Bacterial Culturing Techniques
Bacterial Culturing Techniques
Bacterial Culturing Techniques
Discipline Courses-I
Paper: Phycology and Microbiology
Lesson: Bacterial Culturing techniques
Lesson Developer: Richa Sharma
College/Department: Microbiology, University of Delhi
Table of Contents
Microbial culturing
Why do we culture microbes?
How to culture microbes?
Culture media
Pure cultures
Streak plate method
Spread plate method
Pour plate method
Culture maintenance
Culture collections
How to distinguish between microbes morphologically?
Are all microbes culturable?
Microbial Growth
Requirements for growth
Nutritional factors
Physical factors
Study of growth
Phases of growth
Measurements of growth
Exercise/ Practice
References/ Bibliography/ Further Reading
Microbial Culturing
“Culturing” microbes means propagating and maintaining micro-organisms. In this
section we will study why, how and under what conditions should we culture micro-
Micro-organisms play vital role in various aspects of our life. Besides being an inherent
part of our system (human microflora), micro-organisms find applications in almost every
sector ranging from industrial, food, and pharmaceutical to environmental. Micro-
organisms aid in the manufacture of industrially important products, food products and
recycle of substances etc. The other side of the coin, however, is that a tiny but
significant proportion of micro-organisms cause human diseases. Other detrimental
effects of microbes include food spoilage, biodeterioration etc.
Both these positive as well as negative implications of microbes are very important and
need to be studied in detail. The basic tool for studying microbes is by their ‘culturing’.
The preliminary step before we can study any aspect of microbial growth, physiology or
application, we need to first culture (grow) them, therefore microbial culturing becomes
the first and most important technique in microbiology. Microbial cultures are used to
determine the type of organism and its abundance.
In this section we will learn about the requirements and techniques used for culturing
microbes. Pre-requisite for the growth of a microbe is a “culture medium” which is a
source of nutrients required for the growth and maintenance of the micro-organism.
Culture media
Types of media
I. Based on the composition of the medium, it can be of two types:
1. Complex/ Chemically undefined media
It is referred to as ‘complex’ because the exact components and their quantity is not
defined. It consists of complex raw materials mainly plant and animal hydrolysates such
as peptone, soyabean extract, beef extract and meat extract.
Complex media is used for routine cultivation of micro-organisms. Example of the most
commonly used complex medium is nutrient broth/ nutrient agar.
Water 1L
Water 1.0 L
II. Based on the physical nature of the medium, it can be of three types:
1. Liquid medium
Liquid media are usually used for propagation of pure culture. In addition to supplying nutrients,
liquid medium can assist in the maintenance of pH using various buffers.
2. Solid medium
Solid media are generally agar based. Agar is a non-nutritive, solidifying agent added to a
medium for its solidification. Agar is a polysaccharide derived from marine red algae. It is
dissolved in aqueous solutions and gels when the temperature is reduced below 45 oC. It is used
at a concentration of 1.5-2%. It forms a firm, transparent gel that is not degraded by bacteria.
The solidified medium can be used to cultivate many different types of microbes, isolate pure
cultures, for determining characteristics of colonies and to measure population growth etc.
3. Semi-solid medium
Besides liquid and solid media, semi-solid medium is also prepared by addition of agar at 0.5%.
It is used for cultivation of microaerophilic bacteria and for determination of bacterial motility.
2. Differential media
Differential media helps distinguish between different microbes in a mixture based on specific
biochemical or physiological properties. Example: Blood agar can differentiate between
haemolytic vs. non-hemolytic bacteria i.e. bacteria that can hemolyze (destroy) red blood cells
(RBC) and others that do not. Among the hemolytic bacteria too, the ones which cause complete
lysis of RBC form a clear zone around the colonies and are referred to as ‘β-hemolytic’. The ones
which partially hydrolyze RBC form a greenish halo around their colony and are referred to as ‘α-
3. Enriched media
Certain fastidious micro-organisms are difficult-to-grow in basic media as they have complex
nutritious requirements. For cultivation of such organisms, enriched medium is used. In addition
to a complex base, enriched media contains special nutrients such as blood, serum or other
highly nutritious substances. Example: Blood agar for Streptococci, Chocolate agar for Neisseria
sp. Blood provides protein, carbohydrates, lipid, iron and a number of growth factors and
vitamins necessary for their cultivation.
Source: Author
Pure cultures
Pure cultures can be prepared in several ways. The basic concept is that if cells from a
mixture are spatially isolated, each cell will give rise to a separate colony. Colony is a
visible cluster of micro-organisms in or on a solid medium. Each colony represents a pure
culture as each colony arises from a single cell. Few common techniques used for
isolation of pure cultures are discussed below:
In this method, a dilution gradient of cells is formed across the plate because of which the
number of cells decreases with subsequent streaks. This leads to spatial separation of
micro-organism; each separate bacterium develops into a visible colony.
Many different streaking patterns can be used to separate individual bacterial cells on the
agar surface viz. continuous streak, two- streaks, T-streaks (Three sector-streak), quadrant
streak (four streaks) etc. If the initial concentration of microbes is high, the number of
streaks to obtain an isolated colony should be more.
inoculum for the second sector is obtained from the first sector.
4. The same steps are followed for the subsequent streaks.
5. This is followed by incubation of the plates under favorable conditions.
6. After incubation, i.e. generally 24h, isolated colonies appear.
In this method, a mixture of bacterial cells is diluted in sterile saline before separating
them spatially. After serial dilutions, 0.1 ml or lesser volume of an appropriately
diluted culture is spread over the surface of an agar plate using a sterile glass
spreader. The plate is then incubated under appropriate conditions until isolated
colonies appear.
Culture Maintenance
The main aim of culture maintenance and preservation is to maintain strains alive,
uncontaminated and to prevent any change in their characteristics.
1. Sub-culturing
It involves periodic transfer of stock culture to fresh medium to prepare fresh stock
culture. The culture medium, temperature and time interval at which transfers are made
vary with the species. Usually heterotrophs remain variable for several weeks or months
on nutrient agar.
2. Lyophilization (Freeze-drying)
Ordinary drying of most bacteria leads to loss of viability however freeze drying canbe
used as an effective method for long term culture preservation.
In this method, water are removed from a frozen product via sublimation. Sublimation
occurs when a frozen liquid goes directly to a gaseous state without entering a liquid
A dense cell suspension is placed in small vials (ampules) and frozen at -60 to-
Drying is performed under vaccum. The vials containing frozen culture are
connected to high vaccum. The ice present in them sublimes resulting in
dehydrated culture. The vials are finally sealed off under vaccum and stored in a
Overall, lyophilized process results in stable, readily rehydrated, long term preservation
of cultures.
A. B.
Source: A: Author
Freezing a suspension of living cells results in decrease in viability as ice crystals begin to form
and the concentration of solutes in the suspension increases.
Method: The cell suspension is sealed into small vials and then frozen at a controlled rate to -
150oC. The ampules are then stored in liquid nitrogen refrigerator.
The recovery of cryopreserved cells requires the rapid thawing of the bacterial suspension
followed by transferring of the entire contents to an appropriate growth medium.
1. Relatively expensive since the liquid nitrogen needs to be replenished after regular
Details of various methods of culture preservation can also be studied in detail from ATCC
bacterial culture guide (Web link 1.1).
Culture Collections
Earlier each microbiologist used to keep a personal collection of cultures important to them.
However, maintaining and preserving various cultures is a tedious job and in the process
many important strains become lost. There are certain strains which are taxonomically
important referred to as ‘type strain’. In addition there are other strains whose special
properties are useful for various purposes. Preserving such stains is very important and thus
there was a need of central bodies for culture preservation. In this respect, now a number of
central culture collections exist whose main purpose is the acquisition, preservation and
distribution of authentic cultures.
A detailed list of various culture collections of bacteria across the world are given at J.P.
Euzéby list (Web link 1.2). Out of all, the most widely known are the American Type Culture
Collection (ATCC) and Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ). In
India, the major is Microbial Type Culture Collection (MTCC) located in Chandigarh.
Microbiologists who report a new species or any novel property of a novel strain are expected
to deposit their strains with one or more national culture collections so that it can be
preserved and available in the public domain for other researchers to work.
Each bacterial colony has distinct characteristics which gives a clue for bacterial identification.
There are number of characteristics of a colony which one should observe viz. size, margin,
surface texture, elevation etc. A vast variation in each of the characteristics is observed:
Characteristics of the same culture may vary from medium to medium so to identify,
reference culture should be on the same medium.
You will be surprised to know that less than 1% of the species in natural water and soil
samples can be cultured in laboratory. The rest are non-culturable organism and are thus
referred to as VBNC (Viable but non-culturable). They are alive but are temporarily
unable to reproduce. VBNC bacteria are identified using direct microscopic examination
and amplification of 16S rRNA sequence.
It has been thought that a genetic response triggered by stress or starvation causes an
organism to become VBNC. They remain non-culturable as the right conditions/nutritional
requirements for their growth in the laboratory have not yet been created. Example: Few
Chlamydiae and rickettsiae can only remain viable in animals or cell cultures. They fail to
grow in even enriched medium.
The vast diversity of VBNC organisms need to be explored for their untapped potential
however, these can have negative implications too. Most of the tests for affirming food
and drinking water safety are culture based. As these organisms are VBNC, they could
pose serious public health threats. Overall, VBNC organisms open up a vast and
unexplored area of research.
Microbial growth
Till now we have been discussing microbial culturing, its techniques and media. To
complete our study, we need to identify the requirements of micro-organisms for growth
and also consider the measurements used to evaluate growth.
Microbial growth refers to the increase in the number of cells not the size of cells. All
microbes have specific requirements for growth. These can be broadly classified into two
categories: nutritional and physical. Nutritional include sources of carbon, nitrogen,
sulphur, phosphorus and trace elements. Physical factors include temperature, pH and
oxygen concentration.
Nutritional factors
Carbon is one of the major structural backbone forming any microbial cell. Based on the
source of carbon, micro-organisms can be divided into two categories:
1. Autotrophs: Source of carbon is carbon dioxide
In addition to carbon, nitrogen and sulphur is also required for protein synthesis.
Synthesis of DNA and RNA requires nitrogen and phosphorus. ATP i.e. the energy
currency of the cell requires phosphorus. Phosphorus is also essential for synthesis of
phospholipids of cell membrane.
Sources of nitrogen can vary from organism to organism. Most bacteria take up amino
acids as a source of nitrogen however others use nitrogen from ammonium ions (NH 4+) or
nitrate (NO3-). Some special bacteria like cyanobacteria can use gaseous nitrogen. This
process is called nitrogen fixation. Natural sources of sulphur are hydrogen sulphide,
sulphate ions and sulphur containing amino acids. Important source of phosphorus is the
phosphate ion (PO43-).
Trace elements
Certain mineral elements which are required by microbes in very small amounts are
referred to as trace elements. Example: Copper, zinc, iron etc. Most of these act as
cofactors of certain enzymes.
Physical factors
Temperature is one of the most critical factor governing growth of microbes. Each
bacteria has an optimal growth temperature where is exhibits maximum growth. Their
maximum and minimum growth temperatures are around 30 oC apart. On the basis of
optimal growth temperature, microbes can be divided into the following three groups:
Source: Author
Each microbe has a definite pH growth range in which it can survive. Depending on its pH
optima, microbes can be divided into three categories:
1. Acidophiles
They have growth optima between pH 0 and 5.5. Eg. Thiobacillus
thiooxidans, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
2. Neutrophiles
Their growth optimum is between pH 5.5 to 8.0. Eg. Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus
3. Alkalophiles
Their growth optima is between pH 8.0 to 11.5. Eg. Bacillus alcalophilus,
Microcyctis aeruginosa.
Most of the bacteria are neutrophiles however molds and fungi generally grow at acidic
pH. Acidophilic bacteria are important for the food and dairy industries. Eg. Acid produced
by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus is used to convert milk to buttermilk.
1. Obligate aerobes
2. Obligate anaerobes
3. Facultative anaerobes
4. Microaerophiles
5. Aerotolerant
It can be seen that obligate anaerobes cannot tolerate oxygen at all. They cease to grow
even in presence of low concentrations of oxygen. We need to know the reasons for such
oxygen toxicity.
The major reasons for oxygen toxicity are the toxic forms of oxygen that are formed. Few
cellular reactions which involve molecular oxygen can result in formation of one or more
of the following toxic radicals
The reactions that lead to the formation of these radicals are as follows:
All these radicals are highly toxic to the cell. Toxicity of superoxide ion is because of its
great instability which leads it to steal an electron from neighboring molecule and that of
hydrogen peroxide is because it is a powerful oxidizing agent.
Aerobes and facultative organism have developed protective mechanism to protect
against these toxic elements. They produce enzymes such as superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase and peroxidases which neutralize the effect of these toxic radicals.
SOD converts superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide which is in turn converted to water
and oxygen by catalase.
Catalase and peroxidase prevent the formation of hydroxyl ion thus protecting the
organism. Anaerobic bacteria lack both SOD or catalase therefore they are highly
sensitive to oxygen.
rendered oxygen free by reaction with hydrogen. Media are inoculated within the
chamber by means of the glove ports and incubated also within the chamber .
Usually micro-organisms cannot tolerate high osmotic pressure. They grow normally in
isotonic solution where the osmotic pressure in the cell is equivalent to a solute
concentration of 0.85% NaCl. In a hypertonic solution (concentration of solute such as
NaCl is higher in surrounding medium than in the cell), growth of the cell is inhibited due
to plasmolysis i.e. osmotic loss of water.
However, there are a few organisms which can tolerate high salt concentrations. These
are referred to as halophiles. Obligate halophiles are those which require high salt
concentration for growth. Facultative halophiles are those which do not require high salt
concentration but can tolerate higher salt concentrations upto 15%.
Hydrostatic pressure is referred to as the pressure exerted by the weight of water. Few
extremophilic organisms which can tolerate high pressure are referred to as barophiles.
Such organisms will not be able to survive at normal atmospheric pressures.
Study of growth
Bacteria generally divide by binary fission. Few bacteria reproduce by budding and
fragmentation respectively.
Generation time
It is referred to as the time required for a cell to divide that is to double. As binary
fission is the most common means of division, we will take it into account. In binary
fission, if a single cell divides, it produces two cells.
If we assume there are no cell deaths, then each successive generation doubles
the population therefore after a given point of time, the total population, N will be
N = No x 2n
Therefore, if we know initial population and final population after a given period of time,
we can calculate the number of generations.
Further, the generation time (g) can be determined using the following formula,
All bacteria have different generation time. E. coli has a generation time between 15 to
20 min. Among a species also generation time varies depending on various nutritional
and physical conditions of growth i.e. medium, pH, temperature etc.
Phases of growth
A bacterial growth curve which shows growth of cells over time can be divided into four
major phases .
1. Lag phase
The first phase is referred to as the ‘Lag phase’. When an inoculum of bacteria is
added to a medium, the number of cells does not increase immediately. There is
little or no cell division in this phase. During this period, however, the cells are not
dormant. They are physiologically very active synthesizing enzymes and various
molecules required for growth in the new environment. In the lag phase they are
basically adjusting to the new environment and at the end of the lag phase each
organism divides.
In this phase, the cells are metabolically most active and therefore for most
industrial purposes log phase cells are preferred. However, the vulnerability of the
cells to radiations or antibiotics is also maximum in this phase as most of these
methods effect actively dividing cells.
3. Stationary phase
The third phase is called the ’Stationary phase’ as in this phase, the number of cell
divisions is balanced by the number of cell deaths and the growth curve reaches a
plateau. The metabolic activity of the surviving cells is also slow. The reason for
the cells to enter from exponential to stationary phase maybe due to exhaustion
of nutrients, accumulation of waste products, changes in pH and dissolved oxygen
Continuous growth
As discussed earlier, the log/exponential phase cells are generally preferred for various
industrial as well as experimental purposes. In this respect, it is often desired to maintain
bacterial cell population at a particular rate in the log phase. This state is referred to as
‘steady state’ growth. In this process, the culture volume and cell concentration are
both kept constant by adding fresh sterile medium to the vessel and by removing spent
medium and cells at the same rate. Chemostat is a commonly employed apparatus used
to maintain continuous culture.
Measurements of growth
unit (CFU). In this method, first serial dilutions of the bacterial suspension are prepared
in saline.
Then appropriate dilutions are plated on solidified medium using either pour or spread
plate method as described previously. After incubation under appropriate conditions, the
number of CFU are counted.
1. Gives viable count of cells
2. Sensitive method as very small number of organisms can be counted
1. It takes some time generally 24 h for visible colonies to form.
Indirect measurement
Indirect measurements can be made by measurements of cell mass by dry weight
methods or by turbidity measurements and by cell activity.
Cell mass
Dry weight method
It is usually used for filamentous bacteria, fungi and molds where the direct plate count
method cannot be applied. In this method, mass of cells or mycelium of fungus is
removed from the medium, filitered and washed to remove extraneous material and dried
to a constant weight in a dessicator. It is then weighed. It can also be used for very
dense suspension of cells.
As bacterial cells grow in a liquid medium, it becomes turbid. This turbidity is measured
as a means of monitoring bacterial growth. The instrument used to measure turbidity is a
spectrophotometer. In this instrument, a beam of light is passed through a bacterial
suspension. Bacteria in a suspension scatter light passing through them. The amount of
light scattered (optical density OD) is a function of cell mass therefore more the cells
present, higher the OD reading.
It is simple, rapid method
Both viable and non-viable cells are measured
Cell activity
Another indirect measure of quantifying growth is to measure a population’s metabolic
activity. This method assumes that the amount of certain metabolite is directly
proportional to the number of bacteria present. Example: If a bacterial species ferments
glucose to produce acid, then the amount of acid produced can be taken as an indirect
measure of measuring growth. Oxygen uptake can also be measured as an indication of
metabolic activity and therefore cell number.
Microbial culturing
Culture media can either be complex (exact composition not known) or synthetic
(exact chemical composition and amount known). It can also be solidified using
Culture media can be classified based on function as selective, differential,
enriched and reduced media.
Pure culture is a population of cells that arise from a single cell. It can be obtained
by either streak-plate, spread-plate or pour-plate method.
Microbial cultures can be maintained by sub-culturing, lyophilzation and
Huge collections of microbial cultures are preserved in various central culture
collection centers.
Each bacterium has a unique colony characteristic that includes the size, margin,
texture, elevation and consistency of the colony.
A large proportion of micro-organisms are non-culturable and are referred to as
VNBC (Viable but non-culturable).
Microbial Growth
Microbial growth refers to an increase in number of cells.
Each micro-organism requires various nutritional and physical factors for growth.
Nutritional factors include carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and trace
elements. Physical factors include optimum temperature, pH and oxygen
concentration etc.
A typical growth curve can be divided into four phases i.e. lag, log, stationary and
death phase.
Measurement of microbial growth can be done by direct and indirect methods.
Direct methods include direct microscopic count, electronic plate counter and plate
count method whereas indirect method includes determination of cell mass by dry
weight method or turbidity and by assessing cell’s metabolic activity.
1. What are the four major phases of bacterial growth? Which phase is maintained in a
continuous culture and why?
2. A medium is inoculated with six cells of a micro-organism. If its generation time is 60
min., how many cells would be present in the medium after 7 hours of incubation
under appropriate conditions?
3. How is media solidified? Where is semi-solid media used?
4. Differentiate between the following:
Selective media and Differential media
Complex media and synthetic media
Beta hemolysis and alpha hemolysis
Aerobe: An organism that requires oxygen for growth.
Agar: Agar is a polysaccharide derived from marine red algae that is used as a non-
nutritive, solidifying agent in culture media.
Anaerobe: An organism that grows in absence of oxygen, dies in presence of oxygen.
Autotroph: An organism that utilizes carbon dioxide as the sole carbon source for
synthesizing all cell material.
Barophile: A micro-organisms that can tolerate high hydrostatic pressure.
Chemostat: A apparatus used to maintain organisms in continuous culture by feeding
fresh medium and removing spent medium at the same rate.
Colony: A macroscopic, visible mass of cells on a solidified medium arising from a single
Complex medium: A chemically undefined culture medium composed of complex
sources such as yeast extract, beef extract, meat extract etc.
Generation time: It is the time required for a microbial population to double in number.
Halophile: A micro-organism that can tolerate high salt concentration.
Heterotroph: An organism that uses pre-formed organic compounds as a source of
carbon and energy.
Lag phase: The first phase of the growth curve just after inoculation of the culture when
there is no increase in cell number.
Logarithmic (log) phase: The phase of the growth curve where the microbial
population increases at an exponential rate.
Microaerophile: A micro-organism that grows in presence of lower concentrations of
oxygen only.
Psychrophile: A cold loving micro-organism that grows optimally at 15oC or lower.
Pure culture: A population of cells that is identical as they arise from a single cell.
Stationary phase: The phase of the growth curve when population growth ceases and
plateau is reached.
Synthetic medium: A culture medium whose exact chemical composition is known.
Suggested Readings
Tortora G.J., Funke B.R. and Case C.L.; Microbiology: An Introduction; Pearson
Education. 8th edition, 2005.
Madigan M., Martinko J., Stahl D. and Clark D.; Brock Biology of Microorganisms; Pearson
Education. Thirteenth edition, 2012.
Pelczar, M.J., Chan, E.C.S. and Kreig, N.R.; Microbiology; Tata McGraw Hill; Fifth edition,
Pommerville, J.C.; Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology; Body systems Edition, Jones
and Bartlett Publishers; 2010.
Wiley J.M., Sherwood L.M. and Woolverton C.J; Prescott’s Microbiology; Mc Graw Hill
International Edition; Eight edition, 2011.
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