.
 Test for Carbohydrates (Molisch Test): The Molisch test Add 2ml of sodium hydroxide solution to it. To that add 5-6
is a chemical test used to detect the presence of drops of cooper sulphate solution to it.
carbohydrates in a sample, including those in herbal
chocolate. It relies on a reaction between carbohydrates Appearance of bluish violet colour indicates the
and a reagent, typically consisting of alpha-naphthol, in presence of protein.
the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. When the
Molisch reagent is added to the herbal chocolate extract,

IJISRT24NOV1378 www.ijisrt.com 1754

Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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I express my special thanks to our organization Genba

Sopanrao Moze College of Pharmacy and my parents, guide,
teachers, classmates. I thank my beloved parents for their
unwavering support and encouragement needed for enriching
this study.

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