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1.1 Background of the Study

Sewage, or wastewater, refers to the community's water supply that has been

contaminated through various uses. It is a combination of liquid and suspended solid

wastes originating from residences, establishments, and institutions. Sewage is primarily

organic, composed of carbon compounds such as human waste and paper, but it can

also include industrial wastes. While industrial wastes may differ in composition, they

can often be treated using similar methods as sewage (Topare, 2011).

The treatment of sewage or wastewater involves a range of biological, physical,

and chemical processes aimed at removing soluble pollutants and insoluble solids. This

is a critical step in safeguarding natural water resources from contamination caused by

domestic, industrial, and agricultural activities, which often introduce toxic contaminants

and suspended solids into the environment (Crini, 2018).

Effective sewage treatment ensures compliance with regulatory guidelines,

benefiting both environmental and public health. Various methods are employed to

reduce the organic and water content of sewage (Topare, 2011). However, water

pollution remains a pressing issue, particularly in developing countries like China and

third-world nations. In China, factors such as rapid industrialization, urbanization,

economic growth, and inadequate infrastructure funding exacerbate water pollution

challenges (Jin, 2014). Similarly, in the Philippines, increasing water demand driven by

population growth and economic expansion has led to a decline in water availability. The
degradation of watersheds further compounds the issue. According to the Asian

Development Bank, 17 out of 20 major river basins in the Philippines are projected to

experience water shortages by 2025, assuming no significant water resource

development programs are implemented. These challenges result in deteriorating

freshwater ecosystems and escalating costs for potable water supply (Rola, 2015).

In the Philippines, municipal and industrial sectors are significant contributors to

wastewater generation. Data from 2010 and 2011 indicate that the municipal sector

produces approximately 7.08 billion cubic meters of wastewater annually, while the

industrial sector generates around 383 million cubic meters. Primary and secondary

treatment methods dominate wastewater treatment practices, depending on the

wastewater's physical and chemical composition and the required effluent quality before

discharge. However, capital costs, operational expenses, space requirements, and

technology availability hinder the implementation of efficient sewage treatment systems

(Mogol, 2013).

The predominant type of sewage in the Philippines is domestic sewage, which

consists of used water from households or apartments and is often referred to as

sanitary sewage. Despite this, only 10% of the population has access to piped sewerage

systems. For those without sewerage systems, septic tanks are the primary method for

managing wastewater. As of 2015, approximately 7 million Filipinos still practiced open

defecation, and 19 million relied on unmodified sewage systems. This neglect has

significant consequences, with an estimated annual economic loss of ₱78 billion, an

average of 55 lives lost per day, and severe environmental damage (World Health

Organization, 2017).
Population growth is a major driver of water pollution caused by inadequate

sewage management. Mati City, one of the fastest-growing cities in the Davao Region,

exemplifies this challenge. Barangay Dahican, the second most populated barangay in

Mati, experienced a population growth of 12.59% between 2015 and 2020, with an

annual growth rate of 2.53%.

Sewage is often discharged directly into natural water bodies, posing a significant

threat to Mati City's rich biodiversity. Coastal and marine areas, including mangroves

and local mangrove nurseries, face environmental degradation due to waste

mismanagement. This not only impacts the environment but also threatens livelihoods

dependent on these ecosystems (Verzosa et al., 2024).

The Guang-guang Mangrove Park and Nursery, located in Guang-guang,

Dahican, Mati City, is a protected mangrove forest spanning approximately 21,000

hectares. According to in-depth interviews with tourists, the mangroves serve as vital

storm barriers, prevent coastal erosion, promote biodiversity, and support livelihoods.

However, poor waste management, shrimp pond operations, and land reclamation have

been documented as threats to these ecosystems (Inoco, 2024).

1.2 Rationale of the Study

Martinez Subdivision in Guang-Guang Dahican, City of Mati, has become a

bustling community, home to a diverse range of sectors including a university, business

establishments, boarding houses, eateries, and various stores. This rapid development

has led to a significant increase in sewage production, placing immense pressure on the

existing canal system. The canal, which is tasked with channeling sewage from these

various sources, eventually discharges into the coastal areas, where protected
mangrove ecosystems are located. These ecosystems are vital for maintaining

biodiversity, protecting the shoreline from erosion, and supporting local fisheries.

However, the untreated sewage being funneled through the Martinez Subdivision

Canal poses a serious threat to these sensitive coastal environments. According to

Topare (2011), sewage is composed of a combination of liquid and suspended solid

wastes from residential, commercial, and institutional sources, which can be highly

organic and contain harmful contaminants if not properly treated. The presence of

multiple sectors within the subdivision—each contributing to the overall sewage load—

compounds the risk of environmental degradation.

The growing number of business establishments, such as eateries and boarding

houses, in addition to the university, has led to an increase in the volume and complexity

of the sewage being generated. This not only heightens the risk to the environment but

also to public health, as untreated sewage can contaminate local water sources and

contribute to the spread of waterborne diseases (World Health Organization, 2017).

Moreover, the economic impact of improper sewage management can be substantial,

with potential losses stemming from environmental damage and increased healthcare


The population of BHS Dahican C as of 2024, which includes the Martinez

subdivision, is approximately 8,419, with 2,032 households. Around 100 people in this

area reside near the shoreline. A total of 1,981 households have access to their own

sanitary toilet facilities, while the remaining 51 households share toilet facilities.

Wastewater from these households is discharged directly into nearby natural bodies of

water. One of the primary concerns raised by residents is the improper disposal of

wastewater, which not only disrupts local marine biodiversity but also creates an
unpleasant odor that affects the quality of life for nearby residents. Additionally, heavy

rainfall worsens the situation, causing accumulated wastewater to flow toward the

shoreline, directly impacting the 100 families living near the shore and further affecting

the surrounding community.

Given these challenges, the need for a dedicated sewage treatment facility in

Martinez Subdivision has become critical. This study aims to design a sewage treatment

facility that will effectively manage the diverse sewage outputs from the various sectors

within the subdivision. By ensuring that sewage is treated before being discharged into

the environment, the project seeks to protect the sensitive mangrove ecosystems,

support sustainable community development, and enhance public health and safety in

the area.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to design a sustainable and efficient sewage

treatment facility for the Martinez Subdivision Canal in Guang-Guang Dahican, City of

Mati. The specific objectives include:

1. To map and determine the estimated discharge from the sources of sewage from

business establishments, boarding houses, residences, and the nearby university.

2. To characterize the untreated sewage discharge on the coastal areas,

particularly on the protected mangrove ecosystems.

3. To design a sewage treatment facility that can effectively treat the wastewater

before it is discharged into the coastal areas.

4. To provide detailed engineering design, plans, and cost estimates.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study on the design of a sewage treatment facility for the Martinez

Subdivision Canal in Guang-Guang Dahican, City of Mati, holds significant benefits for

various sectors:

1. Residents: The residents of Martinez Subdivision and nearby areas will help

educate residents about importance of proper waste disposal. The study will also help

them gain more awareness, which can lead to more responsible behaviors, such as

proper water management and reducing pollution. This can benefit the community

especially in the long run.

2. Local Government Unit (LGU): The Mati City LGU will benefit by meeting

environmental regulations and reducing the risk of legal issues related to environmental

protection. The project will also align with the city’s sustainable development goals,

showcasing the LGU's commitment to environmental stewardship and public health.

3. Environmental Conservation Groups: This study will help environmental

conservation groups to gain knowledge to advocate for cleaner water and promote

sustainable practices that contributes to the protection of natural resources and


4. Business Establishments: Local businesses will benefit from improved

environmental conditions, which can attract more tourists and customers, especially in a

coastal city like Mati. Compliance with environmental regulations will also prevent

potential fines and enhance the businesses' reputation.

5. Educational Institutions: The nearby university and other educational institutions

can use this study as a practical case study for students in environmental science,
engineering, and related fields. These courses can be developed using the results from

the study. It provides a real-world example of sustainable infrastructure development

and environmental management.

6. Future Researchers: The study will serve as a valuable resource for future

researchers interested in wastewater management, sustainable development, and

environmental conservation. It will provide data, insights, and a model that can be

applied or improved upon in similar contexts.

7. Public Health Sector: The study can be used for the monitoring of public health

developments. The public health sector can reduce the frequency of illnesses associated

with water pollution and poor sanitation, which lowers healthcare expenses and

improves community’s overall health through studying chemical indicators and assisting

in the detection of disease outbreaks.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Swtudy

The scope of this study is focused on the design of a sewage treatment facility

for the Martinez Subdivision Canal in Guang-Guang, Dahican, City of Mati. This design

includes detailed plans for the necessary treatment processes, equipment, and

infrastructure to ensure that sewage is effectively treated before being discharged into

the coastal areas. The study considers the specific environmental conditions of the

Martinez Subdivision, including the characteristics of the sewage generated by local

businesses, boarding houses, residences, and the university, as well as the sensitive

nature of the protected mangrove ecosystems at the canal’s exit. Additionally, the study

includes an estimate for the design, covering the projected costs associated with the

facility's construction and implementation. The design aims to mitigate the environmental

impact of untreated sewage on these ecosystems and ensure compliance with relevant
local and national environmental regulations, thereby contributing to the sustainable

development goals of Mati City.

However, the study has several limitations. While it provides an estimate for the

design phase, it does not include the management, disposal, or reuse of by-products or

waste generated during the treatment process. Detailed operational procedures,

maintenance schedules, and cost analyses for running the facility are also not covered in

this study, as these aspects will require a separate operational plan. The study focuses

on the design phase and does not address the actual construction, implementation, or

commissioning of the facility, although it provides the necessary design blueprints and

cost estimates. Furthermore, specific strategies for community engagement, education

on wastewater management, or public awareness related to the facility’s operation are

not included. Finally, while the study provides cost estimates for the design, it does not

include a comprehensive economic feasibility analysis, such as a detailed cost-benefit

analysis or long-term financial planning. This framework ensures that the study remains

focused on delivering a viable and environmentally compliant design, with clear

delineation of areas requiring further study or separate projects to address fully.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presented in Figure 1.1 represents a comprehensive

and illustrative structure that articulates the methodology to be employed in the

execution of the study. Furthermore, it functions as a systematic guide for the

researchers, enabling them to effectively organize their actions throughout the research

process, thereby facilitating the attainment of the study's objectives.

The input from Figure 1.1 shows the independent variables in the study. The

changes in these independent variables are expected to also produce changes in the
dependent variable. These independent variables help define the scope of the study and

it helps to identify and establish the relationships that the study aims to analyze.

1. Population – the amount of sewage water generated is directly impacted by the

size of population. The capacity of the sewage treatment facility and its

operational parameters can be estimated by measuring the amount of sewage

generated by larger populations.

2. Sewage water volume – volume of sewage water is important for determining the

design and capacity of the facility. Through analyzing the historical and projected

volumes of sewage water, it can help design systems that can operate efficiently

without overloading. The volume of sewage water can also affect the condition of

the facility, especially in the pipes and in treatment units.

3. Treatment methods – this will help to evaluate their effects on different

dependent variables such as the quality of sewage water, efficiency of the

operation, and the economy. Treatment methods can help the study evaluate

how each method impacts the concentration of contaminants in the sewage

water, which will give ideas on which method is the most suitable for a specific

characteristic of sewage water. Treatment methods can also help the study to

evaluate how each method will comply with the environmental regulations and it

will also provide recommendations for a treatment solution that will adapt to

varying conditions.



Figure 1.1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

1.7 Definition of Terms

 Biogas – an environmentally-friendly, renewable energy source produced by the

breakdown of organic matter such as food scraps and animal waste.

 Effluent - a sewage that has been treated in a septic tank or sewage treatment


 Environmental Degradation – process where natural environment is harmed or

diminished in quality.

 Pathogens – a microorganism or other organism that causes disease in a host.

 Sanitation – refers to the public health conditions related to clean drinking water

and the treatment and disposal of human waste and sewage. It protects human

health by ensuring a clean environment.

 Sedimentation – a process that uses gravity to remove suspended solids from


 Sewage – a liquid waste from households, businesses and other sources that is

transported through sewers for treatment.

 Sludge – a wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and solid components

and can be produced from wastewater treatment processes.



In this section, literatures presented are taken from various books, articles,

studies, and internet references to provide definitive and reliable data of the study.

2.1 Sewage Treatment

Sewage treatment is the process of preventing raw sewages discharge from

contaminating water by removing impurities from sewage to create a byproduct that is

safe to release to the environment or as an intended reuse purpose. The processes in

treating sewage is broad and it may be classified according to its physical, chemical,

thermal, or biological nature. Processes of removing solid wastes are involved in the

physical treatment. In order to make complete decomposition possible, alterations are

created during the chemical treatment to the chemical structure of pollutants. Thermal

treatments utilize high temperatures to break down contaminants. Due to its high costs,

it is only used for reactive substances that are hard to remove using conventional

methods. In biological treatment, sewage is treated with microorganisms to break down

organic materials and create readily separable biological particles (Huo et al., 2022).

2.2 Developments in Sewage Treatment

Waste or sludge from sewage treatment plants and other organic wastes may be

one of the resources made accessible to meet the growing need for organic matter and

renewable energy worldwide. The material may be utilized with both established and

developing technologies as an energy source for electricity and heat. Also, sewage

sludge may be used as a foundation for soil restoration and fertilization provided the
method used permits the production of outstanding results. The reprocesses for sewage

sludge, as well as waste treatment shows that they are both ecologically friendly and

economically practical. Reducing greenhouse gas emission, improving soil conditions,

and using fewer fossil fuels are some possible environmental benefits of the current

developments and solutions (Kacprzak et al., 2017).

To achieve these desired objectives, sewage treatment processes must carefully

handle sewage sludge both during and after it is removed from the treatment facility. To

maximize efficiency, a certain amount of sludge is regularly recycled during the

treatment facility process. However, huge amounts of sewage sludge must be controlled

by being removed from sewage treatment facilities. About 97-98% if this sludge is

usually made up of water. Therefore, it has to be appropriately handled in order to be

used as a useful biosolid or wastewater residual. The intended new or updated

technologies must enable complete organic matter recycling and lower the possible

danger brought on by the presence of contaminants. Although sewage sludge makes up

a small percentage of the overall volume of wastewater that is handled, the costs of

processing it accounts for 50% of all operational expenses at the sewage treatment

facility (Kacprzak et al., 2017).

The term “sewage water as a resource” refers to a change in perspective from

what was formerly thought of as a liability to a significant resource that can be used to

address the problems associated with sanitation and water supply. However, referring to

sewage water as a resource is just an empty phrase unless technology is introduced to

make the transition a reality. Sewage water has long been viewed as a risk and a

possible source of illness. By constructing pathways that allow the sludge, chemicals,

and other solid materials found in sewage water to be securely disposed of to reduce
harm to humans, people typically prevent sewage water. However, residents in dry and

mostly dry areas are sometimes obliged to devise methods for converting sewage water

into useful resources for their homes and businesses (Silva, 2023).

The circular economy views sewage treatment as a resource, promoting

environmental sustainability and reducing strain on natural resources. It prioritizes the

reuse and regeneration of materials and products. Sewage treatment is important for

nutrient, clean water, electricity, and fertilizers, as well as biogas, a renewable energy

source produced by the breakdown of organic matter such as food scraps and animal

waste, for residential and commercial use. This reduces the overuse of fossil fuels and

strain on natural resources. Aside from disposing treated sewage water to rivers, lakes,

or seas, governments worldwide are discovering new methods to use treated sewage

water for beneficial purposes (Silva, 2023).

The natural supplies of clean water are still under immense stress due to the

world’s population expansion. About 36% of the world’s population, particularly those in

middle-class economies, live in regions where there is a shortage of water. Several

water-related issues are also being brought about by rapid urbanization, such as lack of

clean water supplies, deteriorating clean water quality, and damage to sanitary

infrastructure, particularly in the growing number of informal settlements. The urban

sewage system is only partially connected to informal settlements. The first step in

creating a sustainable water resource management system is connecting to the sewage

treatment facility. However, the sewage system requires huge amount of funding, and it

has been a major problem for middle-class economies, where problems with water

shortages are much more common. Financial organizations such as the World Bank
have played significant role in funding number of initiatives designed to recover value

from sewage system (Silva, 2023).

2.3 Treatment at Sewage Treatment Facilities

Sewage Treatment mostly involves three processes in order to transform it into

distinct products for various purposes. The three phases are primary, secondary, and

tertiary treatment. However, at the start and finish, there is an addition of preliminary and

sludge treatment. Sewage water is directed into holding tanks during primary treatment

so that compounds float to the top and sludge settles at the bottom. Most of the

pollutants in the sewage water are eliminated during primary treatment. Using aerobic

bacteria added to the treatment system, secondary treatment breaks down solid to

waste. Filtering wastewater to eliminate waste particles and nutrients that may be

harmful to the environment as a whole is known as tertiary treatment. Prior to the

finished product being offered for the intended purpose, the tertiary treatment of sewage

water also entails the running sewage water through additional lagoons to get rid of any

chemicals or contaminants (Silva, 2023).

Many innovative methods to recover resources and energy from sewage water

have been developed in an effort to increase sustainability and adopt a more

environmentally friendly strategy. These methods are essential for improving the overall

sustainability of different businesses and aiding in the shift to a circular economy. Among

these processes, the sewage water to biogas energy recovery method is noteworthy.

The method of converting sewage water to biogas energy recovery is specifically

designed to treat sewage water and extract biogas at the same time. It is important for

biorefineries, which is a facility that converts biomass into feedstocks, to turn plants into

fuel since the wastewater from these facilities contains a lot of organic elements that are
difficult to manage with conventional methods. By extracting biogas, a clean-burning

renewable fuel, from the wastewater, second generation biorefineries are able to

significantly improve their environmental and economic sustainability. In addition to

helping with the switch to sustainable, organic biofuels and bioproducts, this strategy

lowers expenses and greenhouse gas emission as compared to conventional treatment

methods (Silva, 2023).

Conventional sewage water treatment methods mostly focus on removing

existing contaminant such as organic compounds and heavy metals. These techniques

do have some major disadvantages, such as high costs, time consumption, and energy

intensity. The advanced sustainability methods for resource recovery is a unique

concept that sees pollutes wastewaters as useful resources instead of just waste. This

change in perspective involves developing new materials and technology to handle

sewage water effectively and recover valuable resources. This method uses beneficial

effects to combine different methods to obtain improved performance and lower

secondary contamination. Innovations in technology are essential to greatly increase the

effectiveness of pollution removal. Nanomaterials, which is a basic unit of the material in

three dimensions of at least one-dimension size in the range of 1-100 mm, for example,

have demonstrated promising outcomes in improving the effectiveness of sewage water

treatment. Scientists are still continuously investigating more practical and affordable

methods for extracting valuable materials from sewage water (Silva, 2023).

2.4 Processes to Treat Sewage

Treatment of sewage is vital in protecting public health and the environment. It is

important to transform materials available in sewage water into secure byproduct that
can be safely disposed in domestic water without any negative environmental effects

(Samer, 2015). Here are some effective processes used to treat sewage water.

2.4.1 Biological Treatment Processes

The main treatment process of biological treatment is sedimentation. The settled

sewage is introduced to a bioreactor where the aerobic or anaerobic conditions of the

organic matter is utilized by bacteria, algae, and fungi. The bioreactor helps the

microorganisms to reproduce and use the dissolved organic matter for themselves. The

provided settled sewage will act as the oxygen and food to the microorganisms which

will help maintain the biological oxidation process of dissolved organic matter (Samer,


Other types of biological treatment processes include aerobic treatment, aerobic

lagoons, and anaerobic treatment. Aerobic treatment, also known as aeration, helps to

remove gaseous compound in water. It transfers substances, such as oxygen, from air

or any gas phase into water in a process called Oxidation. It also uses Air Stripping to

remove gaseous tastes and other substances in water. Aerobic lagoons use the oxygen

provided by aerators. It also uses bubble aeration, where bubbles are generated by

compressed air pumped through plastic tubing laid through the base of the lagoon.

Bacterial biomass develops without having any sedimentation nor sludge return, making

this procedure as an adequate mixed liquor formed in the lagoon. Aeration lagoons are

suitable for strong but degradable sewage such as sewage water from food industries.

Anaerobic treatment occurs in the absence of oxygen. It can be time-consuming, but

anaerobic treatment has several advantages in treating strong organic wastewater such

as elevating the level of purification, generating small amounts of sludges that are

commonly stable, and producing methane as an end-product (Samer, 2015).

2.4.2 Chemical Treatment Processes

The main chemical treatment process of treating sewage is through chemical

precipitation. The dissolved inorganic components can be removed by adding acid or

alkali, or by changing the temperature, or by precipitation as solid. The precipitate can

be removed by solid removal processes such as sedimentation and flotation (Samer,


Other chemical treatment processes include neutralization, which controls the pH

level of wastewater whether it is acidic or alkaline to keep pH around 7, by adsorption,

which removes soluble molecules or adsorbate by attaching it to the surface of solid

substrate or adsorbent, or by disinfection, which treats the effluent with the selected

disinfectant to exterminate or inactivate the pathogens (Samer, 2015).

2.5 Methods of Waste Disposal

2.5.1 Ocean Disposal

After pre-conditioning, sewage is then disposed in the ocean, through outfalls or

barges. This type of disposal has no beneficial use to the public. The overall cost of

ocean disposal is relatively low, but it can have a negative effect to the environment,

especially in the oceans as it pollutes its flora and fauna. It can also transfer diseases

and contaminates the elements of the food web (Sperling, 2007).

2.5.2 Sanitary Landfill

This method disposes the sludges in ditches or in trenches, by covering and

compacting the soil until they are totally filled. After the trenches are filled, they are then

sealed. The sewage sludge can be disposed of in dedicated landfills or co-disposed with

urban solid wastes. Like ocean disposal, sanitary landfill has no beneficial use. The total

cost for sanitary landfill is low, but the process needs a large area to be conducted. It

can also have problems with nearby urban centers, and requires special soil

characteristics. This can have a negative effect to the public and the environment as it

can produce gas or leachate (contaminated liquid). It can be also difficult to rehabilitate

the area after being used (Sperling, 2007).

2.5.3 Incineration

This method involves thermal decomposition by oxidation, in which gaseous

solids of the sewage sludge are burnt in the presence of oxygen and are converted into

carbon dioxide and water. The fixed solids are then transformed into ashes. This

disposal process has no beneficial use. Incineration can reduce the volume drastically

and can also help sterilize the sewage water. The overall cost of this disposal process is

high and can cause air and atmospheric pollution (Sperling, 2007).

2.5.4 Landfarming

This type of disposal method transforms or fixes the inorganic fraction while the

organic substrate is biologically degraded in the upper layer of the soil. Landfarming has

no beneficial effect to the environment or to the public. The total cost of landfarming is

low and can disposes sewage water and sludges of large volumes per unit area but can

accumulate metals and hardly decaying elements in the soil. The groundwater can be

contaminated, release foul odor, and can attract many carriers of diseases. The area
can be difficult to reintegrate after being used and can have a significant effect socially

and aesthetically (Sperling, 2007).

2.5.5. Agricultural Reuse

This type of disposal method disposes the wastes in agricultural soils, in

association with the development of crops. This method can be beneficial as it produces

biosolids, which are organic matters from the processes sewage wastes and turned into

fertilizer. This method has a large area availability and can have positive effect for crops

and soil, which can be a potential long-term solution. However, this method has

limitations regarding the composition and application rates and can contaminate the soil

by metals. It can contaminate the food with toxic elements and pathogenic organisms

and can produce foul odors. It pollutes the surface and groundwater and can significantly

affect the aesthetic and social impacts.

2.6 Sewage Treatment Facilities in Residential Areas in the Philippines

In many Asian countries, having sewerage systems consisting of sewer lines

connecting households and establishment are uncommon. In most urban areas in the

Philippines, only about 4% of the population have a sewer connection. This is a result of

insufficient home wastewater treatment systems. Only around 8% of homes are now

linked to sewage systems. Most employ built specifically septic tanks, many of which are

of poor quality and are not well maintained or routinely cleaned of septage. Wastewater

from informal settlements is dumped into rivers, streams, and drainage canals.

Programs to increase the coverage of sewage are limited by high funding needs and

little public support. To secure the participation and support of the public for residential

wastewater treatment programs, education and information campaigns are required to

increase awareness and knowledge of the concerns relating to wastewater-induced

contamination of water bodies and health problems (Tan, 2015).

2.6.1 Metro Manila

Sewer lines in Metro Manila, even in urban centers, the coverage of sewer line

systems remains at only about 8%. This indicates that only less than a tenth of sewage

water in Metro Manila becomes treated before disposing it into the bodies of water. The

rest of the sewage water either flows into septic tanks than only provide primary

treatment or directly into drainage or flood canals without any treatment, which is

common in informal settlement areas. The disadvantage of septic tanks is that when it

becomes full and not desludged, sewage water and waste water from households flow

directly into drainage canals (Tan, 2015).

The Manila Waterworks and Sewerage Systems (MWSS) was privatized in 1997

to improve and expand the water supply system and the sewerage coverage. The

privatization agreement helped in the gradual increase in sewer connection from 7% to

62% by 2021, when the planned sewerage structure development would have been

completed (Tan, 2015).

2.6.2 Tagum City

The Department of Science and Technology Region XI (DOST XI) and the Local

Government Unit (LGU) of Tagum has agreed for the deployment of Vertical Helophyte

Filter System (VHFS), specifically for the Tagum City Public Slaughterhouse. VHFS is a

sewage water treatment system that uses helophytes, a type of plant that removes

pollutants and purify sewage water. Tagum City Public Slaughterhouse produces an

average of 80,000 liters of sewage water daily, which belongs to the slaughterhouse
wastewater. This amount of waste is a threat to the public health and environmental

conditions, which will require an immediate and effective solution. The VHFS will be

specifically designed to treat the 80,000 liters of sewage water per day. The ensure that

the proposed project will become successful, LGU Tagum provided an initial grant of 2.8

million pesos. The project now falls to the DOST XI’s “Wastewater Treatment System

Upgrading Program (WATSUP),” which helps to introduce the low-cost, nature-based

wastewater treatment solutions to benefit local micro, small and medium enterprises

(MSME), public facilities, and small communities (Rebuelta, 2024).

2.6.3 Davao City

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) regional office allocated 6.2

million pesos to fund Wastewater Treatment System Upgrading Program (WATSUP).

The assistant regional director of DOST, Mirasol Domingo, said that the program will

enhance the use of vertical helophyte filter system for small communities, MSMEs, and

public entities. Part of the program under public entities is the Sanitation Embankment

Project of the Davao City slaughterhouse. The memorandum of agreement is being

finalized between the department and the Davao City government for the implementation

of the project once the agreement is sealed. The project is declared as “good to go” and

the signing of agreement will be on the second quarter of the year 2018 (Banzon, 2018).

Davao City is planning to control the discharge of sewage water from illegal

settlements along Davao City River basin, which is the city’s largest waterway and the

third largest waterway in Mindanao. The project will be undertaken by the organization

called HELP Davao Network, which recently conducted a research showing a high rate

of Davao riverbank illegal settlements without primary sewage water treatment,

discharging waste directly on surface water. The Sani-Embankment project was created
to close this gap by introducing an inexpensive, natural alternative that will enhance

Davao River sewage water management. The Dutch government, DOST’s regional

office in the city, and private organizations will work together on the project, which has

two primary objectives of developing a flood-prevention technology and establishing a

cleaner way of discharging sewage water in Davao City. The treatment facility would be

installed in Barangay Bucana as part of the project. The project’s goal is to treat the

estimated 3500 houses’ sewage water, which amounts to around 420,000 liters (420 m 3)

of garbage. The river is 1.13 kilometers long, having a width of 15 meters and a depth of

3.5 meters when the garbage load is released into the water. Technology and materials

from local suppliers would be used in the project. The project will utilize a helophyte

filter, consisting of a sand filter covered in common reeds, to effectively treat sewage

water. Bacteria inside the roots are responsible for treating the water. When being

compared to other small-scale waste water treatment systems, the filter is ten time less

costly. The treatment facility has a lifespan of 20-25 years and is capable of handling

500,000 liters of sewage water. The residences have to be connected to a designated

wastewater well, where rainfall would be collected and sewage water treated. This

results in a simplified sewage system that makes use of the channels already in place

that the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has given (Cayon, 2018).

2.7 Factors to Consider in the Construction of Sewage Treatment Facility

When constructing sewage treatment facility, several factors must be taken into

account to ensure effective operation, compliance with regulations, and sustainability.

The government tightens restrictions on the discharge of sewage water into bodies of

water. As a result, towns and industries find it difficult to comply to government

regulations. Customized treatment system can be useful, but it can be difficult to adjust
based on the types of pollutants, the available funds, and the water supply (Login, 2022).

Here are some key considerations when constructing sewage treatment facilities:

1. Effluent Considerations – sewage water with varying quantities of pollutants is

produced by diverse sources. Sewage water with varying quantities of pollutants

is produced by diverse sources. As a result, the sewage water supply must be

considered while designing the facility. For instance, because industrial sewage

water is more concentrated than home sewage water, it needs more filtering

devices. Therefore, the proper plant design is ensured by taking effluent

concentration into account (Login, 2022).

2. Area Selection – sewage water treatment facilities often need a huge space to

be installed, which may not be practical in this densely populated nation.

Compact designs or standard treatment plants may be useful in this

situation. Furthermore, the site's topography is also quite important. It helps the

sewage water flow in the plant and reduces the need for pumps and motors if the

region is a bit untidy (Login, 2022).

3. Layout Design – a good layout design for a sewage treatment facility must

include the distance of the facility to residential areas, foul-smelling units away

from residential areas, and a cover for odorous units or providing ventilation

systems (Login, 2022).

4. Opinions from Experts - To prevent unforeseen debris, the operation team may

frequently request a filter or screen system at a main facility’s input. However, it

is overlooked in an attempt to save money, which increases the likelihood of

errors and doubles the expenses. In a similar manner, commissioning and

construction teams are more knowledgeable about problems than design teams.
The inputs from the construction, maintenance, commissioning, and operating

teams must thus be taken into account (Login, 2022).

5. Neutralization - The process of neutralization requires using an acid or base to

change the pH of sewage. Ensuring the appropriate pH range is a crucial step in

the first therapy. Maintaining pH is also necessary to determine future operations.

The neutralization tank's construction and design should be corrosion-resistant

(Login, 2022).

6. Maintenance and Operation Flexibilities - Plants that don't fulfill water quality

criteria are occasionally removed. In this case, management should make sure

that the right steps, procedures, and equipment units are chosen. Additionally,

plants must to permit sparing-based equipment maintenance. Consequently, the

plant may use standby units to attain high efficiency, promoting the "n+1"

formula. Plants might not receive full flow at the beginning, and management

should be ready for months of decreased flow rates. The ideal flow rate for water

treatment facilities is between 20 and 35 percent (Login, 2022).

2.8 Limitations in Location for Construction of Sewage Treatment Facilities

Consideration of location for the construction of sewage treatment facilities is

significant and several parameters must be evaluated to ensure efficient operation and

minimal environmental and public impact. These parameters include:

1. Accessibility to Bodies of Water - For the discharge of treated sewage water,

the site should be close to a body of water, but the possible effects on water

quality must also be taken into account. To avoid contaminating nearby waters,

the location should permit sufficient dilution and dispersion of effluent. This
balance is essential for preserving aquatic ecosystems' health and meeting legal

requirements (Zhou, 2022).

2. Population Density and Growth Projections - Sewage production is often

higher in areas with denser populations. Thus, it is crucial to choose a site that

can support both present and future population increase. This guarantees that

over time, the facility can manage higher influent flow rates and pollutant loads,

which is crucial in urban areas (Rajaei, 2022).

3. Land Use and Zoning Regulations - The location must abide by zoning and

land use laws in the area. In order to prevent conflicts with sensitive ecosystems,

recreational areas, or residential areas, it is crucial to evaluate the land uses in

the region. Gaining public support also requires interacting with the neighborhood

and resolving issues like traffic or smells that may be considered inconveniences

(Rafii, 2024).

4. Soil and Geological Conditions - Construction and operation sustainability are

greatly influenced by the site's geological features, such as soil type and stability.

Sites with inadequate soil conditions can need advanced and expensive

technical solutions. Preventing floods and controlling groundwater interactions

also need an understanding of the local hydrology (Almannaie, 2020).

2.9 Benefits of Sewage Treatment Facility

A sewage treatment facility contributes to environmental protection and the

safety and cleanliness of our water. A sewage treatment facility collects, holds, cleans,

and gets rid of waste water from sinks, toilets, bathtubs, washing machines, and any

other household water-using equipment. In order to guarantee that the water is properly

cleaned and released, a system for treating sewage typically includes a septic tank as
well as related pipelines, drains, percolation zones, and fittings. An on-site wastewater

treatment system is a common feature in modern construction (Tanks, 2022). Here are

some benefits of sewage treatment facility:

1. Reduction of Water Pollution - Wastewater treatment plays a pivotal role in

reducing water pollution by effectively removing harmful substances. Through

processes like sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection, contaminants such as

suspended solids, heavy metals, and organic compounds are eliminated. This

ensures that treated wastewater released into natural water bodies complies with

quality standards, safeguarding the health of aquatic organisms and reducing the

overall pollution burden on the environment (Jenks, 2024).

2. Protection of Ecosystems and Biodiversity - One of the significant

environmental benefits of wastewater treatment is the protection of ecosystems

and biodiversity. By removing pollutants from wastewater, treatment plants

prevent the contamination of rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. Untreated

wastewater can cause severe damage to aquatic ecosystems, leading to the loss

of fish, wildlife, and plants. Wastewater treatment safeguards these delicate

ecosystems, allowing them to thrive and maintain their biodiversity (Jenks, 2024).

3. Enhancement of Water Quality and Availability - Sewage treatment plays a

vital role in enhancing water quality and availability. By removing pollutants and

improving water clarity, treated sewage water can be safely used for various

purposes, such as irrigation and industrial processes. This reduces the reliance

on freshwater sources, thereby conserving this valuable resource. Additionally,

treated sewage water can be recycled and reused, further contributing to water

availability in water-stressed regions (Jenks, 2024).

4. Mitigation of Public Health Risks - Effective wastewater treatment is essential

for mitigating public health risks associated with untreated wastewater.

Pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, present in untreated

wastewater can spread diseases and pose a significant threat to human health.

By adequately treating wastewater, these pathogens are eliminated, preventing

the transmission of diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis (Jenks,


2.10 System Efficiency

Sewage treatment facilities are increasingly adopting a diverse array of efficient

systems and innovative technologies to significantly enhance their operational

performance, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall sustainability. This shift

is driven by the need to meet growing environmental standards and the demand for

more sustainable practices in water management.

2.10.1 Anaerobic Treatment Systems

Anaerobic treatment systems have been gaining popularity due to their energy

efficiency and by the reduction of space required compared to traditional aerobic

systems. These systems operate without the use of oxygen, which breaks down organic

matter while producing biogas, which can then be used as a renewable source of

energy. This reduces the cost of energy and adds to the self-sufficiency of the facility

(Maziotis, 2023).

Anaerobic treatment has been used for almost a century. This method does not

only decrease waste byproducts or sludges, it also produces surplus energy through the

release of biogas. High-rate anaerobic reactors were created due to the discovery of
bacterial immobilization. Anaerobic treatment systems have sufficient capacity and runs

on ambient temperature (Qadri, 2022).

Energy consumption varies considerably between sewage water unit processes

and between different wastewater facilities. Anaerobic digestion can recover

approximately 30% to 40% of the overall energy consumption through combined heat

and power energy recovery systems (Crawford, 2010).

2.10.2 Advanced Aeration Technologies

Aeration is a critical process in water treatment, particularly for removing

dissolved organic matter and nutrients. Fine bubble diffusers and aerobic granular

sludge are examples of advance aeration technologies, and they enhance oxygen

transfer efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Advanced aerobic technologies

have significantly improved the efficiency of water treatment processes. Implementation

of hybrid aeration systems has led to 1.34-fold reduction in energy consumption while

enhancing the loss of nitrogen compound efficiency to 74.05% to 81.87% (Zajac, 2024).

It is well known that aeration process in biological sewage water treatment

comprises between 45% to 75% of a treatment facility’s total energy usage. In sewage

water treatment processes, the overall objectives of aeration technologies are to

effectively transfer oxygen from air into the activated sludge, disperse the oxygen

throughout the tanks, and to do it at the lowest energy cost (Mulligan, 2010).

2.10.3 Settling Tanks

Settling tanks, also known as sedimentation tanks, play a crucial role in the

sewage water treatment process by allowing suspended solids to settle out of the water.

The efficiency of these tanks can significantly impact the overall treatment effectiveness.
From a study conducted in 2017-2019 focusing on four-chamber settling tanks, the

mean pollutant removal efficiencies were gathered. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

removal was approximately 68.3%, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) removal was

around 50.4%, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal was about 49.5%. Even

though the four-chamber settling tanks did not ensure the effective elimination of

biogenic compounds, it still shows that settling tanks should be used as a basin

component of sewage water treatment facility, as it ensures a considerable reduction in

TSS and organic matter. The figures shown describes the effectiveness for settling tanks

in reducing key pollutants before the sewage water undergoes further treatment (Micek,



3.1 Research Design

In this study, the researchers utilized a qualitative and descriptive research

method to evaluate the feasibility of constructing a sewage treatment facility for the

Martinez Subdivision Canal in Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati.

3.1.1 Research Instrument

Each objective will be carefully analyzed using the following research

instruments. To assess the feasibility of the sewage treatment facility, the researcher

collected data through interviews with key personnel from various offices and local

residents. These interviews explored the technical, operational, and community-related

aspects of the proposed facility, offering valuable insights into the challenges and

opportunities associated with its implementation.

Furthermore, relevant secondary data collected from government sources,

including reports, studies, and official documents, will be thoroughly analyzed using

document analysis to support the evaluation of environmental, regulatory, and

infrastructural factors.

In addition, the researchers conducted a survey of the vicinity of the proposed

location to assess its suitability for the project. This survey provided important

information on site conditions, local infrastructure, and potential impacts on the

surrounding community. The combination of these research methods—interviews,

document analysis, and site surveys—yielded key data that were instrumental in
determining the feasibility of the sewage treatment facility. These findings were analyzed

in relation to the technical, operational, financial, and socio-economic aspects of the

project, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the viability of a proposed facility.

3.2 Data Collection

In this study, all essential files and information were gathered from various

government offices to support the feasibility assessment of the proposed sewage

treatment facility. The following offices provided critical data:

1. Business Processing and Licensing Office (BPLO): Provided information on the

number of commercial establishments in the area.

2. City Planning and Development Office (CPDO): Supplied technical information

regarding land use and infrastructure planning.

3. Barangay Dahican Office: Provided data on the number of residents lacking

access to a proper drainage system, the overall population of the community,

and the number of individuals utilizing water pump and tap water.

4. Mati Water District: Provides data on the water consumption volume in the

Martinez Subdivision.

In addition to the information gathered from these offices, the researchers also

collected secondary data through online research, including books, academic journals,

existing feasibility studies, and other relevant secondary sources. These resources were

essential in supporting the comprehensive analysis of the technical, operational,

financial, and socio-economic aspects of the proposed facility, ensuring a thorough

feasibility evaluation.
3.3 Aid for Design

The following methods and tools assisted the researcher in gathering data and

analyzing it for the design project, ensuring that the protected mangroves will not be

adversely affected:

3.3.1 Site Investigation

The researcher conducted a comprehensive site inspection to reassess the

necessity of constructing the sewage treatment facility. This investigation focused on

gathering essential information, including:

 Location availability for the construction of the sewage treatment facility

 Suitable locations for the disposal of treated water if not reused

3.4 Sewage Treatment Facility Design Procedure:

The design process for the sewage treatment facility included critical steps to

ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the project. The procedure comprised of:

 Assessing the volume of wastewater

 Developing the sewage treatment design

 Estimating the project cost for the sewage treatment facility

3.5 Data Analysis

All the data gathered for the project were carefully analyzed, organized, and

interpreted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the proposed sewage

treatment facility. The collected information was transferred and tallied in tables and

figures, allowing for clear visual representation. This structured approach helped the
researcher effectively explain and describe the necessary data, making it easier to

identify key trends and draw meaningful conclusions to support the project objectives.

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