GHG Protocol Team Authors
Stephen Russell
Mary Sotos
Core Advisors
Peggy Foran, The Climate Registry
Jill Gravender, The Climate Registry
Matthew Gray, U.S. Department of Energy
Verena Radulovic, U.S. EPA Climate Leaders
John Sottong, U.S. EPA Climate Leaders
Bella Tonkonogy, U.S. EPA Climate Leaders
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Acronyms 98
Glossary 99
References 106
Contributors 107
T he Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative was launched in 1998 with the mission
and reporting standards and to promote their broad adoption. Designed as a multi-
environmental NGO, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Published first in 2001 and revised in 2004, the Corporate • The Climate Registry
Standard has been widely accepted and adopted around the
• Global Reporting Initiative
globe by businesses, NGOs, and governments (see Box 1.1
and Appendix A). Widespread adoption of the Corporate • EIA 1605b
Standard is attributable to the fact that it is robust,
• The World Wildlife Fund Climate Savers
practical, and builds on the experience and expertise of
numerous practitioners. The Corporate Standard was • ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)
designed to be program and policy neutral, allowing
• Carbon Disclosure Project
users the flexibility to adapt the core methodology and
concepts to specific accounting and reporting needs. To • Brazil GHG Protocol Program
provide guidance on how to build GHG policies,
• China Energy and Carbon Registry
reporting programs1, and tools based on the concepts of
the Corporate Standard, the GHG Protocol Initiative • Mexico GHG Program
developed two accompanying documents:
• Philippine GHG Accounting and Reporting Program
• Measuring to Manage: A Guide to Designing GHG
• India GHG Inventory Program
Accounting and Reporting Programs (2007), and
• South Korea Greenhouse Gas Emission Information System
• Designing a Customized Greenhouse Gas Calculation
Tool (2007).
Industry associations with sector-specific protocols
• The International Aluminum Institute
Why a GHG Protocol for the U.S. Public Sector?
• International Council of Forest and Paper Associations
Government organizations worldwide have identified
the need to start tracking and managing their GHG • International Iron and Steel Institute
emissions, both to demonstrate environmental leader-
• World Business Council on Sustainable Development
ship and to prepare for future reporting policies and
Cement Sustainability Initiative
regulations. While the Corporate Standard provides the
basic means by which any type of organization can • International Petroleum Industry Environmental
create a GHG inventory, many public organizations Conservation Association
have sought tailored guidance to interpret the
ISO 14064
Corporate Standard specifically for the public sector
context, especially when coordinating GHG reporting
requirements across multiple government organiza-
accounting and reporting, acknowledging the ways
tions. All stakeholders benefit from accounting and
decision-making approaches and priorities differ in
reporting GHG emissions in a way that makes it easier
the public sector versus private sector (e.g., greater
to calculate, track, and compare progress over time.
public accountability and freedom of information
In the United States, public sector activities often
requirements) and providing examples of best prac-
involve shared resources between multiple organiza-
tices. For governments that already monitor and
tions and leasing arrangements for buildings, vehicles,
report energy use and other environmental metrics,
and land that can pose challenges attributing owner-
GHG emissions reporting represents a new and inte-
ship or control of GHG emissions. Public
grative performance indicator.
organizations have asked for case studies reflecting
the experiences and challenges of public sector GHG
• To support voluntary and mandatory GHG reporting For the purposes of this document, the terms “entity,”
“agency,” and “organization” are used interchangeably,
• To increase consistency and transparency in GHG although they may represent specific organizational types
accounting and reporting among public sector organi- and relationships within a given jurisdictional context.
zations and GHG programs.
L O C A L G O V E R N M E N T O P E R AT I O N S ( L G O ) P R O T O C O L
The Local Government Operations (LGO) Protocol
provides a flexible framework focused on serving the
needs of local government organizations. The LGO
Protocol was drafted jointly by the Climate Registry,
What This Protocol Includes
ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), California
This is a stand-alone protocol that provides standards and
Climate Action Registry, and the California Air Resources
guidance for U.S. public organizations. It contains all the
Board, and reflects the compiled best practices and
same accounting standards as the Corporate Standard, but
insights of a broad stakeholder process. These partner
features updates in wording and format, consolidation of
programs have based their individual reporting protocols
key points for the public sector, and additional case
and the LGO Protocol on the Corporate Standard, and
studies, graphs, and tables. It covers the accounting and
each has directed its local government members to report
reporting of the six GHGs regulated by the Kyoto
based on the LGO Protocol. The LGO Protocol includes
Protocol— carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous
calculation procedures and appendices detailing how each
oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons
partner’s reporting requirements differ (emission factors,
(PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
verification requirements, etc.). Because of its compati-
bility with both the Corporate Standard and this U.S. Public Although this protocol is designed to develop a verifiable
Sector Protocol, local government bodies should consult inventory, it does not provide a standard for conducting
the LGO Protocol for accounting guidance that is tailored verification. This protocol should not be used to quantify
to cities, counties, and municipalities. the reductions associated with GHG mitigation projects.
The Project Protocol provides guidance for this purpose.
(See “What This Protocol Does Not Include” below.)
guide GHG accounting and reporting to ensure that the information represents a
faithful, true, and fair account of an organization’s GHG emissions. These princi-
ples also permit data to be accurately compared from year to year and across
CHAPTER 1 GHG Accounting and Reporting Principles 9
GHG accounting and reporting practices are evolving and are new to many
organizations. However, the following principles established by the Corporate
Standard and applicable to this U.S. Public Sector Protocol are derived in part
from generally accepted financial accounting and reporting principles. They
reflect the outcome of a collaborative process involving stakeholders from a
wide range of technical, environmental, and accounting disciplines. These
are not legal definitions, but are the principles on which specific reporting
policies or choices should be based.
R E L E VA N C E Ensure the GHG inventory appropriately reflects the GHG emissions of the organization and
serves the decision-making needs of users—both internal and external to the organization.
COMPLETENESS Account for and report on all GHG emission sources and activities within the chosen inven-
tory boundary. Disclose and justify any specific exclusions.
CONSISTENCY Use consistent methodologies to allow for meaningful comparisons of emissions over time.
Transparently document any changes to the data, inventory boundary, methods, or any other
relevant factors in the time series.
TRANSPARENCY Address all relevant issues in a factual and coherent manner, based on a clear audit trail.
Disclose any relevant assumptions and make appropriate references to the accounting and
calculation methodologies and data sources used.
ACCURACY Ensure that the quantification of GHG emissions is systematically neither over nor under
actual emissions, as far as can be judged, and that uncertainties are reduced as far as practi-
cable. Achieve sufficient accuracy to enable users to make decisions with reasonable
assurance as to the integrity of the reported information.
GHG Accounting and Reporting Principles
he application of these principles will ensure that the • Operational context: Understanding the nature of
GHG inventory constitutes a faithful, true, and fair activities, geographic locations, sector(s), purposes
representation of an organization’s GHG emissions. of information, and users of information.
situations, the other principles such as relevance and boundary need to be accounted for so that a comprehen-
transparency provide the context in which those choices sive and meaningful inventory is compiled. In practice, a
can be made: i.e., how relevant is the lack of specific lack of data or the cost of gathering it may be a limiting
data in relation to the entire inventory? Documenting factor. Sometimes it is tempting to define a minimum
all information with transparency also ensures that the emissions accounting threshold (often referred to as a de
decisions an organization makes are clear to managers, minimis threshold), specifying that a small source or
verifiers and other stakeholders. group of sources not exceeding a certain size can be
CHAPTER 1 GHG Accounting and Reporting Principles 11
determine the potential impact and relevance of the analyzed in a way that enables internal reviewers and
exclusion, or imprecision, on the overall inventory report. external verifiers to confirm its credibility. Specific
exclusions or inclusions need to be clearly identified and
More information on completeness is provided in
justified, assumptions disclosed, and appropriate refer-
Chapters 7 (Managing Inventory Quality) and 9
ences provided for the methodologies applied and the
(Verification of GHG Emissions).
data sources used. The information should be sufficient
to enable a third party to derive the same results if
provided with the same source data. A transparent
report will provide a clear understanding of the issues in
Users of GHG information will want to track and
the context of the reporting organization and a mean-
compare GHG emissions information over time in order
ingful assessment of performance. An independent
to identify trends and to assess progress towards stated
external verification is a good way of ensuring trans-
targets and objectives. The consistent application of
parency and determining that an appropriate audit trail
accounting approaches, inventory boundary, and calcula-
has been established and documentation provided.
tion methodologies is essential to producing GHG
emissions data that can be compared internally over time More information on transparency is provided in
as well as externally with inventories from other Chapters 8 (Reporting Emissions) and 9 (Verification I
reporting organizations. If there are changes in the inven- of GHG Emissions).
tory boundary, methods, data, or any other factors
far as practicable. Reporting on measures taken to ensure
Transparency relates to the degree to which information
accuracy in the accounting of emissions can help promote
on the processes, procedures, assumptions, and limita-
goals. Identifying these goals from the outset will ensure that the inventory
provides information for both current and future purposes. It will also assist in
CHAPTER 2 Public Sector Goals and Inventory Design 13
As concerns over climate change grow, stakeholders
• Building experience that allows informed participation
such as citizens and civic organizations are increas-
in policy-making and standards development
ingly calling for greater disclosure of GHG
information by both private companies and govern- • Developing in-house technical expertise to assist
ment operations. In response, a growing number of other organizations
public sector organizations are demonstrating leader-
• Acting as a demonstration laboratory for citizens and
ship and “walking the talk” by tracking and reporting
other organizations
their performance across a wide range of environ-
Voluntary reporting programs are often the means that are based upon the Corporate Standard. However,
by which government organizations commit to since the accounting guidelines for many voluntary
reporting and reducing their GHG emissions. Such programs are periodically updated, organizations
programs can ensure accountability, provide a plat- planning to participate are advised to contact the
form for public reporting, and usually offer technical program administrator to check the current require-
assistance in developing the inventory and setting ments. Appendix A provides an overview of GHG
voluntary targets. Most voluntary programs require programs—many of which are based on the Corporate
the reporting of direct emissions from operations Standard and therefore consistent with the U.S. Public
North Carolina Department of Natural voluntary reporting programs (see North Carolina case
Resources: Building Support and Capacity study below). Some government organizations with
policy-making authority may find themselves in the posi-
With a mission to manage the state’s natural resources and regulate tion of actually crafting GHG policies and regulations,
its air and water quality, the North Carolina Department of and in-house experience with GHG inventories may help
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) represents environ- in creating constructive and effective rules. Private firms
mental leadership in the state. In 2006, the DENR participated in a as well as individual citizens may also find it unfair for a
state-wide climate action initiative to examine the state’s GHG emis- public organization to impose regulations for GHG
sions and reduction options. This process brought together reporting if the public sector itself is not participating.
stakeholders from different sectors (called the Climate Action Plan
Furthermore, by creating a GHG inventory or partici-
Advisory Group) to assess the state’s opportunities for reducing its
pating in a voluntary GHG reporting regime, the public
GHG emissions. One cross-cutting measure that the group identified
sector can also act as a demonstration laboratory for
was for the DENR to inventory its own GHG emissions and report them
developing new data collection methods and efficient
as a member of The Climate Registry. With emissions occurring in
reporting procedures that later may be adopted by other
multiple divisions across the state, the DENR needed to coordinate its
organizations. Public organizations often have the lati-
data-collection systems and state-wide accounting with other agen-
tude to share their experiences and GHG inventory
cies such as the Department of Administration and the Department of
resources widely.
Transportation. Building this internal capacity was aided by the
momentum of a large, internal stakeholder process, management
support from the department’s secretary and division directors, and NOTES
streamlining the GHG inventory process with existing legislative 1
See California Executive Order No. S-20-04 (July 27, 2004) and Florida
mandates to reduce energy and petroleum consumption in state Executive Order 07-126 (July 13, 2007).
government buildings and fleets.
tices to achieve consistency. Preparing a credible and
comprehensive inventory early on can initiate the data
collection mechanisms and practices necessary for almost
all reporting purposes. It can also serve to document an
organization’s early emissions reductions, which some
programs may take into consideration for the application I
of future reporting requirements. For instance, the state
of California indicated that it will use its best efforts to
they include those fully owned and operated by the government, those
owned by the government but operated by a contractor or private entity, and those
CHAPTER 3 Setting Organizational Boundaries 17
Tables 3.1 and 3.2 detail several structures and relation- the equity share approach is often less applicable to
ships common to government organizations, though public sector entities; however, it is discussed separately
some government operations may be combinations of in Appendix B for those organizations for which an equity
more than one of the categories. The complexity of these share inventory may produce a more meaningful reflec-
arrangements means that particular care must be taken tion of their GHG emissions than the control approach.
when setting organizational boundaries, and thorough
This U.S. Public Sector Protocol recommends the opera-
documentation is required to ensure transparency.
tional control approach as the most appropriate
boundary for government organizations, as their primary
activities most often consist of providing public services
Defining the Organization
through specific operations. Most government organiza-
Government operations are often structured in hierarchies
tions’ operations are not structured to gain economic
with individual organizations exercising different levels
benefit from managing financial assets. However, there
of autonomy. The appropriate organizational level for
may be organizations whose core activities include finan-
conducting a GHG inventory—i.e., a division, agency, or
cially controlling and managing assets such as real
multiple agencies—must first be defined. Some factors
estate, vehicle fleets, and land. In such cases, the finan-
to consider in making this designation might include:
cial control approach may be relevant.
• The levels specified by previous reporting requirements
Organizations shall account for and report their consoli-
• The levels or units where meaningful operational dated GHG data according to either one of the control
policy decisions can be implemented approaches presented below or, if appropriate, the equity
share approach. Only one approach can be used to
• The level at which the data can be most conveniently
prepare a given inventory and that approach must be
organization-wide consolidation policy has been selected,
it shall be applied consistently to all levels of the organi-
zation to avoid double counting or omitting emissions.
organizational boundary.
R E C O M M E N D E D A P P R O A C H : O P E R AT I O N A L C O N T R O L
The Corporate Standard describes two distinct approaches
applied consistently across all of an organization’s In many cases, organizations exercise both forms of
operations. To reflect the range of these activities, control over a given operation or activity. In making the
organizations may choose to develop multiple separate choice between the two control approaches, organiza-
inventories using different consolidation approaches. If tions should select the criterion that best reflects the
the reporting organization wholly owns and operates all organization’s actual ability to control emissions, as well
of its activities, its organizational boundary will be the as how GHG reporting can be aligned with financial and
same no matter which approach is used. For organiza- environmental reporting and any other emissions
tions with joint or shared operations, or for those that reporting requirements.
manage leased assets as a lessee or lessor, the resulting
emissions profile will differ depending on which
approach is used. The choice of approach will also affect BOX 3.1 Defining Operational
whether emissions from these operations or assets are and Financial Control
categorized as direct or indirect (see Chapter 4).
Operational Control: the authority to introduce and imple-
ment operating policies. Operational control is generally
demonstrated if organization holds an operating license for
The Control Approaches
the facility.
Control can be defined in either financial or operational
terms. Under the control approach, an organization Financial Control: the authority to direct the financial and
accounts for 100 percent of the GHG emissions from operating policies of the operation with a view to gaining
operations over which it exercises control. It does not economic or other benefits from its activities. This includes
account for GHG emissions from operations in which it a right to the majority of risks and rewards of ownership of
owns an interest but has no control. When using the the operation’s assets. Financial control is demonstrated if
control approach to consolidate GHG emissions, organi- the operation is fully consolidated in the organization’s
zations shall choose between operational control or financial accounts.
financial control criteria. (See Box 3.1 for the defini-
tions of operational and financial control.)
CHAPTER 3 Setting Organizational Boundaries 19
ance on accounting for leased assets.
shall account for 100 percent of emissions from opera-
tions over which it or one of its sub-organizations has
operational control. It should be emphasized that having A
operational control does not mean that an organization
necessarily has authority to make all decisions
The organization has financial control over an operation
organization has financial control of an asset (e.g., a purposes of GHG accounting is more difficult to delineate.
public transit fleet), but does not maintain operational Many criteria can be used to define operational control
control of that asset (i.e., its operation has been over an operation, facility, building, vehicle fleet, or other
Jointly operated Government facilities owned and operated by multiple Track the activities the Track the activities
government government organizations organization operates C the organization
operations financially controls
Public-private Partnerships in which a government organization and private Track the activities the Track the activities
partnership entity contribute various amounts of real property, financial organization operates C the organization
capital, and borrowing ability for the purpose of establishing financially controls
operating capacity
Public sector organizations may be responsible for the environmental 100
(of emissions from
remediation of private sites, particularly if the site owner cannot be identified (of emissions from
or compelled to undertake the remediation. GHG emissions from fuel, electricity operated equipment)
and biogenic fugitive emissions at these sites may be substantial.
Adapted from “The Yellow Book: Guide to Environmental Enforcement and Compliance at Federal Facilities,” EPA 315-B-98-001, February 1999.
Here, “government” means the distinct organization within a governmental structure conducting a GHG inventory.
“Emissions reported” means those required under scopes 1 and 2 as opposed to optional scope 3 emissions. Further detail on scopes is provided in
Chapter 4.
The percentage would depend on contractual or operational arrangements between the partners, or on legislative directives.
CHAPTER 3 Setting Organizational Boundaries 21
Easement The reporting organization has rights to use the real 100 0
property of another entity for a specified purpose.
leased spaces. For instance, a tenant organization may Public sector organizations frequently operate their own
have the ability to implement policies that influence the equipment, such as remedial systems or emergency
use of heating and cooling equipment, while the owner of equipment, on or in privately-owned facilities. In these
the building may be responsible for purchasing and main- cases, the associated GHG emissions would be consid-
taining such equipment. When applying the operational ered direct emissions regardless of the consolidation
control approach, organizations shall clearly define how approach adopted, since the organization has both finan-
control is determined so that overall program goals are cial and operational control of the equipment.
met, and the GHG accounting and reporting principles of
consistency and transparency are followed. See Chapter 4
for more information on leases. Accounting and Reporting Requirements
Organizations shall account for and report their consoli-
dated GHG data according to either one of the control A
Applications of the Control Approaches approaches or, if appropriate, the equity share approach.
Government activities span a substantial range of struc- Only one approach can be used to prepare a given inven-
tures and control arrangements, and Table 3.1 shows tory and that approach must be applied consistently
how several common types of public sector organizations across all of an organization’s operations. To reflect the
should account for GHG emissions depending on which range of these activities, organizations may choose to
control approach is chosen. In addition, Table 3.2 details develop multiple separate inventories using different
how to account for emissions related to leased or consolidation approaches. If the reporting organization
permitted land. The percentages reflected here indicate wholly owns and operates all of its activities, its organi-
whether the emissions from those activities must be zational boundary will be the same no matter which
included in the inventory. However, even if an activity’s approach is used. For organizations with joint or shared
emissions do not fall under an organization’s control operations, or for those that manage leased assets as a
according to the selected boundary approach, they may lessee or lessor, the resulting emissions profile will differ
still be reported optionally in scope 3. See Chapter 4 for depending on which approach is used. The choice of
how to categorize direct and indirect sources into scopes. approach will also affect whether emissions from these
operations or assets are categorized as direct or indirect
(see Chapter 4).
Setting Organizational Boundaries
hen planning the consolidation of GHG data, National Parks Service conducts inventories for all
it is important to distinguish between GHG activities within park boundaries). This can become
accounting and GHG reporting. GHG tedious when organizations are required to report to
accounting concerns the development of GHG invento- multiple entities (e.g., emissions data from one site may
ries —that is, consolidating GHG emissions from need to feed into accounts for state, national, or organi-
operations for which an organization has control and zation-level reports).
An organization must consider its reporting objectives ties, or consolidating function-specific emissions such
carefully before designing its GHG accounting and as those related to transportation. It may also involve
reporting systems. For instance, achieving emissions consolidating emissions from facilities falling within a
reductions frequently depends on an understanding of site-specific boundary or “fence line.”
GHG emissions at a finely disaggregated level, so GHG
CHAPTER 3 Setting Organizational Boundaries 23
of emissions or the responsibility for managing emissions nizational boundaries of the reporting entities are trans-
and associated risk is distributed between the parties. parently and consistently established.
Where such arrangements exist, organizations may opt
to describe the contractual arrangement and include
information on allocation of related risks and obliga-
Treatment of Exceptional,
tions in their GHG reports (see Chapter 8). In some
Multi-Organization Activities
situations, public sector organizations may choose to
Multi-organization responses to emergencies (e.g., fires
include language that clarifies ownership and responsi-
and other natural disasters) may pose complications for
bilities regarding GHG emissions and accounting in the
drawing organizational boundaries and responsibility.
contracts they develop with private businesses.
Organizations may maintain informal cost-sharing
arrangements for fuel/vehicle use, with the understanding
that the responsibility for emissions reporting will be
Double Counting evenly shared or distributed through time. In other situa-
When two or more organizations hold interests in the tions, financial responsibility for these resources may be
same operation and use different consolidation articulated in legal agreements which can be modified to
approaches (e.g., in a public-private partnership where also include responsibility for the associated GHG emis-
Government Agency A follows the operational control sions. In all cases, parties should strive to avoid double
approach while Company B uses the equity approach), counting or omitting any emissions.
emissions from that joint operation could be double
counted or not counted at all. This may not matter for
voluntary reporting as long as there is adequate disclo-
sure from the company on its consolidation approach. NOTES
However, double counting or omitting emissions needs to 1
The term “operations” is used here as a generic term to denote any kind of
be avoided in mandatory government reporting organizational activity, irrespective of its organizational, governance, or
legal structures.
programs, or programs across a single government level
(i.e., all state or federal government organizations). Financial accounting standards use the generic term “control” for what is
denoted as “financial control” in this chapter.
Such policies and programs should ensure that the orga-
4 Setting Operational Boundaries
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 25
Setting operational boundaries involves identifying identify where to allocate limited resources in a way
emission sources and then categorizing these sources that maximizes GHG reductions and reduces operational
in two steps: costs. Finally, emissions reductions along the value chain
support public sector organizations’ efforts to further the
1. Categorization as either direct or indirect. Direct
public good by reducing overall GHG emissions.
GHG emissions come from sources that are
controlled by the reporting organization. Indirect Figure 4.2 provides an overview of the relationship
GHG emissions are those that are a consequence of between the scopes and activities that generate direct
the activities of the organization, but that occur at and indirect emissions.
sources owned or controlled by another organization
or company.1 What is classified as direct or indirect
depends on the consolidation approach selected for Scope 1: Direct GHG Emissions
setting the organizational boundary (see Chapter 3). Direct GHG emissions come from sources owned or
Figure 4.1 shows the relationship between the organi- controlled by the organization. These scope 1 emissions
zational and operational boundaries of an come from:
• Stationary combustion, including boilers, furnaces,
2. Categorization by scope. All direct emission sources emergency generators, etc.
are classified as scope 1, but indirect emission
• Mobile combustion from transportation vehicles
sources are classified as either scope 2 or scope 3.
• Chemical production from owned or controlled
Public sector organizations shall separately
process equipment
account for and report on all scope 1 and 2
emissions at a minimum. • Fugitive emissions, including leaks or unintended
Such categorization improves transparency, eliminates
the risk of double counting, and facilitates more effective Direct CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass
management of GHG risks and opportunities along an or biofuels shall not be included in scope 1 but shall be
organization’s “value chain,” encompassing all of its reported separately (see Box 4.1). However, the CH4
upstream and downstream activities. Even without any and N2O emitted from combustion of these materials
policy drivers, accounting for GHG emissions along the will be reported as scope 1. For fuels that contain a
value chain may reveal potential for greater efficiency blend of biofuel and fossil fuel (for example, ethanol
and lower costs. Making indirect emissions reductions, products such as E85), all GHG emissions from the
such as electricity efficiency improvements, may be a fossil fuel portion must be calculated and reported as
more cost-effective measure than reducing scope 1 scope 1 direct emissions. The emissions from the A
emissions, so accounting for indirect emissions can help biofuel portion must be calculated separately, with CH4
Parent Organization
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 27
fter applying a consolidation approach, emissions sions from the use of refrigeration and air conditioning
from within the organizational boundary are then equipment; methane from solid waste and wastewater
categorized as direct or indirect. Organizations may treatment facilities; methane leakages from gas
further subdivide emissions data within scopes where this transport; and SF6 emissions from owned electricity
aids transparency or facilitates comparability over time. transformers and from leaking electrical equipment.
For example, they may subdivide data by facility, region,
• Less common but still significant, direct emissions may
routine versus non-routine operations, source type
include those from on-site landfills, composting, waste-
(stationary combustion, process, fugitive, etc.), and
water treatment plants and incinerators, laboratory
activity type (production of electricity, consumption of
activities, munitions firing, and organization-specific
electricity, generated or purchased electricity that is sold
activities (such as space shuttle launches).
to end users, etc.).
• Generation of electricity, heat, or steam. These
of purchased electricity, steam, or district heating/cooling
emissions result from combustion of fuels in
that is consumed in their owned or controlled equipment
stationary sources, e.g., boilers, furnaces, turbines,
or operations as scope 2. For many organizations,
and emergency generators.
purchased electricity represents one of the largest sources
• Physical or chemical processing.3 Most of these of GHG emissions and the most significant opportunity to
emissions result from the manufacture or processing reduce these emissions. Accounting for scope 2 emissions
of chemicals and materials (e.g., cement, aluminum, allows organizations to assess the risks and opportunities
adipic acid, ammonia manufacture, and waste associated with changing electricity and GHG emissions
processing) and are not typical of most public costs, in addition to providing information necessary for
sector organizations. some GHG reporting programs.
• Transportation of materials, products, waste, and Organizations can reduce their use of electricity by
employees. These emissions result from the combustion investing in energy-efficient technologies and energy
combustion is tracked separately from the scopes; can also install an efficient on-site co-generation plant,
see Chapter 8. particularly if it replaces the purchase of more GHG-
intensive electricity from the grid or electricity supplier.
independent power generators or the grid and resell it to losses in scope 2. Another advantage is that it adds
end-consumers through a transmission and distribution simplicity to the reporting of scope 2 emissions by
(T&D) system.7 A portion of the electricity purchased by a allowing the use of commonly available emission factors
utility company is lost or “consumed” during its transmis- that in most cases do not include T&D losses. End
sion and distribution to end-consumers (see Box 4.2); this consumers may, however, report their indirect emissions
is usually referred to as T&D loss.
Purchased electricity consumed
Indirect emissions from activities upstream of an organi-
by end consumers
Consistent with the scope 2 definition, emissions from purchased for resale to end-users are reported in scope 3.
the generation of purchased electricity consumed during Emissions from the generation of purchased electricity
T&D are reported in scope 2 by the organization that for resale to non-end users (e.g., electricity traders) may
owns or controls the T&D operation. End consumers of be reported separately in “optional information.”
the purchased electricity do not report indirect emis- The following two examples illustrate how GHG emis-
sions associated with T&D losses in scope 2 because sions from the generation, sale, and purchase of
they do not own or control the T&D operation where the electricity are accounted for.
electricity is consumed.
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 29
FIGURE 4.3 GHG Accounting from the Sale and Purchase of Electricity
➡ ➡ ➡
100 MWh 100 MWh 95 MWh
= 0.2 t/MWh
B’s Optional Information = 20t C’s Scope 3 emissions = 19t D’s Scope 3 emissions = 1t
Example one (Figure 4.3): Company A is an independent Organization D reports all direct emissions from the
power generator that owns a power generation plant. co-generation unit under scope 1. Under optional
The power plant produces 100 megawatt hours (MWh) information, Organization D may also identify and
of electricity and releases 20 tonnes of emissions per report the amount of emissions from the co-generation
year. Company B is an electricity trader and has a unit that were associated with the electricity sold to
supply contract with company A to purchase all its Organization E. In turn, Organization E reports the
electricity. Company B resells the purchased electricity emissions from the electricity it purchased from
(100 MWh) to Company C, a utility that owns or Organization D as under scope 2. For more guidance,
controls the T&D system. Organization C consumes see Appendix D on accounting for indirect emissions
5 MWh of electricity in its T&D system and sells the from purchased electricity.
remaining 95 MWh to Organization D. Public sector
organization D is an end user who consumes the
Scope 3: Other Indirect GHG Emissions
purchased electricity (95 MWh) in its own operations.
Scope 3 is considered optional for reporting in confor-
• Company A reports its direct emissions from power
mance with this U.S. Public Sector Protocol, but certain
generation under scope 1.
voluntary or regulatory programs may require the
• Company B reports emissions from the purchased reporting of specific scope 3 categories. Scope 3
electricity sold to a non-end user as optional informa- provides an opportunity to be innovative in GHG I
tion separately from the scopes. management. Organizations may want to initially focus
on accounting for and reporting activities that are rele-
• Company C reports the indirect emissions from the
with its own consumption of purchased electricity contractors, scope 3 emissions for the public sector may
under scope 2 and can optionally report emissions be quite significant. Accounting for scope 3 emissions
associated with upstream T&D losses in scope 3. highlights opportunities to reduce overall GHG emis-
Figure 4.3 shows the accounting of emissions sions through procurement and leasing contracts,
associated with these transactions. policies, and practices.
Example two: Public sector Organization D installs a The forthcoming GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard will offer
co-generation unit and sells surplus electricity to a detailed guidance on comprehensively identifying scope 3
neighboring Organization E for its consumption. sources, determining which sources are relevant, and
Setting Operational Boundaries
be reported optionally, and suggest that it is usually emissions from their own facilities and equipment, as well as the
valuable to focus on major scope 3 GHG-generating ability to affect emissions from their visitors, concessions, etc., both
activities. In addition, the forthcoming GHG Protocol within park boundaries and beyond. Parks that participate in the
Product Life Cycle Standard will provide guidelines for Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) Program—a joint program between EPA
conducting comprehensive life-cycle assessments of and the National Park Service—account not only for their own scope
specific products. 1 and scope 2 sources, but also for many scope 3 category sources,
Since organizations have discretion over which such as visitor vehicle travel, off-site landfilled solid waste and
categories they choose to report, scope 3 may not be wastewater treatment, commercial aircraft, and cruise ships and
comparable across organizations. This section provides concession operations among others.
a list of scope 3 categories common to government Visitor vehicle emissions within the park are a particularly important
activities and includes case studies on some of the source, since the national parks collectively receive over 250 million
categories. However, this does not constitute a visitors each year. In most cases, these visitors travel within the park
complete list of potential scope 3 sources. Some of in their own vehicles. For parks participating in the CFP Program, this
these activities are also included under scope 1 if the means that a significant amount (often greater than 90 percent) of
pertinent emission sources are owned or controlled by the GHG emissions that occur within park boundaries result from
the organization (e.g., if employee transportation is visitor vehicle travel. These scope 3 sources are a consequence of the
done in vehicles owned or controlled by the organiza- operation of the park, but are not from sources it owns or controls.
tion). To determine whether an activity falls within
scope 1 or scope 3, the organization should refer to CFP parks work with their surrounding communities, concessions,
the selected control approach used in setting its visitors, and contractors to plan ways to reduce emissions, set emis-
organizational boundaries. sion reduction targets, and implement mitigation actions. Through
these efforts, CFP parks have found that accounting for, and seeking
• Transport-related activities (in vehicles not owned or to reduce, scope 3 emissions provides opportunities for resource
controlled by the reporting organization) sharing, knowledge sharing, and community action.
• Employee business travel
➡ ➡
➡ ➡
Raw Materials
Product Distribution
Energy Activities
Reporting Product Use
➡ ➡ ➡
Capital Equipment Organization
Product Disposal
Adapted from GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard (Draft for Road Testing, January 2010).
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 31
be undertaken or influenced by the organization.
sure (e.g., climate change related risks such as
controlled by third parties
financial, regulatory, supply chain, product and tech-
• Wastewater treatment
nology, compliance/litigation, reputational, and
• Disposal of waste generated in operations physical risks)
• Disposal of waste generated in the production of • They are deemed critical by key stakeholders (e.g.,
(see Appendix D)
comparable government organizations typically
• Extraction, production, and transportation of fuels
perform “internally” with own staff and facilities
consumed in the generation of electricity (either
purchased or own-generated by the reporting The following are examples of scope 3 activities that may
company) be relevant to organizations:
• Purchase of electricity that is sold to an end user • Organizations whose work involves a significant
(reported by a utility) amount of employee business travel may want to report
on related emissions.
• Generation of electricity that is consumed in a T&D
system (reported by end user).
Setting Operational Boundaries
Attributing responsibility for GHG emissions from leased assets activities are included in the inventory, it is accepted that
(and in particular, buildings) presents numerous challenges. It data accuracy may be lower. It may be more important to
is unavoidable that the “operation” and resulting GHG emis- understand the relative magnitude of and possible changes
sions of a building is shaped by both its infrastructure and to scope 3 activities. Emission estimates are acceptable as
equipment (the purview of the landlord) and its use (the activ- long as there is transparency with regard to the estimation
ities and consumption choices of the tenants). The approach, and the data used for the analysis are adequate
responsibility for reducing emissions may not always align with to support the objectives of the inventory. Verification of
the party that has the incentive – financial or otherwise—to scope 3 emissions is often difficult and may only be mean-
reduce emissions. The disconnections between users (“opera- ingful if data are of reliable quality.
tors”) and owners are known as “principal-agent problems” or
“split incentives,” and are acknowledged as one of the barriers
as possible for both parties to make reductions. For example, A common leasing arrangement is for a single public
sub-metering and other mechanisms that isolate individual organization to lease and manage assets for multiple
tenant’s energy consumption can incentivize tenant responsi- other government organizations. The General Services
bility and help landlords identify priority areas for structural Administration (GSA) fulfills this role at the federal
upgrades. More fundamentally, ensuring that both landlords level, for example.
and tenants report emissions (in different scopes depending on
the lease type and consolidation approach chosen) can provide These leasing arrangements can be complex, and both
the means to track the impact of both efficiency and behavioral lessees and lessors contribute to the total emissions that
changes over time. are incurred from the leased asset (see Box 4.3).
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 33
TABLE 4.1 Emissions from Leased Assets: Leasing Agreements and Boundaries for Lessees and Lessors
Operational Control Tenant/Lessee has operational control. I
• TENANT/LESSEE : Emissions associated with fuel combustion are scope 1 and with use of purchased
electricity are scope 2.a
• LANDLORD/LESSOR: Emissions associated with tenant’s fuel combustion and purchased electricity are scope 3.
Financial Control Tenant/Lessee has financial control or ownership. Landlord/lessor has financial control or ownership.
or Equity Share
• TENANT/LESSEE : Emissions associated with • TENANT/LESSEE : Emissions associated with fuel
fuel combustion are scope 1 and with use of combustion and with use of purchased electricity
purchased electricity are scope 2. are scope 3.
with tenant’s fuel combustion and purchased tenant’s fuel combustion are scope 1 and with
electricity are scope 3. use of purchased electricity are scope 2.
Some organizations may be able to demonstrate that they do not have operational control over a leased asset held under an operating lease. In these cases, the organization may report
emissions from the leased asset as scope 3, but must state clearly in its GHG inventory report the reason(s) why they do not have operational control. See section below on determining
control in centralized heat/cooling systems.
Setting Operational Boundaries
the emissions associated with fuel combustion and serving a multi-tenant building or set a building-wide
electricity use are categorized as scope 3. thermostat. As a result, the tenant/lessee may wish to
categorize the emissions from these centralized
Likewise, the landlord/lessor has ownership and finan- heating/cooling emissions as indirect (scope 3) rather
cial control of these assets but not operational than direct.
control. Therefore, if the operational control approach
Concern is often expressed that accounting for indirect
For multi-tenant buildings, tenants are generally only
emissions will lead to double counting when two
required to account for emissions from their portion of
CHAPTER 4 Setting Operational Boundaries 35
scope 1 emissions) and/or indirect emissions from use of
electricity. For GHG risk management and voluntary
reporting, double counting is less important.
The terms “direct” and “indirect” as used in this document should not be 6
This U.S. Public Sector Protocol recognizes the potential role green power
confused with their use in national GHG inventories where “direct” refers markets can play in GHG reduction strategies, but at this time does not
to the six Kyoto gases and “indirect” refers to the precursors nitrogen provide guidance on how such products should be reflected in an inven-
oxide (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds, and carbon tory.
A T&D system includes T&D lines and other T&D equipment (e.g., trans-
The term “electricity” is used in this chapter as shorthand for electricity, formers).
steam, and district heating/cooling. 8
“Purchased materials and fuels” are those purchased or otherwise
For some integrated manufacturing processes, such as ammonia manu- brought into the organizational boundary.
facture, it may not be possible to distinguish between GHG emissions 9
from the process and those from the production of electricity, heat, or For this discussion, we assume that most emissions that could be cate-
gorized as direct emissions are associated with fuel combustion.
However, organizations may also have other sources of emissions, such
The categorization of venting as a fugitive emission is consistent with as emissions from industrial processes or HFC emissions from refrigera-
IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. tion and air conditioning, which could also be categorized as direct
emissions. For these other potential sources of direct emissions, compa-
Green power includes renewable energy sources and specific clean nies should follow the leasing guidance described for fuel combustion.
energy technologies that reduce GHG emissions relative to other sources We have focused on fuel combustion in this chapter for simplicity.
of energy that supply the electric grid, e.g., solar photovoltaic panels,
geothermal energy, landfill gas, hydropower, and wind turbines. 10
Financial Accounting Standards Board, Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards, no. 13, “Accounting for Leases” (1976).
5 Tracking Emissions Over Time
time difficult. To maintain consistency over time—in other words, to keep comparing
CHAPTER 5 Tracking Emissions Over Time 37
period the program (Phase I) use average emissions
• Reorganization, division, or consolidation of organi-
from 1998–2001 as the base year reference for
zational activities
tracking reductions. A multiyear average may help
smooth out unusual fluctuations in GHG emissions that • Outsourcing or insourcing of activities.
would make a single year’s data unrepresentative of the
• Changes in calculation methodology or improvements
organization’s typical emissions profile. A
in the accuracy of emission factors or activity data that
The base year can also be used as a basis for setting and significantly impact the base year emissions estimate.
election and recalculation of a base year should for reporting. Calendar year reporting is consistent with
relate to the organizational goals and the partic- most voluntary GHG reporting programs and UNFCCC
ular context of the organization: reporting standards. While using the same reporting
• A public organization subject to a mandatory GHG period for both financial and GHG emissions accounting
reporting program may face external rules governing will reduce data collection and reporting burdens, doing
the choice and recalculation of base year emissions. so may not always be possible. For instance, public
In choosing a base year and, more generally, in designing Figures 5.1 and 5.2 illustrate the effect of structural
a GHG accounting system, public organizations should changes and the application of this standard on recalcu-
choose between fiscal year or calendar year as the basis lation of base year emissions.
CHAPTER 5 Tracking Emissions Over Time 39
Department A
Facility C Department B
emissions 15 20 20
Department C
Figures reported in respective years Recalculated figures
80 80
30 30 30 30
40 40
25 25
20 20
30 30 30 30
25 25
0 0
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
(Base Year)
(Increase in (Gamma (Base Year)
Activities) Acquires C)
Agency Gamma consists of two departments (A and B). In its base year (year one), each department emits 25 tons CO2. In year two, the
agency undergoes organic growth, leading to an increase in emissions to 30 tons CO2 per department, i.e., 60 tons CO2 in total. The base
year emissions are not recalculated in this case. At the beginning of year three, the agency is reorganized and acquires Department C from
another agency. The annual emissions of Department C in year one were 15 tons CO2 and 20 ton CO2 in year two and three. The total emis-
sions of Agency Gamma in year three, including Department C, are therefore 80 tons CO2. To maintain consistency over time, the agency
recalculates its base year emissions to take into account the addition of Department C. The base year emissions increase by 15 tons CO2
–the quantity of emissions produced by Department C in Gamma’s base year. The recalculated base year emissions are 65 tons CO2.
Gamma also (optionally) reports 80 tons CO2 as the recalculated emissions for year two.
Adapted from the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, 2004
should be recalculated for the entire year, rather than calculate emissions differently. For example, an organiza-
only for the remainder of the reporting period after the tion might have used a national electric power generation
structural change occurred. This avoids having to recal- emissions factor to estimate scope 2 emissions in year
culate base year emissions again in the succeeding year. one of reporting. In later years, it may obtain more accu-
Similarly, current year emissions should be recalculated rate region-specific emission factors (for the current as
for the entire year to maintain consistency with the base well as past years) that better reflect the GHG emissions
year recalculation. If it is not possible to recalculate in associated with the electricity it has purchased. If the
the year of the structural change (e.g., due to lack of differences in emissions resulting from such a change
data for an acquired organization), it may be done the exceed the defined significance threshold, historic data
following year.2 are recalculated applying the new data or method.
Department A
30 Department B
Department C
Figures reported in respective years Recalculated figures
80 80
60 30 30 60
40 40
30 30 30 30
25 25
20 20
25 30 30 25 30 30
0 0
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
(Base Year) (Increase in (Beta Loses C) (Base Year)
Agency Beta consists of three departments (A, B, and C). Each department emits 25 tons CO2 and the total emissions for the agency are
75 tons CO2 in the base year (year one). In year two, the output of the agency grows, leading to an increase in emissions to 30 tons CO2 per
department, i.e., 90 tons CO2 in total. At the beginning of year three, Agency Beta is reorganized and “loses” Department C to another
agency. The Agency Beta annual emissions are now 60 tons, representing an apparent reduction of 15 tons relative to its base year emis-
sions. However, to maintain consistency over time, the agency recalculates its base year emissions to take into account the divestment of
Department C. The base year emissions are lowered by 25 tons CO2 –the quantity of emissions produced by the Department C in the base
year. The recalculated base year emissions are 50 tons CO2, and the emissions of Agency Beta are seen to have risen by 10 tons CO2 over
the three years. Beta (optionally) reports 60 tons CO2 as the recalculated emissions for year two.
recalculation. This acknowledgment should be made in • All actual emissions as reported in respective years
the report each year to enhance transparency; otherwise, in the past, i.e., the figures that have not been recalcu-
new users of the report in years after the change may lated. Reporting the original figures in addition to the
make incorrect assumptions about the performance of recalculated figures contributes to transparency
the organization. because it illustrates the evolution of the organiza-
tion’s structure over time.
Any changes in emissions factors or activity data that
reflect real changes in emissions (i.e., changes in fuel
type or technology) do not trigger a recalculation.
No Recalculation for Base Year Anomalies
As an organization tracks its GHG emissions over time,
it may experience anomalous situations that temporarily
Optional Reporting for Recalculations cause its emissions to increase or decrease. Table 5.1
Optional information that public organizations may provides three examples of such anomalies, which will
report on recalculations includes the following: be familiar to public sector managers. While such
anomalies should not lead to the recalculation of base
• The recalculated GHG emissions data for all years
year emissions, they do have important implications for
between the base year and the reporting year if new
the type of base year an organization should select. For
data or methodologies make this possible.
instance, the periodic changes in emissions associated
CHAPTER 5 Tracking Emissions Over Time 41
Periodic Temporary (repeating) U.S. Census Bureau’s Base year consists of two separate years, one
increase in GHG emissions acquiring new temporary with and one without census. Comparison to
due to a foreseen activity office space and vehicles the appropriate base year shows real increases
change within an organiza- to conduct the U.S. nation- or decreases.
tional mission. wide census every 10 years.
Episodic Temporary increase in GHG U.S. Federal Emergency • Use original base year and recognize that
emissions due to an unfore- Management Agency (FEMA) the increase is real, even if temporary.
seen event outside the responding to an unusually However, if base year is an anomalously
organization’s control. high number of national large disaster year, this produces apparent
emergencies in a particularly decreases that are misleading.
active season.
• Multi-year base periods may be particularly
useful in averaging over the effects of such
episodic anomalies.
with cyclical census activities may require the use of BOX 5.1 Definitions of Insourcing and Outsourcing
multiple base years (see Table 5.1). Also, instead of for the Purposes of GHG Reporting
adopting individual base years, organizations may use a
base period, which represents the average of emissions Outsourcing: Contracting out to other entities activities that
were previously performed by the reporting organization.
over a continuous multi-year period.
Regardless of the solution chosen, organizations Insourcing: The inverse of outsourcing; that is, the reporting
must provide a justification for making this choice organization performing activities previously contracted out to I
and a description of the anomalies in their GHG other entities.
emissions reports.
to the year in which the acquired operations came into nied by an increase in organizational budget. Sudden
existence. The same applies to cases where the organiza- expansions or contractions may appear as historical
tion loses ownership of (or outsources) operations that anomalies, but because they represent a substantive
did not exist in the base year. change in operations, the base year emissions should not
Tracking Emissions Over Time
FIGURE 5.3. Acquisition of Operations that Came Into Existence after Base Year
Department A
15 Department B
Department C
Figures reported in respective years Recalculated Figures
80 80
60 20 60 20
40 30 40 30
30 30
25 25
20 20
25 30 30 25 30 30
0 0
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
(Base Year) (Increase in (Omega
Activities) Acquires C)
Agency Omega consists of two departments (A and B). In its base year (year one), the agency emits 50 tons CO2. In year two, the agency
undergoes organic growth, leading to an increase in emissions to 30 tons CO2 per department, i.e., 60 tons CO2 in total. The base year
emissions are not recalculated in this case. At the beginning of year three, omega acquires a Department C from another agency.
Department C came into existence in year two, its emissions being 15 tons CO2 in year two and 20 tons CO2 in year three. The total emis-
sions of agency Omega in year three, including Department C, are therefore 80 tons CO2. In this acquisition case, the base year emissions
of agency Omega do not change because the acquired Department C did not exist in year one, the base year of Omega. The base year emis-
sions of Omega therefore remain at 50 tons CO2. Omega (optionally) reports 75 tons as the recalculated figure for year two emissions.
be recalculated. Expansion does not include subsuming recorded the emissions in the required scope 2 category;
another organization’s existing emissions through reor- but insourcing that service and producing electricity
ganization. Closures should be considered as reductions onsite from burning fuel such as natural gas, for
in emissions against a base year, and so they do not example, incurs scope 1 emissions. This does not trigger
trigger base year recalculations. The rationale for this is base-year-emissions recalculation, since the emissions
that expansion or contraction results in an actual change associated with the organization’s power needs are still
of emissions to the atmosphere and therefore needs to be reflected in the inventory, but simply in different scopes.
counted as an increase or decrease in the organization’s These changes should be documented in the overall
emissions profile over time. report to ensure transparency.
CHAPTER 5 Tracking Emissions Over Time 43
base year is appropriate here, since the outsourced
activity is not captured anywhere in the current year’s
inventory, making the current year’s emissions appear
disproportionately low.
“Base year” differs from “baseline,” which is mostly used in the context
scenario for what GHG emissions would have been in the absence of a
GHG reduction project or activity. However, many reporting programs use
these terms interchangeably, and reporting organizations should be
clear on which definition is being referenced.
For more information on the timing of base year emissions recalcula-
tions, see the guidance document “Base year recalculation
methodologies for structural changes” on the GHG Protocol website
6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions
CHAPTER 6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions 45
1. Identify GHG emissions sources. Steps in Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions
2. Select a GHG emissions calculation approach.
Identify Sources
3. Collect activity data and choose emission factors.
typically occur from the following source categories: IDENTIFY SCOPE 1 EMISSIONS
• Stationary combustion: combustion of fuels in As a first step, a public organization should undertake
stationary equipment such as boilers, furnaces, burners, an exercise to identify its direct (scope 1) emission
turbines, heaters, incinerators, engines, and flares. sources in each of the four source categories listed
above. Process emissions are usually only relevant to I
• Mobile combustion: combustion of fuels in transporta- certain industry sectors such as oil and gas, aluminum,
tion devices such as automobiles, trucks, buses, trains, and cement. Public organizations that generate process
airplanes, boats, ships, barges, and vessels.
weapons production. based public organizations may not have any direct GHG
emissions except in cases where they own or operate
• Fugitive emissions: intentional and unintentional vehicles, combustion devices, or refrigeration and air-
methane emissions from coal mines and venting;1 IDENTIFY SCOPE 2 EMISSIONS
methane leakages from gas transport; SF6 emissions The next step is to identify indirect emission sources
from owned electricity transformers; as well as fugi- from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or
tive emissions from detonation and firing of munitions, steam. Almost all public organizations generate indirect
rocket firing, coal piles, wastewater treatment, cooling emissions due to the purchase of electricity for use in
towers, and gas processing facilities. their processes or services.
Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions
TABLE 6.1 Illustrative Emissions Sources Associated with Public Sector Operations
Buildings S, P, F 1) For stationary combustion sources: amounts of natural gas and other • Utility provider that
(Government- owned, fuels consumed (CO2, CH4, and N2O) transmits the power
operated or occupied 2) For electricity consumption: amount of electricity purchased from the (e.g., investor-owned
facilities) grid (CO2, CH4, and N2O) utility, municipal utility)
3) Amount of imported steam or district heating or cooling (CO2, CH4, • Accounts payable
conditioning (HVAC) systems: type of refrigerants, type and quantities • HVAC maintenance
of air conditioning (A/C) equipment, total refrigerant charge, and contract manager
annual leak rates (HFCs and PFCs)
Road and marine vehicle M, F 1) Fuel consumption or mileage data by vehicle, vehicle type, and • Fleet management
and aircraft fleets vehicle year (CO2, CH4, and N2O) • Accounts payable
(Vehicles in organiza- 2) For vehicle A/C systems: type of refrigerants, number and type of vehi-
tion-managed fleet) cles in fleet, total refrigerant charge, and annual leak rates (HFCs)
Water and Sewage S,P, F 1) See buildings • Utility provider that
Treatment and pumping 2) Information on the volume and composition of water/sewage treated transmits the power
(at treatment facility) at water/sewage treatment plants and type of treatment technologies (e.g., investor-owned
(CH4 and N2O) utility, municipal utility)
• Accounts Payable
• Public Works Dept
• Municipal Utility District
(Water District)
Solid Waste Facilities F 1) See fleets (waste hauling) • Utility provider that
(Landfill) 2) Information on the total amount of waste deposited annually, transmits the power
amount of CH4 flared or used for energy, and amount of CH4 oxidized (e.g., investor-owned
in landfills utility, municipal utility)
3) Information about the landfill operation • Public Works Dept
Stationary combustion S 1) Amount of fuel consumed (CO2, CH4, and N2O) • Bulk Fuel Purchases
equipment • Maintenance/testing
(including power plants records
and generators)
Fire Protection S, M, F 1) See buildings • Maintenance records
(Vehicles, fire suppres- 2) See fleets • Coolant purchase records
sion systems) 3) For fire suppression systems: type of suppressants, number and type
of vehicles in fleet, total charge, and annual leak rates (HFCs)
Road Construction S, M, P 1) See buildings • Materials purchase
(Vehicles, cement, and 2) See fleets records
asphalt use) 3) Data on cement production
4) See parks and lands (soils and forests)
5) Traffic lights and other signal/lighting equipment
Laboratories S, F 1) See buildings • Bulk Fuel Records
2) Gases for testing: N2O, HFCs, PFCs.
CHAPTER 6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions 47
TABLE 6.1 Illustrative Emissions Sources Associated with Public Sector Operations ( C O N T I N U E D )
The inclusion of scope 3 emissions allows public organi- measure of activity; for example, electricity emission
zations to expand their inventory boundary along their factors are expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent per kilo-
value chain, providing a broad overview of linkages watt-hour. These emission factors are then applied to the
(such as inter-organization management of shared appropriate activity data (such as kilowatt-hours of elec-
resources) that offer opportunities for significant GHG tricity) in order to calculate the emissions resulting from
emissions reductions. See Chapter 4 for an overview of the activity (see Box 6.1).
activities that can generate GHG emissions along an
In many cases, accurate emissions can be calculated
organization’s value chain. from fuel use data. Even small users usually know the
amount of fuel consumed and have access to data on the
carbon content of the fuel through default carbon
Select a Calculation Approach content coefficients or through more accurate periodic
The IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006) refer to a hierarchy fuel sampling. Public organizations should use the most
of calculation approaches and techniques, ranging from accurate calculation approach available to them and
direct monitoring to the application of generic emission appropriate for their reporting context.
factors. The most accurate GHG emission data can be
on a mass balance or stoichiometric basis specific to a quantities of commercial fuels (such as natural gas,
facility or process, based on the quantities of chemical vehicle fuels, and heating oil) using published emissions
inputs and outputs. However, the most common
reported under scope 1 within the appropriate organizational Some public organizations (e.g., DoD and NASA) have
boundaries. However, combustion of the 20% biodiesel is industrial operations and operate their own power gener-
accounted for in two places: the CH4 and N2O are reported in ation facilities. Organizations should seek guidance from
scope 1, and the CO2 is separately reported “biogenic” emissions sector-specific guidelines, protocols, and studies to
category. See Chapter 4 for more information. ensure that they use or develop appropriate emissions
CHAPTER 6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions 49
For these reasons, the U.S. Public Sector Protocol does not
NREL: Calculating Emissions specify the use of particular emission factors, but encour-
in Leased Spaces ages inventorying organizations to carefully select those
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has been that will best represent a given situation. The GHG
reporting its GHG emissions since 2003 as a partner in the EPA Protocol Initiative maintains a suite of calculation tools
Climate Leaders program. NREL's inventory is composed of based on widely-accepted emission factors, which can
several sites in Colorado. The main site on South Table Mountain offer organizations a place to start. Regulatory or volun-
(STM) is composed of buildings owned, built, and controlled by tary programs will usually specify which emission factors
NREL. Each building has data acquisition systems so utility data their reporting members should use.
can be tracked at the building level and reported in NREL’s scope
1 and scope 2 emissions. This is also the case with the National
Wind Technology Center, which is located about 30 minutes north A C T I V I T Y D AT A F O R L E A S E D S P A C E S
of the STM site. Energy bill/meter records that track the consumption of
electricity and/or heat by individual users will provide
The laboratory does lease space for some of its administrative the most specific activity data for GHG emissions calcu-
and non-research offices, and emissions from natural gas and lations. However, collecting energy use data at this level
electricity use in these leased facilities are calculated based on is not always possible, particularly in multi-tenant leased
the percentage of the building area occupied by NREL. Emissions facilities that do not have sub-meters to track individual
from natural gas and electricity are reported in NREL’s scope 1 tenant energy use. If total building energy use is known,
emissions and scope 2 emissions, respectively. To account for the then approximate activity data for electricity use may be
energy usage and the requisite GHG emissions in the leased employed, including:
space, NREL uses the following formula:
• Building-specific estimation, where the building’s total
NREL electric = (NREL leased office space area/total building energy use is divided by the portion of the total building
area) x (1/occupancy rate) x electric bill for building area the organization occupies. For buildings with less
Then: NREL GHGs = NREL electric x eGrid factors for the appro- than 100% occupancy, the total building energy use is
priate region divided by the occupancy rate to more accurately
capture the tenant’s total portion of emissions.
NREL is currently constructing new office buildings on the STM
site, mitigating its need for leased office space and providing • Similar building/facility estimation, where data is
opportunities to implement energy-efficient design features. In extrapolated from other similar buildings/facilities
order to help manage traffic on the STM site and to cut down on owned by the reporting organization. This method
its commuter emissions, the laboratory is piloting a telecom- should only be used if the reporting organization has
muting plan for administrative staff. multiple buildings/facilities of a similar type, with I
similar energy use patterns, and is able to obtain accu-
rate, reliable energy use data for some of them using
Standard provides further guidance on identifying and
factors for power production are generally well-estab- For multi-tenant buildings, tenants are required to
lished, while those for CH4 released from composting are account for emissions only from their leased space, as
less so. Even some emission factors for the same sector determined by building area and occupancy. Tenants in a
include different pieces of information (e.g., factors multi-tenant building whose energy use is sub-metered
related to power production include transmission and may optionally account for their portion of emissions
distribution (T&D) losses while others do not), so they from common spaces such as lobbies, shared conference
must be applied appropriately to avoid double counting. rooms, etc., under scope 3.
Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions
The Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) program stems from a partnership to approximate emissions that occur within park boundaries. It also
between the U.S. EPA and National Park Service (NPS) and works to pinpoints how employees, concessionaires, and visitors each impact
educate, communicate, and mitigate climate change by: climate change. The tool looks at both GHGs and criteria air pollu-
tants (CAPs). While both types of emissions often result from similar
• Educating every park employee about climate change and what
activities, there are some differences in how these emissions are esti-
how the park is dealing with these effects, and the difference obtaining that information. The next two sections focus on calcula-
each person can make in being stewards of our climate and other tions. They are broken into GHG calculations and CAP calculations.
natural resources. Both calculators are separated into the individual emission sources
that are relevant to each park. At the end the user is presented with
The CFP program created the Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP) Tool
a summary sheet.
Emissions Inventory Tool has been designed to assist park employees (CLIP) Tool, CLIPtool/emissioninventory.html.
CHAPTER 6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions 51
TABLE 6.2 Centralized and Decentralized Data Collection and Calculation Approaches
Activity and fuel use data
Activity and fuel use data
➡ Calculates emissions
Calculates emissions
Compiles inventory
Compiles inventory
Definition Individual facilities report activity and fuel use data • Individual facilities collect activity and fuel use data, directly
(such as quantity of fuel used) to the headquarters calculate their GHG emissions using approved methods, and
level, where GHG emissions are calculated report this data to the headquarters level
When • The staff at the headquarters or division level can • Mitigation decisions (such as funding allocation) requires
preferred calculate emissions data in a straightforward knowledge of emissions at the level of individual equipment
option? manner on the basis of activity or fuel use data
• Local regulations require reporting of GHG emissions at a
facility level
• Emissions calculations are standard across a
number of facilities. • Calculations require detailed knowledge of the kind of
equipment being used at facilities
• Resources are available to train the facility staff to conduct
these calculations and to audit them
• A user-friendly tool is available to simplify the calculation
and reporting task for the facility-level staff.
inventory calculation tools specific to their organization’s Roll Up GHG Emissions Data to Organizational
streamlining data gathering, calculation and reporting organizations will usually need to gather and summarize
functions (see above case study on the Climate Leadership data from multiple facilities, potentially across different
in Parks (CLIP): Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory subordinate sub-organizations or divisions and even in
Tool). In developing or using such integrated tools, suffi- different countries. Carefully planning this process mini-
cient access to raw data and calculation formulas should mizes the reporting burden, reduces the risk of errors
be ensured for cross-checking and verification purposes.
advantage of any relevant data already collected and the headquarters level that is not readily available at
reported by facilities. Depending upon the amount of the facility level, and vice versa. Individual facility
detail headquarters wishes to be reported from facili- managers may identify sources of emissions that head-
ties, data collection and management tools could quarters may not monitor. To maximize accuracy and
include the following: minimize reporting burdens, some public organizations
• Secure databases available over the organizations’ use a combination of the two approaches. Complex
intranet or internet for direct data entry by facilities facilities with process emissions may calculate their
emissions at the facility level, while facilities with
• Spreadsheet templates filled out and sent to a
For internal reporting up to the headquarters level, the calculates total GHG emissions for each of these stan-
use of standardized reporting formats is recommended to dard activities. Public organizations desiring a
ensure that data received from different facilities are consistency check on facility-level calculations can
comparable and that internal reporting rules are follow both approaches and compare the results. Even
observed. Standardized formats can significantly reduce when facilities calculate their own GHG emissions,
the risk of errors. headquarters staff may still wish to gather activity and
fuel use data to double-check calculations and explore
opportunities for emissions reductions. These data
CHAPTER 6 Identifying and Calculating GHG Emissions 53
• A description of events and changes that have had an REPORTING FOR THE DECENTRALIZED APPROACH
impact on reported data (acquisitions, restructuring, In addition to the aforementioned common categories of
closures, technology upgrades, changes of reporting reporting data, individual facilities following the decen-
boundaries, calculation methods applied, etc.). tralized approach by reporting calculated GHG
emissions to the headquarters level should also report
the following:
REPORTING FOR THE CENTRALIZED APPROACH • A description of GHG calculation methods and any
In addition to the aforementioned common categories of changes made to those methods relative to previous
reporting data, facilities following the centralized reporting periods I
approach by reporting activity/fuel use data to the head-
• Details on any data references used for the calculations,
quarters level should also report the following:
in particular information on emission factors used
external verification.
activity/fuel use data
The categorization of venting as a fugitive emission is consistent with
the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
7 Managing Inventory Quality
information will have greater value and more uses, while low quality information may
have little or no value or use, and may even incur penalties. For example, an organi-
zation may currently be focusing on voluntary GHG reporting, but also want its
management system will help ensure that an inventory meets the principles of the
U.S. Public Sector Protocol and adequately prepares public organizations for require-
ments of potential future GHG emissions programs.
CHAPTER 7 Managing Inventory Quality 55
Even if an organization is not anticipating a future regu- management system and to help plan for future
latory mechanism, internal and external stakeholders improvements. This framework focuses on the
will demand high quality inventory information. following institutional, managerial, and technical
Therefore, the implementation of some type of quality components of an inventory (see Table 7.1):
management system is important. However, the U.S.
• M E T H O D S . These are the technical aspects of inventory
Public Sector Protocol recognizes that public organiza-
preparation. Public organizations should select or
tions have limited resources and, unlike financial
develop methods for estimating emissions that accu-
accounting, organizational GHG inventories involve a
rately represent the characteristics of their source
level of scientific and engineering complexity.
categories. The GHG Protocol maintains a set of
Organizations should develop their inventory program
online calculation tools which contain default methods
and quality management system as a cumulative effort in
and emission factors to help with this effort. In addi-
keeping with their resources, the broader evolution of
tion, many voluntary and mandatory reporting
policy, and their own organizational mission.
programs specify calculation methodologies and proce-
A practical framework for the quality management of a dures. The design of an inventory program and quality
GHG accounting system, such as the Inventory management system should provide for the selection,
Management Plan (IMP) developed by the EPA Climate application, and updating of inventory methods as new
Leaders program, should describe the steps a public research becomes available, changes are made to
organization can take in developing a GHG inventory, organizational operations, or the importance of inven-
including GHG accounting procedures, and data collec- tory reporting is elevated.
tion and reporting.1 It should provide a process for
• D AT A . Data are the basic information on activity levels,
preventing and correcting errors, and identifying areas
emission factors, processes, and operations. Although
where investments will likely lead to the greatest
methods need to be appropriately rigorous and detailed,
improvement in overall inventory quality. However, the
data quality is as important. No method can compen-
primary objective of quality management is to ensure the
sate for poor quality input data. The design of an
credibility of an organization’s GHG inventory informa-
organization’s inventory program should facilitate the
tion. The first step towards achieving this objective is
collection of high-quality inventory data and the main-
defining inventory quality.
tenance and improvement of collection procedures.
institutional, managerial, and technical procedures for
Defining Inventory Quality
preparing GHG inventories. They include the team and
Chapter 1 outlines five accounting principles that set an
processes charged with the goal of producing a high-
implicit standard for the faithful representation of an I
quality inventory. To streamline GHG inventory quality
organization’s GHG emissions through its technical,
management, these processes and systems should be
accounting, and reporting efforts. Putting these princi-
integrated, where appropriate, with other organiza-
principles are put into practice. processes, systems, assumptions, and estimates used
to prepare an inventory. It includes everything
This chapter outlines the steps a public organization
Methods—the technical aspects • Define inventory boundaries and treatment of joint ventures and identify sources, etc.
of inventory preparation (see Chapters 3, 4, and 6)
• Identify methods for estimating emissions; the GHG Protocol website (
provides many default methods and tools to help organizations with this effort
• Establish procedures for applying and updating inventory methods in response to new organization
activities, new technical information, or new reporting requirements
Data—the basic information on • Develop the approach and assign roles and responsibilities to facilitate collection of high-quality
Inventory processes and • Define all institutional, managerial, and formal procedural aspects required to develop and maintain
systems—the institutional, a GHG inventory that meets the U.S. Public Sector Protocol accounting and reporting standard
managerial, and technical proce- • Whenever reasonable, integrate these processes with other organizational processes
dures for preparing GHG inventories
Documentation—the record • Identify data requirements and document procedures for obtaining the data, including data
of methods, data, processes, sources and contact information for key personnel
systems, assumptions, and • Identify internal and external audiences and develop procedures to document information intended
Adapted from EPA, Program Guide for Climate Leaders, March 2007,
CHAPTER 7 Managing Inventory Quality 57
7. Report, Document, and Archive 2. Develop Quality Management Plan
6. Institutionalize Formal Feedback Loops 3. Perform Generic Quality Checks
5. Review Final Inventory Estimates and Reports 4. Perform Source-Specific Quality Checks
well as the quality of the data input used (e.g., exam- should be archived, and the information to be reported
ining whether electricity bills or meter readings are to external stakeholders. Like internal and external
the best source of consumption data) and a qualitative reviews, these record-keeping procedures should
description of the major causes of uncertainty in the include formal feedback mechanisms.
data. The information from these investigations can
also be used to support a quantitative assessment of
uncertainty. Guidance on these investigations is
provided in the section below on implementation.
the inventory is completed, an internal technical review
should focus on its engineering, scientific, and other
technical aspects. Subsequently, an internal managerial
review should focus on securing official organizational
approval of and support for the inventory. Chapter 9
addresses a third type of review involving experts I
external to the organization’s inventory program who
can verify the inventory. Most voluntary or manda-
D AT A G AT H E R I N G , I N P U T, A N D H A N D L I N G A C T I V I T I E S
• Validate input data prior to calculating GHG emissions to check for outliers (e.g., impossibly high fuel economy rates for vehicles).
• Identify spreadsheet modifications that could provide additional controls for data protection or checks on quality.
• Ensure that adequate version control procedures for electronic files have been implemented.
• Confirm that bibliographical data references are included in spreadsheets for all primary data.
• Check that assumptions and criteria for selection of boundaries, base year, methods, activity data, emission factors, and other
• Check whether emission units, parameters, and conversion factors are appropriately labeled.
• Check whether units are properly labeled and correctly carried through from the beginning to the end of calculations.
• Check that spreadsheet input data and calculated data are clearly differentiated.
• Check the aggregation of data across source categories, operational units, etc.
• Get staff not involved in inventory development to spot check data handling and calculations
CHAPTER 7 Managing Inventory Quality 59
Through the process of creating a GHG inventory for the 6 national
minimize biases that can arise from changes in the char-
forests in the Greater Yellowstone area, the USDA Forest Service
acteristics of the data or methods used to calculate
identified several important procedures that helped ensure data
historical emission estimates and by following the stan-
quality and the accuracy of the GHG inventory. Given that organi-
dards and guidance in Chapter 5. Source-specific quality
zations are often faced with inconsistent and incomplete data
measures that can be employed for emission factors,
records, an important first step was to create user-friendly I
activity data, and emission estimates are addressed below.
templates when requesting data from field offices or utility
companies, with instructions as to whether the data should be
to the specific characteristics of an organization. measures (e.g., ISO 9000) may have already been
Differences between measured and default values need conducted during the data’s original preparation.
to be qualitatively explained and justified on the basis These measures can be integrated with the organiza-
most significant challenge in creating GHG inventories. decisions have been applied correctly and consistently to
Therefore, establishing robust data-collection proce- the collection of activity data (see Chapters 3 and 4).
dures takes priority in the design of any organization’s
• Investigate whether biases or other characteristics that
• Develop data collection procedures that allow the same particular facility or elsewhere). For example, a bias
data to be efficiently collected in future years. could arise from the unintentional exclusion of opera-
tions at smaller facilities or data that do not
tory report. Note the shortcomings and attempts to additional data (sales, production, etc.) used to esti-
estimate the missing data and work to implement mate emission intensities or other ratios.
corrective measures for subsequent inventories.
CHAPTER 7 Managing Inventory Quality 61
• Use and compare data compiled for other purposes, In an ideal situation, in which an organization has
such as U.S. federal agency energy and fuel use data perfect quantitative information on the uncertainty of its
that is reported to DOE under the Energy Independence emission estimates at all levels, the primary use of this
and Security Act. Title IV of the Clean Air Act requires information would almost certainly be comparative.
owners or operators of regulated facilities to measure Such comparisons might be made across public organi-
and report sulfur dioxide, NOx, and CO2 emissions zations, operational units, or source categories or
under the EPA’s Acid Rain Program, and reported data through time. In this situation, inventory estimates could
on CO2 emissions can often be used directly in an orga- even be rated or discounted on the basis of their quality
nization’s GHG inventory. before they were used, with uncertainty being the objec-
tive quantitative metric for quality. Unfortunately, such
objective uncertainty estimates rarely exist.
Estimated emissions for a source category can be
compared with historical data or other estimates to ensure TYPES OF UNCERTAINTIES
they fall within a reasonable range. Potentially unreason- Uncertainties associated with GHG inventories can be
able estimates are cause for checking emission factors or broadly categorized into scientific uncertainty and esti-
activity data and determining whether changes in method, mation uncertainty. Scientific uncertainty arises when
market forces, or other events are sufficient reasons for the science of the actual emission or removal process is
the difference. In situations where actual emission moni- not completely understood. For example, many direct
toring occurs (e.g., power plant CO2 emissions), the data and indirect factors associated with global warming
from monitors can be compared with calculated emissions potential (GWP) values that are used to combine emis-
using activity data and emission factors. sion estimates for various GHGs involve significant
scientific uncertainty. Analyzing and quantifying such
If any of the above emission factors, activity data, emis-
scientific uncertainty is extremely problematic and is
sions estimates, or other parameter checks indicate a
likely to be beyond the capacity of most organization
problem, more detailed investigations into the accuracy
inventory programs.
of the data or appropriateness of the methods may be
required. More detailed investigations can also be Estimation uncertainty arises any time GHG emissions
utilized to better assess the quality of data. One potential are quantified. Therefore, all emissions or removal esti-
measure of data quality is a quantitative and qualitative mates are associated with estimation uncertainty.
assessment of their uncertainty. Estimation uncertainty can be further classified into two
types: model uncertainty and parameter uncertainty.3
accounting and a scientific exercise. Most applications ters and emission processes. For example, model
for organization-level emissions and removal estimates uncertainty may arise either due to the use of an incor-
require that these data be reported in a format similar to rect mathematical model or inappropriate input into the
financial accounting data. In financial accounting, it is model. As with scientific uncertainty, estimating model
standard practice to report individual point estimates uncertainty is likely to be beyond most organization’s
quantitative data with estimated error bounds (i.e., (e.g., activity data and emission factors) into estimation
uncertainty). Just like financial figures in a profit-and- models. Parameter uncertainties can be evaluated
loss statement or bank account statement, point
parameter uncertainties will be the primary focus of • Similarly, when a single facility uses the same esti-
public organizations that choose to investigate the uncer- mation method each year, the systematic parameter
tainty in their emission inventories. uncertainties—in addition to scientific and model
Given that only parameter uncertainties are within the the uncertainty in an emissions trend (e.g., the differ-
feasible scope of most public organizations, uncertainty ence between the estimates for 2 years) is generally
estimates for organization GHG inventories are inher- less than the uncertainty in total emissions for a
ently imperfect. Complete and robust sample data are single year. In such a situation, quantified uncer-
not always available to assess the statistical uncertainty tainty estimates can be treated as being comparable
in every parameter.4 For most parameters (e.g., gallons over time and used to track relative changes in the
of gasoline purchased or tons of limestone consumed), quality of a facility’s emission estimates for that
only a single data point may be available. In some cases, source category. Such estimates of uncertainty in
public organizations can utilize instrument precision or emission trends can also be used as a guide for
calibration information to inform their assessment of setting a facility’s emissions reduction target. Trend
statistical uncertainty. However, to quantify some of the uncertainty estimates are likely to be less useful for
systematic uncertainties associated with parameters and setting broader (e.g., organization-wide) targets (see
to supplement statistical uncertainty estimates,5 public Chapter 10) because of the general problems with
organizations usually have to rely on expert judgment.6 comparability between uncertainty estimates across
The problem with expert judgment, though, is that it is gases, sources, and facilities.
difficult to obtain in a comparable (i.e., unbiased) and
Given these limitations, the role of qualitative and
consistent manner across parameters, source categories,
quantitative uncertainty assessments in developing GHG
or different public organizations.
inventories includes the following:
For these reasons, almost all comprehensive estimates of
• Promoting a broader learning and quality
uncertainty for GHG inventories are not only imperfect
feedback process.
but also have a subjective component and, despite the
most thorough efforts, are themselves highly uncertain. • Supporting efforts to qualitatively understand and
In most cases, uncertainty estimates cannot be inter- document the causes of uncertainty and help identify
preted as an objective measure of quality, nor can they ways of improving inventory quality. For example,
be used to compare the quality of emission estimates collecting the information needed to determine the
between source categories or public organizations. statistical properties of activity data and emission
factors forces one to ask hard questions and to care-
The following cases—which assume that either statistical
fully and systematically investigate data quality.
or instrument precision data are available to estimate
objectively each parameter’s statistical uncertainty • Establishing lines of communication and feedback with
(i.e., expert judgment is not needed)—are exceptions: data suppliers to identify specific opportunities to
improve the quality of the data and methods used.
• When two operationally similar facilities use identical
emission estimation methods, the differences in scien- • Providing valuable information to reviewers, verifiers,
tific or model uncertainties can, for the most part, be and managers for setting priorities for investments
ignored. Quantified estimates of statistical uncertainty into improving data sources and methods.
can be treated as being comparable between facilities.
The U.S. Public Sector Protocol has a supplementary guid-
Some trading programs that prescribe specific moni-
ance document on uncertainty assessments (“Guidance
toring, estimation, and measurement requirements aim
on uncertainty assessment in GHG inventories and calcu-
for this type of comparability. However, even in this
lating statistical parameter uncertainty”) along with an
situation, the degree of comparability depends on the
uncertainty calculation tool, both of which are available
flexibility that participants are given for estimating
on the GHG Protocol website. The guidance document
emissions, homogeneity across facilities, and the level
describes how to use the calculation tool in aggregating
of enforcement and review of the methods used.
CHAPTER 7 Managing Inventory Quality 63
uncertainties. It also discusses in more depth different Additional guidance and information on assessing uncer-
types of uncertainties, the limitations of quantitative tainty—including optional approaches to develop
uncertainty assessment, and how uncertainty estimates quantitative uncertainty estimates and elicit judgments
should be properly interpreted. from experts—can also be found in EPA’s Emissions
Inventory Improvement Program, Volume VI: Quality
Assurance/Quality Control (1999) and in Chapter 6 of the
IPCC’s Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management
in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2000a).
See EPA, Program Guide for Climate Leaders, March 2007. tified, or incorrect or incomplete estimation methods or faulty measure-
Some emissions estimates may be derived using mass or energy balances, ment equipment have been used. Because the true value is unknown,
engineering calculations, or computer simulation models. In addition to such systematic biases cannot be detected through repeated experi-
investigating the input data to these models, organizations should ments and, therefore, cannot be quantified through statistical analysis.
consider whether the internal assumptions (including assumed parame- However, identifying biases (and, sometimes, quantifying them) through
ters in the model) are appropriate to the nature of their operations. data quality investigations and expert judgments is possible.
Emissions estimated from direct emissions monitoring generally only The role of expert judgment can be twofold: first, it can provide the data
involve parameter uncertainty (e.g., equipment measurement error). necessary to estimate the parameter, and second, it can help (in combi-
nation with data quality investigations) identify, explain, and quantify
Statistical uncertainty results from natural variations (e.g., random both statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Systematic parameter uncertainty occurs if data are systematically situation in which the biases in its data get worse each year. These
biased. In other words, the average of the measured or estimated value types of data quality issues are extremely problematic because of the
is always less or greater than the true value. Biases arise, for example, effect they can have on calculated emission trends. In such cases,
because emission factors are constructed from non-representative systematic parameter uncertainties cannot be ignored.
samples, all relevant source activities or categories have not been iden-
8 Reporting GHG Emissions
CHAPTER 8 Reporting GHG Emissions 65
• Be based on the best data available at the time of publi- • Total scope 1 and 2 emissions, independent of any
cation, while being transparent about its limitations; sales, purchases, transfers, or banking of GHG
• Communicate any material discrepancies identified in
previous years; and • Emissions data for direct CO2 emissions from the
combustion of biologically sequestered carbon
• Include the organization’s gross emissions for its
(e.g., CO2 from burning biomass or biofuels), reported
chosen inventory boundary separate from and inde-
separately from the scopes
pendent of any purchases or trades of external
GHG reduction instruments such as offsets, credits, • Year chosen as base year (designated as calendar year
or allowances. or fiscal year), and an emissions profile over time that
is consistent with and clarifies the chosen policy for
The standards and guidance here are designed to be an
making base year emission recalculations.
overview of essential components in a GHG report.
However, many organizations will develop their GHG • Appropriate context for any significant emission
reports according to requirements specified in legislation changes that trigger base-year emissions recalculation
or internal management systems. Appendix A summa- (subsuming or shedding resources and responsibilities,
rizes the requirements of various GHG reporting outsourcing or insourcing, changes in reporting
programs. For those organizations that are currently boundaries or calculation methods, etc.)
developing reporting policies, the key components listed
• Methods used to calculate or measure emissions,
here can serve as a foundation for inventory information.
providing a reference or link to any calculation
tools used
inventories shall include reporting of scope 1 and
Optional Information
scope 2 emissions at a minimum. A public GHG emis-
A public GHG emissions report should include, when
sions report that is in accordance with the U.S. Public
applicable, the following additional information.
Sector Protocol shall include the information in the
following subsections.
• Emissions data from relevant scope 3 activities for
which reliable data can be obtained
N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6) in metric tons, and also in • Emissions from the generation of electricity, heat, or
metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) steam that is purchased for resale to non-end users
(see Chapter 4)
• Emissions data separately for each scope (scope 1
and 2 required, scope 3 is optional)
Reporting GHG Emissions
• A description of performance measured against • Information on the quality of the inventory (e.g.,
internal and external benchmarks (see Chapter 10 for information on the causes and magnitudes of uncer-
more on target setting) tainties in emission estimates) and an outline of
• Relevant ratio performance indicators (e.g., emissions • A list of facilities included in the inventory
programs or strategies I N F O R M AT I O N O N O F F S E T S
• Information on allowable offsets that have been
• Information on any contractual provisions addressing
copy of any verification statement, if applicable, of tion whether the offsets are verified, certified, or
the reported emissions data approved by an external GHG program (e.g., the
Clean Development Mechanism, Green-e, etc.)
CHAPTER 8 Reporting GHG Emissions 67
y following the U.S. Public Sector Protocol reporting
Washington State Department of Transportation:
requirements, users adopt a comprehensive stan-
Identifying Significant Emissions Sources
dard with the necessary detail and transparency
for credible public reporting. The reporting of optional The Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT)
information can be determined by the objectives and conducted an inventory of its GHG emissions from 2007 and
intended audience for the report. For example, an prepared an inventory report based on The Climate Registry’s
organization may wish to use some parts of an inventory General Reporting Protocol in order to better understand its emis-
report as a policy planning tool and other parts for sions. The report highlighted that 69 percent of its emissions
compliance reporting. came from operating the ferry fleet that provides access across
Not every circulated report must contain all information Puget Sound to British Columbia and to a number of other
as specified by this standard, but a link or reference islands. Vehicle fleets constituted 14 percent of emissions,
should be made to a publicly available full report where including DOT-owned passenger cars, as well as snowplows and
all required information is available. For some organi- other specialty equipment. Conducting a GHG inventory allowed
zations, providing emissions data for specific GHGs or the DOT to prioritize where it can reduce the most emissions and
facilities or programs, or reporting ratio indicators, costs. In addition, having experience with a GHG inventory gave
may compromise confidentiality or security concerns. If the agency an opportunity to participate in and prepare for state-
this is the case, such data need not be publicly reported, level reporting requirements targeting vehicle fleets above a
but can be made available to those auditing the GHG certain size threshold.
emissions data, assuming confidentiality and security
are assured. In contrast, other organizations have found
that exposing their raw, disaggregated data as well as Use of Ratio Indicators
their final reports to multiple audiences can help Two principal aspects of GHG performance are of interest
provide critical fact cross-checking and feedback. to management and stakeholders. One concerns the overall
GHG impact of an organization—that is, the absolute
All organizations should strive to create a report that is
quantity of GHG emissions released to the atmosphere.
as transparent, relevant, accurate, consistent, and
The other concerns the organization’s GHG emissions
complete as possible. Structurally, this may be achieved
normalized by some operational metric that results in a
by adopting the reporting categories of the standard
“ratio indicator.” The U.S. Public Sector Protocol requires
(e.g., required description of the boundaries and
reporting of absolute emissions; reporting of ratio indica-
reporting period, required information on organization
tors is optional. Ratio indicators provide information on
emissions, optional information on emissions and
performance relative to operational activities and can
performance, and optional information on offsets) as a
facilitate comparisons between similar organizations and
basis of the report. Qualitatively, including a discussion I
processes over time. Organizations may choose to report
of the reporting organization’s strategy and goals for
GHG ratio indicators in order to:
GHG accounting, any particular challenges or tradeoffs
faced, the context of decisions on boundaries and other • Evaluate performance over time (e.g., relate figures
accounting parameters, and an analysis of emissions from different years), identify trends in the data, and
trends may help provide a complete picture of the orga- show performance in relation to targets and base year
inventory consolidation (see Chapters 4 and 6). • Improve comparability between different sizes of opera-
tions by normalizing figures (e.g., by assessing the impact
of different sized organizations on the same scale).
Reporting GHG Emissions
The public sector is inherently diverse and the circum- such as number of public transportation passengers serv-
stances of individual organizations can result in iced per ton of CO2e emitted) and process eco-efficiency
misleading indicators. Organizations should develop (e.g., production volume per ton of CO2e emitted).
ratios that make sense for their activities, are relevant to
their decision-making needs, and that best capture the
benefits and impacts of their work (i.e., its operations, I N T E N S I T Y R AT I O S
services, and effects on the marketplace and on the Intensity ratios express GHG impact per unit of physical
entire economy). Sub-units within an organization should activity or unit of productivity, reflecting the inverse of a
coordinate the reporting of ratio indicators to ensure the productivity ratio. A physical intensity ratio is suitable
indicators’ relevance and consistency where possible. when aggregating or comparing across organizations
that have similar outputs or missions. An economic
Some examples of different ratio indicators are provided
intensity ratio is suitable when aggregating or
here and in Chapter 10.
comparing across organizations that have differing oper-
ations. A declining intensity ratio reflects a positive
performance improvement. Many organizations track
environmental performance with intensity ratios, often
Productivity or efficiency ratios express the value or
called “normalized” environmental impact data.
achievement of an organization divided by its GHG
Examples of intensity ratios include product emission
impact. Increasing efficiency ratios reflect a positive
intensity (e.g., tons of CO2e emissions per unit of elec-
performance improvement. Examples of productivity
tricity generated) and service intensity (e.g., tons of CO2e
ratios include resource productivity (e.g., units of service,
emissions per function or per service).
CHAPTER 8 Reporting GHG Emissions 69
The Energy Education Team at Loudoun County Public Schools Emissions Per Student
(LCPS) in Virginia conducted its first GHG inventory based on the LCPS, like many public organizations, is unable to directly control
draft U.S. Public Sector Protocol in the fall of 2009. This inventory the population growth trends within its boundaries. Over the four
included Scope 1 and 2 emissions for each year during the period of year period reflected in the GHG inventory, student enrollment grew
2005 - 2008. During this time, the team had coordinated energy by 9,648. This represents a 20% increase over the 2005 student
conservation and efficiency improvement throughout all of the enrollment level. During this same time period, emissions per
district’s schools, instituted behavioral change initiatives and student have declined by 0.254 metric tons / student, or 14% below
certified 25 buildings in the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR buildings 2005 levels. See the chart below.
program. In recognition of the efforts made by the district, the EPA LCPS Total CO2e Emissions Compared to CO2e Emissions
named LCPS a 2010 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year. per Student
Although absolute emissions for the district have increased, 92,000 1.9
T O T A L M E T R I C T O N S O F CO 2 e
reductions in GHG intensity have occurred, as evidenced by the 90,000 • • 1.8
following ratios:
88,000 •
Emissions Per Building Area 1.7
• •
As one of the fastest growing school districts in the nation, LCPS has 86,000 •
increased its building area by nine percent, or over 711,183 square 84,000 • •
feet, from 2005-2008. During this same timeframe, emissions per
82,000 1.5
square foot have gone down by 0.006 metric tons/square foot, or 5%
below 2005 levels. See the chart below. 80,000 1.4
LCPS Total CO2e Emissions Compared to CO2e Emissions 2005 2006 2007 2008
per square foot of Building Area
• Total emissions in metric tons of CO2e
90,000 •
• 0.012
• The LCPS Planning & Legislative Services division projects that
88,000 • from 2010-2015, the district’s student enrollment will expand by
• • another 16,200 students. This will represent an increase of over
0.008 50% above the 2005 student level. Because of this rapid growth,
84,000 •
there will likely be an increase in absolute emissions. However,
82,000 0.008 considering the context of efforts made by a public body, and
expressing emissions in terms of relevant ratio indicators can
80,000 0.008 I
provide a critical performance benchmark by which the LCPS’s
2005 2006 2007 2008
energy management efforts can be meaningfully compared over
• Total emissions in metric tons of CO2e time and to other similar organizations.
A percentage indicator is a ratio between two similar
inventories and have planned for, or are considering, obtaining an independent veri-
CHAPTER 9 Verification of GHG Emissions 71
This information here may be useful for public sector • Improvement of internal accounting and reporting prac-
organizations that face potential conflict of interest issues tices (e.g., calculation, recording, and internal reporting
when selecting external parties to provide inventory and systems, as well as the application of GHG accounting
verification services. This chapter is also important for and reporting principles) and facilitation of learning and
government organizations that may be charged with knowledge transfer within the organization
verification, auditing, or compliance-enforcement duties.
• Mandatory verification requirements of GHG programs
Furthermore, as the process of developing a verifiable
inventory is largely the same as that for obtaining • Response to reporting requests or mandates from other
reliable and defensible data, this chapter is also relevant sectors (e.g., states reporting to the federal government).
to all organizations regardless of any intention to
commission a GHG inventory verification.
Internal Assurance
Verification involves an assessment of the risks of mate-
As noted in Chapter 7, a quality GHG inventory requires
rial discrepancies in reported data. Discrepancies relate
a thorough “first party” review of data and procedures
to differences between reported data and data generated
as a basic level of verification. Verification is often, but
from the proper application of the relevant standards
not always, also undertaken by an independent, external
and methods.
“third party” verifier. For stakeholders, external third-
party verification is likely to significantly increase the
credibility of the GHG inventory. Third-party reviews
Relevance of GHG Principles
bring unbiased expert analysis to bear, providing a level
The primary aim of verification is to provide confidence to
of confidence to stakeholders that formal procedures and
users that the reported information and associated state-
reliable data have been utilized and reported.
ments represent a faithful, true, and fair account of an
organization’s GHG emissions. Ensuring transparency of However, many organizations interested in improving
the inventory data is crucial for verification. The more their GHG inventories may also subject their informa-
transparent, well-controlled, and well-documented an tion to internal verification by personnel independent of
organization’s emissions data and systems are, the easier the GHG accounting and reporting process through a
it will be to verify. As outlined in Chapter 1, a number of “second party” verification process. Independent
GHG accounting and reporting principles need to be internal verifications can provide valuable assurance
followed when compiling a GHG inventory. Adherence to over the reliability of information. Internal verification
these principles, along with a transparent, well-docu- can be a worthwhile learning experience for an organi-
mented system (sometimes referred to as an audit trail) zation prior to commissioning an external verification
will facilitate a successful verification. While transparency by a third party. It can also provide external verifiers
is essential, certain organizations may need to restrict the with useful information to begin their work. Both
release of some information due to security concerns. internal and external verification should follow similar
procedures and processes.
process. Common reasons for undertaking verification a useful interpretation of the relationship between the
include the following: principle of completeness and the concept of materiality.
Information is considered to be material if, by its
express an opinion on data or information, a verifier • The complexity of the computer information system
would need to form a view on the materiality of all iden- used to process the information
tified errors or uncertainties.
• The type, state of calibration, and maintenance of
CHAPTER 9 Verification of GHG Emissions 73
Site Visits
Depending on the level of assurance required from verifi-
cation, verifiers may need to visit a number of sites to
enable them to obtain sufficient and appropriate
evidence over the completeness, accuracy, and reliability
of reported information. The sites visited should be
representative of the organization as a whole. The selec-
tion of sites to be visited is based on a number of factors,
including the following:
• The risk that the data from sites are materially misstated
• Competencies and training of key personnel
tainty analyses.
Timing of Verification
A verifier can be engaged at various points during the
GHG preparation and reporting process. Some organiza-
continuously met and improved. Verification during a Factors to consider when selecting a verifier include their
reporting period allows for any reporting deficiencies or • Accreditation by relevant GHG programs
data issues to be addressed before the final report is
The knowledge and qualifications of the individuals • Production data (tons of material produced, kWh of
conducting the verification can be more important electricity produced, etc.)
than those of the organizations from which they come.
• Raw material consumption data for mass balance
defined, organizations should select groups on the • Emission factors (laboratory analysis, etc.)
basis of their knowledge and qualifications and ensure
• Description of how GHG emissions data have been
• Documented procedures for identifying sources of emis- Appropriate documentation needs to be available to
sions within the organizational and operational boundaries support the GHG inventory being subjected to external
verification. Statements made by management for which
• Information on other assurance processes to which the
no supporting documentation is available cannot be veri-
systems and data are subjected (e.g., internal audit,
fied. When a reporting organization has not yet
external reviews and certifications)
implemented systems for routinely accounting and
• Data used for calculating GHG emissions. This might, recording GHG emissions data, an external verification
for example, include the following: is difficult and may result in the verifier being unable to
• Energy consumption data (invoices, delivery notes, issue an opinion. Under these circumstances, the veri-
weigh-bridge tickets, meter readings: electricity, gas fiers may make recommendations on how current data
pipes, steam, and hot water, etc.)
CHAPTER 9 Verification of GHG Emissions 75
collection and collation processes should be improved so As well as issuing an opinion on whether the reported
that an opinion can be obtained in future years. information is free from material discrepancy, the veri-
fiers may, depending on the agreed upon scope of work,
Organizations are responsible for ensuring the existence,
also issue a verification report containing a number of
quality, and retention of documentation to create an
recommendations for future improvements. The process
audit trail of how the inventory was compiled. If an
of verification should be viewed as a valuable input to
organization issues a specific base year against which it
the process of continual improvement. Other entities
assesses its GHG performance, it should retain all rele-
outside of the organization may have responsibilities for
vant historical records to support the base year data.
improving the recording and reporting process as well. I
These issues should be kept in mind when designing and
Whether verification is undertaken for the purposes of
implementing GHG data processes and procedures.
internal review, public reporting, or certifying compli-
during the course of the verification. If the verifiers and and implement responses to the verification findings
the organization cannot agree on the adjustments, the should also have the appropriate skills and under-
verifier may not be able to provide the organization with standing of GHG accounting and reporting issues.
S etting targets is a routine practice that helps ensure that an issue has
about the services provided, and the materials and technologies used. Often, an
mandatory reduction targets, in which case these guidelines can serve to inform
those policies.
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 77
• P A R T I C I P AT I N G I N V O L U N T A R Y P R O G R A M S . A growing
Why Set a GHG Target?
number of voluntary GHG programs are emerging to
Any robust public-sector performance strategy requires
encourage and assist organizations in setting, imple-
setting targets for productivity, mission accomplishment,
menting, and tracking progress toward GHG targets.
and other core indicators, as well as tracking perform-
Participation in voluntary programs can result in public
ance against those targets. Likewise, effective GHG
recognition, prepare organizations for future regula-
management involves setting a GHG target. As organiza-
tions, and enhance an organization’s GHG accounting
tions develop strategies to reduce the GHG emissions of
and reporting capacity and understanding. See
their products and operations, organization-wide GHG
Appendix A for a list of these programs.
targets are often key elements of these efforts, even if
only some parts of the organization are or will be subject
to mandatory GHG limits. Common drivers for setting a
Steps in Setting a Target
GHG target include the following:
Setting a GHG target involves making choices among
• D E M O N S T R AT I N G L E A D E R S H I P A N D O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L various strategies for defining and achieving a GHG
R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y. With the emergence of GHG reduction. The organizational goals, policy context,
regulations in many parts of the world, as well as existing planning mechanisms such as Environmental I
growing concern about the effects of climate change, Management Systems (EMS), costs of making reductions,
establishing and publicizing a GHG target demon- and stakeholder discussions should inform these choices.
oping a GHG inventory is an important step toward However, due to the nature of public-sector management,
identifying GHG risks and opportunities, a GHG target an executive order or legislation could impose both simul-
is a planning tool that can drive GHG reductions. A taneously. Figure 10.1 summarizes the steps.
This can serve to minimize and more effectively As with any organization-wide target, senior manage-
manage the risks associated with climate change. ment buy-in and commitment, particularly at the highest
level, are prerequisites for a successful GHG reduction
Setting a GHG Target
management commitment.
2. Decide on the target type
Set an absolute or intensity target? If a target is imposed, it may be necessary for a senior
5. Define the target completion date organization, as well as behavioral changes on the
Set a long- or short-term target? ground. Successful GHG mitigation strategies are
embedded within the fabric of an organization’s day-to-
day operations.
6. Define the length of the target commitment period
Set a one-year or multi-year commitment period?
2. Decide on the Target Type
There are two broad types of GHG targets: absolute and
7. Decide on the use of offsets or credits intensity-based. Targets can be imposed by external
regulation or determined internally by an organization.
An absolute target is usually expressed in terms of a
8. Establish a target double counting policy specified reduction over time in the quantity of GHG
How to deal with double counting of reductions across companies? emissions to the atmosphere, the unit typically being ton
How does GHG trading affect target performance? of CO2e (such as reducing CO2e by 20 percent below
2000 levels by 2010). An intensity target is usually
expressed as a reduction in the ratio of GHG emissions
9. Decide on the target level
relative to another operational metric over time (such as
What is business-as-usual? How far to go beyond that?
reducing CO2 by 12 percent per hospital bed provided
How do all the above steps influence the decision?
between 2000 and 2008).1
78 C H A P T E R 10
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 79
sources covered by the target. Table 10.1 summarizes basis of an average emission factor of fuel use per
the advantages and disadvantages of each type of target, passenger. However, how this reduction actually trans-
and provides examples. Some organizations have both an lates into a change in GHG emissions to the atmosphere
absolute and an intensity target. depends on a number of factors, including whether
another person takes the “empty seat” or whether this
unused seat contributes to reduced air traffic over the
When considering whether to include indirect emissions
longer term. Similarly, reductions in scope 2 emissions
in either absolute or intensity-based targets, it should be
calculated with an average grid emission factor may
noted that changes in scope 2 or 3 emissions over time
overestimate or underestimate the actual reduction,
may not always accurately capture the actual reduction
depending on the nature of the grid.
in the release of emissions to the atmosphere. This is
because the activity of the reporting organization does Generally, so long as the accounting of indirect emissions
not always have a direct cause-and-effect relationship over time recognizes activities that in aggregate change
with the resulting GHG emissions. For example, a reduc- global emissions, any such concerns over accuracy
tion in air travel would reduce an organization’s scope 3 should not inhibit organizations from reporting their
emissions. This reduction is usually quantified on the indirect emissions reductions. In cases where accuracy is
• Designed to achieve a reduction in a • May be difficult to achieve if the organization grows • Tons CO2
specified quantity of GHGs emitted to unexpectedly and growth is linked to GHG emissions • Tons CH4
the atmosphere • Target base year recalculations for significant • Tons CO2e
• Environmentally robust, entailing a commit- structural changes to the organization add
ment to reduce GHGs by a specified amount complexity to tracking progress over time
• Transparently address potential • Do not allow comparisons of GHG intensity or effi-
stakeholder concerns about the need to ciency
manage absolute emissions • Rewards absolute GHG reductions that may be
• Avoids complexity that may be involved with achieved by decreasing production or services offered
selecting intensity metrics that can apply (i.e., contraction, see Chapter 5)
across multiple, diverse organizations
• Reflect GHG performance improvements • No guarantee that GHG emissions to the atmosphere • Tons CO2e/square foot of
independent of expansion or contraction will be reduced—absolute emissions may rise even if warehouse space
• Target base year recalculations for structural intensity goes down while output increases • Tons CO2e/tons of mail
changes are usually not required (see step 4) • Organizations with diverse operations may find it delivered
• May increase the comparability of GHG difficult to define a single common metric • Tons CO2e/number of
performance among organizations • If a monetary variable is used for the metric, it must employees
be recalculated for changes in inflation, adding • Tons CO2e/square
more important, undertaking a more detailed assessment itate more cost-effective reductions by increasing the
of the actual reduction using a project quantification reduction opportunities available. Though indirect
method may be appropriate. See Appendix F for more emissions are generally harder to measure accurately
examples of reductions in indirect emissions. and verify than direct emissions, some categories such
as scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity may
be amenable to accurate measurement and verifica-
tion. Including indirect emissions can raise issues with
3. Decide on the Target Boundary
regard to ownership and double counting of reductions,
The target boundary defines which GHGs, geographic
as indirect emissions are by definition someone else’s
operations, sources, and activities are covered by the
direct emissions (see step 8).
target. The target and inventory boundary can be iden-
tical or the target may address a specified subset of the
However, inclusion of both direct and indirect emis-
sources included in the organization inventory. The
sions in targets can help to prevent “leakage” of
quality of the GHG inventory should be a key factor
emissions that may occur when organizational activi-
informing this choice. The questions to be addressed in
ties shift between scopes. For example, organizations
this step include the following:
with only a scope 1 or 2 target may be incentivized to
• W H I C H G H G S ? Targets usually include one or more of outsource certain activities such as printing, whereby
the six major GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol. scope 2 emissions from electricity used to power the
For organizations with significant non-CO2 GHG internal printing machinery become scope 3 emissions,
sources, it usually makes sense to include these to and may not be reported at all. Carefully selecting
increase the range of reduction opportunities. targets can ensure that the organization’s total impact
However, practical monitoring limitations may apply is tracked and managed.
to smaller sources.
• W H I C H G E O G R A P H I C A L O P E R AT I O N S ? Only country or
• WHICH DIRECT AND INDIRECT EMISSION SOURCES? regional operations with reliable GHG inventory data
Including indirect GHG emissions in a target will facil- should be included in the target. For organizations
80 C H A P T E R 10
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 81
TABLE 10.2 Comparing Targets with Rolling and Fixed Base Years
What is the target base year? A fixed reference year in the past The previous year
How far back is like-with-like The time series of absolute emissions will If there have been significant structural changes,
compare like with like for all years if the the time series of absolute emissions will not
comparison possible?
emissions for intervening years are also recal- compare like with like over more than two years at
culated in the event of base year recalculations a time
What is the basis for comparing The comparison over time is based on what is The comparison over time is based on what was
emissions between the target owned/controlled by the organization in the owned/controlled by the organization in the years
target completion year the information was reporteda I
base year and completion year?
(See Figure 10.2)
How far back are recalculations Emissions are recalculated for the fixed target Emissions are recalculated only for the year prior
made? base year to the structural change, or ex-post for the year of
the structural change which then becomes the
base year
How reliable are the target base If an organization with a target acquires an Data from an acquired organization’s GHG emis-
organization that did not have reliable GHG data sions are only necessary for the year before the
year emissions?
in the target base year, then back-casting of acquisition (or even only from the acquisition
emissions becomes necessary, reducing the reli- onwards), reducing or eliminating the need for
When are recalculations made? The circumstances which trigger recalculations for structural changes, etc., (see Chapter 5) are the
same under both approaches
FIGURE 10.2 Comparing a Stabilization Target under the Fixed and Rolling Target Base Year Approach
Department A
B 1 2 3
A aquires B at
the start of year 3 NO CHANGE
1 2 3
Rolling base year
Department A
1 2 2 3
A stabilization target is one that aims to keep emissions constant over time. In this example, Department A merges with and subsumes
Department B, which has experienced organic GHG growth since the target base year (or starting year). Under the rolling approach, emis-
sions growth in the subsumed Department (B) from year 1 to year 2 does not appear as an emissions increase in relation to the target of
the acquiring Department (A). Thus Department A would meet its stabilization target when using the rolling approach but not when using
the fixed approach. In parallel to the example in chapter 5, past GHG growth or decline in divided organizations (GHG changes before the
division) would affect the target performance under the rolling approach, while it would not be counted under the fixed approach.
rolling target base year, the base year rolls forward at consolidations or realignments) or changes in measure-
regular intervals, usually one year, so that emissions ment and calculation methods alter the emissions profile
are always compared with the previous year.4 However, over time. The definition of what triggers a base year
emissions reductions can still be collectively stated emissions recalculation is the same under both the fixed
over several years. An example would be “from 2001 base year and rolling base year approach. The difference
through 2012, emissions will be reduced by 1 percent lies in how far back emissions are recalculated. Table
every year, compared to the previous year.” When the 10.2 compares targets using the rolling and fixed base
organization structure or calculation methodologies year approaches, and Figure 10.2 illustrates one of the
changes, recalculations only need to be made to the key differences.
previous year, which is the target base year.5 As a
• Recalculations under intensity targets. While the
result, the emission inventories in the “target starting
standard in Chapter 5 applies to absolute inventory
year” (2001 in the example) are not comparable with
emissions of organizations using intensity targets,
those of the “target completion year” (2012 in the
recalculations for structural changes for the purposes
example), because the former have not been corrected
of the target are not usually needed unless the struc-
for structural or methodological changes, whereas the
tural change results in a significant change in the GHG
latter have been. In contrast, the current inventory is
intensity. However, if recalculations for structural
always comparable with the inventory for the
change are made for the purposes of the target, they
preceding inventory period (the base year).
should be made for both the absolute emissions and the
Chapter 5 provides standards on when and how to recal- operational metric. If the target operational metric
culate base year emissions to ensure like-with-like becomes irrelevant through a structural change, a
comparisons over time when structural changes (e.g., reformulation of the target might be needed.
82 C H A P T E R 10
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 83
Generally, the longer the target commitment period is,
The City of Portland and Multnomah County have been conducting
the longer the period during which emissions perform-
GHG inventories for several years. The 2009 effort included both
ance counts towards the target.
an inventory of the government operations of the city and county,
as well as an assessment of the whole county’s emissions (i.e., a • EXAMPLE OF A SINGLE-YEAR COMMITMENT PERIOD.
community-level inventory). Although the city and county govern- Organization Beta has a target of reducing emissions I
ment operations accounted for only one percent of the county’s by 10 percent compared with its target base year
total emissions, the governments chose to lead by example and 2000, by the completion date of 2010. For Beta to
set GHG reduction targets for their activities. They pledged to meet its target, it is sufficient for its emissions to be,
reduce carbon dioxide emissions from city and county operations in the year 2010, no more than 90 percent of year
50 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, and identified specific 2000 emissions.
water pumps, and water treatment; requiring all new city and
sions by 10 percent, compared with its target base
county buildings to achieve energy-efficiency performance
year 2000, by the commitment period 2008–12. For
targets; generating 15 percent electricity from on-site or district
Gamma to meet its target, its sum total emissions
84 C H A P T E R 10
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 85
OFFSETS AND INTENSITY TARGETS • Organization A has a target that includes GHG
When using offsets under intensity targets, all the above sources that are also regulated under a trading
considerations apply. To determine compliance with the program. In this case, reductions at these common
target, the offsets can be subtracted from the absolute GHG sources are used by organization A to meet
emissions value (the numerator); the resulting difference both its organizational target and the trading
is then divided by the corresponding metric. Absolute program target.
emissions are still reported separately both from offsets
• Organization B has a target to reduce its direct
and the operational metric (see step 9 below).
emissions from the generation of electricity (scope
1). Organization C purchases electricity directly from
organization B and also has a target that includes
8. Establish a Target Double Counting Policy
reducing its indirect emissions from purchased elec-
This step addresses double counting of GHG reductions
tricity (scope 2). Organization C undertakes energy
and offsets, as well as allowances issued by external
efficiency measures to reduce its consumption of
trading programs. It applies only to organizations that
electricity. These may show up as reductions in both
engage in trading (sale or purchase) of GHG offsets or
organizations’ emissions (and contribute towards
whose organizational target boundaries interface with
each organization’s target) if a decrease in electricity
other organizations’ targets or external programs.
consumption by organization C also leads to a
Given that there is currently no consensus on how such decrease in electricity generation by organization B.9
double counting issues should be addressed, organiza-
These two examples illustrate that double counting is
tions should develop their own target double-counting
inherent when the GHG sources where the reductions
policy. This should specify how reductions and trades
occur are included as part of fulfilling more than one
related to other targets and programs are reconciled
with their organization target and, accordingly, which
types of double counting situations are regarded as rele-
vant. The following are some examples of double
counting that might need to be addressed in the policy:
• D O U B L E C O U N T I N G O F O F F S E T S . This can occur when
a GHG offset is counted toward the target by both the
selling and purchasing organizations. For example,
organization A undertakes an internal reduction
project that reduces GHGs at sources included in its
own target. Organization A then sells this project I
reduction to organization B to use as an offset toward
its target, while still counting the reduction toward its
• D O U B L E C O U N T I N G D U E T O T A R G E T O V E R L A P. 8 This
opportunities available.
• Understanding the key drivers affecting GHG emis- • Specify target type, target base year, target
sions by examining the relationship between GHG completion date, and length of commitment
emissions and other operational metrics such as period
productivity, square footage of warehouse space,
• Specify whether offsets can be used to meet the
number of employees, unit of service provided, and
target; if yes, specify the type and amount
costs of making reductions.
86 C H A P T E R 10
CHAPTER 10 Setting a GHG Target 87
A Overview of GHG Programs
American College and University Organization Six Kyoto gases Equity share or control Scope 1, 2 and specific scope 3
President’s Climate Commitment sources required, other scope 3
D encouraged
Energy Information Administration Organization and Can report six Financial control preferred, Scope 1 required, scope 2 and 3
1605B project Kyoto gases plus but equity share or optional
oiaf/1605/1605b.html other GHGs operational control possible
Global Reporting Initiative Organization Six Kyoto gases Determined according to Scope 1, 2 and specific scope 3 GRI’s Boundary Technical sources required, other scope 3
Protocol sources optional
ICLEI (Local Governments for Organization and Six Kyoto gases Control for local government Scope 1, 2 and specific scope 3
Sustainability) community-level inventories, and geographical sources required, other scope 3
city boundaries for sources optional
community-wide inventories
The Climate Registry Organization Six Kyoto gases Equity share or control Scope 1 and 2 required, scope 3 encouraged
World Wildlife Fund Climate Savers Organization CO2 Equity share or control Scope 1 and 2 required, scope 3 encouraged
US Federal Executive Order 13514 Organization Six Kyoto gases Operational Control Scope 1 and 2, and specific scope 3 sources required
U.S. EPA Mandatory Reporting Rule1 Facility, with Six Kyoto Defined by source category Defined by source category organization elements gases, plus applicability criteria applicability criteria
emissions/ghgrulemaking.html other qualifying
fluorinated gases
Chicago Climate Exchange Organization and Six Kyoto gases Owned facilities with direct Direct combustion and process project emissions emission sources required,
scope 2 optional
European GHG Emissions Allowance Facility Six Kyoto gases Facilities in selected sectors Scope 1
Trading Scheme
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Facility CO2 Facilities in selected sectors Scope 1
Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Facility Six Kyoto gases Facilities in selected sectors Scope 1
Accord (Midwestern Accord) 2
Western Climate Initiative (WCI) 2 Facility Six Kyoto gases Facilities in selected sectors Scope 1
Rule specification not finalized at the time of publication. First GHG reports are due March 2011.
Program specifications not finalized at the time of publication, but reflect current program recommendations. See and
88 for more details.
Foster GHG reductions in colleges and Specific to each Required to set reduction target within None required
universities organization two years of joining the program
Global repository of emissions Specific to each Encouraged but not required None required
information from company survey organization
Encourage the reporting of emissions, Specific to each Encouraged but not required Third-party verification encouraged
emission reductions and sequestration organization, can be the
activities average of a one-to-four
year base period
Comprehensive multi-indicator Year that organization joins Encouraged but not required “External assurance” necessary to
performance tracking and target-setting program qualify for certain Application levels
Assist local governments in tracking Specific to each local Required, specific to each local government None required
emissions, setting targets and achieving government according to Five Milestone process
reductions at organizational and
community-wide levels
Track emissions through verified public Specific to each Encouraged but not required Required through approved third
registry, provide technical assistance organization party verifier
Help companies achieve reductions Specific to each Required, specific to each organization Required through approved third
through promoting innovation and organization party verifier
providing technical assistance
2 emissions, and 13% reduction of specified
scope 3 emissions, below 2008 levels by
Collect accurate emissions data to guide Source-specific Not applicable Combination of monitoring
future climate change policy decisions equipment requirements, self-
certification and on-site audits
Achieve annual targets through tradable Average of 1998 through 6% reduction below base year by 2010 Required through approved third
allowance market 2001, or Phase II members party verifier
can use single year 2000
Achieve annual caps through tradable Determined by member Member state allocations based on collective Required through third party verifier
allowance market country for allowance EU commitment of 8% overall reduction
Achieve annual caps through tradable 2009 10% reduction by 2018 below 2009 levels Auditing by states
allowance market
Achieve annual caps through tradable 2005 20% reduction by 2020 and 80% reduction Required through third party verifier
allowance market by 2050 below 2005 levels
Achieve annual caps through tradable 2005 15% reduction by 2020 from 2005 levels Required through third party verifier
allowance market
B Equity Share Consolidation Approach
he U.S. Public Sector Protocol recommends the The staff preparing the inventory may therefore need
control approach as the most appropriate consoli- to consult with the organization’s accounting or legal
dation for public sector activities, and specifically staff to ensure that the appropriate equity share
recommends the use of operational control as percentage is applied for each joint operation. For
discussed in Chapter 3. Nonetheless, the equity share assets which are leased to other entities, the emissions
approach may be applicable to certain public sector would be treated the same as the financial control
organizations where ownership boundaries can be approach, as both approaches reflect financial owner-
clearly delineated, and where ownership of assets ship or control rather than operation of the asset.
represents a significant aspect of the organization’s Tables 4.2 and 4.3 in Chapter 4 detail this accounting.
major assets such as real estate or land. In such In general, organizations should choose a consolida-
circumstances, inventory reporting goals may require tion approach that is best suited to their
different data sets, and the reporting organization may organizational goals and mission, activities, and GHG
need to account for its GHG emissions in two separate accounting and reporting requirements. Examples of
inventories, one using the equity share and one using how such considerations may drive the selection of an
C Accounting for Sequestered Atmospheric Carbon
key purpose of the U.S. Public Sector Protocol is to nities for improving the organization’s GHG profile.
provide organizations with guidance on how to Opportunities may also exist to create value from reduc-
develop inventories that provide an accurate and tions along the value chain by organizations acting alone
complete picture of their GHG emissions, both for or in partnership with private companies, constituents,
their direct operations as well as those along the value or the public.
chain. For some types of organizations, this is not
During photosynthesis, plants remove carbon (as CO2) regarding the accounting of sequestered atmospheric
from the atmosphere and store it in plant tissue. Until carbon. Nonetheless, some issues that would need to be
this carbon is cycled back into the atmosphere, it resides addressed when addressing impacts on sequestered
in one of a number of “carbon pools.” These pools carbon in organizations’ inventories can be examined in
include (a) above ground biomass (e.g., vegetation) in the context of existing guidance as highlighted below.
and when stored in a landfill. This protocol recommends the control approach for
consolidating GHG data. In some cases, it may be
Carbon can remain in some of these pools for long periods
possible to apply this approach directly to emis-
of time, sometimes for centuries. An increase in the stock
sions/removals associated with sequestered atmospheric
of sequestered carbon stored in these pools represents a
carbon. Among the issues that may need to be examined
net removal of carbon from the atmosphere; a decrease in
is the ownership of sequestered carbon under the
the stock represents a net addition of carbon to the atmos-
different types of contractual arrangements involving
phere. In general, carbon sequestration in plants is
land and wood ownership, harvesting rights, and control
recognized as an opportunity for organizations to offset
of land management and harvesting decisions. This is
GHG emissions, but it should be noted that intact plants
particularly important when logging rights for timber on
may also represent a liability in that certain unplanned
publicly-owned lands are involved. Where disparate
events such as fires and diseases can unexpectedly release
accounting practices are used by the parties involved,
stored carbon back into the atmosphere.
explicit contractual agreements may be required to
clarify the transfer of ownership as carbon moves
through the value chain.
Why Include Impacts on Sequestered Carbon
in Organizational GHG Inventories?
Changes in stocks of sequestered carbon and the associ-
ated exchanges of carbon with the atmosphere are
As with GHG emissions accounting, setting operational
important to national- level GHG emissions inventories,
boundaries for sequestered carbon inventories would help
and consequently, these impacts on sequestered carbon
organizations transparently report their impacts along
are commonly addressed in national inventories
their value chain. At this time, the three scopes have not
(UNFCCC, 2000). Similarly, for organizations managing
been defined to capture information about sequestered
large stocks of biomass such as public lands and forests,
atmospheric changes and an organization’s impacts on
some of the most significant aspects of an organization’s
it; the scopes primarily reflect emissions from combus-
overall impact on atmospheric CO2 levels will occur as a
tion and other known processes. Until consensus methods
result of impacts on sequestered carbon through their
are developed for characterizing impacts on sequestered
direct operations as well as along their value chain.
atmospheric carbon along the value chain, this informa-
Information on an organization’s impacts on sequestered tion can be included in the “optional information”
atmospheric carbon can be used for strategic planning, section of a GHG inventory compiled using the U.S. Public
for educating stakeholders, and for identifying opportu- Sector Protocol. Organizations should indicate which
pools are included in the analysis, which are not, and the
rationale for the selections.
As is sometimes the case with accounting for GHG emis-
sions, base year data for impacts on sequestered carbon
may need to be averaged over multiple years to accom-
modate the year-to-year variability expected of these
systems. The temporal scale used in sequestered carbon
accounting will often be closely tied to the spatial scale
over which the accounting is done. The question of how
to recalculate base year to account for land acquisition
and divestment, land use changes, and other activities
also needs to be addressed.
The U.S. Public Sector Protocol does not include consensus
methods for sequestered carbon quantification.
Organizations should, therefore, explain the methods
used. In some instances, quantification methods used in
national inventories can be adapted for organization- R E P O R T I N G G H G R E M O VA L S
level quantification of sequestered carbon. IPCC (1997; Until consensus methods are developed for character-
2000b) provides useful information on how to do this. izing impacts on sequestered atmospheric carbon along
IPCC has issued Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, the value chain, this information can be included in the
Land Use Change and Forestry, with information on “optional information” section of the inventory (see
Chapter 8). Information on sequestered carbon in the
methods for quantification of sequestered carbon in
forests and forest products. organization’s inventory boundary should be kept sepa-
rate from project-based reductions at sources that are
In addition, although organizational inventory
not in the inventory boundary. However, they should
accounting differs from project-based accounting (as also be identified separately to ensure that they are not
discussed below), it may be possible to use some of the double counted. This is especially important when they P
calculation and monitoring methods derived from project are sold as offsets or credits to a third party.
level accounting of sequestration projects.
As organizations develop experience using various
project reductions that will be used as offsets, relative to the uncertainty associated with the estimates and
a hypothetical baseline scenario for what would have therefore may need to give special care to how the
happened without the project. In the forestry sector, estimates are represented to stakeholders.
E missions associated with the purchased electricity information in the category “generation of purchased
that is consumed by the reporting organization are electricity, heat, or steam for re-sale to non-end users.”
reported in scope 2. Scope 2 only accounts for the
in a T&D system that it owns or controls reports the Emissions associated with the generation of purchased
emissions associated with T&D losses under scope 2. electricity that is resold to an intermediary (e.g., trading
However, if the reporting organization owns or controls transactions) may be reported under optional informa-
the T&D system but generates (rather than purchases) tion under the category “Generation of purchased
the electricity transmitted through its wires, the emis- electricity, heat, or steam for re-sale to non-end users.”
sions associated with T&D losses are not reported under Examples of trading transactions include
scope 2, as they would already be accounted for under brokerage/trading room transactions involving purchased
scope 1. This is the case when generation, transmission, electricity or any other transaction in which electricity is
and distribution systems are vertically integrated and purchased directly from one source or the spot market
owned or controlled by the same organization. and then resold to an intermediary (e.g., a non-end
user). These emissions are reported under optional infor-
Emissions from the generation of purchased electricity finally reaches the end user. This may cause duplicative
for resale to end users, for example purchases by a public reporting of indirect emissions from a series of trading
utility, may be reported under scope 3 in the category transactions for the same electricity.
“generation of purchased electricity that is sold to end
users.” This reporting category is particularly relevant
for utilities that purchase wholesale electricity supplied GHG Emissions Upstream
by independent power producers for resale to their of the Generation of Electricity
customers. Since utilities and electricity suppliers often Emissions associated with the extraction and production
exercise choice over where they purchase electricity, this of fuels consumed in the generation of purchased elec-
provides them with an important GHG reduction opportu- tricity may be reported in scope 3 under the category
nity. Since scope 3 is optional, organizations that are “extraction, production, and transportation of fuels
unable to track their electricity sales in terms of end consumed in the generation of electricity.” These emis-
users and non-end users can choose not to report these sions occur upstream of the generation of electricity.
emissions in scope 3. Instead, they can report the total Examples include emissions from mining of coal,
emissions associated with purchased electricity that is refining of gasoline, extraction of natural gas, and
sold to both end users and non-end users under optional production of hydrogen (if used as a fuel).
FIGURE D.1 Accounting for the Indirect GHG Emissions Associated with Purchased Electricity
Scope 3
Purchased Electricity Resale to end-users
Indirect emissions from purchased electricity sold to end users
However, if the reporting organization owns or published regional, national, and international sources.
controls the T&D system but generates (rather than
purchases) the electricity transmitted through its • It is based on a commonly used approach to calculate
wires, the emissions associated with T&D losses are emissions intensity, i.e., emissions per unit of produc-
not reported under scope 2, as they would already be tion output.
accounted for under scope 1. This is the case when P
• It ensures transparency in reporting of indirect emis-
generation, transmission, and distribution systems are sions from T&D losses.
vertically integrated and owned or controlled by the
There are two types of electricity emission factors: In some countries, such as Japan, local regulations may
emission factor at generation (EFG) and emission require utility organizations to provide both EFG and
factor at consumption (EFC). EFG is calculated from EFC to its consumers, and consumers may be required to
CO2 emissions from generation of electricity divided by use EFC to calculate indirect emissions from the
amount of electricity generated. EFC is calculated consumption of purchased electricity. In this case, an
from CO2 emissions from generation divided by amount
Service Sector/ • Stationary combustion (production of electricity, • Stationary combustion • Stationary combustion (production of purchased
Office-Based heat or steam) (consumption of materials)
• Fugitive emissions (mainly HFC emissions during rials/products/waste, employee business travel,
use of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment)| employee commuting)
Landfills, Waste • Stationary combustion (incinerators, boilers, • Stationary combustion • Stationary combustion(recycled waste exported from
Combustion, flaring) (consumption of the site to be used as a fuel elsewhere)
animal product decomposition. Biogenic CO2 emis- employee business travel, employee commuting)
sions should be reported separately from the scopes.)
Energy • Stationary combustion (boilers and turbines used in • Stationary combustion • Stationary combustion (mining and extraction of
Generation the production of electricity, heat or steam, fuel (consumption of fuels, energy for refining or processing fuels)
pumps, fuel cells, flaring) purchased electricity,
heat or steam) • Process emissions (production of fuels, SF6 emissions)
• Mobile combustion (trucks, barges and trains for
transportation of fuels) • Mobile combustion (transportation of fuels/waste,
employee business travel, employee commuting)
• Fugitive emissions (CH4 leakage from transmission
and storage facilities, HFC emissions from Liquid • Fugitive emissions (CH4 and CO2 from waste landfills,
Propane Gas (LPG) storage facilities, SF6 emissions pipelines, SF6 emissions)
from transmission and distribution equipment)
Oil and Gasb • Stationary combustion (process heaters, engines, • Stationary combustion • Stationary combustion (product use as fuel or
turbines, flares, incinerators, oxidizers, production(consumption of combustion for the production of purchased mate-
of electricity, heat and steam) purchased electricity, rials)
heat or steam)
• Process emissions (process vents, equipment vents, • Mobile combustion (transportation of raw mate-
maintenance/turnaround activities, non-routine rials/products/waste, employee business travel,
activities) employee commuting, product use as fuel)
• Mobile combustion (transportation of raw mate- • Process emissions (product use as feedstock or emis-
rials/products/waste; company owned vehicles) sions from the production of purchased materials)
• Fugitive emissions (leaks from pressurized equip- • Fugitive emissions (CH4 and CO2 from waste landfills
ment, wastewater treatment, surface or from the production of purchased materials)
Coal Mining • Stationary combustion (methane flaring and use, • Stationary combustion • Stationary combustion (product use as fuel)
use of explosives, mine fires) (consumption of
purchased electricity, • Mobile combustion (transportation of coal/waste,
• Mobile combustion (mining equipment, transporta- heat or steam) employee business travel, employee commuting)
tion of coal)
• Process emissions (gasification)
• Fugitive emissions (CH4 emissions from coal mines
and coal piles)
This does not constitute a complete list of Scope 3 sources for each activity, but offers several common sources.
The American Petroleum Institute’s Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies for the Oil and Gas Industry (2009) provides guidelines and calculation methodology for
calculating GHG emissions from the oil and gas sector.
Accounting for Indirect Emissions Reductions
ome organizations can make changes to their
own operations that result in GHG emissions
changes not fully captured by comparing
emissions changes over time or at sources not included
in their own inventory boundary.
(with different GHG intensities) depending on the
Fuel Substitution
demand of the grid.
A C T I V I T Y : Substituting purchased fossil fuel with the
Reducing grid electricity demand through an on-site organization’s own waste-derived fuel
CHP project might therefore prevent the dispatching
E F F E C T S : The organization’s waste might have other-
of a specific type of fuel source to the grid and a
wise been sent to a landfill or incinerated without energy
higher or lower reduction in emissions (depending
recovery. Such substitution will decrease the organiza-
on that dispatched source) than would be reflected
tion’s scope 1 emissions (as CO2 from biogenic
in the average.
combustion will be reported separately from the scopes),
but also could result in emissions reductions elsewhere
Recommended Approach
E F F E C T S : This may increase the on-site organization’s These types of reductions beyond the organization’s
direct GHG emissions while reducing the other organiza- boundary may be separately quantified, for example,
tion’s need to purchase grid electricity. Any resulting using the processes described in the Project Protocol, and
emissions reductions at the plants where this grid-elec- reported in an organization’s public GHG report under
tricity would have otherwise been produced will not be optional information.
captured in the inventory of the on-site organization.
CHP combined heat and power NASA National Aeronautics and Space
CLIP Climate Leadership In Parks
NASA-JSC National Aeronautics and Space
CO2 carbon dioxide
Administration – Johnson Space Center
CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent
NGO non-governmental organization
COCO contractor owned/contractor operated
NOx nitrogen oxide
CRS Congressional Research Service
NPS National Park Service
DoD Department of Defense
PFCs perfluorocarbons
DOE Department of Energy
REC renewable energy certificate
EFC emission factor at consumption
RGGI Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
EFG emission factor at generation
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
EIA Energy Information Administration
SO2 sulfur dioxide
eGRID Emissions & Generation Resource
T&D transmission and distribution
Integrated Database
UK ETS United Kingdom Emission Trading Scheme
EMS Environmental Management Systems
UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on
EO executive order
Climate Change
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable
EU ETS European Union Emissions Allowance Development
Trading Scheme
WRI World Resources Institute
GHG greenhouse gas
HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbons
HFCs hydrofluorocarbons
Absolute target A target defined by reduction in absolute emissions over time, e.g., reduces CO2 emissions by 25 percent
below 1994 levels by 2010.
Additionality A criterion for assessing whether a project has resulted in GHG emissions reductions or removals in
addition to what would have occurred in its absence. This is an important criterion when the goal of the
project is to offset emissions elsewhere.
Agency Term used interchangeably with “organization” in this U.S. Public Sector Protocol to denote a public
sector entity.
Allowance A commodity giving its holder the right to emit a certain quantity of GHGs.
Audit trail Well-organized and transparent historical records documenting how an inventory was compiled.
Base year A historic datum (a specific year or an average over multiple years) against which an organization’s
emissions are tracked over time.
Base year emissions Recalculation of emissions in the base year to reflect a change in the structure of the organization, or
recalculation to reflect a change in the accounting methodology used. This ensures data consistency over time, i.e.,
comparisons of like with like over time.
Baseline A hypothetical scenario for what GHG emissions, removals, or storage would have been in the absence of
the GHG project or project activity.
Biofuels Fuel made from plant material, e.g. wood, straw, corn.
Biogenic emissions Emissions resulting from the combustion of materials that naturally sequester CO2, such as biomass, or
biofuels derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. These emissions are reported separately from the
Biomass Organic, recently living non-fossil material, often used as the basis for creating biofuels.
Boundaries The grouping of GHG activities following several dimensions, i.e. organizational, operational,
geographic, business unit, and target boundaries. The inventory boundary determines which emissions
are accounted and reported by the organization.
Cap and trade system A system that sets an overall emissions limit, allocates emissions allowances to participants, and
allows them to trade allowances and emission credits with each other.
Capital lease A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee and is
accounted for as an asset on the balance sheet of the lessee. Also known as a financial or finance
lease. Leases other than capital/financial/finance leases are operating leases. Consult an accountant
for further detail as definitions of lease types differ between various accepted financial standards.
Carbon sequestration The uptake of CO2 and storage of carbon in biological sinks.
Clean development mechanism A mechanism for project-based emissions reduction activities in developing countries established by
(CDM) Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. The CDM is designed to meet two main objectives: to address the
sustainability needs of the host country and to increase the opportunities available to Annex 1 Parties
to meet their GHG reduction commitments. The CDM allows for the creation, acquisition, and transfer
of CERs (certified emissions reductions) from climate change mitigation projects undertaken in non-
Annex 1 countries.
CO2 equivalent The universal unit of measurement to indicate the global warming potential (GWP) of each of the six
GHGs regulated by the Kyoto Protocol, expressed in terms of the GWP of one unit of CO2. It is used to
evaluate the impact of different GHG emissions against a common basis.
Co-generation unit/combined A facility producing both electricity and steam/heat using a common fuel supply.
heat and power
Community-level inventories Inventories representing emissions from all sectors within a geographically-defined community,
including electricity generation, transportation, land use change, etc. This type of inventory is based
upon boundaries, assumptions and methodologies which are significantly different than those refer-
enced and utilized in the U.S. Public Sector Protocol and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, which
only track emissions that a given entity owns or controls.
Consolidation The grouping together of GHG emissions data from separate operations according to a specific approach
in order to create a consistent, complete inventory.
Continuous Emissions A technological means of monitoring the emissions from combustion facilities.
Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Control The ability of an organization to direct the policies of an operation. It is defined as either operational
control (the organization or one of its subsidiaries has the authority to introduce and implement oper-
ating policies at the operation) or financial control (the organization has the ability to direct the financial
and operating policies of the operation with a view to gaining economic benefits from its activities).
Corporate inventory program A program to produce annual corporate (or enterprise-wide) inventories that are in keeping with the
principles, standards, and guidance of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. This includes all institu-
tional, managerial and technical arrangements made for the collection of data, preparation of a GHG
inventory, and implementation of the steps taken to manage the quality of their emission inventory.
Cross-sector calculation tool A calculation tool that addresses GHG sources common to various sectors, e.g., emissions from
stationary or mobile combustion. See also GHG Protocol Initiative calculation tools
De minimis A level of emissions from a single source or group of sources that is excluded from reporting because it
is thought to be very small in the context of an organization’s total emissions. However, such omission
causes a predefined negative bias in estimates (i.e., an underestimate) and therefore is not compatible
with the completeness principle of the U.S. Public Sector Protocol. Sometimes, de minimis is interpreted
as a group of small or hard-to-measure sources to which a simplified estimation method is applied.
Direct GHG emissions Emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting organization.
Direct monitoring Direct monitoring of exhaust stream contents in the form of continuous emissions monitoring or periodic
Double counting Two or more reporting organizations take ownership of the same emissions or reductions within the
same scope. Indirect emissions (scopes 2 and 3) are inherently another entity’s direct (scope 1) emis-
sions but this is not considered double counting.
eGRID A comprehensive inventory of environmental attributes of electric power systems, including various GHG
emission factors for different electric grid regions in the United States.
Emission factor A factor expressing an amount of GHG emissions produced per a unit of activity data (e.g., tonnes of CO2
per tonne of fuel consumed), which permits GHG emissions to be estimated for various activity types.
Environmental Management A set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and
Systems (EMS) increase its operating efficiency, as defined by the EPA.
Equity share The equity share reflects economic interest, reflecting the rights an organization has to the risks and
rewards flowing from an operation. Typically, the share of economic risks and rewards in an operation is
aligned with the organization’s percentage ownership of that operation, and equity share will normally
be the same as the ownership percentage.
Estimation uncertainty Uncertainty that arises whenever GHG emissions are quantified, due to uncertainty arising from incom-
plete or imprecise data and from imprecise calculation methodologies used to quantify GHG emissions.
Executive Order A policy directive issued by an executive body usually intended to manage operations within the government.
Finance lease A lease which transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee and is
accounted for as an asset on the balance sheet of the lessee. Also known as a capital or financial lease.
Leases other than capital/financial/finance leases are operating leases. Consult an accountant for
further detail as definitions of lease types differ between various accepted accounting principles.
Fugitive emissions Emissions that are not physically controlled but result from the intentional or unintentional releases of
GHGs. They commonly arise from the production, processing, transmission, storage and use of fuels and
other chemicals, often through joints, seals, packing, gaskets, etc.
Green-e An independent certification and verification program for renewable energy and greenhouse gas emis-
sions reductions in the retail market.
Green power A generic term for renewable energy sources and specific clean energy technologies that emit fewer GHG
emissions relative to other sources of energy that supply the electric grid. Includes solar photovoltaic
panels, solar thermal energy, geothermal energy, landfill gas, low-impact hydropower, and wind
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the atmosphere. For the purposes of the
U.S. Public Sector Protocol, GHGs are the six gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs,
PFCs, and SF6.
GHG capture Collection of GHG emissions from a GHG-emitting source for storage in a sink.
GHG credit GHG offset that can be used to meet an externally imposed target. A GHG credit is a convertible and
transferable instrument usually bestowed by a GHG program.
GHG offset Discrete GHG reductions used to compensate for (i.e., offset) GHG emissions elsewhere, for example to
meet a voluntary or mandatory GHG target or cap. Offsets are calculated relative to a baseline that
represents a hypothetical scenario for what emissions would have been in the absence of the mitigation
project that generates the offsets. To avoid double counting, the reduction giving rise to the offset must
occur at sources or sinks not included in the target or cap for which it is used.
GHG program A generic term used to refer to any voluntary or mandatory international, national, sub-national, govern-
ment or non-governmental authority that registers, certifies, or regulates GHG emissions or removals
outside the company, e.g., CDM, EU ETS, and CCX.
GHG project Shorthand for a specific project or activity designed to achieve GHG emissions reductions, storage of
carbon, or enhancement of GHG removals from the atmosphere. GHG projects may be stand-alone proj-
ects, or specific activities or elements within a larger non-GHG related project.
GHG Protocol Initiative A multi-stakeholder collaboration convened by World Resources Institute and the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) to design, develop, and promote the use of GHG
accounting and reporting standards. Its two primary publications include the Corporate Standard and
the Project Protocol. More information is available at
GHG Protocol Initiative A number of cross-sector and sector-specific tools developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative
calculation tools at the World Resources Institute that calculate GHG emissions on the basis of activity data and emis-
sion factors (available at
GHG public report A report that provides, among other details, the reporting organization’s physical emissions for its
chosen inventory boundary.
GHG registry A public database of organization GHG emissions and/or project reductions. Examples include the EIA
1605b Voluntary GHG Reporting Program and The Climate Registry. Each registry has its own rules
regarding what and how information is reported.
GHG sink Any physical unit or process that stores GHGs, usually in reference to forests and underground/deep sea
reservoirs of CO2.
GHG source Any physical unit or process which releases GHGs into the atmosphere.
GHG trades All purchases or sales of GHG emission allowances, offsets, and credits.
Global warming potential (GWP) A factor describing the radiative forcing impact (degree of harm to the atmosphere) of one unit of a
given GHG relative to one unit of CO2.
Heating value The amount of energy released when a fuel is burned completely. Care must be taken not to confuse one
measure of heating values, used in the United States and Canada (called higher heating values) with
another that is used in all other countries (lower heating values). For further details refer to the calcula-
tion tool for stationary combustion available at
Indirect GHG emissions Emissions that are a consequence of the operations of the reporting organization, but occur at sources
owned or controlled by another organization.
Insourcing The inverse of outsourcing; that is, the reporting organization performing work previously contracted out
to other entities.
Intensity ratios Ratios that express GHG impact per unit of physical activity or unit of economic value (e.g., tonnes of
CO2 emissions per unit of electricity generated). Intensity ratios are the inverse of productivity/efficiency
Intensity target A reduction target defined by the ratio of emissions to a business metric over time e.g., reduce CO2 per
tonne of cement by 12 percent between 2000 and 2008.
Intergovernmental Panel International body of climate change scientists. The role of the IPCC is to assess the scientific,
on Climate Change technical and socio-economic information relevant to the understanding of the risk of human-induced
climate change (
Inventory boundary An imaginary line that encompasses the direct and indirect emissions that are included in the inventory.
It results from the chosen organizational and operational boundaries.
Inventory quality The extent to which an inventory provides a faithful, true, and fair account of an organization’s
GHG emissions.
Joint Implementation A mechanism established in Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol referring to climate change mitigation proj-
ects implemented between two Annex 1 countries. JI allows for the creation, acquisition, and transfer of
“ERUs,” or tradable commodities which can be used by Annex 1 countries to help meet their commit-
ments under the Kyoto Protocol.
Kyoto Protocol A protocol to the UNFCCC. It requires countries listed in its Annex B (developed nations) to meet reduc-
tion targets of GHG emissions relative to their 1990 levels averaged over the period 2008–12.
Leakage (secondary effect) Leakage occurs when an activity designed to reduce GHGs in one location in fact increases GHG emis-
sions elsewhere.
Life-cycle analysis Assessment of the sum of a product’s effects (e.g., GHG emissions) at each step in its life cycle,
including resource extraction, production, use, and waste disposal.
Local Government Operations A flexible framework serving the needs of local governmental organizations drafted jointly by The
(LGO) Protocol Climate Registry, ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), the California Climate Action Registry,
and the California Air Resources Board. Because of its compatibility with both the GHG Protocol
Corporate Standard and the U.S. Public Sector Protocol, local government bodies should consult the
LGO Protocol for accounting guidance that is tailored to cities, counties, and municipalities.
Material discrepancy An error or combination of errors (for example from an oversight, omission, or miscalculation) that
results in the reported quantity being significantly different from the true value to an extent that will
influence performance or decisions. Also known as material misstatement.
Materiality threshold A concept employed in the process of verification. It is often used to determine whether an error or omis-
sion is a material discrepancy or not. It should not be viewed as a de minimus threshold for defining a
complete inventory.
Mobile combustion Burning of fuels by transportation devices such as cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, ships, etc.
Model uncertainty GHG quantification uncertainty associated with mathematical equations used to characterize the rela-
tionship between various parameters and emission processes.
National-level inventories Inventories representing emissions from all sectors within a country, including electricity generation,
transportation, land use change, etc. These inventories are usually compiled via a top-down exercise
using national economic data for the purposes of the UNFCCC process.
Non-Annex 1 countries Countries that have ratified or acceded to the UNFCC but are not listed under Annex 1 and are therefore
not under any emissions reduction obligation (see also Annex 1 countries).
Operating lease A lease which does not transfer the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee and is not recorded as
an asset in the lessee’s balance sheet. All leases other than capital/finance leases are operating leases
(see above).
Operation A generic term used to denote any kind of business, irrespective of its organizational, governance, or legal
structures. An operation can be a facility, subsidiary, affiliated company, or other form of joint venture.
Operational boundaries The boundaries that determine the direct and indirect emissions associated with operations owned or
controlled by the reporting organization. This assessment allows an organization to establish which
operations and sources cause direct and indirect emissions, and to decide which indirect emissions to
include that are a consequence of its operations.
Organic growth/decline Increases or decreases in GHG emissions as a result of changes in production output, product mix, plant
closures, and the opening of new plants.
Organizational boundaries The boundaries that determine the operations owned or controlled by the reporting organization,
depending on the consolidation approach taken (equity or control approach).
Outsourcing Contracting out work to outside entities previously performed internally by the reporting organization.
Parameter uncertainty Uncertainty associated with quantifying the parameters used as inputs to GHG estimation models.
Primary effects The specific GHG reducing elements or activities (reducing GHG emissions, carbon storage, or
enhancing GHG removals) that a reduction project is intended to achieve.
Process emissions Emissions generated from manufacturing processes, such as the CO2 that arises from the breakdown of
CaCO3 during cement manufacture.
Project Protocol A module of the GHG Protocol Initiative addressing the quantification of GHG reduction projects. This
(GHG Protocol for includes projects that will be used to offset emissions elsewhere and/or generate credits.
Project Accounting)
Productivity/efficiency ratios Ratios that express the value or achievement of a business divided by its GHG impact. Increasing effi-
ciency ratios reflect performance improvement, e.g., resource productivity (sales per tonne of GHG).
Productivity/efficiency ratios are the inverse of intensity ratios.
Public Sector Organization Any organization that is owned, controlled or operated by various levels of government. Such organiza-
tions usually provide basic public services such as law enforcement, public transport, environmental
protection, etc.
Ratio indicator Indicators providing information on relative performance such as intensity ratios or produc-
tivity/efficiency ratios.
Renewable energy Energy taken from sources that are inexhaustible, e.g., wind, water, solar, geothermal energy, and biofuels.
Reporting Presenting data to internal management and external users such as regulators, shareholders, the
general public, or specific stakeholder groups.
Reversibility of reductions This occurs when reductions are temporary, or where removed or stored carbon may be returned to the
atmosphere at some point in the future.
Rolling base year The process of shifting or rolling the base year forward by a certain number of years at regular intervals
of time.
Scientific uncertainty Uncertainty that arises when the science of the actual emission and/or removal process is not
completely understood.
Scope Defines the operational boundaries in relation to indirect and direct GHG emissions.
Scope 2 inventory A reporting organization’s indirect emissions associated with the generation of electricity,
heating/cooling, or steam purchased for own consumption.
Scope 3 inventory A reporting organization’s indirect emissions other than those covered in scope 2.
Scope of works An up-front specification that indicates the type of verification to be undertaken and the level of assur-
ance to be provided between the reporting organization and the verifier during the verification process.
Secondary effects (leakage) GHG emissions changes resulting from the project not captured by the primary effect(s). These are typi-
cally the small, unintended GHG consequences of a project.
Sequestered atmospheric CO2 removed from the atmosphere by biological sinks and stored in plant tissue. Sequestered atmosph-
carbon eric carbon does not include GHGs captured through carbon capture and storage.
Significance threshold A qualitative or quantitative criterion used to define any significant change to the data, inventory
boundary, methods, or any other relevant factors affecting a GHG inventory. The organization is respon-
sible for determining the “significance threshold” that triggers base year emission recalculation and to
disclose it.
Stationary combustion Burning of fuels to generate electricity, steam, heat, or power in stationary equipment such as boilers,
furnaces, etc.
Structural change A change in the organizational or operational boundaries of an organization that result in the transfer of
ownership or control of emissions from one organization to another. Structural changes usually result
from a transfer of ownership of emissions, such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, but can also
include outsourcing/insourcing.
Target base year The base year used for defining a GHG target, e.g., to reduce CO2 emissions 25 percent below 2000
levels (the base year) by the year 2010.
Target boundary The boundary that defines which GHG’s, geographic operations, sources, and activities are covered by
the target.
Target commitment period The period of time during which emissions performance is actually measured against the target. It ends
with the target completion date.
Target completion date The date that defines the end of the target commitment period.
Target double counting policy A policy that determines how double counting of GHG reductions or other instruments, such as
allowances issued by external trading programs, is dealt with under a GHG target. It applies only to
organizations that engage in trading (sale or purchase) of offsets or whose target boundaries interface
with other organizations’ targets or external programs.
Tonne One metric ton, with a mass equal to 1,000 kilograms, or 2,205 pounds.
Transmission and distribution A network of cables and infrastructure that permits electrical energy to be sent from generators
(T&D) system to substations to customers.
Transmission and distribution The amount or percentage of generated electricity that is lost during its transmission or distribution
(T&D) loss from the generator to either substations or customers. The extent of this loss is mostly determined by
the age and quality of the T&D infrastructure.
Uncertainty 1. Statistical definition: A parameter associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes
the dispersion of the values that could be reasonably attributed to the measured quantity (e.g., the
sample variance or coefficient of variation).
2. Inventory definition: A general and imprecise term which refers to the lack of certainty in emis-
sions-related data resulting from any causal factor, such as the application of non-representative
factors or methods, incomplete data on sources and sinks, lack of transparency, etc. Reported uncer-
tainty information typically specifies a quantitative estimate of the likely or perceived difference
between a reported value and a qualitative description of the likely causes of the difference.
United Nations Framework Signed in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit, the UNFCCC is a milestone Convention on Climate Change
Convention on Climate Change treaty that provides an overall framework for international efforts to mitigate climate change.
(UNFCCC) The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the UNFCCC.
Value chain emissions Emissions from the upstream and downstream activities associated with the operations of the reporting
Verification An independent assessment of the reliability (considering completeness and accuracy) of a GHG inven-
tory. Also called assurance.
World Business Council A Geneva-based association of over 200 companies. The WBSCD partners with World Resources
for Sustainable Development Institute in the establishment of the GHG Protocol Initiative and the development of its GHG
(WBCSD) accounting standards.
California Executive Order No. S-20-04 (July 27, 2004), GRI (2002), Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, Global Reporting Initiative
City of Portland and Multnomah County (2009), City of Portland ICLEI (2009), International Local Governments GHG Emissions
and Multnomah County Climate Action Plan, City of Portland Analysis Protocol (IEAP), v.1.0. ICLEI (Local Governments for
Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, and Multnomah County Sustainability)
Sustainability Program
IPCC (1997), Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG
CCAR (2003), General Reporting Guidelines, California Climate Inventories: Reference Manual, Intergovernmental Panel on
Action Registry Climate Change
EPA (1999), The Yellow Book: Guide to Environmental IPCC (2006), 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories:
Enforcement and Compliance at Federal Facilities, Reference Manual, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
IPCC (2000a), Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty
EPA (1999), Emission Inventory Improvement Program, Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,
Volume VI: Quality Assurance/Quality Control, U.S. Environmental Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Protection Agency
IPCC (2000b), Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry: A
EPA (2007), Program Guide for Climate Leaders, U.S. Special Report for the IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Environmental Protection Agency Climate Leaders Program Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
EPA (2009), Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Lewis, H. (2008), Green Meetings, Conferences, and Events: A
and Sinks: 1990-2007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Procurement Strategy, EPA presentation at the Federal
Environmental Symposium
Executive Order No. 13514, 74 Fed. Reg. 52117 (Oct. 9, 2009), National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, The
200900783.pdf Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP) Tool,
climatefriendlyparks/ CLIPtool/ emissioninventory.html
FASB (1976), Statement of Financial Accounting Standards,
no. 13, “Accounting for Leases,” Financial Accounting NZBCSD (2002), The Challenge of GHG Emissions: The “Why” and
Standards Board “How” of Accounting and Reporting for GHG Emissions: An
Industry Guide, New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable
Florida Executive Order 07-126 (July 13, 2007),
Development, Aukland
The Climate Registry, State Government Emissions Inventory Guide,
The GHG Protocol (2004), A Corporate Accounting and Reporting
Standard, The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative—World
Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable
Development UNFCCC (2000), Synthesis Report on National Greenhouse Gas
Information Reported by Annex I Parties for the Land-Use Change
The GHG Protocol (2010), The Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting
and Forestry Sector and Agricultural Soils Category,
Standard – Draft for Road Testing. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
FCCC/TP/1997/5, United Nations Framework Convention on
Initiative—World Resources Institute and World Business Council
Climate Change
for Sustainable Development
Verfaillie, H. and R. Bidwell (2000), Measuring Eco-efficiency:
Government Accounting Standards Board,“What is performance
A Guide to Reporting Company Performance, World Business
measurement?” About Performance Reporting for Government,
Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva
David Edwards, California Air Resources Board Tom Colbert, Prince William County Schools, VA
Rachael Tornek, Climate Action Reserve Cal Broomhead, San Francisco Department of Environment
Pete Brunelli, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Lisa Dickson, SEA Consultants
Christine Chulick, Defense Logistics Agency David Zimmerman, Tennessee Valley Authority
Evan Fago, Eastern Research Group Dan Kowalczyk, U.S. Air Force
David Wright, Eastern Research Group Peter Heinricher, U.S. Army Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory
Steve Sinclair, Fairfax County, VA
Dave Sheets, U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute
Michael Barancewicz, Loudoun County Public Schools, VA
Denise Ingram, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Forest Service
John Lord, Loudoun County Public Schools, VA
Craig Lasser, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Forest Service
Mary Jane Rutkowski, Maryland Department of the Environment
Julie Harllee Tucker, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Forest Service
Molla Sarros, Maryland Department of the Environment
David Asiello, U.S. Department of Defense
Rich Norling, Maryland Department of National Resources
Paul McArdle, U.S. Department of Energy
Jeffrey King, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Chris Tremper, U.S. Department of Energy
Susan Heffron, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
William Lintner, U.S. Department of Energy/Federal
Jeremy Alcorn, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Energy Management Program
Kathleen Moxley, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Louis Martino, U.S. Department of Energy/Argonne
Linda Wennerberg, National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Laboratory
Sam Higuchi, National Aeronautics and Space Administration John Nangle, U.S. Department of Energy/National
Renewable Energy Laboratory
Julie McNamee, National Park Service
Kathleen Judd, U.S. Department of Energy/ Pacific
Shawn Norton, National Park Service
Northwest Laboratory
Chris Steuer, National Park Service
Keith Rule, U.S. Department of Energy/Princeton Plasma
Mark Lowery, New York State Department of Physics Laboratory
Environmental Conservation
Pete Aitcheson, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Sushma Masemore, North Carolina Department of Environment
Lucas Hollenkamp, U.S. Department of Health and Human
and Natural Resources
Services/National Institutes of Health
Jason Hollett, Nova Scotia Environment
Edward Rau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/
Dana Arnold, Office of the Federal Environmental Executive National Institutes of Health
Eva Musso, Ontario Ministry of Environment Catherine Cesnik, U.S. Department of the Interior
Bill Drumheller, Oregon Department of Energy Susan Caplan, U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau
of Land Management
This document, designed to promote best practice GHG
accounting and reporting, has been developed through a
unique multi-stakeholder consultative process involving
representatives of reporters and report-users from within
the U.S. and around the world. While LMI and WRI
encourage the use of the U.S. Public Sector Protocol by
all government organizations, the preparation and Printed with linseed-oil based inks on elemental chlorine-free Chorus
publication of reports based fully or partially on the Art Silk paper (50% recycled, including 25 % post consumer content).
U.S. Public Sector Protocol is the full responsibility of Using this paper created the following benefits:
those producing them. Neither LMI and WRI, nor other • 5.66 trees preserved for the future
individuals who contributed to this standard assume • 16.35 lbs. waterborne waste not created
responsibility for any consequences or damages • 2406 gallons of wastewater flow saved
resulting directly or indirectly from its use in the • 266 lbs. solid waste not generated
preparation of reports or the use of reports based on • 524 lbs. net greenhouse gases prevented
the U.S. Public Sector Protocol. • 4,011,788 BTU’s energy not consumed.
About WRI About LMI
World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent environmental LMI has a rich history of public service, bringing the best manage-
think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to ment and technical minds to address intricate issues across the
protect the earth and improve people’s lives. Our mission is to federal government. As administrations, priorities, and policies
move human society to live in ways that protect Earth’s environ- have changed over the last 50 years, LMI’s mission—improving
ment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations the management of government—has remained constant. Our
of current and future generations. We organize our work around employees come from diverse backgrounds: government and
four key programmatic goals: Climate Protection, Governance defense, business and industry, and academia and research. Their
& Access, Markets & Enterprise, and People & Ecosystems. A broad perspective and deep analytical skills, combined with LMI’s
fifth goal—institutional excellence—supports and enhances public-service mission and not-for-profit status, allow us to offer
WRI’s ability to achieve results. The GHG Protocol Initiative is a practical—and often original and unconventional—solutions that
joint partnership between WRI and the World Business Council enable federal managers to attain their agency’s objectives.
for Sustainable Development.
t: 202.729.7600 t: 800.213.4817
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ISBN 978-1-56973-753-8