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Research Methodology & IPR

M.Tech (2024-25)
By-Dr.Sharwari S. Solapure
Associate Professor, IT Department, WCE Sangli
Research Defined
• Research is an organized and systematic way to
find answers to questions

• Research is a creative process

• Research is manipulation of things, concepts or

symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend,
correct or verify knowledge, whether that
knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the
practice of an art (Kothari)

The Research Idea
• Professional experience
• Burning questions
• Literature
• Professional meetings
• Discussions

Good research question?
• Feasible • Ethical
– Subjects – Social or scientific value
– Resources – Safe
– Manageable • Relevant
– Data available? – Advance scientific
• Interesting knowledge?
• Novel – Influence clinical practice?
– In relation to previous – Impact health policy?
findings – Guide future research?
• Confirm or refute?
– New setting, new population

Objectives Of Research
• It develops Focus: To gain familiarity with some phenomena or to get to know
more in depth it.
• For example, since the days of steam engine, the research continued to come up
with more powerful locomotive which could be operated with alternative sources
of energy like diesel, electricity etc.
• It reveals characteristics: To clearly reveal the characteristics of an individual or a
situation or a group like a society is another type of research objective.
• For example in these days before a criminal is sentenced efforts are taken to
study why he had turned criminal.
• It determines frequency of occurrence: To determine the frequency with which
something occurs or with which it associated with something else. In social
research one of the major areas of repeated and continuous research is analysis of
poverty and unemployment.
• It tests hypothesis: To test a hypothesis about the casual relationship between
variable being studied. This type of research is mainly to determine the
relationship between various factors so that necessary policy options could be
Criteria of Good Research (characteristics)

1. Research is half complete, when objective or purposes

of it are clearly spelt out.
2. It is necessary that every step followed in the process
of research is explained fully.
3. The research design adopted for the study should be
clear and match with objectives.
4. Research work should be based on carefully selected
analytical tools.
5.The research work is incomplete without
acknowledging the various data (or) facts.
6. Limitations should be frankly revealed.
How to ensure a good quality
1. Purpose should be clearly defined.
2.Common concepts should be used that can be
understood by all.
3. Research procedures should be explained in
4. Research design should be carefully planned.
5. Researcher should declare all the possible errors
and their possible impact on findings.
6. Analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to
reveal significance.
7. The methods of analysis should be appropriate.
8. The validity and reliability of the data should be
checked carefully.
9. The researcher should good command over
research methodologies and should be intelligent
and experienced.
10. Ethics in research refers to a code of conduct of
behavior while conducting research.
The categorization of research
depends on:

• Application of research study

• Objectives in undertaking the research
• Inquiry mode employed for research
1. Classification based on Application:
a. Pure / Basic / Fundamental Research
b. Applied / Decisional Research
2. Classification based on Objectives:
a. Descriptive Research-only process
b. Co relational Research- no experiment
c. Explanatory
d. Exploratory Research
3. Classification based on Inquiry Mode:
e. Structured approach
f. Unstructured approach
Types of Research
• Pure and Applied Research
• Exploratory or Formulative Research
• Descriptive Research
• Diagnostic Study
• Evaluation Studies
• Action Research
• Experimental Research
• Analytical study or statistical Method
• Historical Research
• Surveys
• Case Study
Pure and Applied Research
• It is the study of search of knowledge.

• It is the study of finding solution to a
Purpose of Pure and Applied Research
• Pure
• It can contribute new facts
• It can put theory to the rest
• It may aid in conceptual clarification
• It may integrate previously existing theories.
• It offers solutions to many practical problems.
• To find the critical factors in a practical
Exploratory or Formulative Research

Exploratory research is preliminary study of an
unfamiliar problem about which the
researcher has little or no knowledge.
– Literature Survey
– Experience Survey and
– Analysis of insight stimulating cases.
• To Generate new ideas
• To increase the researcher’s familiarity with
the problem
• To Make a precise formulation of the problem
• To gather information for clarifying concepts
• To determine whether it is feasible to attempt
the study.
Descriptive Research
• Descriptive study is a fact- finding investigation with
adequate interpretation.
• It is the simplest type of research.
• It is designed to gather descriptive information and
provides information for formulating more
sophisticated studies
• Data are collected using observation, interview and
mail questionnaire.
• It can focus directly on a theoretical point.
• It can highlight important methodological aspects of
data collection and interpretation.
• It obtained in a research may be useful for prediction
about areas of social life outside in the boundaries of
• Descriptive studies are valuable in providing facts
needed for planning social action programmes.
Diagnostic Study
• It is directed towards discovering what is
happening, why is it happening and what can
be done about.
• It aims at identifying the causes of a problem
and the possible solutions for it.
• This study may also be concerned with
discovering and testing whether certain
variables are associated.
• To determine the frequency with which
something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else.
Evaluation Studies
• It is one type of applied research.
• It is made for assessing the effectiveness of social or
economic programmes implemented or for assessing the
impact of developmental projects area.
• The determination of the results attained by some
activity designed to accomplish some valued goal or
• It directed to assess or appraise the quality
and quantity of an activity and its
• To specify its attributes and conditions
required for its success.
Action Research
• Researcher attempts to study action. E.g.
Eradication of Malariya, Maritime Navigation
• Action research is a reflective process of
progressive problem solving led by individuals
working with others in teams or as part of a
"community of practice" to improve the way
they address issues and solve problems
• A baseline survey of the pre-action situation
• A feasibility study of the proposed action programme
• Planning and launching the programme
• Concurrent evaluation of the programme
• Making modifications and changes in the programme.
Experimental Research
• Experimental research is commonly used in sciences
such as sociology and psychology, physics,
chemistry, biology and medicine etc.

• It is a systematic and scientific approach to research

in which the researcher manipulates one or more
variables, and controls and measures any change in
other variables.
• Experiments are conducted to be able to
predict phenomenons.
• To maintain control over all factors
• A blueprint of the procedure that enables the
researcher to test his hypothesis
Analytical Study
• Analytical study is a system of procedures and
techniques of analysis applied to quantitative
• A system of mathematical models or statistical
techniques applicable to numerical data.
• Ex. Scientometrics – a quantitative study of
science, communication in science, and
science policy
• It aims at testing hypothesis and specifying
and interpreting relationship.
• It concentrates on analyzing data in depth and
examining relationships from various angles
by bringing in as many relevant variables as
possible in the analysis plan.
Historical Research
• The systematic collection and evaluation of
data related to past occurrences in order to
describe causes, effects, and trends of those
events that may help explain present events
and anticipate future events.
• Data is often archival-including newspaper
clippings, photographs, etc.- and may include
• To draw explanations and generalizations from the past
trends in order to understand the present and to anticipate
the future.
• It enables us to grasp our relationship with the past and to
plan more intelligently for the future.
• The past contains the key to the present and the past and
the present influences the future.
• It helps us in visualizing the society as a dynamic
organism and its structures and functions as evolving,
steadily growing and undergoing change and
Survey Research
• Survey research is one of the most important
areas of measurement in applied social
research. The broad area of survey research
encompasses any measurement procedures that
involve asking questions of respondents. A
"survey" can be anything form a short
paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive
one-on-one in-depth interview.
• It is always conducted in a natural setting.
• It seeks responses directly from the respondents.
• It can cover a very large population
• A survey may involve an extensive study or an intensive
• A survey covers a definite geographical area, a city,
district, state
Case Study
• A case study is a research methodology
common in social science.
• It is based on an in-depth investigation of a
single individual, group, or event to explore
causation in order to find underlying principles
• To examine limited number of variables
• case study methods involve an in-depth,
longitudinal examination of a single instance
or event.
• It provides a systematic way of looking at
events, collecting data, analyzing information,
and reporting the results
Field research
• Field research has traditionally been thought
different from methods of research conducted
in a laboratory or academic setting.
• The advantages of field research are that
people are closer to real world conditions and
design the research in the best way to discover
the particular information required.
Cross-sectional research
• A cross-sectional study is a type of research
design in which you collect data from many
different individuals at a single point in time.
In cross-sectional research, you observe
variables without influencing them
Conceptual vs. Empirical
• Conceptual vs. Empirical: Conceptual research
is that related to some abstract idea(s) or
theory. It is generally used by philosophers
and thinkers to develop new concepts or to
reinterpret existing ones. On the other hand,
empirical research relies on experience or
observation alone, often without due regard
for system and theory.
Other Types of Research
• Research either as one-time research or longitudinal
research. In the former case the research is confined
to a single time-period, whereas in the latter case the
research is carried on over several time-periods.
• Research can be field-setting research or laboratory
research or simulation research, depending upon the
environment in which it is to be carried out.
• Research can as well be understood as clinical or
diagnostic research. Such research follow case-study
methods or in depth approaches to reach the basic
causal relations.
• Research can also be classified as
conclusion-oriented and decision-oriented.
Decision-oriented research is always for the need
of a decision maker and the researcher in this
case is not free to embark upon research
according to his own inclination.

• Operations research is an example of decision

oriented research since it is a scientific method of
providing executive departments with a
quantitative basis for decisions regarding
operations under their control.
• Ex-post Facto Research;
Based on observation made by inquiry in which the researcher
does not have direct control of independent variables because
their outcome have already occurred. This kind of research
based on a scientific and analytical examination of dependent
and independent variables.
▪ Panel Research:
Generally the survey research is valid for one time period which
is known as “study period” and they do not reflect changes
occurring time. The consumer attitudes toward purchasing a
particular product are not static. For measuring change over
time is known as longitudinal analysis which is done by the use
of panels. This methods are generally used in sales forecasting
by consumer preferences for various products measuring
audience size and characteristics for media programmes testing
new products.
Sources of research problem
• Personal experiences
• Practical experience
• Critical appraisal of literature
• Previous research
• Existing theories
• Consumer feedback
• Performance improvement activities
• Social issues
Sources of research problem
• Brainstorming
• Intuition
• Common roles
• Exposure field situations
• Consultations with experts
Some sources of Research Problems may be identified
as follows:
• Personal Experiences.
• Media: Documentation done on various issues, live coverage, panel
discussions etc.
• Resources: Literature such as books, journals, news articles, periodicals etc.
• Government / Official Records: The orders passed by government. The
decisions given of courts, the petitions and surveys conducted
• People: A group of individuals
• Discussions: by discussing the perspectives with peers, colleagues, seniors
in the field, guides etc.
• Problems: It may be decided to examine the existence of certain issues or
problems relating to society, sciences or any subjects in reference.
• Programs: These may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of an
interference, involvement or intrusions.
• Phenomena: To establish the existence of regularity and to understand if a
procedure would yield similar results overtime when used repetitively. This
includes causes and effects and relationships between variables.
• Ideas from external sources. Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Criteria for good research problem

• Commonly used acronym is “FINER”

▪ F – Feasible
▪ I – Interesting
▪ N – Novel
▪ E – Ethical
▪ R – Relevant
Qualities of a good research1

1. Good research is systematic:

2. Good research is logical:
3. Good research is empirical:
4. Good research is replicable:
Characteristics of research
1. Generalized.
2. Controlled.
3. Rigorous.
4. Empirical.
5. Systematic
6. Reliability.
7. Validity.
8. Employs hypothesis
9. Analytical & Accuracy.
10. Credibility.
11. Critical
• Generalized: The analytical information obtained from
studying the samples should be give a fair idea of total
population of being follower of particular ideology,
beliefs, driving force, etc.

• The concept of control implies that, in exploring

causality in relation to two variables (factors),

• Rigorous: One must be careful in ensuring that the

procedures followed to find answers to questions are
relevant, appropriate and justified.
• Empirical nature of research means that the research has
been conducted following rigorous scientific methods and
procedures. Quantitative research is easier to prove
scientifically than qualitative research. In qualitative
research biases and prejudice are easy to occur.
• Systematic: The procedure or process being developed to
undertake a study should be carefully drafted to ensure
that resources utilization is optimized.
• Reliability: If any research yields similar results each time it
is undertaken with similar population and with similar
procedures, it is called to be a reliable research.
• Validity & Verifiability: It is the extent to which a concept,
conclusion or measurement is well-founded and likely
corresponds accurately to the real world.
• Employs Hypothesis: Any research definitely
begins with formulation of a hypothesis. In simple
words a hypothesis is an idea around which one
starts working before it is actually converted to
research. Hypothesis may prove to be wrong or
null or void after the study is conducted.

• Analytical & Accurate : A research should be

focused not only about what is happening but also
on how and why a particular phenomenon,
process draws certain conclusions.
• Credibility: The extent to which an analysis of
finding can be treated to be trustworthy is
termed as credibility.

• Critical: Critical scrutiny of the procedures

used and the methods employed is crucial to a
research enquiry. The process of investigation
must be foolproof and free from drawbacks.

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