Account Detail
Previous Balance 213.48
Late Payment Charge 0.00
Payment Received (12/22/23) -213.48
Remaining Balance $0.00
Current Charges
Energy Charge 95.57
Important Messages Storm Restoration Offset -2.60
This bill is your final bill. Fuel Adjustment 1440 kWh @ $0.02842 57.52
All open line items will be transferred to your new Municipal Franchise Fee 2.44
Account Number 504620314 Total Metered Charges (Contact 15300344) $152.93
January – June bills include approximately $58 Storm Restoration Charge 5.00
million in refunds to reflect a case credit for the Current Month Energy Charges $41.32
r ansas Public Service Commission’s instigation at Total Amount Due $199.25
the FERC. This reduces the Fuel Charge by Meter reading (Contract 153700344)
approximately $0.004 per kWh or $4.23 per 1,000 Meter # 6550822 Rate: LA_RS
kWh of usage. Total Days (31)
Real-Time Payment Options: Current Meter Reading (01/09/2024) 24230
- My Account Online at entergy.com Previous Meter Reading (12/10/2023) -22790
- By Phone at 800-584-1241 for a small fee kWh Metered 1440
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Sending an eligible check
payment authorizes Entergy to convert your paper
check to an electronic debt. For more information
call 1-888-627-6595. For more energy saving tips,
visit entergy.com.
Please add $1 to total bill amount for The Power to
Care. Learn more at entergy.com.
Customer Service
800-ENTERGY Amount to be transferred $199.25
PO BOX 8104
BATON ROUGE, LA 70891-8104
Page 2 of 2
Customer Name: JOHN CITIZEN
Account #: 73 998 908 - 5
Account Information Charge Details - 29 Day Billing Period From 09/22/2021 To 10/21/2021
B37 6TH ST APT 8 Smart Flex
BATON ROUGE, LA 70502-4462 Usage Charge 7.95
For outages or emergencies: Energy Charge 858 kWh @ $0.099000/kWh 84.94
call Oncor Electric Delivery Oncor Electric Delivery Charges 36.78
at 1-888-313-4747
Electricity Relief Program 0.28
ESI ID: Gross Receipts Tax Reimbursement 2.59
10443720006131901 Sales Tax 1.00% 1.33
Electric Usage Detail Current Charges $133.87
Meter Number: 115490229LG The average price you paid for electric service this month (per kWh) $0.151
Current Meter Read 10/21/2021 35095
Previous Meter Read 09/22/2021 34237
kWh Multiplier 1
kWh Usage 858
Future Pricing Information: To obtain information about the price that will apply on your next bill, please contact one of our Customer Care
representatives at 1-800-692-4776.
If you believe this bill includes unauthorized charges, you should contact us to dispute the charges. If not satisfied with our review, you may file a
complaint with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) at PO Box 13326, Austin, Texas, 78711-3326. PUCT phone number: Local (512) 936-
7120, Toll-free in Texas (888) 782-8477. Hearing and speech-impaired individuals with text telephones (TTY) may contact the commission at (512)
936-7136 or toll-free at 1-800-735-2988.
Energy Assistance Program -- We are proud to offer an Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance to customers who are experiencing a
hardship and need assistance paying their energy bills. This program is funded by customer contributions. If you wish to make a contribution,
please write the amount of your donation in the space provided. This donation may be added to your total payment or a separate payment may
be submitted.
Gross Receipts Tax Reimbursement: -- The Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) is a tax by the State of Texas on sellers of electricity. The GRT is imposed on
sellers of electricity making sales to customers in incorporated cities or towns with a population greater than 1,000, and ranges from 0.581% to
1.997%. This tax reimbursement is applicable regardless of customer tax status.
ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY UPDATE - The last time Oncor changed its charges affecting the Delivery Charges line item on this account was