Recruitment Rifleman
Recruitment Rifleman
Recruitment Rifleman
Application are invited in the prescribed format for recruitment of Rifleman/ Recruits in Eastern Frontier Rifles In West Bengal from male candidates belongings to the communities of Gorkhas and Jharuas (and sub-caste Meches, Kacharis and Rabhas) of Indian Nationality. The posts of Rifleman /Recruit carry pay scale of Rs. 5,400 25,200 (PB-2) + Rs. 2,600 (Grade Pay) with admissible allowances as per West Bengal Government Rules issued from time to time . The number of posts to be filled up 250 (two hundred fifty) (Likely to be increased). A. QUALIFICATION :(i) (ii) Must be a citizen of India. AGE Not less than 18 years and not more than 27 years as on 01.01.2010. Upper age limit may be relaxed by 5 years for SC / ST candidates and by 3 years for O.B.C candidates. Photostat copy of age proof certificate, duly attested should be enclosed with the application.. QUALIFICATIONS--- Candidate must have a minimum MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS education of successful completion of class VIII passed, from recognized School. Weightage may be given higher qualification. Photostat copy of educational qualification certificate, duly attested, should be attested with application. MINIMUM MESURMENT---- Height 160 Cms , Chest ---82 Cms (with expansion MINIMUM PHYSICAL MESURMENT of 5 Cms), Weight 52.0 Kgs. PHYSICAL EFFICINCY TEST On being found fit in Physical measurement the candidates shall have to pass the following Physical Efficiency Test. (a) 100 Mtrs Run within 14.5 seconds. (b) 800 Mtrs within 2 minitues 50 seconds. (c) Long Jump --- Minimum 4.57 Meters.
C. On qualifying in Physical Measurement and Physical Efficiency Test, the candidate shall have to appear for an interview before a Selection Board. After selection by the Board, the candidates shall have to undergo a Medical Test by the authorized Medical Board. After being declared medically fit and antecedents of the candidates verified they shall be provisionally appointed to the posts of Rifleman / Recruit, subject to the following terms and conditions :a) b) The candidate should have slandered eyesight without spectacles i.e. 6/6 The candidate should be of good physical and mental health.
PAGE-2 PAGEc) d) e) f) g) h) The candidate should possess good moral character. The candidates shall produce original certificate of educational qualification at the time of interview. Attested copy of Birth Certificate mentioning of date, month and year of birth of the candidate. Attested Certificates issued by the competent authority in support of S.C /S.T. /O.,B.C. candidature. Attested Xerox copies of all certificates / testimonials to be submitted alongwith the application (do not sent Original Certificates with the application) Two self-addressed envelopes (22 Cms x 10 Cms) affixing Rs. 5/- postage stamp each, bearing name and full Postal Address of the candidate shall also be enclosed alongwith the application. No T.A. /D.A will be allowed to the candidates for their journey to attend test / interview. They will appear for the selection tests at their own expenses and risk. Incomplete applications or not in prescribed from or application received after prescribed due date will summarily be rejected. No further correspondence in this regard will be entertained. S.L. No. 14 of the application from i.e. Physical Measurement of candidate should not be filled up by the candidate. Application from must filled in English Language only.
i) j)
k) l)
D. CANVASSING IN ANY WAY WILL DISQUALIFY THE CANDIDATURE E. The application in the following format, accompanied by 2 (two) recent passport size photographs should reach by Registered Post to SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL & DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE (A.P.), E.F.R. BNS., P.O. SALUA, DISTRICT PASCHIM CODE-----721145 MEDINIPORE, WESTBENGAL, PIN CODE---721145 within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication in Newspapers. The envelop containing the completed Application of each candidate should be supper-scribed with APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF RIFLEMAN / RECRUIT IN EASTERN FRONTIER RIFELS, WEST BENGAL.
Enclosures :- to be sent with the Application (Attested copies) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Birth Certificate. Educational Qualification. Caste/ Sub-Caste Certificate. 2 (two) self addressed envelop. Voter Identity Card / Ration Card.
APPLICATION FORMAT APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF RIFLEMEN / RECRUIT FOR EASTERN FRONTIER RIFLES IN WEST BENGAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY District_______________________ Comp Sl. No.__________________ To The Special Inspector General & Deputy Inspector General of Police, Armed Police, E.F.R. Bns., Salua, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, Pin Code- 721 145 Space for pasting of Recent Passport Size Photograph of the Candidate with his full Signature and date thereon
Sir, I beg to apply for the post of a Rifleman / Recruit of eastern Frontier Rifles under West Bengal Police. Necessary particulars are given below :1. 2. 3. Name (In Block Letters) Fathers Name Permanent Address (IN BLOCK LETTERS) : : : P.O. DIST..PIN. POLICE STATION.. STATE. P.O. DIST..PIN. POLICE STATION.. STATE.
Educational Qualification
Age on 01.01.2010
Whether a citizen of India (Write Yes or : No) (attested copy of Voter Identity / Ration Card should be enclosed) : Genl. S.C. S.T. B.C.
10. Whether a member of S.C./ S.T./ O.B.C. /General (Put a X mark in appropriate box)
: S.C
12. Whether Relaxation of age is claimed as member of S.C./ S.T./ O.B.C. of West Bengal and if so, attested copy of Certificate to be attached) *Write Yes or No) (Xerox copy duly attested to be attached) 13. Whether dismissed from any Service (Write Yes or No 14. Physical Measurement (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)
15. Whether employed in any organization and if so, the application should be forwarded through the Employer with No Objection Certificate. 16. Names of two referess of respectable position of the locality, with address. :
. .
(1) . (2). .
Declaration:I hereby declare that the above particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my candidature will be cancelled. I also declare that I will be bound to serve anywhere in India. Yours faithfully, Place Date.