Natick Policy on Immigration Documentation
Natick Policy on Immigration Documentation
Natick Policy on Immigration Documentation
In order to ensure the Town of Natick complies with federal and state laws regarding immigration;
the Select Board (the “Board”) of the Town of Natick (“Town”), pursuant to its authority as the
executive body of the Town, hereby adopts the following Policy:
1. Under 8 U.S.C. §1373 and §1644 and Commonwealth v. Lunn, 477 Mass 517 (2017),
state and federal law prohibits town officials from imposing limits on maintaining,
exchanging, sending, or receiving information regarding citizenship and immigration
status with any federal, state, or local government entity.
2. No Town policy, procedure or regulation shall violate federal laws or the laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
3. No employee of the Town shall inquire about or collect any information regarding
the citizenship or immigration status of any individual unless Federal Laws or the
laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require municipal employees to do so.
4. No employee of the Town shall detain a person based solely on the belief that the
person is not present legally in the United States or that the person has committed
an immigration violation.
5. No employee of the Town shall perform the functions of an immigration officer, nor
shall the Town use Town funds, resources, facilities, property, equipment or
personnel to directly assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws.
6. Nothing in this policy shall prevent an officer, employee or department of the Town
from lawfully discharging duties in compliance with and in response to a lawfully
issued judicial warrant, judicial subpoena, or judicial detainer.
Kathryn M. Coughlin, Chair
Bruce T. Evans, Vice Chair
Natick Town Hall ◆ 13 East Central Street ◆ Natick, Massachusetts 01760 ◆ 508-647-6400 ◆
Richard Sidney, Clerk
Kristen T. Pope
Linda Wollschlager
Natick Town Hall ◆ 13 East Central Street ◆ Natick, Massachusetts 01760 ◆ 508-647-6400 ◆