__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Plaintiff (s) (Judgment Creditor) Defendant (s) (Judgment Debtor)
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Address Address
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code City, State, Zip Code
To the Clerk:
A Judgment, Decree, or Order of a Court was entered in the case of
in the amount of $ __________________, plus $ ___________________ accrued interest, plus interest at _________ %
Address City State Zip Code
on _____________________________________
A copy of the judgment authenticated in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia is submitted.
The Judgment Creditor gave notice by mail, to the Judgment Debtor(s), of the filing of the Foreign Judgment.
Proof of mailing is attached.
_________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
DATE Signature – Attorney/Judgment Creditor
Print Name Bar No.
The Judgment indicated on the reverse side of this form has been filed in this Court. A filed foreign
judgment has the same effect as a judgment of this Court and is subject to the same procedures.
If the Judgment Debtor shows to the Court that an appeal from the foreign judgment is pending or will be
taken, or that a stay of execution has been granted and proves that the Judgment Debtor has furnished the security
for the satisfaction of the judgment required by the state in which it was rendered, the Court shall stay
enforcement of the foreign judgment until the appeal is concluded, the time for appeal expires, or the stay of
execution expires or is vacated.
If the Judgment Debtor shows to the Court any basis in which enforcement of the Court of this jurisdiction
would be stayed, the Court shall stay the enforcement of the foreign for an appropriate period, and required the
same security for satisfaction of the judgment that is required in this jurisdiction.
____________________________________ By __________________________________________
Date Deputy Clerk
Please Type the Name and Address
of the Judgment Debtor on the above lines.