MIS Week 7 Calender - 2024 (Student Version)
MIS Week 7 Calender - 2024 (Student Version)
MIS Week 7 Calender - 2024 (Student Version)
جامعة الخرطوم
كلية العلوم الرياضية
تفاصيل األسبوع السابع- نظم المعلومات اإلدارية
Assignments &
Monday Lecture topics Practical / Tutorial / Seminar
Assignment 3
IT Infrastructure (MIS Case 3) This week tutorial will have two parts:
and Emerging Assignment due:
Technologies Monday Part 1: Week 3 Tutorial Materials:
(Playlist link) 7/10/2024 The first part is about covering week 3 main concepts by give examples
of demos for sample e-Business (Functional systems).
Information Quiz 1
Systems Hardware (Review Quiz, Apps Demos:
1. Apps Demos:
Week 7 -IT Infrastructure no
23-9- Part 1+ Part 2 (38+ contribution E-Business Systems (Functional System)
2024 22 min) to the course Marketing:
work) 1- Pardot: URL
2- Autopilot: URL
The main Objective HR:
of this quiz is to 1- Zenefits: URL
review the main 2- Hubstaff: URL
concepts of first 2
Accounting & Fainance
weeks. It will help
you to be familiarize 1- Zoho Books: URL
your self with the Production & Services:
exam like question 1- Epicor: URL
and know how to
solve (feedback will Part 2: Week 7 Tutorial Materials:
be enabled after the In the second part we will cover 2 video cases giving examples of
quiz closed) how selected businesses transformed by new innovative IT
Infrastructures about Week 7 main concepts (IT Infrastructure).
(MCQs questions
about the first 2 2 Video cases:
weeks main
Assignments &
Monday Lecture topics Practical / Tutorial / Seminar
concepts) 1. Netflix on AWS Customer Success Story: URL
2. ESPN and the future of sports coverage:URL
Coursework Percentage: This video case participates toward 10% of your course
Assignment due: Monday 7/10/2024
Note: This assignment cover about Week 7 main concepts you need to revise
those part before you start to solve your assignment. You should attend the
following video case (Netflix on AWS Customer Success Story: URL), then
answer the following discussion questions (your own opinion should be reflected
so avoid using AIs or copy others’ ideas)
Submission note:
Answer the below questions in .docx or PDF file and attach the file in the Moodle
Assignment submission.
based on the Netflix on AWS Customer Success Story video and text:
3. What challenges did Netflix face before moving to AWS, and how did
the cloud infrastructure help overcome them?
o Reflect on the technical and operational problems Netflix
experienced and how AWS provided solutions in terms of reliability,
scalability, and cost-efficiency.’’