Programme Assistant Posts Application Form UAS Bangalore
Programme Assistant Posts Application Form UAS Bangalore
Name : ___________________________________________________
6. If a candidate has submitted more than one application for the same
post, the latest application submitted within the prescribed last date
shall be considered as valid for the purpose of recruitment process.
3. Address
(to which all communications to be
sent) Telephone No. with STD code .,
e-mail : Mobile number:
5. a) Sex
Male Female Others
b) Marital Status
Note: Claims under item 7 to be supported with valid certificate issued by the
competent authorities.
9. Languages Known
Mention the
Languages Read Write Speak
Examination Passed
Marks College /
Examination / Year of
Subject Studied obtained University /
Degree passed completion
(%) Institution
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
PG diploma of not
less than one year
Ph.D Degree
Any Training
For less than
one month
Note: 1. Field of specialization should be indicated clearly at the Master’s, Ph.D and
Post Graduate Diploma level.
2. The candidate shall furnish attested copy of the certificate of equivalent
percentage of marks in the case of award of marks other than 10 point scale.
State Award
Professional Society
Note: If candidate has secured more than one Award / Medal / Recognition for the
same degree and or achievement, the highest award will be considered for
allotting marks.
Note: Use separate sheet, if necessary. Enclose certificate issued by the competent
13. Publications
Number of Publications
Particulars of Publication Name within Above three
three authors authors
a) Research papers published in standard
scientific journals
b) Research notes / short communications
published in standard journals or periodicals
like Current Research
c) Papers presented and documented in
Seminars / Symposia / Conferences at
International level
d) Popular article published in leading Dailies /
Institutional / Govt. Departments Periodicals
e) Paper presented and documented in National
conferences / Symposia / Seminars and also
articles published in sourvenirs
f) Research bulletins / Extension bulletins /
Extension folders / Chapters in books
published by Universities / National
institutes / Standard commercial publishers
Note: a) All the publications mentioned above should have been published as on
the last date prescribed for submission of filledin application.
b) The first three authors in all the above cases will get full marks, while the
rest of the authors will get 50 % of the marks allotted to each item.
c) The candidates should furnish the list of publications in chronological
order of year of publication grouping them into name appearing within
three authors and name appearing after 3rd author under each group by
enclosing the copy of the publications in the same order.
14. Reference(furnish Name, Mobile no and Address of three persons not related to the
applicant) :
I hereby declare that the information furnished in this Application Form and the additional
information furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case, the
information furnished is proved to be false, I shall undertake that I may be punished in
accordance with law.
Date: Signature of the applicant
Rs. _____________________ .
of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The Confidential Reports of the employee for the
past five years are *Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory. Attested confidential reports will
Date :
(Applicable only to UAS(B) Employees)
Rs. _____________________.
Date :