Copy of Philosophy Poems
Copy of Philosophy Poems
Copy of Philosophy Poems
In this day,
It's out of joy every step in each challenges,
We need to be strong
It's the way to our life to feel happy every moment.
In things we are weak.
Amidst life's maze, we search and roam
When the sea's full of catastrophe,
For meaning's thread, to guide us home
I found myself standing and fighting;
Through existential doors, we pass and gaze
Shape our choices, through the dark of night. There is a difficult situation and solutions
_________________________________ That helps me to keep fighting,
From stardust born, to stardust's end, Like a river who are freely flows in a mountain,
A journey's purpose, yet to transcend. The question we question what we're wondering
A mind's expanse, a boundless sea,
Seeking answers, eternally.
An open surface, a still ripple on the water,
Wisdom and love combined to know about our It is nothing but a speck of dust, merely a digit,
greatest quest,
Yet it thrives, forward and reverse.
Philosophy whispered in our quiet night,
A cocoon of coziness, shielding me from the What a change if he's never born, could it be? Pack
world as my muscles are relaxed, my breathings are up to save himself, and just end this misery.
deep, my heart is calm, and I can sense the
sensation of weightlessness. A leaden weight
settles on my eyes, ready to be engulfed by the Nightmares visiting his humble sleep, Unwanted
darkness, but an obscure thing is fighting the secrets but buried too deep.
tenebrous that tries to envelop my notion—it’s a
mind that is running. A whirlwind of thoughts, Mind tired of thinking, it's starting to split, Time to
vying for first acclaim. It is as if a speed of motion be tamed, hands are way past the tip.
is captured, its presence can be felt but its being is
unknown. It sprints relentlessly, a tireless, The feeling of upset is deeply felt, Trusting those
bounding beast. The thought of it not stopping people was a regret.
disappointed me by a thought provoked, “What lies
Touch of faith and soul haven't met. If my mind
beyond the final breath? Does life persist beyond could reach HIM, it would be great.
the grave?” The running suddenly stopped, and the
whirlwind mind became at ease.