B_Sc_Physics (1)

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Scheme of Examination

Semester Name of the Papers Marks Time

5th IX Quantum and Laser Physics 45+5* 3 Hours

X Nuclear Physics 45+5* 3 Hours

6th XI Solid State and Nano Physics 45+5* 3 Hours

XII Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy 45+5* 3 Hours

Physics Lab 50+50=100 3 + 3 Hours

Total Marks 300

*internal assesment

1. The syllabus of each paper will be divided into 4 units. There will be in all
Nine Questions.
2. Question number one will be compulsory and will be based on the conceptual
aspects of entire syllabus. This question may have five parts and the answer
should be in brief but not in Yes/ No.
3. Two questions will be set from each unit and the students will have to attempt
one question from each unit.
4. Four more questions are to be attempted, selecting one question out of two
questions set from each unit. Each question may contain two or more parts.
All questions will carry equal marks.
5. 20% numerical problems are to be set.
6. Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is allowed.

B.Sc.-III (Physics)
Semester – V
Subject; Physics
Paper – IX : Quantum and Laser Physics
Max. Marks: 45
Internal Assessment: 5
Time: 3 hours
1. Nine Questions will be set in total
2. Question number 1 will be compulsory and will be based on the conceptual
aspects of entire syllabus. This question may have five parts and the answer
should be in brief but not in Yes/ No.
3. Four more questions are to be attempted, selecting one question out of two
questions set from each unit. Each question may contain two or more parts. All
questions will carry equal marks.
4. 20% numerical problems are to be set.
5. Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is allowed.

Unit I: Origin quantum physics (Experimental basis)

Overview, scale of quantum physics, boundary between classical and quantum
phenomena, Photon, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect (theory and result), Frank-Hertz
experiment, de-Broglie hypothesis. Davisson and Germer experiment, ·G.P. Thomson
experiment. Phase velocity, group velocity and their relation. Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle. Time energy and angular momentum, position uncertainty. Uncertainty
principle from de Broglie wave. (Wave-particle duality). Gamma Ray Microscope,
Electron diffraction from a slit. Derivation of 1-D time-dependent Schrodinger wave
equation (subject to force, free particle). Time-independent Schrodinger wave equation,
eigen values, eigen functions, wave functions and its significance. Orthogonality and
Normalization of function, concept of observer and operator. Expectation values of
dynamical quantities, probability current density
Unit II: Application of Schrodinger wave equation:
(i) Free particle in one-dimensional box (solution of Schrodinger wave equation,
eigen functions, eigen values, quantization of energy and momentum, nodes
and anti nodes, zero point energy).

(ii) One dimensional step potential E > Vo (Reflection and Transmission


(iii) One dimensional step potential E < Vo (penetration depth calculation).

(iv) One dimensional potential barrier, E > Vo (Reflection and Transmission


(v) One-dimensional potential barrier, E < Vo (penetration or tunneling


(vi) Solution of Schrodinger equation for harmonic oscillator (quantization of

energy, Zero-point energy, wave equation for ground state and excited states).

Unit III: Laser Physics –I
Absorption and emission of radiation, Main features of a laser: Directionality, high
intensity, high degree of coherence, spatial and temporal coherence, Einstein's
coefficients and possibility of amplification, momentum transfer, life time of a level,
kinetics of optical absorption (two and three level rate equation, Fuchbauer landerburg
formula).population inversion: A necessary condition for light amplification, resonance
cavity, laser pumping, Threshold condition for laser emission, line broadening
mechanism, homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening (natural, collision and
Doppler broadening).

Unit IV: Laser Physics – II

He-Ne laser and RUBY laser (Principle, Construction and working), Optical properties
of semiconductor, Semiconductor laser (Principle, Construction and working),
Applications of lasers in the field of medicine and industry.

1 L I Schiff, Quantum Mechanics
2 Bransden B H and Joachain C J, Quantum Mechanics (2000), Pearson Education, New
3 Liboff R L, Introductory Quantum Mechanics
4 Eisberg R M and Resnick R, Quantum Physics of Atoms Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and
Particles, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi
5 Verdeyen J T, Laser Electronics PHI, New Delhi
6 Thorenton S T and Rex A, Modern Physics, (2007) Cengage Learning, New Delhi
7 Taylor J R, Zafiratos C D and Dubson M A, Modern Physics, 2nd Ed (2004), PHI, New
8 Laud B B, Laser Physics

B.Sc.-III (Physics)
Semester – V
Subject; Physics
Paper – X : Nuclear Physics
Max. Marks: 45
Internal Assessment: 5
Time: 3 hours
1 Nine Questions will be set in total
2 Question number 1 will be compulsory and will be based on the conceptual
aspects of entire syllabus. This question may have five parts and the answer
should be in brief but not in Yes/ No.
3 Four more questions are to be attempted, selecting one question out of two
questions set from each unit. Each question may contain two or more parts.
All questions will carry equal marks.
4. 20% numerical problems are to be set.
5. Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is allowed.

Unit I: Nuclear Structure and Properties of Nuclei

Nuclear composition (p-e and p-n hypotheses), Nuclear properties; Nuclear size, spin,
parity, statistics, magnetic dipole moment, quadruple moment (shape concept).
Determination of mass by Bain-Bridge, Bain-Bridge and Jordan mass spectrograph.
Determination of charge by Mosley Law. Determination of size of nuclei by Rutherford
Back Scattering. mass and binding energy, systematic of nuclear binding energy, nuclear

Unit II: Nuclear Radiation decay Processes

Alpha-disintegration and its theory. Energetics of alpha-decay, Origin of continuous beta
spectrum (neutrino hypothesis), types of beta-decay and energetics of beta-decay. Nature
of gamma rays, Energetics of gamma rays.

Radiation interaction
Interaction of heavy charged particles (Alpha particles); Energy loss of heavy charged
particle (idea of Bethe formula, no derivation), Range and straggling of alpha particles.
Geiger-Nuttal law. Interaction of light charged particle (Beta-particle), Energy loss of
beta-particles (ionization), Range of electrons, absorption of beta-particles. Interaction of
Gamma Ray; Passage of Gamma radiations through matter (Photoelectric, Compton and
pair production effect) electron-positron annihilation. Absorption of Gamma rays (Mass
attenuation coefficient) and its application.

Unit III: Nuclear Accelerators

Linear accelerator, Tendem accelerator, Cyclotron and Betatron accelerators.

Nuclear Radiation Detectors.

Gas filled counters; Ionization chamber, proportional counter, G.M. Counter (detailed
study), Scintillation counter and semiconductor detector.
Unit IV:
Nuclear reactions.
Nuclear reactions, Elastic scattering, Inelastic scattering, Nuclear disintegration,
Photonuclear reaction, Radiative capture, Direct reaction, Heavy ion reactions and
spallation Reactions. Conservation laws, Q-value and reaction threshold.

Nuclear Reactors.
Nuclear Reactors, General aspects of Reactor Design. Nuclear fission and fusion reactors,
(Principle, construction, working and use).

1 Kaplan I, Nuclear Physics, 2nd Ed (1962), Oxford and IBH, New Delhi
2 Sriram K, Nuclear Measurement Techniques, (1986), AEWP, New Delhi
3 Tayal D C, Nuclear Physics (1994), HPH, Bombay
4 Ghoshal S N, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vol II (1994), S Chand & Co New Delhi
5 Srivastava B N, Basic Nuclear Physics, (1993), Pragati Prakashan Meerut
6 Halliday, Introductory Nuclear Physics, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi
7 Sood D D, Ready A V R and Ramamoorthy, Fundamentals of Radiochemistry,
IANCAS (2007), BARC, Bombay
8 Cohen B L, Comcepts of Nuclear Physics (1998), Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
9 Krane K S, Introductory Nuclear Physics (1988), John Wiley & Sons New Delhi
10 Patel S B, Nuclear Physics (1992), Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi
11 Roy R R and Nigam B P, Nuclear Physics (1993), Wiley Eastern Ltd New Delhi.

B.Sc.-III (Physics)
Semester – VI
Paper – XI : Solid State and Nano Physics
Max. Marks: 45
Internal Assessment: 5
Time: 3 hours
1. Nine Questions will be set in total
2. Question number 1 will be compulsory and will be based on the conceptual
aspects of entire syllabus. This question may have five parts and the answer
should be in brief but not in Yes/ No.
3. For more questions are to be attempted, selecting one question out of two
questions set from each unit. Each question may contain two or more parts.
All questions will carry equal marks.
4. 20% numerical problems are to be set.
5. Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is allowed.

Unit I: Crystal Structure I

Crystalline and glassy forms, liquid crystals, crystal structure, periodicity, lattice and
basis, crystal translational vectors and axes. Unit cell and Primitive Cell, Winger Seitz
primitive Cell, symmetry operations for a two dimensional crystal, Bravais lattices in two
and three dimensions. Crystal planes and Miller indices, Interplaner spacing, Crystal
structures of Zinc Sulphide, Sodium Chloride and Diamond.

Unit II: Crystal Structure II

X-ray diffraction, Bragg's Law and experimental X-ray diffraction methods. K-space and
reciprocal lattice and its physical significance, reciprocal lattice vectors, reciprocal lattice
to a simple cubic lattice, b.c.c. and f.c.c.

Unit III: Super conductivity

Historical introduction, Survey of superconductivity, Super conducting systems, High Tc
Super conductors, Isotopic Effect, Critical Magnetic Field, Meissner Effect, London
Theory and Pippards’ equation, Classification of Superconductors (type I and Type II),
BCS Theory of Superconductivity, Flux quantization, Josephson Effect (AC and DC),
Practical Applications of superconductivity and their limitations, power application of

Unit IV: Introduction to Nano Physics

Definition, Length scale, Importance of Nano-scale and technology, History of Nan-
technology, Benefits and challenges in molecular manufacturing. Molecular assembler
concept, Understanding advanced capabilities. Vision and objective of Nano-technology,
Nanotechnology in different field, Automobile, Electronics, Nano-biotechnology,
Materials, Medicine.

1 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Ed (1996) John Wiley & Sons, New

2 H. Ibach and H. Lüth, Solid State Physics, An Introduction to Theory and Experiment,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991
3 Pillai O S, Solid State Physics, New Age International Publishers (2007) New Delhi
4 Mark R and Denial R, Nano-tecnology – A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea
5 M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975
6 Dekkar A J, Solid State Physics (2000), Mc Millan India Ltd New Delhi
7 Ascroft N W and Mermin N D, Solid State Physics (2003) Harcourt Asia, Singapore
8 Keer H V, Solid State Physics (1993), Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi
9 Kachhava C M, Solid State Physics (1990) Tata Mc Graw Hill Co Ltd, New Delhi
10 Gupta, Solid State Physics (1995) Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

B.Sc.-III (Physics)
Semester – VI
Subject; Physics
Paper – XII: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Max. Marks: 45
Internal Assessment: 5
Time: 3 hours
1. Nine Questions will be set in total
2. Question number 1 will be compulsory and will be based on the conceptual
aspects of entire syllabus. This question may have five parts and the answer
should be in brief but not in Yes/ No.
3. For more questions are to be attempted, selecting one question out of two
questions set from each unit. Each question may contain two or more parts.
All questions will carry equal marks.
4. 20% numerical problems are to be set.
5. Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is allowed.

Unit – I: Historical background of atomic spectroscopy

Introduction of early observations, emission and absorption spectra, atomic spectra, wave
number, spectrum of Hydrogen atom in Balmer series, Bohr atomic model(Bohr’s
postulates) , spectra of Hydrogen atom , explanation of spectral series in Hydrogen atom,
un-quantized states and continuous spectra, spectral series in absorption spectra, effect of
nuclear motion on line spectra (correction of finite nuclear mass), variation in Rydberg
constant due to finite mass, short comings of Bohr’s theory, Wilson sommerfeld
quantization rule, de-Broglie interpretation of Bohr quantization law, Bohr’s
corresponding principle, Sommerfeld’s extension of Bohr’s model, Sommerfeld
relativistic correction, Short comings of Bohr-Sommerfeld theory, Vector atom model;
space quantization, electron spin, coupling of orbital and spin angular momentum,
spectroscopic terms and their notation, quantum numbers associated with vector atom
model, transition probability and selection rules.

Unit –II: Vector Atom Model (single valance electron)

Orbital magnetic dipole moment (Bohr megnaton), behavior of magnetic dipole in
external magnetic filed; Larmors’ precession and theorem.
Penetrating and Non-penetrating orbits, Penetrating orbits on the classical model;
Quantum defect, spin orbit interaction energy of the single valance electron, spin orbit
interaction for penetrating and non-penetrating orbits. quantum mechanical relativity
correction, Hydrogen fine spectra, Main features of Alkali Spectra and their theoretical
interpretation, term series and limits, Rydeburg-Ritze combination principle, Absorption
spectra of Alkali atoms. observed doublet fine structure in the spectra of alkali metals
and its Interpretation, Intensity rules for doublets, comparison of Alkali spectra and
Hydrogen spectrum .

UNIT-III: Vector Atom model (two valance electrons)
Essential features of spectra of Alkaline-earth elements, Vector model for two valance
electron atom: application of spectra.
Coupling Schemes;LS or Russell – Saunders Coupling Scheme and JJ coupling scheme,
Interaction energy in L-S coupling (sp, pd configuration), Lande interval rule, Pauli
principal and periodic classification of the elements. Interaction energy in JJ Coupling
(sp, pd configuration), equivalent and non-equivalent electrons, Two valance electron
system-spectral terms of non-equivalent and equivalent electrons, comparison of spectral
terms in L-S And J-J coupling. Hyperfine structure of spectral lines and its origin; isotope
effect, nuclear spin.

Unit –IV: Atom in External Field

Zeeman Effect (normal and Anomalous),Experimental set-up for studying Zeeman effect,
Explanation of normal Zeeman effect(classical and quantum mechanical), Explanation of
anomalous Zeeman effect( Lande g-factor), Zeeman pattern of D1 and D2 lines of Na-
atom, Paschen-Back effect of a single valence electron system. Weak field Stark effect of
Hydrogen atom.
Molecular Physics
General Considerations, Electronic States of Diatomic Molecules, Rotational Spectra (Far
IR and Microwave Region), Vibrational Spectra (IR Region), Rotator Model of Diatomic
Molecule, Raman Effect, Electronic Spectra.

1 Beiser A, Concept of Modern Physics (1987), Mc Graw Hill Co Ltd, New Delhi
2 Rajab J B, Atomic Physics (2007), S Chand & Co, New Delhi
3 Fewkes J H and Yarwood J Atomic Physics Vol II (1991) Oxford University Press
4 Bransden B H and Joachain C J, Physics of Atoms and Molecules 2nd Ed (2009),
Pearson Education, New Delhi.
5 Banwell, Molecular Spectroscopy
6 Ghoshal S N, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vol I (1996) S Chand & Co, New Delhi
7 Gopalkrishnan K, Atomic and Nuclear Physics (1982), Mc Millan India New Delhi
8 Raj Kumar, Atomic and Moleculer Spectra:Laser , Kedarnath Ram nathpub.
9 S.L.Gupta, V.Kumar,R.C.Sharma, Elements of Spectroscopy,Pragati Prakashan.

B.Sc.-III (Physics)
Semester- VI

Paper: (Physics Lab Practicals)

Max. Marks: 100

Time: 3+3 hours (on two days)

Special Note:-

1. Do any eight experiments from each Section.

2. The students are required to calculate the error involved in a particular experiment.

Note:- The Practical examination will be held in two sessions of 3 hours each (first
session in the evening of first day and the second session in the morning of the next

1. Distribution of Marks:

Experiments 25+25 50 marks

Viva- voce 15+15 30 marks

Lab. Record 20 marks

Tolal 100 marks

For giving marks under Lab. Record each college will maintain practical assessment
record by using the following procedure:-

1. Each student has to perform a minimum number of experiments prescribed in the

2. After the completion of a practical the teacher concerned will check the note book
and conduct the Viva – voce of each student to find out how much concepts
related to the theoretical and experimental part of the experiment he/ she has
understood. According to his/her performance marks will be recorded on their
practical note-book. These marks will constitute the lab. Record.
3. To compute the final marks for lab. Record, a separate register will be maintained.
Each student will be assigned separate page on this register. On this page the
marks obtained by the student in different practicals will be entered. This record
will be signed by the concerned teacher.
4. The lab. Record register will be presented to the external practical examiners from
Lab. Record marks. These external examiners will verify the record randomly.

Section A

(i) Electronics, Solid State and Nuclear Physics– 4 Experiments

1 Determine e/m by Thomson’s method

2 Study the C B transistor amplifier
3 Study the C E transistor amplifier
4 Study the B H curve using oscilloscope
5 Study the Hall effect
6 Measurement of energy band gap of Ge/Si by four probe method
7 (a) Draw the plateau using G M counter
(b) Determine the mass attenuation coefficient by G M counter
(ii) Computer experiments –4 Experiments
8 Compute the product of two matrices of different dimension using DO
9 Numerical integration by Simpson 1/3 rule

10 Fitting of a straight line using Least-Square method

11 Using array variable, find out the average and standard deviation
12 Compute the sum of a finite series up to correct three decimal place
13 With the help of a program arrange the marks in ascending of descending
14 Write a program to evaluate the function Y=1 / [ C ( 1 + e Cos θ ) ]
and V=√ [ C M G ( e2 + e Cos θ + 1 ) ] e = 1.1, C = 3.0(E+08),
M = 5.893(E+24), G = 6.67(E-11) for varying value of θ from 0 to π.

Section B

15 Determine the λNa by Fresnel Byprism

16 Determine the velocity of ultrasonic in the Kerosene oil

17 Diameter of a Lycopodium powder using corona rings

18 Study double slit interference by He-Ne laser

19 Determine the diameter of a wire using (He-Ne Laser) diffraction method

20 Determine the Young modulus ‘Y’ by Searl’s interference method

21 Determine the resolving power of a prism

22 Thickness of a paper using interference fringes in an air wedge

23 Determine the resolving power of a transmission grating

24 Determine the RH by grating and Hydrogen tube

1 Worshnop and Flint, Advanced Practical Physics
2 Nelkon M and Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heinemann Education
Books Ltd, New Delhi
3 Srivastava S S and Gupta M K, Experiments in Electronics, Atma Ran & Sons, Delhi
4 Gupta S L and Kumar V, Practical Physics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.


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