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14_Jr_Snare 24-25

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All West Tennessee Junior High :37 Estimate

2024 - 2025 Snare Drum Audition Music

Perform the timpani music first, xylophone 2nd and Snare last.

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The software used to create this music only allows one instrument sound per staff line; therefore, the
percussion audition music is presented on 3 separate sheets of paper. Three music stands will be used.
Here are the instructions for the prepared music audition.

You must bring your own mallets and sticks. Ask your director about the equipment to be provided.
Before the audition:
(1) Place your mallets and sticks in the proper location (on the music stands etc.)
(2) Place the music on the appropriate music stand if you choose to use your own music.
(3) Be prepared to tune the timpani - a very brief period of time will be allowed.
The monitor will provide additional information if needed.

NOTE to the MONITOR: Set up one music stand for each instrument. Release the tension on the
timpani pedals. All students will tune the timpani from the same position. If time is an issue, the
timpani must be set up exactly the same for every student. Place a copy of the timpani music on
the stand, xylophone music on the next stand and the snare music on the third stand. If the student
prefers to use their own music due to rehearsal markings, assist in placing the music on the stands.
Make sure the monitor's copies of the music do not leave the room.


© 2009 by DR Music, 1383 Raindrop, REQUIRED
Collierville, Tennessee, FOR THE
38017. All ALL
rights WEST
reserved TENNESSEE
and International copyrightAUDITION.
secured. Students and
Directors of the West Tennessee School Band and Orchestra have permission to use this music for audition purposes. WARNING! All others
do not copy or reproduce any part of this music without written permission from DR Music. Copyright laws will be enforced and violators
are subject to penalties.

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