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Summer Training Project Report


“Recruitment and Selection in Suvidha foundation ”


“km Apurwa Chaudhary”


Under the guidance of

“ Dr.Harshmit Kaur Saluja”

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the

Degree of Master of Business Administration

Submitted at





Department of Business Administration

Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow


I undersigned, hereby declare that the project titled Recruitment and Selection in Suvidha

Foundation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Master of Business

Administration is a bona-fide record of work done by me under the guidance of

Dr. Harshmit Kaur Saluja..This report has not previously formed the basis for the

award of any degree, diploma, or similar title of any University

Place : Signature

Date :

Department of Business Administration

Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow


This is to certify that Km Apurwa Chaudhary, third semester student of Master of Business

Administration, Institute of Engineering & Technology,Sitapur Road, Lucknow has completed

the project report entitled Recruitment and Selection in Suvidha Foundation in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Date: Dr. Durgawati Kushwaha

Place: Co- convener


Department of Business Administration

Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow


This is to certify that Km Apurwa Chaudhary, Third semester student Of Master of Business

Administration, Institute of Engineering & Technology,Sitapur Road, Lucknow has completed

the project report entitled Recruitment and Selection in Suvidha Foundation towards partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration

under my supervision.

Date: Signature

Place: Dr. Harshmit Kaur Saluja


As per of course curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of business

management, we are required to develop a summer internship project report on summer

internship in industry in from of a project report. The following report consists of importance and

relevance of the Summer Internship Project I’ve prepared report on Recruitment and Selection at

Suvidha Foundation. I want to express my gratitude for the experience and practical knowledge

that I earned during the summer internship project report preparation. In this report I had

presented my summer internship report on Recruitment and Selection at Suvidha foundation. I

have enjoyed my internship and have learnt lots of new things. I have tried my best level to make

this report a reader friendly and also did my level best to fulfill the objective of the study.


I am heartily thankful to the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow for providing me

all the facility and infrastructure to take my work to the final stage.

I express my respect to Dr. Vineet Kansal, director, Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Lucknow for constant encouragement and individual advice in every aspect of my academic life

and I also express my gratitude towards my coordinator Dr Virendra Pathak Institute of

Engineering and Technology, Lucknow.

I acknowledge my ineptness to my parents whose support dedication and honest efforts have

given me an immense help in doing this project. It gives me immense pleasure to express my

deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to my mentor Dr.Harshmit Kaur Saluja whose constant

encouragement and valuable suggestion gave back bone support in completing this summer

internship project report, for motivating, encouraging, guiding and support at every step and

sparing her valuable time for me.

And in the last I thankful to all my friends and colleagues who helped me to give me support.

Table of contents


1.1 Overview
1.2 Company Profile
1.3 SWOT Analysis


2.1 Review of Literature
2.2 Conceptual Understanding


3.1 Problem Statement
3.2 Objective of the study
3.3 Research Design
3.4 Data collection & Analysis tool

4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60-69

5. 5.1 Findings 70-73
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Limitation
5.4 Conclusion

References 74



In this era of globalization, an organization needs to prosper and survive effectively and

efficiently in the global economy. Every employer of the organization must promote and

practice recruitment and selection process in an exceptional way. The success of the organization

depends on the qualified employees and it is directly linked with organizational performance.

Proper recruitment and selection process is the lifeblood of every organization as like as capital.

The eminence of human resource profoundly depends on the effectiveness of proper recruitment

and selection procedures. The inclusive objective of recruitment and selection is to find out the

qualified candidates for the organization. In case of recruitment and selection, the recruitment is

the first step then after selection and placement come in the employment procedure.

The major aim of all employers is to select qualified candidates among the alternative group of

qualified candidates for a specific job. All activities of the recruitment and selection process are

done by the human resource department of an organization.

Recruitment and selection an important operation in Human Resource Management, designed to

maximize employee strength in order to meet the employee’s strategic goals and objectives. In

short, Recruitment and Selection the process of sourcing, screening, short-listing, interviewing

and selecting the right candidate for the filling up vacant position in an organization.


Suvidha Foundation (Suvidha Mahila Mandal)

Suvidha Mahila Mandal is a non-profit organization working to impart education among the

financially challenged sections to help them realize parity in education and strength of little

minds in building a promising future. The organization has provisions of student internships,

student mentorship and the scope to volunteer. Through these program, the organization aims to

achieve the vision of imparting innovative education that stays with the students forever and

equip them for the unforeseen future.


To build next generation entrepreneur, by providing them a Skill-Based Education.

To provide internship, training and workshops and quality Education all over the world.


To Inspire Students, help them Innovate and let them Integrate to build the next generation

To run food donation and awareness campaign in rural region.


Phone 7020044091
Company size 50+ employee
Headquarter Nagpur
Type NGO
Founded 1965

Specialist Free education, Women

empowerment and education
under privileged.

We stand for women empowerment:


It is pretty obvious that their exit gender based difference in our society and these can act as
constraints to the development of any society. Therefore we are really working hard in involve
more and more girls from the rural areas to engage in the educational
Various vocational training programs are also held from time to time to train them for their


In order to fulfill our mission of providing quality education to the less privileged, we have been

running workshop. We are living no stones unturned to develop the overall personality of the

children. We are working on holistically developing the curriculum for the maximum benefits to

the children. Expenses other that tuition fees are born by us to motivate the student to continue

pursuing irrespective of their socio economy condition.

What We Do?

Causes for a Sustainable Future

Healthy Food:

By focusing on healthy food donations, our NGO aims to improve the well-being and quality of
life for individuals and communities in need.

Social Awareness:
We provide resources, conduct awareness campaigns, and facilitate access to hygiene facilities,
aiming to create a healthier environment and prevent the spread of diseases.

Tree Plantation:
Through community engagement and active participation, we successfully planted thousands of
trees, fostering a greener and healthier ecosystem for future generations.

Health Care:
We believe that access to healthcare is a fundamental right, and we work tirelessly to ensure that
healthcare services are accessible, affordable, and of high quality for those in need.

Primary Education:
By collaborating with local communities and educators, we aim to empower children with the
knowledge and skills they need for a brighter future.

Social Care:
Our programs encompass a range of support services, including counseling, vocational training,
and advocacy, with the goal of empowering individuals

Tree Plantation:
Join us in nurturing the Earth's embrace, one tree at a time. Together, let's create a greener
tomorrow and breathe life into our planet

Fundraising Events:
Unlock the power of generosity at our Fundraising Event. Your support will ignite positive
change and uplift lives in our community.

Program of the company:

Student internship
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
―Benjamin Franklin

What truly helps us grow is going beyond our comfort zone and expanding

our boundaries of experiences and explorations. Internships are an excellent way to

dos e . The integration of reallife application of knowledge with theoreticalunderstanding in

Internships helps us knowing our true calling besides building industry-relevant skills

most effectively. So what are you waiting for? Apply now to find your own true calling.

Student mentorship:

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” – John Cross by

although mentorship can play a pivotal role in the success of a developer’s career, there is severe

mentorship deficit within the technical industry. T h i s c a n b e mostly attributed to developers

not knowing who to ask or where to start. We must streamline the process of finding a mentor in

the technical industry in order t o promote growth through a developer’s career.

Student scholarship:

A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education at a private

elementary or secondary school, or a private or public post secondary

college, university, or other academic institution. We provide scholarships t o students who have

the potential to reach new level of heights and help them reach them by providing all the help

they need.


Every student deserves the chance to explore, advance, and succeed in the world

of coding.Our objective is very clear towards kids development by teaching t h e m programmin

g languages, block coding, python coding, etc., and opening a newworld of opportunities

with fun and creativity for them. We provide free coding workshops for grade 12 student

,and we help teachers get to grip on programming too.We teach the fundamentals of coding and r

eal-world programming skills with practical to kids. In our work shop, we tech all the basic

concept of app and website development to kids.



Swot analysis of the company:

Swot analysis is a frame work analysis is a method for identifying and analyzing internal

strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats that shape current and future

operations and help develop strategic goals.

The organization needs to keep the analysis accurate by avoiding pre-

conceived beliefs or gray areas and instead focusing on real-life context.companies should use it

as a guide and not necessarily as a prescription.

Swot analysis mainly stands for:

S– strength

W– weakness

O – opportunity

T – threats


The strength of the company are mostimportant building block required for growth to take place.

The following are a few most prevalent strength-

• Strong vision and mission,

• Less complex administrative structure

• Volunteer staff in many roles

• Flexibility of approach, no rigid guidelines

• Use of local resources

• Efficient delivery of services at substantially lower cost



Weaknesses stop an organization from performing at its optimum level. They are areas where

business needs to improve to remain competitive.

• Lack of community awareness

• Weak human resource policies

• Under staff

• Accountability & transparency

• Operations are small in scale.


In organization opportunities are positive external environmental factor. An organization should

explore all possible opportunities available to it. These opportunities are intended to improve the

organization by making improvements.

• Grant may be from a government or private agency or group

• Support from donors and other organizations

• Developing links with business community

• Tax exempt


An organization’s threats are negative external factor. An organization should explore all

possible threats available to it and analyze all the factors that have the potential to harm an


• Order more established NGOs


• Lack of funding.



Recruitment and Selection is one of the major functions of HRM. It helps the manager to attract

and select best candidates for the organization.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, (1979)

"Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating the to

apply for jobs in the organization".

Montgomery,(1996) said Recruitment is about matching the capabilities and inclination so

prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job.

Barber(1998) defines “Employee recruitments practices and activities carried on by an

organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees".

Jovanovic(2004) said recruitment is a process of attracting a pool of high quality applicants so

as to select the best among them. For this reason, top performing companies devoted
considerable resources and energy to creating high quality selection systems. Due to the fact that
organizations are always fortified by information technology to be more competitive, it is natural
to consider utilizing this technology to reorganize the traditional recruitment and selection
process through proper decision techniques, with that both the effectiveness and the efficiency of
the processes can be increased and the quality of the recruitment and selection decision can be

RaymondJ.Stone(2005)defines recruitment as the process of' seeking and attracting a pool of

applicants from which qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organization can be

According to Costello(2006) recruitment is described as the set of activities and processes used
to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the
people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests.

Ongori Henry and Temtime Z (2014) must investigate the recruitment and selection
practices of SMEs and suggest appropriate strategies on how to improve human resource
management practices to enhance organizational performance. Recruitment and selection
practices are the key factors to the entry point of human resource to any organization
which also tends determine the success and sustainability of SMEs. These practices are
said to encourage innovation, survival and growth of SMEs if taken serious by owner

French ray and Rumbles sally (2015) says that the important role of recruitment and
selection within the process of leading, managing and developing people. Recruitment and
selection is pivotal in this regard in certain important respects

Rao Pramila (2016) conducted a detailed analysis of senior level staffing practices in
five software companies in India. The research identified that, internal recruitment,
employer references, succession planning, interviews, personality tests, professional search
agencies and biodata are the dominant senior-level staffing practices used mostly in

Mohammed Nurul Absar (2018) states that Recruitment and selection is one the most
important functions of human resource management. The present study aims at exploring
differences and similarities between the public and private sector manufacturing firm of
Bangladesh with respect to recruitment and selection practices, sources of recruitment and
selection devices. Nair Aishwarya (2017) studied the effectiveness of recruitment process
in HCL Technologies –BPO Chennai. The detailed analysis showed the positive attitude
of staff towards the recruitment practices followed by Medias and contacting sources.

DjabateyE.N.(2019) assessed the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection practices and
procedures of HDFC Bank,Accra.The results indicated that, advertisement of job vacancies and
employee referrals are mostly the sources of recruiting the potential employees.

Darkoh MavisAdu (2020) identified employee recruitment and selection practices in the
construction industry in Ashanti region, Ghana. The research found that, out of the
16identified recruitment and selection methods, the most frequently used medium in the
order of highly recognized methods are newspaper advertisement, internal recruitment,
labor office, employee referrals, and radio advertisement and at last internet recruitment.

Naveen S.& Raju D. N. M. (2021) identified the general practices that organizations used
to recruit and select its employees in cement, electronics, and sugar industries in Krishna
Dist, Andhra Pradesh. The study shows that the recruitment and selection process adopted
in three selected industries is effective. However, the HR managers of these industries
must focus on campus placements, job.com, data banks, etc. sources of recruitment.


History of Human Resource Management

The history of Human Resource Management is the strategic approach to the management of an

organization most valued assets the people working there who individually and collectively

contribute to the achievement of the objective of the business. The term Human Resource

management has largely replaced the term “personnel management" as a description of the

processes involved in managing people in an organization. Human resource management is

evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and business practice

that addresses the theoretical and practical technique of managing a workforce.

Human resource management has its roots in the late and early 1900s when there are less labor

than there was working with machinery. The scientific management movement began. This

movement was started by Frederick Taylor when he wrote the book titled ‘the principle of

scientific management’ The book stated, the principal object of management should be to secure

the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each

employee. Taylor believed that the management should use the techniques used by scientists to

research and test work skills to improve the efficiency of the workforce. Also, around the same

time came the industrial welfare movement. This was usually a voluntary effort by employers to

improve the conditions in their factories. The effort also extended into the employee’s life

outside of the workplace.

Functional area of HRM


• Human resource auditing

• Human resource strategic planning

• Human resource planning

• Manpower planning

• Recruitment / selection

• Induction

• Orientation

• Training

• Management development

• Compensation development

• Performance appraisals

• Performance management

• Career planning

• Coaching

• Counseling

• Staff amenities planning

• Event management

• Succession planning

• Talent management

• Safety management

• Staff communication

• Reward

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize

employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In short,

Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing, screening, short-listing and selecting

the right candidates for filling the required vacant positions. Both recruitment and selection

work hand in hand and both play a vital role in the overall growth of an


Recruitment is a key responsibility of the HR department . While HR works in many are as

including employee management, employee development, statutory compliance, data
management and many others, one of the key are, select and onboard suitable candidates for the

The contributions of each employee play a pivotal role in the sustenance and growth of a
business. Hence it is extremely important to select the right person for the job. The same way as
a square peg does not fit in a round hole, a bad hire can affect the overall business outcomes.

The impact to your business when you hire the wrong candidate is often much more than not
hiring a person at all! Recruitment is not only an operational activity but a key strategic activity
for the business.

Hence, there is a need for developing a strong recruitment and selection process.

The right process reflects on your company’s professionalism and portrays your organization’s
maturity in attracting and hiring the right talent. An effective process helps in creation of a talent
pool in a proactive manner, thus assisting in meeting the medium-term and long-term business

Recruiting involves multiple stake holders including senior level employees in your company
and can cost a lot in terms of time and money. Hence one needs to ensure that the process is well
defined and optimized to meet the needs of all stakeholders.


Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and

onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing

need to filling it.

Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers.

Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single recruiter. In

small outfits, the hiring manager may be responsible for recruiting. In addition, many

organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms. Companies almost always recruit candidates

for new positions via advertisements, job boards, social media sites, and others. Many companies

more effectively utilize recruiting software and efficiently source top candidates. Regardless,

recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources.

HR is responsible for facilitating the overall goals of the organization through effective

administration of human capital — focusing on employees as the company's most important



1. Identifying the Hiring Needs:

Whether a job opening is newly formed or just vacated, you cannot find what you need if you

don’t know what you need in the first place. So, your recruitment process should start with

identifying the vacancies that exist followed by analyzing the job specifications including the

knowledge, skills and experience needed for the role. Here’s how you can determine your hiring


• Figure out where the gaps are in your current team. Check if you have new needs in terms

of ability, performance or personality. Ask yourself if you need someone to take care of

something that is not being addressed currently. This will tell you that there is a hiring


• Keep a track of input versus output when it comes to your team. See if there is an

increase in workload that needs to be addressed by hiring.

• Regularly analyze performance and make a list of missing qualities, qualifications, skills

and proficiencies that you need to add to your team. This can also signal towards hiring


• Be mindful of existing employees leaving. This is definitely when you will have a hiring


Every time you recognize that there is indeed a hiring need, act before it becomes a pressing


The recruitment process starts off with recruitment planning that involves analyzing and

describing job specifications, qualifications, experience, and skills required to fill the open


If the recruitment plan is not well-structured, it may fail to attract potential employees from a

pool of candidates.

Factors That Influence Recruitment

• Size of the organization

• Salary structure

• Work culture and working condition within the organization

• The growth rate of the organization

• The current state of employment in the economy

2. Preparing the Job Description:

Once you know exactly what you need in terms of knowledge, skills and experience, it is time to

determine the duties and responsibilities of the job. Preparing a comprehensive job description

(JD) will help you know what your potential employees must have in order to meet the demands

of the role. More importantly, it provides your prospects with a checklist or a list that they can

compare themselves to before applying. It is a tool to ensure that you get applications from the

right candidates (hopefully).


A job description must include all of the following and can be as comprehensive as you want:


Duties & Responsibilities

Qualification & Skills


Checklist to Crafting the Perfect Job Description


• Company Name & Description

• Core Values

• Benefits Offered

• Location

• Job Title

• Department

• Industry Pay

• Description of Duties

• Demand (specific skill set, knowledge, experience or training required for the job)

• Qualities that are nice to have and would be an added advantage

• A conversational CTA

Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital. At a high level, the

goals are to locate and hire the best candidates, on time, and on budget.

3.Talent Search:

Identifying the right talent, attracting them and motivating them to apply are the most important

aspects of the recruitment process. The job listing should be advertised internally to generate

referrals as well as externally on popular social networking sites and preferred job boards.

Recruiters can also conduct job fairs and promote openings in leading industry publications to

cast a wider net. Broadly, there are two sources of recruitment that can be tapped for a talent


Internal Sources of Recruitment:

When recruiters use internal sources for recruitment, it works to motivate the existing employees

to be more productive and maximizes their job satisfaction and sense of security. Recruiting

through internal sources also reduces the attrition rate along with cost and effort.


The recruiter can fill a vacancy in a different location without any changes in the job role, status,

or salary of the employee by transferring a suitable candidate from within the organization.


A vacancy can also be filled by offering a high performing employee to take over a senior

position within the organization for handling additional responsibilities along with a raise.

Promotions motivate employees to perform better and also reduce the attrition rate.


Depending on the performance of the employees, sometimes the management has to take the

decision of lowering the position of underperformers. These employees then become a source for

filling the lower positions.

Existing Employees

The employees of your organization can spread the word and create a buzz on their social media

accounts to help you fill your vacancies. Have an employee referral program where employees

are incentivized for bringing in suitable candidates can also help accelerate the recruitment


Retired Employees

In case of an emergency or a mission-critical project, retired employees can also be called in to

fill a position for a short period till an appropriate candidate is found.


Previous Applicants

Keeping applicants on file who have previously applied and didn't make the cut the first time

around makes for a resourceful database. They can be reached out to when matching positions

open up.

External Sources of Recruitment

Recruiting through external sources offers a much wider scope for selection from a big number

of qualified candidates. The process moves much faster even for bulk requirements while

eliminating the chances of partiality or biases.


Advertisements help recruiters build a solid brand identity that attracts efficient manpower. You

can go with the traditional approach by using print media or use digital media for better results at

a reduced cost.

Job Portals

With the growing use of the internet, job portals have come to play a crucial role in connecting

companies with candidates. These portals are a preferred platform for jobseekers looking for

better career prospects so they make an excellent source for recruiters to tap the top industry


Company’s Careers Site

A mobile-friendly, branded careers site that conveys your work culture and integrates with the

company’s social profiles not only makes it easier for your potential employees to apply but also

attracts top industry talent with a professional theme, attractive headers, compelling content and

engaging employee videos. An ATS-integrated careers site also eliminates the hassles of manual

job postings while improving the candidate experience dramatically with a customizable

application process.

Social Networking Platforms

Social networking sites are the place to find the most qualified, potential recruits and as a

recruiter you would not want to miss out on this massive pool of talent. With a combined user

base of 535 million, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter offer you a perfect opportunity to end up

with highly skilled and efficient candidates for your company.


Placement Agencies

Placement agencies are a perfect solution for those hard-to-fill vacancies that often demand a lot

of time, effort and resources. These agencies employ various tools and techniques to find top

talent for your company faster, at a reduced cost.

Job Fairs
Job fairs are a one-stop public event offering easy access to a large pool of talent for bulk

requirements. They bring you an opportunity to create brand awareness without having to

advertise and you also get to network with other similar corporations while saving a lot of time

and money.

Campus Placements

Campus placements are a quick and inexpensive way to find suitable candidates, who are

competent, energetic, enthusiastic and most importantly interested in working for you.

Professional Bodies

Professional management bodies like Institute of Company Secretary, All India Management

Association, Indian Medical Association, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institution of


Engineers, etc. maintain an up-to-date database of trained and qualified professionals in their

respective fields and make a great resource for tapping top industry talent.

4. Screening and Short-listing:

A survey of recruiters revealed that while 46% struggle to attract top talent in the current

candidate-driven market, 52% confirmed that the most challenging part of hiring was

identifying the right candidates from a large pool of applicants.

In order to move forward with the recruitment process, you need to screen and shortlist

applicants efficiently and accurately. This is where the recruitment process gets difficult and

challenging. You can resolve this recruitment bottleneck by following these four steps:

Steps to Effectively Screen or Shortlist Candidates :

1. Screen applications on the basis of minimum qualifications.


2. Next, sort resumes that have the preferred credentials by looking at their certifications,

relevant experience, domain expertise, technical competencies and other specific skills

that are required for the role.

3. Then, shortlist candidates who have both the preferred credentials and the minimum


4. Finally, flag any concerns or queries in the resume so they can be clarified during the


No wonder, the most arduous task of the recruitment process is reviewing resumes. Fortunately,

you can make this complicated, time-consuming task a total breeze with an applicant tracking

system that is designed to screen resumes in a jiffy. Using an ATS will ensure that you have an

unbiased, objective filter that will smartly wade through the sea of resumes to narrow down your

talent pool in no time!

5. Interviewing

The shortlisted applications will now move through the interview process prior to receiving an

offer letter or a rejection note. Depending on the size of the hiring team and their unique

recruitment needs, several interviews may be scheduled for every candidate.

Telephonic Screening/Video Interviewing :

This is a quick, easy and convenient way to screen candidates and their capabilities. The

telephonic or video interview is also your first opportunity to leave a lasting first impression on

your potential employees. So, while you need to keep your very first interview short, make sure

you also take the time to screen them against the knowledge, skills and experience mentioned in

your job description, so you can eliminate the irrelevant profiles first.

Jobsoid’s video interviews allow recruiters to streamline the initial screening process by

eliminating the need for phone calls and narrowing down the number of on-site interviews. Get

started with a Free Trial today!

Video Interviews

Psychometric Testing:

This is a very crucial step of the selection process because the information revealed from this

assessment will help you know if you’re potential employees will perform and stay productive in

the long haul. This screening is absolutely unbiased yet an important eliminator that efficiently

identifies the right fit for any job. Psychometric tests can be your reference model for any given

position because these tests specify the complete personality profile, behavior, flexibility,

aptitude, creativity, communication and problem-solving skills that are required to perform in a

given position.

Face-to-Face Interviewing:

Personal interviews can last longer because this is the last step before the recruiter does a final

evaluation and makes the job offer. Final interviews may be conducted by the top management

and are typically extended to a very small pool of standout candidates. The final choice should

be agreed upon at this stage along with a backup candidate selection.

Interview Tips:

• Interviews are a two-way process. During the process, the potential candidate also

assesses whether your company is the right fit or not. So, be courteous, respectful and sell

the benefits of the job role and the organization.

• Prepare questions that give you deep insights into every job applicant’s professional

background to assess whether they might be a good fit for your open role.

• Refrain from asking abstract questions to check your candidate’s reaction; rather, keep

your questions relevant to the role.


6. Evaluation and Offer of Employment

This is the final stage of the recruitment process. You should never take it for granted that the

candidate will accept your offer. However, if your candidate has patiently completed all the

paperwork and waited through the selection process, the odds of accepting the offer are high.


Human resource selection is the process of choosing qualified individuals who are

available to fill positions in an organization. In the ideal personnel situation,

selection involves choosing the best applicant to fill a position. Selection is the

process of choosing people by obtaining and assessing information about the

applicants with a view to matching these with the job requirements. It is the process

of choosing the most suitable persons out of all the applicants. The selection of a

right applicant for a vacant position will be an asset to the organization, which

willbe helping the organization in reaching its objectives.


Selection process divides the candidates into two categories those who will be offer

employment and those who will not be. This process could be called ‘rejection’

because more candidates may be turned away than hired. It is a process of weeding

out unsuitable candidates. It is for this reasons that selection is often described as a

negative process in contrast with the positive nature of recruitment.

Selection Process:

Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and

ending with the contract of employment.

The following chart gives an idea about selection process:

Step – 1:

Environment factor affecting selection:

Selection is influenced by several factors. More prominent among them are supply and demand

of specific skills in the labor market, unemployment rate, labor- market conditions, legal and

political considerations, company’s image, company’s policy, human resources planning and

cost of hiring. The last three constitute the internal environment and the remaining form the

external environment of selection process.


Preliminary Interview:

The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as to eliminate

unqualified applicants. This is usually followed by a preliminary interview the purpose of which

is more or less the same as scrutiny of application, that is, eliminate of unqualified applicants.

Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to eliminate unqualified jobseekers based on the information

supplied in their application forms. Preliminary interview, on the other hand, helps reject misfits

for reason, which did not appear in the application forms. Besides, preliminary interview, often

called ‘courtesy interview’, is a good public relation exercise.

STEP – 2

Selection Test:

Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests. Different

types of tests may be administered, depending on the job and the company. Generally, tests are

used to determine the applicant’s ability, aptitude and personality. The following are the type of

tests taken:

Ability tests:

Assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job. An excellent

illustration of this is the typing tests given to a prospective employee for secretarial job which

also called as ‘ACHIEVEMENT TESTS’. It is concerned with what one has accomplished.

When applicant claims to know something, an achievement test is taken to measure how well

they know it. Trade tests are the most common type of achievement test given. Questions have

been prepared and tested for such trades as asbestos worker, punch-press operators, electricians

and machinists. There are, of course, many standardized achievement tests given in industries

,such as typing or dictation tests for an applicant for a stenographic position.

Aptitude test:

Aptitude tests measure whether an individual’s has the capacity or latent ability to learn a given

job if given adequate training. The use of aptitude test is advisable when an applicant has had

little or no experience along the line of the job opening. Aptitudes tests help determine a person’

spotential to learn in a given area. An example of such test is the general management aptitude

tests (GMAT), which many business students take prior to gaining admission to a graduate

business school program. Aptitude test indicates the ability or fitness of an individual to engage

successfully in any number of specialized activities. They cover such areas clerical aptitude,

numerical aptitude, mechanical aptitude, motor co-ordination, finger dexterity and manual

dexterity. These tests help to detect positive negative points in a person’s sensory or intellectual

ability. They focus attention on a particular type of talent such as learning or reasoning in respect

of a particular field of work. Personality tests are given to measure a prospective employee’s

motivation to function in a particular working environment .There are various tests designed to

assess a candidate’s personality. The Bernsenter Personality inventory, for example. measures’

one’s self-sufficiency, neurotic tendency, sociability, introversion and extroversion, locus of

control, and self-confidence. The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) assesses an individual’s

achievement and motivational levels. Other personality tests, such as the California

Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Thurston Temperament Survey (ITS),Minnesota Multiphase

Personality (MMPI), and Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, have been designed to

assess specific personality traits.

Interest tests are used to measure an individual’s activity preferences. These tests are particularly

useful for students considering many careers or employees deciding upon career changes.

Graphology test is designed to analyze the handwriting of an individual. It has been said that an

individual’s handwriting can suggest the degree of energy, inhibitions and spontaneity. As well

disclose the idiosyncrasies, and elements of balance and control. For example, big letters and

emphasis on capital letters indicates a tendency towards domination and competitiveness. The

right, moderate pressure and good legibility show leadership potential. The test must be chosen

in the criteria of reliability, validity, objectivity and standardization. They are: –


It refers to standardization of the procedure of administering and scoring the test results. A

person who takes tests one day and makes a certain score should be able to take the same test the

next day or the next week and make more or less the same score. An individual’s intelligence,

for example, is generally a stable characteristic. So if we administer an intelligence test, a person

who scores 110 in March would score close to 110 if tested in July. Tests, which produce wide

variations in results, serve little purpose in selection.


It is a test, which helps predict whether a person will be successful in a given job. A test that has

been validated can be helpful in differentiating between prospective employees who will be able

to perform the job well and those who will not. Naturally, no test will be 100% accurate in

predicting job success. A validated test increases possibility of success.


When two or more people can interpret the result of the same test and derive the same

conclusion(s), the test is said to be objective. Otherwise, the test evaluators’ subjective opinions

may render the test useless.


A test that is standardized is administered under standard condition to a large group of person

who are representatives of the individuals for whom it is intended. The purpose of

standardization is to obtain norms or standard, so that a specific test score can be meaningful

when compared to other score in the group.


STEP 3: –


The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in-depth conversation

conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability. It is considered to be excellent selection

device. It is face-to-face exchange of view, ideas and opinion between the candidates and

interviewers. Basically, interview is nothing but an oral examination of candidates. Interview can

be adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and profession employees. The selection interview

can be:

• One to one between the candidate and the interviewer:

• Two or more interviewers by employers representatives-sequential;

• By a panel of selections, i.e., by more than representative of the employer.

The sequential interview involves a series of interviews; each interviewer meeting the candidate

separately while the panel interview consists of two or more interview meeting candidate


Step 4

Reference check:

Many employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose

of verifying information and perhaps, gaining additional background information on an

applicant. Although listed on the application form, references are not usually checked until an

applicant has successfully reached the fourth stage of a sequential selection process. When the

labor market is very tight, organizations sometimes hire applicants before checking references.

Previous employers, known as public figures, university professors, neighbors or friends can act

as references. Previous employers are preferable because they are already aware of the

applicant’s performance. But, the problem with this reference is the tendency on the part of the

previous employers to over-rate the applicant’s performance just to get rid of the person.

Organizations normally seek letters of reference or telephone references. The latter is

advantageous because of its accuracy and low cost. The telephone reference also has the

advantage of soliciting immediate, relatively candid comments and attitude can sometimes be.

Inferred from hesitation and inflections in speech It may be stated that the information gathered

through references hardly influence selection decisions .The candidate approaches only those

persons who would speak well about him or her. People may write favorably about the candidate

in order to get rid of him or her. People may not like to divulge the truth about a candidate, lest it

might damage or ruin his/her career.

Step 5:

Selection decision

After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decisions the most critical of

all the steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to narrow.

The number of the candidates. The final decision has to be made the pool of individuals who

pass the tests, interviews and reference checks. The view of the line manager will be generally

considered in the final selection because it is he/she who is responsible for the performance of

the new employee. The HR manager plays a crucial role in the final selection.


Physical Examination:

After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo

a physical fitness test. A job offer is, often, contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after

the physical examination. The results of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and

are preserved in the personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test.

Obviously, one reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious

disease. Secondly, the test assists in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform

the work. Thirdly, the physical examination information can be used to determine if there are

certain physical capabilities, which differentiate successful and less successful employees.

Fourth, medical check-up protects applicants with health defects from undertaking work that

could be detrimental to them or might otherwise endanger the employer’s property. Finally, such

an examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims that are not valid

because the injuries or illness were present when the employee was hired.


Job Offer:

The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the

previous hurdles. Job offer is made through a letter of appointed. Such a letter generally contains

a date by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointee must be given reasonable time

for reporting. That is particularly necessary when he or she is already in employment, in which

case the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the previous employer. Again,

a new job may require movement to another city, which means considerable preparation, and

movement of property. The company may also want the individual to delay the date of reporting

on duty. If the new employee’s first job upon joining the company is to go on company until

perhaps a week before such training begins. Naturally, this practice cannot be abused, especially

if the individual is unemployed and does not have sufficient finances. Decency demands that the

rejected applicants be informed about their non-selection. Their applicants may be preserved for

future use, if any. It needs no emphasis that the applications of selected candidates must also be

preserved for the future references.

STEP 8: –

Contract of Employment:

After the job offer has been made and candidates accept the offer, certain documents need to be

executed by the employer and the candidate. One such document is the attestation form. This

form contains vital details about the candidate, which are authenticated and attested by him/her.

Attestation form will be a valid record for the future reference.

There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should

be included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but

the following checklist sets out the typical headings:

1. Job title

2. Duties, including a phrase such as “The employee will perform such duties and will be

responsible to such a person, as the company may from time to time direct”.

3. Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service.

4. Rate of pay, allowance, overtime and shift rates, method of payments.

5. Hours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements.

Alternatively called employment agreements or simply bonds, contracts of employment serve

many useful purposes. Such contracts seek to restrain job-hoppers, to protect knowledge and

information that might be vital to a company’s healthy bottom line and to prevent competitors

from poaching highly valued employees.

Most employers insist on agreements being signed by newly hired employees. But high turnover

sectors such as software, advertising and media are more prone to use contracts.

The drawback with the contracts is that it is almost to enforce them. A determined employee is

bound to leave the organization, contract or no contract. The employee is prepared to pay the

penalty for breaching the agreement or the new employer will provide compensations. It is the

reason that several companies have scrapped the contracts altogether.



Concluding the Selection Process:

Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not end with executing the

employment contract. There is another step – a more sensitive one reassuring those candidates

who have not selected, not because of any serious deficiencies in their personality, but because

their profile did not match the requirement of the organization. They must be told that those who

were selected were done purely on relative merit.

STEP 10: –

Evaluation of Selection Program:

The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired.

An organization must have competent and committed personnel. The selection process, if

properly done, will ensure availability of such employees. People who work independent of HR

department must conduct periodic audit.




In the recruitment and selection process of in Suvidha Foundation, potential challenges could

include limited resources for attracting qualified candidates, addressing diversity and inclusion

concerns, ensuring transparency and navigating regulatory requirements specific to the non-

profit sector.


• To identify and implement effective process to attract and hire qualified individuals who
align with the organization’s mission and values.

• To approach for donation in Suvidha Foundation for existing and upcoming program.

• To provide the quality of education and internship for the students.

• To addressing diversity and inclusion concern and ensuring transparency in Suvidha


3.3 ResearchDesign


Research is a careful investigation, especially through searching for new facts in any branch of

Methodology of study:

The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated problem, formulated

hypothesis, collected fact of data, analyzed fact and proposed conclusion in form of

The data is collected from both primary and secondary sources.

Kinds of research:

Exploratory Research:

This kind of research has the primary objective of developing insight into the problem. It studies
the main area where the problem lies and tries to evaluate some appropriate course of action.
Exploratory research studies are also termed as formulate research studies. The main purpose of

such studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of developing the

working hypotheses from an operational point of view.

Descriptive Research:
Descriptive design is a scientific method that involves looking at and describing the behavior of

a topic without influencing it in any way. It does not answer the questions of how things

happened / when / why. Instead it answers the question of what. The elements used to describe a

situation or people are usually a kind of category scheme that is also known as descriptive



The current study covered primary and secondary data. The data collected key data in a

structured questionnaire and second-hand information collected on websites, articles, and thesis.

Primary Data Collection Methods:

Primary data is received from first hand sources such as: direct observation, interview, survey,

and questionnaire etc. On the other hand, secondary data is received from secondary sources

such as: printed material and published material etc. Here, we will only discuss the primary

sources of data collection. Tools used for data collection to make a research, various surveys are

conducted. They are as follows: -

The various data collected are from primary and secondary source through the questionnaires:

books, journals, old reports and annual report were used. Personal interview was really helpful to

understand the emotions and expectation of the customer of the company. Both telephonic

interview and personal interview were helpful for me to collect the data and information.

Secondary data collection methods:

The secondary data are readily available from the other sources and as such, there are no specific

collection methods. The researcher can obtain data from the sources both internal and external to

the organization. The internal sources of secondary data are:

• Government censuses, like the population census, agriculture census, etc.

• Information from other government departments, like social security, tax records, etc.

• Business journals

• Social Books

• Business magazines

• Libraries

• Internet, where wide knowledge about different areas is easily available.

Sample size:

Sample size of total respondents was 51units.

Sampling design:

Convenience sampling design:

A simple sample is a type of sampling method in which a sample is taken from a group of people

that is easy to contact or reach. For example, standing in a mall or store selling people to answer

questions would be an example of a simple sample. This type of sample is also known as sample

capture or sample discovery. There are no other ways to set an example except for people to be

available and willing to participate. In addition, this type of sampling method does not require a

simple random sample, as it is the only process by which participants agree to participate.

Sources and tools of data collection:

Statistical tools:

Analyzing the data collected from respondents various mathematical strategies were used to test

the various hypothesis and obtain the results of the research questions.

Details of all the mathematical strategies used in the study are provided below.

Descriptive statistics:

The steps used to understand data correctly and better are known as descriptive statistics.

• Mean

• median

• mode

Data analysis tools:

To analyses the primary data collected through questionnaire two most commonly used data

analysis tools were used.

• Microsoft Excel

• Google analytics


A questionnaire was prepared or the purpose of getting feedback from employees and manager

regarding Recruitment and Selection in Suvidha Foundation. 51employee were selected from

different department and were distributing questionnaire for the purpose of the study.

Analysis of Data:

The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The percentage of the people opinion

were analyzed and expressed in the form of chart and have been placed in the next pages.

Question1: Which type of organization do you prefer to do in internship?

50 responses

20% public sector
semi government
16% Small pvt firm
42% NGOS

Interpretation: From the above pie chart it is analyzed that 6% of the sample population prefer

the NGO and 42% of population prefer MNCs to do internship.

Question 2: Whether organization’s branding plays an important role in attracting students for


50 responses





Interpretation: This pie chart shows that 72% of the people responded that yes organization’s

branding plays an important role in attracting students for internship.


Question3: Which social networking sites you prefer to search for internship?

51 responses



23% 10%



Interpretation: This cart shows that majority of people preferred LinkedIn followed by

Indeed and Instagram to search for internship.


Question4: Which type of additional skills was required to join internship programs?

51 responses



MS office
Prior experience


Interpretation: In this 57% of the people responded that they were required to have good

communication and 23% believe that prior experience is required to get.


Question 5: What you look for in an internship program?

51 responses


40% stipend
fexible working hours
additional benefit


Interpretation: 40% of the people look for stipend in an internship program before selecting it,

followed by stipend provided with this internship program.


Question 6: Do stipend plays an important role in selecting an internship?

51 responses



9% no
4th Qtr


Interpretation: Majority of people have responded that yes stipend plays important role in

selecting an internship. Students look for those companies that provide stipend to their interns.

Question 7: Which mode you prefer to apply for internship program?

51 responses



Via call


Interpretation: 45% people prefer to apply for an internship program through online mode. It

shows a strong presence on online platform which is very important to attract students towards

the internship program.


Question 8: How many people interested in fundraising or donation?






Interpretation: 60% of people are not interested to doing fundraising task and it show negative

impact in the firm.


Question 9: how many people are interested in doing social activity?

51 responses


not intrested

Interpretation: 63% of people want to do in social activity and 28% of people are not interested

in social activity.

Question 10: What was the selecting criteria in your organization for internship program?

51 responses

2% 9% 10%

written test
direct selection


Interpretation: 79% of people responded that interview test is the selection criteria in their

organization for internship program.




• Most of the students prefer to do internship from renowned organization like Public

sector companies, MNCs, large private firms etc due to their brand value.

• Majority of the students join those internship programs which offer a good amount of


• Many companies ask for some additional skills to apply for internship program. Here in

Suvidha Foundation communication skills were required.

• The interviewing and selection process of items was more or less same in all organization

as compared to Suvidha Foundation.

• The popular way of conducting virtual internship was through usage of Google meet and

Zoom apps.

• Most of the people are not interested to doing fundraising task and donation for upcoming


• Most of the people are interested to doing social activity in Suvidha Foundaton.


• Suvidha foundation is a non-profit organization so it should focus on advertising


• Majority of students prefer those internship which offer stipend, so company should

provide good stipend amount to attract students towards its internship program.

• Every year thousands of students look for summer internship in various organization so it

is a very good opportunity to attract students towards their company.

• Suvidha Foundation should approach for campus recruitment to hire potential student for

internship program.

• They should also conduct various sessions and webinars to aware to the students for their

internship program.

• They should also conduct various sessions and webinars to enhance the skills of the

interns so that they can make a good career in that field.



• The major limitation of the project was the analysis has been made based on a

restricted sample of 51 students. Thus interpretation of result may vary with

increase in sample size.

• Since the sampling procedure used was convenience sampling, so the results may

be prone to significant bias because those who volunteer to take part may be

different from those who choose not to (volunteer bias).

• The responses from sample population may not be much revealing about some

information because usually people do not like to disclose the information.

• In the fast changing world, the process of recruitment and selection still takes a lot

of time to finish up.

• While shorting the resume or cv and calling the potential candidates, language

become a major barrier since most of the student belong other region. They are

fluent in native language. Even the English is not fluent with them, so explaining

about roles and responsibilities is a big challenges for me.



Recruitment is a very crucial function for any organization and it takes a lot of effort and

alternates in executing the process. Once has to successfully execute all the steps of recruitment

to achieve the objective of this process i.e. to select right person for the job.

Different organization adopt different methods to shortlist, interview and select students for

internship programs but all share a common goal of attracting more and more student towards

their firm. Attracting youth towards your side is a challenging task but is fruitful in long run.

They help in promotion of the company, so they should attract more and more students towards

their internships programs.

Suvidha Foundation should focus on advertisement and promotional activities especially using

online mode and social media platforms. They should create internship programs having blend of

knowledge, curiosity, innovation and of course good stipend amount.



• https://www.scribd.com/document/543812668/A-STUDY-ON-RECRUITMENT-AND-



• https://researchgate.net/publication/354532633_Conceptual_Framework_of_Recruitment

_and_Selection_Process assessed on September 2021 11:25 AM.

• https://www.scribd.com/document/50673202/Project-on-Recruitment-and-Selection-

Process assessed on January 2021 9:00 AM.

• https://www.suvidhafoundationedutech.org/ assessed on July 1990 10:30 AM.


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