Download Practical fracture treatment 5th Edition Ronald Mcrae ebook All Chapters PDF
Download Practical fracture treatment 5th Edition Ronald Mcrae ebook All Chapters PDF
Download Practical fracture treatment 5th Edition Ronald Mcrae ebook All Chapters PDF
Practical Wastewater Treatment 1st Edition David L.
Practical fracture treatment 5th Edition Ronald Mcrae
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Author(s): Ronald McRae; Max Esser, FRCS Ed ORTH FRACS
ISBN(s): 9780443068775, 0443068771
Edition: 5
File Details: PDF, 25.23 MB
Year: 2008
Language: english
For Elsevier:
Commissioning Editor: Alison Taylor
Development Editor: Kim Benson
Production Manager: Kerrie-Anne Jarvis
Design: George Ajayi
Ronald McRae FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Glas) AIMBI
Formerly Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK
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ISBN: 978-0-443-06876-8
International Student Edition: ISBN 978-0-443-06877-5
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As in the previous edition more recent methods of There are also many new radiographs, CT scans
internal fixation in the treatment of many fractures and 3-D reconstructions, and in the continued
have been included, while the basics of conservative quest to improve the clarity of reproduction, digital
management and plaster cast techniques have been enhancements, judicious cropping, and the addition of
retained. This is considered to be important, particularly arrows and dotted lines have been carried out on certain
in situations where access to the wide variety of implants radiographs – or substitutions made.
and imaging equipment required for many internal In this edition a number of references, which have been
fixation procedures may be limited. considered to be of particular value have been included.
Several new fracture classifications have been We hope that these changes will add to the value of
detailed, and in many areas new thoughts on the this book.
management of some specific fractures have been
reviewed and treatment suggestions modified. An Ronald McRae, Gourock 2008
appreciable number of drawings illustrating new Max Esser, Melbourne 2008
implants and the techniques that they involve have been
This book has been written primarily for the medical Secondly, fracture treatment has been given in an
student, and the introductory section assumes little uncommon amount of practical detail. As there is such
prior knowledge of the subject. The second part, a variety of accepted treatments for even the simplest of
which deals with particular fractures, is set in places fractures, this has the danger of attracting the criticism
at a more advanced level; it is hoped that the book of being controversial and didactic. This is far from
will thereby continue to prove of value to the student my intention, and I have tried to avoid this in several
when he moves to his first casualty or registrar post. ways. Firstly, as minor fractures and most children’s
In planning this volume, I have paid particular fractures (together forming the bulk of all fractures) are
attention to two points. Firstly, the details of each most frequently treated conservatively, the conservative
fracture and a good deal of the introductory section approach I have employed for these injuries should on
have been arranged in a linear sequence. The material the whole receive general approval. Secondly, in the
has been divided into small packets of text and more controversial long bone fractures in adults, and in
illustration in order to facilitate comprehension and fractures involving joints, I have on the whole pursued
learning. These packets have been set out in a logical a middle course between the extremes of conservative
sequence which in most cases is based on the relative and surgical management. The methods I have singled
importance of the initial decisions which must be out for description are those which I consider safest
made in a case, and the order in which treatment and most reliable in the hands of the comparatively
procedures should be carried out. This format is inexperienced. Where alternative methods appear to me
in a few places restrictive, with an imbalance in to be equally valid I have generally included these. To
the amount of information carried by either text or conceal my own whims I have not always placed these
illustration. This must be accepted because of spatial in the order of personal preference. In consequence, I
and subject limitations. Generally, however, text and hope that any offence given by the methods described
illustration will be found to complement one another. will be restricted to the most extreme quarters.
The text, although of necessity brief, is concise and, it
is hoped, to the point. R. M.
The basic principle of fractures and their treatment 1. Where two sides are shown for comparison, the
are dealt with in the first part of this book. The AO patient’s right side is the one affected.
Classification of fractures (pp 22–24), Trauma scoring 2. As a general rule, when a procedure is being illus-
(pp 41–44) and the Mangled Extremity Severity Score trated, the patient is shown for clarification in
(pp 51–52) may be noted but do not require detailed a lighter tone of grey than the surgeon and his
study by the undergraduate. assistants.
The second part of the book is arranged on a regional 3. Where several conditions are described, and only
basis and may be used as a guide for the handling of one illustrated, the first mentioned is the one shown,
specific fractures. Detailed study is not required by unless followed by the abbreviation ‘Illus.’.
the undergraduate, but a superficial reading should 4. Most cross references within a chapter are made by
consolidate knowledge of the basic principles, and quoting the relevant frame number. Elsewhere, page
indicate how they are applied in practice. numbers are given.
The following conventions are used in the illustrations
and text:
A = anterior
Illus. = illustrated
L = lateral or left
M = medial
N = normal
P = posterior
R = right
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Pathology and healing
of fractures
Initial definitions 4
Causes of fracture 5
Fracture patterns and their
significance 6
Describing the level of a fracture 10
Describing a fracture deformity 11
Open fractures 13
Self test 14
Answers to self test 16
Epiphyseal injuries 17
Fracture healing 20
Classification of fractures 22
AO Classification of fractures 23
Classification of open injuries 24
1. Initial definitions: Fracture: A fracture is 2. Open fractures: All fractures are either 3. Closed fracture: In a closed fracture the
present when there is loss of continuity in the closed or open. In an open fracture there skin is either intact, or if there are any
substance of a bone. The term covers all bony is a wound in continuity with the fracture, wounds these are superficial or unrelated
disruptions, ranging from one end of the scale and the potential exists for organisms to to the fracture. So long as the skin is intact,
when (1) a bone is broken into many fragments enter the fracture site from outside. All open there is no risk of infection from outside.
(multifragmentary or comminuted fracture) to fractures therefore carry the risk of becoming (Blood-borne infection of closed fractures is
(2) hair-line and even microscopic fractures at the infected. In addition, blood loss from external extremely rare.) Any haemorrhage is internal.
other. To the layman the word ‘fracture’ implies haemorrhage may be significant. (Note: the
a more severe injury than a simple break in the term ‘compound’ is still frequently used
bone, but in the strict medical sense there is no to describe a fracture which is open; the
difference between these terms. term ‘simple’, to describe a closed fracture,
may lead to confusion, and is now largely
4. Dislocation: In a dislocation there is 5. Subluxation: In a subluxation, the 6. Sprain: A sprain is an incomplete tear of a
complete loss of congruity between the articulating surfaces of a joint are no longer ligament or complex of ligaments responsible
articulating surfaces of a joint. The bones congruous, but loss of contact is incomplete. for the stability of a joint; e.g. a sprain of the
taking part in the articulation are displaced The term is often used to describe the early ankle is a partial tear of the lateral ligament
relative to one another; e.g. in a dislocated stages in a condition which may proceed to and is not associated with instability (as
shoulder the head of the humerus loses all complete dislocation (e.g. in a joint infection distinct from a complete tear). The term sprain
contact with the glenoid. In the common or in rheumatoid arthritis). is also applied to incomplete tears of muscles
anterior dislocation the head of the humerus is and tendons.
displaced anteriorly.
7. Causes of fracture: Direct violence (a): 8. Direct violence (b): A bone may also be 9. Indirect violence: Very frequently fractures
Fractures are caused by the application of fractured if it forcibly strikes a resistant object. result from indirect violence.
stresses which exceed the limits of strength For example, a fall on the point of the elbow A twisting or bending stress is applied to a
of a bone. Violence is the commonest cause. may fracture the olecranon. bone, and this results in its fracture at some
In the case of direct violence, a bone may distance from the application of the causal
be fractured by being struck by a moving or force. For example, a rotational stress applied
falling object, e.g. a fracture of the terminal to the foot may cause a spiral fracture of the
phalanx of a finger by a hammer blow. tibia. Indirect violence is also the commonest
cause of dislocation.
10. Fatigue fractures: Stresses, repeated with 11. Pathological fractures (a): 12. Pathological fractures (b): Pathological
excessive frequency to a bone, may result in A pathological fracture is one which occurs in fractures may also occur at the site of simple
fracture. This mechanism is often compared an abnormal or diseased bone. If the osseous tumours, e.g. a fracture of the humerus (a)
with fatigue in metals which break after abnormality reduces the strength of the bone in a child with a simple bone cyst (b). The
repeated bending beyond their elastic limit. then the force required to produce fracture is commonest causes of pathological fracture are
The commonest of these fractures involves reduced, and may even become trivial. For osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
the second metatarsal – the march fracture example a secondary tumour deposit may lead
(so called because of its frequency in army to a pathological fracture of the subtrochanteric
recruits). region of the femur – a common site.
13. Fracture patterns and their significance: 14. Hair-line fractures (b): These fractures may 15. Hair-line fractures (c): Stress fractures are
Hair-line fractures (a): Hair-line fractures be difficult to detect on the radiographs, and generally hair-line in pattern, and are often
result from minimal trauma, i.e. trauma which where there are reasonable clinical grounds not diagnosed with certainty until there is
is just great enough to produce a fracture but for suspecting a fracture, the rules a wisp of subperiosteal callus formation, or
not severe enough to produce any significant are quite clear. 1. Additional oblique increased density at the fracture site some 3–6
displacement of the fragments. Such fractures radiographic projections of the area may be weeks after the onset of symptoms. Where
may be (1) incomplete or (2) complete. helpful. 2. Do not accept poor quality films. strongly suspected an MRI or bone scan may
3. Films repeated after 7–10 days may be helpful. Hair-line fractures generally heal
show the fracture quite clearly (due to rapidly requiring only symptomatic treatment:
decalcification at the fracture site). 4. A CT but the scaphoid and femoral neck are notable
scan may also help confirm the diagnosis. exceptions.
16. Hair-line fractures (d): Radiograph of 17. Greenstick fractures (a): Greenstick 18. Greenstick fractures (b): This radiograph
upper tibia of an athletic adolescent with a 7- fractures occur in children, but not all illustrates a more severe greenstick fracture of
week history of persistent leg pain. Previous children’s fractures are of this type. The less the distal radius and ulna. Note that although
radiographs were reported as normal. Note the brittle bone of the child tends to buckle on the there is about 45° of angulation at the fracture
coned view to obtain optimal detail and the side opposite the causal force. Tearing of the site, there is no loss of bony contact in either
incomplete hair-line fracture revealed by bone periosteum and of the surrounding soft tissues fracture. The clinical deformity is clearly
sclerosis and subperiosteal callus. A crepe is often minimal. suggested by the soft-tissue shadow.
bandage support only was prescribed, and the
symptoms settled in a further 6 weeks.
19. Greenstick fractures (c): Reduction of a 20. Greenstick fractures (d): In the forearm in 21. Simple transverse fractures (a): Transverse
greenstick fracture is facilitated by the absence particular, where angulation inevitably leads to fractures run either at right angles to the
of displacement and by the intact tissues on restriction of pronation and supination, some long axis of a bone (1), or with an obliquity
the concavity of the fracture. Angulation may surgeons deliberately overcorrect the initial of less than 30°. They may be caused by
be corrected by supporting the fracture and deformity (1). This tears the periosteum on the direct violence, when the bone fractures
applying pressure over the distal fragment other side of the fracture (2). This reduces the directly beneath the causal force (e.g. the ulna
(1 and 2). The elastic spring of the periosteum risks of secondary angulation (3). Healing in fracturing when warding off a blow (a)). They
may however lead to recurrence of angulation all greenstick fractures is rapid. may also result from indirect violence when
(3). Particular attention must therefore be taken the bone is subjected to bending stresses by
over plaster fixation and after care. remotely applied force (e.g. a fracture of the
forearm bones resulting from a fall on the
outstretched hand (b)).
22. Simple transverse fractures (b): The inherent 23. Simple oblique fractures (a): In an oblique 24. Simple oblique and spiral fractures (b): In
stability of this type of fracture (illustrated by the fracture (1) the fracture runs at an oblique spiral fractures, union can be rapid (1) as there
model on the right) reduces the risks of shortening angle of 30° or more (O). Such fractures may is often a large area of bone in contact. In both
and displacement. In the tibia, as a result, weight be caused by (a) direct or (b) indirect violence. oblique and spiral fractures, unopposed muscle
bearing may be permitted at a comparatively In simple spiral fractures (2) the line of the contraction or premature weight bearing
early stage. On the other hand, the area of bony fracture curves round the bone in a spiral. readily lead to shortening, displacement and
contact is small, requiring very strong union Simple spiral fractures result from indirect sometimes loss of bony contact (2). [Note: In
before any external support can be discarded. violence, applied to the bone by twisting the AO Classification of Fractures (see later)
(NB: The term ‘simple’ used to describe this and (torsional) forces (t). simple spiral, oblique and transverse fractures
the following fractures means that the fracture are classified as Type A fractures.]
runs circumferentially round the bone with the
formation of only two main fragments.)
25. In multifragmentary (comminuted) 26. In multifragmentary complex fractures 27. Multifragmentary fractures are generally
fractures there are more than two fragments. (a further division of comminuted fractures) the result of greater violence than is the case
The spiral wedge fracture (1) is produced by there is no contact between the main with most simple fractures, and consequently
torsional forces (t), and the bending wedge fragments after reduction. In complex spiral there is an increased risk of damage to
fracture (2) by direct (a) or indirect (b) fractures (1) there are two or more spiral neighbouring muscle, blood vessels and skin
violence. The fragment (B) is often called a elements; in complex segmental fractures (1). The fractures tend to be unstable, and
butterfly fragment (because of its shape). With (sometimes called double fractures) (2) there delayed union and joint stiffness are common.
greater violence a fragmented (comminuted) is at least one quite separate complete bone Segmental fractures are often difficult to
wedge fracture (3) results. [All these fractures fragment (S). In complex irregular fractures reduce by closed methods, and direct exposure
are in Type B in the AO Classification (see (3) the bone lying between the main elements may threaten the precarious blood supply to
later) and their characteristic is that after is split into many irregular fragments. [All the central segment. Non-union at one level is
reduction there is still bony contact between these fractures are classified as Type C in the not uncommon in these fractures (2).
the main fragments (4)]. AO Classification.]
28. Impacted fractures: A fracture is impacted 29. Compression (or crush) fractures: Crush 30. Avulsion fractures (a): An avulsion
when one fragment is driven into the other fractures occur in cancellous bone which is fracture may be produced by a sudden muscle
(1). Cancellous bone is usually involved and compressed beyond the limits of tolerance. contraction, the muscle pulling off the portion
union is often rapid. The stability of these Common sites are (1) the vertebral bodies of bone to which it is attached. Common
fractures varies and is more implied than (as a result of flexion injuries) and (2) the examples include:
real. Displacement will occur if the fracture heels (following falls from a height). If the (1) Base of fifth metatarsal (peroneus brevis)
is subjected to deforming forces; e.g. without deformity is accepted, union is invariably (2) Tibial tuberosity (quadriceps)
fixation, impacted femoral neck fractures rapid. In the spine, if correction is attempted, (3) Upper pole of patella (quadriceps)
frequently come adrift (2). recurrence is almost invariable. (4) Lesser trochanter (iliopsoas)
(These are all AO Type A fractures.)
31. Avulsion fractures (b): Avulsion fractures 32. Depressed fracture: Depressed fractures 33. Fractures involving the articular surfaces of
may also result from traction on a ligamentous occur when a sharply localised blow depresses a joint: In partial articular fractures (1) part of
or capsular attachment: these are often a segment of cortical bone below the level the joint surface is involved, but the remainder
witness of momentary dislocation; e.g. (1) an of the surrounding bone. Although common is intact and solidly connected to the rest of
abduction force may avulse the ulnar collateral in skull fractures, this pattern is only rarely the bone. (AO Type B fracture.) In complete
ligament attachment, with spontaneous found in the limbs. There the tibia in the upper articular fractures (2) the articular surface is
reduction. Late subluxation (2) is common third is probably most frequently affected. completely disrupted and separated from the
with this (‘gamekeeper’s thumb’) and other Healing is rapid; complications are dependent shaft. (AO Type C fracture.) When a fracture
injuries and is especially serious in the case of on the site. involves the articular surfaces, any persisting
the spine. irregularity may cause secondary osteoarthritis
(3). Stiffness is a common complication, and
this may be minimised by early mobilisation.
34. Fracture close to a joint: When a fracture 35. Fracture–dislocation: A fracture– 36. Complicated fractures: A fracture
lies close to a joint, stiffness may also be a dislocation is present when a joint has is described as complicated if there is
problem due to tethering of neighbouring dislocated and there is in addition a fracture accompanying damage to major neighbouring
muscles and tendons by spread of callus from of one of the bony components of the joint. structures. The diagram is of a complicated
the healing fracture; e.g. in fractures of the Illustrated is a fracture–dislocation of the supracondylar fracture of the humerus.
femur close to the knee, the quadriceps may shoulder, where there is an anterior dislocation (Such an injury might also be described as a
become bound down by the callus, resulting in with a fracture of the neck of the humerus. supracondylar fracture complicated by damage
difficulty with knee flexion. Injuries of this kind may be difficult to reduce to the brachial artery.)
and may be unstable. Stiffness and avascular
necrosis are two common complications.
37. Describing the level of a fracture (a): The 38. Describing the level of a fracture (b): For 39. Describing the level of a fracture (c): In AO
anatomical divisions of a long bone descriptive purposes a bone may be divided terminology, long bones are divided into three
include the epiphysis (E), the epiphyseal plate arbitrarily into thirds. In this way unequal segments: a proximal segment (1), a
(EP), and the diaphysis or shaft (D). Between the (A) = fracture of the mid third of the femur; central diaphyseal segment (2), and a distal
latter two is the metaphysis (M). A fracture (B) = fracture of the femur in the distal third; segment (3). The boundaries between these
may be described as lying within these (C) = fracture of the femur at the junction of segments are obtained by erecting squares (S)
divisions, or involving a distinct anatomical the middle and distal thirds. which accommodate the widest part of the
part; e.g. (A) = fracture of the tibial diaphysis; The level of a fracture in some cases may be bone ends; in the special case of the femur the
(B) = fracture of the femoral neck; made quite clear by an eponym; e.g. a Colles diaphysis is described as commencing at the
(C) = fracture of the greater trochanter; fracture (D) involves the radius, and occurs distal border of the lesser trochanter.
(F) = supracondylar fracture of the femur. within an inch (2.5 cm) of the wrist.
40. Describing the deformity: If there is no 41. Displacement (a): Displacement (or 42. Displacement (b): Apart from the direction
deformity, i.e. if the violence which has translation) is present if the bone ends have of displacement, the degree must
produced the fracture has been insufficient to shifted relative to one another. The direction be considered. A rough estimate is usually
cause any movement of the bone ends relative of displacement is described in terms of made of the percentage of the fracture surfaces
to one another, then the fracture is said to be movement of the distal fragment. For example, in contact; e.g. (1) 50% bony apposition
in anatomical position. Similarly, if a perfect in these fractures of the femoral shaft at the (2) 25% bony apposition. Good bony
position has been achieved after manipulation junction of the middle and distal thirds there is apposition encourages stability and union.
of a fracture, it may be described as being in (1) no displacement, (2) lateral displacement,
anatomical position. (3) posterior displacement, (4) both lateral and
posterior displacement.
43. Displacement (c): Where none of the 44. Displacement (d): (1) Displacement of 45. Angulation (a): The accepted method
fracture surfaces is in contact, the fracture a spiral or oblique fracture will result in of describing angulation is in terms of the
is described as having ‘no bony apposition’ shortening. Displacement of transverse position of the point of the angle; e.g.
or being ‘completely off-ended’. Off-ended fractures (2) will result in shortening only (1) fracture of the femur with medial
fractures are 1. potentially unstable, 2. liable after loss of bony contact. The amount angulation, (2) fracture of the tibia and fibula
to progressive shortening, 3. liable to delay of shortening may be assessed from the with posterior angulation. (Both are midshaft
or difficulty in union, 4. often hard to reduce, radiographs (if an allowance is made fractures.) This method can on occasion give
sometimes due to trapping of soft tissue for magnification). Speaking generally, rise to confusion, especially as deformity is
between the bone ends. displacement, whilst undesirable, is of much described in terms of the distal fragment.
less significance than angulation.
46. Angulation (b): Equally acceptable, and 47. Angulation (c): Significant angulation 48. Angulation (d): In the lower limb, alteration
perhaps less liable to error, would be to must always be corrected for several reasons. of the plane of movements of the hip, knee
describe these fractures in the following Deformity of the limb will be conspicuous or ankle may lead to abnormal joint stresses,
way: (1) a fracture of the middle third of the (1) and regarded (often correctly) by the leading to the rapid onset of secondary
femur with the distal fragment tilted laterally, patient as a sign of poor treatment. Deformity osteoarthritis.
(2) a fracture of the tibia and fibula in the from displacement (2) is seldom very obvious.
middle thirds, with the distal fragment tilted In the upper limb, function may be seriously
anteriorly. This is also known as a recurvatum impaired, especially in forearm fractures
deformity. where pronation/supination may be badly
affected (3).
49. Axial rotation (a): A third type of deformity 50. Axial rotation (b): Radiographs which 51. Axial rotation (c): Axial rotation may
may be present; this is when one fragment fail to show both ends of the bone frequently also be detected in the radiographs by noting
rotates on its long axis, with or without prevent any pronouncement on the presence (1) the position of interlocking fragments
accompanying displacement or angulation. of axial rotation (1). When both ends of the (displaced fracture with 90° axial rotation
This type of deformity may be overlooked fractured bone are fully visualised on one illustrated). If a bone is not perfectly circular
unless precautions are taken and the film, rotation may be obvious (2). The moral in cross-section at the fracture site, differences
possibility of its occurrence kept in mind. is that in any fracture both the joint above in the relative diameters of the fragments
and the one below should be included in the may be suggestive of axial rotation (2). Axial
examination. rotation is of particular importance in forearm
52. Open fractures: Open (compound) 53. Fractures open from within out: (1) The 54. Technically open fracture: Occasionally the
fractures are of two types: those which are case may be first seen with bone obviously skin damage is minimal, with a small area of
open from within out, and others which are still penetrating the skin which may be tightly early bruising, in the centre of which is a tiny
open from without in. In fractures which are stretched round it. (2) More commonly, the tell-tale bead of blood issuing from a puncture
open from within out, the skin is broached by fracture having once broken the skin promptly wound; this bead of blood reappears as soon
the sharp edge of one of the bone ends. This spontaneously reduces, so that what is seen is as it is swabbed. The risks of infection are
may occur at the time of the initial injury, or a wound at the level of the fracture. much less in open-from-within-out fractures
later from unguarded handling of a closed than those from without in. This is especially
fracture. so in the technically open fracture just
55. Fractures open from without in (a): This 56. Open from without in (b): The risks of 57. Open from without in (c): Here the skin and
type of injury is caused by direct violence; infection are greater in this type of open soft tissue damage may be more extensive (3)
the causal force breaks the skin and fractures fracture as: (1) dirt and fragments of clothing, leading to oedema, compartment syndromes,
the underlying bone. Causes include injuries etc. may be driven into the wound, (2) the problems with wound cover, and greater
from falling objects (e.g. in the construction skin is often badly damaged; skin may even haemorrhage (4) and shock. The associated
industry, mining, rock falls in mountaineering, be lost. In either case, wound healing may fractures are more frequently comminuted,
etc.) and motor vehicle impacts. be in jeopardy. Difficulty in closure must be leading to difficulty in reduction and fixation.
anticipated. There may be vascular and/or neurological
complications. The initial assessment of any
open fracture must consider neurovascular
and significant muscle and tendon damage as
well as the fracture itself.
58. Describe the level and pattern of this 59. This is the radiograph of the tibia of a 60. This is a radiograph of the elbow of an
child’s fracture. young man who was kicked whilst playing adult injured in a fall. There is obvious clinical
rugby. What is the pattern of fracture? What deformity. What is the injury?
observations would you make regarding the
detection of such a fracture?
61. This is a radiograph of the arm of a child severely crushed in a run- 62. What is the pattern of this injury?
over road traffic accident. Describe the injury.
63. Describe this fracture. What problems 64. Describe the level and any angulation or 65. Can you detect any abnormality in this AP
might you anticipate with it? displacement that you see in this fracture. radiograph of the wrist and forearm of a child?
66. This is the radiograph of a patient who 67. The history in this case is of pain in the 68. This radiograph is of the hip of an elderly
complained of pain in the side of the foot back following a fall. What is the pattern of lady who complained of pain after a fall.
following a sudden inversion injury. Where is fracture? What deformity is present? Have you any
the fracture, and what is the pattern of injury? observations to make regarding any factors
contributing to the fracture?
69. What is this pattern of fracture? What is 70. What pattern of injury is illustrated in this 71. This injury was sustained in a road traffic
the importance of accurate reduction in this thumb radiograph? What is its significance? accident. Describe the pattern of injury and
case? the deformity.
ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST 65. There is a greenstick fracture of the radius. Note the ridging of the
radius both medially and laterally just proximal to the epiphysis.
58. Transverse fracture of the tibia in the middle third. Simple
transverse fracture of the tibia in the middle third (or simple transverse 66. Fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal. This is an avulsion
fracture of the tibial diaphysis). There is no significant displacement or fracture, produced by the peroneus brevis which is inserted into the fifth
angulation, and the fibula is intact. The fracture is of adult pattern and is metatarsal base.
not a greenstick fracture.
67. The radiograph shows deformity of the body of the first lumbar
59. Hair-line fracture of the tibial diaphysis (or of the tibia in the vertebra which has been reduced in height anteriorly. This is an anterior
lower mid-third). Coned-down views are often helpful; if the initial compression or crush fracture.
radiographs appear normal, they should be repeated after an interval if
there is continued suspicion that a fracture is present. CT scans of the 68. There is a simple oblique fracture of the proximal femur, running
suspect area are also often useful. between the lesser and greater trochanters, with a coxa vara deformity
(the distal femur is tilted medially). The hip is arthritic, and the
60. Dislocation of the elbow. The radius and ulna are displaced laterally disturbance in bone texture in the pelvis and femur is typical of Paget’s
in relation to the humerus (and also posteriorly, although this is not disease (i.e. this is a pathological fracture).
shown on the single radiograph).
69. There is a simple oblique fracture of the fibula, which is displaced
61. This injury cannot be anything but open as the right-angled laterally, accompanied by the talus. The distal end of the fibula is tilted
angulation of the greenstick fracture of the radius (at the junction of laterally (medial angulation). Unless accurately reduced, this fracture
its middle and lower thirds) indicates. The mottling of the soft-tissue involving a joint is liable to lead to secondary osteoarthritis.
shadows due to air is confirmatory. In addition, there is a greenstick
fracture of the ulna in its middle third (note the posterior angulation) 70. The small fragment of bone detached from the base of the proximal
and dislocation of the elbow (the ulna appears lateral and the humerus phalanx has been avulsed by the ulnar collateral ligament of the MP
AP). Both fractures are of the diaphysis. joint. It indicates that the thumb has been dislocated, and that there is
potential instability at this level.
62. Fracture dislocation of the shoulder. The head of the humerus is not
congruous with the glenoid. Lateral to it is a large fragment of bone, the 71. There is a fragmented wedge fracture of the tibial diaphysis. There
avulsed greater tuberosity of the humerus. are four fragments, and the main butterfly fragment of a bending
wedge fracture remains in contact and alignment with the main distal
63. Segmental (double) fracture of the tibia (complex segmental fragment. There is a segmental (double) fracture of the fibula. Both
fracture). The proximal fracture is virtually transverse and in the middle fractures are in the middle third. Soft tissue shadows indicate, as might
third. The distal fracture is also transverse and situated in the distal be anticipated, that this is an open fracture. There is lateral angulation
third. The fibula is fractured, and the tibia displaced medially. Bony (i.e. the distal fragment is tilted medially). During the taking of the
apposition has probably been lost in the proximal fracture. Problems AP and lateral radiographs there has been some alteration of position
with reduction, fixation and non-union at one level are to be anticipated. of the fracture: note that in the lateral projection there is considerable
axial rotation (the foot is lateral, but the upper tibia is almost in the AP
64. Fracture of the radius and ulna in the distal third. In the lateral plane). Axial rotation is not a feature of the AP projection.
projection, there is some slight anterior (volar) angulation (posterior
(or dorsal) tilting) of the ulna. In the AP view, there is lateral (or
radial) displacement of the distal fragments which are virtually off-
ended. There is some medial (ulnar) angulation (or the distal fragments
are tilted laterally). The radial fracture is oblique with a slight spiral
element. The ulnar fracture is transverse.
72. Types of epiphyses: There are two types of 73. Traction epiphyses ctd: Injuries to the 74. Pressure epiphyses (a): Pressure
epiphyses: (1) pressure epiphyses (epiphyses), traction epiphyses are nearly always avulsion epiphyses are situated at the ends of the
which form part of the articulating surfaces injuries. The sites commonly affected include: long bones and take part in the articulations.
of a joint, and (2) traction epiphyses (1) the base of the fifth metatarsal, (2) the The corresponding epiphyseal plates are
(apophyses), which lie at muscle insertions, tibial tuberosity, (3) the calcaneal epiphysis. responsible for longitudinal growth of the
are non-articular and do not contribute to the Traction injuries are probably the basic cause bone. (Circumferential growth is controlled
longitudinal growth of the bone. of Osgood Schlatter’s and Sever’s disease by the periosteum.) Note: (1) epiphysis,
(2 and 3). Other sites include the lesser (2) epiphyseal plate, (3) metaphysis,
trochanter, ischium and the anterior iliac (4) diaphysis.
75. Pressure epiphyses (b): Within the 76. Pressure epiphyses (c): The metaphyseal 77. Epiphyseal plate injuries (Salter and Harris
epiphyseal plate (1) is a layer of active side of the plate is nourished by vessels from Classification):
cartilage cells (2). The newly formed cells the shaft (M). In the tibia (1) the epiphysis is Type 1: The whole epiphysis is separated from
undergo hypertrophy. Calcification and supplied by extra-articular vessels. Vessels to the shaft.
transformation to bone occur near the the femoral head (2) lie close to the joint space Type 2: The epiphysis is displaced, carrying
metaphysis (3). When there is an epiphyseal and epiphyseal plate (P). There is a variable with it a small, triangular metaphyseal
separation, it occurs at the weakest point, the (up to 25%) contribution from the ligamentum fragment (the commonest injury).
layer of cell hypertrophy (4). The active region teres. Epiphyseal displacements may lead to Type 3: Separation of part of the epiphysis.
(2) remains with the epiphysis. avascular necrosis or growth arrest. The head Type 4: Separation of part of the epiphysis,
of radius is similarly at risk. (C) = capsule, (A) with a metaphyseal fragment.
= articular cartilage. Type 5: Crushing of part or all of the
78. Type 1 injuries (a): The epiphysis is 79. Type 1 injuries (b): An endocrine 80. Type 2 injuries: The epiphysis displaces,
separated from the shaft without any disturbance is thought to be an important carrying with it a small triangular fragment
accompanying fracture. This may follow factor in the common forms of slipped upper of the metaphysis (illustrated here in the
trauma in childhood (illustrated is a traumatic femoral epiphysis. Avascular necrosis is not distal femur). It is caused by trauma and is
displacement of the distal femoral epiphysis) uncommon, especially if forcible reduction is the commonest of epiphyseal injuries. Its
or result from a birth injury. It may occur attempted after a delay in diagnosis. Growth highest incidence is in early adolescence.
secondary to a joint infection, rickets or arrest is seldom a problem (as it occurs in Growth disturbance is relatively uncommon.
scurvy. Reduction by manipulation is usually adolescence towards the end of growth, and as Reduction must be early – it becomes difficult
easy in traumatic lesions, and the prognosis is most femoral growth is at the distal end). after 48 hours by closed methods.
good unless the epiphysis lies wholly within
the joint.
81. Type 3 injuries: Part of the epiphysis is 82. Type 4 injuries: Separation of part of 83. Type 5 injuries: Crushing or other damage
separated. Accurate reduction is necessary in the epiphysis with a metaphyseal fragment. to the epiphyseal plate. This radiograph of a
this type of injury to restore the smoothness The lateral condyle of the humerus is most child who was dragged along the road by a
and regularity of the articular surface. The commonly affected and must be accurately car shows the medial malleolus, part of the
prognosis is generally good unless the severity reduced – open reduction is usually necessary. epiphyseal plate and the adjacent tibia have
of the initial displacement has disrupted the Failure of reduction leads to bone formation in been removed by abrasion. (The tibia is also
blood supply to the fragment. The lower and the gap and marked disturbance of growth. fractured.) The epiphyseal plate may also be
upper tibial epiphyses are most commonly crushed in severe abduction and adduction
affected (note separated portion of tibial injuries of the ankle.
epiphysis behind lateral malleolus).
85. Growth disturbances (b): If the whole epiphyseal plate is affected, growth will be arrested,
leading to greater shortening of the bone. The final result will depend on the age at which
epiphyseal arrest occurred, and the epiphysis involved; obviously the younger the child the
greater is the growth loss. Arrest of one epiphysis in paired bones will lead to joint deformity.
In the case illustrated, the radial epiphysis on the right has suffered complete growth arrest
following a displaced lower radial epiphysis. The ulna has continued to grow at its usual rate;
its distal end appears prominent on the dorsum of the wrist, and there is obvious deformity and
impairment of function in the wrist. The normal left side is shown for comparison.
86. Fracture healing: As a result of the injury, 87. Fracture haematoma (a): Bleeding occurs 88. Fracture haematoma (b): The fracture
(1) the periosteum may be completely or from the bone ends, marrow vessels and haematoma is rapidly vascularised by
partly torn, (2) there is disruption of the damaged soft tissues, with the formation of the ingrowth of blood vessels from the
Haversian systems with death of adjacent a fracture haematoma which clots. (A closed surrounding tissues, and for some weeks there
bone cells, (3) there may be tearing of muscle, fracture is illustrated.) is rapid cellular activity. Fibrovascular tissue
especially on the convex side of the fracture, replaces the clot, collagen fibres are laid down
and damage to neighbouring nerves and and mineral salts are deposited.
blood vessels, (4) the skin may be broached
in compound injuries, with risk of ingress of
89. Subperiosteal bone: New woven bone is 90. Primary callus response: This remains 91. Bridging external callus (a): If the
formed beneath the periosteum at the ends of active for a few weeks only (1). There is a periosteum is incompletely torn, and there
the bone. The cells responsible are derived much less vigorous formation of callus from is no significant loss of bony apposition,
from the periosteum, which becomes stretched the medullary cavity (2). Nevertheless, the the primary callus response may result in
over these collars of new bone. If the blood capacity of the medulla to form new bone establishing external continuity of the fracture
supply is poor, or if it is disturbed by excessive remains indefinitely throughout the healing of (‘bridging external callus’). Cells lying in the
mobility at the fracture site, cartilage may be the fracture. outer layer of the periosteum itself proliferate
formed instead and remain until a better blood to reconstitute the periosteum.
supply is established.
92. Bridging external callus (b): If the gap is 93. Bridging external callus (c): If the bone 94. Endosteal new bone formation (a): If there
more substantial, fibrous tissue formed from ends are offset, the primary callus from the is no gap between the bone ends, osteoclasts
the organisation of the fracture haematoma subperiosteal region may unite with medullary can tunnel across the fracture line in advance
will lie between the advancing collars of callus. The net result of the three mechanisms of ingrowing blood vessels and osteoblasts
subperiosteal new bone. This fibrous tissue just described is that the fracture becomes which form new Haversian systems. Dead
may be stimulated to form bone (‘tissue rigid, function in the limb returns and the bone is revascularised and may provide an
induction’), again resulting in bridging callus. situation is rendered favourable for endosteal invaluable scaffolding and local mineral
The mechanism may be due to a change of bone formation and remodelling. source. This process cannot occur if the
electrical potential at the fracture site or to a fracture is mobile.
(hypothetical) wound hormone.
96. Endosteal new bone formation (c): Where the bone ends are supported by rigid internal
fixation, there is no functional requirement for external bridging callus: as a result external
bridging callus may not be seen, or be minimal. Healing of the fracture occurs slowly through
the formation of new cortical bone between the bone ends. It is therefore essential that internal
fixation devices are retained until this process is complete.
Remodelling: After clinical union, new Haversian systems are laid down along the lines of stress.
In areas free from stress, bone is removed by osteoclasts. Eventually little trace of external
bridging callus will remain. The power to remodel bone in this way is great in children, but not
so marked in the adult. In a child, most or all traces of fracture displacement (including even off-
ending) will disappear. There is also some power to correct angulation, although this becomes
progressively less as the child approaches adolescence. Any axial rotation, however, is likely to
remain. In the adult, there is virtually no correction of axial rotation or angulation. It is, therefore,
important that axial rotation deformity is always corrected, and that angulation, particularly in
adults, should not be accepted.
Bone morphogenic protein (BMP): These make up a family of proteins which have osteogenic
properties. More than 16 (BMP 1–16) have been identified: they have been purified, cloned
and sequenced into human recombinant forms. They function by inducing mesenchymal cells
to transform – first into cartilage and then into bone cells. They may produce and mineralise
osteoid, influence angiogenesis, and play a part in bone remodelling. They may also have a role
to play in articular cartilage repair.
95. Endosteal new bone formation (b): The Their clinical application is being appraised. It has been found that dosage is important: too
formation of new cortical bone, with re- low, and the effect is minimal, and too high a dose may lead to osteoclastic activity. To maintain
establishment of continuity between the a suitable local concentration and prevent rapid absorption, BMPs are used with a carrier, the
Haversian systems on either side, cannot occur commonest of which are collagen based; unfortunately most carriers result in an immunogenic
if fibrous tissue remains occupying the space response which may cause problems; so there is continued research in developing more effective
between the bone ends. If this is present, it carriers. BMPs may also be delivered by gene therapy, either directly to the tissues so that the
must be removed and replaced with woven host cells are transfected, or by transfection of cultured cells which are then implanted locally.
bone. This is generally achieved by ingrowth However, the safety of viral vectors must be established before they can be used clinically.
of medullary callus which remains active
through the healing phase.
Early clinical trials have shown that in the presence of adequate environmental conditions
(biomechanical stability, soft tissue coverage and adequate vascularity) the value of BMPs in
accelerating healing in open tibial fractures, tibial non-unions, and bone defects seems clear.
97. The classification of fractures There is no fracture of any bone which has escaped an
attempt at classification. Sometimes this has been done on the basis of region and pattern,
sometimes through a concept of the stresses to which the bone has been subjected, and usually
with an eye on some understanding of the severity of the injury and its prognosis. Unfortunately
not everyone has the same ideas regarding the relative importance of the various factors
concerned, and as time progresses and knowledge expands the number of classifications that
exist has been continuing to grow.
The result is that in nearly every area there is a wealth of classifications, usually with grades,
degrees or numbers attached to the originator’s name. This bewilders the newcomer, and causes
much confusion in those who are attempting to assess the results of various treatments, as the
injuries classified by one author may not be easily compared with those described by another.
There is too the problem of how to ascribe certain fractures which have been inconsiderate
enough to adopt a pattern that does not quite fit within the classification.
No surgeon is able to master the wealth of classifications outside his own specialist area;
and for purposes of communication, as far as single injuries are concerned, a fracture is
described mainly by its site and pattern, along the lines already detailed. In such circumstances
classifications are only mentioned if they have become familiar through long usage, and in some
cases classifications of this type may be archaic.
After many years’ work the AO Group have evolved a classification which aims to encompass
all fractures, actual or theoretical, and is of particular value for research purposes.
98. The principles of the AO classification: 1. The AO classification for long bone fractures may be grasped by likening it to an X-ray storage slystem,
with numbered blocks of filing cabinets: one block for each bone.
Within each block, each filing cabinet (which is also numbered) represents a particular area of each bone: cabinet number 1 stores fractures of
the proximal segment, number 2 the diaphysis or shaft, and number 3 the distal segment. In the case of the tibia, there is a fourth cabinet to deal
with fractures of the malleoli. (The junction between the segments is determined in the way described on p. 10, Frame 39.) When a fracture bridges
the junction between two segments, the segment under which it is classified is determined by the site of the mid-point of the line of the fracture. In
practice therefore, a two-digit code determines the Location of a fracture: e.g. under 22- would be stored all fractures of the shafts of the radius, or
the ulna, or of both these bones.
In each cabinet all the radiographs for a single location of fracture are divided into fracture Types (represented by the three drawers); the least
severe go in drawer A (Type A), those of intermediate severity in B (Type B fractures), and the most severe in C (Type C). Some of the criteria used
to differentiate between the three types of fracture have already been indicated (Frames 25, 26, 33) but see Footnote.
Any type of fracture can be put in one of three groups (represented by folders, and numbered 1–3). The methods of selection are again described
later. Within each group fractures may be further sorted into subgroups (represented by partitions). Each of these subgroups has a numerical
representation (.1, .2, .3). [If an even more detailed classification is needed, fractures within each subgroup can have added qualifications. These
can be described by a single number (or two numbers separated by a comma) added in parentheses after the main coding. The first digit in the range
1–6 is used to amplify the description of a fracture’s location and its extent, while the second is purely descriptive. The number 7 is reserved to
describe partial amputations, 8 for total amputation, and 9 for loss of bone stock.]
As an example of the AO classification, a simple oblique fracture of the proximal part of the femoral shaft distal to the trochanters would be
coded 32–A2.1 as follows:
Footnote: the criteria employed in sorting fractures into their appropriate types, groups and subgroups are given in a little more detail in the section
on Regional Injuries.
99. Classification of open fractures (a): Type I: An open fracture with a wound which or (b) high energy trauma irrespective of the
The classification of Gustilo et al is well is (a) less than 1cm and (b) clean. size of the wound.
established and in common use. It is a
practical classification which relates well Type II: An open fracture with a wound which Type IIIB: An open fracture with extensive
to the common patterns of injury and their is (a) more than 1cm long and (b) which is not soft tissue loss, with periosteal stripping and
prognosis. Three types are described, with the associated with extensive soft tissue damage, exposure of bone. Massive contamination is
third being subdivided to allow a more precise avulsions, or flaps. usual.
Type IIIA: An open fracture where there is Type IIIC: An open fracture associated with
adequate soft tissue coverage of bone in spite an arterial injury which requires repair.
of (a) extensive soft tissue lacerations or flaps
100. Classification of open fractures (b): The IO3 = In excess of 5 cm of skin broken, with NV3 = Isolated vascular injury
AO Group use separate classifications for devitalised edges and local degloving NV4 = Combined neural and vascular injury
closed and open skin injuries and for injuries IO4 = Full thickness contusion, abrasion, skin NV5 = Sub-total or total amputation.
to muscle; they employ a separate fourth loss
classification for nerve and vascular injuries. IO5 = Extensive degloving. Note that for data storage purposes the above
The classification is more complex and is AO soft-tissue classifications are appended to
given here for completeness: Muscle and tendon injuries in fractures: their alpha-numeric fracture classification; e.g.
a segmental fracture of the tibia in which there
Skin lesions in closed fractures (Integuments, MT1 = No muscle injury was a small skin wound, no obvious muscle
Closed): MT2 = Local muscle injury, one muscle group damage, but an associated drop foot would be
only classified 42–C2/IO2–MT1–NV2: this is not a
IC1 = Skin undamaged MT3 = Extensive muscle injury with classification for committing to memory!
IC2 = Contusion of skin involvement of more than one group
IC3 = Local degloving MT4 = Avulsion or loss of entire muscle Note the very approximate correlations
IC4 = Extensive (but closed) degloving groups, tendon lacerations between the Gustilo and AO classifications:
IC5 = Skin necrosis resulting from contusion. MT5 = Compartment syndrome; Crush
syndrome. Gustilo Type I equivalent to IO1
Skin lesions in open fractures (Integuments, Gustilo Type II equivalent to IO2
Open): Neurovascular injuries in fractures: Gustilo Type IIIA equivalent to IO3
Gustilo Type IIIB equivalent to IO4
IO1 = Skin broken from within out NV1 = No neurovascular injury Gustilo Type IIIC equivalent to IO3–5 + NV2.
IO2 = Skin broken from without in, with NV2 = Isolated nerve injury
contused edges but less than 5cm in length
The diagnosis of fractures
and principles of treatment
In taking the history of a patient who may have a fracture, the following
points may prove to be helpful, especially when there has been a traumatic
1. What activity was being pursued at the time of the incident (e.g. taking
part in a sport, driving a car, working at a height, etc.)?
2. What was the nature of the incident (e.g. a kick, a fall, a twisting injury,
3. What was the magnitude of the applied forces? For example if
a patient was injured in a fall, it is helpful to know how far he
fell, if his fall was broken, the nature of the surface on which he
landed, and how he landed; trivial violence may lead one to suspect
a pathological fracture: severe violence makes the exclusion of
multiple injuries particularly important.
4. What was the point of impact and the direction of the applied forces?
In reducing a fracture, one of the principle methods employed is to
reduplicate the causal forces in a reverse direction. If a fracture occurs
close to the point of impact, additional remotely situated fractures must
How to diagnose a fracture 25
be excluded.
History 25
Clinical examination 26 5. Is there any significance to be attached to the incident itself? For
Radiological and other visualisation example, if there was a fall, was it precipitated by some underlying
techniques 29 medical condition, such as a hypotensive attack, which requires separate
Diagnostic pitfalls 30 investigation?
Treatment of fractures 31 6. Where is the site of any pain, and what is its severity?
Resuscitation and fluid 7. Is there loss of functional activity? For example, walking is seldom
replacement 32
Complications of transfusion 36
possible after any fracture of the femur or tibia; inability to weight bear
Persisting circulatory after an accident is of great significance.
impairment 37 8. What is the patient’s age? Note that while a young person may
Head injuries 38 sustain bruising or a sprain following moderate trauma, an incident
Glasgow Coma Scale 39 of comparative magnitude in an older patient may result in a
Trauma complications 40
Trauma scoring 40
General principles of treatment 41
Diagnosis In some cases the diagnosis of fracture is unmistakable,
Damage control orthopaedics 44
Mangled Extremity Severity e.g. when there is gross deformity of the central portion of a long bone
Score 51 or when the fracture is visible as in certain compound injuries. In the
Suspected child abuse 53 majority of other cases, a fracture is suspected from the history and clinical
examination, and confirmed by radiography of the region.
2. Inspection (a): Begin by inspecting the limb 3. Inspection (b): Look for any persisting 4. Inspection (c): Look for local bruising of
most carefully, comparing one side with the asymmetry of posture of the limb, for example, the skin suggesting a point of impact which
other. Look for any asymmetry of contour, persisting external rotation of the leg is a may direct your attention locally or to a more
suggesting an underlying fracture which has common feature in disimpacted fractures of distant level. For example, bruising over the
displaced or angled. the femoral neck. knee from dashboard impact should direct
your attention to the underlying patella, and
also to the femoral shaft and hip.
5. Inspection (d): Look for other tell-tale skin 6. Inspection (e): Note the presence of: (C) 7. Inspection (f): If the patient is seen
damage. For example (A) grazing, with or skin stretch marks, (D) band patterning shortly after the incident, note any localised
without ingraining of dirt in the wound, or of the skin, suggestive of both stretching swelling of the limb (1). Later, swelling
friction burns, suggests an impact followed by and compression of the skin in a run-over tends to become more diffuse. Note the
rubbing of the skin against a resistant surface. injury, (E) pattern bruising, caused by severe presence of any haematoma (2). A fracture
(B) Lacerations suggest impact against a hard compression which leads the skin to be may strip the skin from its local attachments
edge, tearing by a bone end, or splitting by imprinted with the weave marks of overlying (degloving injury); the skin comes to float on
compression against a hard surface. clothing. Any of these abnormalities should an underlying collection of blood which is
lead you to suspect the integrity of the continuous with the fracture haematoma.
underlying bone.
8. Inspection (g): Note the colour of the injured 9. Tenderness (a): Look for tenderness over 10. Tenderness (b): In eliciting tenderness,
limb, and compare it with the other. Slight the bone suspected of being fractured. once a tender area has been located the part
cyanosis is suggestive of poor peripheral Tenderness is invariably elicited over a should be palpated at the same level from
circulation; more marked cyanosis, venous fracture (1), but tenderness will also be found another direction. For example, in many
obstruction; and whiteness, disturbance of over any traumatised area, even though there sprained wrists, tenderness will be elicited in
the arterial supply. Feel the limb, and note is no underlying fracture (2). The important the anatomical snuff-box – but not over the
the temperature at different levels, again distinguishing feature is that in the case of a dorsal and palmar aspects of the scaphoid,
comparing the sides. Check the pulses, fracture tenderness will be elicited when the which are tender if a fracture is present.
and the rapidity of pinking-up after tissue bone is palpated on any aspect (3).
The following table lists some of the commonest errors made in the filling in
of request forms
Neck of femur ‘X-ray femur, Poor centring of the ‘X-ray hip, ? fracture
? fracture’ radiographs may render the neck of femur’ or
fracture invisible ‘X-ray to exclude
fracture of femoral
Tibial plateau or ‘X-ray tibia, Poor centring may render ‘X-ray upper third
tibial spines ? fracture’ the fracture invisible, or the tibia to exclude
area may not be included fracture of tibial
on the film plateau’
14. The standard projections: These are 15. Comparison films: Where there is some 16. Oblique projections: In the case of the
an anteroposterior (AP) and lateral. Ideally difficulty in interpreting the radiographs hand and foot, an oblique projection may be
the beam should be centred over the area of (e.g. in the elbow region in children where helpful when the lateral gives rise to confusion
suspected fracture, with visualisation of the the epiphyseal structures are continually due to the superimposition of many structures.
proximal and distal joints. This is especially changing, or where there is some unexplained Such oblique projections may have to be
important in the paired long bones where, for shadow, or a congenital abnormality) films specifically requested when they are not part
example, a fracture of the tibia at one level of the other side should be taken for direct of an X-ray department’s routine.
may be accompanied by a fibular fracture at comparison.
17. Localised views: Where there is marked 18. Stress films (a): Stress films can be of value 19. Stress films (b): (ii) Stress films may
local tenderness, but routine films are in certain situations: (i) When a complete tear also be used where there is some doubt as
normal, coned-down localised views may of a major ligament is suspected, e.g., where to stability of a uniting fracture. They may
give sufficient gain in detail to reveal for the lateral ligament of the ankle is thought to also be employed where the possibility of
example a hair-line fracture: if such films be torn, radiographs of the joint taken with refracture arises.
are also negative, the radiographs should be the foot in forced inversion may demonstrate
repeated after an interval of 10–14 days if the instability of the talus in the ankle mortice.
symptoms are persisting (see also Hair-line (Local or general anaesthesia may be required
Fractures in Ch. 1/Frame 13). in fresh injuries.)
articular surface
Pelvic fractures, to show the number of elements involved and their
4. MRI scans. These avoid any exposure to X-radiation and produce image
cuts as in CT scans with a greater ability to distinguish between different
soft-tissues. In the trauma field they are of particular value in assessing
neurological structures within the skull and spinal canal, and meniscal and
ligamentous structures about the knee and shoulder.
5. Bone scanning with SPECT (single-photon-emission computed
tomography). This allows physiological assessment of bone by identifying
areas of increased osteoblastic activity. It is highly sensitive.
6. Ultrasound. Ultrasound imaging is of great sensitivity and of value in
assessing the presence of fluid (e.g. blood) within the abdominal cavity
in the patient with multiple injuries; it may also be helpful in elucidating
injuries to the quadriceps tendon, the patellar ligament and the Achilles tendon.
A number of fractures are missed with great regularity – sometimes with
serious consequences. You should always be on the look-out for the following:
1. An elderly patient who is unable to weight bear after a fall must be
examined most carefully. The commonest cause by far is a fracture of the
femoral neck, and this must be eliminated in every case. If the femoral
neck is intact, look for a fracture of the pubic rami. Note that, on the rare
occasion, a patient with an impacted fracture of the femoral neck may be
able to weight bear, albeit with pain.
2. If a car occupant suffers a fracture of the patella or femur from a dashboard
impact, always eliminate the presence of a silent dislocation of the hip.
3. If a patient fractures the calcaneus in a fall, examine the other side most
carefully. Bilateral fractures are extremely common, and the less painful
side may be missed.
4. If a patient complains of a ‘sprained ankle’ always examine the foot as well as
the ankle. Fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal frequently result from
inversion injuries, and are often overlooked. The mistake of not performing a
good clinical examination in these circumstances is compounded by requesting
radiographs of the ankle (which do not show the fifth metatarsal bone).
5. In the unconscious patient, injuries of the cervical spine are frequently
overlooked. It pays to have routine screening films of the neck, chest and
pelvis in the unconscious patient.
6. Impacted fractures of the neck of the humerus are often missed,
especially when one view only is taken. Conversely, in children, the
epiphyseal line is often wrongly mistaken for fracture.
7. Posterior dislocation of the shoulder may not be diagnosed when it should be
at the initial attendance. This is because the humeral head comes to lie directly
behind the glenoid, and is not detected if only a single AP projection is taken.
If there is a strong suspicion of injury, and especially if there is deformity
of the shoulder, a second projection is essential if no abnormality is noted
on the AP film. (Two views should be taken routinely in all injuries, but in
many departments the shoulder, for no good reason, is excluded from this rule.)
8. Apparently isolated fractures of either the radius or ulna should
be diagnosed with caution. The Monteggia and Galeazzi fracture–
dislocations are still frequently missed. In the same way, it is unwise to
diagnose an isolated fracture of the tibia until the whole of the fibula has
been visualised; fracture of the tibia close to the ankle is, for example,
often accompanied by fracture of the fibular neck.
The primary aims of fracture treatment are:
1. The attainment of sound bony union without deformity
2. The restoration of function, so that the patient is able to resume his former
occupation and pursue any athletic or social activity he wishes.
To this might be added ‘as quickly as possible’ and ‘without risk of any
complications, whether early or late’. These aims cannot always be achieved,
and in some situations are mutually exclusive. For example, internal fixation
of some fractures may give rapid restoration of function, but at the expense of
occasional infection. The great variations that exist in fracture treatment are
largely due to differences in interpretation of these factors and their relevance
in the case under consideration; they are in constant flux, with on the one hand
the development of more sophisticated methods of fracture fixation and new
antibiotics, and on the other the emergence of antibiotic resistant organisms.
If a limb fracture is a patient’s sole injury, resuscitation is less frequently
required, so that it is often possible to proceed with treatment without undue
delay (although unfitness for anaesthesia may sometimes upset this ideal).
If, however, a fracture is complicated by damage to other structures, or
involvement of other systems, then treatment of the fracture usually takes
second place. Immediate action must be taken to correct any life-endangering
situation which may be present or anticipated.
Advanced trauma life support (ATLS) It is recognised that a well-organised
trauma team can give the best treatment to a severely injured patient. The core
trauma team will normally consist of ten staff: a team leader, an anaesthetist
and his assistant, a general surgeon, an orthopaedic surgeon, an emergency
department physician, two nurses, a radiographer, and a note-taker (scribe).
Each member has his own specific areas of responsibility. The team leader
should not normally touch the patient, but orchestrate the team.
Additional staff will include porters, blood bank staff including a
haematologist, and a biochemist. A neurosurgeon, thoracic surgeon, plastic
surgeon, and radiologist should also be available at short notice.
To maintain such a team with its equipment makes heavy demands, and is only
possible in a few hospitals which have the necessary workload and resources.
In most situations, especially away from large centres, smaller teams are involved
and assessment and management follow a more linear approach (as adopted below).
Some general principles in the initial management of cases of multiple
injuries are well established, and may be summarised with the mnemonic
A = Airway
1. Any blood, mucus or vomit must be removed from the upper respiratory
passages by suction or swabbing. Dentures should be looked for and extracted.
In the more minor situations, respiratory obstruction may be avoided by
support of the jaw, a simple airway, and turning the patient on his side.
2. An endotracheal tube may have to be passed:
in the unconscious patient with an absent gag reflex
where inhalation of mucus or vomit has already taken place (or is
suspected), for clearing of the respiratory passages under vision
where there is bleeding from the upper airway
for the more effective management of cases where there is respiratory
difficulty or evidence of hypoxia, e.g. in cases of flail chest. Where
there is need for intubation in a patient when a cervical spine injury is
suspected, the procedure should be carried out with great care, avoiding
excessive cervical spine extension; naso-tracheal intubation should be
used. Confirm placement by auscultation (and/or by a radiograph).
B = Breathing
1. Ventilate with 100% oxygen. Check the breath sounds. After intubation
assess the arterial blood gas levels so that if these remain impaired the
appropriate steps may be taken (e.g. reviewing the diagnosis and noting
the situations described below).
2. An open chest wound must be immediately covered to reduce the risks of
tension pneumothorax. A vaseline gauze dressing, covered with a swab,
and firmly secured to the skin with broad adhesive tape is usually quite
adequate in the emergency situation.
3. If there is evidence of a tension pneumothorax (hyper-resonance and decreased
breath sounds on the affected side, or tracheal shift to the other), or of
pneumothorax or haemothorax, the appropriate chest cavities should be drained
by intercostal catheters connected to water seal drains. A routine radiograph
of the chest will usually confirm the diagnosis, but if this remains in doubt, the
chest should be tapped in the fifth interspace in the mid-axillary line.
4. If there is evidence of paradoxical respiration due to flail rib segments, blood
gas levels should be estimated. Normal values are given below:
must be properly applied; too little pressure will increase the blood loss
by preventing venous return, and too great a pressure will endanger
underlying nerves. A pneumatic tourniquet should always be applied in
preference to any other type.
2. Remove blood for grouping and crossmatching, and the establishment of
base-line parameters including haemoglobin and haematocrit.
3. Set up two large bore (14–16 gauge) intravenous lines, performing if
necessary a rapid cut-down and insertion of a large bore intravenous
cannula under vision.
4. Make an assessment of the circulatory state. Initially the blood pressure
and pulse are the most useful familiar guides to the state of the circulation,
but note that tachycardia and a low blood pressure may sometimes be
absent in those suffering from hypovolaemic shock, requiring the exercise
of clinical judgement. The need for replacement depends on an assessment
of loss and the circulatory state. The amount and type of replacement is
dependent on the nature and extent of the loss. The rate of infusion is
largely determined by the response to replacement.
Classification of haemorrhage a 70 kg male has a circulatory volume of 5 L
of blood (equivalent to 25 units of packed red blood cells).
Class I: loss of up to 15% of blood volume (equivalent to 4 units of packed
red cells) normally does not cause a change in blood pressure or pulse.
Class II: loss of 15–30% of blood volume (equivalent to 4–8 units of packed
red cells) normally leads to tachycardia, but no significant disturbance of
the blood pressure.
Class III: loss of 30–40% of blood volume (about 2 L in a 70 kg man) results
in tachycardia and lowering of the blood pressure.
Class IV: loss of more than 40% of blood volume leads generally to severe
tachycardia and lowering of the blood pressure.
Estimating blood loss The following list gives a crude guidance in
anticipating potential blood loss:
Closed fracture of the femoral shaft: 1 L
Open book fractures of the pelvis: 2–3 L (potentially much greater where
there is a sacroiliac disruption)
Intra-abdominal haemorrhage: 2–3 L
Haemothorax: 1–2 L
Closed head injury: blood loss is insubstantial and hypotension does not
occur unless the patient is close to death.
5. If there is blood loss accompanied by tachycardia or hypotension
rapidly run in crystalloids (such as normal saline or Ringer-lactate).
(In children, give 20 ml/kg body weight initially, and up to 60 ml/kg). Use
of warmed solutions has been shown to reduce mortality and help preserve
the haemostatic mechanisms, and should be routine. If the response is
inadequate after 2 litres, other measures will be required. These include
the administration of packed red blood cells or whole blood, and possibly
surgery (see later). Temporary splintage of limb fractures will reduce local
haemorrhage whether the fracture is open or closed.
(Note that crystalloids are poorly retained in the intravascular space. Some
prefer the use of plasma or synthetic colloids which do not suffer from this
disadvantage, but others claim that these have no advantage in the trauma
setting. Fresh frozen plasma does have the advantage of covering any
Blood sampling:
1. to establish base parameters
2. for grouping and cross-matching Rapidly infuse 2 units
+ group O Rh −ve packed red cells
Establish good i.v. lines and commence Arrest any external haemorrhage
infusion with saline or Ringer-lactate Reassess and continue if necessary with
group O Rh −ve blood until
Exsanguinated Yes matched blood available
Administer cross-matched packed
red cell, with supplements if required
Stable, Hb > 9g No
Give whole blood if bleeding continues
Surgery if required to control bleeding
Saline or
Urinary output ? Post renal cause, Yes lactate
e.g., ruptured urethra +
? cardiac
Saline or Ringer-lactate,
up to 3 L/24 h
? Mechanical No
from thoracic trauma
Stop fluid
Surgery with
fluid replacement
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callit Cuming the Monk [was] hangit for making of false writs.’—Bir.