To us, this research is a way to address the challenges students face in Independent Variable (Financial Literacy) This is the variable that you are
managing their finances. It allows us to explore the connection between examining to see how it influences or relates to financial behavior. Financial
financial literacy and financial behavior, which can help improve our own literacy refers to students' knowledge, skills, and understanding of financial
understanding and practices. By conducting this study, we hope to concepts.
contribute solutions that can positively impact students' financial decisions
and promote responsible financial habits." Dependent Variable (Financial Behavior) This is the outcome or behavior
that you are measuring, which may be influenced by students' financial
What it is to me? literacy. Financial behavior refers to the way students manage, save, invest,
or spend their money.
To you, this study can serve as a valuable resource in understanding the
importance of financial literacy and its impact on behavior. Whether you're a So, the independent variable (financial literacy) is expected to influence or
student, parent, teacher, or part of the school administration, the findings have a relationship with the dependent variable (financial behavior). Why
can help guide efforts to improve financial education, create better financial PAASHS?
habits, and ensure a more secure financial future for students.
- This study focuses on Pedro Alegre Aure Senior High School (PAASHS)
According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), questionnaires give detailed because it is a public institution situated near the town, surrounded by
answers to complex problems. various shops and establishments that may influence students' financial
behaviors. Understanding how these external factors interact with their level
of financial literacy makes PAASHS a relevant and practical choice for this Employing statistical tools to confirm the consistency and accuracy of the
research. data (De Guzman et al., 2012)
To compare the total population of PAASHS in other institutions, it has a
total number of 271, unlikely in Anuling Integrated since it only has 107
students, based on our initial research and it is also according to one of the What motivated you to choose this topic?
students there.
The motivation for choosing this topic arose from the increasing importance
We chose Pedro Alegre Aure Senior High School (PAASHS) as the of financial literacy for students. We recognized that students, especially at
research location because it is strategically situated near the center of the the senior high school level, face challenges in managing financial
town, surrounded by various shops, markets, and establishments. This resources effectively.
location provides a unique opportunity to observe and understand how Exploring the relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior
students are influenced by external factors, such as accessibility to provides valuable insights into fostering better money management skills
consumer goods, which can significantly impact their financial behavior. (Seriña-de La Paz & Que, 2013).
Since our study is about the relationship of financial literacy and financial
behavior, paashs school will help us to identify their relationship and the What problem does your research aim to address?
level of financial literacy of the study
The research aims to address the limited understanding of whether financial
We also chose public because according to Moreno (2020), it is essential to literacy directly influences financial behavior, particularly in terms of
address financial literacy and resource allocation issues to improve the spending and saving habits among senior high school students. This is
overall efficiency and effectiveness of public school systems. essential for promoting financial responsibility at an early age (Boral et al.,
Being a Senior High Students who also a part of being a youth and
teenager, according to Lusardi (2015), financial literacy is an important topic How did you select your sample size and participants?
for people, especially in young individuals.
The sample consisted of 82 students from Pedro Alegre Aure Senior High
Since junior high schools and colleges were established before senior high School. Participants were chosen based on accessibility and their relevance
schools, most of the studies we find on the internet are about them, with to the study, ensuring a diverse group representing various financial literacy
very few focusing on senior high school. levels and behaviors (Seriña-de La Paz & Que, 2013).
Why is financial literacy important for young individuals, such as students? Statement of the Problem
Answer: Financial literacy is crucial for young individuals because they are Financial Resources
transitioning into financial independence and are future decision-makers and - According to Roth (2018), financial resources for students come from their
leaders. Lusardi (2015) emphasizes that financial literacy equips youth with part-time jobs, scholarships, allowances, or parental support, which are
the skills to avoid financial mistakes, make informed decisions, and prepare necessary for covering tuition, living expenses, and other costs.
for their financial future. Moreover, financially literate students tend to exhibit - In the study of Dwiastanti (2015), he emphasizes that financial behavior is
positive financial behaviors, which can enhance their academic and not solely based on financial knowledge; it's also based on psychological,
personal well-being (Heckman et al., 2014). emotional, and other external factors that can play a significant role in
influencing financial decisions. That's why we need to know their financial
How does financial literacy affect budgeting practices among students? resources because it's possible that this can affect/influence their financial
Answer: Financial literacy encourages students to practice effective behaviors.
budgeting by understanding how to allocate their resources wisely. Boral et Level of financial literacy
al. (2020) state that financially literate students prioritize their needs over - Financial Knowledge
wants, leading to better financial stability. Budgeting, a core aspect of — According to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (2019), financial knowledge
financial literacy, helps students avoid overspending and prepare for significantly influences financial well-being, as it enhances planning and
unexpected costs (Federal Student Aid, 2014). decision-making skills. This aligns well with the rationale for studying the
level of financial knowledge.
What are the consequences of low financial literacy among individuals? - Susanti and Widiastuti's study (2021) explains that the greater the financial
Answer: Low financial literacy can lead to poor financial decisions, such as knowledge, the better a person's financial behavior will be.
overspending, excessive debt, and lack of savings. According to Meier and - Budgeting
Sprenger According to Federal Student Aid (2014), budgeting is one of the most
(2013), individuals with low financial literacy are more likely to make critical components for students since it enables them to prepare for
mistakes that negatively impact their financial stability. This can result in school-related costs, as well as unexpected costs, and therefore helps guide
financial hardships and reduced quality of life. the students to achieve their own academic and financial goals.
-According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Background of the Study OECD (2017), students at the highest level of financial literacy can make
The background of the study highlights the importance of financial literacy financial decisions displaying good financial behavior, which can positively
in managing finances. Many students struggle with budgeting and financial impact their lives in the long term. On the other hand, the behavior.
decision-making due to factors like inflation, insufficient allowances, and a Financial behavior
lack of financial knowledge. According to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, - According to the Financial Protection Bureau (2015), effective financial
only 25% of Filipinos are financially literate, which impacts their financial behavior could improve their well-being, satisfaction, and stability.
decisions. Financial literacy helps individuals understand and manage their Relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior
money, leading to better financial outcomes. This study aims to explore the - Andarsari and Ningtyas (2019) said that there is a significant effect of
relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior among Senior financial literacy and behavior on each other and shows that these two
High School students, particularly at Pedro Alegre Aure Senior High School, variables are interconnected.
to help improve students' financial management and decision-making.
- Moreno (2020) stated that understanding this relationship can help strategies to improve students' financial literacy and to evaluate how it
improve financial decision-making and resource allocation, which are influences their financial behavior, such as spending and saving habits.
essential for enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Essentially, the framework guides us in examining how financial knowledge
public-school systems. translates into real-life financial behaviors and decisions.
their needs instead of spending money on other things.
Theoretical Framework
Objective of the Study
- The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between Our theoretical framework used in this study is Financial Literacy Theory by
financial literacy and financial behavior among selected students of Pedro Lusardi & Mitchell (2014). This theory suggests that financial literacy, or a
Alegre Aure Senior High School. Specifically, we aim to identify their person's understanding of financial concepts, plays a crucial role in making
sources of financial resources, assess their financial literacy in areas like sound financial decisions. The theory posits that individuals who are
knowledge, budgeting, and saving, examine their spending and saving financially literate are more likely to engage in positive financial behaviors,
behaviors, and determine if there is a significant relationship between their such as budgeting and saving, which leads to better financial outcomes.
financial literacy and financial behavior. Additionally, previous research (such as Beal & Delpachitra et al., 2003) has
Senior high students are financially literate regarding attitude, knowledge, shown that many students struggle with financial concepts due to a lack of
and behavior (Garg & Singh, 2018). financial education. Our study builds on this by exploring how enhancing
Senior High students are more responsible in budgeting their money wisely; financial literacy can improve financial behaviors, such as better spending
they prioritize and saving habits, among senior high school students.
Conceptual Framework
( This is about understanding how students manage their daily expenses. It In summary, these operational definitions guide our study and help to ensure
help us to provide insights into their practical application of financial literacy.) that our findings are relevant and accurately reflect the behaviors of the
students in relation to their financial knowledge and decisions.
Lastly, Is there a significant relationship between financial literacy and
financial behavior among selected students of Pedro Alegre Aure Senior
High School?
According to Cochran (2015), random sampling ensures that all individuals So in conclusion this multi-method sampling procedure aims to provide a
in the population have an equal likelihood of being selected. This method representative sample for a comprehensive analysis of the relationship
reduces bias and enhances the representativeness of the sample, which is between financial literacy and financial behavior among selected students of
crucial for generating accurate and generalizable results. PAASHS, while also accommodating respondents' availability.
However, As described by Lohr (2019), stratified sampling involves dividing So these are the findings on the financial literacy of selected students of
the entire population into identifiable subgroups or strata and then drawing Pedro Alegre Aure Senior High School, specifically in the area of budgeting.
samples from each strata. In this study, we researchers use equal allocation
under stratified sampling. This technique ensures that different groups in the First, budgeting is widely recommended as a critical financial practice. It
population are represented in the appropriate proportions, providing more provided systematic evidence highlighting it's long-term effectiveness in
accurate estimates of the characteristics of each subgroup. achieving financial goals, Kan et al. (2018) and this aligns with our findings,
where the students are strongly agree that budgeting means identifying and
And the availability sampling, as explained by Creswell (2012), this involves prioritizing essential expenses with the mean score of 4.44, showing that
selecting participants from those who are willing and available to participate students place significant importance on this principle.
in the study. This method complements the stratified and random sampling
techniques to help achieve the targeted sample size effectively. Additionally, Boral et al. (2020) support these results by emphasizing that
Senior High School students is responsible in budgeting their money wisely.
So the total number of students in both grade levels—Grade 11 and Grade The data shows that they prioritize their needs over unnecessary
12—at PAASHS is 271. And according to Arikunto (2010), when the expenditures. Furthermore, respondents also agree that having a
population exceeds 100, researchers can select 10-15% or 20-25% or more well-structured budget helps prevent resource shortages, with a mean score
from the total population as a sample. of 4.02. They also understand that achieving a surplus or at least breaking
even with the mean score of 3.91 is important in achieving surplus and
But in the study of Asemehegn (2020), researchers often find it acceptable avoiding shortage.
to survey 30% of the total population because this rule of thumb is both
practical and reliable. So in this study, researchers use thirty percent (30%) Overall, the table shows that the selected students demonstrate a high level
to calculate the sample size. And the thirty percent of 271 results in of financial literacy in budgeting, with a general mean score of 4.13 which
approximately 81.3, which turns into 82 respondents. tells that they have a strong ability to manage their money and resources
effectively., these results highlight that these students not only understand topics. Additionally, parents should monitor their children’s financial activities
the principles of budgeting but also apply them effectively in their financial to ensure that they are practicing a responsible spending and saving habits
behaviors. at early age.
3. For Teachers:
The last indicator obtained a mean score of 4.27, where students strongly Since students exhibit high financial literacy and positive financial behavior,
agree that monitoring spending limits is crucial for effective financial teachers can further support this by incorporating financial topics into
management. This aligns with Binti Azmi & Ramakrishnan's (2018) study, relevant lessons, such as Business Mathematics and Economics. This will
which found that controlling spending behavior is essential to enhance deepen students' understanding and enable them to develop practical
financial management skills. financial skills through knowledge-sharing and discussions in the classroom.
Over al, the general mean score of 4.30 indicates a very high level of For the Community:
financial literacy among the selected students in terms of spending. These we recommend community to advocate for local policies that support
students demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions about where accessible financial education for students. Collaborate with local financial
their money should go, distinguish between needs and wants, and avoid institutions to offer programs or seminars on financial literacy which can
unnecessary debt. This level of awareness helps them maintain financial further raise awareness of its importance. These initiatives that will benefit
balance and make better financial decisions. not only students but also their families by fostering a financially informed
In conclusion, these recommendations aim to provide practical solutions for
So for the recommendations based on the findings of our study. These enhancing financial literacy and promoting responsible financial behaviors.
recommendations aim to further enhance financial literacy and behaviors By implementing these measures, we hope to empower students and the
among selected students and other key stakeholders. community as a whole in achieving financial well-being.
For Students:
We recommend that students continue applying their financial literacy in
their financial behaviors. Their knowledge of spending, saving, and
budgeting should help them make good financial decisions. We also
encourage students to actively participate in financial literacy campaigns
and programs where they can learn and share insights about financial
management, savings, and spending habits. These activities will help them
sustain high financial literacy and behavior, enabling them to achieve their
financial goals and secure a better financial future.
For Parents:
Parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s financial habits. We
recommend to encourage open discussions about money management to
their children.Topics like saving, budgeting, and any other related financial