Instant Download Planetary Atmospheres 1st Edition F.W. Taylor PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Planetary Atmospheres 1st Edition F.W. Taylor PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Planetary Atmospheres 1st Edition F.W. Taylor PDF All Chapters
Planetary Climates Andrew Ingersoll
Planetary Atmospheres 1st Edition F.W. Taylor Digital
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Author(s): F.W. Taylor
ISBN(s): 9780199547418, 0199547416
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 7.33 MB
Year: 2010
Language: english
F. W. Taylor
F.W. Taylor
Department of Physics
University of Oxford, UK
Original artwork by D.J. Taylor
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6DP
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The recommended textbooks used before the present book existed are
listed below; it had been a problem that a minimum of five books were
needed to support one short course, and that some of those are
somewhat out of date, requiring further subsidiary references to
cover the course adequately. This book was produced to cover the
basics in a single manuscript. Of course, some secondary reading is also
appropriate, and the other recommended books are still relevant. In
addition, specific references to important sources or seminal papers are
given at the ends of the chapters, along with key definitions and some
historical background in footnotes and in the Glossary at the end of
the book.
The approach is the same as in Elementary Climate Physics: an
overview, followed by more detailed discussion of key topics, arranged
by physical phenomenon and not planet by planet as usually found in
this field. There is an emphasis on acquiring and interpreting measure
ments, including the basic physics of instruments and models. The
resulting knowledge about atmospheres is set in the context of simple
models that can be manipulated with no more computing power than
is available with a simple spreadsheet and which do not obscure the
basic physics. A clear, basic discussion sometimes requires a difficult
balance between repetition and cross-referencing. Where terms are
introduced in the text they appear in italics and are defined and
explained in the glossary at the end of the book. Values for important
parameters and useful constants are also collected in an appendix. A
handy set of simplified reference model atmospheres is also provided,
as are some sample questions, mostly from past examinations and
tutorials, for which the answers are to be found in the text.
Additional topics that fall outside the Oxford syllabus are covered
whenever that gives a more well-rounded treatment of the subject for
the benefit of readers who are not at Oxford and not taking this
particular course. In this way, it is horred that this book will be
found to be useful for a wide range of students everywhere, or anyone
interested in the fundamental science of planetary atmospheres.
Thanks are extended to the many colleagues past and present whose
work in one way or another contributed to the material presented here.
Particular acknowledgement and gratitude is due to Dr D.J. Taylor
who drew all of the original diagrams and created the cover image. Ms
Jo Barstow, Dr Colin Wilson and Professor Peter Read scrutinised
some or all of the manuscript and made very useful suggestions and
Parts of the chapter on atmospheric dynamics are based on unpub
lished lecture notes produced by the present author with P.L. Read, R.
Hide, and P.J. Gierasch in the 1 980s for a graduate course on the
subject, and on some current lectures given by Professor Read. Sec
tions 9 . 5 and 9 . 8 on the climates of Mars and Titan, respectively,
follow the author's books: The Scientific Exploration of Mars, Cam
bridge University Press, 2009, and Titan: Exploring an Earthlike
World, (with A. Coustenis), World Scientific Publishing, 2008, where
more detailed coverage, illustrations and references may be found.
Other major sources and references that will be of value to the
student are listed at the end of each chapter or, where needed to bolster
a specific point or measurement, in a footnote. Background notes are
also provided in footnotes.
Recommended books
Mariner 9 (1971)
3.3 Mars exploration 51
3.3 . 1 51
3.3.2 Viking (1 976) 51
3 . 3 . 3 Mars Express (2003) 51
3 . 3.4 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2006) 51
Spectrometer (IRIS) 64
3 .9 . 3 Mars Express Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) 64
3 . 9 .4 Mars Climate Sounder - 64
(IRR) 66
3 . 1 0.2 Voyager Infrared Interferometer
Spectrometer (IRIS) 67
3 . 1 0. 3 Galileo Near Infrared Mapping
Spectrometer (NIMS) 68
3. 1 1 Titan experiments 70
3 . 1 1 . 1 Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer
(CIRS) 70
3.12 References and further reading 72
3.13 Questions 73
Glossary 248
Appendix A Some useful data 254
Appendix B Reference model atmospheres 256
Index 259
The Solar System, the planets
and their atmospheres
Venus, Earth and Mars, the inner Solar System planets with substan
Earth and its climate system than the planets themselves.
atmospheres are geometrically thin compared to the planetary radius, optically thick at a given wavelength when
but they are dense enough to be optically thick at some wavelengths 1 and a photon of that wavelength has only a
small chance, typically defined as less
to have a profound influence on the radiative energy balance prevailing than e- 5 or about 0.67%, of being trans
at the solid surface (a useful definition of a 'thick' atmosphere when mitted without absorption or scattering.
emitting wavelength of the Sun ( O 7 f.Lm), and optically thick near the
studying climate). Earth's atmosphere is optically thin near the peak
2 The unit of wavelength most used in
peak emitting wavelength of the Earth's surface ( 1 5 f.Lm ).
rv .
The four giant or 'Jovian' planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
the infrared is the micron or micrometre,
abbreviated fkm, which is one thou
Neptune, dominate the outer Solar System. They account for 99.6%
sandth of a millimetre. The wavelength
of visible light ranges approximately
of the total mass of the planets and have very deep atmospheres and from 0.38 to 0.75 fkm.
large complements of satellites. The differences in the compositions of
2 The Solar System, the planets a n d their atmospheres
10 Mkm
1 Mkm
Fig. 1.1
The Solar System: orbital distances. The scale in the lower diagram is ten times smaller than the upper one, in order to display the inner
planets and the approximate location of the densest part of the asteroid belt. The upper frame shows the outer planet orbits, and the
approximate location of the densest part of the Kuiper belt. The orbit of Jupiter appears in both frames for reference .
" • • •
Fig. 1 . 2
The relative sizes of the planets. By this criterion alone, they clearly form two families.
The Solar System 3
Table1.1 The physical properties of the planets, in dimensionless units relative to Earth = I.
For absolute units, see the additional tables in Appendix A.
orbit, its surface pressure cycles from almost nothing at the greatest
5 1 AU = l . 5 x 1 0 1 1 m = 1 astronomical
distance from the Sun (rv50 AU), to perhaps a few hundredths of a
millibar during its closest approach (rv30 AU) . 5
unit, the mean distance of Earth from
the Sun.
1 .2 The inner planets
The four inner planets orbit the Sun at mean distances of 57.9, 1 08.2, 149 .6,
and 227.9 million kilometres, respectively. The solid bodies of Venus and
Earth are of nearly identical size and density and probably fairly similar in
bulk composition. Mars is considerably smaller, with a diameter a little
more than half that of the other two, and only about one-tenth of the mass.
Mercury is smaller still, with about half the mass of Mars.
Mars has high volcanic mountains and deep canyons, representing the
largest range of topography in the Solar System, despite its small planetary
radius relative to Earth and Venus. The extinct volcano, Olympus Mons, is
more than three times as tall as Everest and more then twice as high as
Maxwell, these being the highest features on Earth and Venus, respect
ively. Parts of the Valles Marineris are nearly four times as deep as the
Grand Canyon in Alizona, while the canyons in the Ishtar region ofVenus
are midway between the two. All four inner planet surfaces are modified by
volcanism; some of the volcanoes on Earth and probably many more on
Venus are still active. There may be remnant volcanic activity on Mars,
too, but if so this is limited to geothermal hot 'springs' that allow warm
water to seep from underground aquifers onto the surface, where it quickly
evaporates or freezes in the thin, cold air. Recent evidence for the localised
emission of plumes of methane gas tends to support the idea of warm, wet
subsurface chemistry, at least in some isolated locations.
Mars and Earth rotate on their axes with almost the same period, and
The year, or time taken to orbit the Sun once, naturally varies with
heliocentric distance and is 224.7 (Earth) days for Venus, 365.3 for
Earth and 687.0 days for Mars. The rotation period of Venus, at 243
days, is longer than the Venusian year. The solar day, i.e., the time for
the Sun to go from noon to noon as seen from the surface of Venus, is
about 1 1 7 (Earth) days.
internally and continues to exhale vapour from cracks and vents in the
crust, some of which stays in the thin atmosphere long enough to top up
the deposits. This would explain the surprisingly large magnetic field of
the planet, but would require unexpectedly large sources of internal heat
ing to prevent such a small body from cooling and solidifying eons ago.
An alternativt{. explanation is that the ice comes from space as a flux
of mostly small, but occasionally large, icy bodies (i.e., comets). If a
8 Halley is about 8 x 8 x 1 6 km 3 and comet as big as Halley8 had collided with Mercury a few million years
2 x 1 01 kg, formed of a porous aggregate ago, the planet would have acquired a temporary atmosphere consist
of dust, rock and ice, including some or
ing mostly of steam, some of which would have been deposited as ice in
ganic material, with a mean density of
only 0.6 g cm- . The gases emitted while the shaded craters. In this scenario, the ice we see today, which the
the comet is near the Sun consist mainly observers estimate to be at least several tens of metres thick, is the·
(about 80%) of water vapour, indicating remnant of an event of this kind and will slowly sublime away. How
that this is the main volatile present. ever, such large impacts are rare in the current era (based, for instance,
on the record on Earth) and instead it may be a large number of very
small comets that is responsible; these certainly exist, and although
their sizes and numbers are unknown some must collide with each of
the planets every day. These impacts must be individually insignificant,
since we do not notice their arrival at the Earth, and we would certainly
notice something even a fraction of the size of Halleyl The upper
limit is a diameter measured in centimetres, with most much smaller
than that, but there could be such large flux of them that they add up to
the equivalent of Halley over a fairly short period of time, like a
To evaluate these, and other possible explanations for the phenomenon,
we need to compare the rate at which water is lost from deposits inside
shaded craters with the estimated rate of supply from different sources.
Figure 1 .4 shows a simplified model of Mercury, with a single bowl-shaped
crater at the north pole containing ice. The sources for this are a mixture of
outgassing from the interior and a flux of 'cometesimals' - icy grains. The
�* :�
Cometesimals -20 m Gy-1 Erosion removes
- 1 0 m Gy-1
-20 m thick
Fig. 1 .4
A summary of models that seek to If flat T 1 74 K
where V is the evaporation rate, p the vapour pressure over the ice at
temperature T, and k is Boltzmann's constant. Using this, we find that
the sublimation rate reaches 1 metre per billion years for T rv 1 1 2 K.
Simple radiative energy balance models with the appropriate geometry
suggest that the polar region on a smooth, spherical Mercury would
have a temperature of around 1 7 6 K, while the prevailing temperature
in a shaded, bowl-shaped crater with a realistic ratio of depth to
diameter of 0.2 would remain under 100 K. (The main factor keeping
this from being much lower is scattering of sunlight from the crater
rims, so for the realistic case of irregularly shaped craters and walls the
precise value is different in every ease l 9 See, for instance, the calculations for
This simple model suggests that water from icy grains could have idealised craters in 'Near-surface tem
peratures on Mercury and the Moon
accumulated on Mercury in the amounts observed over the 4 billion and the stability of polar ice deposits'
years or so since the surface of the planet cooled, without the need to by Ashwin R. Vasavada, David A.
invoke current volcanism or massive recent collisions. The question is Paige, and Stephen E. Wood, Icarus,
not answered thereby, of course, and many issues remain, including the Vol. 141, Issue 2, October 1 999, pages
fact that some of the craters containing ice behind the Sun-facing wall 1 79-1 93.
are far enough from the pole to have minimum calculated temperat
ures that are as high as 1 50 K. Then, if cometesimals are the source,
• Covered in thick
sulphuric acid clouds
• Very thick C02
Fig. 1 .5 atmosphere
Venus imaged through an ultraviolet • Surface pressure of
filter by the Galileo spacecraft in 1 990, 90 atm
of 730K
and some key facts about the observed • Surface temperature
climate on the planet.
Table 1 .2 Data relevant to climate on the four bodies with Earth-like atmospheres. The
atmospheric composition is given as mole fractions, with ppm meaning p arts per million, ppb
parts per billion, and � o meaning undetermined but very small.
Venus has a very high reflectivity (albedo), evidently due to a thick and
ubiquitous cloud cover. At A = 0.76, the albedo of Venus is two and a
half times that of the Earth, 1 1 more than offsetting the doubling of the 11 Planetary albedos are difficult to de
solar constant at Venus' mean distance from the Sun in the energy termine and not very accurately known,
balance equation: even for the Earth. Various values will be
found in the literature, corresponding to
this uncertainty.
where the quantity of the left-hand side is the solar energy absorbed by
the planet of radius R, allowing for the fraction A of the solar constant
S that is reflected, and the right-hand side is the energy emitted from
the planet of equivalent blackbody temperature T£, according to the
Stefan-Boltzmann law. The value of TE that results from the applica
tion of this simple balance equation is 255 K for Earth, but only about
240 K for Venus (see Chapter 4).
Since Venus absorbs less radiant energy than Earth, there was no
particular reason why early practitioners of what we would now call
climate modelling should expect the surface temperature to be mas
sively different from our own, and the popular vision of the surface of
Venus often included oceans, deserts and steamy jungles. The Sun,
presenting a disc twice the area it shows at the Earth, was thought to
evaporate water efficiently and produce the thick and extensive cloud
Fig. 1.6
Views of the surface of Venus, from the
Soviet lander Venera 13 sitting on
Phoebe Regio in 1 975 (top), and the
same region seen from aloft some 1 5
years later by the US Magellan orbiting
radar imager.
Fig. 1 .7
Clouds in the southern hemisphere on
the night side of Venus, imaged in the
� -50
near-infrared 'window' at 1 .7 f.Lm wave
.2 length by the VIRTIS spectrometer on
·o, Venus Express in April 2006. The clouds
.3 -70 are illuminated from below by thermal
emission from the hot, deep atmosphere
and surface. The turbulent region near
the equator (towards the top of the
-1 80 -140 -1 00 -60 -20 image) forms a sharp transition at mid
Latitude (deg) latitudes to laminar flow nearer the pole.
12 The Solar System, the planets and their atmospheres
reflected solar radiation, about 1 000
times brighter, on the day side. I
(/) I
1 03
16 From 'Radiation in the atmosphere
5: 1 02
of Venus' by D. Titov, M.A. Bullock, (/)
D. Crisp, N . Renno, F .W . Taylor, and
L. V. Zasova, in Exploring Venus as a
Terrestrial Planet, ed. by L .W . Esposito,
E.R. Stofan, and T. E. Cravens, Geo
physical Monograph No . 176, pages
1 121-138, American Geophysical 1 .0 1 0.0
Union, 2007. Wavelength (
The inner planets 13
that can weather silicate rocks, producing ions that are used by marine
organisms like coral to make, eventually, insoluble calcium carbonate
Fig. 1 . 1 0 1 0-4
1 o-3
A comparison o f measured atmosphere /
temperature profiles on Earth and
1 0-2
Venus, where the vertical scale is pres \
sure in millibars ( 1 000 mb equals the
£) 1 0- Earth
mean surface pressure on Earth). The
1 0°
solid line is derived from remote sound
1 01
ing measurements made by the Pioneer >-
0:: 1 02
Venus Orbiter Infrared Radiometer (/)
(Schofield and Taylor, 1 983), extrapo
1 03
lated assuming a dry adiabatic lapse rate
below 500 mb, and the dashed profile is
derived from similar measurements by 1 04
the Improved Stratospheric and Mesa
1 05
spheric Sounder on the Upper Atmos 1 00 500 600 700 800
phere Research Satellite (Taylor et al.,
Temperature (K)
1 993).
The inner planets 15
• Surface temperature
-250 K
Fig. 1 . 1 1
The fact that the present surface temperatures and pressures are so
close to the triple point of water may provide a clue to how the Martian
climate evolved (Fig. l . 1 2) . Any oceans on early Mars would have
dissolved atmospheric C02, just as they do on Earth, producing car
bonate deposits as chalk layers that have since been buried under
layers of windblown dust and soil. The difference then is that on
Mars this process went to the point where liquid water was no longer
stable, shutting off further carbonate production. At certain locations,
for example, at the bottom of the huge impact basin called Hellas, the
pressure is twice the global average and liquid water could still be
found, although only during the day when the temperature is above
17 The highest measured temperature at freezing point at 0 °C.1 7 In this scenario, the water that once filled
the surface of Mars is about 20 °C, and oceans and rivers is now frozen below the surface, covered up like the
the lowest, - 140 oc. The global average carbonates by centuries of windblown dust deposits, or in the perman
is about -60 oc.
ent polar caps. The north cap, which seems to contain most of the
water, is 1 200 km across and up to 3 km thick, which corresponds to
about 4% of Earth's polar ice.
At Mars' distance from the Sun, even a thick C02 atmosphere might
not be enough to warm the planet so it could support liquid water on
the surface everywhere (see the discussion in Chapter 9). Here again
there is a clue; Mars has several regions dominated by enormous
extinct volcanoes, and the Exploration Rovers have found copious
deposits of sulphate minerals, apparently produced at the time when
the volcanoes were active and filling the atmosphere with sulphurous
and other gases and aerosols. Although the details are still to be filled
in, the data we have points towards a strong greenhouse effect on Mars
that lasted only as long as the active volcanism did, that is, around the
first billion years of the planet's history.
Fig. 1.12
(Left) A phase diagram for water,
showing the triple point at 6 . 1 mb and
0 °C, where solid, liquid and gas coexist.
(Right) The corresponding point for
carbon dioxide is at 5. 1 1 bars and
-56 °C. The horizontal bars show mean
pressures on Earth and Mars; the Earth
of course has liquid water, while condi
tions on Mars are against this, but only
marginally. Neither planet can have li
quid C0 2, except p ossibly if reservoirs 0 100 -1 23 -79 -56
exist at high pressures below the surface. Temperature (°C) Temperature (0C)
The outer planets 17
Fig. 1 . 1 3
The giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Ura
nus and Neptune, approximately to
scale. The small globe at bottom right is
the Earth, for comparison.
many more at greater depths where they are not discernable from
outside the atmosphere). The heavy elements are concentrated in
solid rocky and metallic cores that occupy only a fraction of the visible
diameter. For instance, based on theoretical models and the observed
mean density, the core of Neptune is thought to be about the size of
the Earth, although its gaseous envelope is 4 times greater in diameter.
For the larger giant planet Jupiter, the mass of the core is also larger,
but still only roughly 1 0 times the mass of the Earth.
18 'Metallic' in this context means that (predominantly liquid metallic hydrogen) 1 8 at the base of the atmos
the gases, under extreme pressure, have a
phere, estimates from models predict temperatures in excess of
high proportion of electrons that are not
attached to individual atoms or mol
1 0,000 K and pressures of over 4 million bars.
ecules, but can migrate through the en The visible surface of Jupiter consists of layers of cloud appearing as
tire medium, as in a metal under familiar alternating dark and light bands parallel to the equator; the darker
laboratory conditions. The hydrogen is reddish and brown coloured bands are called belts, and the lighter yellow
then highly conducting and this makes it
and white regions are known as zones. The banding is the result of
easier to explain Jupiter's high magnetic
convective motions forced by a large internal heat source of approxi
mately equal magnitude to the solar heating. This internal energy prob
ably comes from the slow collapse of Jupiter's fluid bulk in response to its
huge gravitational field, converting potential energy into heat.
Jupiter's deep atmosphere probably contains hundreds of layers of
cloud, each with a different composition (see Chapter 7). Moist air,
rising in the cloudy zones from a great depth, contains many minor
constituents, each of which condenses at the appropriate level as the
temperature falls with height. Only the top three layers have actually
been observed - water clouds at about 273 K and 3 bars, ammonium
hydrosulphide (NH4 SH, formed by the combination of ammonia,
NH3 and hydrogen sulphide, H2S) at about 230 K and 1 . 5 bars, and
ammonia ice at 1 3 5 K and 0 . 5 bars. All of these materials are white in
the laboratory, but on Jupiter almost certainly contain impurities,
especially NH4 SH, which appears to be responsible for the yellow
and brown colours that dominate the appearance of Jupiter. It is still
not known of what these 'chromophores' consist; various forms of
elemental sulphur and its compounds are the most likely candidates.
The fast rotation, the great depth of the atmosphere, and the influ
ence of an internal source of heat, in addition to that arriving from the
Sun, make for a very dynamic atmosphere. Superimposed on the basic
belt-zone cloud patterns are very high winds and wind shears, and a
variety of giant eddies. These are compact, circulating air masses
roughly comparable to terrestrial hurricanes, but often much larger.
The most striking of all the atmospheric features is the Great Red Spot,
which has been observed off and on for at least 300 years, and exceeds
the Earth in diameter. The red colour indicates a composition different
from the rest of the clouds. It seems likely that the GRS is a deep vortex
that draws up material from deep in the atmosphere up to higher levels
where it condenses or reacts to form a cloud cap, with additional
constituents not found elsewhere across the planet. Truly red cloud
materials are fairly rare; the simplest possibility is elemental phos
phorus, while more exotic candidates include an almost infinite range
of complex organic substances of many colours.
• �1 % NH3 + CH4
• Temp. 1 34 K at 1 bar
Fig. 1 . 1 5
General appearance and defining characteristics of Saturn. Note the remarkably low density compared to its neighbours, indicating a
lower proportion of heavier elements in Saturn's overall makeup than the other three outer planets. The rings are made of a large number
of icy and rocky moonlets, with sizes up to a few tens of metres in diameter.
Since the plane of its rings is perpendicular to its rotation axis, the rings
do not lie in the orbital plane and therefore present a varying aspect to
Earth as the planet goes through its roughly 30 year orbit. When seen
almost edgewise, every 1 5 or so years, the rings almost disappear from
sight, indicating that they are very flat. Observations from spacecraft
at Saturn show that the particles that make up the rings are in fact
confined to a layer about 1 km thick.
While Saturn's mass is nearly 1 00 times greater than Earth's, its
density of 0 .69 g cm- 3 is the lowest of any planet. At the same time, the
gravitational field, determined by tracking spacecraft passing or orbit
ing the planet, indicates that more of Saturn's mass is concentrated
near the centre than is the case for Jupiter; about 25% as opposed to
about 5%. Outside the core, Saturn must be composed primarily of
hydrogen and helium, with a metallic layer occupying the innermost
half of the radius of the planet. Above the pressure level at about 1
million bars the mixture ceases to be metallic, but has the properties of
a liquid up until the 1 000 bar level is reached at a depth about 1 000 km
below the visible clouds, where the temperature is around 1 000 K. 19 19 Obviously, these numbers are
The outermost layer of atmosphere consists, like Jupiter, mostly of rounded to reflect the uncertainty in
our knowledge of the interior structure
H2 and He, with a small component ( < 1 %) of the fully hydrogenated
of Saturn and the other outer planets.
compounds of the common elements, especially CH4 , H20 and NH 3 .
Again, like Jupiter, these condense to form the observable cloud layers.
Saturn, and to a lesser extent Uranus and Neptune, may be thought
of as a smaller, cooler version of Jupiter where meteorology is con
cerned. The markings on the disc of Saturn resemble the banded cloud
structure of Jupiter's atmosphere, but with much less contrast and
more subtle colours. Giant eddies and ribbon-shaped clouds do
occur, and on rare occasions, extensive irregular storm systems appear,
greater in area than anything seen on Jupiter. Like Jupiter, Saturn
has an internal heat source that is comparable to the solar input
(Table 1 . 3), so the atmosphere is heated by about the same amount
from above and from below, and is highly convective.
20 The Solar System, the planets and their atmospheres
Most of Saturn's satellites lie in the same plane as the rings, the
planet's equatorial plane, and orbit outside the rings. Most of the mass
of the satellite and ring system is concentrated in Titan, which is the
second-largest satellite in the Solar System after Jupiter's Ganymede.
Titan is the only moon to possess a thick atmosphere and is therefore
of especial inter�st (§1 .4) .
• Radius 4 x Earth
• Atmosphere H2 + He
Fig. 1.17
General appearance and defining char • -2% methane CH 4
• Temp. 70 K at 1 bar
acteristics of Neptune. The bright cloud
features are probably frozen methane.
The outer planets 21
Table 1 .3. Data relevant to climate on the four bodies with non-Earth-like atmospheres, the
gas giants of the outer Solar System. The atmospheric composition is given as mole fractions.
which it receives from the Sun, while its more distant twin Neptune has a
substantial internal source, like Jupiter and Saturn (Table 1 .3). When the
magnitudes of these sources are compared to each other and to the mass
of each planet, it becomes clear that the simple 'contraction' model
described above and in §4.6 for Jupiter cannot fit all of them without
modification. What is probably happening is internal gravitational sep
aration of specific species, again releasing potential energy as heat, rather
than just an overall shrinking of the whole planet. For Saturn, which
actually radiates more energy than Jupiter, despite being smaller, it has
been suggested that the pressure and temperature at certain depths are
particularly suitable for the formation of drops of liquid helium, which
then 'rain' out towards the centre. What accounts for the difference
between Uranus and Neptune is still not known, although a number of
speculative models have been developed.
Uranus' rotation is peculiar in that its axis is tilted 98° to the
perpendicular to its orbital plane - that is, it lies almost on its side -
and has retrograde rotation. The spin axis can point almost directly at
the Sun, so regions near the poles spend half of the long orbit alter
nately in sunlight or darkness. The effect this has on the structure and
global circulation of the atmosphere, compared to its similarly sized
but more normally aligned neighbour Neptune, is difficult to know at
present because there are so few relevant observations. What we do
know comes mainly from the Voyager 2 spacecraft, which observed
Uranus at a time when the south pole was pointed almost directly at
the Sun. Perhaps surprisingly, the measured temperatures near the
cloud tops were not very different between the illuminated and dark
polar regions, and the cloud patterns suggested zonal east-west winds
similar to those on the other three giant planets.
22 The Solar System/ the planets a n d their atmospheres
• N 2 atmosphere, 5% CH4
• Surface pressure 1 .6 bar
• Surface temperature 95 K
• Photochemical
hydrocarbon haze
• Methane cumulus clouds
• Organic drizzle, CH4 rain
Fig. 1 . 1 8
• Surface run-off, lakes General appearance and defining char
acteristics of the atmosphere of Titan.
24 The Solar System, the planets and their atmospheres
. · .· . . '·. . · . .. . .
' ·stratos pheric
. ·· : .
.. (hydrocarbons)
:.; ·· · · ... . ..:·: ::
>: .. .
. · ·· ·.•.
. '
I 20
stra osp heric·. ·._ . :
.:: ,..
aerosol ·
Fig. 1 . 1 9 '
Titan's atmosphere compared to Earth.
Table 1.4 Data on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Except for the low temperature, the
climate at the surface is Earth-like, even featuring clouds and rain.
cases, rather than by primordial and radioactive heat as with the 21 Tidal heating occurs when the solid
Earth. 1 planet or moon is flexed by gravitational
forces acting unequally on different
parts of its mass, for instance, if its
1 .5 Comparative climatology orbit is eccentric, or regularly perturbed
by a third object nearby.
In the last four decades, we have experienced the first close-up explor
ation of the planets of the Solar System. American, Russian, and (in
creasingly) European planetary space missions have now explored the
atmospheres and environments of all of the planets, some many times. As
never before, the data produced places the Earth in its wider context,
among the terrestrial planets of the Solar System. Common aspects are
revealed, not only of their contemporaneous origin and evolution, but
also of their atmospheric structure and surface conditions.
Comparative planetary climatology is still a young discipline, lim
ited by many unknowns, but capable of producing useful first-order
insights, and listing key questions that can be addressed by anticipated
new measurements. Progress is driven, not only by scientific interest in
planetary-scale phenomena and the common evolutionary history of
the planetary system, but also by concern about climate change on the
Earth, and a consequent interest in all aspects of climate physics.
Comparative planetary climatology addresses the physical processes
that determine
• current environmental conditions on Earth-like planets,
• the stability in each case against climate change,
• the development of models to simulate past and future climate,
While this approach is, initially at least, most fruitfully applied to those
planets nearest to the Earth in size and behaviour, we should not
overlook less-likely siblings such as Mercury and the Moon. Mercury,
which in terms of its geology and place in the inner Solar System is
undoubtedly a terrestrial planet, has an atmosphere that is so thin that
it more resembles the terrestrial exosphere. This tenuous region, on the
fringe of space, has a long-term relationship to the climate at the
Earth's surface through the atmospheric escape processes that occur
there. However, the investigation of thick polar deposits on Mercury,
apparently of water ice, is likely to yield answers that will lead to a
better understanding of the origin of water on all the planets.
Likewise, the deep, hydrogen atmospheres of the gas giants Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, although the seat of fascinating dynam
ical behaviour and holding many clues about the f01mation of the Sun
and planets, are not simple analogues for the Earth's climate system in
any obvious way. Yet even here we find points of fruitful comparison.
One example is the vertical temperature profiles: despite the great
depth of the outer planet atmospheres, and the existence of internal
sources of heat that match or in some cases exceed heating by the Sun,
we find that the atmospheric vertical temperature profiles tend to take
on the same overall character as those of Earth, Mars and Venus. In
particular, they all have a troposphere characterised by an adiabatic
lapse rate, overlaid by a quasi-isothermal stratosphere. These are
expected on theoretical grounds when the dominant mode of vertical
heat transfer is by convection at depth and by radiation above some
level where radiative cooling to space becomes important (see Chapter
5). Radiative transfer theory, accompanied by knowledge of the com
position of the atmosphere (including the most important infrared
absorbers and emitters, which may be present in quite small propor
tions) and the properties of the cloud layers, should in principle allow
all of the atmospheres of the Solar System to be reconciled, in terms of
explaining their temperature structure. This is generally what we find,
although many details remain to be worked out.
Progress in understanding these and other climate-related questions
on all of the planets, including Earth, comes mainly from space mis
sions. For instance, more than 30 spacecraft have visited Venus alone,
and many more will be required before a clear picture emerges of even
this, the closest and most Earth-like body in the Solar System. The
climate system of a planet involves many interacting processes and
feedbacks, so the interpretation of most of the data requires the use of
models. When dealing with planets other than Earth, these models are
necessarily quite simple, since, despite recent progress and new mis
sions to Mars, Venus and Titan, our knowledge of these bodies and
their atmospheres is still relatively scanty.
A goal of model studies is not just to understand the data we already
have, but also, crucially, to help define what else can be done that will
substantially increase, not just our knowledge, but also our under
standing. Given the high cost and relative infrequency of missions to
any particular planet, this is not just a scientific question; new tech
nology, or a specific large and difficult mission may be called for. This
28 The Solar Syste m , the planets and their atmospheres
Solar UV flux, solar wind, magnetic field
Radiation, chemistry dynamics
Past Future
Fig. 1 .20
Hunten, and R.J. Phillips, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 1997.
Taylor, F.W. The Scientific Exploration ofMars. Cambridge University Press,
Orig in and evolution of
planetary atmospheres
The present climates on all of the planets are the result of a multi-stage
process, which began when the protosolar cloud formed out of a
concentration of interstellar gas and dust and then collapsed under
gravity to form the Sun. Most, but not all of the mass of the cloud
ended up in the young star, the remainder forming a flat disc of
orbiting material in which most of the angular momentum of the
system resided. The disc in turn aggregated into progressively larger
bodies, which eventually formed the planetary system that we see
The planetary masses closest to the star were composed mainly of
rocky and metallic material, but included gas and volatiles trapped in
their interiors that gradually escaped and formed their modem atmo
spheres. In the outer Solar System, temperatures were low and ice
accreted along with metal and rock, forming massive planets that
were able to trap protosolar material, including large amounts of
hydrogen and helium that the smaller, hotter inner planets could not
Table 2.1 The main contents of the Solar System, and the fraction each contributes to the
total mass. In the case of comets (defined here to include all small icy bodies, i.e., Kuiper belt
and Oort cloud objects) the total mass is very uncertain. Similarly, the total number of
asteroids (small rocky bodies, most of which are in the belt between Mars and Jupiter) is not
known very well, but their combined mass is certainly less than that of Earth's Moon.
Table 2.2 Key properties of the Solar System. The 'heavy' elements referred to in item (8)
mean anything heavier than helium. The variation is large: from 3 x solar abundance for
Jupiter to cv40 X solar for Neptune.
Language: Hungarian
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