2023-07 BEA Statement (1)
2023-07 BEA Statement (1)
2023-07 BEA Statement (1)
Loan 貸款
Overdraft 透支 -- --
Mortgage Loan 樓宇按揭貸款 -- --
Total Loans 貸款總額 -- --
Portfolio Net Asset Value 財務組合淨資產 128,622.81
For any overdrawn balances under any Current Account, the debit balances figure will be consolidated and shown under the Overdraft Item of the
Portfolio Summary at the front page.
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東亞銀行港元最優惠利率 自 2023年07月31日 自 2023年05月08日 自 2022年12月19日
6.1250% 6.0000% 5.8750%
Exchange Rate Against HKD (As of Statement Issue Date and for Reference Only) 港幣參考兌換率(以本結單之發出日期為準)
Currency and Code 貨幣及代號 Exchange Rate 兌換率 Currency and Code 貨幣及代號 Exchange Rate 兌換率
AUD Australian Dollar 澳洲元 5.1770 KRW South Korea Won 韓圜 0.0061
CAD Canadian Dollar 加拿大元 5.8660 NZD New Zealand Dollar 紐西蘭元 4.7850
CHF Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎 8.9400 SGD Singapore Dollar 新加坡元 5.8370
CNH Offshore Renminbi 離岸人民幣 1.0860 THB Thai Baht 泰銖 0.2220
CNY Onshore Renminbi 在岸人民幣 1.0860 TWD New Taiwan Dollar 新台幣 0.2479
EUR Euro 歐羅 8.5630 USD U.S. Dollar 美元 7.7870
GBP Pound Sterling 英鎊 9.9850 ZAR South African Rand 南非蘭特 0.4280
JPY Japanese Yen 日圓 0.0552
Securities are held for your account by the Bank or its nominees or any other custodian agents as approved by the Bank from time to time. If any of
the securities in your account are held by an associated entity of the Bank for you, such associated entity will either be The Bank of East Asia
(Nominees) Limited or East Asia Securities Company Limited. (Note: This paragraph will supersede the first bullet point of Remark about securities
custody stated overleaf.)
Settlement Date of Unit Trust transaction stated in this statement refers to the Units Deposit/Withdrawal Date stated in the Consolidated Contract
Note, Confirmation and Advice.
Note that certain circumstances (for example, pending settlement securities transaction) may result in the settlement date falling on a later date
which shall become the actual settlement date. If the settlement date falls on a day which is not a business day in Hong Kong for any reason, the
settlement date will be postponed to the next business day which shall become the actual settlement date. The Settlement Date under Securities
Receipt/Delivery Confirmation section stated in the Consolidated Contract Note, Confirmation and Advice refers to the actual settlement date.
請注意:若干情況(例如,尚未完成證券交易)可能導致延遲交收日期,而該日將成為實際交收日期。 倘因任何原因交收日期並非香港的營業日,則交收日期將順延至
下一個營業日,而該日將成為實際交收日期。 綜合買賣單據,確認書及通知書上證券存入/提取確認書部份的交收日期為實際交收日期。
Never pre-sign any blank or incomplete form or document, and the Bank has never provided discretionary investment services to personal banking
customers. If you have any suspicion, please immediately contact our Customer Service Hotline on (852) 2211 1333.
客戶切勿簽署任何空白或未填妥的表格或文件。另外,本行並未曾提供全權委託投資服務予個人銀行客戶。如有懷疑,請盡快致電本行客戶服務熱線(852) 22111333。
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