Seh s 07540001
Seh s 07540001
Seh s 07540001
1 November 2017
Special Instruction
3. The end play of the crankshaft should be
Alignment of Two-Bearing 0.4 ± 0.2 mm (0.016 ± 0.008 inch). The inspection
of the end play of both the crankshaft and the
Generators generator shaft must be performed. This inspection
will ensure that the thrust bearings for the
generator and the engine bearings are not
damaged during operation.
LPX (ROKN) 3608 Note: In order to protect the bearings against
damage, prelube the engine and the generator before
Serial Numbers: 6MC00834, rotation.
6MC00835, 6MC00836, 6MC00837
Check the end play of the crankshaft by attaching
Table of Contents a dial indicator to the engine block or a stationary
surface. Clean the surface of the following
Introduction ...........................................................1 materials: grease, dirt and protectant. The reading
Procedure For Alignment........................................1 can be taken in one of two areas. In order to gain
Alignment Data Sheets...........................................5 access to the first area, remove a side cover from
Crankshaft Deflection Data Sheet ........................6 the engine block. Install the indicator rod against
the crankshaft at the counterweight or some other
suitable location on the crank. For the second
Introduction area, install the indicator rod against the flywheel
at the rear of the engine. Avoid the flexible part of
This Special Instruction explains the alignment the coupling.
procedure for 3600 engines with two-bearing
generators. Do not start the alignment procedure until
the electric set is permanently installed. If the Use a clean pry bar against the crankshaft in order
generator set is moved to a different location, check to move the crankshaft back and forth. The
the alignment and make any corrections necessary. crankshaft may be difficult to move. If necessary,
Alignment between the generator and the engine prelube the crankshaft in order to reduce the force
must be correct to get the maximum performance and that is required to move the crankshaft. Repeat the
the longest life from the generator set. Refer to measurements several times in order to verify the
Illustration 1 in order to view the different parameters results.
for alignment.
Note: Never pry on the damper in order to check the
Procedure For Alignment end play of the crankshaft.
1. Review the components of the complete 4. IIInstall coupling to generator bolts and tighten to
installation. When the weight of any attachment or specification.
fluid compartment exceeds 225 kg (500 lb), fill the
compartment or simulate the weight of the fluid
before you proceed with the alignment.
2. Attach the isolators to the base.
a. Attach a rigid bracket to the hub for the
generator in order to support both of the
indicators. Attach one indicator and read the
Different alignment methods: angular misalignment of the flywheel at the 12
o'clock position. The indicator “A” is shown in
illustration 2. Attach the second indicator “B”
and read the parallel misalignment at the 12
o'clock position.
Illustration 1 g00565566
(1) Face gap (top)
(2) Diameter gap (top)
(3) Face or angular misalignment Illustration 2 g00565584
(4) Bore or parallel misalignment
(7) Rigid Bracket
(5) Face gap (bottom)
(8) Generator
(6) Diameter gap (bottom)
(9) Crankshaft
(A) Face Alignment
(10) Indicator (7H1942 or equivalent)
(B) Bore Misalignment
(A) Indicator
(B) Indicator
1. Laser alignment: (C) Indicator
At the 12 o'clock position, set the dial indicators Final alignment check:
to zero. Rotate the engine and rotate the
generator in the direction of operation. Record
the readings at the 3 o'clock, the 6 o'clock, and 1. A final check of the alignment must be performed
the 9 o'clock positions. Continue to rotate the in order to meet the specifications for the final
engine to the 12 o'clock position in order to alignment.
verify the repeatability.
For the specifications of the final alignment, the
Whenever the generator is repositioned, the parallel misalignment for the vertical offset (12
bezel on all four dial indicators must be reset to o'clock to 6 o'clock) must be within
zero at the 12 o'clock position. Always zero the 0.381± 0.127 mm (0.015 ± 0.005 inch). The
dial indicators at the 12 o'clock position before parallel misalignment is measured as the bore with
repeating the measurements. Repeat the
measurements at the 3 o'clock, the 6 o'clock, the indicator “B” . The parallel misalignment for
and the 9 o'clock positions. the horizontal offset (3 o'clock to 9 o'clock) must
be within 0.000 ± 0.254 mm (0.0000 ± 0.010 inch).
The engine or the generator shaft may move
axially during the rotation of the crankshaft.
Since this movement is unavoidable, 2. After the alignment of the generator meets the
compensate for the movement in the angular specifications of the preliminary alignment, record
measurements. In order to record a valid the dimensions. Torque the bolts to the
angular measurement, add the axial travel of specifications of the flexible coupling assembly.
the indicator “C” to the reading of the other
indicator “A” . Refer to illustration 2. The final
result is the true value of the angular During the operation of the engine, monitor the
alignment. temperatures of the generator bearings. Compare
Softfoot check: the temperature to the limits specified by the
generator manufacturer. If the temperatures are
1. Soft foot is measured with a dial indicator. Mount a higher than the limits, repeat the procedure for
dial indicator from the base assembly to the top of centering the generator and the crankshaft.
the foot next to the engine block. Be sure that all
the jacking screws are loose. While one foot at a
time is loosened, the deflection of the foot must not
change more than 0.076 mm (0.0030 inch). If
necessary, add shims in order to eliminate the soft
foot. Repeat the procedure for the soft foot until all
the feet are measured for compliance with
specifications. If necessary, add shims under the
feet in order to eliminate gaps. When possible,
avoid using shims under the foot with the slider
block. Do not trim the shims. The addition of shims
is required in order to provide equal loading on
each foot. This equalization prevents unnecessary
stresses in the welds and the components.
2. Loosen the mounting bolts for the generator from
one foot at a time. Check for gaps with a feeler
gauge. If necessary, adjust the Vibracon mounts.
This equal loading prevents unnecessary
stresses in the welds and in the components (soft
foot). Torque the alignment bolts again. Refer to
the generator mounting group for values of
4. After the generator set has run for 200 hours to
500 hours, check the alignment. If the alignment is
not within the final specifications, realign the
Illustration 3 g00565623
(11) Edge of housing
(12) Feeler Gauge
(13) Housing
(14) Generator
(15) Notch
(16) Rotor
(A) Detail A
Alignment Data Sheets
Table 1
Generator Set Alignment Data Sheet
Final Specifications
Date Operator
Coupling Diameter
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