Business- Ethics, Governance & Risk
Business- Ethics, Governance & Risk
Business- Ethics, Governance & Risk
This execu-ve summary evaluates how Infosys, a leading mul-na-onal corpora-on in the
informa-on technology sector, adheres to Principle 1 of the Business Responsibility &
Sustainability Report (BRSR) 2023-24. This principle emphasizes the need for businesses to
conduct themselves with integrity, ethics, transparency, and accountability. By examining
both the Essen-al Indicators and Leadership Indicators outlined in the report, we can gain
insights into Infosys's commitment to these values.
Infosys has established a robust governance framework that ensures ethical conduct at all
levels of the organiza-on. The company has a comprehensive Code of Conduct that sets
clear expecta-ons for employee behaviour, emphasizing integrity and transparency in all
business dealings. This code is not only applicable to employees but extends to suppliers,
clients, and other stakeholders, ensuring a consistent ethical standard throughout the value
To reinforce this commitment, Infosys has ins-tuted regular training programs that educate
employees on ethical prac-ces, compliance with regula-ons, and the importance of
integrity. The company also has a dedicated Ethics and Compliance Office that oversees
adherence to these principles and addresses any concerns raised through a confiden-al
whistleblower mechanism.
Transparency in Opera6ons
Infosys places a strong emphasis on accountability, both at the organiza-onal and individual
levels. The BRSR 2023-24 highlights that the company has established a clear governance
structure with defined roles and responsibili-es for its leadership team. Performance
metrics are closely aligned with the company's ethical standards and sustainability goals,
ensuring that leaders are held accountable for their ac-ons.
The company u-lizes various performance indicators to evaluate its ethical governance and
opera-onal integrity. Key performance indicators (KPIs) related to employee training in
ethics, compliance viola-ons, and stakeholder feedback are monitored regularly. Infosys's
leadership conducts annual assessments of these indicators, driving con-nuous
improvement in governance prac-ces.
Infosys recognizes the importance of engaging with all its stakeholders, including customers,
employees, suppliers, and the communi-es in which it operates. The company ac-vely seeks
feedback from these groups to understand their expecta-ons and concerns, which informs
its business strategies and opera-onal prac-ces.
The BRSR 2023-24 outlines various ini-a-ves undertaken by Infosys to strengthen
stakeholder rela-onships. For instance, the company has implemented programs aimed at
enhancing employee well-being and promo-ng diversity and inclusion within the workforce.
By fostering an inclusive culture and priori-zing employee engagement, Infosys not only
fulfills its ethical obliga-ons but also enhances its overall business performance.
In addi-on to its commitment to ethical governance, Infosys has made significant strides in
environmental and social responsibility. The company’s sustainability ini-a-ves are aligned
with its ethical standards, demonstra-ng a holis-c approach to business conduct. Infosys has
set ambi-ous targets for reducing its carbon footprint and is ac-vely involved in community
development programs that benefit society at large.
The company publishes its sustainability metrics transparently, providing stakeholders with
insights into its progress toward achieving these goals. This accountability extends beyond
mere compliance; it reflects Infosys's dedica-on to responsible business prac-ces and its
role as a corporate ci-zen.
This execu-ve summary dis-ls key insights from the Management Discussion & Analysis
(MD&A) sec-on of Infosys's annual report for the fiscal year 2023-24. It covers two cri-cal
areas: the opportuni-es and threats that the company faces, as well as an evalua-on of the
adequacy of its internal control systems.
Addi-onally, the global shi_ towards sustainability presents a compelling opportunity for
Infosys to strengthen its posi-on as a leader in sustainable technology solu-ons. Many
companies are striving to reduce their carbon footprints and implement environmentally
responsible prac-ces. By offering services that help clients achieve sustainability goals,
Infosys can aaract businesses focused on green ini-a-ves. For example, Unilever has been
recognized for its commitment to sustainability, and companies that partner with firms like
Infosys can enhance their own sustainability profiles.
The rise of remote work and hybrid opera-ng models further enhances the opportuni-es
available to Infosys. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this shi_, compelling organiza-ons
to invest in digital collabora-on tools and infrastructure. Infosys is well-equipped to provide
these solu-ons, enabling companies to maintain produc-vity in flexible work environments.
For instance, technology giants like MicrosoG and Zoom have seen exponen-al growth by
facilita-ng remote work solu-ons, thereby demonstra-ng the poten-al market for Infosys’s
While these opportuni-es are promising, Infosys also faces several significant threats that
could impact its performance. The technology sector is becoming increasingly compe--ve,
with established firms and emerging startups vying for market share. Companies such as
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Wipro pose direct compe--on to Infosys, poten-ally
leading to price wars and margin compression.
The rapid pace of technological advancement also poses a challenge for Infosys. As new
technologies emerge, the company must con-nuously innovate to meet the evolving
expecta-ons of its clients. Failure to keep pace with these changes could result in a loss of
compe--ve edge. For instance, companies that successfully integrate emerging
technologies, like Tesla with its focus on AI in autonomous vehicles, could overshadow firms
that do not adapt as swi_ly.
B. Internal Control Systems & Their Adequacy
Infosys priori-zes the establishment and maintenance of effec-ve internal control systems to
ensure opera-onal integrity, regulatory compliance, and robust risk management. The
company has implemented a comprehensive framework that encompasses financial
repor-ng, opera-onal controls, and adherence to regulatory requirements. These systems
are designed to prevent errors, fraud, and inefficiencies while ensuring accurate financial
The adequacy of Infosys’s internal control systems is underscored by its independent internal
audit func-on, which reports directly to the Audit Commiaee of the Board. This structure
allows for unbiased assessments of the effec-veness of internal controls and facilitates the
-mely iden-fica-on of areas needing improvement.
Regular audits and assessments are conducted to evaluate these controls, ensuring they
remain effec-ve and responsive to changing regulatory landscapes. Furthermore, Infosys
con-nually updates its internal control systems in response to new challenges and industry
standards. Employee training programs ensure that staff members are well-informed about
compliance and opera-onal protocols, fostering a culture of accountability and ethical
conduct within the organiza-on.
Q3 A)
As the Head of Sales for a medium-sized consumer durables company, receiving a ₹75 lakh
order from a new client is a significant achievement. However, the condi-on posed by the
client’s purchase execu-ve—agreeing to cover travel and accommoda-on expenses for him
and his wife—raises several ethical dilemmas.
1. Conflict of Interest
The first ethical dilemma pertains to the poten-al conflict of interest. By agreeing to pay for
the execu-ve's travel and stay, there is a risk that the decision may not be based solely on
the merits of the product or the contract but rather influenced by the benefits provided. This
could lead to an unlevel playing field where decisions are made based on personal Favors
rather than business integrity.
2. Bribery and Corrup6on
This scenario raises concerns about the line between acceptable business hospitality and
bribery. While covering travel expenses for a legi-mate business purpose may seem
reasonable, doing so with the explicit expecta-on that it secures the order could be
perceived as a bribe. Such prac-ces can undermine ethical standards in business, damage
reputa-ons, and lead to legal consequences for both the company and the individual
3. Company Reputa6on
The decision to pay for the execu-ve’s expenses also impacts the reputa-on of the company.
Engaging in ques-onable prac-ces can tarnish the company's image in the industry, leading
to distrust among other clients and stakeholders. Companies thrive on their reputa-ons for
integrity, and any hint of unethical behaviour could have long-term repercussions, including
losing exis-ng clients or failing to aaract new ones.
Agreeing to this request could set a dangerous precedent for future dealings with this client
and others. If the company starts accommoda-ng such requests, it may invite more
demands from the same client or create an expecta-on among other poten-al clients. This
could lead to a slippery slope of unethical prac-ces that compromise the company’s values.
As the Head of Sales, the dilemma also extends to personal ethics versus achieving business
targets. While closing a significant order is a commendable goal, it should not come at the
cost of compromising ethical standards. The pressure to secure sales can some-mes tempt
individuals to overlook ethical considera-ons, which can lead to regret and conflict in the
long run.
In summary, this scenario presents a range of ethical dilemmas that require careful
considera-on. The implica-ons of paying for the travel and stay of the purchase execu-ve
must be weighed against the principles of integrity, fairness, and long-term business
reputa-on. It is crucial to find a solu-on that maintains ethical standards while also fostering
a produc-ve business rela-onship. Exploring alterna-ve ways to facilitate the mee-ng, such
as offering a virtual op-on or discussing the maaer with company leadership, may provide a
more ethical path forward.
Q3 B)
5. Explore Alterna6ves
During the discussion, I would propose alterna-ves that maintain professionalism without
crossing ethical boundaries. For example, I could suggest arranging a virtual mee-ng to
finalize the contract or offering to meet in a neutral loca-on where the travel costs are
minimal. If an in-person mee-ng is necessary, I could propose a more modest approach,
such as providing a meal during the mee-ng rather than covering travel and
By following this structured approach, I can navigate the ethical dilemmas effec-vely while
preserving the integrity of both myself and the company. The goal is to foster a long-term,
posi-ve rela-onship with the client based on mutual respect and ethical business prac-ces.