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Cooling System and Temperature Control of an Enclosure

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Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp.

https://doi.org/10.46904/eea. 15

Cooling System and Temperature Control of an Enclosure

using Peltier Modules
George DUMITRU 1*, Ion DOBRIN 1, Dan ENACHE 1, Mihai GUȚU 1, Constantin DUMITRU 1
Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Inginerie Electrică (INCDIE) ICPE-CA, Splaiul Unirii, nr. 313,
Sector 3, 030138 Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author professional e-mail address: [email protected]

Received: February 2024; Accepted for publication: February 2024;
Published: March 2024; Online at: www.eea-journal.ro

Reaching of negative temperatures for various applications such as food industry, medicine or experimental physics
implies the use of cryogenic fluids (especially liquid nitrogen) or refrigeration heat pumps. The technological
progress in materials science in the last years allowed the development of other methods to obtain low
temperatures needed for such applications, by means of using the Peltier effect. The Peltier modules were
developed and perfected in last decades, in order to allow temperature differences of 20 ºC to 85 ºC between the
two faces of one module when one side is kept at room temperature, and an electric current is supplied. Thus, the
possibility of developing devices which allow obtaining and controlling temperatures up to -50 ºC were opened,
eliminating all the difficulties related to the use of cryogenic agents, which imply the need of Dewar storage
vessels, cryogenic transfer lines and controlling of cryogenic liquid such as liquid helium or liquid nitrogen (with
boiling temperature of -196 ºC, at atmospheric pressure) or refrigeration systems. In this work are presented the
design, execution and testing results of a thermally controlled enclosure aimed for the calibration of temperature
sensors, in the range of -50 to +20 ºC, using Peltier modules. Despite the high electric power consumption of the
Peltier modules needed to cool down the enclosure due to the low COP (coefficient of performance) compared to
the conventional refrigeration systems, this approach in obtaining negative temperatures presents important
advantages such as the lack of maintenance, low volume, simplicity of temperature control and high temperature
stability (0.1 ºC).

Keywords: Peltier elements, cryogenic cooling, thermal control

How to cite this article:

DUMITRU G., DOBRIN I., ENACHE D. GUȚU M., DUMITRU C., “Cooling System and Temperature Control of an Enclosure using
Peltier Modules”, Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), 2024, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 15-22, ISSN 1582-5175.

-50 ºC...+20 ºC, as well as the accuracy of the

1. Introduction temperature measurement (for a certain measured
The means of measuring the temperature of an value). To ensure these criteria, a temperature-
environment are based on the use of temperature controlled environment is needed, the environment
sensors that convert the state of heating or cooling of consisting of a thermally insulated dry enclosure, to
that environment into an electrical quantity. Such ensure the temperature control and stability of each
devices (sensors) can be: thermocouples, temperature value.
thermoresistors, thermistor, diodes or liquid To obtain temperature values in the desired range
thermometers. (the negative range) requires the use of specific
They are suitable for specific temperature ranges techniques, cryogenic cooling methods. The
which can be narrower or wider, depending on the temperature range imposed by the application can be
measurement set-up. Regardless of the sensor types, covered using different techniques. They can be
they must be protected from possible risks of either heat pumps that use refrigeration agents
mechanical degradation or chemical corrosion, by a (Freon, etc.) and the technology related to the use of
protective shield. Encapsulated sensors are the ones these types of systems, requiring complex
that must undergo calibration, in order to be able to installations, or the use of cryogenic agents, such as
measure the temperature accurately. liquid nitrogen or liquid helium, that imply the use of
The calibration needs to be performed in a special equipment like Dewar storage systems and
controlled temperature environment, which allows transfer lines.
both obtaining the temperature range for which the For a narrower temperature range, a modern
calibration is carried out, in our case in the range of technique consisting of Peltier modules [1] can be

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2024. All rights reserved.

16 Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22

used. The use of this type of technology brings several modules being used to lower the temperature of
advantages over the other methods. Thus, photovoltaic panels in order to increase their
implementing it is much simpler, is more reliable, do efficiency [13], [14].
not involve using of moving parts and does not require
periodic maintenance [2]. In this case, temperature The modern Peltier modules are based on Bi2Te3
control is quite easy to achieve, by controlling the semiconductor, which is the most common used
supply current of the modules [3]. semiconductor used for common applications [3].
Peltier effect was first discovered in 1834 [4] and A thermo-element consisting of an n-type and a p-
is described by a temperature gradient at the type semiconductor is defined by the maximum
junction interface of two metals, when an electric amount of heat that it can extract (the cooling
current is applied [4]. At the middle of 20th century, power), this being described by the following
after the discovery of semiconductors, it was found equation [15]:
that the use of semiconductor is much more effective 1
for achieving the Peltier effect [4]. Today, all the 𝑄𝑄𝑐𝑐 = �𝑆𝑆𝑝𝑝 − 𝑆𝑆𝑛𝑛 �I𝑇𝑇𝑐𝑐 − 𝐼𝐼 2 𝑅𝑅 − 𝑘𝑘(𝑇𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑇𝑐𝑐 ). (1)
commercial Peltier thermo-elements (Peltier
where Qc being the cooling power [W], Tc and Th are
modules) are made with semiconductors.
the cold and respectively hot side temperatures of
The thermoelectric cooling method (using Peltier
the Peltier thermos-element [K], k is thermal
modules) has a significant advantage, due to the fact
conductivity [Wm-1K-1], R is the total electric
that can cool an object (or an environment) without
resistance of the p and n semiconductors, I is the
using moving parts or other constructive elements
electric current supplied and Sp and Sn are Seebeck
that isolate the system from the environment. These
coefficient of the p and n semiconductors.
devices are called generically Peltier elements or
Thus, the figure of merit Z, which describe the p-
thermo-electric coolers (TECs). Peltier elements can
type and n-type Peltier thermoelement performance
be connected in series or in parallel configuration, to
is [15], [16]:
build more complex Peltier modules with higher
cooling capacity. The temperature difference �𝑆𝑆𝑝𝑝 −𝑆𝑆𝑛𝑛 �

between the "hot" and "cold" surface of the Peltier 𝑍𝑍 = (2)

module in a multilayer configuration can reach the and the total electric power of the Peltier element
value of 95°C [1]. [15]:
In general, a TEC module consists of a
semiconductor lattice, each semiconductor is a 𝑃𝑃 = 𝐼𝐼�𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 + �𝑆𝑆𝑝𝑝 − 𝑆𝑆𝑛𝑛 �(𝑇𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑇𝑐𝑐 )� (3)
rectangular parallelepiped and electrically
connected in pairs (n-type and p-type), each pair The Coefficient of Performance (COP) represents
being also electrical connected in series to each other the efficiency with which a Peltier element can
with a metal conductor. extract heat from an environment (the cooling
A ceramic plate is mounted over the metal efficiency) and is described by the ratio between the
conductor, on both faces, this way the electric maximum amount of heat it can extract (Qc) and the
insulation is achieved, and the thermal conductivity total electric power absorbed (P) [15]. It seems that
will be high. When a current is applied to a TEC array, a single stage Peltier module has a COP lower than a
one ceramic surface of the Peltier module heats up multistage one [17].
and the other cool down, thus obtaining a The main disadvantage of Peltier thermo-
temperature gradient between the two ceramic elements used for cooling applications is their low
surfaces [2]. cooling efficiency (10 % of Carnot efficiency
compared to refrigeration systems which operates at
2. Materials and methods 30 %) [3].
Although the coefficient of performance (COP) of
2.1. Peltier modules characteristics Peltier modules is low compared to other cooling
systems [18], they present some advantages, an
The Peltier thermo-elements has seen significant example for this is the precise temperature control
growth in the last 20 years [3], the fields in which (±0.1 °C accuracy) [3], [19], and large temperature
they are used are very wide, from residential, where difference between the cold side and the hot side (Th-
they are used in air conditioning systems and Tc) which can reach up to 79 °C for simple modules
refrigerators [3], [5], [6], [7], the medical industry [20], and 95 °C for multilayer modules [1].
for maintaining biological samples at low An example of a commercial two-stage Peltier
temperatures [8], in the electronic industry [9], module is model AP2-162-1420-1118, manufactured
where they are used to cool certain sensitive by the European Thermodynamics company [1], the
electronic components [10], to compensate the most important working parameters (see Figure 1) for
current leads heat leak of the superconducting this are the heat removed from cold side and the
devices [11], or even in agriculture, where water is temperature difference between hot side and cold
low, for irrigation of the land by collecting the water side.
from air [12].
A field that shows an increasing interest is
represented by the energy industry, these Peltier

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2023. All rights reserved.

Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22 17
The constructing material considered for the
enclosure is aluminium (1). It was rated as adequate
due to its thermal conductive qualities and the
resistance to oxidation. The enclosure is
mechanically processed on the external generators (Z
axis), in order to obtain six perfectly flat surfaces,
equidistantly distributed on the circumference of the
section circle.
These surfaces will constitute the contact areas
on which all the Peltier cooling elements (2) will be
mounted to the enclosure exterior wall (according to
the conceptual model).
The Peltier modules cold surface temperature is
Figure 1. Cooling power diagram of a comercial
controlled with water heat exchangers (3), which are
thermoelement [1]. connected to a water supply rubber pipe (4), at the
exterior of the enclosure (including heat exchangers),
According to manufacturer specification of this a thermal insulation layer (5) is applied.
Peltier module (Figure 1), it has a cooling power (Qc) The uniform distribution of the Peltier elements
of maximum 29.3 W and can ensure a temperature on the outer surface of the enclosure allows the
difference between the hot side and cold side (Th-Tc) uniform distribution of the temperature so that its
of maximum 95 °C. This Peltier module, for a supply interior is maintained at a constant temperature.
current of 7.8 A and a temperature difference of The cold side of the Peltier elements is mounted
85 ºC (having the hot side maintained at 27 ºC), heat direct to the precinct and the hot side is thermally
removed from cold side is around 3 W, this means that anchored to the heat exchangers which are cooled
the cold side temperature can reach −58 ºC. with cold water.
For this reason, if the cooling power required from The entire assemble of the enclosure is
the system that need to be cooled is lowered (<3W), surrounded by an insulation outer layer.
the temperature difference between the hot and the A thermally insulated lid covers the enclosure and
cold side increase. also allows the montage of the thermal sensors
Another important parameter that need to be subject to calibration.
tacked into account when the Peltier module is
3.2. Cooling water flow rate evaluation
chosen, is the COP (coefficient of power) of the
module. For a best efficiency in using this module, In order to maintain the hot surface of the Peltier
there is a certain temperature difference and heat module at a constant temperature (removing the
that can be removed, for highest COP. waste heat), a water-cooled heat exchanger is used.
The heat exchangers are made of copper, due to
3. Tests and results
the high thermal conductivity (−400 W/mK at room
3.1. The design of the enclosures cooling system temperature).
In order to determine the water flow required to
In order to calibrate the temperature sensors in cool the Peltier modules and maintain the hot surface
the range of −50 ºC ... +20 ºC, a cylindrical shape at a temperature below 27 °C, and knowing that the
temperature controlled enclosure was conceived and thermal load is estimated at 300 W for each group of
designed (Figure 2) with Peltier modules as cooling 3 Peltier modules, the following equation was used
devices which are distributed on its outer surface, in [21]:
order to ensure a uniform cooling.
𝑃𝑃 = ṁ ∙ 𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝 ∙ 𝛥𝛥𝛥𝛥 (4)
where, P [W] is the heat power, ṁ [l/s] is water flow,
Cp [J/kg∙°C] is water specific heat and ΔT [°C] is
temperature difference.
For the water temperature difference of 5°C
between input and output of the heat exchanger, it
was found the value of the water flow of
0.8592 l/min.
For each of the 6 sides of the enclosure, 3 Peltier
modules were used, being a total of 6 heat
exchangers, which are connected, by means of a
network of rubber hoses that ensures the distribution
of cooling water equally and respectively ensure the
recovery of the water coming out from heat
Figure 2. Cross-sectional view of the temperature-controlled exchangers.

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2024. All rights reserved.

18 Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22

An outer cooling unit for the water is required in Another important result of the numerical model
order to maintain to a constant value the water of the enclosure was to evaluate how fast the
temperature. enclosure will reach desired temperature.
The lower the water temperature, the more In order to evaluate the time needed for the
efficient the operation of the Peltier elements will enclosure to reach the desired temperature, the
be. numerical modelling solution of the enclosure
equipped with 18 thermocouples was performed for a
3.3. Numerical modelling
time period of 10 hours.
A geometric model of the thermostatic enclosure Thus, the time required for the enclosure to reach
equipped with 18 Peltier modules (distributed in the imposed minimum temperature of −50 °C was
group of 3 modules on each side) was designed and found to be −3.5 hours.
used in order to numerically evaluate its thermal
profile, and the heat load of each Peltier module was 3.4. System description
set to 3 W. The enclosure body of the cylindrical shape was
The mathematical model used to determine the made of aluminium and on the top of it there was a
temperature gradient along the z-axis of the heat-insulating cover, to assure a proper thermal
enclosures wall is [22]: insulation from the ambient, and a constant and
uniform distribution of temperature along its entire
𝒒𝒒 = −𝑘𝑘∇T (5)
where q [Wm-2] is the conductive heat flux, T [K] is The geometrical parameters of the enceinte are
the temperature and k [W/(m·K)] is the thermal obtained as a result of the total volume imposed by
conductivity of the material used. the application (Table 1).
In order to achieve uniform temperature inside
the enclosure (low temperature gradient), the Table 1. Characteristics of the enclosure
temperature distribution along the enclosure Z axis De = 200 mm Exterior diameter
need to be kept at low as possible (the heat absorbed Di = 190 mm Interior diameter
by the Peltier modules need to be uniform along the h = 190 mm Height
enclosure walls). For this reason, numerical
evaluation, using FEM technique, was performed. The dimensions of the enceinte were designed
The temperature distribution along the enclosures taking into account the type of sensors subjected to
z-axis was obtained after numerical evaluation calibration, which is in fact, the goal of the project.
(Figure 3). The enclosure assembly is equipped with
18 Peltier modules mounted in groups of 3 modules at
the exterior wall, each group consist of 3 modules.
To ensure a good thermal conductivity and
implicitly to minimize the thermal contact resistance
between the Peltier modules and the body of the
enclosure, a thermal conductive grease was applied,
the thermal conductivity of the paste is 8.5 Wm-1K-1,
and a temperature range from −50 °C to +80 °C.
The temperature controlled the enclosure
assembly (see Figure 4, infra).
The heat of Peltier modules is removed with
6 water heat exchangers made from copper, one for
each group of 3 modules, each heat exchanger is
being equipped with water inlet and outlet
connectors respectively, with a 16 mm diameter, to
Figure 3. Temperature distribution along the enclosure z-axis ensure a good water flow.
The attachment of the heat exchangers to the hot
The goal of the numerical model was to establish
surface of the Peltier modules was also done by
the optimal distribution of the Peltier modules along
thermal conductive grease.
the exterior walls of the enclosure.
Also, these are mechanically attached to the body
As showed (Figure 1, supra), a temperature
of the enclosure with 3 mm diameter screws, and
gradient, along the z-axis (the generator of the
PTFE gaskets was used between the screws and the
enclosure) of 0.9 °C, was found as a result of the
body of the heat exchangers, in order to reduce the
numerical model, the vertical lines at the edges of
conduction heat flux among the body of the enclosure
the graph represent the edges of the enclosure (upper
and the heat exchangers.
and lower end of the enclosure).
The temperature, at the beginning and the end of
the graph (corresponding to 0 mm-360 mm arc
length), is higher due to poor insulation at the top
and bottom of the enclosure.

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2023. All rights reserved.

Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22 19
As showed in (Figure 5), all the Peltier modules
are electrically connected in parallel, and the
temperature control of the enclosure is achieved by
modulating the current power supply of the Peltier
Thus, the temperature inside the enclosure is
measured with a thermo-resistance type sensor
(PT100) whose calibration curve is inserted into the
memory of OMRON E5CC temperature controller [23],
which allow a precise temperature measurement
(±0.1 °C).
When the enclosure temperature reaches a
certain temperature value (any temperature value
Figure 4. The Peltier modules mounted on the enclosure can be set in the entire range from −50 ºC to +20 ºC),
body and heat exchangers the temperature controller activates an DC SSR (Solid
State Relay) which in turn controls the supply current
As showed in Figure 4, the enclosure (1) supports to the Peltier modules.
the Peltier elements (3) and the heat exchangers (2) Due to the fact that the temperature control unit
which are mounted on the hot side of the termo- has an integrated PID (Proportional Integral
elements in order to remove the heat extracted from Derivative) automatic control system [24], and the
enceinte. A metallic shaft (4) is mounted on the lower Peltier modules have a fast-cooling response,
side of the enceinte, as support. temperature stability inside the enclosure can reach
In order to thermally insulate the enclosure from up to ±0.1 °C.
the surrounding environment, its walls were covered The cover of the enceinte is also made of
with successive layers of thermal insulation material aluminium, insulated by an external layer and that
(and aluminium foil to reduce the radiation heat), the has inputs for the access of the sensors subjected to
total thickness of the insulation used is 60 mm, and calibration. The cover has also two separate inputs,
the thermal conductivity of the insulation material is one for the gas access to the interior of the enceinte
0.038 Wm-1K-1. and the other for exhaust the gas. The used gas is
In order to protect the insulation layer applied to nitrogen 5.0, to avoid the presence of water vapours
the bottom of the enclosure from the enclosure that can condensate inside the walls at negative
weight, 3 metal shafts with a total length of 60 mm temperatures.
were mounted on the bottom of the enclosure. On the Experimental tests were carried out in order to
bottom of the shafts, three sticlo-textolite ends were establish the functional parameters of the
mounted, also to reduce the loss of the heat through temperature controlled enclosure, within the
conduction towards environment and have a true temperature range of −50 °C-+20 °C.
control of the temperature. The entire setup assembly (Figure 6) consists of
There are several methods to achieve the the enclosure, thermally insulated, connected to the
temperature control inside the enclosure, using a water supply cooling circuit and to the DC power
power supply that is controlled by a computer is the supply, a SSR electronic relay and the temperature
fast and simplest way to solve this issue, but using a control unit.
computer is expensive and occupy a large volume.
Another method to obtain the temperature
control of the enclosure (Figure 5) is to use discreet
components that allow the control of the power
supply current to the Peltier modules.

Figure 6. The full set-up of the temperature-controlled

Figure 5. The electric set-up diagram of the power supply
Peltier modules

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2024. All rights reserved.

20 Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22

In order to reach the low temperatures in the The temperature inside the enclosure was
experimental set-up (Figure 6), the air inside the measured for seven temperature values: +10 °C;
enclosure (2) must be replaced with nitrogen gas or +5 °C; 0 °C; -10 °C; -25 °C; -40 °C; -50 °C.
other inert gas, in order to avoid vapour condensation The time required to reach thermal stability inside
or oxidation on the enclosure inside walls. the enclosure for temperature values up to −40 °C
Purging the gas from enclosure is achieved was a maximum of 40 minutes, reaching the
through bulb valves (1), which are connected to the temperature at the −50 °C threshold being achieved
enclosure top cover and a nitrogen gas supply bottle. in 120 minutes.
After this procedure, the Peltier modules (which are The cooling water temperature was 14 ºC at the
parallel electrically connected) attached to the entrance and 16 ºC at the exit.
enclosure exterior walls, are powered by the DC The water flow was 4.8 l/min.
power supply (5), through the high current electric
terminals (4). The inside temperature in the 3. Discussions
enclosure is controlled by a temperature controller There is a continuous need of calibration of
(7) that controls the supply current of the Peltier temperature sensors, and a wide range of solutions in
modules through the SSR electronic relay (6). The the market, but most of the calibration solutions are
heat produced by the Peltier modules and extracted suitable only for the sensors itself.
from enceinte, is removed with cooled water, trough There is a continuous demand for calibrating
rubber pipes (3). The water temperature difference temperature sensors, which are attached to various
between input and output is measured by a portable shape and various size parts, and the temperature
digital multimeter (8). shift induced by these additional cases need to be
Inside the enclosure, two temperature sensors measured.
were installed, the thermos-resistance type sensor For this reason, a cylindrical shape aluminium
(PT100) connected to the OMRON temperature enclosure with a volume of 5.4 dm3 was designed and
controller with which the enclosure temperature is tested for several temperatures in the range
controlled, and a DT470 silicon diode type sensor comprised from room temperature, up to −50 °C.
produced by the LakeShore company, with an Temperature stability obtained inside the
accuracy of ±0.025K [25]. enclosure for each measured value was better than
The DT470 sensor is connected to a LakeShore 218 ±0.1 °C. This high temperature stability was obtained
temperature monitor that has a measuring resolution using a simple temperature control unit and a usual
of ±9 K and an accuracy of ±146 mK [25] which DC SSR, compared to the refrigeration cooling
temperature of the entire system is calibrated. systems which demand a complex temperature
Temperature measurements were performed for control system.
several values of temperature inside the enclosure, Time required to reach a temperature stability
in the range of −50 °C-+20 °C. inside the enclosure for −40 °C was a maximum of
The temperature stability obtained for each 40 min, and 120 minutes for a temperature of −50 °C
temperature value measured value being ± 0.1 °C. for entire volume, but this cool down time can be
According to the results obtained for various improved to at least 20 minutes for −40 °C and
temperature values inside the enclosure (Figure 7), 60 minutes for a temperature of −50 °C, by adding
the automatic PID control system integrated into the additional insulation layers to the enclosure.
temperature controller was able to reach Another way to improve the performances of the
temperature stability, with almost no temperature Peltier elements is to use a lower temperature for the
oscillations. cooling water of the heat exchangers. This
improvement needs additional cooling of the water,
lowering the temperature towards 1-2 ºC, and the
final temperature can be lowered under −50 ºC.
If necessary, the temperature calibration of the
processed sensors can be improved, using higher
calibration accuracy of the measuring temperature
sensor inside the enceinte.
5. Conclusions
This article presents elements of design,
modelling, construction and testing of a temperature-
controlled enclosure intended for the calibration of
temperature sensors (such as platinum resistors,
thermocouples and others) in the temperature range
−50 ºC-+20 ºC.
Figure 7. Temperatures measured inside the enclosure in the The enclosure, made of aluminium, with a
range of −50 °C-+20 °C cylindrical shape, is cooled and the temperature
controlled by Peltier modules is produced by the
European Thermodynamics company.

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2023. All rights reserved.

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This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2024. All rights reserved.

22 Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 72 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 15-22

[24] T. H. Indiketiya, "An Optimum Strategy to Control Peltier Applied Superconductivity Laboratory of ICPE-CA.
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[25] Lakeshore, https://www.lakeshore.com He graduated with a bachelor's degree from
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2012
Funding Sources and with a Master's degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University Politehnica of
The authors wish to acknowledge the financing of Bucharest
this work by Romanian Research, Innovation and (UPB) in 2014.
Digitization Ministry through the contract POC Starting 2021, he is a Doctor of Science in the field of
126/2019/D9. electrical engineering of the University Politehnica of
Bucharest (UPB).
From 2022, he is enrolled in postdoctoral studies in the field
of applied superconductivity within the Doctoral School of the
Authors’ Biographies Faculty of Electrical Engineering within the University
George DUMITRU was born on February 1, Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB).
1983 in Bucharest. Since 2014, he has been working in the Department of Non-
He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Conventional Electrical Engineering of INCDIE ICPE-CA
Physics from the Faculty of Physics of the Bucharest.
University of Bucharest in 2009 and with a Starting 2020, he works as a scientific researcher (CS III) in the
Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Applied Superconductivity Laboratory in Electrical Engineering
the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) in the Department of Unconventional Electrical Engineering
in 2020. and is the deputy head of the Department of Unconventional
Since 2017, he has been working as a physicist in the Electrical Engineering in INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest.
Unconventional Electrical Engineering Department of INCDIE e-mail: [email protected]
ICPE-CA Bucharest.
Starting 2020, he is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of
Electrical Engineering of University Politehnica of Bucharest Mihai GUȚU was born in Bucharest in 1959.
(UPB). He graduated from the Politehnica University
Starting 2020, he worked as a Technological development of Bucharest (UPB), Faculty of Machine
engineer (IDT III) in the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory Construction Technology in 1984, Machine
in Electrical Engineering within the Department of Tools Section.
Unconventional Electrical Engineering and is the deputy head His research concern on CAD designing new
of the Department of Unconventional Electrical Engineering in prototypes and various electromechanical
INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest. products.
e-mail: [email protected] He has an experience in research and development of Special
Electric Machines and Command Systems, design and
Ion DOBRIN was born in 1956 in Bucharest. commissioning for deformation processing technology lines,
He graduated from the Faculty of Physics, machine tool design.
University of Bucharest in 1983 and received e-mail: [email protected]
his PhD in Electrotechnical Materials Science
from the University Politehnica of Bucharest Constantin DUMITRU was born in 1994 in
(UPB) in 1999. Tulcea, Romania.
Since 2012 he has been a first-degree He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in
scientific researcher (CS I), and starting 2018 electrical engineering in 2017 and with a
he is head of master’s degree in electrical engineering
the Department of Unconventional Electrical Engineering in from the University Politehnica of
the INCDIE ICPE-CA from Bucharest. Bucharest (UPB) in 2019.
He has more than 35 years of experience in the application of Starting 2019, he is a PhD student at the
superconductivity, cryogenics and materials science in Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering,
electrical engineering, which can be found in: scientific University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB).
articles published in scientific journals (30), communications Starting 2017, he worked in the Department of Renewable
given at scientific events (25), both in the country and abroad, Sources and Energy Efficiency of Laboratory of Electric
patents (8), books (2), articles in the mass media (4), of which Machines and Drives in INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest.
1 interview (audio), medals and prizes awarded at scientific Starting 2021, he works as a scientific researcher (CS) in the
manifestations of invention (12) or special prizes of Electric Machines and Drives Laboratory.
professional associations (Association General of Engineers e-mail: [email protected]
from Romania (2) and 1 international diploma awarded by the
Unified Institute of Nuclear Research from Dubna (USSR)).
Between 2008 and 2019, he held the position of head of the

This journal is © Editura ELECTRA 2023. All rights reserved.

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