Does Consumption of Fermented Foods Modify the Human Gut Microbiota?
Does Consumption of Fermented Foods Modify the Human Gut Microbiota?
Does Consumption of Fermented Foods Modify the Human Gut Microbiota?
Critical Review
Department of Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2 Department of
Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 3 Department of Biology, University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA; and 4 Institute for Prevention and Cancer Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
The human microbiota is a key contributor to many aspects of human health and its composition is largely influenced
by diet. There is a growing body of scientific evidence to suggest that gut dysbiosis (microbial imbalance of the
intestine) is associated with inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease and
asthma). Regular consumption of fermented foods (e.g., kimchi, kefir, etc.) may represent a potential avenue to counter
the proinflammatory effects of gut dysbiosis. However, an assessment of the available literature in this research area is
lacking. Here we provide a critical review of current human intervention studies that analyzed the effect of fermented
foods on the composition and/or function of the human gut microbiota. A total of 19 human intervention studies were
identified that met this search criteria. In this review, we discuss evidence that consumption of fermented foods may
modify the gut microbiota in humans. Further, there is cursory evidence to suggest that gut microbiota compositional
changes mediate associations between fermented food consumption and human health outcomes. Although promising,
there remains considerable heterogeneity in the human populations targeted in the intervention studies we identified.
Larger longitudinal feeding studies with longer follow-up are necessary to confirm and enhance the current data.
Further, future studies should consider analyzing microbiota function as a means to elucidate the mechanism linking
fermented food consumption with human health. This review highlights methodologic considerations for intervention
trials, emphasizing an expanse of research opportunities related to fermented food consumption in humans. J Nutr
Copyright C The Author(s) on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition 2020.
Manuscript received December 10, 2019. Initial review completed January 21, 2020. Revision accepted March 2, 2020.
1680 First published online March 31, 2020; doi:
composition (9, 10). For example, expression of specific genes cultures comprised of yeasts and bacteria [e.g., Kombucha
in early life is reported to influence gut microbiota composition SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts)] (17–19)
into adulthood (9). Further, in a study of 1126 twin pairs, re- (Table 1). There are many human intervention studies aimed
searchers identified heritable microbes and associations between at analyzing the effects on the gut microbiota of probiotic
specific gene loci and bacterial taxa (10). Thus, intervention fortification of fermented food products (e.g., a comparison
studies aimed at assessing the influence of dietary choices on the of the microbiota or other health effects after consumption
gut microbiota in humans are particularly challenging, because of yogurt fortified with Bifidobacteria spp. or yogurt without
each person’s microbiota may be genetically primed to react this taxon) (20, 21). The goal of this review is to assess the
differently to the same intervention. effect of spontaneously or multispecies starter-culture fermented
Fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and foods on the microbiota. Although common probiotic taxa
kefir contain relatively stable microbial ecosystems comprised may be used in the fermentation of the foods discussed in this
primarily of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and LAB primary review, these taxa are primary fermenters of the food rather
metabolites (e.g., lactic acid) (8). Some LAB are considered than secondarily added to compare the probiotic effectiveness
probiotic (e.g., Lactobacillus spp.), whereas others are currently of that specific microbe. Articles comparing effects of specific
being studied to better characterize their probiotic potential probiotic-fortified fermentations are not included in this
(11). Nevertheless, these foods contain a variety of microbes review.
that exhibit health-promoting properties, which could be Each study included in this review meets the following
integrated into one’s diet as a means to support the health of criteria: 1) the study analyzed a spontaneously fermented
the gut microbiota. food or a food fermented with a multispecies starter culture
Fermentation is a common form of food preservation, in commonly used in the commercial production of these foods,
which a resilient microbial ecosystem prevents colonization 2) the study was a human intervention (feeding) study (no
by invading microbes that may cause spoilage (Erwinia spp., observational studies were included), and 3) the composition
Pseudomonas spp.), maintaining the integrity of the food and/or metabolic function of the gut (fecal) microbiota was
over long periods of time (8, 11). The initial microbial analyzed. Three researchers (LTS, REN, and JGN) inde-
inhabitants of these ecosystems are preferentially selected from pendently reviewed the scientific literature and consistently
the environment based on the particular nutrient components identified a total of 19 studies meeting these criteria using
and pH conditions of the food (4, 5). Over time, these the following search terms in the PubMed database: “mi-
initial microbes contribute to changes in the pH of the food, crobiome” or “microbiota” in combination with “fermented
resulting in colonization by a succession of microbial species food,” “fermented,” “kefir,” “yogurt,” “wine,” “kimchi,”
(12). For example, although cabbage fermentations like kimchi “sauerkraut,” “pickled food,” “cheese,” “fermented cabbage,”
and sauerkraut are typically colonized by LAB, the particular “fermented milk,” “kombucha,” “coffee,” and “fermented tea”
species and strains of LAB differ based on the acidity of the (Table 2).
food product (Leuconostoc mesenteroides dominates early in
the colonization of the food at a pH of 5.6–4.3, whereas
Lactobacillus sakei dominates later at a pH of 4.1) (13).
Observational and interventional studies in humans suggest The Micro- and Molecular Environment of
that consumption of fermented foods is associated with Fermented Foods and Their Potential Role
protection from metabolic and immune-mediated diseases (14–
in Human Health
16). However, whether modification of the gut microbiota
composition mediates this association has yet to be determined. The fermented foods discussed in this review are fermented
To assess the relevant empirical evidence, we reviewed published predominantly by LAB (e.g., Lactobacillus spp., Streptococcus
human intervention studies of fermented foods in which thermophilus), Bifidobacteria spp., and, in the case of red wine
the gut microbiota composition (via culture-dependent or and coffee, Saccharomyces yeasts (Table 1). Introduction of
culture-independent methods) and/or metabolic function (i.e., specific LAB and Bifidobacteria species and strains into both
production of bioactive metabolites) was analyzed. We present humans and animal models suggests these bacterial taxa are
the available data on the topic, discuss gaps in the scientific capable of modifying host metabolism and immunity (22–24).
literature and challenges in study design and implementation, In addition, Saccharomyces yeasts are reported to exhibit anti-
and make recommendations for future assessment of the gut inflammatory properties, which may contribute to immune-
microbiota through dietary interventions in humans. supporting characteristics of modest wine consumption
(25, 26).
Microbial fermentation can also modify the bioactive
properties of the food itself. Through the process of fer-
Fermented Foods Discussed in This mentation, many microbes participate in the conversion of
complex carbohydrates and phenolic compounds to bioactive
metabolites (8, 27). Bioactive metabolites such as SCFAs
In this review, we assess the influence of spontaneous or are essential energy sources for host cells and are reported
multispecies starter-culture fermented food consumption on the to have significant impact on host immune, neuronal, and
composition and/or metabolic function of the human gut micro- metabolic functions (27–29). These particular metabolites also
biota. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, coffee, and modulate gut immune function and energy production by
pickled vegetables (pickles, olives, etc.) undergo a spontaneous colonic cells, affecting host–microbiota interactions (28, 30).
fermentation process and are subject to microbial colonization Thus, consumption of fermented foods may introduce both
that is influenced by the surrounding environment (13) (Table probiotic microbes and their beneficial by-products, alluding to
1). Yogurt, cheese, soy products, kefir, kombucha/fermented a mechanism by which these foods support aspects of human
teas, and wine are typically fermented with multispecies starter health.
Do fermented foods modify the gut microbiota? 1681
TABLE 1 Microbial compositions of fermented foods addressed in this review1
Stiemsma et al.
Lisko et al. (19) Parallel-group Yogurt Microbiota after consumption 6 healthy adults aged 6 wk 250 g, once daily Nonsignificant shifts in No other health outcomes
design of yogurt compared with 18–54 y Bifidobacteria spp. were were assessed.
the microbiota before observed.
consumption of yogurt
Yang and Sheu Parallel-group Yogurt Microbiota after consumption 38 Helicobacter 4 wk 200 mL, twice Intervention reduced the Intervention reduced H.
(35) design of yogurt compared with pylori–infected and 38 daily Escherichia pylori loads (P < 0.05)
the microbiota before healthy children aged coli:Bifidobacterium ratio and elevated serum
consumption of yogurt 4–12 y (P < 0.03) in H. IgA and pepsinogen II
pylori–infected children. concentrations
(P < 0.001).
Firmesse et al. Before and after Camembert Microbiota after consumption 12 healthy volunteers (no age 4 wk 40 g, twice daily Enterococcus faecalis No other health outcomes
(43) design cheese of cheese compared with specified) increased in abundance were assessed.
the microbiota before after the intervention
consumption of cheese period (P < 0.05).
Firmesse et al. Before and after Camembert Microbiota after consumption 12 healthy volunteers (no age 4 wk 40 g, twice daily High concentrations of Nitrate reductase activity
(36) design cheese of cheese compared with specified) Lactococcus lactis and decreased during the
the microbiota before Leuconostoc intervention.
consumption of cheese mesenteroides measured
in fecal samples during
the intervention. L.
mesenteroides persisted
15 d after the intervention
Clemente-Postigo Crossover Red wine Microbiota of participants 10 healthy adult males aged 20 d each, no 272 mL, once daily Red wine increased No significant differences
et al. (44) intervention who consumed red wine 45–50 y washouts (red wine and Prevotella abundance were observed for LPS
compared with the dealcoholized (P < 0.01), red wine or LBP concentrations
microbiota of participants red wine), 100 polyphenols (alcoholized between interventions.
who consumed mL gin once and dealcoholized) Reductions in
dealcoholized red wine, daily increased Bifidobacterium Prevotella and
and gin abundance (P < 0.01). Bifidobacterium
correlated with LPS
(P < 0.05 and
P < 0.01,
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Food product Frequency and Other health or
tested in the Duration of the dose of the Effect on the gut physiological
Citation Study design intervention Comparison made Participants intervention intervention microbiota observations
Cheng et al. (49) Crossover Fermented Microbiota of participants 28 healthy adults aged 2 wk 250 mL, twice Decrease in coliform No other health outcomes
intervention soybean milk who consumed fermented 20–25 y; 14 consumed daily organisms and Clostridium were assessed.
Stiemsma et al.
soybean milk compared fermented soybean milk, perfringens (P < 0.05),
with the microbiota of 14 consumed increase in
participants who nonfermented soybean Bifidobacterium and
consumed nonfermented milk Lactobacillus spp.
soybean milk (P < 0.05).
Nielsen et al. (39) Parallel-group Lacto-fermented Microbiota of participants 34 patients with IBS aged 6 wk, followed by 75 g, once daily Both pasteurized and Both pasteurized and
design sauerkraut who consumed 16–65 y; 15 consumed a 2-wk unpasteurized sauerkraut unpasteurized
unpasteurized sauerkraut pasteurized sauerkraut, 19 follow-up led to significant gut sauerkraut resulted in
compared with the consumed unpasteurized microbiota compositional decreased IBS severity
microbiota of participants sauerkraut changes (P < 0.001). scores.
who consumed Sauerkraut-related LAB
pasteurized sauerkraut were significantly
increased in guts of
patients who consumed
unpasteurized sauerkraut.
Chiu et al. (50) Parallel-group Fermented plant Microbiota of participants 44 patients with 8 wk, followed by 30 mL, twice daily Individuals who consumed Consumption of
design extract who consumed fermented hypercholesterolemia a 2-wk the fermented plant fermented plant
plant extract compared aged 30–60 y; 22 received follow-up extract displayed extract increased total
with the microbiota of fermented plant extract, increased gut antioxidant capacity
participants who received 22 received placebo Bifidobacteria (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05) and
placebo and Lactobacillus spp. decreased the lipid
(P < 0.01) and decreased profile (P < 0.05).
E. coli and C. perfringens
(P < 0.05).
Han et al. (15) Parallel-group Kimchi Microbiota of participants 23 obese women aged 8 wk 60 g, thrice daily Significant increase in Negative correlation
design who consumed fresh 30–60 y; 12 consumed Bifidobacterium between
kimchi compared with the fresh kimchi, 11 consumed abundance after kimchi Bifidobacterium and
microbiota of participants fermented kimchi consumption for 8 wk. waist circumference
who consumed fermented Nonsignificant shifts in (P < 0.05). This group
kimchi other bacterial taxa. also observed
upregulation of genes
associated with
metabolism, immunity,
and digestion
(P < 0.05), which also
correlated with
bacterial taxa
(P < 0.05).
No other health outcomes
observed a decrease in Bilophila wadsworthia (a pathobiont)
Increase in T regulatory
and an increase in butyrate-producing bacteria (33). They also
Other health or
were assessed.
consumption of
observed an increase in SCFA production, specifically butyrate,
fermented tea
in the gut after consumption of fermented milk (33). Among
(P < 0.01).
cells after
45 adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease, researchers
reported increased Lactobacillus spp. counts in the feces of the
patients who consumed fermented milk for 4 wk (n = 25)
compared with untreated patients (n = 20) (34). This increase in
abundance of Lactobacillus spp. was accompanied by decreased
Increase in Bifidobacterium
in cluster IX (P < 0.05).
bloating scores and increased “feeling good” scores among the
Effect on the gut
Increase in Clostridium
patients (34). These 2 studies suggest the gut microbiota as a me-
dose of the
We identified 2 studies that tested the effect of yogurt
3 cups/d
3 wk
21–57 y
Camembert cheese.
Microbiota after consumption
tea (Cha-Koji)
tested in the
were observed.
Collectively, there are too few studies in each of these
fermented dairy categories to suggest a particular pattern
of gut microbiota modulation after consumption of these
Study design
Before and after
TABLE 2 (Continued)
B1 I1
Sample Sample
collection collection
Study Start
Study End
B0 Group B
B1 I1
Sample Sample
Study Start collection collection
B0 Study End
B Product A Product B
Washout Washout
Intervention Intervention
B1 I1 B2 I2
Sample Sample Sample Sample
collection collection collection collection
Study Start
Study End
FIGURE 1 Study design strategies for human dietary intervention studies. (A) Parallel-group study design. Participants are randomly assigned
to 1 intervention only. Samples are collected at B1 and I1. (B) Randomized crossover dietary intervention study design. Participants are randomly
assigned to an intervention sequence. For example, group A consumes product A first and product B second. Samples are collected at B1, I1,
B2, and I2. B0, beginning of study; B1, baseline 1; B2, baseline 2; I1, intervention 1; I2, intervention 2.
used to ferment these foods and the amount of each of these fermented food on the microbiota. While some feeding studies
fermenters within the food may also vary significantly between included only healthy participants, other interventions focussed
studies, increasing the variability of gut microbiota alterations on populations with particular disorders. It is likely that
observed after fermented food consumption (Table 1). Finally, fermented foods affect balanced microbiota differently than
many studies in which additional health outcomes were assessed microbial dysbiosis. Future studies need to account for the
suggest the microbiota as a mediator of the immune and baseline microbiota as an important predictor.
metabolic benefits linked with fermented food consumption.
However, sample size calculations for the analyses of microbiota Suggestions for human intervention study design
composition were not reported for these studies and the Two study designs are most commonly used in dietary
majority are insufficiently powered to conduct mediation interventions: the parallel-group design and the crossover study
analyses to confirm this. design.
In the parallel-group design, participants are randomly
assigned to ≥2 interventions (Figure 1A). Evaluations may
be made by comparing 1 (or more) interventions with a no-
Challenges and Areas for Future Research
intervention arm. This design is often employed when studying
There are very few published intervention studies for the the effect of an intervention on 1 group of participants (e.g.,
majority of the foods discussed in this review (some foods are healthy) and comparing the effects of the intervention to those
represented by only 1 human intervention study). Consequently, of participants in another group (e.g., diseased). However, the
the study designs used to conduct these dietary interventions parallel-group design presents many challenges with regard to
are rather heterogeneous. Other than the duration of the individual variability, particularly in studies aimed at analyzing
intervention, which averaged ∼4 wk for most studies, the the human microbiota. Alternatively, in the crossover design,
amount of fermented food consumed, the number of partici- individual variability is reduced because comparisons are made
pants included, and the comparisons made vary significantly within each participant. In this design, individuals are randomly
across studies (Table 2). The duration of intervention was assigned into intervention sequences (Figure 1B) and samples
generally not well justified. Therefore, a lack of change in are collected before and after each intervention in the sequence.
the microbiota composition may be simply due to insufficient Both designs are represented in studies discussed in this review;
intervention duration. A better understanding of the minimum additional benefits and pitfalls of each are discussed below.
number of weeks required for a specific fermented food to Currently no benchmark for the “normal” human micro-
be consumed to instigate changes in the microbiota will be biota exists against which to measure “change” of the micro-
essential to inform future research. Moreover, the choice of biota composition. There is significant baseline (noninforma-
the study population will likely impact the influence of the tive) variability in microbiota composition between individuals
Do fermented foods modify the gut microbiota? 1689
(53). The main bacterial colonizers of the gut microbiota can be researchers are currently excluding the potential influence of
grouped into 2 phyla: Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes (53). Even a large microbial population in the gut. There is growing
at this high taxonomic rank, the Bacteroidetes:Firmicutes ratio evidence that the mycobiota plays an equally significant role in
has been reported to differ by an order of magnitude between human health (56). Further, because many fermented foods are
healthy individuals (53). The genera and species that comprise colonized by both yeasts and bacteria, analysis of the fungal
these phyla are highly variable and the presence of specific populations would provide a more holistic view of the gut
species depends strongly on the individual’s genetic background microbial populations affected by fermented food consumption.
and environmental exposome (e.g., diet, medications) (53). In addition, changes in bacterial composition after a dietary
Further, there is differential responsiveness among people, with intervention do not necessarily translate to functional changes
one individual’s microbiota being responsive and another’s in the gut microbiota. Given that sample size is a limitation in
being resilient to dietary modifications (54). For example, human intervention studies, many studies lack statistical power
1 study used a parallel-group design to analyze the effect to conduct mediation analyses that might address whether
of inulin consumption on the gut microbiota compared with the microbiota mediates the association between fermented
placebo (maltodextrin) (55). The authors reported that the food consumption and other health outcomes. However, it
increase in Bifidobacteria after the intervention was largely may be possible to address this mechanistic gap by conducting
driven by the baseline Bifidobacteria abundances (55). Thus, functional analyses on the gut microbiota in addition to the
a key flaw in the parallel-group design is the inability to compositional assessment. Microbial metabolomics or meta-
distinguish between microbiota compositional changes induced transcriptomics (analysis of the microbiota’s gene expression)
by the food product and those induced by interindividual could be applied to intervention studies in the future as a means
differences at baseline. to elucidate the mechanisms by which diet-induced variation in
In addition, when using the parallel-group design, the microbiota composition can lead to changes in health outcomes.
study size needs to be generally double that of a crossover
design. In the crossover design, all participants complete
both interventions, effectively doubling the total number of
participants in each group. Although it may be necessary to Conclusions
use the parallel-group design when testing a product among In this review, we identified 19 human intervention studies that
2 different groups of participants (e.g., healthy compared with analyzed the effect of naturally fermented food consumption
diseased), this design should be avoided when analyzing the on the gut microbiota. Currently, the data are too sparse
effects of multiple interventions (e.g., fermented food compared to suggest that 1 particular fermented food modifies the
with nonfermented food). gut microbiota in a specific pattern. However, because the
The crossover design is often preferable for dietary inter- majority of these foods are colonized by LAB, Saccharomyces
ventions for the aforementioned reasons. However, this design yeasts, and Bifidobacteria spp., we conclude that consumption
has its own set of limitations. If the interventions tested are of foods comprised of these particular fermenters may be
of significant duration (e.g., several months), it can be difficult potential dietary targets to prevent or overcome gut dysbiosis in
to enroll and maintain participants in the study because the humans. Further, a number of studies identified compositional
sequence of intervention doubles or triples the length of the changes to the gut microbiota along with changes to immune
study. Secondly, gut microbiota composition can shift over time, or metabolic factors in the human host. This suggests the
regardless of whether an individual has introduced a major microbiota as a mediator between fermented food consumption
change to their lifestyle (53). Moreover, if the dynamics of and these health outcomes. However, future studies should
the exposure–microbiota association are not well understood, consider functional analyses (microbial metabolomics, meta-
carryover effects may dilute comparisons between intervention transcriptomics) to better characterize the mechanisms linking
sequences. However, these challenges may be mitigated by fermented food consumption to changes in human health.
collecting new baseline samples after a washout period and Researchers should also carefully consider the design of
before beginning the next intervention in the sequence. their intervention study. Crossover designs would enhance
Each study type presents its own challenges and advantages. the statistical power owing to paired comparisons. Further,
However, if the research question is aimed at analyzing the effect the mycobiota is extremely understudied in this research
of fermented foods compared with nonfermented foods on the area, highlighting a novel opportunity for future intervention
gut microbiota, rather than comparing the effect of fermented studies.
food consumption between 2 groups of people, the crossover
design is superior. This design reduces the impacts of genetic Acknowledgments
and environmental variability and allows for maintaining the The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—LTS and KBM:
same statistical power as a parallel-group study with a smaller conceptualized the study and have primary responsibility for
sample size. Ultimately, selecting an unbiased study design is the final content; LTS, REN, and JGN: conducted the literature
of the utmost importance because it can significantly affect the review; LTS: wrote the manuscript; REN and JGN: contributed
interpretation of the results collected. to the construction of Table 2 and reviewed and edited the
manuscript; KBM: critically reviewed and provided significant
Functional analyses and the gut mycobiome revisions to the manuscript; and all authors: read and approved
Two areas which future intervention studies might consider the final manuscript.
expanding on include 1) analysis of the gut mycobiota (the
fungal complement to the bacterial microbiota) and 2) analysis
of microbiota function via metabolomics and metagenomics.
All of the studies discussed in this review focused solely on References
characterization of the bacterial microbiota composition after 1. Sekirov I, Russell SL, Antunes LCM, Finlay BB. Gut microbiota in health
fermented food consumption. By focusing solely on bacteria, and disease. Physiol Rev 2010;90:859–904.