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Download Full The Turn of the Screw Webster s Thesaurus Edition Henry James PDF All Chapters
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Walden Webster s Thesaurus Edition Henry David Thoreau
The Turn of the Screw Webster s Thesaurus Edition
Henry James Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Henry James
ISBN(s): 9780497252694, 0497252694
Edition: annotated edition
File Details: PDF, 2.15 MB
Year: 2006
Language: english
Henry James
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The Turn of the Screw
Webster’s Thesaurus Edition for PSAT®, SAT®, GRE®, LSAT®,
GMAT®, and AP® English Test Preparation
Henry James
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The Turn of the Screw: Webster’s Thesaurus Edition for PSAT®, SAT®, GRE®, LSAT®, GMAT®, and
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ISBN 0-497-25269-4
PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR .......................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 3
I...................................................................................................................................... 11
II .................................................................................................................................... 17
III ................................................................................................................................... 23
IV ................................................................................................................................... 29
V .................................................................................................................................... 35
VI ................................................................................................................................... 41
VII .................................................................................................................................. 49
VIII ................................................................................................................................. 55
IX ................................................................................................................................... 61
X .................................................................................................................................... 67
XI ................................................................................................................................... 73
XII .................................................................................................................................. 77
XIII ................................................................................................................................. 81
XIV ................................................................................................................................. 87
XV .................................................................................................................................. 93
XVI ................................................................................................................................. 97
XVII .............................................................................................................................. 101
XVIII ............................................................................................................................. 107
XIX ............................................................................................................................... 111
XX ................................................................................................................................ 115
XXI ............................................................................................................................... 121
XXII .............................................................................................................................. 129
XXIII ............................................................................................................................. 133
XXIV ............................................................................................................................. 137
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................... 143
Henry James 1
Designed for school districts, educators, and students seeking to maximize performance on
standardized tests, Webster’s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently
assigned readings in English courses. By using a running thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this
edition of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James was edited for students who are actively building
their vocabularies in anticipation of taking PSAT®, SAT®, AP® (Advanced Placement®), GRE®,
LSAT®, GMAT® or similar examinations.1
Webster’s edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of
synonyms and antonyms for difficult and often ambiguous English words that are encountered in
other works of literature, conversation, or academic examinations. Extremely rare or idiosyncratic
words and expressions are given lower priority in the notes compared to words which are “difficult,
and often encountered” in examinations. Rather than supply a single synonym, many are provided
for a variety of meanings, allowing readers to better grasp the ambiguity of the English language,
and avoid using the notes as a pure crutch. Having the reader decipher a word’s meaning within
context serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. Each page covers words not
already highlighted on previous pages. If a difficult word is not noted on a page, chances are that it
has been highlighted on a previous page. A more complete thesaurus is supplied at the end of the
book; Synonyms and antonyms are extracted from Webster’s Online Dictionary.
The Editor
Webster’s Online Dictionary
PSAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit
Scholarship Corporation neither of which sponsors or endorses this book; SAT® is a registered trademark of the
College Board which neither sponsors nor endorses this book; GRE®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are
registered trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which neither sponsors nor endorses this book,
GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admissions Council which is neither affiliated
with this book nor endorses this book, LSAT® is a registered trademark of the Law School Admissions Council
which neither sponsors nor endorses this product. All rights reserved.
Henry James 3
The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the
obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a
strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody
happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation
had fallen on a child. The case, I may mention, was that of an apparition in just
such an old house as had gathered us for the occasion-- an appearance, of a
dreadful kind, to a little boy sleeping in the room with his mother and waking
her up in the terror of it; waking her not to dissipate his dread and soothe him to
sleep again, but to encounter also, herself, before she had succeeded in doing so,
the same sight that had shaken him. It was this observation that drew from
Douglas--not immediately, but later in the evening-- a reply that had the
interesting consequence to which I call attention. Someone else told a story not
particularly effective, which I saw he was not following. This I took for a sign
that he had himself something to produce and that we should only have to wait.
We waited in fact till two nights later; but that same evening, before we
scattered, he brought out what was in his mind.%
"I quite agree--in regard to Griffin's ghost, or whatever it was-- that its
appearing first to the little boy, at so tender an age, adds a particular touch. But
it's not the first occurrence of its charming kind that I know to have involved a
apparition: (n) ghost, phantom, spirit, foreboding, terror. ANTONYMS: calm, mitigate; (adj, v) appease; (adj,
spectre, hallucination, spook, shade, (adj) pleasing, welcomed, pleasant; n, v) assuage. ANTONYMS: (v) upset,
eidolon, wraith, advent; (n, v) vision. (v) welcome, want; (n) reassurance, irritate, aggravate, annoy, intensify,
dissipate: (adj, v) waste; (v) disperse, fearlessness, confidence, security, worry, enrage, scare, provoke, incite,
squander, disappear, diffuse, ease, calm. disturb.
consume, scatter, disseminate, break, gruesome: (adj) ghastly, terrible, uttered: (adj) expressed, express,
evaporate, spend. ANTONYMS: (v) grisly, macabre, appalling, grim, verbalised, verbalized, vocal, explicit,
save, conserve, appear, collect, hoard, horrendous, monstrous, forbidding, oral; (v) spoke, quoth, said.
absorb, gather. dreadful, dire. ANTONYMS: (adj) visitation: (v) visit, examination; (n)
dread: (n, v) apprehension, fear, panic; delightful, lovely, wonderful. tribulation, calamity, annoyance,
(n) anxiety, awe, consternation, soothe: (n, v) comfort, allay, console, misfortune, irritation, infliction,
alarm, trepidation, dismay, solace; (v) alleviate, palliate, ease, inspection, test, ordeal.
4 The Turn of the Screw
child. If the child gives the effect another turn of the screw, what do you say to
two children--?"
"We say, of course," somebody exclaimed, "that they give two turns! Also that
we want to hear about them."
I can see Douglas there before the fire, to which he had got up to present his
back, looking down at his interlocutor with his hands in his pockets. "Nobody
but me, till now, has ever heard. It's quite too horrible." This, naturally, was
declared by several voices to give the thing the utmost price, and our friend, with
quiet art, prepared his triumph by turning his eyes over the rest of us and going
on: "It's beyond everything. Nothing at all that I know touches it."
"For sheer terror?" I remember asking.%
He seemed to say it was not so simple as that; to be really at a loss how to
qualify it. He passed his hand over his eyes, made a little wincing grimace. "For
"Oh, how delicious!" cried one of the women.
He took no notice of her; he looked at me, but as if, instead of me, he saw
what he spoke of. "For general uncanny ugliness and horror and pain."
"Well then," I said, "just sit right down and begin."
He turned round to the fire, gave a kick to a log, watched it an instant. Then
as he faced us again: "I can't begin. I shall have to send to town." There was a
unanimous groan at this, and much reproach; after which, in his preoccupied
way, he explained. "The story's written. It's in a locked drawer-- it has not been
out for years. I could write to my man and enclose the key; he could send down
the packet as he finds it." It was to me in particular that he appeared to
propound this-- appeared almost to appeal for aid not to hesitate. He had broken
a thickness of ice, the formation of many a winter; had had his reasons for a long
silence. The others resented postponement, but it was just his scruples that
charmed me. I adjured him to write by the first post and to agree with us for an
early hearing; then I asked him if the experience in question had been his own.
To this his answer was prompt. "Oh, thank God, no!"
charmed: (adj) enchanted, delighted, (n, v) propose; (n) advance, allege. ugliness: (n) eyesore, offensiveness,
fascinated, spellbound, entranced, reproach: (n, v) blame, rebuke, charge, hideousness, garishness, gaudiness,
captive, beguiled, infatuated, abuse, disgrace, reprimand, grotesqueness, grotesquery,
absorbed, enamored, captive hours. invective; (v) accuse, chide, condemn; repulsiveness, homeliness,
grimace: (n, v) scowl, glower, sneer, (n) condemnation. ANTONYMS: (n, unsightliness; (adj, n) unpleasantness.
smile, roar; (n) face, mop, mouth, v) praise; (v) commend, approve; (n) ANTONYMS: (n) beauty,
expression; (v) pull a face, wince. compliment, commendation, attractiveness, pleasantness.
interlocutor: (n) conversational approval. uncanny: (adj) weird, eerie, strange,
partner, middleman, contact; (v) scruples: (n) conscience, moral sense, ghostly, unearthly, unnatural,
prolocutor. sense of right and wrong, morality, eldritch, mysterious, odd, frightful,
propound: (v) offer, suggest, present, ethical motive, principle, ethics, hideous. ANTONYMS: (adj) normal,
pose, enunciate, proffer, move, put; moral fiber, morals. common, ordinary.
Henry James 5
agreeable: (adj) accordant, nice, sweet, horrendously, badly; (adj, adv) irritation: (n) exasperation, anger,
consistent, suitable, amusing, amazingly. ANTONYMS: (adv) annoyance, displeasure, bother,
enjoyable, affable; (adj, v) pleasant, pleasantly, hardly, little, mildly, excitation, temper, excitement,
desirable; (adj, n) acceptable. satisfactorily, slightly, well, irritability, vexation, annoying.
ANTONYMS: (adj) disagreeable, adequately, superbly, somewhat. ANTONYMS: (n) satisfaction, balm,
discordant, unpleasant, nasty, beeches: (n) Fagus. calm, calmness, equanimity, patience.
unwilling, resistant, aggressive, don't: (adv) not; (n) taboo, prohibition. shudder: (adj, n, v) shake, quake,
repugnant, averse, stubborn, inference: (n) corollary, implication, tremble; (n, v) quiver, twitch, thrill;
unacceptable. illation, conclusion, assumption, (n) quivering, shivering, chill, frisson;
awfully: (adv) atrociously, hideously, judgment, surmise, derivation, (v) flutter.
appallingly, frightfully, fearfully, analogy, guess, result. ANTONYM: tapped: (adj) poor, powerless, helpless.
ghastly, terribly, horrifically, (n) fact. ANTONYM: (adj) untapped.
6 The Turn of the Screw
bewildered: (adj) bemused, confused, literal: (adj) exact, bare, verbal, stairway, staircase, corbiestep,
confounded, perplexed, befuddled, accurate, genuine, faithful, actual, ladder, pace, steps, support.
puzzled, dumbfounded, taken aback, plain, true; (n) misprint, erratum. vulgar: (adj) rude, coarse, plebeian,
addled, disoriented; (adj, v) lost. ANTONYMS: (adj) figurative, nasty, common, foul, indecent, gross,
ANTONYMS: (adj) unimpressed, symbolic, loose, imprecise, unrefined; (adj, n) low, vile.
clear, oriented, precise, metaphorical, broad, approximate, ANTONYMS: (adj) refined,
understanding, alert. false. sophisticated, tasteful, polite,
candlestick: (n) candelabra, sconce, serial: (adj) sequential, consecutive, aesthetic, muted, fashionable, decent,
chandelier, candle holder, girandole, recurrent, sequent, successive, artistic, pleasant, clean.
candleholder, holder, electrolier, continuous, regular; (n) periodical, whereupon: (adv) thereupon,
gaselier, girandola, luster. series, serial publication, soap opera. hereupon, upon which, at what, at
griffin: (n) griffon, gryfon. stair: (n) stage, degree, footstep, rank, which.
Henry James 7
I knew the next day that a letter containing the key had, by the first post,
gone off to his London apartments; but in spite of--or perhaps just on account of-
-the eventual diffusion of this knowledge we quite let him alone till after dinner,
till such an hour of the evening, in fact, as might best accord with the kind of
emotion on which our hopes were fixed. Then he became as communicative as
we could desire and indeed gave us his best reason for being so. We had it from
him again before the fire in the hall, as we had had our mild wonders of the
previous night. It appeared that the narrative he had promised to read us really
required for a proper intelligence a few words of prologue. Let me say here
distinctly, to have done with it, that this narrative, from an exact transcript of my
own made much later, is what I shall presently give. Poor Douglas, before his
death--when it was in sight--committed to me the manuscript that reached him
on the third of these days and that, on the same spot, with immense effect, he
began to read to our hushed little circle on the night of the fourth. The departing
ladies who had said they would stay didn't, of course, thank heaven, stay: they
departed, in consequence of arrangements made, in a rage of curiosity, as they
professed, produced by the touches with which he had already worked us up.
But that only made his little final auditory more compact and select, kept it,
round the hearth, subject to a common thrill.%
The first of these touches conveyed that the written statement took up the tale
at a point after it had, in a manner, begun. The fact to be in possession of was
therefore that his old friend, the youngest of several daughters of a poor country
parson, had, at the age of twenty, on taking service for the first time in the
schoolroom, come up to London, in trepidation, to answer in person an
advertisement that had already placed her in brief correspondence with the
advertiser. This person proved, on her presenting herself, for judgment, at a
house in Harley Street, that impressed her as vast and imposing--this prospective
patron proved a gentleman, a bachelor in the prime of life, such a figure as had
never risen, save in a dream or an old novel, before a fluttered, anxious girl out
of a Hampshire vicarage. One could easily fix his type; it never, happily, dies out.
He was handsome and bold and pleasant, offhand and gay and kind. He struck
her, inevitably, as gallant and splendid, but what took her most of all and gave
gallant: (adj) fearless, brave, daring, concerned, caring, intended, schoolroom: (n) nursery, class, lecture
courageous, chivalrous, bold, manly, prepared. room, room.
heroic, dashing, courteous, fine. professed: (adj) alleged, declared, trepidation: (n) fear, tremor, alarm,
ANTONYMS: (adj) boorish, rude, apparent, avowed, pretended, apprehension, fright, terror, dread,
selfish. seeming, supposed, affected, feigned, dismay, consternation, perturbation,
offhand: (adj, adv) impromptu, so-called, purported. disquiet. ANTONYMS: (n)
extemporaneous, extempore; (adj) prologue: (n) preface, introduction, contentment, calm, confidence,
casual, extemporary, careless, preamble, foreword, Prolog, equanimity, bravery, reassurance.
cavalier, nonchalant, brusque, overture, proem, preliminary, vicarage: (n) parsonage, manse,
abrupt, improvised. ANTONYMS: beginning, prolegomena, opening. residence, domicile, home, glebe
(adj) careful, considerate, warm, ANTONYMS: (n) conclusion, house, church house, glebe, dwelling
serious, civil, cautious, conscientious, postscript. house, abode, dwelling.
8 The Turn of the Screw
her the courage she afterward showed was that he put the whole thing to her as
a kind of favor, an obligation he should gratefully incur. She conceived him as
rich, but as fearfully extravagant-- saw him all in a glow of high fashion, of good
looks, of expensive habits, of charming ways with women. He had for his own
town residence a big house filled with the spoils of travel and the trophies of the
chase; but it was to his country home, an old family place in Essex, that he
wished her immediately to proceed.%
He had been left, by the death of their parents in India, guardian to a small
nephew and a small niece, children of a younger, a military brother, whom he
had lost two years before. These children were, by the strangest of chances for a
man in his position--a lone man without the right sort of experience or a grain of
patience--very heavily on his hands. It had all been a great worry and, on his
own part doubtless, a series of blunders, but he immensely pitied the poor chicks
and had done all he could; had in particular sent them down to his other house,
the proper place for them being of course the country, and kept them there, from
the first, with the best people he could find to look after them, parting even with
his own servants to wait on them and going down himself, whenever he might,
to see how they were doing. The awkward thing was that they had practically no
other relations and that his own affairs took up all his time. He had put them in
possession of Bly, which was healthy and secure, and had placed at the head of
their little establishment-- but below stairs only--an excellent woman, Mrs.
Grose, whom he was sure his visitor would like and who had formerly been
maid to his mother. She was now housekeeper and was also acting for the time
as superintendent to the little girl, of whom, without children of her own, she
was, by good luck, extremely fond. There were plenty of people to help, but of
course the young lady who should go down as governess would be in supreme
authority. She would also have, in holidays, to look after the small boy, who had
been for a term at school--young as he was to be sent, but what else could be
done?--and who, as the holidays were about to begin, would be back from one
day to the other. There had been for the two children at first a young lady whom
they had had the misfortune to lose. She had done for them quite beautifully--
she was a most respectable person-- till her death, the great awkwardness of
afterward: (adv, conj) then, after that; gracefulness, grace, comfort, fearfully: (adv) timidly, timorously,
(adv) thereafter, afterwards, later, coordination, pride, urbanity, ease, awfully, apprehensively,
subsequently, later on, next, soon; assurance, liveliness, confidence, horrendously, hideously, anxiously,
(adj) following; (n) future. cooperation. appallingly, terribly; (adj, adv)
ANTONYMS: (adv) now, previously, chicks: (n) brood. shockingly, dreadfully. ANTONYMS:
before. favor: (n, v) countenance, aid, grace, (adv) bravely, calmly, confidently,
awkwardness: (n) embarrassment, support, benefit, boon; (adj, n) wonderfully, rationally,
stiffness, unwieldiness, kindness; (n) advantage; (v) befriend, unconcernedly.
inconvenience, gawkiness, encourage, patronize. ANTONYMS: governess: (n) chaperon, preceptress,
inelegance, troublesomeness, (v) hinder, contradict, dislike, hurt, nanny, trainer, tutor, professor,
ineptitude, ineptness, gaucherie; (adj, differ, thwart, reject, demean; (n) lecturer, rectoress, educator, rectrix,
n) delicacy. ANTONYMS: (n) derogation, disapproval, unkindness. instructress.
Henry James 9
which had, precisely, left no alternative but the school for little Miles. Mrs. Grose,
since then, in the way of manners and things, had done as she could for Flora;
and there were, further, a cook, a housemaid, a dairywoman, an old pony, an old
groom, and an old gardener, all likewise thoroughly respectable.%
So far had Douglas presented his picture when someone put a question. "And
what did the former governess die of?--of so much respectability?"
Our friend's answer was prompt. "That will come out. I don't anticipate."
"Excuse me--I thought that was just what you are doing."
"In her successor's place," I suggested, "I should have wished to learn if the
office brought with it--"
"Necessary danger to life?" Douglas completed my thought. "She did wish to
learn, and she did learn. You shall hear tomorrow what she learned.
Meanwhile, of course, the prospect struck her as slightly grim. She was young,
untried, nervous: it was a vision of serious duties and little company, of really
great loneliness. She hesitated--took a couple of days to consult and consider.
But the salary offered much exceeded her modest measure, and on a second
interview she faced the music, she engaged." And Douglas, with this, made a
pause that, for the benefit of the company, moved me to throw in--
"The moral of which was of course the seduction exercised by the splendid
young man. She succumbed to it."
He got up and, as he had done the night before, went to the fire, gave a stir to
a log with his foot, then stood a moment with his back to us. "She saw him only
"Yes, but that's just the beauty of her passion."
A little to my surprise, on this, Douglas turned round to me. "It was the
beauty of it. There were others," he went on, "who hadn't succumbed. He told
her frankly all his difficulty-- that for several applicants the conditions had been
prohibitive. They were, somehow, simply afraid. It sounded dull--it sounded
strange; and all the more so because of his main condition."
groom: (n) equerry, bridegroom, cheerfulness, hopefulness. seduction: (n) allurement, attraction,
stableman, hostler; (v) prepare, dress, prohibitive: (adj) preventative, temptation, enticement, lure,
arrange, train, coach, tidy, curry. preventive, exclusive, restrictive, conquest, persuasion, seducement;
housemaid: (n) amah, maid, proscriptive, repressive, elevated, (adj) fascination, enchantment,
handmaiden, handmaid, difficult, extraordinary, extreme, witchery.
maidservant, cleaning woman, girl, great. sounded: (adj) measured, oral.
ayah, charwoman, biddy, maiden. prompt: (adj) agile, quick, nimble, untried: (adj) raw, new, untested,
loneliness: (n) desolation, aloneness, punctual, expeditious; (v) actuate, unseasoned, fresh, untrodden,
isolation, solitariness, lonesomeness, incite, inspire, move, instigate; (adj, v) unsalted, young, unverified,
bleakness, forlornness, desolateness, fleet. ANTONYMS: (adj) late, untouched; (v) undetermined.
temperament, unhappiness; (adj, n) uncertain; (v) discourage, hinder, ANTONYMS: (adj) proven, seasoned,
solitude. ANTONYMS: (n) inclusion, halt. familiar, experienced.
10 The Turn of the Screw
"Which was--?"
"That she should never trouble him--but never, never: neither appeal nor
complain nor write about anything; only meet all questions herself, receive all
moneys from his solicitor, take the whole thing over and let him alone. She
promised to do this, and she mentioned to me that when, for a moment,
disburdened, delighted, he held her hand, thanking her for the sacrifice, she
already felt rewarded."
"But was that all her reward?" one of the ladies asked.%
"She never saw him again."
"Oh!" said the lady; which, as our friend immediately left us again, was the
only other word of importance contributed to the subject till, the next night, by
the corner of the hearth, in the best chair, he opened the faded red cover of a thin
old-fashioned gilt-edged album. The whole thing took indeed more nights than
one, but on the first occasion the same lady put another question. "What is your
"I haven't one."
"Oh, I have!" I said. But Douglas, without heeding me, had begun to read
with a fine clearness that was like a rendering to the ear of the beauty of his
author's hand.
clearness: (n) clarity, brightness, faded: (adj) pale, bleached, dull, rendering: (n) interpretation,
distinctness, perspicuity, lucidity, exhausted, faint, washy, withered, translation, rendition, reading,
explicitness, sharpness, simplicity, colorless, discoloured, attenuate; (adj, representation, version, interpreting,
purity, limpidity, intelligibility. v) dilapidated. ANTONYMS: (adj) depiction, execution, construction,
ANTONYMS: (n) ambiguity, opacity, vivid, Colored, colorful, fresh, explanation.
dirtiness, vagueness, unclearness, vigorous, strong, bright. sacrifice: (n, v) oblation, forfeit; (v)
obscureness, indistinctness, clutter, gilt-edged: (adj) elite, fine. offer, immolate, offer up, give, give
haziness, mustiness. hearth: (n) fire, oven, fireside, stove, up, relinquish; (n) immolation, loss,
contributed: (adj) collatitious, unpaid. chimney, focus, furnace, dwelling, forfeiture.
disburdened: (adj) disembarrassed, kiln, home, abode. thanking: (n) curtain call,
disencumbered, unburdened, moneys: (n) finances, means, funds. appreciation, acknowledgement,
unembarrassed. nights: (adj) nightly; (n) night. blessing.
Henry James 11
afresh: (adv) again, newly, over again, ANTONYMS: (adj) small, cowardice, frailty, impatience.
new, once again, freshly, once more, uncomfortable, tight, incommodious, reprieve: (n, v) pause, postponement,
often; (adj) the other day, just now, confined, squeezed. pardon, stay; (n) relief, delay,
only yesterday. curtsy: (n, v) bob, curtsey; (adj, n, v) abatement, remission, grace; (v)
clustered: (adj) agglomerated, courtesy, kowtow; (v) nod, kneel, remit, adjournment. ANTONYM: (n)
agglomerative, bunched, bunchy, bow submission, recognize; (n) charge.
gregarious, concentrated, obeisance; (adj) salaam, kotow. rooks: (n) etc, robins, order
conglomerate, collective. drops: (n) tear. Passeriformes, Passeriformes.
commodious: (adj) capacious, wide, fortitude: (n) bravery, endurance, grit, seesaw: (v) totter, wave, wobble,
roomy, spacious, comfortable, pluck, backbone, determination, swing, shake, waver, vacillate, beat,
voluminous, extensive, useful, large; tenacity, firmness, strength; (adj, n) lurch, fluctuate, pitch. ANTONYM:
(adj, v) convenient, easy. guts, spunk. ANTONYMS: (n) (v) stabilize.
12 The Turn of the Screw
narrower notion of the place, and that, as I recalled it, made me think the
proprietor still more of a gentleman, suggested that what I was to enjoy might be
something beyond his promise.%
I had no drop again till the next day, for I was carried triumphantly through
the following hours by my introduction to the younger of my pupils. The little
girl who accompanied Mrs. Grose appeared to me on the spot a creature so
charming as to make it a great fortune to have to do with her. She was the most
beautiful child I had ever seen, and I afterward wondered that my employer had
not told me more of her. I slept little that night--I was too much excited; and this
astonished me, too, I recollect, remained with me, adding to my sense of the
liberality with which I was treated. The large, impressive room, one of the best
in the house, the great state bed, as I almost felt it, the full, figured draperies, the
long glasses in which, for the first time, I could see myself from head to foot, all
struck me--like the extraordinary charm of my small charge--as so many things
thrown in. It was thrown in as well, from the first moment, that I should get on
with Mrs. Grose in a relation over which, on my way, in the coach, I fear I had
rather brooded. The only thing indeed that in this early outlook might have
made me shrink again was the clear circumstance of her being so glad to see me.
I perceived within half an hour that she was so glad--stout, simple, plain, clean,
wholesome woman-- as to be positively on her guard against showing it too
much. I wondered even then a little why she should wish not to show it, and
that, with reflection, with suspicion, might of course have made me uneasy.
But it was a comfort that there could be no uneasiness in a connection with
anything so beatific as the radiant image of my little girl, the vision of whose
angelic beauty had probably more than anything else to do with the restlessness
that, before morning, made me several times rise and wander about my room to
take in the whole picture and prospect; to watch, from my open window, the
faint summer dawn, to look at such portions of the rest of the house as I could
catch, and to listen, while, in the fading dusk, the first birds began to twitter, for
the possible recurrence of a sound or two, less natural and not without, but
within, that I had fancied I heard. There had been a moment when I believed I
angelic: (adj) cherubic, heavenly, munificence, benevolence, agitation, insomnia; (adj, n)
seraphic, virtuous, celestial, beautiful, beneficence, generousness, tolerance; nervousness. ANTONYMS: (n) calm,
angelical, divine, good, holy, saintly. (adj) largesse, gift. ANTONYM: (n) contentment, restfulness, peace.
ANTONYMS: (adj) devilish, illiberality. twitter: (n, v) cheep, chirrup, peep,
demonic, dark, wicked. recollect: (v) recall, remember, flutter, warble, trill, quiver, squeak;
beatific: (adj) blessed, blissful, elysian, recognize, call to mind, remind, (n) thrill; (v) tweet, chitter.
heavenly, saintly, celestial, good, mind, think, call up, reminisce, uneasiness: (n) disquiet, discomfort,
angelical, beatifical, joyful, joyous. refresh, retrieve. ANTONYM: (v) inquietude, anxiety, unease, malaise,
figured: (adj) figurative, glyptic, forget. disquietude, apprehension, unrest,
conjectural, implied. restlessness: (n) anxiety, disquiet, impatience; (n, v) agitation.
liberality: (n, v) charity, almsgiving; impatience, fidget, uneasiness, ANTONYMS: (n) peace, calm,
(adj, n) bounty; (n) largess, disquietude, unrest, fidgetiness, confidence.
Henry James 13
recognized, faint and far, the cry of a child; there had been another when I found
myself just consciously starting as at the passage, before my door, of a light
footstep. But these fancies were not marked enough not to be thrown off, and it
is only in the light, or the gloom, I should rather say, of other and subsequent
matters that they now come back to me. To watch, teach, "form" little Flora
would too evidently be the making of a happy and useful life. It had been
agreed between us downstairs that after this first occasion I should have her as a
matter of course at night, her small white bed being already arranged, to that
end, in my room. What I had undertaken was the whole care of her, and she had
remained, just this last time, with Mrs. Grose only as an effect of our
consideration for my inevitable strangeness and her natural timidity. In spite of
this timidity-- which the child herself, in the oddest way in the world, had been
perfectly frank and brave about, allowing it, without a sign of uncomfortable
consciousness, with the deep, sweet serenity indeed of one of Raphael's holy
infants, to be discussed, to be imputed to her, and to determine us-- I feel quite
sure she would presently like me. It was part of what I already liked Mrs. Grose
herself for, the pleasure I could see her feel in my admiration and wonder as I sat
at supper with four tall candles and with my pupil, in a high chair and a bib,
brightly facing me, between them, over bread and milk. There were naturally
things that in Flora's presence could pass between us only as prodigious and
gratified looks, obscure and roundabout allusions.%
"And the little boy--does he look like her? Is he too so very remarkable?"
One wouldn't flatter a child. "Oh, miss, most remarkable. If you think well of
this one!"--and she stood there with a plate in her hand, beaming at our
companion, who looked from one of us to the other with placid heavenly eyes
that contained nothing to check us.
"Yes; if I do--?"
"You will be carried away by the little gentleman!"
"Well, that, I think, is what I came for--to be carried away. I'm afraid,
however," I remember feeling the impulse to add, "I'm rather easily carried away.
I was carried away in London!"
fancies: (n) stock. immense, gargantuan; (adj, v) quaintness, peculiarity, curiousness,
footstep: (n) pace, footfall, track, monstrous. ANTONYMS: (adj) abnormality, weirdness, foreignness,
footmark, vestige, tread, trail, stride, unexceptional, normal, average, tiny, queerness, singularity, quirk.
degree; (n, v) step, action. weak. ANTONYMS: (n) familiarity,
gratified: (adj) glad, satisfied, pleased, serenity: (n) quiet, peace, calm, nativeness.
delighted, happy, thankful, grateful, quietness, equanimity, calmness, timidity: (n) shyness, fear,
content, complacent, comfortable, quietude, repose; (adj, n) composure, bashfulness, nervousness, reserve,
cheerful. tranquility, placidity. ANTONYMS: cowardice, fearfulness, timidness,
infants: (n) brood. (n) anxiety, uproar, chaos, anger, modesty, humility, coyness.
prodigious: (adj) gigantic, enormous, panic, bustle, disturbance, ANTONYMS: (n) confidence,
huge, phenomenal, portentous, impatience, turbulence, turmoil. boastfulness, swagger, brashness,
stupendous, exceptional, colossal, strangeness: (n) oddity, oddness, security.
14 The Turn of the Screw
I can still see Mrs. Grose's broad face as she took this in. "In Harley Street?"%
"In Harley Street."
"Well, miss, you're not the first--and you won't be the last."
"Oh, I've no pretension," I could laugh, "to being the only one. My other
pupil, at any rate, as I understand, comes back tomorrow?"
"Not tomorrow--Friday, miss. He arrives, as you did, by the coach, under
care of the guard, and is to be met by the same carriage."
I forthwith expressed that the proper as well as the pleasant and friendly
thing would be therefore that on the arrival of the public conveyance I should be
in waiting for him with his little sister; an idea in which Mrs. Grose concurred so
heartily that I somehow took her manner as a kind of comforting pledge--never
falsified, thank heaven!--that we should on every question be quite at one. Oh,
she was glad I was there!
What I felt the next day was, I suppose, nothing that could be fairly called a
reaction from the cheer of my arrival; it was probably at the most only a slight
oppression produced by a fuller measure of the scale, as I walked round them,
gazed up at them, took them in, of my new circumstances. They had, as it were,
an extent and mass for which I had not been prepared and in the presence of
which I found myself, freshly, a little scared as well as a little proud. Lessons, in
this agitation, certainly suffered some delay; I reflected that my first duty was, by
the gentlest arts I could contrive, to win the child into the sense of knowing me. I
spent the day with her out-of-doors; I arranged with her, to her great satisfaction,
that it should be she, she only, who might show me the place. She showed it step
by step and room by room and secret by secret, with droll, delightful, childish
talk about it and with the result, in half an hour, of our becoming immense
friends. Young as she was, I was struck, throughout our little tour, with her
confidence and courage with the way, in empty chambers and dull corridors, on
crooked staircases that made me pause and even on the summit of an old
machicolated square tower that made me dizzy, her morning music, her
disposition to tell me so many more things than she asked, rang out and led me
contrive: (v) plan, invent, design, indirect. ANTONYMS: (adj) straight, fallacious, deceptive. ANTONYM:
concoct, devise, cast, concert, honest, principled, even, aboveboard, (adj) reliable.
excogitate, frame, formulate; (n, v) lawful, level, moral, flat, aligned, heartily: (adv) cordially, sincerely,
manage. ANTONYMS: (v) demolish, honorable. enthusiastically, warmly, strongly,
destroy, ruin, waste, wreck, fail. droll: (adj) comical, humorous, funny, earnestly, vigorously, ardently,
conveyance: (n) transfer, vehicle, laughable, burlesque, ludicrous, soundly, devoutly, eagerly.
assignment, alienation, transference, ridiculous; (adj, n) comic, witty; (n) ANTONYMS: (adv) feebly,
delivery, transportation, negotiation, buffoon, clown. ANTONYMS: (adj) languorously.
portage; (n, v) carriage, ecstasy. dramatic, dull, grave, tragic, solemn. machicolated: (v) castellated,
crooked: (adj) bent, corrupt, dishonest, falsified: (adj) fake, false, invented, loopholed; (adj) casemated.
curved, unfair, deformed; (adj, n, v) untrustworthy, made up, pretended, out-of-doors: (n) outdoors, outside;
awry; (adj, v) irregular, askew, wry, untrue, inaccurate, threadbare, (adj) airy; (adv) without.
Henry James 15
on. % I have not seen Bly since the day I left it, and I daresay that to my older and
more informed eyes it would now appear sufficiently contracted. But as my little
conductress, with her hair of gold and her frock of blue, danced before me round
corners and pattered down passages, I had the view of a castle of romance
inhabited by a rosy sprite, such a place as would somehow, for diversion of the
young idea, take all color out of storybooks and fairytales. Wasn't it just a
storybook over which I had fallen adoze and adream? No; it was a big, ugly,
antique, but convenient house, embodying a few features of a building still older,
half-replaced and half-utilized, in which I had the fancy of our being almost as
lost as a handful of passengers in a great drifting ship. Well, I was, strangely, at
the helm!
color: (n, v) flush, blush, tint, tinge, hilt, halm; (v) helmet. bright, roseate, ruddy, fortunate,
paint, stain; (adj, n, v) colour; (v) inhabited: (v) populous, full of people, flushed, pink. ANTONYMS: (adj)
redden; (n) guise, complexion; (adj, n) arrayed, clothed, dressed, gloomy, depressing, hopeless,
tone. ANTONYMS: (v) discolor, pale, accustomed, habited; (adj, v) peopled; unpromising.
show, whiten, untwist, denote, (adj) occupied, settled, housing. sprite: (n) fairy, imp, pixie, gnome,
depict, represent, blanch, blench. ANTONYMS: (adj) unoccupied, faerie, leprechaun, brownie, hob,
daresay: (v) assume, deem. uninhabited, business. ghost, nymph, dwarf. ANTONYM:
frock: (n) dress, gown, clothing, attire, romance: (n) love affair, fiction, story, (n) unfairness.
robe, kirtle, habit, clothes, coat, figment, intrigue, affair, tale, vagary; storybook: (adj) unreal, fabled,
chemise, caftan. (v) flirt, court, exaggerate. fabulous, happy, legendary,
helm: (n) wheel, haft, handle, tiller, rosy: (adj) hopeful, blooming, mythical, mythological, fictional.
shank, rudder, steering wheel, shaft, optimistic, auspicious, promising, ANTONYMS: (adj) factual, historical.
Henry James 17
This came home to me when, two days later, I drove over with Flora to meet, as
Mrs. Grose said, the little gentleman; and all the more for an incident that,
presenting itself the second evening, had deeply disconcerted me. The first day
had been, on the whole, as I have expressed, reassuring; but I was to see it wind
up in keen apprehension. The postbag, that evening--it came late--contained a
letter for me, which, however, in the hand of my employer, I found to be
composed but of a few words enclosing another, addressed to himself, with a
seal still unbroken. "This, I recognize, is from the headmaster, and the
headmaster's an awful bore. Read him, please; deal with him; but mind you don't
report. Not a word. I'm off!" I broke the seal with a great effort-- so great a one
that I was a long time coming to it; took the unopened missive at last up to my
room and only attacked it just before going to bed. I had better have let it wait
till morning, for it gave me a second sleepless night. With no counsel to take, the
next day, I was full of distress; and it finally got so the better of me that I
determined to open myself at least to Mrs. Grose.%
"What does it mean? The child's dismissed his school."
She gave me a look that I remarked at the moment; then, visibly, with a quick
blankness, seemed to try to take it back. "But aren't they all--?"
"Sent home--yes. But only for the holidays. Miles may never go back at all."
attacked: (adj) assaulted, corroded. dismissed: (adj) discharged, presenting: (adj) featuring.
blankness: (n) void, emptiness, unemployed, clear, convalescent. sleepless: (adj) insomniac, lidless,
vacancy, nothingness, space, enclosing: (n) enclose, inclosure, vigilant, wakeful, awake, watchful,
bareness, inanition, vacuity, vacuum, boxing, encasement, introduction, disturbed, alert, unquiet, uneasy,
disbelief, barrenness. insertion, intromission, surrounding, restive.
disconcerted: (adj) confused, incasement, grip, envelopment. unbroken: (adj) continuous, entire,
confounded, bewildered, blank, missive: (n) epistle, note, message, complete, continual, constant, intact,
embarrassed, disturbed, troubled, communication, billet, incessant, endless, whole, undivided,
worried, ashamed, discombobulated, memorandum, encyclical, solid. ANTONYMS: (adj)
bemused. ANTONYMS: (adj) correspondence, alphabetic character, intermittent, temporary, plowed,
composed, soothed, unabashed, correpondence, circular. discontinuous, disturbed, sporadic,
relaxed. postbag: (n) mail pouch, bag. partial.
18 The Turn of the Screw
absurdity: (n) absurdness, nonsense, advocate, adviser, attorney, unsure; (adv) falteringly.
silliness, nonsensicality, consultant, lawyer, guide, mentor, ANTONYMS: (adj) decided, firm,
meaninglessness, illogicality, supervisor, teacher. eloquent, decisive, sure.
stupidity, folly, fatuity, idiocy, deepen: (v) intensify, amplify, reddened: (adj) red, ablaze, aflame,
preposterousness. ANTONYMS: (n) develop, rise, redouble, heighten, flushed, crimson, inflamed, blazing,
logic, reasonableness, worthiness, strengthen, raise, magnify, increase, aroused, blemished, red as scarlet,
solemnity, sensibleness. darken. ANTONYMS: (v) lower, spotty.
attenuated: (adj) weakened, shriveled, contract, shorten, reduce, lessen, sarcastically: (adv) satirically,
rawboned, marcid, barebone, tabid, decrease, lighten, diminish. mordantly, sharply, bitingly,
extenuated, diminished, reduced, faltering: (n) falter, pause, vacillation; ironically, tartly, cynically,
rare, decreased. (adj) tentative, vacillating, doubtful, scornfully, mockingly, scathingly,
counselor: (n) counsellor, advisor, irresolute, hesitant, uncertain, derisively. ANTONYM: (adv) gently.
Henry James 19
up with assurance. "You might as well believe it of the little lady. Bless her," she
added the next moment--"look at her!"
I turned and saw that Flora, whom, ten minutes before, I had established in
the schoolroom with a sheet of white paper, a pencil, and a copy of nice "round
o's," now presented herself to view at the open door. She expressed in her little
way an extraordinary detachment from disagreeable duties, looking to me,
however, with a great childish light that seemed to offer it as a mere result of the
affection she had conceived for my person, which had rendered necessary that
she should follow me. I needed nothing more than this to feel the full force of
Mrs. Grose's comparison, and, catching my pupil in my arms, covered her with
kisses in which there was a sob of atonement.%
Nonetheless, the rest of the day I watched for further occasion to approach
my colleague, especially as, toward evening, I began to fancy she rather sought
to avoid me. I overtook her, I remember, on the staircase; we went down
together, and at the bottom I detained her, holding her there with a hand on her
arm. "I take what you said to me at noon as a declaration that you've never
known him to be bad."
She threw back her head; she had clearly, by this time, and very honestly,
adopted an attitude. "Oh, never known him-- I don't pretend that!"
I was upset again. "Then you have known him--?"
"Yes indeed, miss, thank God!"
On reflection I accepted this. "You mean that a boy who never is--?"
"Is no boy for me!"
I held her tighter. "You like them with the spirit to be naughty?" Then,
keeping pace with her answer, "So do I!" I eagerly brought out. "But not to the
degree to contaminate--"
"To contaminate?"--my big word left her at a loss. I explained it. "To corrupt."
She stared, taking my meaning in; but it produced in her an odd laugh. "Are
you afraid he'll corrupt you?" She put the question with such a fine bold humor
began: (v) Gan. detachment: (n) division, dissociation, disagreeable: (adj) nasty, offensive,
catching: (adj) communicable, indifference, corps, rupture, uncomfortable, distasteful,
infectious, epidemic, gripping, contingent, disjunction, aloofness, cantankerous, cross, ungrateful,
transferable, zymotic; (n) discovery, seclusion, rift; (n, v) party. abhorrent, horrible, bad, painful.
take, playing, uncovering, getting. ANTONYMS: (n) involvement, ANTONYMS: (adj) pleasant, friendly,
ANTONYM: (adj) noncommunicable. attachment, interest, bias, bond, amiable, inoffensive, acceptable,
childish: (adj) childlike, naive, friendliness, union, affection, desirable, easygoing, happy,
babyish, immature, simple, puerile, approachability, connection, warmth. pleasing, sweet, nice.
infantile, juvenile, silly, frivolous, detained: (adj) seized, locked up, overtook: (v) overtake.
young. ANTONYMS: (adj) sensible, jailed, intransitive, tardy, inside, pencil: (n) beam, Pleiades, gleam,
old, wise, adult, jaded. caged, captive, behind bars; (n) in light, group, cluster; (v) brush, draw,
conceived: (adj) formed. prison, under arrest. design, paint, limn draw.
20 The Turn of the Screw
that, with a laugh, a little silly doubtless, to match her own, I gave way for the
time to the apprehension of ridicule.%
But the next day, as the hour for my drive approached, I cropped up in
another place. "What was the lady who was here before?"
"The last governess? She was also young and pretty-- almost as young and
almost as pretty, miss, even as you."
"Ah, then, I hope her youth and her beauty helped her!" I recollect throwing
off. "He seems to like us young and pretty!"
"Oh, he did," Mrs. Grose assented: "it was the way he liked everyone!" She
had no sooner spoken indeed than she caught herself up. "I mean that's his way--
the master's."
I was struck. "But of whom did you speak first?"
She looked blank, but she colored. "Why, of him."
"Of the master?"
"Of who else?"
There was so obviously no one else that the next moment I had lost my
impression of her having accidentally said more than she meant; and I merely
asked what I wanted to know. "Did she see anything in the boy--?"
"That wasn't right? She never told me."
I had a scruple, but I overcame it. "Was she careful--particular?"
Mrs. Grose appeared to try to be conscientious. "About some things--yes."
"But not about all?"
Again she considered. "Well, miss--she's gone. I won't tell tales."
"I quite understand your feeling," I hastened to reply; but I thought it, after
an instant, not opposed to this concession to pursue: "Did she die here?"
"No--she went off."
I don't know what there was in this brevity of Mrs. Grose's that struck me as
ambiguous. "Went off to die?" Mrs. Grose looked straight out of the window,
appeared: (n) appearing. abruptness, crispness, duration, strict; (adj, v) ethical, moral.
apprehension: (n) alarm, economy, length, brevities. ANTONYMS: (adj) sloppy,
comprehension, dread, misgiving, ANTONYMS: (n) lengthiness, length. unconscientious, immoral,
understanding, capture, foreboding, colored: (adj) chromatic, black, tinged, irresponsible, unscrupulous,
arrest, trepidation; (n, v) doubt, tinted, colorful, dyed, coloured, conscienceless, corrupt, dishonest,
appreciation. ANTONYMS: (n) partial, dark, bleached, biased. inexact, slack, slipshod.
release, confidence, calmness, ANTONYMS: (adj) truthful, white, cropped: (adj) close.
tranquility, freeing, uncolored, unbiased, pale, objective, hastened: (adj) careless.
misunderstanding, peace, relief, honest, genuine, real. scruple: (adj, v) hesitate, demur, pause;
bravery, calm, equanimity. conscientious: (adj) scrupulous, (n) hesitation, qualm, misgiving,
brevity: (n) briefness, shortness, painstaking, honest, thorough, distrust, objection; (n, v) mistrust; (v)
succinctness, transience, terseness, meticulous, dutiful, close, principled, falter, question.
Henry James 21
but I felt that, hypothetically, I had a right to know what young persons
engaged for Bly were expected to do. "She was taken ill, you mean, and went
"She was not taken ill, so far as appeared, in this house. She left it, at the end
of the year, to go home, as she said, for a short holiday, to which the time she had
put in had certainly given her a right. We had then a young woman-- a
nursemaid who had stayed on and who was a good girl and clever; and she took
the children altogether for the interval. But our young lady never came back,
and at the very moment I was expecting her I heard from the master that she was
I turned this over. "But of what?"
"He never told me! But please, miss," said Mrs. Grose, "I must get to my
altogether: (adv) absolutely, all, engaged: (adj) occupied, betrothed, putatively, imaginarily,
wholly, perfectly, purely, all in all, employed, affianced, engrossed, suppositionally, conjecturally,
completely, entirely, totally, simply, reserved, absorbed, working, academically, notionally,
ensemble. ANTONYMS: (adv) pledged, involved, committed. conditionally, assumptively.
incompletely, partially. ANTONYMS: (adj) free, unengaged, interval: (n) intermission, interruption,
clever: (adj) capable, acute, intelligent, unemployed, uncommitted, distance, break, interlude, hiatus,
able, apt, expert, skillful, cunning, unattached, single, detached, idle. interim, pause, period, respite, gap.
sharp; (adj, v) brilliant, smart. expecting: (adj) pregnant, confident, ANTONYM: (n) intensification.
ANTONYMS: (adj) clumsy, with child, heavy, hopeful; (n) family nursemaid: (n) nanny, dry nurse,
unintelligent, dim, dull, inept, thick, way. mammy, amah, nursery maid, parlor
naive, idiotic, moronic, incompetent, hypothetically: (adv) supposedly, maid, woman, scullery maid, waiting
open. speculatively, presumptively, maid, keeper, adult female.
Henry James 23
Her %thus turning her back on me was fortunately not, for my just
preoccupations, a snub that could check the growth of our mutual esteem. We
met, after I had brought home little Miles, more intimately than ever on the
ground of my stupefaction, my general emotion: so monstrous was I then ready
to pronounce it that such a child as had now been revealed to me should be
under an interdict. I was a little late on the scene, and I felt, as he stood wistfully
looking out for me before the door of the inn at which the coach had put him
down, that I had seen him, on the instant, without and within, in the great glow
of freshness, the same positive fragrance of purity, in which I had, from the first
moment, seen his little sister. He was incredibly beautiful, and Mrs. Grose had
put her finger on it: everything but a sort of passion of tenderness for him was
swept away by his presence. What I then and there took him to my heart for
was something divine that I have never found to the same degree in any child--
his indescribable little air of knowing nothing in the world but love. It would
have been impossible to carry a bad name with a greater sweetness of innocence,
and by the time I had got back to Bly with him I remained merely bewildered--so
far, that is, as I was not outraged-- by the sense of the horrible letter locked up in
my room, in a drawer. As soon as I could compass a private word with Mrs.
Grose I declared to her that it was grotesque.
She promptly understood me. "You mean the cruel charge--?"
freshness: (adj) coolness; (n) interdict: (n, v) ban, veto; (v) forbid, shock, bewilderment, perplexity,
impertinence, gall, greenness, enjoin, inhibit, prohibit, proscribe, surprise, awe, grogginess,
impudence, insolence, newness, debar, outlaw; (n) embargo, semiconsciousness.
viridity, originality, crust, crispness. prohibition. ANTONYM: (v) allow. swept: (adj) clean.
ANTONYMS: (n) oldness, clutter, snub: (n, v) repulse, insult, cut, slight, took: (adj) taken; (v) receive.
humidity, mustiness. put down; (v) disregard, offend, wistfully: (adv) pensively,
indescribable: (adj) indefinable, ignore, check, humiliate; (n) rebuke. meditatively, desirously, longingly,
ineffable, unutterable, vague, beyond ANTONYMS: (v) accept, yearningly, broodingly, reflectively,
expression, nameless, inexpressible, acknowledge, notice, boost, include; wishfully, melancholy, thoughtfully,
nondescript, terrible, intangible, (n) acceptance. nostalgically. ANTONYM: (adv)
termless. ANTONYMS: (adj) stupefaction: (adj, n) stupor; (n) contentedly.
explainable, conceivable, concrete. astonishment, daze, amazement,
24 The Turn of the Screw
aloft: (adj, adv) overhead; (adv) up, on esteem, pride, assumption, egotism, fascination, enchantment, gross
high, over, aloof, upwards, uphill, fancy, haughtiness, conception, credulity; (adj, n) passion, fervor,
above ground; (prep) upon; (adj) caprice, quip. ANTONYMS: (n) fanaticism; (n) crush, idolatry, love,
eminent, lofty. humility, timidity, selflessness, hobby. ANTONYM: (n) indifference.
ardently: (adv) fervently, warmly, humbleness, reserve. morrow: (n) morning, future, mean
eagerly, intensely, fierily, avidly, embraced: (adj) popular. solar day, day.
enthusiastically, burningly, incisive: (adj, n) acute, cutting, sisters: (n) sistren.
zealously, fervidly; (adj, adv) hotly. piercing, smart, quick; (adj) pungent, smothered: (adj) strangled, stifled,
ANTONYMS: (adv) indifferently, keen, penetrating, pointed, poignant, smothers, pent-up, covered.
apathetically, unenthusiastically, discriminating. ANTONYMS: (adj) teachings: (n) education, order,
halfheartedly, calmly. unintelligent, dull, stupid. wisdom, instruction, information,
conceit: (n) pretension, vanity, self- infatuation: (adj) devotion, direction, command, tradition.
Henry James 25
It was the first time, in a manner, that I had known space and air and freedom,
all the music of summer and all the mystery of nature. And then there was
consideration--and consideration was sweet. Oh, it was a trap--not designed, but
deep--to my imagination, to my delicacy, perhaps to my vanity; to whatever, in
me, was most excitable. The best way to picture it all is to say that I was off my
guard. They gave me so little trouble-- they were of a gentleness so
extraordinary. I used to speculate-- but even this with a dim disconnectedness--
as to how the rough future (for all futures are rough!) would handle them and
might bruise them. They had the bloom of health and happiness; and yet, as if I
had been in charge of a pair of little grandees, of princes of the blood, for whom
everything, to be right, would have to be enclosed and protected, the only form
that, in my fancy, the afteryears could take for them was that of a romantic, a
really royal extension of the garden and the park. It may be, of course, above all,
that what suddenly broke into this gives the previous time a charm of stillness--
that hush in which something gathers or crouches. The change was actually like
the spring of a beast.%
In the first weeks the days were long; they often, at their finest, gave me what
I used to call my own hour, the hour when, for my pupils, teatime and bedtime
having come and gone, I had, before my final retirement, a small interval alone.
Much as I liked my companions, this hour was the thing in the day I liked most;
and I liked it best of all when, as the light faded--or rather, I should say, the day
lingered and the last calls of the last birds sounded, in a flushed sky, from the old
trees-- I could take a turn into the grounds and enjoy, almost with a sense of
property that amused and flattered me, the beauty and dignity of the place. It
was a pleasure at these moments to feel myself tranquil and justified; doubtless,
perhaps, also to reflect that by my discretion, my quiet good sense and general
high propriety, I was giving pleasure-- if he ever thought of it!--to the person to
whose pressure I had responded. What I was doing was what he had earnestly
hoped and directly asked of me, and that I could, after all, do it proved even a
greater joy than I had expected. I daresay I fancied myself, in short, a remarkable
young woman and took comfort in the faith that this would more publicly
amused: (adj) amusing, smiling, unexcitable, calm, unflappable, propriety: (adj, n) decency, modesty,
tickled pink, pleased, diverted. easygoing, easy, tranquil, reliable, correctness, aptitude; (n) decorum,
bedtime: (n) night, gloaming, going mild. fitness, etiquette, civility, grace,
down of the sun, dewy eve. flattered: (adj) pleased. politeness, manners. ANTONYMS:
bruise: (n, v) hurt, wound; (v) crush, gentleness: (adj, n) kindness, courtesy, (n) impropriety, rudeness,
pound, mash, contuse, grind, bray; benignity, compassion; (n) kindliness, unsuitableness, indecorum,
(n) contusion, hematoma; (adj, n) lenity, mildness, sweetness, softness, decadence, tactlessness, corruption,
buffet. benevolence, mercy. ANTONYMS: vulgarity, indecency.
excitable: (adj) nervous, irritable, (n) severity, harshness, fierceness, teatime: (n) tea, suppertime, camellia
combustible, hasty, edgy, fiery, cruelty, ferocity, brusqueness, sinensis, chowtime, lunchtime, meal,
sensitive, volatile, passionate, warm, abruptness, rage, callousness, afternoon, repast, tea leaf, mealtime.
quick. ANTONYMS: (adj) sharpness, roughness.
26 The Turn of the Screw
crenelated: (adj) crenellated, incongruous: (adj) inappropriate, prematurely; (adj, adv) headlong.
battlemented, castled, crenelate, improper, absurd, inapt, ANTONYM: (adv) deliberately.
indented, fancy, embattled, incompatible, conflicting, pretentious: (adj) showy, pompous,
crenellate, cleft, fancier. inconsistent, incoherent, inexpedient; affected, presumptuous, arrogant,
disengaged: (adj) vacant, unemployed, (adj, n) contradictory, dissonant. snobbish, grandiose, ambitious; (adj,
disentangled, free, freed, ANTONYMS: (adj) appropriate, v) boastful, stilted, conceited.
untrammelled, devoid, unreserved, befitting, consistent, reasonable. ANTONYMS: (adj) natural,
detached, liberated, loosened. noting: (adj) conscious. unostentatious, unpretentious,
gingerbread: (adj) bedizened, extra, precipitately: (adv) rashly, humble, ordinary, unaffected,
fancy; (v) flimsy, unsubstantial, immediately, instantly, passionately, straightforward, restrained.
insubstantial; (n) ornament, trim, rapidly, precipitously, impetuously, redeemed: (adj) ransomed, blessed.
embellishment, frill, garnish. impulsively, foolhardily, wanderings: (n) peregrination.
Henry James 27
is no living view that I can hope to give. An unknown man in a lonely place is a
permitted object of fear to a young woman privately bred; and the figure that
faced me was--a few more seconds assured me--as little anyone else I knew as it
was the image that had been in my mind. I had not seen it in Harley Street--I had
not seen it anywhere. The place, moreover, in the strangest way in the world,
had, on the instant, and by the very fact of its appearance, become a solitude. To
me at least, making my statement here with a deliberation with which I have
never made it, the whole feeling of the moment returns. It was as if, while I took
in--what I did take in--all the rest of the scene had been stricken with death. I
can hear again, as I write, the intense hush in which the sounds of evening
dropped. The rooks stopped cawing in the golden sky, and the friendly hour lost,
for the minute, all its voice. But there was no other change in nature, unless
indeed it were a change that I saw with a stranger sharpness. The gold was still
in the sky, the clearness in the air, and the man who looked at me over the
battlements was as definite as a picture in a frame. That's how I thought, with
extraordinary quickness, of each person that he might have been and that he
was not. We were confronted across our distance quite long enough for me to ask
myself with intensity who then he was and to feel, as an effect of my inability to
say, a wonder that in a few instants more became intense.%
The great question, or one of these, is, afterward, I know, with regard to
certain matters, the question of how long they have lasted. Well, this matter of
mine, think what you will of it, lasted while I caught at a dozen possibilities,
none of which made a difference for the better, that I could see, in there having
been in the house--and for how long, above all?-- a person of whom I was in
ignorance. It lasted while I just bridled a little with the sense that my office
demanded that there should be no such ignorance and no such person. It lasted
while this visitant, at all events--and there was a touch of the strange freedom, as
I remember, in the sign of familiarity of his wearing no hat--seemed to fix me,
from his position, with just the question, just the scrutiny through the fading
light, that his own presence provoked. We were too far apart to call to each
other, but there was a moment at which, at shorter range, some challenge
between us, breaking the hush, would have been the right result of our straight
bridled: (adj) pent-up. Louden. perspicacity; (adj, n) roughness.
deliberation: (n) cogitation, counsel, quickness: (n) celerity, expedition, ANTONYMS: (n) dullness, haziness,
debate, caution, thought, advisement, promptness, alacrity, agility, speed, softness, slowness, indistinctness,
attention, contemplation, dispatch, dexterity, fleetness, hurry, gentleness, evenness, courtesy,
consultation; (adj, n) calculation, readiness. ANTONYMS: (n) blandness, stupidity, kindness.
circumspection. ANTONYMS: (n) awkwardness, delay, ineptness. shorter: (adj) smaller, inferior.
thoughtlessness, carelessness, returns: (n, v) proceeds, income, stricken: (adj) smitten, struck, beaten,
impetuosity, distraction, rashness. profits; (n) earnings, return, census, laid low, affected, hurt, low,
hush: (adj, n, v) calm, silence, quiet, take, revenue, wage, takings, result. impaired, dotty; (v) heavy laden,
still, lull; (n) peace; (v) shut up, gag, sharpness: (n, v) keenness, edge; (n) victimized.
quieten, muffle; (adj, v) soothe. severity, bitterness, asperity, acumen, visitant: (n) visitor, apparition,
ANTONYMS: (n) noise, turmoil; (v) poignancy, pungency, quickness, traveler, invitee, arrival, traveller.
28 The Turn of the Screw
mutual %stare. He was in one of the angles, the one away from the house, very
erect, as it struck me, and with both hands on the ledge. So I saw him as I see the
letters I form on this page; then, exactly, after a minute, as if to add to the
spectacle, he slowly changed his place--passed, looking at me hard all the while,
to the opposite corner of the platform. Yes, I had the sharpest sense that during
this transit he never took his eyes from me, and I can see at this moment the way
his hand, as he went, passed from one of the crenelations to the next. He stopped
at the other corner, but less long, and even as he turned away still markedly
fixed me. He turned away; that was all I knew.
erect: (adj) upright, vertical, markedly: (adv) particularly, solitary.
straightforward; (v) build, raise, rear, obviously, remarkably, clearly, spectacle: (n) scene, pageant, display,
construct, assemble, lift, put up, put considerably, distinctly, plainly, exhibition, phenomenon, appearance,
together. ANTONYMS: (v) dismantle, evidently, appreciably, patently; (adj, spectacles, view, wonder; (n, v) sight,
wreck, topple, level, demolish, adv) noticeably. ANTONYMS: (adv) parade. ANTONYM: (n)
destroy; (adj) prostrate, drooping, invisibly, slightly, moderately, understatement.
prone, flaccid, flat. vaguely, typically. transit: (n) passage, travel,
knew: (adj) known; (v) recognize, wist. mutual: (adj) common, communal, conveyance, movement,
ledge: (n) projection, bulge, jetty, joint, bilateral, collective, public, transportation, transport, transfer,
board, shelf, rack, bench, hummock, united, concerted, shared, alternate; public transit, lockage; (v) pass
protrusion, rim; (adj) escarpment. (adv) mutually. ANTONYMS: (adj) across, pass over.
ANTONYM: (n) depression. individual, unilateral, private, went: (v) walked, proceeded.
Henry James 29
It %was not that I didn't wait, on this occasion, for more, for I was rooted as
deeply as I was shaken. Was there a "secret" at Bly--a mystery of Udolpho or an
insane, an unmentionable relative kept in unsuspected confinement? I can't say
how long I turned it over, or how long, in a confusion of curiosity and dread, I
remained where I had had my collision; I only recall that when I re-entered the
house darkness had quite closed in. Agitation, in the interval, certainly had held
me and driven me, for I must, in circling about the place, have walked three
miles; but I was to be, later on, so much more overwhelmed that this mere dawn
of alarm was a comparatively human chill. The most singular part of it, in fact--
singular as the rest had been-- was the part I became, in the hall, aware of in
meeting Mrs. Grose. This picture comes back to me in the general train--the
impression, as I received it on my return, of the wide white panelled space,
bright in the lamplight and with its portraits and red carpet, and of the good
surprised look of my friend, which immediately told me she had missed me. It
came to me straightway, under her contact, that, with plain heartiness, mere
relieved anxiety at my appearance, she knew nothing whatever that could bear
upon the incident I had there ready for her. I had not suspected in advance that
her comfortable face would pull me up, and I somehow measured the
importance of what I had seen by my thus finding myself hesitate to mention it.
Scarce anything in the whole history seems to me so odd as this fact that my real
circling: (v) snaky, serpentine; (adj) wholeheartedness, inwardness, usual, customary.
rotating, spinning, circular, spiral, ardor, avidity, craving; (adj, n) straightway: (adv) presently,
moving; (n) circulation, circuit, hospitality. forthwith, directly, right, anon,
cycling; (adv) around. insane: (adj) foolish, daft, demented, immediately, at once, straightforth,
confinement: (n, v) childbirth, mad, delirious, lunatic, fool, promptly; (adj) straight, immediate.
delivery; (n) detention, custody, moonstruck, frantic, idiotic, nutty. unmentionable: (n) scandalous, too
restraint, internment, prison, labor, ANTONYM: (adj) sensible. bad; (adj) impermissible, impious,
containment, incarceration, arrest. singular: (adj, n) extraordinary; (adj) disreputable, execrable, forbidden,
ANTONYMS: (n) release, death, odd, individual, particular, peculiar, nameless, nefandous, taboo.
liberation. phenomenal, rare, queer, single, unsuspected: (v) unspied; (adj)
heartiness: (n) eagerness, fervor, quaint, exceptional. ANTONYMS: unimagined, covert, adventitious,
geniality, zeal, sincerity, (adj) ordinary, normal, together, unseen, unanticipated.
30 The Turn of the Screw
beginning of fear was one, as I may say, with the instinct of sparing my
companion. On the spot, accordingly, in the pleasant hall and with her eyes on
me, I, for a reason that I couldn't then have phrased, achieved an inward
resolution--offered a vague pretext for my lateness and, with the plea of the
beauty of the night and of the heavy dew and wet feet, went as soon as possible
to my room.%
Here it was another affair; here, for many days after, it was a queer affair
enough. There were hours, from day to day--or at least there were moments,
snatched even from clear duties--when I had to shut myself up to think. It was
not so much yet that I was more nervous than I could bear to be as that I was
remarkably afraid of becoming so; for the truth I had now to turn over was,
simply and clearly, the truth that I could arrive at no account whatever of the
visitor with whom I had been so inexplicably and yet, as it seemed to me, so
intimately concerned. It took little time to see that I could sound without forms
of inquiry and without exciting remark any domestic complications. The shock I
had suffered must have sharpened all my senses; I felt sure, at the end of three
days and as the result of mere closer attention, that I had not been practiced
upon by the servants nor made the object of any "game." Of whatever it was that
I knew, nothing was known around me. There was but one sane inference:
someone had taken a liberty rather gross. That was what, repeatedly, I dipped
into my room and locked the door to say to myself. We had been, collectively,
subject to an intrusion; some unscrupulous traveler, curious in old houses, had
made his way in unobserved, enjoyed the prospect from the best point of view,
and then stolen out as he came. If he had given me such a bold hard stare, that
was but a part of his indiscretion. The good thing, after all, was that we should
surely see no more of him.
This was not so good a thing, I admit, as not to leave me to judge that what,
essentially, made nothing else much signify was simply my charming work. My
charming work was just my life with Miles and Flora, and through nothing could
I so like it as through feeling that I could throw myself into it in trouble. The
attraction of my small charges was a constant joy, leading me to wonder afresh at
indiscretion: (n) foolishness, fault, punctuality, earliness. spendthrift, generous, wasteful,
rashness, inconsideration, practiced: (adj) adept, expert, skillful, extravagant.
carelessness, injudiciousness, faux versed, proficient, accomplished, traveler: (n) tourist, wayfarer, migrant,
pas, hastiness, indiscreetness, skilful, skilled, trained, practised, wanderer, itinerant, voyager,
flippancy; (adj, n) temerity. able. ANTONYMS: (adj) traveller, visitor, flier, flyer, footer.
ANTONYMS: (n) discretion, inexperienced, untrained, ANTONYM: (n) resident.
diplomacy, forethought. incompetent, clumsy, unqualified. unobserved: (adj, v) unseen; (v)
lateness: (n) slowness, delay, servants: (n) staff, suite. unheeded, unregarded, unthought of,
sluggishness, timing, dilatoriness, sparing: (adj, n) economical, saving; unperceived; (adj) ignored, not
late, slothfulness, earliness, late (adj, v) scanty, poor, chary, meager, noticed, hidden, unmarked, unnoted;
maturity, tarriance, posteriority. parsimonious, spare, moderate; (adj) (adv) secretly. ANTONYM: (adj)
ANTONYMS: (n) promptness, thrifty, careful. ANTONYMS: (adj) evident.
Henry James 31
the vanity of my original fears, the distaste I had begun by entertaining for the
probable gray prose of my office. There was to be no gray prose, it appeared, and
no long grind; so how could work not be charming that presented itself as daily
beauty? It was all the romance of the nursery and the poetry of the schoolroom. I
don't mean by this, of course, that we studied only fiction and verse; I mean I can
express no otherwise the sort of interest my companions inspired. How can I
describe that except by saying that instead of growing used to them--and it's a
marvel for a governess: I call the sisterhood to witness!--I made constant fresh
discoveries. There was one direction, assuredly, in which these discoveries
stopped: deep obscurity continued to cover the region of the boy's conduct at
school. It had been promptly given me, I have noted, to face that mystery
without a pang. Perhaps even it would be nearer the truth to say that--without a
word--he himself had cleared it up. He had made the whole charge absurd. My
conclusion bloomed there with the real rose flush of his innocence: he was only
too fine and fair for the little horrid, unclean school world, and he had paid a
price for it. I reflected acutely that the sense of such differences, such
superiorities of quality, always, on the part of the majority--which could include
even stupid, sordid headmasters-- turn infallibly to the vindictive.%
Both the children had a gentleness (it was their only fault, and it never made
Miles a muff) that kept them--how shall I express it?--almost impersonal and
certainly quite unpunishable. They were like the cherubs of the anecdote, who
had-- morally, at any rate--nothing to whack! I remember feeling with Miles in
especial as if he had had, as it were, no history. We expect of a small child a scant
one, but there was in this beautiful little boy something extraordinarily sensitive,
yet extraordinarily happy, that, more than in any creature of his age I have seen,
struck me as beginning anew each day. He had never for a second suffered. I
took this as a direct disproof of his having really been chastised. If he had been
wicked he would have "caught" it, and I should have caught it by the rebound--I
should have found the trace. I found nothing at all, and he was therefore an
angel. He never spoke of his school, never mentioned a comrade or a master; and
I, for my part, was quite too much disgusted to allude to them. Of course I was
under the spell, and the wonderful part is that, even at the time, I perfectly knew
allude: (v) advert, refer, hint, glance, disproof: (n) confutation, refutation, certainly, firmly.
intimate, suggest, touch, bring up, contradiction, rebuttal, falsification, muff: (n, v) blunder, mollycoddle, slip;
mean, notice, pertain. denial, redargution, invalidation, (v) bungle, botch, miss, flub, muck
anecdote: (n) tale, account, yarn, grounds, evidence, negation. up, bobble, fail, spoil.
narrative, story, fable, relation, ana, especial: (adj) extraordinary, special, sisterhood: (n) sorority, family
fiction, trait, gossip. specific, chief, individual, distinct, relationship, relationship, Women's
assuredly: (adv) certainly, confidently, distinctive, characteristic, Liberation, cousinhood, society,
positively, securely, indeed, appropriate, peculiar, express. fellowship, order, kinship, sistership.
definitely, undoubtedly, admittedly, ANTONYMS: (adj) general, normal, superiorities: (n) superiority.
safely, insuredly, decidedly. common, unexceptional, usual. whack: (n, v) bang, wallop, knock, hit,
begun: (adj) present. infallibly: (adv) unerringly, bash, crack, strike, smash, punch,
chastised: (adj) corrected. unfailingly, inerrably, assuredly, cuff, thump.
32 The Turn of the Screw
I was. But I gave myself up to it; it was an antidote to any pain, and I had more
pains than one. I was in receipt in these days of disturbing letters from home,
where things were not going well. But with my children, what things in the
world mattered? That was the question I used to put to my scrappy retirements. I
was dazzled by their loveliness.%
There was a Sunday--to get on--when it rained with such force and for so
many hours that there could be no procession to church; in consequence of
which, as the day declined, I had arranged with Mrs. Grose that, should the
evening show improvement, we would attend together the late service. The rain
happily stopped, and I prepared for our walk, which, through the park and by
the good road to the village, would be a matter of twenty minutes. Coming
downstairs to meet my colleague in the hall, I remembered a pair of gloves that
had required three stitches and that had received them-- with a publicity perhaps
not edifying--while I sat with the children at their tea, served on Sundays, by
exception, in that cold, clean temple of mahogany and brass, the "grown-up"
dining room. The gloves had been dropped there, and I turned in to recover
them. The day was gray enough, but the afternoon light still lingered, and it
enabled me, on crossing the threshold, not only to recognize, on a chair near the
wide window, then closed, the articles I wanted, but to become aware of a person
on the other side of the window and looking straight in. One step into the room
had sufficed; my vision was instantaneous; it was all there. The person looking
straight in was the person who had already appeared to me. He appeared thus
again with I won't say greater distinctness, for that was impossible, but with a
nearness that represented a forward stride in our intercourse and made me, as I
met him, catch my breath and turn cold. He was the same--he was the same, and
seen, this time, as he had been seen before, from the waist up, the window,
though the dining room was on the ground floor, not going down to the terrace
on which he stood. His face was close to the glass, yet the effect of this better
view was, strangely, only to show me how intense the former had been. He
remained but a few seconds-- long enough to convince me he also saw and
recognized; but it was as if I had been looking at him for years and had known
him always. Something, however, happened this time that had not happened
antidote: (n) remedy, counterpoison, discreteness, articulate sound, proximity, propinquity, presence,
antifebrile, antipoison, antivenin, separation, uncloudedness, immediacy, neighborhood, nearby.
antispasmodic, curative, corrective, dissimilarity; (adj) conspicuousness. ANTONYMS: (n) distance, farness,
answer, antitoxin, solution. ANTONYM: (n) indistinctness. remoteness.
ANTONYM: (n) venom. instantaneous: (adj) immediate, scrappy: (adj) bitty, incoherent,
dazzled: (adj) confused, dazzle, prompt, sudden, precipitate, disconnected, sketchy, fragmentary,
bewildered, blind, blinder, momentary, abrupt, precipitous, truculent, desultory, pugnacious,
fascinated, unsighted. precipitant, swift, momentaneous, disjointed, combative, aggressive.
declined: (adj) less. quick. ANTONYMS: (adj) gradual, ANTONYM: (adj) entire.
dining: (n) feeding, eating; (v) eat. delayed, considered. stride: (n, v) pace, tread, walk, stalk,
distinctness: (n) clearness, sharpness, nearness: (n) closeness, contiguity, rate, toddle, stump; (n) footstep, gait,
definition, otherness, perspicuity, vicinity, familiarity, adjacency, progress; (v) march.
Henry James 33
before; his stare into my face, through the glass and across the room, was as deep
and hard as then, but it quitted me for a moment during which I could still watch
it, see it fix successively several other things. On the spot there came to me the
added shock of a certitude that it was not for me he had come there. He had
come for someone else.%
The flash of this knowledge--for it was knowledge in the midst of dread--
produced in me the most extraordinary effect, started as I stood there, a sudden
vibration of duty and courage. I say courage because I was beyond all doubt
already far gone. I bounded straight out of the door again, reached that of the
house, got, in an instant, upon the drive, and, passing along the terrace as fast as
I could rush, turned a corner and came full in sight. But it was in sight of nothing
now--my visitor had vanished. I stopped, I almost dropped, with the real relief of
this; but I took in the whole scene--I gave him time to reappear. I call it time, but
how long was it? I can't speak to the purpose today of the duration of these
things. That kind of measure must have left me: they couldn't have lasted as
they actually appeared to me to last. The terrace and the whole place, the lawn
and the garden beyond it, all I could see of the park, were empty with a great
emptiness. There were shrubberies and big trees, but I remember the clear
assurance I felt that none of them concealed him. He was there or was not there:
not there if I didn't see him. I got hold of this; then, instinctively, instead of
returning as I had come, went to the window. It was confusedly present to me
that I ought to place myself where he had stood. I did so; I applied my face to the
pane and looked, as he had looked, into the room. As if, at this moment, to show
me exactly what his range had been, Mrs. Grose, as I had done for himself just
before, came in from the hall. With this I had the full image of a repetition of
what had already occurred. She saw me as I had seen my own visitant; she
pulled up short as I had done; I gave her something of the shock that I had
received. She turned white, and this made me ask myself if I had blanched as
much. She stared, in short, and retreated on just my lines, and I knew she had
then passed out and come round to me and that I should presently meet her. I
remained where I was, and while I waited I thought of more things than one. But
there's only one I take space to mention. I wondered why she should be scared.
blanched: (adj) ashen, colorless, white, assuredness, resolution, confidence. windowpane, window-pane, board,
bleached, bloodless, benevolent, wan, ANTONYM: (n) indecision. square, sheet of glass, leaf, box.
pale, lightened, fair, faded. confusedly: (adv) obscurely, reappear: (v) recur, come back, appear,
bounded: (adj) restricted, limited, disorderedly, perplexedly, cloudily, repeat, be restored, get back, happen
delimited, encircled, enclosed, dazedly, befuddledly, muddily, again, haunt, persist, revert, resume.
confined, leap, spring, bordered, bemusedly, dizzily, bewilderedly, ANTONYM: (v) disappear.
circumscribed, constrained. puzzledly. retreated: (adj) withdrawn, people.
ANTONYMS: (adj) unbounded, lawn: (n) grassplot, field, green, park, successively: (adv) in turn, one after
unconfined, unlimited, free. meadow, grassplat, plot, lea, turfs, the other, in succession, sequentially,
certitude: (n) assurance, trust, turves, turf. serially, running, in order, gradually,
conviction, determination, pane: (n) window pane, paneling, subsequently, repeatedly, one after
persuasion, faith, security, firmness, pane of glass, panelling, another.
Henry James 35
Oh, she let me know as soon as, round the corner of the house, she loomed again
into view. "What in the name of goodness is the matter--?" She was now flushed
and out of breath.%
I said nothing till she came quite near. "With me?" I must have made a
wonderful face. "Do I show it?"
"You're as white as a sheet. You look awful."
I considered; I could meet on this, without scruple, any innocence. My need
to respect the bloom of Mrs. Grose's had dropped, without a rustle, from my
shoulders, and if I wavered for the instant it was not with what I kept back. I put
out my hand to her and she took it; I held her hard a little, liking to feel her close
to me. There was a kind of support in the shy heave of her surprise. "You came
for me for church, of course, but I can't go."
"Has anything happened?"
"Yes. You must know now. Did I look very queer?"
"Through this window? Dreadful!"
"Well," I said, "I've been frightened." Mrs. Grose's eyes expressed plainly that
she had no wish to be, yet also that she knew too well her place not to be ready to
share with me any marked inconvenience. Oh, it was quite settled that she must
bloom: (adj, n, v) flower; (v) prosper, pitch, billow. ANTONYMS: (v) push, approval, appreciation.
flourish, thrive, burgeon; (adj, v) drop. ANTONYMS: (n) dislike, aversion,
blow, fructify; (n) prime, blush, flush, inconvenience: (n, v) trouble, hatred, indifference, detachment,
bud. ANTONYMS: (v) shrivel, incommode; (v) discommode, dissatisfaction, antipathy.
struggle, wane, die, deteriorate, disoblige, annoy, disturb, disquiet; rustle: (n, v) whisper; (v) lift, buzz,
decrease; (n) pallor, withering. (n) disadvantage, difficulty, nuisance, steal, pilfer, whiz, pinch, abstract,
flushed: (adj, n) red, sanguine; (adj) unsuitableness. ANTONYMS: (n) thieve, purloin; (n) rustling.
feverish, glowing, aroused, aflame, expediency, advantage; (v) help, settled: (adj) definite, set, firm,
burning, exultant, exulting; (n) flush, please. permanent, certain, calm, established,
elated. ANTONYM: (adj) cool. liking: (n, v) inclination; (n) fancy, decided, formed, defined, finished.
heave: (n, v) cast, fling, raise, gasp, appetite, taste, fondness, predilection, ANTONYMS: (adj) unsettled,
toss, lift; (v) chuck, haul, elevate, affection, partiality, admiration, exciting, temporary.
36 The Turn of the Screw
share! "Just what you saw from the dining room a minute ago was the effect of
that. What I saw--just before--was much worse."%
Her hand tightened. "What was it?"
"An extraordinary man. Looking in."
"What extraordinary man?"
"I haven't the least idea."
Mrs. Grose gazed round us in vain. "Then where is he gone?"
"I know still less."
"Have you seen him before?"
"Yes--once. On the old tower."
She could only look at me harder. "Do you mean he's a stranger?"
"Oh, very much!"
"Yet you didn't tell me?"
"No--for reasons. But now that you've guessed--"
Mrs. Grose's round eyes encountered this charge. "Ah, I haven't guessed!"
she said very simply. "How can I if you don't imagine?"
"I don't in the very least."
"You've seen him nowhere but on the tower?"
"And on this spot just now."
Mrs. Grose looked round again. "What was he doing on the tower?"
"Only standing there and looking down at me."
She thought a minute. "Was he a gentleman?"
I found I had no need to think. "No." She gazed in deeper wonder. "No."
"Then nobody about the place? Nobody from the village?"
"Nobody--nobody. I didn't tell you, but I made sure."
extraordinary: (adj) odd, exceptional, not anywhere, nowhither, without, ANTONYMS: (adj) shy, successful,
curious, rare, special, phenomenal, not anywhither; (adj) tiresome, vapid, possible, persuasive, selfless, fruitful,
amazing, astonishing, unusual, uninteresting, tasteless, prosaic. humble, useful, responsible,
strange, abnormal. ANTONYMS: reasons: (n) proof. worthwhile, effective.
(adj) ordinary, normal, everyday, spot: (n, v) place, speck, blemish, wonder: (adj, n) prodigy; (n)
usual, common, mundane, regular, speckle, fleck, dirty, dapple; (adj, n, v) astonishment, admiration,
undistinguished, unremarkable, stain, soil; (n) dot, space. amazement, surprise, miracle,
insignificant, natural. tightened: (adj) secure, securer, firm. phenomenon, muse; (v) admire,
eyes: (n) sight, eye, vision, view, baby vain: (adj) proud, arrogant, conceited, reflect, question. ANTONYMS: (n)
blues, guard, propensity, eyen. fruitless, idle, empty, abortive, expectation, belief, disapproval; (v)
harder: (adj) serious. ineffectual, unproductive, know, believe, anticipate, decide.
nowhere: (n) obscurity, limbo; (adv) narcissistic; (adj, v) useless.
Henry James 37
She breathed a vague relief: this was, oddly, so much to the good. It only
went indeed a little way. "But if he isn't a gentleman--"
"What is he? He's a horror."
"A horror?"
"He's--God help me if I know what he is!"
Mrs. Grose looked round once more; she fixed her eyes on the duskier
distance, then, pulling herself together, turned to me with abrupt
inconsequence. "It's time we should be at church."
"Oh, I'm not fit for church!"
"Won't it do you good?"
"It won't do them--! I nodded at the house.%
"The children?"
"I can't leave them now."
"You're afraid--?"
I spoke boldly. "I'm afraid of him."
Mrs. Grose's large face showed me, at this, for the first time, the faraway faint
glimmer of a consciousness more acute: I somehow made out in it the delayed
dawn of an idea I myself had not given her and that was as yet quite obscure to
me. It comes back to me that I thought instantly of this as something I could get
from her; and I felt it to be connected with the desire she presently showed to
know more. "When was it--on the tower?"
"About the middle of the month. At this same hour."
"Almost at dark," said Mrs. Grose.
"Oh, no, not nearly. I saw him as I see you."
"Then how did he get in?"
"And how did he get out?" I laughed. "I had no opportunity to ask him! This
evening, you see," I pursued, "he has not been able to get in."
"He only peeps?"
abrupt: (adj) sudden, brusque, sharp, (adv) discreetly, modestly, nervously, v) gleam, shimmer, flash, sparkle,
precipitous, steep, instantaneous, hesitantly, shyly, fearfully, meekly, beam, glow, shine; (v) blink; (n)
unexpected, swift, instant, hasty; (n) submissively, secretly, respectfully, gleaming.
bold. ANTONYMS: (adj) gentle, diffidently. inconsequence: (n) illogicality,
gradual, rambling, gracious, breathed: (adj) unvoiced, inaudible, independence, irrelevance,
courteous, polite, anticipated, kind, breathing, aphonic. inconsequentness, inconsistency,
calm, protracted, deliberate. faraway: (adj) far, preoccupied, insignificance, unimportance.
boldly: (adj, adv) courageously, remote, outlying, inaccessible, absent, ANTONYM: (n) importance.
valiantly, heroically; (adv) fearlessly, pensive, long, wistful, lost, foreign. pursued: (n) hunted person.
daringly, bravely, intrepidly, ANTONYMS: (adj) close, nearby, spoke: (n) bar, rung, radius, rule, shoe,
impudently, audaciously, alert, neighboring. skid, rundle, line, clog, round; (v)
shamelessly, brashly. ANTONYMS: glimmer: (adj, n, v) flicker, twinkle; (n, said.
38 The Turn of the Screw
"I hope it will be confined to that!" She had now let go my hand; she turned
away a little. I waited an instant; then I brought out: "Go to church. Goodbye. I
must watch."
Slowly she faced me again. "Do you fear for them?"
We met in another long look. "Don't you?" Instead of answering she came
nearer to the window and, for a minute, applied her face to the glass. "You see
how he could see," I meanwhile went on.%
She didn't move. "How long was he here?"
"Till I came out. I came to meet him."
Mrs. Grose at last turned round, and there was still more in her face. "I
couldn't have come out."
"Neither could I!" I laughed again. "But I did come. I have my duty."
"So have I mine," she replied; after which she added: "What is he like?"
"I've been dying to tell you. But he's like nobody."
"Nobody?" she echoed.
"He has no hat." Then seeing in her face that she already, in this, with a
deeper dismay, found a touch of picture, I quickly added stroke to stroke. "He
has red hair, very red, close-curling, and a pale face, long in shape, with straight,
good features and little, rather queer whiskers that are as red as his hair. His
eyebrows are, somehow, darker; they look particularly arched and as if they
might move a good deal. His eyes are sharp, strange--awfully; but I only know
clearly that they're rather small and very fixed. His mouth's wide, and his lips
are thin, and except for his little whiskers he's quite clean-shaven. He gives me a
sort of sense of looking like an actor."
"An actor!" It was impossible to resemble one less, at least, than Mrs. Grose
at that moment.
"I've never seen one, but so I suppose them. He's tall, active, erect," I
continued, "but never--no, never!--a gentleman."
answering: (adj) respondent, stimulate, assure, ensure, encourage, funny, curious, gay, peculiar, strange,
responsive, according, agreeing, elate; (n) spirit, satisfaction, mettle, quaint, fishy, outlandish.
responsory; (n) respondency. resolution, assurance. ANTONYMS: (adj) conventional,
arched: (adj, v) bowed, arcuate; (adj) instant: (adj, n) present; (adj) normal, well.
bent, vaulted, convex, arciform, immediate, prompt; (n) flash, minute, resemble: (v) seem, imitate, compare,
arced, domed, hooked, hunched, jiffy, point, second; (adj, v) exigent; correspond, to resemble, agree, look,
crooked. (adj, n, v) pressing, urgent. simulate; (adj) look like; (n)
dismay: (adj, n, v) appall; (v) depress, ANTONYMS: (n) age, eternity; (adj) resemblance; (adv) alike.
dishearten, discourage, horrify; (n) considered, delayed, slow. whiskers: (n) fuzz, goatee, hair,
consternation, discouragement; (n, v) neither: (conj) either, no-one, not imperial, face fungus, beaver,
daunt, affright; (adj, n) terror, dread. either, nor, nother. mustache, moustache, sideburns,
ANTONYMS: (n, v) delight; (v) queer: (adj) fantastic, odd, eccentric, facial hair, sideboards.
Henry James 39
My companion's face had blanched as I went on; her round eyes started and
her mild mouth gaped. "A gentleman?" she gasped, confounded, stupefied: "a
gentleman he?"
"You know him then?"
She visibly tried to hold herself. "But he is handsome?"
I saw the way to help her. "Remarkably!"
"And dressed--?"
"In somebody's clothes. "They're smart, but they're not his own."
She broke into a breathless affirmative groan: "They're the master's!"
I caught it up. "You do know him?"
She faltered but a second. "Quint!" she cried.%
"Peter Quint--his own man, his valet, when he was here!"
"When the master was?"
Gaping still, but meeting me, she pieced it all together. "He never wore his
hat, but he did wear--well, there were waistcoats missed. They were both here--
last year. Then the master went, and Quint was alone."
I followed, but halting a little. "Alone?"
"Alone with us." Then, as from a deeper depth, "In charge," she added.
"And what became of him?"
She hung fire so long that I was still more mystified. "He went, too," she
brought out at last.
"Went where?"
Her expression, at this, became extraordinary. "God knows where! He died."
"Died?" I almost shrieked.
She seemed fairly to square herself, plant herself more firmly to utter the
wonder of it. "Yes. Mr. Quint is dead."
affirmative: (adj) positive, affirmatory, lame, crippled; (adv) haltingly; (v) sibling, Phoebe bird, louver, v,
assertive, ratifying, concurring; (adv) drooping, flagging. ANTONYMS: quintet, fin, digit.
yes; (n) affirmation, avowal, (adj) easy, firm. stupefied: (adj) stunned, amazed,
assenting; (adj, v) predicatory, hung: (n) hanging; (v) Heng; (adj) astonished, bewildered, astounded,
declaratory. ANTONYMS: (adj) fatigued, puzzled, decorated. dumbfounded, stupid, confused,
dissenting; (n) no. mystified: (adj) metagrabolized, flabbergasted, dumfounded, groggy.
confounded: (adj) bemused, accursed, puzzled, perplexed, metagrobolized, ANTONYMS: (adj) precise,
execrable, baffled, cursed, befuddled, bemused, unclear, at a loss, unimpressed.
confused, puzzled, aghast, perplexed; metagrobolised, baffled, flummoxed, valet: (n) man, attendant, lackey,
(adj, v) abashed. having difficulties. ANTONYMS: butler, flunkey, manservant, waiter,
halting: (adj) halt, hesitant, broken, (adj) enlightened, clear. gentleman, livery servant, servant,
crude, grotesque, barbarous; (adj, v) quint: (n) quin, cinque, quintuplet, sib, retainer.
Exploring the Variety of Random
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devant son bailli s’il est absent; et si le plaignant ne peut obtenir
justice ni de l’un ni de l’autre, il s’adressera aux jurés.
“Les censitaires ne paieront à leur seigneur d’autre cens que celui
qu’ils le doivent par tête. S’ils ne le paient pas au temps marqué, ils
seront punis selon la loi qui les régit, mais n’accorderont rien en sus
à leur seigneur que de leur propre volonté.
“Les hommes de la commune pourront prendre pour femmes les
filles des vassaux ou des serfs de quelque seigneur que ce soit, à
l’exception des seigneuries et des églises qui font partie de cet
commune. Dans les familles de ces dernières ils ne pourront prendre
des épouses sans le consentement du seigneur.
“Aucun étranger censitaire des églises ou des chevaliers de la ville
ne sera compris dans la commune que du consentement de son
“Quiconque sera reçu dans cet commune, bâtira une maison dans
le délai d’un an, ou achetera des vignes, ou apportera dans la ville
assez d’effets mobiliers pour que justice puisse être faite, s’il y a
quelque plainte contre lui. Les main-mortes sont entièrement
abolies. Les tailles seront réparties de manière que tout homme
devant taille paie seulement quatre deniers à chaque terme et rien
de plus, à moins qu’il n’ait une terre devant taille, à laquelle il tienne
assez pour consentir à payer la taille.”
1037. “Forum rerum venalium Lundenwíc.” Vit. Bonif. Pertz, Mon. ii.
1043. Will. Malm. Gest. Reg. lib. ii. § 134 (Hardy’s Ed. vol. i. p. 214);
see also Gest. Pontif. lib. ii. § 95 (Hamilton’s Ed. p. 201).
1048. Now Tidenham in Gloucestershire, near the point where the Wye
falls into the Severn, nearly 2° 36´ west longitude from Greenwich.
Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.
Transcriber’s Note
On p. 152, a single footnote anchor is in the text
(360); however two notes appear at the bottom of the
page. The first is unnumbered, and the second has no
anchor in the text. The unnumbered note is an accurate
reference to p. 753 of the 1854 German edition of Jacob
Grimm’s Deutsch Rechalterthümer (2nd volume), and
was obviously intended as footnote 1. The second note,
numbered ‘2’ in the original (“Gloss. in voc. Grafio.”), has
no anchor and no obvious reference. The two notes have
simply been combined.
On p. 294, the last line of the page (‘the extermination
of its inhabitants, is the only re-’) was obviously
misplaced to the top of the page. It has been placed in
the intended position.
Minor lapses in the consistency of punctuation in
citations have been corrected with no further mention.
Other errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s
have been corrected, and are noted here. The references
are to the page and line in the original, not counting any
embedded tables. Where a third reference is employed,
the reference is to the line within the designated
footnote (e.g. 166.1.1 refers to the first line in the first
footnote on p. 166, as printed).
4.1.10 Abergavenny, lat. 51° 49´ Added.
N., long. 3° 2´[ W.]>
4.1.44 between Perth and Added.
27.5 of becoming familiar Replaced.
w[t/i]th the views
35.4.34 God’s church and all the Inserted.
Ch[r]istian people
35.4.22 which archbishop D[u/ Replaced.
ú]nstán delivered
46.2.2 were simil[i]arly Removed.
48.2 the time of Æðelr[æ/ǽ]d Replaced.
50.1.4 unless the king pardon him. Added.
51.2.4 that he could not forfeit.[”] Added.
52.2.27 sceleribus[ ]semet[ ]ipsum Spaces
condempn[ ]avit added.
102.3.19 p. 154[,/.] Replaced.
152.19 there cannot be the Inserted.
sligh[t]est connection.
155.3 in connexion with judic[i]al Inserted.
157.12 In a prece[e]ding chapter Removed.
158.1.3 Wulfsige preóst sc[i/ Replaced.
162.21 before Æðelríc Transposed.
beca[em/me] sheriff
203.2.3 head of the church in his Inverted.
204.5 encircled by an [abbatis] of sic: abatis
233.2.47 witnessed by all the Removed.
scírþ[e]genas in Hampshire
238.10 the Campus Ma[d]ius of Restored.
260.7.1 Chron. Sa[s/x]. an. 1048. Replaced.
273.1.16 [‘]nihil profici patientia sic
273.1.24 the duties laid upon Replaced.
295.24 injure its forti[fi]cations Inserted.
310.9 we may more famil[i]arly Inserted.
451.9 the eager credul[i]ty which Inserted.
they showed
526.17 to meet the ‘gemot’ by the Added.
king’[s] command
543.15 Tous les hommes habitant Transposed.
dans l’enc[ie/ei]nte
543.30 un[e] femme relevant d’une Added.
autre seigneurie
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