dapur artikel 6
dapur artikel 6
dapur artikel 6
3 (2024)
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 5084-5107
Selva Yuniana1
Universitas Pelita Bangsa, Bekasi, Indonesia
[email protected]
Fifi Hanafia2
Universitas Pelita Bangsa, Bekasi, Indonesia
[email protected]
Employees and human resources are tightly associated throughout the firm. It is
important to uphold the attitudes, circumstances, and working environment of employees to
ensure their continued performance endures and even improves (Manggasa & Tanuwijaya,
2023). Consequently, businesses need to be aware of everything about employee rights.
When workers feel valued by the organization, they are probably less likely to want to quit
(have a lower turnover intention). If the firm is unable to uphold the rights of its workers,
then those workers may take actions that damage the business and impede the attainment of
its objectives. Manufacturing enterprises are today's most advanced businesses.
Manufacturing businesses transform raw resources into final or semi-finished products. The
activities of manufacturing themselves involve a large amount of work. As a result,
manufacturing businesses work to keep their staff members.
The findings obtained indicate that PT Seiwa Indonesia is experiencing issues with
employee turnover. It is getting more and harder to find competent employees these days, let
alone keep the ones you have so there is no employee turnover. The turnover rate at PT Seiwa
Indonesia from 2017 to 2022 provides evidence for this, as does the data collection on new
hires and terminations. Data on corporate turnover can be used to determine employee
retention. Based on information gathered from observations, it is known that PT Seiwa
Indonesia has had a high turnover rate during the previous five years, with an average of
11.35 percent. According to Gillies (1989), a reasonable range for staff turnover is 5–10
percent annually; a turnover rate of more than 10 percent annually is considered excessive.
PT Seiwa Indonesia's high turnover rate from 2017 to 2022 is shown in Table 1.1. The
average staff turnover rate of PT Seiwa Indonesia from 2017 to 2022, which is still more than
10% and falls within the category of above-normal limits, serves as evidence of this. The
company's retention rate will be impacted by this.
This pattern leads one to believe that issues with the company's human resources are
the cause of the reportedly variable turnover rate. These resource issues can arise from both
internal and external sources, including interactions between coworkers and superiors, as
well as from job satisfaction, performance, and potential, all of which have an impact on
turnover (Sauerman & Isbahi, 2023). This will have an impact on the company's retention
rate. To meet the stated goal in the long run, the company's success will be hampered by a
low staff retention rate. The organization will suffer from low retention as it would have to
incur more expenses for hiring new staff.
One element to reduce turnover and retain employees is employee training. Providing
training is very important for employees, because it can increase knowledge for employees
about work, can improve work performance, and employee motivation (Rakimen, 2024).
Companies that provide training and educational facilities to employees are more committed
and loyal to the organization. Likewise, employees who are given education and training will
be able to increase productivity in the company. In the book (Hadiningrat et al., 2023: 4),
Michael Armstrong states that training is the methodical development of the information,
abilities, and attitudes necessary for an individual to function well in line with the duties and
responsibilities that are allotted to them. Herwina (2021: 4) defines training as a brief
procedure that allows an individual to improve group or individual skills utilized at work to
acquire the capacity to support the achievement of industrial goals. Furthermore, training is
a process of methodically altering employee behavior to meet corporate objectives, according
to Kawiana (2020). To assist people, in acquiring the skills and talents they need to
successfully do their jobs, training is oriented toward both the present and the future. Sunarsi
(2018: 18) claims that training is conducted in an attempt to raise human resource
performance, which is a cycle that has to be continued. Because the company's human
resources must be able to balance the company's development. Employee performance at a
firm needs to be consistently aligned with the company's growth and development in addition
to its business development. PT Seiwa Indonesia is doing this training to enhance workers'
or employees' capacity to perform their tasks. Since many workers perform the same tasks
every day, it is anticipated that this software will assist workers in realizing their potential.
Based on observational data, it is known that throughout the previous five years, PT
Seiwa Indonesia's average training activities accounted for just 43% of total training, with
57% of training being pushed back from the scheduled yearly training program. The
company's employee training data has never been fully implemented following the annual
training plan because training necessitates a sizable budget, which leads to training that is not
authorized by the business. As a result, many training topics are pushed back from the
planned annual training schedule because of financial constraints. Every employee at PT
Seiwa Indonesia has the opportunity to participate in both public and internal training
programs. Internal and external mentors or instructors are invited to conduct in-house training
for employees of the organization. Public training, on the other hand, is conducted by sending
a chosen group of employees to training sessions led by other organizations, like other
universities. The staff that PT Seiwa Indonesia trained have not been able to do their jobs
effectively and efficiently. This is because there aren't enough training materials available
and the company's training isn't appropriate for helping employees carry out their
responsibilities. Access to suitable training periods can boost output, which in turn influences
worker efficiency and enhances worker performance, ultimately leading to job satisfaction.
Employers may enhance the caliber of their workforce by offering thorough training and
development. As a result, workers may be more productive and have more comfort at work.
person takes to fulfill a career strategy. Career development, according to Horwitz et al.
(Nurmalitasari & Andriyani, 2021: 2), is a means for employers to give staff members
chances to advance both personally and professionally. professional development, according
to Handoko (Afridhamita & Efendi, 2020: 16), is a personal advancement that a person might
undertake to fulfill a predetermined professional objective. According to Ardana et al.
(Afridhamita & Efendi, 2020: 16), career development also entails improvements made by
the people department to a work plan that is in line with the organization's route or level.
The career development program that PT Seiwa Indonesia offers to its workers still
has several issues. For example, the requirements for promotions are frequently not in line
with the established regulations, which can lead to conflicts between new hires and
established staff compromise worker comfort, and decrease commitment to the job.
Employee preparedness, willingness, and pride in the organization are all impacted by this.
Workers lose interest in their jobs, their passion wanes, they lose the will to succeed, they
are unwilling to put in the extra effort or work hard, and they do not instill a sense of pride
in their coworkers. Ultimately, the worker decides to leave his job and join a different
Leaders need to consider a variety of retention tactics, such as staff retention, to lower
employee turnover. Management uses employee retention as a tactic to encourage workers
to remain at the firm for a predetermined amount of time. It is not simple to retain workers
whose abilities align with the demands of the organization; doing so requires a unique
approach. Employers must use a variety of tactics and initiatives to keep people on board,
but the most crucial factor is to ensure that workers are comfortable. A poor employee
retention rate will deteriorate working conditions for its staff, which may lead to a high
employee turnover rate. Employee retention, according to Panca et al. (2024: 139–140), is an
organizational strategy to enhance and preserve workers' emotional, physical, and behavioral
health so that workers are at ease and devoted to their jobs and can eventually accomplish
organizational goals. Disa & Djastuti (2019) define employee retention as a business's
attempt to hold onto workers who show promise in accomplishing the organization's
objectives. Furthermore, as stated by Hafanti in (Suta & Ardana, 2019), the capacity of the
business to keep its finest employees on board is known as employee retention. The program
for maintenance, which aims to improve employees' physical and mental health as well as
their devoted attitude toward their jobs, is intimately linked to employee retention. To
increase employee retention in a firm, the maintenance program may function well if it is
implemented in tandem with the welfare program that employees require and complies with
internal and external consistency guidelines.
A high employee retention rate will impact the effectiveness of the company in
accomplishing its purposes and goals. At PT Seiwa Indonesia, a high turnover rate results in
poor levels of retention. The findings of the observations made on staff retention between
2017 and 2022 indicate that, throughout the previous five years, PT Seiwa Indonesia's
employee retention rate has varied annually. The percentage of employees retained by the
company was only 84.46% in 2017. In 2018, that percentage increased to 87.77% from 2017
to 2018, and to 90.57% from 2018 to 2019. However, in 2020, that percentage fell to 88.73%
from 2019 to 2021, and in 2022, that percentage fell to just 88.84%, ostensibly because the
company had reduced its workforce with less potential. Three factors—training, career
development, and compensation—have an impact on this, which results in a yearly decline
in the proportion of employee retention. The organization will suffer from low retention as it
would have to incur more expenses for hiring new staff.
Walker states in (Millena & Mon, 2022) that training is a crucial component of human
resources as it may help workers become more productive and play a big role in retention
initiatives. Herwina (2021: 4) defines training as a brief procedure that allows an individual
to improve group or individual skills utilized at work to acquire the capacity to support the
achievement of industrial goals. Furthermore, training is a process of methodically altering
employee behavior to meet corporate objectives, according to Kawiana (2020). To assist
people, in acquiring the skills and talents they need to successfully do their jobs, training is
oriented toward both the present and the future. Training is an incentive for someone to
behave and work properly and diligently in line with the responsibilities and duties that have
been assigned to him, and it is a highly significant emotional force for a new job, claim
Baehaki & Faisal (2020: 11). In the meanwhile, Wahyuningsih (2019) claims that training is
a procedure to raise employee competency and may develop workers' aptitudes,
competencies, and knowledge to carry out tasks successfully and efficiently to meet
organizational objectives. Training is a systematic strategy for learning new information or
skills to improve employee productivity and organizational growth, according to Aguinis and
Kraiger in (Al-Sharafi et al., 2018).
Career Development
Employee Retention
variable and the dependent variable, and is used to build a theory that serves to explain a
particular phenomenon symptom.
Figure 1.
Research Design
Source: Author Processed Data, 2023.
The research was conducted at PT Seiwa Indonesia located in the MM2100 Industrial
Estate, Jl. Lombok l Blok M2 No.2, Gandamekar Village, West Cikarang District, Bekasi
Regency, West Java 17520 with the research time starting in September 2023 until February
2024. The researcher will take a sample of 87 respondents from the population of employees
at PT Seiwa Indonesia, totaling 680 people, with the consideration that this number is
expected to represent the research sample. The sampling technique used in this study is the
probability sampling approach technique with the type of simple random sampling technique.
According to Sugiyono (2018), probability sampling is a sampling technique that provides
equal opportunities for each element (member) of the population to be selected as a sample
member, and simple random sampling according to Sugiyono (2018), simple random
sampling is the use of sample members from a population that is carried out randomly without
regard to the strata that exist in a population.
In this study, the data collection technique that will be used is the use of a
questionnaire. In this questionnaire, scoring is done using a Likert scale. Respondents will
rate each statement by giving a score from 1 to 5. The method is to measure the Likert scale,
to survey employees at PT Seiwa Indonesia who are sampled, the questionnaire is given in
the form of questions that must be answered by the respondent. This secondary data will be
a valuable source of information to strengthen research findings and broaden insights into
the phenomenon being studied. By combining secondary data with primary data obtained
through questionnaires, this research will have a strong basis for answering research
questions and producing more comprehensive findings. The analysis methods used in this
study are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, normality test,
multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression test, and hypothesis
testing (T-test, F test, and coefficient of determination test).
Table 1.
Validity Test
Variable Item Rcount Rtable Information
X1 X1.1 0,666 0,210 Valid
The Influence of Training, Career Development….. 5095
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 7. No. 3 (2024)
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 5084-5107
Table 2.
Reliability Test
No Variable r-Alpha r-Critical Description
1 Job Training 0,761 0,60 Reliable
2 Career Development 0,778 0,60 Reliable
3 Compensation 0,780 0,60 Reliable
4 Employee Retention 0,743 0,60 Reliable
Source: Author Processed Data, 2024.
Based on the table above, a reliability assessment is carried out on each question that
is considered valid. A variable is considered reliable or significant if its responses to
questions are consistent. The reliability coefficient of the Job Training instrument is around
rll = 0.761. The Career Development instrument has a coefficient of determination of rll =
0.778. The compensation instrument has a coefficient of determination of rll = 0.780. The
Employee Retention instrument has a coefficient of determination of rll = 0.743. These
results show that the instrument has an "Alpha Cronbach" value higher than 0.70, which
indicates that the instrument is a more reliable or less dependent variable.
Table 3.
Normality Test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 87
Normal Parameters Mean .0000000
Std. 3.43478461
Absolute .081
Table 4.
Multicollinearity Test
Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 9.065 3.722
X1 .062 .110 .051 .560 1.786
X2 .120 .121 .103 .430 2.325
X3 .618 .085 .680 .526 1.902
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Author Processed Data, 2024
Based on the table above, each variable has a tolerance value above 0.1 and a VIF
value below 10. Thus, it can be concluded that the regression model in this study does not
show multicollinearity between the dependent variables.
Table 5.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Autocorrelation Test
Table. 6
Autocorrelation Test
Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .784 .615 .601 3.496 2.532
a. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Author Processed Data, 2024
Based on the table above, the Durbin Watson value is 2.090, the comparison uses a
significance value of 5%, the number of samples is 87 (n), and the number of independent
variables is 3 (k = 3), then in the Durbin-Watson table a du value of 1.7232 will be obtained.
Because the DW value of 2.532 is greater than the upper limit (du) of 1.7232 and less than 4
- 1.73 (2.27), it can be concluded that there is no autocorrelation.
Table 7.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 9.065 3.722 2.436 .017
T Test Results
Table 8.
T Test (Partial Significance)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 9.065 3.722 2.436 .017
X1 .062 .110 .051 .564 .574
X2 .120 .121 .103 .989 .326
X3 .618 .085 .680 7.246 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Author Processed Data, 2024
Based on the table above, it proves that the significant value of Job Training with
Employee Retention is 0.574 > 0.05, therefore Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning
that there is no influence between Job Training on Employee Retention. Based on the table
above, it proves that the significant value of Career Development with Employee Retention
is 0.326 > 0.05, therefore Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no influence
between Career Development on Employee Retention. Based on the table above, it proves
that the significant value of Compensation with Employee Retention is 0.000 < 0.05,
therefore Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is an influence between
Compensation on Employee Retention.
F Test Results
Table 9.
F Test
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1621.624 3 540.541 44.219 .000b
Residual 1014.606 83 12.224
Total 2636.230 86
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Table 10.
Determination Coefficient Test
Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .784 .615 .601 3.496 1.532
a. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Author Processed Data, 2024
Based on the table above, states that the R Square value is 0.615 or 61.5%. Stating
that the variables of Job Training, Career Development, and compensation simultaneously
affect the Employee Retention variable by 61.5%, the remaining 38.5% may be influenced
by other variables such as compensation, organizational culture, and others that are not
Based on the table above, it proves that the significant value of job training with
employee retention is 0.574 > 0.05, therefore Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that
there is no influence between job training on employee retention. Training is one of the
factors that can affect employee retention in the company. By providing training to
employees, companies can improve employee skills and knowledge so that they are better
prepared and able to face challenges in the workplace. In addition, training can also increase
employee confidence and motivation, which in turn can increase employee retention (Enny,
Research conducted by Khristian (2022) found that training has a positive effect on
employee retention. The results showed that companies that provide training to their
employees have a higher employee retention rate than companies that do not provide training.
This shows that training can be used as one of the company's strategies for increasing
employee retention.
Based on the table above, it proves that the significant value of Career Development
with Employee Retention is 0.326 > 0.05, therefore Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected,
meaning that there is no influence between Career Development on Employee Retention.
The results of research conducted by Kadek Elsa Osiana Dewi, and I Gede Riana.
(2019). Stating that development has a positive and significant effect on employee retention.
The employees feel that the career development carried out by the company is good so it can
convince the employees to stay in the company. This shows that the better the career
development provided to employees, the higher the employee retention in the company.
Based on the table above, it proves that the significant value of Compensation with
Employee Retention is 0.000 < 0.05, therefore Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning
that there is an influence between Compensation on Employee Retention. Compensation is
one of the factors that can affect employee retention in the company. Fair and adequate
compensation can increase employee motivation and loyalty to the company. Employees who
feel that they are compensated following their contribution to the company, tend to be more
attached to the company and are not easy to move to other companies (Wibowo, 2017).
Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it can be concluded (1) that
there is no influence between Job Training on Employee Retention. (2) Based on the results
of this analysis, it shows that there is no influence between Career Development on Employee
Retention. (3) Based on the results of this analysis, it shows that there is an influence between
Compensation on Employee Retention.
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