2 D Digitizing
January 2006
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................4
Exercise : 2 D Digitizing...........................................................................................................5
In this exercise you are going to learn how you can enter spatial and
attribute data in ArcGis. You will populate the empty feature classes of the
My_Enschede personal Geodatabase by adding spatial and attribute data by
means of digitizing.
In Module 2 you will learn how to create a personal geodatabase.
You can find the link to the exercise data on Blackboard (Module 1,
Exercise : 2 D Digitizing
(You are going to create a new tree feature in the trees feature class)
1.2 Remarks
Remark: If you want to delete a feature: Select the feature with the
Remark: you should save your work with regular intervals: [editor]
[save edits]
Continue with digitizing the paths and make use of the snapping
After you digitized the paths and railways, save your digitizing:
[editor] [save edits]
Click the selection tool and select the digitized pond. (a blue
line will appear around the pond)
When both the grass and the pond are selected, de-select
the grass by <shift>clicking in the grass area: only the pond
should be selected.
Then: [editor] [clip]: buffer distance :0, Discard the
area that intersects. [ok]
You created a hole in the polygon of the grass area where
the pond is situated.
Save your edits: [editor] [save edits]
When you look at the scanned image, you see that the roads are area
features and –at this scale- should be digitized as polygons. Because of the
complexity of the road network, the boundaries of the roads will be digitized
as lines. Later, in the next module of the course you will learn how to create
polygons from these road boundary lines.
Start with the main road: (there is only one main road.)
[task]: [create new feature], [target]: [roads: main road]
To continue with the other main road boundary: Start at the frame’s
edge and digitize the other road boundary.
(Digitize from node to node: Stop the line at an intersection,
snap, and start the new line.)
When reaching the frame, finish the line.
After that, digitize the secondary road boundaries
[task]: [create new feature], [target]: [roads: sec road]
Use the same technique as when digitizing the main road
boundary: Snap to a digitized road boundary and
continue digitizing the road boundary until you reach the
frame or a digitized road boundary.
Positional errors:
Switch on the display of all layers
Check if you placed al the elements at the correct location.
Connection errors:
Check if you made nodes at the correct locations and that the line elements
of the railways, footpaths and roads are well connected.
Only some basic editing tools are discusses in this exercise. Other,
more advanced editing tools will be discussed in the “Editing
Geographic Features” exercise, which is part of Module 2 of the GFM4