Deed of Declaration of Trust Education

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The key takeaways are that the document establishes an irrevocable charitable trust called the Vathiyaar Valai Thevar Educational Trust with the purpose of carrying out charitable activities like education and relief of the poor in rural areas of Madurai and Tamil Nadu.

The purpose of the trust is to establish an irrevocable public charitable trust to carry out charitable objects like relief of the poor, all round development of socially, educationally and economically disadvantaged people in rural areas of Madurai and Tamil Nadu through education and other charitable activities.

The vision is to be a leading educational trust producing students with noble character who blend human values, traditions and culture to contribute positively to society. The mission is to provide educational support like fees and books to needy girl students to create an ideal learning environment.

DEED OF DECLARATION OF TRUST VALAI THEVAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST This deed of trust made at Madurai, This 1st day

of March 2011 by Mrs. P.V. Pushpaleela Daughter of P. Valaithevar dedicated School teacher residing at 51, Thirukumaram nagar, Thirunagar, Madurai 626006 herein after referred to as Author and managing trustee of the one part AND Financial Trustee 1. Dr. P.V Manoranjitham, Phd. Vilsalakshi Street East, Thirunagar, Madurai 06. Trustees 1. Mrs. P.V. Chinnarani, BSc., BEd. Vadaku Poonthota Kavalkara Street, Periyakulam, Theni Dt., 2. Mrs. P.V. Rose Benedicta, MSW, MCom, BEd. 1, Mangalamaruthi Appartment, Palloti Church 2nd Street, Thirunagar, Madurai 06 3. Mrs. Niranchana Devi, MCA. KK Nagar 4. Mr. P. Rajappa, M.A. M.PEd 31 A, Pasumpon Street, Thirunagar, Madurai 06. 5. Mr. P. Jeyapaul, BSc., BL. Vilsalakshi Street East, Thirunagar, Madurai 06. 6. Mr. Karunakaran, M.A., MPhil. Vadaku Poonthota Kavalkara Street, Periyakulam, Theni Dt., 7. Mr. S. Ayyankalai, MSW, PGDC. 1, Mangalamaruthi Appartment, Palloti Church 2nd Street, Thirunagar, Madurai 06. 8. Mr. R. Raja Sekaran, BE. 31 A Pasumpon Street, Thirunagar, Madurai 06.

Herein after referred to as The Trustees (Which expression shall unless to be repugnant to meaning of context there of include the survivors and their or his or her agencies and other trustees of the time being of these presents) on other part. Where as the Author is desirous of establishing an irrevocable public Charitable Trust for the purpose of carrying out charitable objects including relief of the poor, all round development of socially, educationally and economically down trodden people mainly in the rural areas of Madurai and Tamilnadu and advancement of any other object of general public utility not involving the carrying of an activity for the profit within the meaning of section 2(15) and 80G of the income Tax Act 1961 as amended from time to time for the people of Republic of India irrespective of caste, creed, community or Religion. Where as the Author with a view to give effect to the said desire constitute a Trust and at the request of the Author along with Author of Trustees named herein as Board of Trustees have to act as such. Where as prior to the execution of these presents a sum of Rs. 1000/- ( One Thousand only) was handover by Author to the trustees which shall be held by them in trust together with further Donations, Contribution and property, that may herein after be transferred to the trust by the Author or other and interest, rent, divided, profit or other income there of for the objects and the purpose herein after mentioned, subject to the powers and provisions herein after declared and contained of an concerning the same Now this deed trust witnesses and here by agreed and declared as follows 1. Name of the Trust It is hereby declared that this trust is public charitable trust hereby created is irrevocable. The trust established shall be known as VATHIYAR VALAI THEVAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST of such other name as many be decided by the board of trustees if such arises and shall be herein after be referred to on the trust.

2. Register Office : The registered Office of the trust at shall be located at present at 51, Thirukumaram nagar, Thirunagar, Madurai 626006 or at any other place as may be decided by the board of trustee from time to time. 3. Vision It is our vision to be a leading Educational trust in India, producing Girl students of noble mind, who blend naturally human values, traditions, culture and democratic ideals, to contribute proactively in the international and local communities as well as their homes and families. 4. Mission We aim to provide Educational support in terms of Fees, Books, and other Material support to each and every needy poor Girl students to make them have a an ideal learning environment to grow and excel from the time they begin their educational journey with us. We pledge to do the utmost possible to offer our students with a vibrant and enjoyable education opportunity that equips them for lifelong challenges. Objectives of the Trust: The objectives of the trust will be serve public charitable purposes. The trust is established to bring about 1. To provide financial assistance and guidance and support to the Girl students in the discovery and development of her own giftedness and uniqueness. 2. To encourage Girl students to use their gifts and talents for the betterment of others. 3. To make Girl students are called to responsible citizenship in the world. 4. To provide comprehensive approach in education - the entire Girl child is educated Physically, mentally, and spiritually. 5. To encourage Faculty, Staff, Girl Students, and families to experience learning and living fully integrated in the light of faith. 6. To prepare Girl students to be responsible intelligent in order to assume leadership roles in civil and Just society.

7. To establish and run school to university education in a conducive atmosphere to deserving students especially those belonging to the rural community. Although this educational trust is meant primarily for poor it does admit other students irrespective of their caste and creed. 8. To import training to Girl students qualify to be leaders in all walks of life and serve their fellowmen with justice truth and love. It is expected that this training would play a vital role in bringing about the desired change for the betterment of people of our country more particularly the poorer and marginalized sections of the society further it will foster an atmosphere of intellectual vigor and moral rectitude in which the poor Girl students of our country may find their fulfillment and achieve greatness. 9. To promote all round development of the Girl students abilities and personality. 10. To develop an awareness of the role of science and its application in the understanding of problems of the contemporary society. 11. To extend and disseminate knowledge and to foster its application. 12. To establish a community of scholars, Girl Students, and staff in which understanding and wisdom can grow and flourish. 13. To provide under graduate and Post graduate programs in the field of Engineering, Science, management, arts education and medical sciences in the near future. It provides undergraduate courses in engineering ( Computer, electrical & electronics, and mechanical) sciences, ( pharmacy and Biology and applied biology), management ( master in Business Administration) under graduate studies in music and short duration courses provided by the school of Arts and science school of Education. 14. To support Trust mission by providing courses in the core curriculum. 15. To nurture qualities this will enable Girl students to function with proficiency and compassion within the human family. 16. To empower Girl students to function in a global society by allowing them opportunities to learn more about themselves and their society. 17. To develop leadership skills. 18. To prepare Girl students for entry in to graduate and professional schools. 19. To prepare Girl students for entry level positions in government, Business and industry.

20. To start Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Polytechnic colleges to impart technical qualification to the needy Girl students from both rural and urban. 21. To conduct self confident classes for both in house Girl students and non school and college going Girl students. 22. To cater as a training institution to run computer based training life skill trainings, in come Generation trainings, SHG trainings, Environment trainings, and Leadership Trainings, Health and hygiene trainings to the needy youth to lead a dignified life. 23. To publish journals, pamphlets, books for promoting the said aims and objectives for private circulation. 24. To work in co - operation with the similar voluntary social work organizations in India and other countries for the betterment of Girl children 25. To establish branch offices, regional offices and the like and to initiate inter groups and inter state projects and enable local group and branches of social welfare organization to carry them out. 26. To participate and contribute in conferences, seminars, symposia organized by foreign governments, international children Forums, Unit nations from time to time benefit from the exchange of ideas and experiences. 27. To raise funds, donations, grants from Government of India and State Government of Tamilnadu and outside to carryout activities to achieve the objectives of the trust. Do and cause to be done any and all such act as shall be conducive to the social economic, cultural, educational, ethical welfare of rural and urban poor children or other groups of people requiring support and assistance of the trust, provided such things or act are not contrary to not inconsistent with the sprit and principles of law and which are necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the trust, but shall not include any activities of profit and the income where so ever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Trust. 4. Funds of the Trust The funds and properties of the trust shall be the sum of Rs 1001/- ( rupees One Thousand one only) and all and every other moneys and properties in future gifted, conveyed and transferred to the board for the purpose of carrying the objectives of the Trust, here by created and all or

income derived the sum of Rs 1001.00 ( rupees one thousand and one only) addition and accretion and augmentations to the sum investment of the said funds as set out infra. 5.0 Board of trustees 5.1 Constitution of the Board of Trustees: The first trustees of this trust shall be as follows 1. Mrs. P.V. Pushpaleela 2. Dr. P.V Manoranjitham, Phd. 3. Mrs. P.V. Chinnarani, BSc., BEd. 4. Mrs. P.V. Rose Benedicta, MSW,MCom,BEd. 5. Mrs.R. Niranchana Devi, MCA. 6. Mr.S. Rajappa, M.A. MPEd 7. Mr. S. Jeyapaul, BSc., BL. 8. Mr. S.Karunakaran, M.A., Mphil. 9. Mr. S. Ayyankalai, MSW, PGDC. 10. Mr. R. Raja Sekaran, BE. The total number of trustee shall be minimum Three and maximum fifteen. a) The Board of Trustees shall consist of one managing trustee and other one trustee from among the trustee to run the affairs of the trust in accordance with the Deed of the trust. b) The total strength of the Board of trustee shall now be Three. The trustees may find and invite to become trustees as and when suitable persons are spotted out by them, who can contribute to the attainment of the objectives of the organization and their terms shall at will from the date of their admission. c) the First trustee shall how once as trustees at will d) The Board of trustee shall elect by a simple vote of majority in their first meeting the managing trustee and other trustees of the trust. 5.2 Power of the Board Trustee a) The management and control of the affairs and funds of the trust shall be subject to the control and direction of the board of trustees. b) The annual report and audited statement of accounts shall be presented to and passed by the Board of trustees. The time and place of meeting shall be decided by the board of trustees.

c) the board shall appoint Auditor(s) and fix his/their remuneration every year in their annual meeting d) To amendment delete or add to the Rules and regulation of the trust which may be deemed necessary to carry out the objectives of the trust; and e) To appoint by a board of trustees a sub committees and to delegate subject to such conditions as they think fit, any of their powers to these sub committees. f) The board of Trustees shall meet at least once a year within four months of closing of the accounting year. g) All matters related to appointment, re-nomination, removal etc., of any trustee shall be decided by the consent of all the existing trustees. h) The board of trustees shall have the power to remove etc., of any trustee/Trustees on reasons of involvement in any unlawful or unethical activity or acting against the interest of the trust. i) Any trustee who has been attending the trustees regularly and does not participate in the activities of the trust may be removed from the trusteeship by the majority resolution. j) In case of death, long absence, inability to discharge duties due to prolonged illness registration desire to retirement, refusal becoming unfit, incapability etc., of any Trustee or trustees the Board of trustees has the power to nominate suitable person or persons in his/her/their place. k) The trustee may reimburse themselves and pay an discharge out of the trust Funds all expenses incurred by them in or about the execution of the Trust. l) the trustee shall be at liberty at their discretion to accept any contributions or donations to the trust Fund from any person or persons to be held for the purpose of this trust in any form such cash, shares, stocks, lands and buildings, technical know how,, rights, patents, art objects, animals, standing crops, books etc., but subject to the condition that the contributors, or subscribers other than trustee shall not be entitled to participate in or have any voice or control in the management or administration of the trust of these presents or the application of such contribution or donations and the trustees shall hold the same upon the same trusts and subject to the same power provisions and stipulations as are herein continued.

5.3 Appointment of trustees: The following provisions as to the number and appointment of new trustees shall apply to this deed. a) In tune with the objects and coverage of the trust, any national can be appointed as trustee and a nominee of another trust, trust or institution having similar objects can also be appointed as trustee, though however, private and business firms corporations and the like cannot hold office of a trustee. b) If any time either before of after a vacancy occurs in the manner of trustees hereby appointed the trustees shall consider it expedient to appoint an additional trustee to appoint any person or person whom they may select unanimously to be such additional trustee or trustees, and on every such appointment, the trust properties shall, as soon as circumstances will conveniently admit, be transferred or vested in Trustees or trustee for the time being. But it shall not be necessary or incumbent upon them to do so until the number of trustees shall be reduced to the minimum hereby fixed but every trustee so appointed may as before or after the trust properties shall have been so transferred or vested, execute all the trust power and discretions of this deed and in all respects act in the same manners as if he had been constituted a Trustee. c) If and so often as any of the Trustees hereby appointed or any future Trustee or Trustees of these presents shall die or go to reside aboard or shall desire to retire from or refuse or become unfit or incapable to act as the trustee of these presets it shall be lawful for the continuing trustee or trustees for the time being of these presents by the unanimous vote of all the Trustee or Executors or administrators of the last acting trustee or trustees in the place of the trustee or becoming unfit or incapable to act as aforesaid with liberty upon any such appointment to alter the number of trustees but so that it be not reduced below five and this power shall be exercisable and be exercised as soon as the number of Trustees falls below five. Every such new trustee shall have all the powers and authorities of the trustee.

5.4 Meetings Notice and Quorum: Meetings: a) The managing Trustee shall preside at all meetings of the Trustee at which he shall be present. In his absence the managing trustee shall over the said meeting if he shall be present at the meeting if he shall be present at the meeting by a vote of majority shall act as a managing Trustee of the said meeting. b) In exceptional circumstances, the board of trustees shall conduct the proceedings of the meeting through mails, Circulars or writing. Notice d) The Trustee shall hold ordinary meeting at least once in every twelve months with a notice of twenty one clear days. A special meeting of the trustee may at any time be summoned by the board in consultation with the managing trustee of the trust upon fifteen days notice being to the other Trustees. In case of emergency, a meeting of the trustee may be called on two days notice. Quorum: e) At least on third of the total number of trustee shall from a quorum except for adjourned meetings for which no quorum is necessary. 6. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS The funds of the trust shall be invested a) In any of the securities authorized by section 20 of the Indian trust Act 1992. b) In purchase of acquisitions of construction of land or buildings or water tanks or other immovable property provided that no such investment shall be made except with the previous sanction of the board recorded by means of a resolution passed at a meeting of the board. c) In current or saving Bank or fixed deposits with banks and in the modes and form specified under the provisions of the income tax and the rules made there under as approved by the Board by means of a resolution recorded at a meeting of the Board.

BANK OPERATION The Managing trustee and Financial Treasurer shall have the authority jointly to open and operate Bank account or accounts in any Nationalized Bank may be determined from time to time. 6.0 The Governing Body The term of office of the first governing Body shall be at will. If any vacancy arising due to death or voluntary resign that vacancy shall be fixed Board of Trust by them. 6.2 Powers and Duties of the Governing Body A. The Management and control of the day to day administration and control of the finances of the trust shall be vested in the Board of Trust appointed in the manner prescribed in this deed. The Board of trustee shall have all the necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Trust. B. In furtherance of and without prejudge to the general powers conferred by or implied in the proceeding sub clause (A) and all other powers conferred by this deed and subject as above, the Board of Trustee shall have the following functions C. To perform in the name and on behalf of the Trust all rights duties and they think falling within and in pursuance of the deed of the Trust. D. To appoint any sub committee and to delegate subject to such conditions as they think fit any of their powers to these sub committees E. To organize meetings consolations conferences and seminars and to encourage inter agency and inter personal communication to make development action more effective. F. To conduct training courses in various discipline for different cadres workers of various development organizations and to publish and to books periodicals reports produce slides films etc. on any topic related topic to the objectives of the trust. G. To liaise with the Government banks and credit institutions other bodies national or international whose association and support are beneficial to development action, for the Trust or for and on behalf of other agencies. To effectively achieve the above objectives and in furtherance thereof. H. To collaborate with other agencies/institutions and carry on the work of the Trust in cooperation with or through them. I. To accept funds in the form of loan grants or donations in case or kind on its behalf or other agencies form the Government Industrial and Business houses in India, National and

International charitable institutions cooperatives and or foreign funding agencies and to utilize these funds to provide grants subside and finance in any form to institutions and agencies needing assistance for their programme/projects related to the objectives of the Trust. J. To accept the loans in the form of loans, grants, of donations in cash or kind on its own behalf or other agencies from national and international banks. K. To purchase lease hire exchange or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property anywhere in India and also to acquire existing institutions suited for the objectives of the Trust and to sell, lease mortgage, dispose of, exchange improve, manage, develop, invest, withdraw, reinvest, and otherwise deal with any stocks, shares, bonds, moneys, securities and all kinds of movable or immovable property for all or any of the above objectives for which the trust is established. Any such investment shall not violate section 11(5) read with section 13(1) (d) of income Tax Act 1961 L. To make such regulations and implement them in respect of the control of the funds property of the trust as they deem proper. To invest guarantee, secure and deal with the moneys of the trust as may, from time to time, be M. To establish and support or aid in establishment and support of associations institutions funds and trusts established for the benefit of the community whose objectives are in general conformity with the objectives of the Trust. N. To pay all costs charges expenses of an incidental nature to the promotion formation registration and establishment of the trust and to pay remuneration to any person for services rendered or to be rendered in the interested of the Trust for the achievement of the objectives of the trust. O. To institute conduct defend submit to arbitration compromise or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Trust, its office bearers and staff in the business of the trust. P. To determine the manner in which bills notes receipts cheques releases contracts and documents, which shall be signed or executed by on or on behalf of the manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as they think fit. Q. To accept any gifts or borrow any sum of money from time to time at their discretion for the purpose of the trust and to secure the repayment of such moneys in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as they think fit.

R. To accept any gifts or donations to purchase lease of otherwise acquire all articles and properties movable and immovable which the trust for the purpose thereof may from time to time think proper to acquire for the Trust. S. To Sell improve manage develop exchange lease let under lease, sub let mortgage, dispose of otherwise deal with the whole or any part of the property of the trust. T. To construct upon any premises acquire for the purpose of the trust any building or buildings in furtherance to the objectives of the trust and so alter add to or improve any building upon such premises or to take any building on rent for the running of programmes and other affairs of the trust. U. To appoint any person to collect donations and subscriptions. V. To appoint any person or persons on the routine work or business of the trust on remuneration or otherwise. W. To interpret and implement the deed and the rules and regulations of the Trust. 1.0 Meetings Notice and quorum Meetings a) The Board of trustee shall meet at least once in six months unless otherwise provided. However the Board of Trustee shall meets as the need arises. The time and place shall be decided by the managing trustee in consultation with Board. b) In exceptional circumstances the governing body shall conduct the proceedings of the meeting through mails circulars or writing. Notice c) Ten clear days notice for ordinary meetings and three clear days notice for emergency meetings shall be given. The notice shall ordinary be given writing and sent by post and proof of posting shall be sufficient for the purpose of deciding that the notice is given. Quorum: d) One third of the total members of the Board shall from the quorum for the purpose transacting business of the Board except for adjourned meeting for which no quorum is necessary.

7.0 Power and Duties of Bearers 7.1 Managing Trustee a) The Board of Trustee shall elect a Managing Trustee from among the Trustees whose term of shall be three years and he/she shall be eligible for re election on expiry of his term of office. The managing Trustee shall preside over all meetings b) If any different of opinion shall arise among the trustee as to the execution of the trusts hereof or in exercise of the powers authorities and directions herein contained or in any other matter arising out of or in relation to the trusts hereby declared the same shall be settled and disposed of in accordance with the opinion of the two third majority of the Trustees and in the event of the Trustee being equally divided the managing Trustee of the Trustees shall have a casting vote in addition to his own. 7.2 Financial Trustee The treasurer of shall elected by the board of trustee from among the trustees of the Board. He shall be responsible to the Managing Trustee in all matters concerning the accounts, funds and properties of the trust. The treasurer shall be responsible to prepare and submit annual income and expenditure statement and balance sheet of the trust with in four months from the closing of the financial year of the Trust before the Board of trustees. 8.0 Investment and management of Funds a) The Trustee shall out of the income Trust Funds pay in the first instance all cost charges and expenses of and incidental to the administration of the Trust manage of the trust Funds and utilize the net income for such public charitable t the section 11(1) & 11(12) of income Tax Act. b) Provided further that the Trustee shall also have power to have recourse to and utilize the whole or any part or parts of the corpus of the trust Funds for all or any of the charitable object or objects or purpose aforesaid in such manner and at such times and such proportion as the Trustee may at their discretion c) The Trustees shall be at liberty to sell and relies any part of the trust Fund and invest the sale proceeds thereof and or any other moneys forming part of the Trust Funds in any of the investment hereinafter mentioned as they from time to time think subject to section 11(115) of the income Tax Act read with section

a) The Funds of the Trust shall be invested or deposited in any of the scheduled nationalized or cooperative banks and the same shall be operated by the person or persons authorized by the Governing body for that purpose. 9.0 Accounts and Audit Accounts a) The Trustee shall maintain the trust and correct account of all income expenditure assets and liabilities of the Trust. The cash and bank transactions and all the other financial transactions of the Trust shall be recorded and maintained in accordance with the normally accepted accounting principles. The accounts of the trust shall be closed on 31st march of every year. Audit b) Qualified charted accountants (s) shall be appointed by the trustees to audit the accounts of the trust and it shall be the duty of the auditor(s) to report on the accounts and affairs of the trust to the Board of trustee and the governing board. Bye laws, Administrative rules etc. a) In order to effectively function and to perform its functions the Board of Trustee my from time to time make such bye laws administration rules etc. It shall have powers to amend repeal modify its bye laws and rules as it may deem fit. The matters generally covered by such byelaw will be in respect of management of properties funds affairs and work of the activities under taken, conditions and procedures for election and nomination of trustees procedures for convening and conduct of meeting of the trustees or its committees etc. b) The bye laws rules etc. can in no case be violate of the covenants of this trust deed.

11.0 Amendment to the constitution dissolution and merger of the trust: With a resolution of only 2/3rd majority of the Board of Trustee the following matters shall be effective and the trustees shall have the power to do the following acts which are subject able to applicable Tax and to be made with the prior carried out shall not infringe the permission of the commissioner of income Tax. However the amendments to be carried out shall not infringe the provisions of section 2(15), 11, 12, 13 and 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.

a) Any clause of this trust deed can be amended (Including the name of the Trust) in so far does not a affect the main objects as well the sprit behind or conduct and management of then trust. b) Any other trust with similar object can be merged with this trust provided the merger does not affect the activities of this trust financially or otherwise. c) I found to be unviable or impossible to manage the funds properties and activities of this trust they can be dissolved and merged with similar objects and which enjoys recognition under section 80G of Income Tax Act. 12.0 Application of Trust Act: The trust shall confirm to the provisions of the India trust Act 1882 in all matter not expressly provided for herein but case any difficulty of doubt arising on any question in respect of management or administration of the trust or any matter falling here under, The managing trustee on behalf of the Board shall apply to the court for opinion advice or direction or order and the trustee acting upon the direction if any of the court shall be deemed as for as regards their responsibility to have discharged their duties in respect thereof. 13.0 Reference of Dispute: In the event of any dispute or difficulty for which no provision has made in the Trust documents or any doubt referred to as per clause 11 supra the High court of Chennai on its original side shall be court having jurisdiction and the parties concerned can resolve their disputes through the said court 14.0 Declaration a) The trust is irrevocable and in any case whether on merger dissolution no part of the funds properties shall be distributed among the trustees b) The trust activities shall be open to all (for benefits as well as management) irrespective of nationality caste creed or any other distinction. c) The activities of the trust shall be restricted with in India. Income and the funds of the trust will solely be utilized towards of the trust and no portion of it will be utilized for payment to the trustee by way of profit, dividend, interest etc. Any income earned by the activities of the trust interest from deposits shall be used to achive the objects of the trust d) The trust shall not be involved in any profit making business activities

e) Other than the amount rupees one thousand the trust does not have any other asset at present 15.0 Power of Attorney The Trust shall be registered at Madurai Register office at Mannar Thirumalai Naicker Mahal, Madurai 1 through power of attorney for whom the trustee have given power of attorney and signed by each trustee individually informant of the registrar. In witness where of the trustee of the trust have set their hands in to this day of 1 st March 2011. Author Witness 1. ______________________________ Signature 2. ______________________________ Signature Prepared by ---------------------------------- (Mr. Address: )

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