Climate change
Climate change
Climate change
With every day advancing into the field of technology, the innovations have triggered
great impacts on our lives. Besides awarding us countless benefits, these innovations have also
induced certain harmful effects on our environment, one of which is global warming, a key
source of climate change. This climate change is an emerging problem that has some serious
First of all, the melting glaciers due to an increased temperature have caused a rise in
sea levels. Not all the people are impacted by this but the ones living closer to the sea as the
coastal areas are facing the loss of land due to overflowing water levels and land sinking.
According to a study, there are “11 sinking cities [that] could disappear by 2100.”(Lakritz). This
could cause the islands to get completely submerged under water. As a result, the people living
there would have to move onto other places causing an overall cost of billions of dollar.
Moreover, the habitats of animals living on the beach such as sand crabs, shorebirds etc. will be
lost. Some endangered species such as sea turtles, that can't afford to lose any offspring, may
become extinct . The climate change is affecting their habitat by flooding or by “alter[ing] sand
increase in hurricanes and cyclones. In the recent years, storms have caused much damage to life
and property costing millions of dollars. The most recent is hurricane Katrina that hit US in life,
resulting in deaths of 1,577 people and a total damage of $108 Billions (Fox13news). According
temperature of earth gets warmer and warmer, there’s an increase in evaporation of ocean water
leading to intensified precipitations in some areas. On the other hand, climate change also
contributes to the worsening of droughts in some areas. According to the scientists, the wet
places will get wetter and the drier places will get drier (c2se).A perfect example is the drought
of Texas in 2011, that marked an average of just 14.8 inches of rain (CBSNews). Droughts have
affected agriculture and livestock badly all over the world. In the recent years, wildfires have
In conclusion, the climate change has affected our lives in a countless ways. For instance,
the rising sea levels, worsening weather conditions, droughts etc. has already cost us millions of
lives and yet the world is still not taking any serious actions against it. The world should be
aware of the devastating consequences of climatic change and it should take some crucial steps
against it to avoid any further damages including the loss of life and property.