CPP 123
CPP 123
CPP 123
Seal of Institute
We wish to express our profound gratitude to our guide Prof. N.M.Kather
who guided us endlessly in framing and completion of Micro-Project. He / She
guided us on all the main points in that Micro-Project. We are indebted to his /
her constant encouragement, cooperation and help. It was his / her enthusiastic
support that helped us in overcoming of various obstacles in the Micro-Project.
We are also thankful to our Principal, HOD, Faculty Members
and classmates for extending their support and motivation in the completion of
this Micro-Project.
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Annexure-1 Micro-Project Proposal
(Format or Micro-Project Proposal about1-2pages)
Title of Micro-Project:-
3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro- project) in about
100 to 200 words).
A cut-section of a 4-stroke engine is a model or diagram where the engine is "cut" or
sectioned to reveal its internal components and mechanisms. This cross-sectional view
allows you to see how various parts of the engine interact during the four-stroke cycle,
making it easier to understand the engine's working principle and operations.
Here is a breakdown of the components and the four-stroke cycle of a cut-section of a
4-stroke engine:
1. Components of a 4-Stroke Engine (Visible in a Cut-Section)
• Cylinder: The cylindrical chamber where combustion takes place. The piston
moves up and down inside it.
• Piston: The part that moves up and down within the cylinder. It compresses the
air-fuel mixture and transfers the energy from combustion to the crankshaft.
• Crankshaft: Converts the up-and-down motion of the piston into rotational
motion to power the vehicle or machinery.
• Camshaft: Controls the opening and closing of the engine's valves. It works in
coordination with the crankshaft to time the engine's operations.
• Valves: The intake valve allows the air-fuel mixture into the cylinder, and the
exhaust valve lets the burnt gases exit after combustion.
• Connecting Rod: Links the piston to the crankshaft, allowing the motion of the
piston to be transferred to the crankshaft.
• Timing Gear: Ensures proper synchronization between the camshaft and
crankshaft for proper valve timing.
• Cylinder Head: Contains the valves, spark plugs (for gasoline engines), and
other components such as camshafts and fuel injectors.
• Spark Plug (for Gasoline Engines): Ignites the air-fuel mixture in the
combustion chamber to produce combustion.
• Lubrication System: Helps in reducing friction by lubricating moving parts like
pistons and crankshafts.
• Exhaust Manifold: Collects exhaust gases from the cylinders and directs them to
the exhaust system.
2. Four-Stroke Cycle (Visible in a Cut-Section)
The four-stroke engine operates in four stages, each of which is visible in the cut-
1. Intake Stroke:
• What Happens: The intake valve opens, and the piston moves downwards. This
creates a vacuum that sucks in a mixture of air and fuel into the cylinder.
• In the Cut-Section: You will see the intake valve opening, and the piston
moving down, allowing the air-fuel mixture to enter.
2. Compression Stroke:
• What Happens: The intake valve closes, and the piston moves upwards,
compressing the air-fuel mixture.
• In the Cut-Section: The piston moves upward, and the compressed mixture can
be seen in the cylinder. The intake valve is closed, and the exhaust valve is still
3. Power Stroke:
• What Happens: The spark plug ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture,
causing combustion. The pressure from the combustion forces the piston down.
• In the Cut-Section: The spark plug will be visible firing, igniting the air-fuel
mixture. The piston moves downward as the combustion forces it down,
transferring energy to the crankshaft.
4. Exhaust Stroke:
• What Happens: The exhaust valve opens, and the piston moves upward again,
pushing the spent gases out of the cylinder through the exhaust valve.
• In the Cut-Section: You will see the exhaust valve opening and the piston
moving upward to expel the exhaust gases from the cylinder.
Visualizing the Movement:
In a cut-section engine, each stroke is typically shown in different phases or using
animated views to highlight the movement of the piston, valves, and other components
during the operation. This clear, internal view helps students, engineers, and
automotive enthusiasts visualize the actual working of an internal combustion engine.
The cut-section of a 4-stroke engine is commonly used in textbooks, teaching tools,
and exhibits to demonstrate the detailed working and interaction of the engine's
components, making it easier to understand complex processes like combustion,
mechanical power generation, and valve timing.
Would you like a detailed image or further explanations on any specific parts of the
4o mini
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity. The following is for Reference, The
Activities can be Added / reduced / Modified )
Name of
Sr. Details of activity Responsible
No. Week Planned Planned Team Members
Start date Finish date
1 1 &2 Discussion & Finalization of
2 3 Preparation of the Abstract
3 4 Literature Review
4 5 Submission of Microproject
Proposal ( Annexure-I)
5 6 Collection of information about
6 7 Collection of relevant content /
materials for the execution of
7 8 Discussion and submission of
outline of the Microproject.
8 9 Analysis / execution of
Collected data / information and
preparation of Prototypes /
drawings / photos / charts /
graphs / tables / circuits /
Models / programs etc.
9 10 Completion of Contents of
Project Report
10 11 Completion of Weekly progress
11 12 Completion of Project Report (
12 13 Viva voce / Delivery of
5.0 Resources Required (major resources such asraw material, some machining facility, software
2 Literature
3 Completion of the Target as
Per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva(Convert Below total marks out of 4Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual Presentation/ Viva
Assessment (6 marks) (4 marks) 10