Theories of intelligence have evolved over time, from the early work of
Binet and Simon (1916) to the more recent triarchic theory of Sternberg
focused on the development and use of intelligence tests. These tests are
1988). However, the use of intelligence tests has also been the subject of
controversy and debate, with some critics arguing that the tests are
(Guilford, 1967).
was developed by Alfred Binet and Sakharam Kamat. The test is designed
widely used in educational and clinical settings (Binet & Kamat, 1916).
To assess the intelligence of the participant using Binet Kamath test of
Participant details
Name: SA
Gender: Male
Education:UKG student
Materials required
•Stop watch
The subject was seated comfortably in a distraction free room and having proper
light and verification. gave brief idea about the assessment test and ensured the
confidentiality and rapport was established. Detailed instructions for each subtest
was gives as per the BKT manual. According to the age level of the participant test
of previous level is administered. The test like repetition of Digits and repetition of
The standard procedure at BKT was followed which is to begin the test at a level
slightly below the subject's age. If the individual fails the test within the
year level first administered, then the next lower level is given. This
passed. This level is known as the "Basal Age." If testing is failed at this
age, it is known as the "Testing Age" or the age at which the test is
The BKT (Binet-Kamat Test) items are scored on an all-or-none basis. For
the test manual. Computing Basal Age involves identifying the highest age
level below which all the test items are passed. Conversely, the Testing
15(SD of WAIS)
18.7(SD of BKT)
Example calculation:
IQ = (18.7 / 2) = ?