Rr Act Jharkhand

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No-10A/Bhu. A. Ni/Niyamawali-21/2015/ 131/Ni.Ra. Ranchi, Dated 30.03,2015

Whereas Draft Rules namely the Jharkhand Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency
in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2015, were published as provisioned
by Section-112 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act. 2013 (30 of 2013) Act, vide Gazette notification No.53/Ni,
dated 27.02.2015 of the revenue & Land Reforms Department, Government of Jharkhand for
inviting suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby; before the expiry of a period of
thirty days from the date of such publications.
And whereas, the suggestions received from the public and other persons on the draft
Rules have been considered by the Government of Jharkhand.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section- (1) and (2) of Section
109 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013 (30 of 2013), the Governor of the State of Jharkhand hereby makes the
Jharkhand Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Rules, 2015.
By the order of the Governor of Jharkhand,

(Kamal Kishore Soan)

Secretary to Government

Jharkhand Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2015.
1. Short title, extent and commencement-
(1) These Rules may be called the Jharkhand Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2015.
(2) They extend to the whole of the State of Jharkhand.
(3) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the State Gazette.
2. Definitions-
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) "Act" means the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (30 of 2013) and Amendment Act if any;
(b) “Administrator” means an officer appointed by the State Government under sub-
section (1) of section 43;
(c) “Affected area” means village or ward in which land is being acquired.
(d) “Appropriate Government” means the State Government and includes the Deputy
Commissioner of the district concerned, appointed by the State Government for the area
notified under proviso to the clause (e) of section 3 and any other officer notified by State
Government from time to time.
(e) “Authority” means the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Authority/Authorities established by the State Government under sub-section (1) of section 51;

(f) “Collector” means the Deputy Commissioner of the district and includes the Additional
Collector/Additional Deputy Commissioner and any other officer designated by the State
Government to perform all or any of the functions of the Collector under the Act i.e. District
Land Acquisition Officer and Special Land Acquisition Officer.
(g) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Rehabilitation and Resettlement as
notified by the State Government;
(h) "Form" means Form to these Rules;

(i) “Section" means section of the Act;
(j) “SIA” means Social Impact Assessment;
(k) “SIA Unit” means an agency or agencies notified by the State Government to carry out the
Social Impact Assessment Study and prepare Social Impact Management Plan;
(l) "Social Impact Assessment" means an assessment being made under sub-section (1) of
Section 4 of the Act;
(m) "Social Impact Management Plan" means the plan prepared as part of Social Impact
Assessment Process under sub-section (6) of Section 4 of the Act;
(n) "State Government” means the Government of Jharkhand;
(o) “Gram Sabha” means Gram Sabha as defined in the Jharkhand Panchayat Raj Act 2001.
(p) “Urban Area” means Municipal Area as defined in the “Jharkhand
Municipal Act, 2011.
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these Rules but defined in the Act, shall
have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.

Proposal for land Acquisition
3. Proposal for land Acquisition-
(1) Proposal for land acquisition shall be submitted by the Requiring body to the
Collector in Form I together with following documents, as the case may be:
(i) Proposal in Form I
(ii) Detailed Project Report
Administrative Approval or Sanction order of the concerned department/Requiring body.
(iii) Estimated cost of the project.
(iv) Three copies of village map(s) showing the lands to be acquired.
(v) Certified copies of the khatiyan of the lands to be acquired.
(vi) Information as to whether the land is irrigated multi-cropped land. If it is irrigated
multi-cropped land, whether it is covered under the proviso to section 10; if not, then what
are the demonstrable exceptional circumstances for acquiring the land.
(vii) Any other document or information required by the Collector.
(2) Upon receipt of the proposal, the Collector shall constitute a team of Revenue officer,
Agriculture officer, Forest officer and any other officer authorised by the Collector of the

district to visit the spot and enquire whether the proposal is consistent with the provisions
contained in section 10. The team shall make field visits with the requiring body, examine
the revenue records, meet the families likely to be affected and submit a report to the
Collector regarding the proposal being consistent or contrary to the provisions contained in
section 10:
Provided that no such enquiry shall be required in cases where the proposal has been
made for the linear projects covered by the proviso to section-10.
(3) If the Collector, based on the report of the team, other information available with
him and instructions issued by the State Government in this regard, is satisfied that the
proposal is consistent with the provisions contained under section 10; he shall pass a
speaking order to this effect. If he is satisfied that the proposal is not consistent with the
said provisions, he shall record the reasons in writing and return the proposal to the requiring
(4) If the Collector is satisfied that proposed land can be acquired, he shall
calculate the cost of undertaking SIA and direct requiring body to deposit the same. However,
the estimated cost of acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement shall be deposited
before publication of declaration under section 19 (1).
(5) After deposit of the estimated cost of acquisition, the appropriate Government
shall proceed with the acquisition in accordance with the Act and these Rules.
(6) As per the proviso to sub clause V of clause (e) of section 3 of The Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act,
2013 (no.30 of 2013) the State Government hereby declares the maximum limit of land to be
acquired for public purpose under the said Act by the Deputy Commissioner in his jurisdiction
and shall be deemed to be appropriate Government.
Sl. The area proposed for acquisition of appropriate Government.
No. Private Land
1. Upto 5000 Hectares Deputy Commissioner
2. Above 5000 Hectares State Government

4. Manner of depositing Cost of Acquisition by requiring body-

(1) The estimated cost of acquisition and other charges to be deposited by the
requiring body under sub-rule (4) of Rule 3 shall be the approximate value of land, value of
the assets standing on the said land, solatium, any other additional compensation amount

provided under the Act and l a n d rent including cess of the land for 25 years together
with the specified establishment and contingency charges.

(2) Establishment charges shall be as follows:-

(i) Establishment charge for Land Acquisition shall be 5 percent of compensation.
(ii) Establishment charge of Rehabilitation and Resettlement shall be 5 percent of the
Rehabilitation & Resettlement compensation.
(iii) Establishment charge for SIA study will be 5 percent of the SIA fee.

(3) The contingency charges shall be 0.5 percent of the SIA fee, compensation amount of
land award and Rehabilitation and Resettlement award.
(4) The requiring body shall deposit the estimated cost of acquisition including
establishment and contingency charges by way of bank draft to the Collector and the
Collector shall deposit the cost of Land Acquisition in the Deposit account in the district
treasury or in a scheduled bank account maintained separately for this purpose to be jointly
operated by District Land Acquisition officer and Deputy Commissioner.
(5) The Collector shall thereafter cause to deposit the Establishment Charges in the land
revenue head -0029008000001 through challan.
(6) The Collector shall also cause to deposit the contingency charges in the scheduled
bank savings account to be jointly operated by District Land Acquisition Officer and Deputy
Commissioner. The contingency charges shall be spent on stationery, other contingent
expenses like expenses on computer, computer operator, Amins, Drafts men or any purpose as
decided by Deputy Commissioner.
(7) The requiring body shall have to deposit the remaining amount, if any, after final
estimate is prepared and any excess amount if awarded by the Authority or a competent
court in the same manner.
(8) The requiring body shall also be required to deposit the amount calculated for
Rehabilitation and Resettlement w i t h t h e appropriate Government for project affected
person in the same manner.
5. Exemption from Social Impact Assessment Study-
Where any land is proposed to be acquired invoking urgency provisions under section

40, or any other Social Impact Assessment study exempted public purpose project, Deputy
Commissioner shall pass speaking order for exemption from undertaking social impact
assessment study in such acquisition. In cases where State Government is appropriate
Government, the Collector shall submit his recommendation to State Government and based
on which the State Government shall pass such a speaking order which will be communicated
to the Collector. The Collector thereafter shall proceed with the acquisition in accordance
with the Act and these Rules.
6. Social Impact Assessment Study-
(1) The appropriate Government shall, for the purposes of the Act, issue a notification for
carrying out Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in accordance with Part-B of FORM- II of
these Rules and the same shall be made available in the Hindi language to the Gram
Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Corporation, Notified Area
Committee and cantonment areas, as case may be, and in the offices of the Deputy
Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer, District Land Acquisition
Officer, Special Land Acquisition Officer and Anchal Adhikari. The notification shall also
be published in two daily Hindi and English news papers circulating in the affected area, and
also by way of a public notice in Hindi language to be published by affixing it at some
conspicuous places in the affected areas and shall be uploaded on the website of the
appropriate Government. The appropriate Government shall notify the name of the SIA Unit
to carry out such Social Impact Assessment Study:
Provided that, such notification shall be issued within a period of thirty days from the
date of deposit of the processing fee by the requiring body for carrying the SIA study as
prescribed by the State Government under sub-rule (1) of Rule 7.

(2) The SIA shall be conducted in consultation with concerned Panchayat, Nagar
Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, at village level or
ward level in the affected areas, for the purposes of Section 4 of the Act, followed by a public
hearing at the affected areas by giving adequate publicity about the date and time and venue
for the public hearing to ascertain the views of the affected families which shall be recorded
in writing.
(3) The Social Impact Assessment Report shall be submitted in FORM- III to these
Rules to the appropriate Government within a period of six months from the date
of its commencement and shall include the views of the affected families recorded in writing.

(4) The Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) listing the ameliorative measures required to
be undertaken for addressing the impact of the project under sub-section (6) of Section 4
shall be submitted in FORM-IV to these Rules to the appropriate Government.
(5) The SIA Report and the Social Impact Management Plan shall be made available in the
Hindi language to the concerned Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or
Municipal Corporation, at village level or urban ward level in the affected areas and in the
Offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer, District
Land Acquisition Officer, Special Land Acquisition Officer and Anchal Adhikari. Summary
of Social Impact Assessment report and Social Impact Management Plan shall also be published
in two daily news papers circulating in the affected areas, and also by way of a public notice
to be published by affixing it at some conspicuous places in the affected areas and shall be
uploaded in the website of the appropriate Government.
7. Institutional support and facilitation for Social Impact Assessment-
(1) The Revenue and Land Reforms Department, Government of Jharkhand shall identify,
select and empanel any agency or agencies to be notified as State SIA Unit(s) or SIA Unit
with specific jurisdiction for carrying out the Social Impact Assessment study. The SIA
unit shall be responsible for ensuring that SIA is conducted through SIA team as per the
provisions of the Act for all cases of land acquisition.
(2) The SIA Unit shall undertake the following tasks namely:-
(a) Build and continuously expand a State Database of Qualified SIA Resource Partners and
Practitioners, which will serve as a network of individuals and institutions with the required
skills and capacities to conduct SIA for land acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement;
(b) Respond immediately to the State Government or Deputy Commissioner’s request for
an SIA to be conducted by preparing a project-specific Terms of Reference (hereinafter
referred to as ToR);
(c) Conduct training and capacity building programmes for the SIA team and community and
make available manuals, tools, comparative case study reports and other materials required
for the analysis;
(d) Provide ongoing support and corrective action as required during the SIA process;
(e) As early as possible, the transaction based web-based workflow for SIA and MIS for
land acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement as specified in Rule 15 is maintained
and that all relevant documents are disclosed as per the provisions of the Act;

(f) Maintain catalogue of all SIA and associated primary material; and
(g) Continuously review, evaluate and strengthen the quality of SIA and the capacities
available to conduct them across the State.
(3) If at any stage, the SIA team or SIA Unit is unable to complete the SIA process and prepare
the SIA Report or SIMP due to in-capacity or otherwise, the appropriate Government shall
blacklist the SIA team or SIA Unit through a show cause. It may allot the SIA study to another
SIA Unit or constitute another SIA team, as the case may be, to complete the Social Impact
Assessment Process.
However, the Revenue and Land Reforms Department shall be competent to
disqualify and de-empanel any SIA Unit any time after assigning a reasoned cause.
8. Project-specific Terms of Reference (ToR) and Processing Fee for the SIA-
(1) Where the appropriate Government intends to acquire land, the proposal for such land
acquisition shall be sent along with all the relevant documents to the State SIA Unit,
which shall-
(a) prepare a detailed project-specific ToR for each proposal of land acquisition, listing all
the activities that must be carried out indicating the appropriate team size (and number of
field teams) and profile of the team members, and stipulate the schedule and deadlines for
key deliverables for the SIA as detailed in Part-A of FORM-II to these Rules;

(b) determine in consultation with the appropriate Government an estimated SIA fee based
on the ToR with clear break-up of costs for each item or activity. The fee amount shall be
based on defined parameters including area, type of project and number of affected families.
(2) Ten per cent of the SIA fee shall be allocated to SIA Unit as administrative expenses for
preparing the Terms of Reference (ToR) and estimated SIA fee report and to submit the same
to the appropriate Government.
(3) The requiring body shall deposit the SIA fee in the scheduled bank account of the
Collector opened for the purpose.

9. Selection of the SIA team-

(1) The State SIA Unit shall be responsible for selecting the SIA team for each project
from the individuals and institutions registered or empanelled in the State Database of
Qualified SIA Resource Partners and Practitioners.
(2) The requiring body shall not be involved in any way in the appointment of the SIA team
being appointed to carry out the SIA.

(3) The size and selection criteria for the SIA team shall be as per the project-specific ToR
developed by the State SIA Unit.

(4) The SIA team may be constituted by appointing individuals or an organisation with
experience in conducting SIAs or related field-based assessments and the team may
include at least one woman member.
(5) A team leader shall be appointed from amongst the SIA team to liaison with the State
SIA Unit throughout the assessment period.
(6) While selecting the SIA team, it is to be ensured that there is no conflict of interest
involving the team members appointed to assess the concerned project.
(7) (i) If at any stage, it is found that any team member or any family member of the team
member directly or indirectly receives any benefit from the requiring body or any other
stakeholder in the project, the said member shall be disqualified.
(ii) All the members of the SIA team shall give an undertaking that any team member or any
family member of the team member directly or indirectly shall not receive any benefit from the
requiring body or any stake holder in the project.

10. Process of conducting the Social Impact Assessment-

(1) The SIA team shall collect and analyse a range of quantitative and qualitative data,
undertake detailed site visits, use participatory methods such as focussed group discussions,
participatory rural appraisal techniques and informal interviews in preparing the Social Impact
Assessment report.
(2) All relevant project reports and feasibility studies shall be made available to the SIA team
throughout the SIA process, as required. Any request for information from SIA team shall
be met at the earliest but not exceeding seven days. The Collector shall be responsible for
providing the information which is available on record requisitioned by the SIA team.
(3) A detailed assessment based on a thorough analysis of all relevant land records and data,
field verification, review and comparison with similar projects shall be conducted by the SIA
team. The assessment shall determine the following, namely:-

(a) area of impact under the proposed project, including both land to be acquired and
areas that will be affected by environmental, social or other impacts of the project;
(b) area and location of land proposed to be acquired for the project;
(c) the land proposed for acquisition is the bare minimum required;

(d) possible alternative sites for the project and their feasibility;
(e) whether the land proposed for acquisition is irrigated multi-cropped land and if so,
whether the acquisition is a demonstrable last resort;
(f) land, if any, already purchased, alienated, leased or acquired, and the intended use
for each plot of land required for the project;
(g) the possibility of use of Government unutilised and unsettled land for the project.
(h) nature of the land, present use and classification of land and if it is an
agricultural land, the irrigation coverage for the said land and the cropping pattern;

(i) the special provisions with respect to food security have been adhered to in the
proposed land acquisition;
(j) size of holdings, ownership patterns, land distribution, number of residential
houses, and public and private infrastructure and assets; and
(k) land prices and recent changes in ownership, transfer and use of land over the last
three years.
(4) Based on the land assessment, land records and field verification, the SIA team shall
provide an accurate listing of the number of affected families and the number of
displaced families among them and ensure that, as far as possible, all affected families are
Provided that where enumeration is not possible, a representative sample shall be done.
(5) A socio-economic and cultural profile of the affected area must be prepared, based on
available data and statistics, field visits and consultations as per FORM-III to these Rules.
Provided that in projects where resettlement is required, the identified
resettlement sites shall be visited and a brief socio-economic profile of the land and its
current resident population shall be indicated.
(6) Based on the data collected in processes listed above and in consultation with the
affected communities and key stakeholders, the SIA team shall identify and assess the
nature, extent and intensity of the positive and negative social impacts associated with the
proposed project and land acquisition as per FORM-III to these Rules.
(7) (i) The SIA process includes the preparation of a Social Impact Management Plan
(SIMP), which will present the ameliorative measures to be undertaken to address the
social impacts identified in the course of the assessment.
(ii) The SIA team must assess the viability of impact mitigation and management strategies

with clear indication of costs, timelines and capacities.
(iii) The SIMP shall include the following measures-
(a) that have been specified in the terms of Rehabilitation and Resettlement and
compensation for all the categories of affected families as outlined in the Act;
(b) that the requiring body has stated that it will undertake in the project proposal and
other relevant project documents; and
(c) that additional measures being undertaken by the requiring body, which has been
undertaken by it in response to the findings of the SIA process and public hearings.
(d) The SIA team must provide a conclusive assessment of the balance and
distribution of the adverse social impacts and social costs and benefits of the
proposed project and land acquisition, including the mitigation measures, and
provide an assessment as to whether the benefits from the proposed project exceed
the social costs and adverse social impacts that are likely to be experienced by the
affected families or even after the proposed mitigation measures, the affected
families remained at risk of being economically or socially worse, as a result of
the said land acquisition and resettlement.
11. Process for conducting public hearings-
(1) Public hearings shall be held in the affected areas to bring out the main findings of the
SIA, seeking feedback on the findings and to seek additional information and views for
incorporating the same in the final documents.
(2) Public hearings shall be conducted in the Gram Sabhas or Ward Sabha of the affected
(3) The date and venue of the public hearing must be announced and publicised two weeks
in advance through public notice and beat of drums etc. in the affected areas and by
uploading the information on the website of the appropriate Government.
(4) (i) The draft SIA report and Social Impact Management Plan shall be published in the
Hindi language two weeks prior to the public hearing and distributed to all affected Gram
Panchayats and Municipal offices. One copy of the draft report shall be made available in the
offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer, District
Land Acquisition officer, Special Land Acquisition officer and the Anchal Adhikari and shall
be uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.
(ii) The requiring body may also be served with a copy of the draft report. Adequate copies of

the report and summaries shall be made available on the day of the public hearing.
(5) A member of the SIA team shall facilitate the public hearing. The concerned Anchal
Adhikari, Circle Inspector and Halka Karmcharies shall also be present in the public
hearing to assist the SIA team.
(6) All the proceedings shall be held in the Hindi language, and as far as possible, in Tribal
Areas in presence of credible translators to ensure that all the participants could understand and
express their views.
(7) Representatives from the requiring body and District Land Acquisition Officer and
Administrator shall also attend the public hearing and address the questions and concerns
raised by the affected parties.
(8) The proceedings of the public hearing shall be video recorded and transcribed
accordingly. This recording and transcription shall be submitted along with the final SIA
report and SIMP to the Collector.
(9) After the conclusion of the public hearings, the SIA team shall analyse the entire
feedback received and information gathered in the public meetings and incorporate the same
along with their analysis, in the revised SIA report accordingly.
(l0) Every objection raised in the public meeting shall be recorded and the SIA team shall
ensure that every objection is considered in the SIA report.
12. Submission of SIA Report and SIMP-
The SIA Report and SIMP shall be prepared in the Hindi language and shall be made
available to G r a m Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Corporation,
as the case may be, and the offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-
Divisional Officer, District Land Acquisition officer, Special Land Acquisition officer and the
Anchal Adhikari and shall be uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.
13. Appraisal of Social Impact Assessment report by an Expert Group-
(1) For this purpose, Deputy Commissioner will be appropriate Government. Deputy
Commissioner will constitute the expert group. The Expert Group constituted under sub-
section (I) of section 7 of the Act shall evaluate the SIA report and shall make its
recommendation to that effect within a period of two months from the date of its constitution.
(2) The recommendations of the Expert Group shall be made available in the Hindi
language to the concerned Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or Municipal
Corporation, at village level or ward level in the affected areas and in the Offices of the

Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer, District Land Acquisition
officer, Special Land Acquisition officer and the Anchal Adhikari and shall be uploaded on
the website of the appropriate Government.
14. Consideration of the Social Impact Assessment report, recommendations of the
Expert Group-
(1) The appropriate Government shall examine the Social Impact Assessment report, the
recommendations of the Expert Group, report of the Collector, if any, and decide such area
for acquisition which would ensure minimum displacement of people, minimum disturbance
to the infrastructure, ecology and minimum adverse impact on the individuals affected.

(2) The decision of the appropriate Government under sub-Rule (1) shall be made
available in the Hindi language to the concerned Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad,
Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Corporation at village level or ward level in the affected
areas and in the Offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional
Officer, District Land Acquisition Officer, Special Land Acquisition Officer and the Anchal
Adhikari and shall be uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.
15. Web-based Work Flow and Management Information System (MIS) for Land
Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement-
The State Government shall create a dedicated, as early as possible, user-friendly website
that may serve as a public platform on which the entire work flow of each acquisition case
will be hosted, beginning with the notification of the SIA and tracking each step of decision-
making, implementation and audit.
16. Additional Norms with regard to the Social Impact Assessment Process-
Parameters and a table of contents for the Social Impact Assessment Study and the Social
Impact Management Plan are given in FORM-III and FORM-IV to these Rules which
should be used by the SIA team while preparing its report.
17. Inventory of Waste, Barren and Unutilized Land-
(i) To ensure acquisition of minimum amount of land and to facilitate the utilisation
of unutilised government lands, the State Government may prepare a district-level
inventory report of waste, barren and unutilised government land, and land available in the
Government Land Bank and that may be made available to the SIA team and Expert Group.
The inventory report shall be updated from time to time.

(ii) In case of acquiring irrigated multi-crop land, as demonstrable last resort under

section 10(2) of the Act, the total acquired irrigated multi-crop land in the State shall not
exceed two percent of total irrigated multi-crop land available in the State subject to further
notification by State Government in case of change in the limit so prescribed. Each district
shall adhere to this threshold for land acquisition in the district and in case of requirement of
land exceeding the threshold shall take prior consent from State Government before proceeding
in the land acquisition process.
(iii) In case of acquiring agriculture land u/s 10(4) of the Act, the total acquired
agricultural land in the State shall not exceed one fourth of total net sown area available in the
State subject to further notification by State Government in case of change in the limit so
prescribed. Each district shall adhere to this threshold for land acquisition in the district and in
case of requirement of land exceeding the threshold shall take prior consent from State
Government before proceeding in the land acquisition process.

18. Consent Requirements-
(1) In case, land is sought to be acquired for the purposes as specified under sub-section (2) of
section 2, the prior consent of the affected land owners as per provisions of sub-section (2) of
section 2 shall be obtained by the Collector concerned in PART-A of FORM-V to these
Rules along with the Social Impact Assessment study.
(2) The concerned Collector may constitute a team of officers under his control to assist him in
the process of obtaining the prior consent.
(3) The Collector shall take necessary steps for updating the records relating to land
rights, title in the land and other revenue records in the affected areas, so that the names of
land owners, occupants of the land and individuals are identified for initiating the prior consent
process and land acquisition.
19. Consent of the affected Land owners-
1(i) In Public Private Partnership projects and projects by private companies, a list of all
affected land owners from whom consent is required to be obtained shall be drawn up by
Collector in consultation with the Social Impact Assessment team.

(ii) The list shall be made available in the affected area by displaying the list in conspicuous
places of the affected areas for at least ten days before obtaining consent.
2. In case of any objection, the view of the objector shall also be taken, and reason for doing so
shall be recorded in writing and conveyed to the concerned person within ten days.
3. The Collector shall in consultation with the representatives of Gram Panchayats,
Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Corporations, as the case may be, notify the
date, time and venue at least two weeks in advance, for holding the affected land owners
meetings at the village or ward level.
(4) The proposed terms and conditions agreed to by the requiring body shall also be made
available in Hindi language at least two weeks in advance of the meeting of the affected land
owners to each and every affected land owner.
(5) (i) The requiring body or his/her representatives who are competent to take decision and
negotiate terms of Rehabilitation and Resettlement and compensation shall be present at
all such affected land owners meetings and respond to the queries raised by the affected land
(ii) The terms and conditions, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, compensation and other
measures committed by the requiring body shall be explained to the members in the
Hindi language and also local tribal language if substantial population is tribal and
signatures of the members as well as the representative of requiring body shall be
obtained on such terms and conditions.

(6) (i) At the conclusion of the meeting, each individual land owner shall be asked to give
his consent on the declaration form whether he or she gives or withholds consent for the
acquisition of land involved.
(ii) A copy of this declaration with the attached terms and conditions shall be given to
the land holder concerned. The declaration form shall be countersigned by the Deputy
Commissioner, Additional Collector, Anchal Adhikari on its receipts.
(7) (i) Arrangement shall be made for those who could not attend the land owners
meeting. They may submit their signed declarations to the Collector or the Anchal Adhikari
within fifteen days from the date of land owners meeting.
( i i ) The declaration form shall be counter-signed by the Collector or Additional Collector
or Anchal Adhikari on its receipt and a copy of the declaration, with the attached terms and
conditions shall be handed over to the affected land owner. Consent may be given or withheld

by signing the declaration form or by affixing thumb impression on it.
(8) All proceedings of taking affected land owners' consent during land owners meetings
shall be recorded in video and all the proceedings must be documented in writing.
(9) Members of the Social Impact Assessment team shall be present to assist the affected land
owners meeting.
(10) No land holder can withdraw his consent once given in the above manner.
20. Consent of the Gram Sabha in Scheduled Areas-
(1) In case of acquisition of land in Scheduled Areas mentioned in the Fifth Schedule of the
Constitution of India, the consent of Gram Sabha shall be obtained by the Deputy
Commissioner in PART B of FORM V to these Rules. He shall notify the date, time and
venue for holding special Gram Sabhas in the affected areas before two weeks in advance and
conduct public awareness campaigns to motivate members of the Gram Sabhas to participate
in the Gram Sabhas. The consent of the concerned Gram Sabha or the Panchayat, as the case
may be, for Land Acquisition shall be taken as per the Pancyayat Raj Extension to Scheduled
Areas Act 1996 and provision mentioned u/s 41 of the Act. For linear projects, Gram Sabha
may be conducted at the level of Gram Panchayat for the area involving more than one village,
at Panchayat Samiti level for projects involving more than one Gram Panchayat, at district
board level for projects involving more than one block in a district.
(2) The procedure to be followed to obtain the prior consent of the Gram Sabha shall be same
as prescribed under Rule 19.
(3) The quorum shall be at least one third of the total members of the Gram Sabha for
considering the consent as valid.
Provided that one third of the total women members of the Gram Sabha shall also be
present in the Gram Sabha meeting.
If in the first Gram Sabha meeting, the quorum is not available, then in subsequent
meeting, quorum is not necessary.

(4) No Gram Sabha can withdraw its consent once given in the above manner.

21. Roles and responsibilities of the appropriate Government for consent processes-
(1) The Deputy Commissioner shall notify and publish the date, time and venue of Gram
Sabhas, Gram Panchayats and affected land owners meetings for obtaining the consent
and organise public awareness campaigns to encourage participation of the affected land
owners in the consent processes.

(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall ensure that the following are provided at least two
weeks in advance to every member from whom consent is sought, in the Hindi language,
(a) A copy of the draft SIA report (if readily available) in the Hindi language;
(b) Initial package being offered for compensation and Rehabilitation and

(c) A written statement signed by the Deputy Commissioner, certifying that there
will be no consequences, if consent is denied for a project and stating that any attempt

to coerce or intimidate in order to obtain consent shall be illegal; and

(d) contact details of the officer or authority along with official telephone number to be
contacted in case of any attempt to coerce for signing the declaration of consent
(3) The Deputy Commissioner or any official appointed by the Deputy Commissioner shall
attend the Gram Sabhas or Ward Sabha and land owners meetings.
22. Roles and responsibilities of the requiring body for consent processes-
(1) The requiring body shall appoint representatives competent to take decisions and
negotiate terms and condition of compensation and Rehabilitation and Resettlement, who
shall be present in the meetings of affected land owners for obtaining the consent and reply to
the queries raised by the land owners.
(2) The requiring body shall provide all the information on the project, prior to the taking
of consent as well as any additional information, if required by the appropriate Government.
23. Publication of Preliminary Notification-
(1) After conclusion of the social impact assessment study and consent of the affected persons
or Gram Sabha, as the case may be, when it appears to the appropriate Government that
land is required or likely to be required in any area for any public purpose, a preliminary
notification shall be issued in FORM VI. In case of Land Acquisition u/s 40 or any other SIA
study exempted project, the preliminary notification shall be issued in Form-VIA.
(2) The preliminary notification shall be published in the following manner:
(a) in the official Gazette of the appropriate Government.
(b) in two daily Hindi and English news papers circulating in the affected area.

(c) in the Hindi language to the Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or
Municipal Corporation, Notified Area Committee and cantonment areas, as case may be,
and in the offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional
Officer, District Land Acquisition Officer, Special Land Acquisition Officer and Anchal
(d) uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.
(e) by beat of drums in the affected area and copy of the notification shall be affixed at
some conspicuous places in the affected areas.
(3) The date of publication in the official Gazette shall be the date of publication of
preliminary notification under sub-section (1) of section 11.
(4) After issuing the preliminary notification, the Collector shall undertake and complete
the exercise of updating land records within a period of two months as specified
(a) Delete the entries of dead persons;
(b) Enter the names of the legal heirs of the deceased persons;
(c)Take effect of the registered transactions of the rights in land such as sale, gift,
partition, etc.
(d) Make all entries of the mortgage in the land records;
(e) Delete the entries of mortgage in case the lending agency issues letter towards full
payment of loans taken;
(f) Make necessary entries about the individuals or communities’ rights as given under The
Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers Rights Act 2006.
(g) Make necessary entries in case of the Government land if settled with eligible person as per
the provisions of State Government.
(h) Make necessary entries in respect of assets in the land like trees, wells, etc.
(i) Make necessary entries of usufructuary mortgage as per the Tenancy Law.
(j) Make necessary entries of crops grown or sown and the area of such crops, and
(k) Any other entries or updation in respect of land acquisition, Rehabilitation and
24. Publication of Declaration for Acquisition-
(1) Upon receipt of a report of the Collector as provided under sub-section(2) of section 15,
a declaration for acquisition of the land under sub-section(1) of section 19 of the Act along

with the summary of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme shall be made by the
appropriate Government in FORM VII. However, no such declaration shall be made unless the
requiring body has deposited full amount towards the cost of acquisition of the land and cost of
Rehabilitation and Resettlement with the Collector.
(2) Such declaration shall be published in the following manner:
(a) in the official Gazette of the appropriate Government.
(b) in two daily Hindi and English news papers circulating in the affected area.
(c) in the Hindi language to the Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or
Municipal Corporation, Notified Area Committee and cantonment areas, as case may be,
and in the offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional
Officer, District Land Acquisition Officer, Special Land Acquisition Officer and Anchal
(d) uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.
(e) by beat of drums in the affected area and copy of the declaration shall be affixed at
some conspicuous places in the affected areas.
(3) The date of publication in the official Gazette shall be the date of publication of
declaration under sub-section (1) of section 19.
25. Preparation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme and Public Hearing-
(1) On publication of the preliminary notification under sub-section (1) of section 11 by the
Collector, the Administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement shall, himself or through
Additional Collector, District Land Acquisition Officer or Deputy Collector Land Reforms or
Anchal Adhikari or by out-sourcing the work to any agency or agencies, conduct a survey and
undertake a census of the affected families within a period of three months from the date of
publication of such preliminary notification.
(2) In the survey conducted and the census of the affected families so undertaken by the
Administrator, he shall collect the data based on the SIA report as well as collect the data from
the secondary sources such as G r a m Panchayat and Government records and verify that
data by door to door visit of the affected families and by site visits in case of infrastructure in
the affected area.
(3) The draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme prepared by the Administrator shall

in addition to the particulars mentioned in the sub-section (2) of section 16, contain the

(i) List of likely to be displaced families;

(ii) List of infrastructure in the affected area;
(iii) List of land holdings in the affected area;
(iv) List of businessmen in the affected area;
(v) List of landless people in the affected area;
(vi) List of persons belonging to disadvantageous groups like persons belonging to
Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, handicapped persons and women in the affected
(vii) List of landless agricultural labourers in the affected area;
(viii) List of unemployed youth in the affected area.
(4) The Administrator shall prepare comprehensive and detailed draft Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Scheme as far as possible.

(5) The Administrator shall by way of public notice publish the summary of draft scheme in
two local daily newspapers circulating in the affected area so that people come to know of the
draft scheme.
(6) The Administrator or an officer authorised by him shall conduct a public hearing in the
affected areas on such a date, time and venue as deem fit but not earlier than fifteen days of
the publication of the draft scheme. The provision of Rule 11 relating to the public hearing
shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the public hearing in this case also.
26. Power, duties and responsibilities of the Administrator-
Additional Collector of the district or officer appointed under rule 2(b) will be the
administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement. Powers, duties and responsibilities of the
administrator are as follows-
(a) To conduct a survey and undertake a census of the affected families in the manner and
within time as provided under Rule 25;
(b) To prepare a draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme;
(c) To publish the draft scheme as provided under Rule 25;
(d) To make the draft scheme available to the concerned persons and authorities;
(e) To organize and conduct public hearings on the draft scheme;
(f) To provide an opportunity to the requiring body to make suggestions and comments on the

draft scheme;
(g) To submit the draft scheme to the Collector;
(h) To publish the approved Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme in the affected area;
(i) To help and assist the Collector in preparing the Rehabilitation and Resettlement
(j) To monitor and supervise the implementation of the Rehabilitation award;
(k) To assist in post-implementation audit of Rehabilitation and Resettlement, and
(l) Any other work required to be done for Rehabilitation and Resettlement.
27. Publication of the Approved Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme-
(1) The Commissioner of Rehabilitation and Resettlement by way of public notice shall
publish a summary of the approved Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme as finalised by
him under section 18 of the Act in the affected area and by uploading on the website of
appropriate Government for making it known to the general public.
(2) The copies of the approved scheme shall be made available in Hindi language in the
offices of the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector, Sub-divisional Officer, District
Board, Panchayat Samiti, Gram Panchayat and Administrator of the concerned area.
28. Elements of Rehabilitation and Resettlement-
(1) The affected families of the projects where preliminary notification under sub-section
(1) of section 11 is issued are only entitled to receive elements of Rehabilitation and
Resettlement as per the Second and Third Schedules of the Act as applicable.
(2) While offering twenty percent of the developed land when the land is acquired for
urbanisation purposes, then in that case, the land used for the components of infrastructure
amenities shall not be taken into account for the calculation of twenty percent of developed
(3) Where jobs are created through the project, the requiring body shall arrange for
suitable training and skill development in the required field in cases where choice of
employment is given and accepted by the project affected family under Second Schedule of
the Act.
(4) The requiring body shall arrange for training facilities to the project affected persons
for development of entrepreneurship, technical and professional skills for self-
(5) In case of a project involving land acquisition on behalf of a requiring body which

involves involuntary displacement of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes families, a
Development Plan in FORM VIII shall be prepared by the Collector in consultation with
the affected families. The said plan shall be read out and discussed during the public hearing
of Rehabilitation and Resettlement scheme and finalised.
(6) The resettlement areas predominantly inhabited by the Scheduled Tribes shall get land free
of cost for community and religious gatherings. Records of Rights of the land and houses
allotted to the affected families should be handed over to them by the district administration
while resettling them in the resettlement area. The district administration shall take steps for
immediate declaration of the new resettlement area as a Revenue Village/Municipal area if it is
not a part of an already existing Revenue Village/Municipal area. For the convenience of
displaced families a certificate of resettlement will be issued in Form-XII with the joint
signature of head of the project and the concerned Deputy Commissioner. A copy of the above
certificate will be kept in the record room of the concerned district for issuing the certified
copies in the future.
29. Land Acquisition Award-
(1.) The Collector after enquiry into and disposal of the objections, if any, raised by the
interested persons in pursuance of the public notice published and given under sub-
section (1) of section 21, shall make land acquisition award under section 23 of the Act
in the FORM IX and in accordance with the provisions contained under Rule 30 of these
(2.) The Collector while calling the claims of the persons interested in the land to be
acquired as per section 21 shall give a notice to the requiring body. The requiring body may
express its opinion with the Collector regarding the amount of the compensation including
the market value of the land to be acquired.
(3.) It shall be the duty of the Collector to ensure that the award is made within the period
prescribed under section 25 of the Act.
(4.) The Collector shall issue notice under section 21(2) and section 21(4) in the Form XIII.
(5.) The Collector shall issue notice under section 22(1) in the Form XIV.
(6.) The Collector shall issue notice under section 37(2) in the Form XV.

30. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award-
(1) The Collector shall also make Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award for each
affected families in accordance with the Second Schedule of the Act or as per the negotiated
agreement reached with the affected families where consent is involved and hand over family
wise Awards to each affected family in the FORM X.
(2) The Collector shall also issue orders for provision of infrastructure facilities to be
provided for every resettlement area, in the FORM XI.
(3) The Commissioner Rehabilitation and Resettlement shall closely monitor the
implementation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme.
31. Compensation-
(1) The compensation shall be calculated as per the provisions laid down under section 26 to
section 30 read with the First Schedule of the Act and paid to
all parties whose land or other immovable property has been acquired.
(2) Compensation shall be given to agriculture labourers, usufructuary mortgagor, small traders
and artisans referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (c) of section 3 of the Act at the following
(i) In case of an agricultural labourer, a lump sum amount equivalent to the current

minimum wages of two hundred days shall be paid.

(ii) The usufructuary mortgagor shall be paid a lump sum amount of Rs twenty five thousand
per acre of the land they cultivate as usufructuary mortgagee.
(iii) In case of artisans or small traders who may be working in the affected area for three
years prior to the acquisition of the land shall be paid current minimum wages of two
hundred days.
(3) The payment of compensation shall be made within a period of fifteen days by organising
disbursement camps and through scheduled bank account.
(4) The date of determination of the market value shall be the date on which the
preliminary notification was issued under section 11.
(5) Where the words “near vicinity area” have been used in Explanation I of Section 26, they
shall be taken to mean the land holdings immediately contiguous to the land whose
acquisition is taking place.
(6) For an acquisition process that takes place in phases and where land is acquired
sequentially, the base rate as calculated under section 26 shall be taken to be effective rate

for all affected families to be compensated across the entire area to be acquired for the said

(7) The power for administrative sanction of land compensation shall be fixed by Revenue and
Land Reforms Department, Government of Jharkhand in consultation with Finance Department
from time to time.

(8) Where any excess amount is proved to have been paid to any person as a result of the
correction made in an award under sub-section (1) of section 33 and such person refused
to refund the said excess amount paid to him, then such amount shall be recovered
from him as an arrear of land revenue.
(9) In case of project where social impact assessment study is not required, the additional
market value under section 30(3) will be calculated from the date of notification issued under
section 11 of the Act.
(10) The Certificate of Possession under section 38(1) will be given in Form XVI.
32. Limits on extent of land under section 2(3)(a) read with section 46 of the Act-
The Provisions relating to Rehabilitation and Resettlement under these Rules shall apply in the
cases where any person other than a specified person purchases land exceeding 2000 Hectares
through private negotiations with the owners of the land.

33. Constitution of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee at project level-
(1) The Deputy Commissioner shall constitute a Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee
at project level to monitor and review the progress and implementation of the Rehabilitation
and Resettlement Scheme and to carry out post-implementation social audits in
consultation with the Gram Sabha in the rural area and Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat or
Municipality as the case may be, in the urban area.

(2) The Committee shall have its first meeting when a draft Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Scheme has been prepared by the Administrator. The Committee shall
discuss the scheme and make suggestions and recommendations. Thereafter, the
Committee shall meet and review and monitor the progress of the Rehabilitation and
Resettlement once in a month till the process of Rehabilitation and Resettlement is

(3) For the purpose of carrying out the post-implementation social audits, the Committee shall
meet once in three months.
(4) The Committee may visit the affected area and discuss with the affected families if it so
desires and also visit the resettlement area to monitor the resettlement process.

(5) The members of the Committee shall get travelling and daily allowance at the rate
admissible to the class I officers of the State Government and amount will be paid by Deputy
Commissioner from the fund provided for these purposes by the project authority.
34. Constitution of the State Monitoring Committee-
(1) The State Government shall constitute a State Monitoring Committee for monitoring and
reviewing the implementation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Schemes under the Act.
(2) The State Monitoring Committee shall have its first meeting for reviewing and
monitoring the implementation of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Schemes within a
month from the notification of this Rule. Thereafter, the meetings of the Committee shall be
held once in six months to review and monitor the implementation of the Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Schemes.
(3) The members of the State Monitoring Committee shall get travelling and daily
allowance at the rate admissible to the Secretary rank officers of the State Government from the
budget of Revenue and Land Reforms Department.


35. Establishment of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority-

(1) The State Government shall establish, by notification in the Official Gazette, the Land
Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority at the headquarters of every
revenue division in the State to exercise jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on it by or
under the Act:

Provided that till such an Authority is established, the State Government with the
consent of the Jharkhand High Court may declare Courts of the District Judges of the
concerned district to act as the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority.
(2) The jurisdiction of every Authority shall be such as may be described in the

notification establishing the Authority.
(3) The Presiding Officer of such Authorities shall be appointed by the State Government in
consultation with the Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court by issuing notification in the
official gazette.
(4) The salaries, allowances and conditions of service of the Registrar and other officers and
staffs of the Authority shall be the same as applicable to the officers and staffs of similar
grades working in the State Government.
(5) The salary and allowances of the Presiding Officer of the Authority shall be same as
applicable to a District Judge working in the State:
Provided that in case of a retired District Judge appointed as a Presiding Officer he
shall be entitled to a salary equivalent to the remuneration last p a y drawn by him at the
time of his retirement minus the pension. In addition, he shall draw his pension and other
benefits accrued to him under the concerned Rules applicable to him.
(6) The other service conditions of the Presiding Officer shall be the same as applicable to a
District Judge working in the State of Jharkhand.

36. Power of Authority and Recovery of Rehabilitation and Resettlement benefits

availed through false claim etc.-
(1) The Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority shall have the
powers of a Civil Court in the matters of recovery of any Rehabilitation and Resettlement
benefits availed through false claims or fraudulent means.
(2) If any case of availing benefits of Rehabilitation and Resettlement benefits by any
person comes to the notice, the Collector shall make a reference to the Authority which
shall adjudicate the matter. After adjudication is made by the Authority, the benefits thus
availed shall be liable to be recovered by the Collector as an arrear of land revenue, in case of
the said benefits have been availed in terms of money, and by evicting the wrong doer from
the land and houses if the said benefits have been availed in terms of land and houses.
(3) The land and houses so vacated shall be used for the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of
the affected persons by the same project or for the purpose of community, as the case may be.
37. Reversion of Land –
(1) Where any land acquired under the Act remains unutilized for a period as provided in the

Act, the same shall be returned to the Land Bank of the State Government by issuing a
notice to the requiring body for whom the land was acquired and by giving an
opportunity of being heard and by passing the necessary written order by the State
Government in this behalf.
(2) After passing the written order as above the State Government may direct the
Collector to take the possession of the acquired land for the purpose of returning the same to
the Land Bank of the State Government.

(3) If the requiring body does not handover possession of the said land to the Collector, then
Collector shall be competent to take the help of Executive Magistrate and police force to
take the possession by giving prior notice to the requiring body.
38. Withdrawal of Acquisition-
The appropriate Government shall issue notification of withdrawal of land acquisition under
section 93(1) in Form XVII.
39. Forms etc.-
The Forms mentioned in these Rules, templates for calculation of estimates are given in the
Schedule appendix with these Rules.
40. Removal of difficulties-
If any difficulty arises as to the interpretation of any provisions of this Rule or in the
implementation of such provisions, the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms shall
have powers to issue directions for the purpose of removal of the difficulties. The
directions so issued shall be binding on all concerned. In case of any conflict of interpretation
of any section of the Act and any of these Rules, the interpretation of section in the Act shall
41. Amendment to the Schedule-
The Department of Revenue and Land Reforms shall be competent to amend or rectify the
schedule/forms as and when necessary.


(See rule-3)
Name and/or Designation of
the requiring body

The Deputy Commissioner


I request you to acquire .............................................................acres of land for

...... ................... project/purpose, details of which is shown in Appendix I, II, III, IV
and V along with three copies of trace map. I am ready to deposit requisite cost of
acquisition including social impact assessment study (SIA) cost in your office as
provided under provisions of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land
Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act-2013.
D.P.R. of the project or Administrative approval or sanction order and budgetary
provision of the project along with certified copies of khatian of the lands, that is to be
acquired, are enclosed herewith.

I undertake to demarcate the land to be acquired on the spot and to furnish all necessary
information and assistance on the date appointed by you.

Yours Faithfully

Requiring Body
Name of Thana Revenue P.S. Anchal District Khata Plot No. Total Area to be Boundaries of
Village/ No/ Thana No. Khatiyani acquired land to be
Town Ward No. area acquired
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Classificati Name of Name of Jamabandi No. of No. of No. of Tank Pond Boring any other
on of land Khatiyani present no. residential commercial trees structure/
raiyat raiyat house building Remarks
with full
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Name of the project:-

1. Name of village/Town-
2. Thana Number/Ward No.-
3. Revenue Thana-
4. Thana -
5. Anchal-
6. District-
7. Numbers of total plots to be acquired-
(a) Number of full plots -
(b) Number of part plots -
8. Total area under requisition (in acres)-
(a) Boundaries of the total area to be acquired -

North -


East -


9. Area of the irrigated multi-cropped land-

10. Reasons for inclusion of irrigated multi-cropped land



11. Details of buildings, structures, tanks, wells, trees, bundh etc on the basis of
Appendix I-

12. Reasons for the inclusion of religious building, graveyard or tomb etc. for
acquisition, if any-

Requiring Body


Name of the project:-

1. Department or Government or Company or Local Authority or Institution or any other:

2. Official designation of the requiring body:-
3. Purpose of Proposal for Land (in detail) :-
4. Whether the proposal for Land Acquisition is filed u/s 2(1) of the Act by the
Government or Department for its own use hold and control :-
5. Whether the proposal for Land Acquisition is filed u/s 2(1)(a) to 2(1) (f) of the Act:-

6. Whether the proposal for Land Acquisition is filed u/s 2(2) (a) or (b) of the Act :-
7. Whether the proposal for Land Acquisition is filed under any other SIA study exempted
provision of the Act :-
8. Whether the proposal for land acquisition is filed under proviso to section 6(2) of the

9. Whether the proposal for Land Acquisition is filed u/s 40 of the Act :-

10. If yes to question 9, then on what ground?

11. How many families are affected as described u/s 3(c)(i) to (vi) of the Act:-

12. Has the land to be acquired already been taken over from the owners by private
13. If so, on what date and on what terms (please state the terms of negotiation in short
and attach the copy of it)
14. Date of issue of administrative approval/sanction order for the project (copy to be

15. Reasons for delay in filing proposal for Land Acquisition, if proposal for Land
Acquisition is filed after 6 weeks from the date of administrative approval/sanction order
of the project.
16. By what time possession of the land is required.

Requiring Body


Name of the project:-

Certificate to be furnished along with the proposal for Land Acquisition

by the requiring authorities
1. Certified that the project for which the land is sought to be acquired has been
administratively approved/sanction order vide Department letter no.................

2. That a sum of Rs. ........................................... for permanent acquisition and/or sum

of Rs. .................................. for temporary occupation as provided under Chapter XI of the
Act has been provided in the budget estimate of the Department for the
year........................... under the head ............................................................ to meet the
cost of acquisition.

3. The Department undertakes to pay the full amount in case of decree by the Land
Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority / High Court / Supreme Court as
and when asked to do so by the appropriate Government.

Requiring Body


Name of the project:-

1. Certified that proposal paper has been scrutinised thoroughly.

2. The project is a legitimate and of bonafide public purpose.

3. Only the minimum area of land required for the project has been proposed for

4. There is no unutilised land which has been previously acquired in the area.

5. The land under acquisition has been selected after considering all alternatives.

6. The project is of linear type/non-linear type.

7. The land under acquisition is barren/uncultivable/agricultural/irrigated multi-

8. Total area under acquisition is not in excess of the limit prescribed and fixed by
the Government for acquisition of irrigated multi-cropped in a district.
9. The potential benefits of the project far outweigh the social costs and adverse
social impact.
10. The land after taking possession would be utilised for the same acquisition

11. The requiring body is able to bear cost of acquisition including Rehabilitation and
Resettlement expenditure.
12. There is no government land under acquisition.

13. There is no special opposition to this land acquisition proceeding.

14. The requiring body shall ensure Rehabilitation & Resettlement works and other
admissible benefits to the affected families/persons.

Requiring Body

Part -A. Terms of Reference and Processing Fee for the SIA
[See sub-rule (1) of Rule 8]
The State SIA Unit will review the proposal for land acquisition sent by the
appropriate Government and produce a project-specific Terms of Reference (ToR) and
budget. Based on the ToR and budget, a processing fee will be determined, which must
be deposited by the Requiring body before the notification of the SIA can be issued. The
ToR shall include the following information:
(i) A brief description of the project, project area and the extent of lands proposed for
(ii) The objectives of the SIA and all the activities that must be carried out by the SIA

(iii) Sequencing, schedule and deadlines for deliverables with dates for the SIA process,
based on the size and complexity of the project and land acquisition, and whether
consent of Gram Sabhas and/or land owners is required to be sought
(iv) The appropriate size and profile of the SIA team required (including field surveyors,
if needed) to conduct the SIA for the specific project
(v) A project-specific budget based on the ToR, with a clear break-up of costs for each
(vi) The schedule for the disbursement of funds to the SIA team tied to clearly-defined
deliverables in the SIA process
(vii) The processing fee will be determined based on the ToR and budget developed for
each specific project and will be based on the type, size, location, and sensitivity of the
project and the land proposed for acquisition
(viii) Information regarding the processing fee and the cost for separate
components/line items must be made consistent and easily accessible so that the
requiring body can factor this into its costs in advance. These rates must be reviewed
and revised from time to time
(ix) Ten percent of the fee will go towards meeting the administrative costs of the SIA

Notification of the SIA
(See sub-rule (1) of Rule 6)
The Notification of the SIA must include:
(i.) Name of project, a brief description of the proposed project and the extent of the lands
proposed for acquisition, the project area and the affected areas to be covered by the SIA

(ii.) The main objectives of the SIA and key activities including (a) consultations (b) survey (c)
public hearing/s, if consent of Gram Sabhas and/or land owners is required, the notification must
state this.
(iii.) The timeline for the SIA and the final deliverables (SIA Report and SIMP) along with the
manner of their disclosure must be specified
(iv.) Statement that any attempt at coercion or threat during this period will render the exercise
null and void. Contact information of the State SIA Unit to be mentioned

Social Impact Assessment Report
(See sub-rule (3) of Rule 6)
Part-A. List of socio-economic and cultural parameters to be covered by the SIA:
Demographic details of the population in the project area
 Age, sex, caste, religion
 Literacy, health and nutritional status
 Poverty levels
 Vulnerable groups
- Women, children, the elderly, women-headed households, the differently abled
 Kinship patterns and women's role in the family
 Social and cultural organisation
 Administrative organisation
 Political organisation
 Civil society organisations and social movements
Land use and livelihood
 Agricultural and non-agricultural use
 Quality of land - soil, water, trees etc.
 Livestock
 Formal and informal work and employment
 Household division of labour and women's work
 Migration
 Household income levels
 Livelihood preferences
 Food security

Local economic activities

 Formal and informal local industries
 Access to credit
 Wage rates
 Specific livelihood activities women are involved in

Factors that contribute to local livelihoods
 Access to natural resources
 Common property resources
 Private assets
 Roads, transportation
 Irrigation facilities
 Access to markets
 Tourist sites
 Livelihood promotion programmes
 Co-operatives and other livelihood-related associations
Quality of the living environment
 Perceptions, aesthetic qualities, attachments and aspirations
 Settlement patterns
 Houses
 Community and civic spaces
 Sites of religious and cultural meaning
 Physical infrastructure (including water supply, sewage systems etc.)
 Public service infrastructure (schools, health facilities, anganwadi centres, public
distribution system)
 Safety, crime, violence
 Social gathering points for women
Part-B. Key impact areas:
Impacts on land, livelihoods and income
- Level and type of employment Intra-household
- employment patterns Income levels
- Food security
- Standard of living
- Access and control over productive resources
- Economic dependency or vulnerability
- Disruption of local economy
- Impoverishment risks

- Women's access to livelihood alternatives
Impacts on physical resources
- Impacts on natural resources, soil, air, water, forests
- Pressures on land and common property natural resources for livelihoods
Impacts on private assets, public services and utilities
- Capacity of existing health and education facilities
- Capacity of housing facilities
- Pressure on supply of local services
- Adequacy of electrical and water supply, roads, sanitation and waste management
- Impact on private assets such as bore wells, temporary sheds etc.

Health impacts
- Health impacts due to in-migration
- Health impacts due to project activities with a special emphasis on:
- Impact on women's health
- Impact on the elderly
Impacts on culture and social cohesion
- Transformation of local political structures
- Demographic changes
- Shifts in the economy-ecology balance
- Impacts on the norms, beliefs, values and cultural life
- Crime and illicit activities
- Stress of dislocation
- Impact of separation of family cohesion
- Violence against women
Impacts at different stages of the project cycle
The type, timing, duration, and intensity of social impacts will depend on and relate closely
to the stages of the project cycle. Below is an indicative list of impacts:
 Pre-construction phase
- Interruption in the delivery of services
- Drop in productive investment
- Land speculation

- Stress of uncertainty
 Construction phase
- Displacement and relocation
- Influx of migrant construction workforce
- Health impacts on those who continue to live close to the construction site
 Operation phase
- Reduction in employment opportunities compared to the construction phase
- Economic benefits of the project
- Benefits on new infrastructure
- New patterns of social organisation
 De-commissioning phase
- Loss of economic opportunities
- Environmental degradation and its impact on livelihoods
Direct and indirect impacts
- "Direct impacts" will include all impacts that are likely to be experienced by the
affected families
- "Indirect impacts" will include all impacts that may be experienced by those not
directly affected by the acquisition of land (i.e. Direct land and livelihood losers), but those
living in the project area.

Differential impacts
- Impact on women, children, the elderly and the differently abled
- Impacts identified through tools such as Gender Impact Assessment Checklists,
and Vulnerability and Resilience Mapping
Cumulative impacts
- Measureable and potential impacts of other projects in the area along with the identified
impacts for the project in question.
- Impact on those not directly in the project area but based locally or even regionally.

PART-C. Table of Contents for SIA Report and Social Impact Management Plan
Chapter Contents
Executive - Project Location and public purpose
- Size and attributes of land acquisition
- Alternatives considered
- Social Impacts
- Mitigation measures
- Assessment of social costs and benefits
Detailed Project - Background of the project, including developers
Description background and governance/ management structure
- Rationale for project including how the project fits the
public purpose criteria listed in the Act
- Examination of alternatives
- Phases of project construction
- Core design features and size and type of facilities
- Need for ancillary infrastructural facilities
- Work force requirements (temporary and permanent)
- Details of SIA or EIA if already conducted and
any technical feasibility reports
- Applicable legislations and policies

Team composition, - List of all team members with qualifications.
- Description and rationale for the methodology and tools used
approach, methodology to collect information for the SIA.
and schedule of the SIA
- Sampling methodology used

- Overview of information/data sources used. Detailed

reference must be included separately in the forms if

- Schedule of consultations with key stakeholders and brief

description of public hearings conducted. Details of the
public hearing and the specific feedback incorporated into the
Report must be included in the forms.

Land Assessment - Describe with the help of the maps, information from land
inventories and primary sources
- Entire area of impact under the influence of the project
(not limited to land area for acquisition)
- Total land requirement for the project
- Present use of any public, unutilised land in the vicinity of the
project area
- Land (if any) already purchased, alienated, leased or
acquired, and the intended use for each plot of land
required for the project
- Quantity and location of land proposed to be acquired for
the project
- Nature, present use and classification of land and if
agricultural land, irrigation coverage and cropping patterns

- Size of holdings, ownership patterns, land distribution,
and number of residential houses
- Land prices and recent changes in ownership, transfer
and use of lands over the last 3 years

Estimation and - Estimation of the following types of families that:

enumeration (where
required) of
affected families
and assets

 are directly affected (own land that is proposed to be

 are tenants/occupy the land proposed to be acquired
 are Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest
dwellers who have lost any of their forest rights
 Depend on common property resources which will be
affected due to acquisition of land for their livelihood
have been settled land by the State Government or the
Central Government under any of its schemes and such
land is under acquisition;
 have been residing on any land in the urban areas for
preceding three years or more prior to the acquisition of
the land
 have depended on the land being acquired as a primary
source of livelihood for three years prior to the
 have indirectly impacted by the project (not affected
directly by the acquisition of own lands)

Socio-economic and - Demographic details of the population in the project
cultural area
profile (of affected - Income and poverty levels
area and
resettlement site) - Vulnerable groups
- Land use and livelihood
- Local economic activities
- Factors that contribute to local livelihoods
- Kinship patterns and social and cultural organisation
- Administrative organisation
- Political organisation
- Community-based and civil society-organisations

- Regional dynamics and historical change processes

- Quality of the living environment
Social impacts - Framework and approach to identify impacts
- Description of impacts at various stages of the project
cycle such as impacts on health and livelihoods and
culture. For each type of impact, separate indication of
whether it is a direct/indirect impact, differential impacts
on different categories of affected families and where
applicable cumulative impacts
- Indicative list of impact areas include: impacts on land,
livelihoods and income, physical resources, private
assets, public services and utilities, health, culture and
social cohesion and gender based impacts

Analysis of costs - Final conclusions on: assessment of public purpose,

and less-displacing alternatives, minimum requirements of

benefits and land, the nature and intensity of social impacts, the

recommendation on viability of the mitigation measures and the extent to

acquisition which mitigation measures described in the SIMP will

address the full range of social impacts and adverse
social costs
- The above analysis will use the equity principle as a
criteria of analysis for presenting a final
recommendation on whether the acquisition should go
through or not
- For reference and further information
References and

[See sub-rule (4) of Rule 6]
Social Impact Management Plan

(a) Approach to mitigation

(b) Measures to avoid, mitigate and compensate impact
(c) Measures that are included in the terms of Rehabilitation and Resettlement and
compensation as outlined in the Act

(d) Measures that the Requiring body has stated it will introduce in the Project Proposal
(e) Additional measures that the Requiring body has stated it will undertake in response
to the findings of the SIA process and public hearings
(f) The SIMP must include a description of institutional structures and key person
responsible for each mitigation measure and timelines and costs for each activity

(See sub-rule (1) of Rule 18)

S.No. Details of the Person Concerned

1. Name of the person(s) in whose name the land is registered:

2. Name of the spouse:
3. Name of father/ mother:
4. Address:
5. Village/Ward:
6. Gram Panchayat/Municipality/Township:
7. Anchal/Sub-Division:
8. District:
9. Name of other members in the family with age:
(including children and adult dependents)

10. Extent of land owned:
11. Disputed lands if any
12. Purchase/leases/grants, if any
13. Any other right, including tenancy, if any:
14. Regarding the acquisition of my land by the
Government, I wish to state the following (please
circle one of the below):
I have read/read out the contents of this
consent form and explained to me in
language and
I agree to this acquisition/ I do not agree to this acquisition.

Signature/ Thumb impression of the

affected family(s) and date:
Note 1: All information about what will be given to this land owner in exchange for
their land and to resettle them must be provided prior to seeking any signature on
this form. These terms and conditions must
be attached to the form.

Date and Signature of designated district

official receiving the signed form
Note 2: It is a crime under law to threaten any person or to cause them any harm if they
refuse to give consent or if they choose to state that they do not give consent on this
form. This includes any threat or act that causes them to lose money, that hurts them
physically or that results in harm to their family. If any such threat has been made,
this form is null and void.

(See sub-rule (1) of Rule 20)
We, the undersigned members of the gram sabha of
within panchayat of
Anchal _ district, wish to state that the following certification is based on
the i n f o r m a t i o n supplied by the administration and officials. On this basis this
Gram Sabha hereby certifies
proposed project, which will involve the:

* Acquisition of ----------------------acres of private land

* Transfer of ---------------------------acres of government land to the project
* Transfer of --------------------------acres of forest land to the project
The terms and conditions of compensation, Rehabilitation and Resettlements
benefits and social impact mitigation measures agreed to by the Requiring body (state the
name) are attached.
Date and signatures/thumb impressions of Gram Sabha members:

Date and Signature of designated district officer on receipt of the Resolution

Government of Jharkhand
Revenue & Land Reforms Department
(Directorate of Land Acquisition)
Collector or appropriate Government
Preliminary Notification
(Under Section-11(1) and 15(1) of the Act-30/2013)

Whereas it appears to the Government of Jharkhand/Collector that a total of............. acre land is
required in the Village .............................. P.S. ............................. P.S. No.------------- Circle-----------------
District----------------- for public purpose, namely, project ................................, ------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
----- Social Impact Assessment Study was carried out by State SIA Unit and a report submitted.
The summary of the Social Impact Assessment Report is as follows:-----------------------------------------------
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A total of ...............
families are likely to be displaced due to the land acquisition. The reason necessitating such displacement is
given below. Additional Collector or officer appointed under Rule 2(b) is appointed as Administrator for
the purpose of Rehabilitation and Resettlement of the affected families. Therefore it is notified that for the
above said project in the Village of ----------------------------------------------------- P.S.------ ------ P.S.
No.-------------------- Circle---------------- District ------------------------ a piece of land measuring, more or
less ------------------ acre viz, ----------------------------------- hectare of standard measurement, whose detail
description is following, is under acquisition:

Sl. Survey Type of Type Area under Name & Address Boundary (Plot No.)
no. plot Title of Acquisition of person
no. interested
Land (in acre)

N. S. E. W.

This notification is made under the provisions of section-11(1) of The Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Act no.
30/2013), to all whom it may concern.

A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Land Acquisition Officer ---------
----------------- on any working day. The Government of Jharkhand/Collector -cum- appropriate
Government is pleased to authorize the District Land Acquisition Officer.........................and his
staff.................... to enter upon and survey land, take levels of any land, dig or bore into the sub-soil and
do all other acts required for the proper execution of their work as provided and specified in section-12
of the said Act.
Under section- 11(4) of the Act, no person shall make any transaction or cause any
transaction of land i.e. sale/purchase, specified in the preliminary notification or create any
encumbrances on such land from the date of publication of such notification without prior
approval of the Collector.

Objections to the acquisition, if any, may be filed by the person interested within 60 (sixty days)
from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section- 15 of the Act before District
Land Acquisition Officer ………………………………………………………

Date………… Director/Collector

Form – VI A
Revenue & Land Reforms Department
(Directorate of Land Acquisition)
Collector or appropriate Government
Preliminary Notification
(Under Section-11(1) and 15(1) of the Act-30/2013)

Whereas it appears to the Government of Jharkhand/Collector that a total of............. acre

land is required in the Village .............................. P.S. ............................. P.S. No.---------------
Circle----------------District----------------- for public purpose, namely, project --
----Additional Collector or officer appointed under Rule 2(b) is appointed as Administrator for
the purpose of Rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected families. Therefore it is notified that
for the above said project in the Village of ----------------------------------------------------- P.S.------
------ P.S. No.--------------------- Circle---------------- District------------------------- a piece of
land measuring, more or less ------------------ acre viz, ----------------------------------- hectare of
standard measurement, whose detail description is following, is under acquisition:

Sl. Survey plot Type of Type Area under Name & Boundary (Plot No.)
no. no. Title of Acquisition Address
of person
Land (in acre)
N. S. E. W.

This notification is made under the provisions of section-11(1) of The Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013
(Act no. 30/2013), to all whom it may concern.
A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Land Acquisition Officer --
------------------------ on any working day. The Government of Jharkhand/Collector -cum-
appropriate Government is pleased to authorise the District Land Acquisition
Officer......................... and his staff.................... to enter upon and survey land, take levels of any
land, dig or bore into the sub-soil & do all other acts required for the proper execution of their
work as provided and specified in section-12 of the said Act.
Under section- 11(4) of the Act, no person shall make any transaction or cause any
transaction of land i.e. sale/purchase, specified in the preliminary notification or create any
encumbrances on such land from the date of publication of such notification without prior
approval of the Collector.
Objections to the acquisition, if any, may be filed by the person interested within 60 (sixty
days) from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section- 15 of the Act
before District Land Acquisition Officer .......... ............. ....... .......................... Since the land is
urgently required for the project under section 40 or SIA study exempted public purpose project
under the Act, hence the appropriate Government has decided not to carry out the Social Impact
Assessment Study.

Date…………… Director/Collector

Revenue and Land Reforms Department
(Directorate of Land Acquisition)
Collector or appropriate Government
(Under Section-19(1) of the Act-30/2013)

Whereas it appears to the Government of Jharkhand/Collector that a total of

......................acre land is required in the Village .............................. P.S. ............................. P.S.
No. ………………Circle……………District…………for public purpose, namely, for the project

Therefore declaration is made that a piece of land measuring, more or

less.............. acre viz; ........ ..... hectare of standard measurement under acquisition for the above
said project in the Village ………………………………..P.S. ……………… P.S. No.
………………Circle………………District………………whose detail description is as following:

Sl. Survey plot Type of Type Area under Name & Address Boundary (Plot No.)
no. no. Title of Acquisition of person
Land (in acre)

N. S. E. W.

This declaration is made after hearing of objections of persons interested and due enquiry
as provided u/s 15 of the Act No-30/2013. The number of families likely to be resettled due to
Land Acquisition is ..................................................................... for whom Resettlement area has
been identified, whose brief description is as following:-

Village .............................. P.S. .............................P.S. No. …………… Circle…………….

District………………Area ………………acre.

A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Land Acquisition
Officer ………………….on any working day.

A summary of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme is given below:


Date……………… Director/Collector

{see Rule 28 (5)}

Format for Developmental Plan under Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme for
SC/ST families displaced due to land acquisition.

Sl. Name of the Permanent Entitlements Remarks

No. claimant/ family Address


(Under section 23 & 30 of Act 30 of 2013)

L.A. Case No:-

1. Name of the project -

2. Number and date of declaration under which the land is to be


3. Number and date of publication of Declaration in Official

Gazette -
4. Area of the land under acquisition (in acre)-

5. Number of field plots on the survey map, the village in which

situated with the number of mile plan, if any -
6. Description of the land, i.e., whether fallow, cultivated,
homestead, commercial etc. If cultivated, type of cultivation?
7. Name & Number of persons interested in the land and the nature
of their respective interests -
8. Amount allowed for the land itself, without trees, buildings etc.,
if any -

9. Amount allowed out of such sum as compensation for the
tenant’s interest in the land –
10. Basis of calculation -

11. Amount payable for damages u/s 13, if any -

12. Description of damages u/s 28, if any -

13. Amount allowed for houses, structures or any other immovable

things -
14. Amount allowed for standing crops & trees -

15. Additional compensation on the market value of land u/s 30(3) -

16. Solatium amount u/s 30(1) -

17. Additional compensation u/s 40(5) in cases of urgency, if

applicable -
18. Total compensation (Including land, structure and other
19. Amount of interest u/s 80, if any -

20. Particulars of abatement of Government revenue, or of the

capitalized value paid, the date from which the abatement takes
effect and the amount to be paid.
21. Award u/s 23 and 30 – (Total from 18 to 20).

22. Details of individual Awards

Apportionment of the Amount of Compensation

Sl. Area Total Name of Bank Amount Remarks

No. under compensation claimants Ac/No. payable to
Acquisition Amount each (in
(in acre) Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. Date on which possession of land was taken u/s 38(1) & 40(1) of Act 30/2013.
If u/s 40(1), the number and date of the order of appropriate Government giving
authority to do so.



(See 2nd schedule of the Act & Rule 30)

L.A. Case No:-

1. Name of the Project -

2. Number and date of declaration under which the land is to be
3. Situation and extent of the land in acres, the number of field plots
on the survey map, the village in which situated with the number of
mile plan if any.
4. Description of housing units, I.A.Y., transportation cost, housing
allowances, annuity, employment, subsistence grant, grant for cattle
shed and pretty shop, one time resettlement allowance, etc.
5. Name/Names of persons interested in the land and the nature of
their respective claim for Rehabilitation & Resettlement.
6. Apportionment Sl. Name of R&R Bank Amount Non- Remarks
of the amount No. claimants/ entitlements A/c payable monetary
of affected No. to each entitlements
compensation. family
(Area in acre)
House to be

Land to be

Fishing rights






Cattle shed

Petty shop

One time

if any

7. In case, matters specified above are not applicable to any affected family, the same
shall be indicated as “not applicable”.
8. Date on which R &R entitlements given to the affected family-

Administrator Deputy Commissioner Commissioner (R&R)

{see Rule 30 (2) & Third Schedule of Act - 30/2013}

Format for Provision of Infrastructural Amenities under R and R scheme for families displaced
due to land acquisition
S.N. Components Details of infrastructural
1. Roads
2. Drainage
3. Drinking water
4. Drinking water for cattle
5. Grazing land
6. Fair Price Shops
7. Panchayat Bhawan
8. Post Offices
9. Fertilizer storage
10. Irrigation facilities
11. Transport facilities
12. Burial or cremation ground
13. Toilet points
14. Electric connections
15. Nutritional services
16. Schools
17. Sub-health centre
18. Primary Health Centre
19. Playground
20. Community centre
21. Places of worship
22. Separate land for tribal institutions
23. Timber forest produce
24. Security arrangements
25. Veterinary service
26. Other components, if any

Administrator Deputy Commissioner Commissioner (R&R)

Form XII
{See Rule 28(6)}

L.A. Case No. Certificate No……… Date…………....

Rehabilitation and Resettlement Certificate

This is to certify that Shri/Smt………………………….. son/wife of

………………………….… is resident of village…………….…………….
Thana…………………..……..Anchal………………….District…………………….. and belongs to
…………………. caste. For project named …………………..……..his/her land
area………………….………..acre in District……………………. Circle…………………….
Village……………………….Thana No…………….. Khata No……………….. Plot
No……………….. has been acquired in the above L.A. Case No. Due to this acquisition
Shri/Smt…………………….………… has been displaced from above mentioned current residence
and has been rehabilitated on Plot No…………….Khata
No…………….Mouza…………………Thana No…………… Anchal………………….
District………………… as per the provisions of Jharkhand Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2015.

Signature Signature
Head of the project Collector

{See Rule 29(4)}

Notice under section 21(2) or 21(4) of Act 30/2013

Name of Project :-
L.A. Case No. :-

Notice is hereby given that………………………………acres more or less of land situated

in or near the Village of…………………Thana no. ……….. Anchal……………..
District………................ bounded as below and recently marked out and measured are about to be
taken by the Government for………………………………………………………..(purpose) under
Act 30 of 2013 in accordance with Declaration No……………. Dated………………..published in
Gazette of the District ......................All persons interested in this land hereby called upon to appear
personally or by agent or advocate on …………………. (date) at the office of the
………………………………… at ………………… to state the nature of your interest in the land
and the amount and particulars of any claim for compensation, your claims to Rehabilitation and
Resettlement along with objections if any, to the measurement made under section 20 of the Act.

Name and address of land owner/raiyat :

Details of the land & boundary :

Date………………………… Collector

Form XIV

{See Rule 29(5)}

Notice under section 22(1) of Act 30/2013

Name of Project :-
L.A. Case No. :-

Notice is hereby given that………………………………acres more or less of land situated

in or near the Village of…………………Thana no. ……….. Anchal……………..
District………................ bounded as below and recently marked out and measured are about to be
taken by the Government for………………………………………………………..(purpose) under
Act 30 of 2013 in accordance with Declaration No……………. Dated………………..published in
Gazette of the District ………………………… All persons interested in this land hereby called
upon to appear personally or by agent or advocate on dated…………………. at the office of the
………………………………… at …………………….. to state the name of every other person
possessing any interest in the land or any part thereof as co-proprietor, sub-proprietor, mortgagee,
tenant or otherwise.

Name and address of land owner/raiyat :

Details of the land & boundary :

Date………………………… Collector

Form XV
{See Rule 29(6)}

Notice u/s 37(2) of the Act, 30 of 2013

Project Name :

L.A. Case No. :

Notice is hereby given that in the above case, in which you have been treated as a person
interested in award made by me on the date……………….. under Section 23 and Section 30 of the
Act, 30 of 2013.

In the award, a sum of Rupees……………………………is payable to you after producing

sufficient documents by you. If you are willing to accept payment, you should appear before me
personally or through any authorized agent on ……………………(date) or thereafter on any
working day in the office of undersigned along with documents related to land acquired and valid
ownership documents. No interest will be payable in the case of failure to appear in time.

Date………………. Collector
Details of Acquired Land

Name of Raiyat :

Village :

Survey Khata No.

Khesra No.

Form XVI

[Possession Certificate u/s 38(1) of the Act, 30 of 2013]

Certificate of possession of land made over to the party on whose behalf it has been acquired.

Certified that we have on this date…………….. (here specify the date) received/delivered possession

of............. acre of land situated in village......................., Anchal...................,

district............................. which has been acquired under L.A. Case No....................., Declaration

no............... dated....................... published at page................., part............... of the Jharkhand/District

Gazette for the purpose of ...............................................................................................................

Receiver Collector
Name/Designation of Head
of the Project


Notification under section 93(1) of Act 30/2013

Govt. of Jharkhand
Revenue & Land Reforms Dept.
(Directorate of Land Acquisition)
Collector or appropriate Government

Withdrawal from acquisition

L.A. Case No. :-

In Exercise of the powers conferred by section 93(1) of the Act 30 0f 2013, the Appropriate
Government is pleased to withdraw from the acquisition of the land required to be taken by
Government in the Village of …………………………….. Thana no. …………………………….
Anchal……………… District…………………… Area………………………… covered by
Declaration No….……… dated ………… and published at page (s) in Gazette of the
District………………………. and in two daily news papers ……………………. dated &
………………………….. dated …………………..respectively. The details of land and boundary
are mentioned here as under-

Sl. Survey plot Type of Type Area under Name & Address Boundary (Plot No.)
no. no. Title of Acquisition of person
Land (in acre)

N. S. E. W.


Name of Project :-

L.A. Case No.

Village…………Thana No........... Anchal.......................... District ..............................................

1 Name of the project for which land is being acquired:

2 Name of the requiring body:

3 Date of filing proposal:

4 Date of Notification of SIA u.s. 4(2) of the Act:

5(a) Date of the publication of Notification u/s 11(1):

(b) Date of Declaration u/s 19(1):

(c) Date of receipt of order u/s 40 (1):

(d) Date of issue of notices u/s 15(1):

(e) Date of issue of notice u/s 21(1):

6 Date on which the requiring authority took

possession of the land:
(I) By agreement with interested persons in anticipation
of formal requisition under the Act, or:
(II) Under section 38(1) of the Act:

(III) Under Section 40(1) of the Act:

7 Area under acquisition and details of

qualitative classification:
8 Rate proposed for the different classes/types of land:

9 How the rates have been determined u/s 26 of the

Act, explain briefly:
(I) Market value as specified in the Indian Stamp Act
(II) Market value by agreement between the
interested person and the requiring body:

(III) The statement of sale figure or deeds preceding 3 years
from the date of notification u/s 11 should be attached:
(IV) Rate per acre by adding multiplier factor Market value
fixed under section 26(3):
(V) Market value arrived under section 26 (3)

10 Number of houses/structures and its valuation on the

basis of attached Form IX:
11 Number of wells, tanks, boring and its valuation on
the basis of attached Form IX:
12 Number of trees and plants and its valuation on the
basis of attached Form IX:
13 Value of damages done to standing crops on
the basis of attached Form IX:
14 Rent and cess of the land acquired x 25 years

15 Amount of the cost of establishment @ 5 percent

of land Compensation, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
award and SIA fee:
16 0.5 percent contingencies charges of land
Compensation, Rehabilitation and Resettlement award
and SIA fee.

Date…………………. Collector


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