Chapter 4 Operating Systems
Chapter 4 Operating Systems
Someday soon, your computer will be able to automatically diagnose and repair
problems, much like your body’s immune system. For now, however, your
electronics are at risk from dangerous viruses and software failures.
This chapter covers the things you need to know to protect your computer and data
today and to prepare you for tomorrow, including:
Mobile operating systems—learn the key features of the operating systems that control
tablets and cell phones.
Desktop operating systems—discover how operating systems control and protect desktop
and laptop computers.
Utilities—protect your computer from viruses and perform important maintenance tasks.
Learning Objectives
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
4 Compare mobile operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows 10 Mobile.
5 Compare desktop operating systems, including Windows, macOS, UNIX, Linux, and
When most people think about computers, they think about surfing the web, writing papers, e-
mailing friends, chatting online, making presentations, and any number of other valuable
applications. We typically think about applications and application software. Computers and
computer applications have become a part of the fabric of our everyday lives. Most of us agree
that they are great . . . as long as they are working.
We usually do not think about the more mundane and behind-the-scenes computer activities:
loading and running programs, coordinating networks that share resources, organizing files,
protecting our computers from viruses, performing periodic maintenance to avoid problems, and
controlling hardware devices so that they can communicate with one another. Typically, these
activities go on behind the scenes without our help.
That is the way it should be, and the way it is, as long as everything is working perfectly. But what
if new application programs are not compatible and will not run on our current computer system?
What if we get a computer virus? What if our hard disk fails? What if we buy a new digital video
camera and can’t store and edit the images on our computer system? What if our computer starts
to run slower and slower?
These issues may seem mundane, but they are critical. This chapter covers the vital activities that
go on behind the scenes. A little knowledge about these activities can go a long way to making
your computing life easier. To efficiently and effectively use computers, you need to understand
the functionality of system software, including operating systems, utility programs, and device
System Software
End users use application software to accomplish specific tasks. For example, we use word
processing programs to create letters, documents, and reports. However, end users also use
system software. System software works with end users, application software, and computer
hardware to handle the majority of technical details. For example, system software controls where
a word processing program is stored in memory, how commands are converted so that the
system unit can process them, and where a completed document or file is saved.
System software is not a single program. Rather, it is a collection or a system of programs that
handle hundreds of technical details with little or no user intervention. System software consists of
four types of programs:
Operating systems coordinate computer resources, provide an interface between users and the
computer, and run applications.
Device drivers are specialized programs that allow particular input or output devices to
communicate with the rest of the computer system.
Operating Systems
An operating system is a collection of programs that handle many of the technical details related
to using a computer. In many ways, an operating system is the most important type of computer
program. Without a functioning operating system, your computer would be useless.
Every computer has an operating system, and every operating system performs a variety of
functions. These functions can be classified into three groups:
Providing user interface: Operating systems allow users to interact with application
programs and computer hardware through a user interface. Originally, operating systems used a
character-based interface in which users communicated with the operating system through written
commands such as "Copy A: report.txt C:". Today, most operating systems use a graphical user
interface (GUI). As we discussed in Chapter 3, a graphical user interface uses graphical elements
such as icons and windows. A new feature available with many operating systems is voice
recognition. This allows users to interact with voice commands.
Running applications: Operating systems load and run applications such as word
processors and spreadsheets. Most operating systems support multitasking, or the ability to
switch between different applications stored in memory. With multitasking, you could have Word
and Excel running at the same time and switch easily between the two applications. The program
that you are currently working on is described as running in the foreground. The other program or
programs are running in the background.
Starting or restarting a computer is called booting the system. There are two ways to boot a
computer: a warm boot and a cold boot. A warm boot occurs when the computer is already on
and you restart it without turning off the power. A warm boot can be accomplished in several
ways. For many computer systems, they can be restarted by simply pressing a sequence of keys.
Starting a computer that has been turned off is called a cold boot.
You typically interact with the operating system through the graphical user interface. Most provide
a place, called the desktop that provides access to computer resources.
Some important features common to most operating systems and application programs include:
Pointer — controlled by a mouse, trackpad, or touch screen, the pointer changes shape
depending on its current function. For example, when shaped like an arrow, the pointer can be
used to select items such as an icon.
Windows — are rectangular areas for displaying information and running programs.
Tabs — divide menus into major activity areas such as format and page layout.
Help — provides online assistance for operating system functions and procedures.
Most offices have filing cabinets that store important documents in folders. Similarly, most
operating systems store data and programs in a system of files and folders. Files are used to
store data and programs. Related files are stored within a folder, and, for organizational purposes,
a folder can contain other folders, or subfolders. For example, you might organize your electronic
files in the Documents folder on your hard disk. This folder could contain other folders, each
named to indicate its contents. One might be "Computer Class" and could contain all the files you
have created (or will create) for this course.
While there are hundreds of different operating systems, there are only three basic categories:
embedded, stand-alone, and network.
Embedded operating systems, also known as real-time operating systems and RTOS, are
entirely stored within (i.e., embedded in) a device. They control smartwatches, smartphones,
video game systems, and thousands of other small electronic devices. Typically designed for a
specific application, embedded operating systems are essential in the evolution of IoT where
many everyday devices are able to communicate with one another as discussed in Chapter 1. For
example, Watch OS was developed by Apple exclusively for the Apple Watch.
Network operating systems (NOS) are used to control and coordinate computers that are
networked or linked together. Many networks are small and connect only a limited number of
personal computers. Other networks, like those at colleges and universities, are very large and
complex. These networks may include other smaller networks and typically connect a variety of
different types of computers. Network operating systems are typically located on one of the
connected computers’ hard disks. Called the network server, this computer coordinates all
communication between the other computers. Popular network operating systems include Linux,
Windows Server, and UNIX. The operating system is often referred to as the software
environment or software platform. Almost all application programs are designed to run with a
specific platform. For example, Apple’s iMovie software is designed to run with the macOS
Many applications, however, have different versions, each designed to operate with a particular
platform. For example, there are two versions of Microsoft Office, one designed to work with
Windows and another designed to work with macOS.
Concept Check
What is system software?
What are the four kinds of system software programs?
What is an operating system? Discuss operating system functions and features.
Describe each of the three categories of operating systems.
Android was introduced in 2007. It was originally developed by Android, Inc., and later
purchased by Google. Android is widely used in many of today’s smartphones.
iOS , formerly known as iPhone OS, was originally developed in 2007 by Apple. It is based
on macOS and is used as the platform for Apple’s iPad and iPhone.
Windows 10 Mobile was introduced in 2015 by Microsoft to support a variety of mobile
devices, including smartphones and tablets. It has the ability to run many powerful programs
designed for desktop and laptop computers.
Concept Check
What is a mobile operating system?
List the most widely used mobile operating systems.
Which mobile operating system works with the iPhone?
Which mobile operating system was developed by Microsoft?
Microsoft’s Windows is the most widely used personal computer operating system. Because its
market share is so large, more application programs have
been developed to run under Windows than any other
operating system. Windows comes in a variety of different
versions and is designed to run with a variety of different
Apple has been the leader in the development of powerful and easy-to-use personal computer
operating systems since its introduction of the Macintosh personal computer in 1984. Designed to
run only with Apple computers, macOS is not as widely used as the Windows operating system.
As a result, fewer application programs have been written for it. However, with increasing sales of
Apple computers, the use of macOS has been rapidly increasing and is widely recognized as one
of the most innovative operating systems.
macOS X is the most widely used Mac desktop operating system. Its two most recent versions
macOS Sierra, which was announced in 2016 and introduced several improvements,
including new advanced utilities, improved integration with iOS devices, and better integration with
cloud computing.
macOS High Sierra, which was announced in 2017. It provides a new file system for faster,
more secure data storage, improved video compression, and virtual reality support. The update
includes improvement to Apple applications, such as the Internet browser Safari, and the photo
application, Photos.
Linux is an operating system that extended one of the UNIX versions. It was originally developed
by a graduate student at the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds, in 1991. He allowed free
distribution of the operating system code and encouraged others to modify and further develop
the code. Programs released in this way are called open source. Linux is a popular and powerful
alternative to the Windows operating system. Linux has been the basis of several other operating
systems. For example, Google’s Chrome OS is based on Linux .
Chrome OS integrates with web servers to run applications and to perform other traditional
operating system functions. This capability has made Chrome OS a popular choice for
inexpensive notebook computers that use cloud computing and cloud storage to do things that
would normally require much more expensive hardware. One limitation of these computers is that
their efficiency is dependent upon the speed of their Internet connection.
As we have discussed, application programs are designed to run with particular operating
systems. What if you wanted to run two or more applications, each requiring a different operating
system? One solution would be to install each of the operating systems on a different computer.
There is, however, a way in which a single physical computer can support multiple operating
systems that operate independently. This approach is called virtualization.
When a single physical computer runs a special program known as virtualization software, it
operates as though it were two or more separate and independent computers, known as virtual
machines. Each virtual machine appears to the user as a separate independent computer with its
own operating system. The operating system of the physical machine is known as the host
operating system. The operating system for each virtual machine is known as the guest operating
system. Users can readily switch between virtual computers and programs running on them.
There are several programs that create and run virtual machines. One such program, Parallels,
allows a user on a Mac to run Windows programs in OS X.
Concept Check
What is Windows? What is the most recent version?
Ideally, personal computers would continuously run without problems. However, that simply is not
the case. All kinds of things can happen—internal hard disks can crash, computers can freeze up,
operations can slow down, and so on. These events can make computing very frustrating. That’s
where utilities come in. Utilities are specialized programs designed to make computing easier.
There are hundreds of different utility programs. The most essential are:
Most operating systems provide some utility programs. Even more powerful utility programs can
be purchased separately or in utility suites.
Today, most computers automatically perform standard maintenance operations such as defragging hard disks. Most
search for viruses and eliminate them before they can become a problem. In the future, computers may not only fix
viruses and other software issues, but also identify and resolve hardware problems using autonomic computing.
Autonomic computing is a computing model that allows machines to run with little human intervention. It has the
potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. IBM recently announced plans to concentrate research
efforts on developing a self-healing server. The project, called the Autonomic Computing Initiative (ACI), hopes to free
businesses and individuals from time-consuming computer maintenance. IBM hopes these new systems will be self-
regulating and virtually invisible.
Autonomic processes in machines are modeled after human autonomic processes. For example, each of us has an
autonomic system that automatically controls our breathing, our heart rate, and many other bodily functions. Scientists
hope autonomic computing will behave in a similar manner and maintain computer systems without human intervention.
Such computers would not have self-awareness but would be self-correcting.
These autonomic computing systems, however, are not artificial intelligence systems. Although autonomic systems
automatically perform standard operations, they do not have human cognitive abilities or intelligence. These systems
are limited to reacting to their own systems and have limited capability to learn from experience to correct errors. In
order to adapt to conditions beyond this, scientists have turned to artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence can be found in computers around the world, from tiny cell phones to towering mainframes.
These programs mimic the human brain. Researchers at IBM are working on neuromorphic computer chips. A
neuromorphic chip is a computer chip that computes using an architecture like a brain, with neurons and synapses.
They intend to use resistive computing, a process that uses analog voltages to store and compute data, instead of the
digital method used today that is limited to binary values. This allows the chip to handle artificial intelligence tasks much
more efficiently than today’s hardware.
Given the potential for a self-maintaining server and a human-like computer chip, the possibility of a similar system
designed for a personal computer seems less like a dream and more like a reality.
What do you think? Will personal computers ever think and care for themselves?
What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardware to handle
the majority of technical details?
The programs that convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language
that computers understand and process are language:
operational interference
This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its
current function.
dialog box
The operating system based on Linux, designed for notebook computers that use cloud
computing and cloud storage:
The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS:
Phone OS
A utility program that copies all files in the libraries, contacts, favorites, and on the desktop:
File History
Disk Cleanup
A troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk
space, and improves system performance:
File History
Disk Cleanup
application packages
operating systems
utility suites