CEPT Rules of Procedure 20 March 2009 aaa

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Strategic Plan of the ECC

explore new frequency management approaches;

maintain a core expertise in spectrum regulation, management, sharing, coordination,
and compatibility studies;
explore new and innovative sharing solutions to increase sharing and reduce spectrum
continue to develop spectrum harmonisation measures while avoiding duplication of
work and develop technical and regulatory parameters in close cooperation with ETSI;
ensure regular update and maintenance of spectrum utilisation information in EFIS;
maintain and develop its expertise in enforcement issues;
expand its expertise in non-technical tools of spectrum management, e. g. economics,
impact assessment, assessment of spectrum value, market research.

2.1.2 Numbering and addressing

New service and user requirements will drive the strategy for numbering, naming and
addressing but must also take into account the developments in technology. Consumers have
access to a large variety of telecommunication services using numbering, naming and
addressing resources via various networks based on different technologies and protocols to
support these services. Operators use these resources for billing and routing and the
emergency services for tracing back citizens seeking help. Therefore the ECC shall

study and promote the harmonisation of these numbering resources where this results
in a benefit for the end-user whose need for cross-border mobility is increasing in an
increasingly integrated Europe;
also advocate a common approach in the development of numbering policies,
especially for new services and applications (e.g. NGN, M2M, …);
focus on the development of common measures against fraudulent use of numbering

2.2 Europe wide forum for the work in ITU

Worldwide the ITU is of great importance. The Radiocommunications Sector of the ITU (ITU-R)
consolidates all the ITU work in the field of radiocommunications. In this global environment
good results are only achievable if the particular interests of the CEPT countries can be focused
on a common European goal. The ECC shall:

develop European Common Proposals (ECP’s) for ITU World and Regional Radio
Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies; The ECC will strive for more
support for its ECP’s and should continue to evaluate its procedures for developing
ECP’s and for coordination with other regional organisations, recognising the
requirement for administrations of EU Member States to take into account EU policy
co-ordinate positions in order to assist CEPT Administrations that are Members of the
ITU Council in presenting a European position in respect of conference agendas and
develop, as required, co-ordinated positions for other ITU meetings;
consult with various bodies and organisations inside and outside CEPT to broaden
support for CEPT positions;
promote and participate in actions that contribute towards narrowing down the digital

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