BAM Troubleshooting Guide 10 1

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BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 2

1. Dos and don'ts in BAM........................................................................................................................
2. How to change the iBPS logo in downloaded reports in BAM?....................................................5
3. How to give rights for BAM reports to a specific User/Group?.....................................................6
4. Need to show only a fixed set of tables to the end-user in the Report Designer.........................6
5. How to add columns at runtime to the report while fetching data from the procedure?.............7
6. Modified Output column list (through SP) is not coming for reports while doing the
modification........................................................................................................................................ 8
7. When generating System reports in BAM “No Records Found” is shown...................................8
8. Serial Number is not getting changed on clicking the Next button on the Report Viewer screen
(while using batching) OR (serial number is starting from 1 on every page in the batching).....8
9. How to add a Date Picker with Report Input Filter while generating a report?............................8
10. All the records of the BAM report are not getting downloaded. Getting “Max record limit
reached” in downloaded report(1000 records only getting downloaded in most of the cases). 9
11. Getting the message “Maximum record display limit reached” printed inside the downloaded
BAM Report........................................................................................................................................ 9
12. URL to open BAM Reports Externally............................................................................................ 10
13. URL to open Workitems from BAM Reports..................................................................................10
14. Getting data mismatch issues on batched data where batching is implemented (output record
data is not as expected in the case of batching)...........................................................................12
15. In iBPS Mobile, the user is only able to scroll 1 step at a time in the BAM Dashboard.............12
16. How to restrict cut, copy and paste in mobile report dashboard?..............................................12
17. The user needs to have custom validation for report input fields or the user needs to restrict
future date input in BAM reports.................................................................................................... 12
18. How to make Custom Picklist searchable in BAM?......................................................................13
19. Reports are getting downloaded in 0 kb for xlsx format (for Version 4.0SP1 and above).........14
20. xlsx is getting downloaded in 0kb size when configured through BAM Report Scheduler
(specific to WebLogic for iBPS 4.0 SP1 and above versions)......................................................15
21. Reports are getting downloaded but not opening in MS Excel...................................................16
22. How to hide the “Hidden Report Category” while adding reports to the dashboard?...............16
23. The report header is not visible in the downloaded report..........................................................17

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 3

24. Users want to hide specific SQL errors and show the generic error message (when you don't
want to expose the SQL error)........................................................................................................ 17
25. How to configure Staging Cabinet in BAM?..................................................................................17
26. BAM components (Report Designer, Report Scheduler, Dashboard, Report List, and Report
View) are not loading or getting errors like “Unable to Connect to the application BAM”........18
27. Getting error of invalid query in BAM components (Report Designer, Report Scheduler,
Dashboard, Report List, and Report View)....................................................................................19
28. How to create a dependent picklist in BAM Report Input Filter?.................................................19
29. Getting wrong data in CSV downloaded report:...........................................................................20
30. How to first name and the family name of user in downloaded report........................................20
31. The number of parameters exceeded the maximum of 1000 in logs...........................................20
32. Common issues related to staging...............................................................................................22
33. Steps to follow in case of staging issue.......................................................................................23
34. When getting 'The query has timed out' in xml logs....................................................................24
35. No space/separator is showing between two column on downloading report in txt format....24
36. Need to remove the default My Dashboard...................................................................................25
37. change the format of downloaded txt file......................................................................................26
38. How to remove “END OF THE REPORT TAG” in downloaded reports........................................27

39. How to remove Criteria in downloaded reports

40. How to ADD color in PDF downloaded reports.
41. Things to check if Scheduler is not working fine.
42. How to change the font size and font family of downloaded reports.
43. Getting two mails from schedulers(Blocking concurrent running of
schedulers in case of multiple nodes that are in sync)
44. Time difference between two schedulers.
45. How to add footer in Downloaded reports.
46. How to add dynamic footer in downloaded reports.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 4

1. Dos and don'ts in BAM.
Dos in BAM
 Use procedure instead of the complex query directly while designing the report.
 Make use of batching instead of showing all records at once.
 Always use no lock in SQL query and procedure while using the tables.
 Always take a backup of the report (export the report in a .xml file) before modifying it.
 Always reconfigure the report whenever you have changed/modified the procedure used in the
BAM report.
Don'ts in BAM
 Do not use any OmniApp user while configuring the scheduler.
 Do not use *(e.g., Select * from testtable) to fetch a report in SQL query and procedure.
 BAM displays the data in a report as it is present in the database. No changes and modifications
are done by BAM internally after fetching the data.

2. How to change the iBPS logo in downloaded reports in BAM?

1. Replace the template_logo.jpg file in /omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/ with the desired logo
2. Replace the template_logo.jpg file in bam.war---->crweb---->images with the desired logo file.
3. Redeploy bam.war after making the above change.

The extension of the file must be .jpg and the name of the file must be template_logo.jpg.
Recommended dimension is 80px * 35px (width * height)
Recommended Size is 3 kb.

3. How to give rights for BAM reports to a specific User/Group?

1. Login to OmniApp with badmin user.
2. Go to Rights Management Module

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 5

3. Go to Groups Tab.
4. Select Everyone group and click modify.
5. Go to Object Rights Tab.
6. Select BAM Report Rights.
7. Uncheck Generate Report, Modify Report, and Delete Report.
8. Click on Add.
9. Click on the tree icon and move all the reports from the left side to the right side.
10. Click on Save.
11. Go to any user or group and click Modify.
12. Go to the Object Rights tab.
13. Select BAM Report Rights.
14. Check Generate Report, Modify Report and Delete Report.
15. Click on Add.
16. Click on the tree icon and move the reports from the left side to the right side which the user or
group is supposed to have rights.
17. Click on Save.
NOTE: If your report count is greater than 100, kindly change the 'BatchSize' in 'server.xml' present
inside ngdbini,it should be greater than the number of reports you have.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 6

4. Need to show only a fixed set of tables to the end-user in the Report Designer.
1. Make the following entry inside /omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini.
2. To show the fixed set of tables, add those table names in file available in the
<Server>/omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig folder.
3. The content of file will be like the below figure:

Figure: 4.1

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 7

5. How to add columns at runtime to the report while fetching data from the procedure?
Solution: While adding or editing a report, check the Add Columns at RunTime checkbox on the Report
Format page.
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.
If this ini entry is not present, the extra columns are appended at the end, after the columns which were already present in
the definition. And, if this entry is present and set to Y, the columns are displayed in the order that they are returned from
the procedure.

Figure: 5.2

6. Modified Output column list (through SP) is not coming for reports while doing the modification.
Solution: Have you modified the procedure since the original report creation? If so, modify the report
definition and in the query textbox, give space (dummy- to alter the query) after Exec/Call/Select and
click on Next and Save the Report.

7. When generating System reports in BAM “No Records Found” is shown.

Solution: Make sure the message agent is registered and in running condition.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 8

8. Serial Number is not getting changed on clicking the Next button on the Report Viewer screen
(while using batching) OR (serial number is starting from 1 on every page in the batching).
Solution: Uncheck the Show Serial Number option on the Report Designer screen and then supply the
serial number from the query/procedure itself.

9. How to add a Date Picker with Report Input Filter while generating a report?
1. Edit / Add the report and go to the “Input Field Properties” screen.
2. Uncheck Custom Picklist.
3. Add database column name to the associated picklist name and set input type as Date Time/Date.
You can use any database column of the corresponding type (DateTime/Date depending on the Type of
input). The system just needs the column for its data type. Refer to the below figure:

Figure: 9.3

10. All the records of the BAM report are not getting downloaded (1000 records only getting
downloaded in most of the cases).
1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
2. Search for tag “MaxRecordLimit” and "MaxRecordCount"(if not present then add the tag).

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 9

3. You can try either of the following: MaxRecordLimit=N or increasing the MaxRecordCount=1000 with
MaxRecordLimit=Y(Make sure to have no space after the value)
4. In the case of Staging Cabinet, increase the value of “MaxRecordCountStaging” inside the same file
5. Take the server restart and check

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name

Cabinate_Name.ini, make the same entry in that file as well.

11. Getting the message “Maximum record display limit reached” printed inside the
downloaded BAM Report.
1. Increase the value of “MaxSaveRecordCount” inside the
omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini file.
2. In the case of Staging Cabinet, increase the value of “MaxSaveRecordCountStaging” inside the
omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini file.
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

12. URL to open BAM Reports Externally.

Solution: https://ServerIp:port/bam/login/ExtendSession.jsf?

The letters in bold are used to specify the report input parameter and its value. For iBPS 5.0 SP1, replace ExtendSession.jsf
In some cases, if UDBEncrypt parameter is set as y then it is expected that both the sessionId and cabinet name should come as encryped.Due to this
sometimes, the cabinet name do not get passed as encrypted which was causes the error.

13. URL to open Workitems from BAM Reports.

1. Enter the following URL in the Select Target dialog box:

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 10


Figure: 13.4

2. Parameters to be configured while mapping in the Report Designer:

ProcessInstanceID PID
WorkItemId wid
@SessionId SessionId
@UserIndex UserIndex
@UserName UserName
@CabinetName CabinetName

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 11

Figure: 13.5

For iBPS 5.0 SP1, replace mailloginclient.jsf with

14. Getting data mismatch issues on batched data where batching is implemented (output record
data is not as expected in the case of batching).
Solution: Generally, this happens due to batching implementation issues in the custom procedure.
1. Go to omniflowconfiguration/nglogs/cabinet_name/bam/bam_web/ and open the XML.log file.
2. Check the procedure call inside Input XML of CRExecuteQuery API.
3. Copy the call and execute the same on your database and debug the procedure.

15. In iBPS Mobile, the user is only able to scroll 1 step at a time in the BAM Dashboard.
Solution: Increase the value of the Scrollstep variable inside toolbar.js. The location of the js file is

16. How to restrict cut, copy and paste in mobile report dashboard?
Solution: Make the following entry in omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini.


BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 12

If inside Crwebconfig, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the same entry in that file as well.

17. The user needs to have custom validation for report input fields or the user needs to restrict fu -
ture date input in BAM reports.
Solution: It needs to be achieved using custom coding. The custom coding needs to be done inside
External.js. The custom coding needs to be done inside validateAllInputsExternal method.
Refer to the method for sample code.
The location of the file is bam.war/crweb/scripts/External.js.

18. How to make Custom Picklist searchable in BAM?

1. Specify the where clause in the picklist query as below:
Select UserName from pdbuser where username like '${UserName}$%'

Make sure to add % after $ in the user query.

Figure: 18.6

2. While associating a picklist with a report do the following:

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 13

Check Show Filter should be checked for picklist with input only (after following step 1). Use Picklist
Height, Picklist Width for adjusting the picklist with filters on the report input screen.

Figure: 18.7

19. Reports are getting downloaded in 0 kb for xlsx format (for Version 4.0SP1 and above).
1. In the case of WebSphere, remove xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar from bam.war/web-INF/lib/.
2. In the case of WebLogic,
 take the XMLbeans and 4 poi jar from common library and place it in following location
BAM.war ------>web-inf----->Lib.
 make the below entries inside weblogic.xml:


BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 14


Figure: 19.8

 Take the server Restart and check.

 If still files are dowloanding in 0 kb size in case of linux then please do the entry -Djava.awt.headless=true in and restart the server as given in below screenshot.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 15

20. xlsx is getting downloaded in 0kb size when configured through BAM Report Scheduler (specif-
ic to WebLogic for iBPS 4.0 SP1 and above versions).
1. Remove xmlbeans2.3.0.jar and add xmlsbeans-3.1.0.jar and xml-api-1.3.04.jar
along with 4 poi jars inside bam_server/APP-INF/lib.
2. Make the following entries in weblogic-application.xml.
3. Take server restart and update the binaries so that the changes are reflected

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 16

Figure: 20.9

21. Reports are getting downloaded but not opening in MS Excel.

Showing the error of “file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been
corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file".
Solution: Make entry of ForceXLSAsCSV=N in omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini.

Entry is already present, just change the value of ForceXLSAsCSV=Y to ForceXLSAsCSV=N.

Inside Crwebconfig, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the same entry in that
file as well.
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

22. How to hide the “Hidden Report Category” while adding reports to the dashboard?
 For iBPS 4.0: Modify the below ini values in the omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini
ReportCategoryBit =101

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 17

1st Bit is for “General Reports”
2nd bit is for “Hidden Reports”
3rd Bit is for “Trend Reports”
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

 For iBPS 5.0 SP1 and above: Modify the Report Category Rights from the Right Management.

23. The report header is not visible in the downloaded report.

Solution: Make the following entries of INI in the omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini file.
To show Headers on all pages in Pdf:

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

24. Users want to hide specific SQL errors and show the generic error message (when you don't want
to expose the SQL error).
Solution: Make the following entry in the omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini file.

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

25. How to configure Staging Cabinet in BAM?

Solution: Refer to the document iBPS - OmniApp - BAM-Staging Cabinet Configuration_INI.pdf.
The FTP location for the above document is: Troubleshooting Guide.pdf.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 18

26. BAM components (Report Designer, Report Scheduler, Dashboard, Report List, and Report View)
are not loading or getting errors like “Unable to Connect to the application BAM”.
1. For IBPS 5.0sp3_00_000 and below:
Refer to the below reasons and their solutions:
Check if correct information of ServerInfo is provided in the
omniflowconfiguration\crconfig\crappcontext.xml. Inside the CallBrokerData check for the
jndiServerName, jndiServerPort,ApplicationServerName and AppServerIp. Please check
jndiServerName and jndiServerPort is same as the Application server ip and port.
 When the deployment is not properly done
 For JBoss: bam.war or bam_server.war or both are not deployed or in a failed state in the
deployment folder.
a. If bam.war and bam_server.ear or both are not deployed then deploy them as per the
deployment guide given in Hotfix/Patch/Service Pack.
b. If bam.war and bam_server.ear are in a failed state then open the “failed” file in any text
editor and read the causing error and raise the ticket for the product team.
c. If deployment of bam.war and bam_server.ear are not done properly then first try to
redeploy it manually.
 For WebSphere: bam.war and reportingsolution_ejb.ear is not deployed or the library is not
associated properly.
a. If bam.war and reportingsolution_ejb.ear are not deployed then deploy them and
associate the library as per the deployment guide given in Hotfix/Patch/Service Pack.
b. If deployment of bam.war and reportingsolution_ejb.ear are not done properly then
first try to redeploy it manually.
 For WebLogic: bam.war and bam_server.ear are not deployed or deployed but not in active

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 19

a. If bam.war and bam_server.ear.ear are not deployed then deploy them and associate
the library as per the deployment guide given in Hotfix/Patch/Service Pack. After
deployment, start the bam and bam_server.
b. If deployment of bam.war and bam_server.ear are not done properly then first try to
redeploy it manually.
Incase of staging ,if you are using a reporting server then make sure that the application context of bam
should be present in OHM.(in case of any issue connect with your web server team).
 Due to whitelisting issue.
Check the developer window > network tab, getting 401 and 403 errors in response for any
requested BAM URL.
Solution: Capture nglogs/ibps-sec/bam/console.log and raise the ticket for the product team.

2. For IBPS 5.0sp3_01_000 and above:

 Check the logs.(cabinet Name and Transaction Free both logs).
 If you are getting “Server information missing, makeCall invoked before initialize.” in every
API call, then check if you have “ofwebshared” in the common library of your server.
 If you have “ofwebshared” in your common library then please remove it.
 Make sure to remove the entry of “ofwebshared” from module.xml in case of jBoss.
 Take the server restart and check.

27. Getting error of invalid query in BAM components (Report Designer, Report Scheduler, Dash-
board, Report List, and Report View).
Solution: This error occurs when BAM DB scripts given in Service Pack/Patch/Hotfix are not executed
1. Check the nglogs/cabinetfolder/bam_web/xml.log file. In API output xml you will get the error like
invalid column name/invalid object.
2. Check the database scripts given for that column or table and verify with the database. If scripts are
not executed, execute them.
3. If scripts are executed properly and changes are reflected in the database as well, but the issue still
exists then raise the ticket with relevant logs for the product team.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 20

Before this user should check the restricted keyword inside file inside crwebconfig
folder and user should check if they are using these keywords in their query. we suggest the user not to
use them as those are restricted due to security reasons.

28. How to create a dependent picklist in BAM Report Input Filter?

For example, there are two inputs on a report. If the user selects data on the first input picklist, then in
the second picklist, data comes with a filter record on the basis of the first input value.
Solution: Follow the steps and refer to the screenshots given below. In the below example, the
username will be fetched on the basis of a userindex value.
1. While configuring the second input pick list, do the configuration as shown below:

Figure: 28.10

2. Map the second picklist report input by giving the first picklist value as input for the second picklist.
3. Click on the Save button after the configuration is done.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 21

Figure: 28.11

29. Getting wrong data in CSV downloaded report:

Go to CRConfig.ini file:
Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
Search the parameter: “CSVFormatDelimiter”
a. If its value is “\” cut the parameter and its value and add at the end of the file
b. If its value is: “#ini to specify the delimiter to be used in CSV reports”, remove it.
Save the file and take server restart.

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

30. How to first name and the family name of user in downloaded report.
Go to CRConfig.ini file:
Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 22

Search the parameter: “ShowFamilyName”. Make it as Y(without any space)
Save the file and take server restart.
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

31. The number of parameters exceeded the maximum of 1000 in logs.

Root Cause:
A limit on the number of Input/output parameters is set while doing the JBoss configuration. If this limit is crossed, UI
becomes unresponsive. In Property Association screen and Activity Properties, this issue occurs because there are a large
number of queue/external variables (meaning a lot of output parameters).
UI becomes unresponsive or no response on clicking the Save button.
Also below mentioned error may get print on the respective application server logs.
Error in server.log in JBOSS-
Parameter count exceeded allowed maximum: 512
Error in system.out.log in WAS-
SRVE0325E: Exceeding maximum parameters allowed per request 10,000, current 10,000 , cannot add more.
Error in server admin log in Weblogic-
Rejecting request since max request parameter limit exceeded 10000
1. For Jboss EAP version 6.X

Please do these two changes in the standalone.xml for the same:

1. <connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" max-post-size="0"/> (insert max-
post-size attribute in given tag)
2. <property name="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.MAX_COUNT" value="400000"/> (increased count to
Please restart and check the same.Screenshot are also attached for the same.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 23

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 24
2. For Jboss EAP version 7.X

The following changes are to be done in standalone\configuration\standalone.xml file of the JBoss.

 <http-listener name="default" max-post-size="1717986920" socket-binding="http" redirect-socket="https" max-

 <property name="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.MAX_COUNT" value="400000"/>.

 Search both the lines in the standalone.xml.

 In line 1, add a new attribute along with value max-parameters="400000”. If there is another tag <http-listener
name="https", add the attribute for this also.

 In line 2 update value to ="400000"

 Restart the server after making the above changes.

1> If the environment is using standalone-full-ha.xml for server configuration (Like data source entry), add the max-
parameters and max-post-size parameters in ajp-listener XML tag as shown below-
 <ajp-listener name="ajp" max-post-size="1717986920" max-parameters="400000" socket-binding="ajp"/>

2> If the environment is cluster and using domain.xml for server configuration (Like data source entry) then do below
mentioned changes.
 <http-listener name="default" max-post-size="1717986920" socket-binding="http" redirect-socket="https " max-

 <property name="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.MAX_COUNT" value=" 400000"/>.

 Search both the lines in the standalone.xml.

 In line 1, add a new attribute along with value max-parameters="400000”. If there is another tag <http-listener
name="https", add the attribute for this also.

 In line 2 update value to ="400000"

 Add the max-parameters and max-post-size parameters in ajp-listener XML tag as shown below-

<ajp-listener name="ajp" max-post-size="1717986920" max-parameters="400000" socket-binding="ajp"/>

 Restart the server after making the above changes.

3. For Weblogic application server

The following changes are to be done through WLST script.

 If you are running WebLogic on Linux and accessing file through WinSCP then go to

 At this location you find a file with name.

 Open Putty and run pwd command to get the current directory. If the current directory is not same as
/home/admin/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin then use change current directory
command to path mentioned above.

 Now use command ./ and enter.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 25

 Now run command connect('<admin_user>','<admin_pwd>','<admin_url>'). Here <admin_user> is the user we used to
login through WebLogic console, <admin_pwd> is password which we use to login into weblogic console , <admin_url> is
‘ts://localshost:<weblogic_port>’ here <weblogic_port> value will be the same on which WebLogic server is running.

 Now write edit() command and press enter.

 Now write startEdit() command and press enter.

 Now write cd('Servers/<server_name>') command and press enter. Here /<server_name> contains AdminServer in case
of standalone environment and in case of Managed server the managed server name will be replaced in command.

 Now write cmo.getWebServer().setMaxRequestParameterCount(100000) and press enter. Here 100000 is the count of
request parameter which WebLogic will allow after this updation.

 Now write save() command and press enter.

 Now write activiate() command and press enter.

 Now write exit() command and press enter.

 Screenshot of all this process is mentioned below for your reference.

4. For Websphere application server.

The following changes need to be done through WebSphere console.

 In the Administrative console, click Servers → All Servers → Server_name → web container settings → Web Container
 Under Additional properties, select Custom Properties
 Add a new property name-
o Value : -1
 Save the changes and restart the server to make the changes affect.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 26

32 . Common issues related to staging.
 Unable to connect to bam staging server :
Refer the iBPS - OmniApp - BAM-Staging Cabinet Configuration_INI.
In case of web logic: if you are using a reporting server then make sure that the application context of bam should
be present in OHM.(in case of any issue connect with your web server team).
In case we are having default ports for domain name/url, then no need of providing the port number in
AllowCrossDomainURL and DefaultXFrameOptionURL in the crwebconfig.ini.
 Unable to see the bam icons:
Ask for the correct docstyle_omniapp.css file from bam team and even that if it is not resolved then ask for the
OAClickJackingFilter class from omniap team.

33. Steps to follow in case of staging issue

1. check if the bam in the reporting server is working fine.
2. login from omniapp, check if correct bam staing view is configured.(refer the document).
3. check the console, if any any cors related error is mentioned. then refer the document and then check the value
of tags present inside crconfi.ini.(refer the document).

4. check the oaconfig.ini values by refering the staging document.(refer the document).
5. open debug tools and in the network tab, check for the pages which are giveing status other than 200.
6. check the initiator of the url /page which is causing the issue.(from which url , the issue causing url is being called)
7. if the initiator is other than bam, then connect with the required team.(Not applicable in some of the cases).
here document is refered for the iBPS - OmniApp - BAM-Staging Cabinet Configuration_INIpdf document .
8. Please check the EnableHttpSessionWrapper tag inside web.xml of bam.war if it is set to false and the user is not
able to see the bam view, then please set it as true.

34. When getting 'The query has timed out' in xml logs

 See how much time your Query/”Stored Procedure” is taking to execute, go to crconfig.ini and check for
'QueryTimeOut' parameter.
 Now assign this parameter value a value greater than your query execution time.

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 27

35. No space/separator is showing between two column on downloading report in txt

 There is a property named as "SepraterForTXT" in crconfig.ini.

 You can set its value to \t if you want tab space, or any other symbol like '|', it will use it as separator.

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

36. Need to remove the default My Dashboard

Inside crconfig.ini, ShowMyDashboard tag is used to hide/show the My Dashboard when Dashboard view is loaded.

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

37. change the format of downloaded txt file

check in the crconfi.ini and look for SepraterForTXT tag, and change its value.
ex. if a user wants to have seperator as tab then set SepraterForTXT=\t .

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

38. How to remove “END OF THE REPORT TAG” in downloaded reports.

1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
2. Search for option “HideReportStartEndTitle” (if not present then add the tag)
3. Make the value of the above parameter to N(make sure to have no space after N).
4. Take the server restart and check

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 28

39. How to remove Criteria in downloaded reports.
1. Modify the report and while you reach the input parameters tab ----> click on advance options----> check
the checkbox “hide from output”.

40. How to ADD color in PDF downloaded reports.

1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
2. Search for option “PDFHeaderColor” (if not present then add the tag)
3. Make the value of the above parameter as RGB color coding. For example: for blue color give
the value as “ PDFHeaderColor=0,0,255”. (make sure to have no space after N).
4. Take the server restart and check.

41. Things to check if Scheduler is not working fine.

Please verify the following the following:

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 29

 Is the report getting generated and downlaoded by report designer correctly or not with the same format.
 Verify that the schedular is working fine for all the formats in hard drive location.
 If the Scheduler is not working fine for hardDrive then pleas check the logs both transcation free and
cabinet one Bam_web and Bam_server.
 If the scheduler is working fine for hard drive location then configure the scheduler for email with mailing
agent disable. Check the entry in WFmailqueue table and if you getting the correct entry then verify the
mailing agent.
 If there is no entry in the wfmailqueue table then check the logs both transcation free and cabinet one.

42.How to change the font size and font family of downloaded reports.

1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig

2. Search for tag “ReportFontSize” and “FontFileForPDF“ (if not present then add the tag).
3. Make the value of the above parameter as per your requirement e.g. FontFileForPDF=Calibri.ttf,
ReportFontSize=20. (make sure to have no space after value).
4. Download Calibri .ttf file and place it in omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
5. Take the server restart and check

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

43. Getting two mails from schedulers(Blocking concurrent running of schedulers in

case of multiple nodes that are in sync)

1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig

2. Search for tag “BlockingTimeForConcrentSchedulerInSec ” (if not present then add the tag).
3. Make the value of the above parameter to 10 e.g. BlockingTimeForConcrentSchedulerInSec=10,
(make sure to have no space after value).
4. Take the server restart and check

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

44. Time difference between two schedulers.

1. Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
2. Search for tag “MinTimeDifBetSchInMins ” (if not present then add the tag).
3. Make the value of the above parameter to 10 e.g. MinTimeDifBetSchInMins =10,(make sure to
have no space after value).
4. Take the server restart and check

NOTE: If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make
the same entry in that file as well.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 30

45. How to add footer in Downloaded reports.
 Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
 Search for tag “Disclaimer” and “ReportFooterText” (if not present then add the tag).
 Make the value of the Disclaimer parameter as “Y” and enter the text in “ReportFooterText” as
per your requirement.(make sure to have no space after value).
 Take the server restart and check.
If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

46. How to dynamic footer in Downloaded reports.

NOTE: This is only applicable for above IBPS5.0_sp2_01.
 Go to CRConfig.ini file---> Path: bin\omniflowconfiguration\crwebconfig
 Search for tag “Disclaimer”
 Make the value of the Disclaimer parameter as “Y”
 Write a hook in “ CRExecuteQuery” API to add a tag in the output xml of
“CRExecuteQuery_Output”. (Tag name: Footer)

 The Footer tag should the the footer text as per the report.
 Take the server restart and check

If inside omniflowconfiguration/crwebconfig/crconfig.ini, there is also a file with the name Cabinate_Name.ini, make the
same entry in that file as well.

BAM Troubleshooting Guide Page 31

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