A good example of a judicial officer providing those reasons is contained in a law report
of a bail application in the High Court in New Zealand. In Hubbard v Police [1986] 2
NZLR 738, the learned judge, in analysing applications for bail on behalf of four accused
charged with a number of sexual offences including rape, addressed a number of
matters the relevance of which, a person, familiar with our Bail Act, would readily
appreciate. The learned judge addressed the following:
Although it was an early stage in the proceedings, the learned judge considered the
public interest by assessing:
In addition to all the above, the learned judge also considered the social context of the
offence, in that it was said to have been committed as part of a gang rape.
After considering all those matters, he stressed their previous convictions and bad
character in order to refuse bail to three of the accused. He said that these led him to
the conclusion that there was a real risk of them re-offending and interfering with the
witness if they were granted bail. For those reasons he also found that they would hold
bail conditions in disrespect and there was a risk that they would not answer to their
bail. He addressed the matter of preparation of the defence by stating that he would
be prepared to allow funding under their legislation for counsel to travel to the penal
institution to confer with the accused.
For the fourth accused, the learned judge found that as he had no previous conviction
for serious offences, the risks identified in respect of the other accused did not apply to
him. The learned judge did, however, impose weekly reporting and residential
Those points referred to by the learned judge bring together the theory and practice of
applications for bail, on which this paper wishes to focus. It is proposed to examine
some of the principles concerning the entitlement to bail and thereafter to consider
their application in everyday practice.
Nothing included in this paper, excepts where it quotes from judgments of the Court of
Appeal, purports to represent the view of any member of the Court of Appeal and is the
personal view of the writer, as presently advised. Experience has taught that with
the development of the case-law, the opinions of judicial officers may change.
The Theory
The approach to be utilised in this paper is not original. It draws heavily from the
judgments of their Lordships sitting in the Privy Council on appeals from Mauritius as
well as from judgments from our own Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. Any
shortcomings in the paper are, of course, solely the responsibility of the author.
The right to bail
A convenient starting point for considering the principle of entitlement to bail is the
Jamaican Constitution. The principles of the liberty of the subject and the presumption
of innocenceare common law principles, but they form part of the underpinnings of civil
rights in our Constitution and our legal system and affect the issue of the right to bail.
The principles not only became enshrined in Chapter III of the Constitution of newly
independent Jamaica in 1962, but have been retained and enhanced in the Charter of
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (Constitutional Amendment) Act 2011 (hereinafter
called “the Charter”), which replaced Chapter III.
At least three sections of the Charter demonstrate the retention of those principles.
The first is section 13, in which the right to liberty, freedom of the person and due
process, are guaranteed, along with other rights and freedoms expected in a “free and
democratic society”. The second is 14(1), which sets out the right to liberty and
freedom of the person. It states, in part:
“No person shall be deprived of his liberty except on reasonable
grounds and in accordance with fair procedures established by law
in the following circumstances-
In addition to those sections, section 14(3) of the Charter, as did Chapter III, stipulates
that even before a person accused is brought before a court he is entitled to be:
“...released either unconditionally or upon reasonable
conditions to secure his attendance at the trial or at any
other stage of the proceedings”
Whereas Chapter III did not specifically mention the phenomenon of bail, section 15(3)
of Chapter III, in speaking of the right of a person to be “released either unconditionally
or upon reasonable conditions”, did imply a right to bail. The Charter has gone further
andhad expressly stipulated the right to bail. It also places an onus on the party
seeking to deprive a citizen of his right to liberty, to show sufficient cause for keeping
him in custody. Section 14(4) of the Charter states:
“Any person awaiting trial and detained in custody shall be
entitled to bail on reasonable conditions unless sufficient
cause is shown for keeping him in custody.” (Emphasis supplied)
Although the Bail Act preceded the promulgation of the Charter, it should now be
considered as being clothed with the authority of those Constitutional provisions.
Section 3 of the Act re-states, from our present perspective, the entitlement to bail. It
“(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person
who is charged with an offence shall be entitled to be
granted bail by a Court, a Justice of the Peace or a police
officer, as the case may require.
(4) A person charged with murder, treason or treason
felony may be granted bail only by a Resident Magistrate or
a Judge.
The section not only re-states the entitlement to bail but creates standards by which
recognition and enforcement of the subject’s right to liberty may be judged. The police
may only properly detain the subject for twenty-four hours without the question of bail
being considered. If they wish to detain the person for a period in excess of that
period, they have to justify that detention.
Against the right of the individual to remain at large until or unless he is convicted, is to
be balanced the interest of the public. That interest is concerned with ensuring that the
course of justice is not thwarted, hampered or perverted, and that the individual
charged with an offence does not commit offences while on bail. This other side of the
balance is addressed by section 4 of the Act.
Section 4 stipulates the circumstances in which bail may be denied a person who is
charged with an offence that is punishable with imprisonment. It reinforces the
Constitutional provision that the onus to show why bail should be denied, rests on those
who wish to deprive that accused person of his liberty. Section 4(1) states, in part:
“4. – (1) Where the offence or one of the offences in relation
to which the defendant is charged or convicted is punishable with
imprisonment, bail may be denied to that defendant in the
following circumstances-
(i) fail to surrender to custody;
The rest of the subsection speaks to other circumstances in which bail may be denied.
The section does not stipulate that if an undesirable situation does exist or has the
potential of occurring, that bail “must” be denied. Instead it uses the word “may”. It
would seem that the section contemplates that bail may still be granted if conditions
can be imposed which would prevent the occurrence of such a situation or at least
minimise an unwelcome impact of such a situation. Section 6 sets out some of the
conditions which may be imposed.
Section 4(2) addresses the matters which the court should consider in assessing an
application for bail. It states:
“(2) In deciding whether or not any of the
circumstances specified in subsection (1) (a) exists in
relation to any defendant, the Court, a Justice of the Peace
or police officer shall take into account-
(a) the nature and seriousness of the offence;
(e) whether the defendant is a repeat offender, that
is to say, a person who has been convicted on
three previous occasions for offences which are
punishable with imprisonment; or
It would have been noticed that section 4(2) allows the prosecuting authorities to
provide information on the antecedents of the defendant. Thus, information on
previous convictions, other pending charges, unsavoury associations and comments
made by the defendant or his known associates, may be provided to the court. This
information assists in determining the risk posed to the interest of the public. The court
considering an application for bail, as contrasted with undertaking a trial, is entitled to
consider this material.
Section 4(2)(a) speaks to the nature and seriousness of the offence. As part of a wide
ranging and informative judgment on the right to bail, the Privy Council in,Hurnam v
The State PCA No 53/2004 (delivered 15 December 2005), decided that the
seriousness of the offence, by itself, is not a basis to refuse bail. Their Lordships said at
paragraph [15]:
“The seriousness of the offence and the severity of the
penalty likely to be imposed on conviction may well…provide
grounds for refusing bail, but they do not do so of
themselves, without more: they are factors relevant to the
judgment whether, in all the circumstances, it is necessary
to deprive the applicant of his liberty.”
The point that their Lordships emphasised is that “bail is not to be withheld merely as a
punishment” (Hurnam at paragraph [5]).
The issue of imposing conditions was mentioned earlier. Section 5 of the Act makes it
clear that conditions are not to be imposed as a matter of course but the necessity
should be justified, either to ensure the protection of the interests of the public or to
facilitate enquiries and reports in respect of the accused’s mental or physical condition.
The Practice
It would have been noticed that the points referred to in the Hubbard case, mentioned
in the introduction to this paper, touched on a significant number of the principles set
out in our constitutional and legislative framework on the question of bail.
The bulk of applications for bail in this country are made in the Resident Magistrates’
and Gun Courts. Regardless of where they are done, the need for preparation by all
the legal professionals involved is vitally important.
The main points to be drawn from the theory, when the application for bail is being
presented, opposed and adjudicated upon respectively, were summarised in paragraph
21 of Huey Gowdie v R [2012] JMCA Crim 56. They are:
(ii) the risk of the Defendant interfering with the
course of justice,
(iii) preventing crime,
(iv) preserving public order, and
(v) the necessity of detention to protect the
Defendant.” ([Thelston Brooks v The
Attorney General and Another Claim No
AXAHCR 2006/0089 (a decision of the Eastern
Caribbean Supreme Court in the High Court of
Justice in the territory of Anguilla (delivered on
15 January 2007)) – paragraph [19])
In this context, the court may receive information which
would not normally be receivable at a trial, including hearsay
evidence. This information could concern previous
convictions and unsavoury associations or practices of the
accused person (see section 4(2) of the Act). In re Moles
[1981] Crim. L.R. 170 is authority for stating that the “strict
rules of evidence were inherently inappropriate in a court
concerned to decide whether there were substantial grounds
for believing something, such as a court considering an
application [for bail]”.
Further guidance in this area may be gleaned from the
judgment of Chilwell J in Hubbard v Police [1986] 2 NZLR
738. The learned judge said at page 739:
“There are two main tests involving factual
questions which have to be considered by the Court
in determining whether to grant or refuse bail. They
are, first the probability or otherwise of the defendant
answering to his bail and attending at his trial, and,
secondly, the public interest.
(i) The nature of the offence with which
the person is charged, and whether it is
a grave or less serious one of its kind.
(ii) The strength of the evidence; that is,
the probability of conviction or
(iii) The seriousness of the punishment to
which the person is liable; and the
severity of the punishment that is likely
to be imposed.
(iv) The character and past conduct or
behaviour of the defendant.
(v) Any other special matter that is relevant
in the particular circumstances to the
question of the likelihood of the accused
appearing or not appearing.
not represented by counsel, inform the accused person of
his right to appeal. The Resident Magistrate should also give
reasons in writing for the decision. (Sections 8 and 9 of the
8. An appeal to a judge of the Supreme Court is
subject to the provisions of the CPR. The Director of Public
Prosecutions, who is to be served with the notice of the
appeal (pursuant to rule 58.2 (5), must be given adequate
time in order to prepare a response. If sufficient notice has
not been given, counsel appearing for the Director may wish
to apply for an adjournment in order to obtain proper
instructions in order to consider a response to the appeal.
9. All the material which was placed before the
Resident Magistrate should be placed before the judge of
the Supreme Court hearing the appeal.
It was said in Gowdie, and bears repeating, that the proper approach to these
applications will require more time than has been traditionally been consumed by these
applications. Counsel for the applicant, in preparing for the application, should have
taken the time to take instructions on, and consider, at least the following:
a. the accused’s age, address and occupation;
b. with whom does the accused live;
c. whether it is feasible for him to reside elsewhere (in the event that the
offence involves another member of the same community in which the
accused lives)
d. whether the accused has any previous convictions, and if so, whether they
have any impact on the application in the instant case;
e. the logistics of securing instructions in preparation for the trial;
f. the conditions to which the accused is willing to submit;
g. who would be available to stand surety for the accused and the
circumstances of that person; and
h. the accused’s response to the charge or charges;
Armed with at least this information defence counsel should be able, not only to
advance the application on behalf of the accused, but meet and repel any reasonably
foreseeable objection by the prosecutor.
On the other hand, counsel for the prosecution should require, in advance, from the
investigating officer, at least the following:
a. an outline of the allegations;
b. the status of the witnesses and whether they or any of them are
c. the status of the investigation and whether it may be compromised by any
d. whether the accused has any relevant previous convictions or known
connections which may indicate a risk to the witnesses or to the
e. whether any indication exists that the accused is likely to abscond;
f. whether any indications exist that the accused is likely to commit offences
while on bail;
g. whether any indications exist concerning a threat to the safety of the
h. the proximity of the witnesses to the accused’s usual place of abode or
i. whether any reporting, residential or curfew conditions or travel
restrictions would prove effective or ineffective;
j. whether the accused is on bail for any other offences; and
k. whether the accused has in the past failed to answer to his bail.
Considering the entitlement to bail, counsel for the prosecution must, as far as possible
be ready to answer the application and be able to justify any negative assertions made
against the accused. For this reason, vague allegations by the investigator must be
tested and probed in order to secure specifics. It must be borne in mind, not only that
the strict rules of evidence do not apply but that the standard of proof is, it seems, not
the criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt but the civil standard of a balance
of probabilities (see paragraph 31 of Brooks v The Attorney General).
If it is that there has not been sufficient time to secure the relevant information then,
depending on the nature of the offence charged, it may be best for counsel to ask for a
short adjournment, for later in the day or to the following day, in order for the
investigator to secure the relevant information.
For its part, the court considering the application must bear in mind the principles set
out above to determine whether the prosecution has shown substantial grounds for
believing that the provisions in section 4(1) and section 4(2) have been met. In
previous presentations of this paper, there was one opinion that the procedure that
should be followed is that it should be the prosecution that should first address the
court as to why the Constitutional norm ought not to be restored, rather than for an
application for bail to be first made by the citizen. It is a position consistent with the
principles stated above.
The bulk of the cases will be concerned with section 4(1), that is, the risk of the
accused absconding, committing an offence while on bail, or interfering with witnesses
or the investigation. Occasionally, however, there are certain cases when bail may be
denied, even if there is no risk associated with section 4(1) provisions. Section 4(3)
and section 4(4) provide examples of such situations. One of those, is if the accused is
likely to come to harm, either self-inflicted or from inflicted by others, if he were
released on bail.
We have had examples of these in recent times. Although not cases which fell within
subsection (3), there is a case, currently before the court where, if the accused woman,
charged with decapitating a small child, were granted bail, there would have been a
great risk of her being harmed by members of her community in the initial days after
the incident. Similarly, a man in Portland who, it is alleged, shot himself twice in the
head, after, it is alleged, shooting his girlfriend, would be at risk of harming himself,
certainly in the initial days after the incident. Those factors therefore are examples of
circumstances for justifying refusal despite section 3.
Having weighed the matter, the court must be prepared to give a brief insight into its
decision either to grant or refuse bail and in the case of the former, to state the reason
for imposing conditions if that is the case. It need not be an extensive reasoning as in
a judgment but should be written down in the judicial officer’s notebook and be
sufficient to allow, in the case of a Resident Magistrate, delivery to the accused who
wishes to appeal against the decision. The question of an appeal will be discussed in
more detail below.
In Hubbard, the learned judge indicated that he would leave his notes of the
application on the file, “so that if this matter requires future consideration the outline of
the facts, as recorded, will be available”. That approach is commendable and judicial
officers in our courts may well consider it for emulation. Such a course, it is submitted,
is likely to result in shorter subsequent applications where, in the initial application, bail
is refused or the accused is unable, for one reason or another, to take up his bail and
an application has to be made for the conditions to be mitigated.
Although section 3(5) of the Act states that nothing in the Act “shall preclude an
application for bail on each occasion that a defendant appears before a Court in relation
to the relevant offence”, practicality, the efficient use of the court’s time and the
decided cases, suggest that fresh applications should not be made unless there is new
material to be placed before the court. In R v Slough Justices Ex parte Duncan
and Another (1982) 75 Criminal Appeal Reports 384,the court made the point that if a
previous tribunal finds, as a fact, that substantial grounds exist to believe that the
accused will fail to surrender to custody, commit an offence while on bail or obstruct
the course of justice, then the subsequent tribunal must accept that finding unless new
material is available for it to reconsider the question of bail. If there is no new material
bail should be refused. The starting position of any renewed application “must always
be the finding of the position when the matter was last considered by the court” (per
Donaldson LJ R v Nottingham Justices ex parte Davies [1980] 2 All ER 775). Notes
from the earlier tribunal would assist in determining whether there is in fact new
material being presented.
The judicial officer in deciding to grant bail, must consider whether or not to require a
bond, the amount of the bond and whether a surety or more than one surety should be
stipulated. The information provided by counsel for both sides will be helpful in
assessing those matters. The nature and seriousness of the offence should be two of
the primary matters to be considered. They will motivate the decision as to seriousness
with which the accused and his connections will view the grant of bail, respect any
conditions imposed and the need to answer to bail on each occasion. Bail in a small
amount for a serious offence could well result in the accused taking the decision to
abscond knowing that the penalty of forfeiture that the surety will be called to pay is
affordable and will not cause distress.
On the other hand, there is no point granting bail in a sum which an accused, because
of his circumstances, will not be able to take up. To do so may well be considered a
denial of bail to a deserving person.
Some of the conditions that a judicial officer may impose are set out in section 6 of the
Act. They include:
a. the entry into a recognizance with a surety;
b. the payment of a bond as security to secure surrender to custody;
c. surrender travel documents;
d. requirements for reporting to the police pending trial;
e. imposition of curfews;
f. requiring the parent or guardian of a young person to undertake to
ensure compliance by the young person;
g. residential restrictions;
h. travel restrictions; and
i. restrictions in movement
There is a logistics problem in our jurisdiction, with its limited resources, in providing a
resident magistrate with the prejudicial information concerning previous convictions or
unsavoury associations, for there may then be difficulty in finding a different resident
magistrate to preside over a subsequent trial. No doubt the resident magistrates for
each parish will have to devise a means of addressing that problem. Counsel should
also be alert to remind a magistrate who heard a bail application where such
information is adduced, that the risk of even unconscious influence from that
information exists.
Sections 8 through 11 deal with appeals by accused from refusals to grant bail. An
accused may appeal from a refusal by a Resident Magistrate either to a judge in
chambers in the Supreme Court or in the Court of Appeal. Sections 8 and 9 require the
Resident Magistrate to give reasons for the decision, advise the accused of his right to
appeal, and give him a copy of the record of the reasons.
Part 58 of the Civil Procedure Rules provides for applications to a judge of the Supreme
Court, subsequent to a refusal of bail by a Resident Magistrate. Whereas the Act
speaks of the application being by way of an appeal, rule 58(1) speaks of a “review [of]
a decision by a magistrate about bail”. For a discussion as to whether the application is
by way of appeal or by way of review, see Stephens v The Director of Public
Prosecutions 2006 HCV 05020 (delivered 23 January 2007) and paragraph 20 of
An accused, it would seem, would be entitled to apply for bail to a judge in Chambers
after an unsuccessful application to a judge of either the High Court Division of the Gun
Court or a judge of the Circuit Court. This would not be by way of appeal but by way of
the inherent jurisdiction of the court to consider matters concerning the liberty of the
subject.Dicta in R v Crown Court at Reading [1981] 1 All ER 249 is authority for that
proposition. Although addressing an entirely different court structure, Donaldson LJ
adverted to the inherent jurisdiction of the court. He said at page 253e:
“...a judge of the High Court may, under the inherent
jurisdiction, hear an application for bail after an application
by the same person has been refused by a judge of the
Crown Court...”
Whereas there is statutory provision for an appeal to a judge in the Court of Appeal,
from a resident magistrate’s refusal to grant bail, there is no such provision in the Act
for an appeal from a refusal by a judge of the Supreme Court. Part 58 of the Civil
Procedure Rules, as noted above, only deals with applications to a judge of the
Supreme Court.
of the Supreme Court. The seeming imbalance, when one considers the inability of an
accused to appeal from a refusal by a judge of the Supreme Court, was considered by
Sykes J in an extra-judicial presentation to a seminar of the Bar Association on 22
October 2010. The paper is entitled “The Six Acts: A Bird’s Eye View Close to the
Ground”. It is written in the learned judge’s usual thought provoking style.
Where there is an application for bail pending an appeal from a sentence imposed by a
Court, the considerations are very different from an application pending trial. Section 4
(1) (b) of the Act specifically states that bail may be denied where an appeal is pending.
The difference in approach to these applications lies, no doubt, in the fact that the
presumption of innocence no longer applies. The applicant is now an offender. The
point is reinforced in the case of Sinnan and others v The State (1992) 44 WIR 359.
At page 367c Bernard CJ said:
A person convicted of an offence may apply to the resident magistrate or judge before,
whom he is convicted, for bail to be granted pending appeal. If bail is refused by that
judicial officer, the offender may apply to a judge of the court of appeal to grant bail
pending appeal. Section 13 of the Act states:
“13. - (1) A person who was granted bail prior to conviction and
who appeals against that conviction may apply to the Judge or the
Resident Magistrate before whom he was convicted or a Judge
of the Court of Appeal, as the case may be, for bail
pending the determination of his appeal.
It is for the convicted person to show that exceptional circumstances exist which
warrant the grant of bail. These matters were carefully considered by Phillips JA in
Seian Forbes and Tamoy Meggie v R [2012] JMCA App 20. The learned judge of
appeal, in her usual comprehensive style, pointed out a number of the relevant
principles. These were summarised in Dereek Hamilton v R[2013] JMCA App 21 and
were stated thus:
“a. this court has no inherent jurisdiction to grant bail to a
convicted person;
g. where the sentence is a relatively short one and the
likelihood of the appeal being heard within a short time is
small, this may be considered ‘exceptional
circumstances’, as justice may not appear to have been
done if the appeal is successful, but the appellant has
served most or a very substantial part of the sentence.”
Dereek Hamilton v R is authority for the proposition that, in the event that there is
no risk in respect of the matters contemplated by section 4(1), a short sentence of
imprisonment represents an exceptional circumstance justifying the grant of bail
pending appeal. In cases of short sentences, the likelihood of the sentence having
been served before the appeal is heard would mean that a successful appeal would be
rendered nugatory.
Dana Seetahal in her work, Comonwealth Caribbean Criminal Practice and Procedure,
opines at page 170, (without citing authority) that:
It would have been noted that Bernard CJ in Sinnan, in addressing the prejudice of a
conviction spoke of indictable offences. Although Resident Magistrates in our
jurisdiction do handle a number of indictable offences, it is perhaps fair to say that
Resident Magistrates may well take the view that, if the offender will pursue the appeal
and will surrender in the event of the appeal being unsuccessful, it would be
appropriate, in the case of a relatively short sentence, to grant bail pending appeal.
There have been cases where, by the time the appeal has been heard, a custodial
sentence has already been served.
An Aside
This paper has concentrated on the consideration by a court of applications for bail. It
is to be noted that the Act does permit bail to be considered and granted by police
officers and justices of the peace. Those persons may not consider bail in cases where
the accused is charged with murder, treason or treason felony (section 3(4)). Neither
can they, normally, consider bail in cases where a person is in custody pursuant to a
warrant of arrest issued by a court.
In cases of warrants, it used to be said that some police officers would make it a point
of turning up on a Friday evening to execute a warrant of arrest where the accused
failed to attend court to answer a summons charging the person for a traffic offence.
Such situations were ripe for malicious behaviour and encouraged corruption. They
may be ameliorated however, by the judicial officer, in issuing the warrant, stipulating
that, upon arrest, bail may be granted to the accused to appear in court. Section 2(1)
of the Act hints that a warrant may be endorsed for bail. The relevant portion states:
“‘bail in criminal proceedings’ means bail which may be
Section 7(2) stipulates that the police officer who releases on bail, a person arrested on
a warrant of arrest, is to make a record of his decision and deliver it to the accused if so
requested. Such a record would, of course, be protection from the likelihood of like
arrests before the date of the court hearing.
Cases such as Hubbard and Brooks demonstrate the systematic approach that is
required for such applications. As it is desirable that there is significant consistency in
the approach used by judicial officers, such an approach should be consistently be
adopted so that attorneys at law and their clients can reasonably assess the chances of
success of a proposed application for bail. The onus is on the prosecuting authorities to
justify the denial of the individual’s right to bail. This must be done by providing cogent
reasons to the court.
The court must, after considering the application, demonstrate in its reasons that it has
done so. If the court finds that any of the situations militating against the grant of bail,
have been proved, then it must consider whether the imposition of conditions would
eliminate, or at least minimize, the risk of the occurrence. Resident Magistrates must
indicate in their reasons for decision, the bases on which they have refused bail or
imposed conditions, so that, in the event of there being an appeal, the judge can
properly assess the Magistrate’s decision.
Patrick A. Brooks
Judge of Appeal
April, 2014
An Examination of the Bail Act 2000 – paper delivered March 2001- The Hon. Justice
Lloyd Hibbert
The Six Acts: A Bird’s Eye View Close to the Ground – The Hon. Justice Bryan Sykes