Feminism Archi
Feminism Archi
Feminism Archi
Ba political sci h
Introduction - The role of women in the education since the ancient period is
critical to examine during the phases of life women faced oppression, humiliation,
subjugation but progress at the same time .Being a male-dominated, traditionalist
and static society, The primary duty of women was to take care of the home and
children. But the ancient Hindu sources not only refute this idea but also strengthen
the claim that the
women in ancient India were educated, intelligent and an important part of the
society. They not only performed household duties but also used to serve for the
betterment of society. But the other side patriarchy also become stigma on female
which claim’s male dominated society at educational, household etc
Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” -ELIN NORDEGREN
from enjoying free and esteemed positions in theRig-Vedic society, women started
being discriminated against since the Later-Vedic period in education and other
rights and facilities. Child marriage, widow burning, the purdah and polygamy further
worsened the women’s position.
women role and politics Archaeology, ancient texts, and artefacts are being
used to reconstruct the lives of women.
Much of the ideal role of women can be ascertained from the images of a maiden
and bride in the Rig Veda. A daughter and maiden were praised for the
characteristics of radiance and appealing adornment. This description suggests
interest in feminine sensuality, child-bearing capacity of the young girl, hand the
patriarchal system claimed women had no role in the field of education and working.
Women aspiring role towards education Since the Vedic period women
treated as goddess but after that patriarchy become popularised later in middle of
18th century,
Gradually this fight for women’s empowerment in India grew strong. There have
been social reforms and many men participated in them too like Raja Rammohan
Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekananda, and Swami Dayananda
Saraswat. All of them had helped women to receive back their previous status in
According to history
The origin of this empowerment and its concept of it had come up in the civil rights
movements of the USA in 1960. To be more specific Mary wollestone become the
first liberal feminist who has great role in
Empowerment women in her publication vindication of right of women hence
The status of women in India, through the past few millennia, has changed a lot. The
whole 19th century is in one sense said to be the women’s century all over the world.
All over the world women’s education became a moot question, which was not a
topic of discussion lately but somehow the western world had some influence on
women’s empowerment in India. And a big change came into existence. Huge
dispatch has been step up in 1850 school setup for women education.
‘’Heaton and Lawson (1996) argued that the hidden curriculum taught patriarchal
values in schools. ‘’
2-Education legitimises patriarchy and teaches women and girls to accept their
position in society
Educational status of women in India As per the 2011 Census, the total literacy rate
in India stands at 74.00 per cent and the rate of literacy among women is 65.46 per
cent. The percentage of female literacy in the country was 54.16 per cent in 2001.
The literacy rate in the Country has increased from 18.33 per cent in 1951 to 74.00
per cent as per 2011 census. The female literacy rate has also increased from 8.86
per cent in 1951 to 65.46 per cent in 2011.
1925, the National Council of Women in India, a national branch of the International
Council of Women, was formed.
The Constitution (One Hundred and Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2008 seeks to reserve
one-third of all seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the state legislative
Raymond Boudon, in his Education Opportunity and Social Inequality, 1974, shows
that the role of education in providing avenues for social mobility is not very
significant. In fact, education based on equality only perpetuates inequality. Societal
structures that perpetuate gender inequalities, such as discriminatory laws and
cultural practices, must be reformed to create an environment where education can
truly challenge patriarchy.
In Modern Times, lesser female labour force participation despite increase in literacy
rate as well as verv high dropt out rates around 30 doesn't provide that education is not
only enough to eradicate patricharhy.