NQT Attitudinal alignment comprises of two sections, Personality trait test and Motivation
test. The personality trait test is created based on Big 5 model theory which is widely used
in the pre-hire assessment to identify job fitment of aspiring candidates. NQT Motivation test
is developed based on motivation need theory. This test helps candidates to understand
the professional needs and motivates them to work optimally and generate consistent
outcomes at the workplace.
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Legend for score
Your Score
Personality Traits Interpretation for score
in %
Most times you are able to observe the beauty in things and seek a slightly
different approach while engaging with a task.
Open-mindedness 69.44 Solving problems that are uncommon comes to you after you put much effort
into the same.
You sometimes look for instance to know about things that are new & engaging.
You may deal with situations that have some relevance from your past
You like to be around known people and enjoy their company, at times you may feel to
have lively discussions with others as well.
Sociableness 55.56 When it comes to energy you are calculative in putting it in activities that may have
desired outcomes.
You may invest some interest and comfort in developing a fair relationship with others.
You choose your preference to give feedback to others.
You are able to balance between intuitive inputs and data points to draw conclusions.
At times you recognize the needs of people and attempt to help them with the required support.
Most times you avoid claiming your position when you are around people, but also do not mind
talking about your achievement once in a while.
Amiableness 66.67 You may hold yourself thigh in following rules and can be relaxed on the same when you know
they're no serious consequences.
You can see others' pain & suffering, however may find it challenging in relating to it completely.
You may trust people who have known you for a long time but not in the case of others.
At times you like to depend on others for certain work and also would mind to
carry out tasks that you can handle by yourself.
Compulsiveness 61.11 You tend to get worried when you feel things getting out of your hands.
You may have a fair understanding of the difficult situation and its consequence.
You evaluate some of your past mistakes and try not to blame yourself for the
same, however certain thoughts still may hinder your progress.
Legend for score
You are strongly motivated to handle higher risk task in achieving your
83.33 You get energized to take initiative in leading a task without anyone
pressurizing on the same.
You are open to receive corrective feedback from others to better your
work performance.
You feel a sense of achievement when you are able to solve complex
problems every time.
Working on tasks that have a clear target pushes you to achieve set
outcomes optimally.
You are highly motivated to work with people who are cordial and make
connection with you.
Association 88.33 You feel energized when others consider you as an essential part of the
You feel excited when people appreciate your contribution & like you for
No conflict & difference of opinion with your team members encourages
you to keep engaging with them.
You are happy being part of others' success and help them to progress
further towards their goals.