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Account Opening Documentation :

We seek your understanding and cooperation in furnishing the documents required for account opening and value your time and effort
in doing so. We request you to provide suitable documentation as indicated below which is required by the Bank under local laws
and regulations and also to comply with KYC guidelines and policy as part of the global effort to combat money laundering, terrorist
financing and fraudulent activity.

Important Note :
w Please fill the form in CAPITAL letters and tick wherever applicable.

w Avoid any sort of alterations/cutting in the Application form.

w Produce original documents for verification against each self attested photocopy by Account Holder (s).

w Please produce separate documents to evidence proof of identity and proof of address for confirming name, date of
birth and current residential address for each account holder.

w Please avail of the nomination facility.

w Please attach separate sheets in case the given space is insufficient.

Account Opening Requirements :

1. Completed Account Opening Application Form along with required documentation.

2. Recent Passport size photographs of all the Account Holder (s) duly signed on front (not more than six months old)

3. PAN Card copy or Form 60 (whichever is applicable).

Documents to be submitted for Account opening :

Identification Proof (List A) Address Proof (List B)
w Passport w Passport
w Driving License w Voter ID Card
w Pan Card w Driving License
w Voter ID Card w Latest utility bill in the name of the applicant(s) i.e.
electricity, water or telephone bill (not older than three
w Any Photo ID card issued by Central/State Govt./ months)
PSU/Armed forces ID card
w FRRO, Visa copy / Appointment letter (applicable in
case of foreign nationals only)
w Letter from the Embassy confirming residential address
(applicable for Diplomats and other Embassy officials)
Special Instructions :
In case of joint account holder(s), acceptable documents which can be submitted as proofs for establishing
w Passport
w Driving License
w Pan Card
w Voter ID Card
w Photo-Ration Card

For ascertaining Minor’s date of birth, acceptable documents which can be submitted
w Birth certificate issued by Municipal Authority.
w Passport held in the name of the minor.
w 10th Class certificate indicating DOB, issued by the Central Board (C.B.S.E., I.C.S.E.) / State Board.

Note : 1. Bank may request for any further specific / additional documents as may be required.
(For Bank use only)
Account Number Customer ID No.

(To be filled by applicant only) Date D D M M Y Y Y Y

Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS with Black/Blue Ink only and tick boxes where applicable.
Do not leave any field blank, instead mention Not applicable( N.A.)

I/We hereby request The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. _______________ Branch to open my/our Savings Account.

Denominated Currency of the Account INR USD Euro JPY

Type of Account Resident NRE NRO

Details of Account - Sole / First Applicant :

1. Title Mr. Mrs. Ms. Others (please specify)

2. Account Name F i r s t M i d d l e
L a s t
3. Other common names used /
former name if any

4. Reason for using other name

5. Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y 6. Gender Male Female

7. Nationality / Citizenship 8. PAN Number

9. Minor Account Yes No 10. Senior Citizen Yes No

If yes, Name of Parent / Guardian __________________________________________________________________

Relationship with minor Father Mother As per Court Order Others_______________________
11. Communication Details :
Permanent /
Residential Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)

Correspondence /
Mailing Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country

Contact Details
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)
Tel : Office Extn.
(with STD Code)
Fax : (with STD Code)

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12. Personal Details :

Educational Qualification Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate

Others (Please specify)

Marital Status Unmarried Married Others (Please specify)

Number of Dependents Adults Children

Annual Income (in INR)

13. Occupation Details :

Salaried Self Employed Business Retired

Housewife Student Others ( please specify )

In case of Salaried (Please provide Employer details, Designation, Job Profile and Nature of Work)

In case of Self Employed

Chartered Accountant / CPA Doctor Engineer

Lawyer / Notary Consultant / Professional Other (please specify)

Please mention briefly nature of professional work undertaken

In case of Business

Manufacturing Retailer / Stockist

Finance / Investment Wholesaler
Export / Import Commission Agent / Broker
Service Provider Lottery
Trading Arms and Ammunition
Antique Dealer Dealer in precious metals / stones
Bar / Night Club / Casino Money exchanger
Real Estate Agent Others ( please specify )

Please mention briefly nature of business activities undertaken

Nature of Industry :

Engineering/Architectural Firm Food Products Power / Electricity

IT Software / Hardware Gems / Jewellery Retailing

Commodities Hotel / Restaurant Shipping

Construction / Real Estate Chemicals Textile

Electronic Goods Leather Timber

Financial Services Metals Transport / Logistics

Others ( Please specify)

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Details of Account - Second Applicant :

1. Title Mr. Mrs. Ms. Others (please specify)

2. Account Name F i r s t M i d d l e

L a s t

3. Other common names used /

former name if any

4. Reason for using other name

5. Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y 6. Gender Male Female

7. Nationality / Citizenship 8. PAN Number

9. Senior Citizen Yes No

10.Relationship with first applicant (if any)

Documents submitted for establishing relationship

11. Communication Details :

Permanent /
Residential Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)

Correspondence /
Mailing Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country

Contact Details
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)
Tel : Office Extn.
(with STD Code)
Fax : (with STD Code)


3 of 14
12. Personal Details :

Educational Qualification Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate

Others (Please specify)

Marital Status Unmarried Married Others (Please specify)

Number of Dependents Adults Children

Annual Income (in INR)

13. Occupation Details :

Salaried Self Employed Business Retired

Housewife Student Others ( please specify )

In case of Salaried (Please provide Employer details, Designation, Job Profile and Nature of Work)

In case of Self Employed

Chartered Accountant / CPA Doctor Engineer

Lawyer / Notary Consultant / Professional Other (please specify)

Please mention briefly nature of professional work undertaken

In case of Business

Manufacturing Retailer / Stockist

Finance / Investment Wholesaler
Export / Import Commission Agent / Broker
Service Provider Lottery
Trading Arms and Ammunition
Antique Dealer Dealer in precious metals / stones
Bar / Night Club / Casino Money exchanger
Real Estate Agent Others ( please specify )

Please mention briefly nature of business activities undertaken

Nature of Industry :

Engineering/Architectural Firm Food Products Power / Electricity

IT Software / Hardware Gems / Jewellery Retailing

Commodities Hotel / Restaurant Shipping

Construction / Real Estate Chemicals Textile

Electronic Goods Leather Timber

Financial Services Metals Transport / Logistics

Others ( Please specify)

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Details of Account - Third Applicant :

1. Title Mr. Mrs. Ms. Others (please specify)

2. Account Name F i r s t M i d d l e

L a s t

3. Other common names used /

former name if any

4. Reason for using other name

5. Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y 6. Gender Male Female

7. Nationality / Citizenship 8. PAN Number

9. Senior Citizen Yes No

10.Relationship with first applicant (if any)

Documents submitted for establishing relationship

11. Communication Details :

Permanent /
Residential Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)

Correspondence /
Mailing Address


Pin Code / Zip Code Country

Contact Details
Tel : Residence
(with STD Code)
Tel : Office Extn.
(with STD Code)
Fax : (with STD Code)


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12. Personal Details :

Educational Qualification Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate

Others (Please specify)

Marital Status Unmarried Married Others (Please specify)

Number of Dependents Adults Children

Annual Income (in INR)

13. Occupation Details :

Salaried Self Employed Business Retired

Housewife Student Others ( please specify )

In case of Salaried (Please provide Employer details, Designation, Job Profile and Nature of Work)

In case of Self Employed

Chartered Accountant / CPA Doctor Engineer

Lawyer / Notary Consultant / Professional Other (please specify)

Please mention briefly nature of professional work undertaken

In case of Business

Manufacturing Retailer / Stockist

Finance / Investment Wholesaler
Export / Import Commission Agent / Broker
Service Provider Lottery
Trading Arms and Ammunition
Antique Dealer Dealer in precious metals / stones
Bar / Night Club / Casino Money exchanger
Real Estate Agent Others ( please specify )

Please mention briefly nature of business activities undertaken

Nature of Industry :

Engineering/Architectural Firm Food Products Power / Electricity

IT Software / Hardware Gems / Jewellery Retailing

Commodities Hotel / Restaurant Shipping

Construction / Real Estate Chemicals Textile

Electronic Goods Leather Timber

Financial Services Metals Transport / Logistics

Others ( Please specify)

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14. Details of Account Holder(s) :
Sole / First Applicant’s Details:


PLEASE PASTE Father’s/Spouse Name

SOLE / FIRST Contact details :
LATEST Mobile Tel (Home)
COLOURED Fax Tel (Office)

Specimen Signature

Second Applicant’s Details:


Father’s/Spouse Name
SECOND Contact details :
LATEST Mobile Tel (Home)
Fax Tel (Office)

Specimen Signature

Third Applicant’s Details:


Father’s/Spouse Name
THIRD Contact details :
LATEST Mobile Tel (Home)
Fax Tel (Office)

Specimen Signature

15. Mode of Account Operation :

Singly Anyone or Survivor

Jointly Power of Attorney
Either or Survivor Others ( please specify details below under special instructions)
Former or Survivor

Special instructions: ____________________________________________________________________________

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16. Details of Accounts held with other Banks (Mandatory as per RBI guidelines) :

Whether account(s) held by the applicant(s) with any other bank(s) Yes No
If Yes, please provide details of the account(s) maintained with other bank(s) :

Name of the Bank Branch Address Type of Account Account Number

1._______________________ __________________________ _______________ _______________

2._______________________ __________________________ _______________ _______________

3._______________________ __________________________ _______________ _______________

4._______________________ __________________________ _______________ _______________

5._______________________ __________________________ _______________ _______________

17. Credit Facilities with other Banks :

I /We declare that I/we do not enjoy credit facilities with other bank(s)/any other branch of your bank and undertake
to inform the bank in writing as soon as any credit facility is availed from any other Bank/ any other branch of your
I /We declare that I/we enjoy credit facilities with other bank(s)/ other branch (es) of your bank as per the following

S. No. Nature of Credit Amount Amount utilized Name of the Bank Address of the Bank Account No.

Facility etc. sanctioned as on date

18. Initial Payment Details :

A. Funding details

Currency ____________ Amount _________________ (In words) ________________________________________

Cheque No.___________ Dated______________ Drawn on Bank _________________________________________

Branch ___________________________________________ Account Number _______________________________

Cheque should be crossed A/C Payee & drawn payable to “The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. A/C - Account
Name” and should be from own account with other Bank. Please ensure that signature (s) on funding cheque match with
the specimen signature (s) provided to the Bank.

B. Inward Remittance

Remitter ____________________________ Address _________________________________________________

Currency and Amount ____________________________________________________________________________

Remitting Bank and Branch Address _________________________________________________________________

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19. Introducer Details :

Name of Introducing customer _____________________________________________________________________

Account number of the Introducer ____________________________

I/We confirm that I/We maintain an account with The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. ____________________Branch
for over 12 months. I/We personally know the applicant (s) detailed in the Application form for more than 6 months and
confirm his/her /their identity, occupation and address.

Signature of Introducer: ______________________________________________

Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Place ____________________________

For Bank Use Only

Introducer’s Signature Verified By :

20. Minor Declaration (In case of Minor, Please submit copies of identification and address document for the Guardian.) :

I hereby declare that the date of birth of the minor who is my _____________________________________________

is _____/_____/______ and I am his/her natural and lawful Guardian / Guardian appointed by court order
dated _____/_____/______ (copy enclosed). I shall represent the said minor in all future transactions of any
description in the above account until the said minor attains majority. I, indemnify the Bank against the claim of the
above minor for any withdrawal/transactions made by me in his/her account. Upon attaining majority, I undertake
to produce the Minor at the bank along with required documents for conversion of account status from minor to
major and shall not operate the account further on behalf of the Minor. I understand that the bank may temporarily
freeze operations in the account until the required formalities have been fulfilled by me/Minor turned Major.

Signature of Parent / Guardian ________________________________

Date : D D M M Y Y Y Y Name of Parent / Guardian ___________________________________

21. Senior Citizen Declaration :

I/We, hereby undertake and declare that I/we qualify as a Senior Citizen as per the prevailing rules and regulations.
I/We further state that the documents/statements/declarations furnished/made by me/us to The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
UFJ Ltd., ____________________ Branch or as represented herein are true and correct. Further, in the event any of the
documents/statements/declarations are found to be incorrect in material particular or otherwise, I/We hereby undertake
to indemnify The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., ____________________ Branch for all times hereafter against
all losses, costs, claims, actions, demands, risks, charges, expenses, damages etc., whatsoever which the Bank may
suffer and/or incur on account of the representations being made by me/us.

Signature of 1st Applicant Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3rd Applicant

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22. Nomination Form (Form DA1) :

Yes, I / We want to nominate the following person.

No, I / We do not want to nominate anyone on my/our behalf.

Nomination under Section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies
(Nomination) Rules,1985, in respect of Bank Deposits.
I/ We nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor’s death the amount of the deposit/s in the
account may be returned by The Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. ____________________Branch.

Nominee Name & Address:_________________________________________________________________________


Relationship with Depositor (s), if any :___________Age:_____ years Date of Birth: D D M M Y Y Y Y

*As the nominee is a minor on this date, I/We appoint (Name & Address )____________________________________

to receive the amount of the deposit/s in the account on the behalf of the nominee in the event of my/our/minor’s death
during the minority of the nominee. I / We do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief.

Signature of Sole/First Applicant Signature of Second Applicant Signature of Third Applicant

Signature of Depositor(s)

Witness Name Witness Name

Signature*** Signature***

Address Address

Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
*Where the deposit is made in the name of a minor the nomination must be signed by a person lawfully entitled to act on
behalf of the minor ** Strike out if not a minor ***Thumb impressions must be attested by two witnesses.
Any variation in or cancellation of the nomination shall be in the prescribed form under the signatures of the Depositor
and if more than one, then under the joint signatures of all the Depositors and/or the Survivors of them as the case may
The Bank recommends that all depositors avail the nomination facility. The nominee, in the event of death of the
depositor/s would receive the balance outstanding in the account as a trustee of legal affairs, thus helping in quick and
easy settlement.

23. Indication of Nominee name :

I/ We hereby request the Bank to indicate the Nominee’s name on the statement of account.

I/ We hereby request the Bank not to indicate the Nominee’s name on the statement of account.

Signature(s) / Thumb Impression of Account Holder(s)

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Know Your Customer (KYC) Details :
Document submitted Document Place of Issue Date of Issue Date of Expiry
for Proof of Identification No.
Identity / Address (If any)

First Applicant

Second Applicant

Third Applicant

1. Purpose of Account Opening:

Salary Loan Repayment
Business Basic Household Expenses
Investment Others ( please specify ) ________________________

2. Expected Source of Funds :

Salary Receipts Rental Income
Business Income Interest / Dividend Income
Income from Investments Inheritance
Consultation / Professional Fees Others ( please specify ) ________________________

3. Expected Account Turnover (INR) : ___________ 4. Expected Number of Transactions per year: _________

5. Expected Account Activity :

Product / Service Total Amount in a Frequency Country of Purpose

month (INR) in a month Remittance

Cash Withdrawals -INR

Cash Withdrawals- Foreign Currency

Cash Deposits- INR

Cash Deposits- Foreign Currency

Traveller Cheques- Purchase & Sale

DDs/ Pay Orders/ Cheques Issued in Clearing

Cheque Deposits- Local/ Outstation

Cheque Deposits- Foreign Currency



Foreign Wire Transfer-Outward

Foreign Wire Transfer-Inward

Any Other Services

6. Whether existing account holder

Yes No If yes, Customer ID___________________ Account Number ______________________

7. Whether Letter of Authority/Power of Attorney given to another person Yes No

If yes, please provide POA Holder’s name______________________ Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y

Address ____________________________________________ Identification document ______________________

(for confirmation of name, date of birth and address)
11 of 14
Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)
Whether carrying out transactions for a client: Yes No
If Yes, please specify the relation and also fill the UBO details below :
(UBO here refers that you are maintaining or propose to maintain the account for the benefit of other person)
Acting as formation agent of legal person (s)
Acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) a Director or Secretary of a Company.
Acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) a Partner of a Partnership.
Acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) a Trustee of an Express Trust.
Acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) a nominee shareholder of another person.
Any Other (Please Specify) _____________________________________________________

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Form

1. Full Legal Name of the Customer: _________________________________________________________

2. Number of Ultimate Beneficial Owners: _____________________________________________________

3. Details of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (please submit respective identification proof):

Name Address Date of Birth

Declaration (for NRE / NRO Accounts only)

q I / We hereby declare that I am / we are non-resident Indian(s) of Indian origin.
q The second / third applicant(s) is / are non-resident Indian(s) of Indian origin.
q The second / third applicant(s) is / are resident in India and is / are close relative(s) of the first applicant.
q I / We undertake that I / we shall not make available to any person(s) resident in India foreign currency against
reimbursement in Rupees or in any other manner in India.
q In case of debits to the account for the purpose of investment in India and credits representing sale proceeds of
investment, I / we shall ensure that such investment / disinvestment would be covered either by general or special
permission of the Reserve Bank of India.
q I / We hereby undertake to intimate the Bank about my / our return to India immediately on my / our coming to India
for permanent residence.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of: Sole / First Applicant Second Applicant Third Applicant

Passport Number: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Place of Issue: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Date of Issue: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Date of Expiry: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

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I/We hereby declare that the transactions relating to foreign exchange routed through your Bank do not involve, and
are not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the aforesaid Act or of any
rule, regulation, direction, or order made here under. I/We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information/
documents as will reasonably satisfy you about the transactions in terms of the above declaration.
Authority for Collection of Cheques/Drafts/Documents
I/ We may have occasion from time to time to hand over to you for collection or negotiation Cheques, Drafts or Bills of
Exchange (with or without documents attached) and I/We hereby agree to your forwarding the same to your agents for
the time being for collection or negotiation. In the event of your having no independent collecting agent at any centre, I/
We hereby authorize you to send cheques, drafts, etc. by mail directly to the drawee bank itself.
I/We agree and undertake to hold you harmless, free from any responsibility and indemnified for any loss suffered by you
in handling this business or transactions due to any cause whatsoever including delay in transit presentation, payment
or default by your agent.
In addition to your ordinary rights as holder of such Cheques, Drafts or Bill of Exchange, you are authorized to accept
in payment thereof a banker’s cheque or banker’s cheques payable at your station or at other places and in the event
of such cheque(s) not being paid on presentation to debit the amount to our account with all charges incurred thereon.
I/We confirm that you can present Bills and receive the amount in respect thereof in accordance with the usage of the
place where the Bills are made payable. It is understood that these transactions are in all respects at my/our entire risk
and responsibility.
Customer Declaration
I/We hereby acknowledge that I/We have received, read and understood the Bank’s prevailing Terms, Conditions and
Rules Governing Deposit Account and Schedule of Fees and Charges relating to the above account being opened by
me/ us.
I/We agree to abide by the same as amended from time to time and further agree to abide by any additional terms and
conditions governing any facilities, products and/or services offered by the Bank as I/We may apply for and/or utilize
from time to time.
I/We agree to abide by the rules/provisions as prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
I/We hereby confirm having opted/chosen to get Statement of Account monthly/periodically issued by the Bank pertaining
to the Account to be opened pursuant to this Application.
I/We also confirm not to commence or undertake any activity/transaction which is not permissible under the prevalent
Foreign Direct Investment Policy or any other applicable Policy or guidelines of the Government of India/Reserve Bank
of India save and except after obtaining specific prior approval from the concerned authorities under advice to the Bank.
I/We hereby confirm and declare that in relation to any Transaction, Dealing(s), Credit including advise or confirmation
of the same, the obligations of the Bank shall be subject to the condition that the terms thereof including any document
or drafts do not contain state or mention, including without limitation:
(i) Any countries, organizations, entities, or individuals (under any law) relating to any sanction parties listed under
United Nation, European Union, United States of America, Japan India and other Authorities;
(ii) Any goods of origin from sanction countries listed under United Nation, European Union, United States of America,
Japan, India and other Authorities;
(iii) Any prohibited goods under the list of United Nation, European Union, United States of America, Japan, India and
other Authorities;
(iv) Any place or loading, place of discharge, or place of transhipment under the list of United Nation, European Union,
United States of America, Japan, India and other Authorities; and/or
(v) Any vessel or carrier relating to any sanction parties listed under United Nation, European Union, United States of
America, Japan, India and other Authorities.
I/We shall maintain the minimum balance requirement as applicable at all times and the Bank shall levy
prescribed charges in case of non-maintenance of minimum balance. In case of change of mailing address and
other contact details, the same shall be communicated to the Bank in writing.
It is understood that the above account will be opened on the basis of the statements, declarations made by me/us and
I/We represent that the information provided by me/us in this application form and in any other document(s) provided by
me/us to the Bank is true, accurate and complete.
I/We acknowledge that the Bank may decline my/our application without providing any reason in which event no
contractual relationship will arise between the Bank and me/us.

Signature of Account Holder(s)
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For Bank use only

1. Customer Name : ________________________________________________________ 8. Customer Country : ______________________

________________________________________________________ 9. H.O. Country : ______________________

2. Short Name : ________________________________________________________ 10. Residence : ______________________

3. Sorting Index : ________________________________________________________ 11. Industry : ______________________

4. Legal Address : ________________________________________________________ 12. Sovereign / Private : ______________________

: ________________________________________________________ 13. H.O./ Branch : ______________________

14. BIS Character : ______________________

5. Mail Address : ________________________________________________________
15. Competent Division : ______________________
16. CIF List Cycle : ______________________
6. Postal Code : ________________________________________________________
17. CPA List : ______________________
7. Japanese/ Non-Japanese _____________________________________________
18. W/H Tax : ______________________
19. I/D 1 : ______________________

20. I/D 2 : ______________________

21. Local Option 1 : ______________________

22. Local Option 2 : ______________________

23. Local Option 3 : ______________________

24. Optional Inquiry 2 : ______________________

25. Optional Inquiry 3 : ______________________

Staff Confirmation for Account Opening :-

I, _________________________________, an employee of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. _________________Branch,

India and working as ________________________________________________________, confirm that I have met in person

Mr./ Ms. _________________________________________________________________________________(Name of Customer).

I have provided the customer a copy of the Terms & Conditions, Schedule of Fees & Charges and obtained duly filled in Savings
Account Opening Application Form along with the required documents from the customer.

Signature of Account Officer ___________________________ Name _________________________________ Date _________

Recommended for Account Opening ( CBD/ CFD/ Deposits) :

Account Officer/RM Manager/Sr. Manager AGM DGM

Checked by: Approved by (Operations) :

Officer Senior Manager AGM DGM

Compliance Check done :

Manager Senior Manager CO/ CCO

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Annexure 1
[ See second proviso to rule 114 B ]

Form of declaration to be filled by a person who does not have a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and who enters
into any transaction specified in rule 114 B

1. Full name and address of the Declarant: _______________________________________________________


2. Particulars of the transaction:________________________________________________________________

3. Amount of the transaction:__________________________________________________________________

4. Are you assessed to tax? Yes No

5. If Yes,

i. Details of Ward/Circle/Range where the last return of the income was filed? ___________________________

ii Reasons for not having Permanent Account Number? ____________________________________________

6. Details of the document being produced in support of address in Column (1)___________________________


I, ______________________________________________do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Verified today, the ________________ day of __________________

Date :___________________ Signature of the declarant ____________________________

Place :___________________

Instructions : Documents which can be produced in support of the address are :-

1. Ration Card
2. Passport
3. Driving License
4. Identity card issued by any institution
5. Copy of the electricity bill or telephone bill showing residential address.
6. Any document or communication issued by any authority of the Central Government, State Government or
local bodies showing residential address.
7. Any other documentary evidence in support of his/her address given in the declaration.
Annexure 2 - Cheque Book Requisition

Date _________________

The Manager,
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please issue me/us a cheque book for my/our new savings account opened with the Bank.

Savings (Rupee Account) Savings (Dollar Account) Savings (Euro Account)

Please deliver the cheque book to me / us.

Please deliver the cheque book to the bearer whose signatures are attested below.

Bearer’s Signature ________________________________

Name of the Bearer _______________________________

Signature of Account holder(s) __________________________________________________

Please note: In case the cheque book is not collected within a period of 15 days, the Bank reserves the right to
dispatch the same at the correspondence address and debit the delivery charges to the account.

I/ We authorize the Bank to courier the cheque book at the correspondence address and debit the delivery
charges to my / our Account.

Signature of Account holder(s)

Account Name ______________________________________________________________

For Bank Use only

Currency_______________ Account Number _________________________

NEW DELHI BRANCH : Jeevan Vihar, 3, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001 Tel. : 91 11 4100 3456
MUMBAI BRANCH : 15th Floor, Hoechst House, 193 Vinay K. Shah Marg, (Backbay Reclamation) Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021 Tel.: 91 22 6669 3000
CHENNAI BRANCH : “Seshachalam Centre”, 6th & 7th Floor, Door No.636/1, Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai - 600 035 Tel.: 91-44-45605800, 45605900

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