Technical Report: Frenetic: A High-Level Language For Openflow Networks

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Technical Report

Frenetic: A High-Level Language for OpenFlow Networks

Nate Foster
Cornell University

Rob Harrison
Princeton University

Michael J. Freedman
Princeton University

Jennifer Rexford
Princeton University

David Walker
Princeton University

Cornell University Computing and Information Science Technical Report
December 6, 2010

Network administrators must con gure network devices to simultaneously provide several interrelated services such as routing, load balancing, traf c monitoring, and access control. Unfortunately, most interfaces for programming networks are de ned at the low level of abstraction supported by the underlying hardware, leading to complicated programs with subtle bugs. We present Frenetic, a high-level language for OpenFlow networks that enables writing programs in a declarative and compositional style, with a simple program like you see every packet abstraction. Building on ideas from functional programming, Frenetic offers a rich pattern algebra for classifying packets into traf c streams and a suite of operators for transforming streams. The run-time system ef ciently manages the low-level details of (un)installing packet-processing rules in the switches. We describe the design of Frenetic, an implementation on top of OpenFlow, and experiments and example programs that validate our design choices.



Most modern networks consist of hardware and software components that are closed and proprietary. The dif culty of changing the underlying network has had a chilling effect on innovation, and forces network administrators to express complex policies through a frustratingly brittle interface. To address this problem, a number of researchers have proposed a new platform called OpenFlow to open up the software that controls the network [20]. OpenFlow de nes a standard interface for installing exible packet-handling rules in network switches. These rules are installed by a programmable controller that runs separately, on a stock machine [11]. OpenFlow is supported by a number of commercial Ethernet switch vendors, and several campus and backbone networks have deployed OpenFlow switches. Building on this platform, researchers have created a variety of controller applications that introduce new network functionality, like exible access control [6, 22], Web server load balancing [12], energy-ef cient networking [13], and seamless virtual-machine migration [10]. Unfortunately, while OpenFlow now makes it possible to implement exciting new network services, it does not make it easy. Programmers constantly grapple with several challenges: Interactions between concurrent modules: Networks often perform multiple tasks, like routing, access control, and traf c monitoring. However, decoupling these tasks and implementing them independently in separate modules is effectively impossible, since packet-handling rules (un)installed by one module may interfere with overlapping rules installed by other modules. Low-level interface to switch hardware: The OpenFlow rule algebra directly re ects the capabilities of the switch hardware (e.g., bit patterns and integer priorities). Simple concepts such as set difference require multiple rules and priorities to implement correctly. Moreover, the more powerful wildcard rules are a limited hardware resource the programmer must manage by hand. Two-tiered programming model: The controller only sees packets the switches do not know how to handlein essence, application execution is split between the controller and the switches. As such, programmers must carefully avoid installing rules that hide important information from the controller. To address these challenges, we present Frenetic, a new programming model for OpenFlow networks. Frenetic is organized around two levels of abstraction: (1) a set of source-level operators for manipulating streams of network traf c, and (2) a run-time system that handles all of the details of installing and uninstalling low-level rules on switches. The source-level operators draw on previous work on declarative database query languages and functional reactive programming (FRP). These operators are carefully constructed to support the following key design principles: Purely functional: The source-level abstractions are purely functional and shield programmers from the imperative nature of the underlying switches. Consequently, program modules may be written independently of one another and composed without unpredicatable effects or race conditions. High-level, programmer-centric: Wherever possible, we rst consider what the programmer might want to say, rather than how the hardware implements it. We provide intuitive, high-level primitives, even though they are not directly supported by the hardware. See-every-packet abstraction: Programmers do not have to worry that installing packet-handling rules may prevent the controller from analyzing certain traf c. Frenetic supports the abstraction that every packet is available for analysis, side-stepping the many complexities of todays two-tiered programming model. These principles are designed to make Frenetic programs robust, compact, and easy-to-understand, and, consequently, the Frenetic programmers writing them more productive. However, taking our see every packet abstraction too literally would lead to programs that process far more traf c on the controller than necessary. Instead, we give programmers a set of declarative query operators that ensure packet processing remains on the switches. The Frenetic run-time system keeps traf c in the fast path whenever possible, while ensuring the correct operation of all modules. In summary, this paper makes the following contributions: Analysis of OpenFlow programming model (Section 3): Using our combined expertise in programming languages and networking, we identify weaknesses of todays OpenFlow environment that modern programming-language principles can overcome.

n Rules r ::= pat, pri , t, [a1 , . . . , an ] Patterns pat ::= {h1 : n1 , . . . , hk : nk } Priorities pri ::= n Timeouts t ::= n | None Actions a ::= output(op) | modify(h, n) Header Fields h ::= in port | vlan dl src | dl dst | dl type | nw src | nw dst | nw proto | tp src | tp dst Output Port op ::= n | ood | controller Packet Counts ps ::= n Byte Counts bs ::= n

Figure 1. OpenFlow Syntax. Pre xes dl , nw, and tp denote data link (MAC), network (IP), and transport (TCP/UDP) respectively. Frenetic language (Section 4) and subscribe queries (Section 5): Applying ideas from the disparate elds of database query languages and functional reactive programming, we present a design for Frenetic, a language for programming OpenFlow networks. Frenetic implementation (Section 6): We design and implement a library of high-level packet-processing operators and an ef cient run-time system in Python. The run-time system reactively installs rules to minimize the traf c handled by the controller. Evaluation (Section 7) and case studies (Section 8): We compare several Frenetic programs with conventional OpenFlow applications by measuring both the lines of code and the traf c handled by the controller. We also describe our experiences building two large applicationsa security monitor that detects scanning attacks and a distributed key-value storage system (Memcached).


Background on OpenFlow and NOX

This section presents the key features of the OpenFlow platform. To keep the presentation simple, we have elided a few details that are not important for understanding Frenetic. Readers interested in a complete description may consult the OpenFlow speci cation [3]. Overview In an OpenFlow network, a centralized controller manages a distributed collection of switches. While packets owing through the network may be processed by the centralized controller, doing so is orders of magnitude slower than processing those packets on the switches. Hence, one of the primary functions of the controller is to con gure the switches so that they process the vast majority of packets and only a few packets from new or unexpected ows need to be handled on the controller. Con guring a switch primarily involves installing entries in its ow table: a set of rules that specify how packets should be processed. A rule consists of a pattern that identi es a set of packets, an integer priority that disambiguates rules with overlapping patterns, an optional integer timeout that indicates the number of seconds until the rule expires, and a list of actions that speci es how packets should be processed. For each rule in its ow table, the switch maintains a set of counters that keep track of basic statistics concerning the number and total size of packets processed. Formally, rules are de ned by the grammar in Figure 1. A pattern is a list of pairs of header elds and integer values, which are interpreted as equality constraints. For instance, the pattern {nw src :, tp dst : 80} matches packets from source IP address going to destination port 80. We use standard notation for the values associated with header eldse.g., writing instead of 3232235876. Any header elds not appearing in a pattern are unconstrained. We call rules with unconstrained header elds wildcard rules.

OpenFlow switches When a packet arrives at a switch, the switch processes the packet in three steps. First, it selects a rule from its ow table whose pattern matches the packet. If there are no matching rules, the switch sends the packet to the controller for further processing. Otherwise, if there are multiple matching rules, it picks the exact-match rule (i.e., the rule whose pattern matches all of the header elds in the packet) if one exists, or a wildcard rule with highest priority if not. Second, it updates the byte and packet counters associated with the rule. Third, it applies each of the actions listed in the rule to the packet (or drops the packet if the list is empty). The action output(op) instructs the switch to forward the packet out on port op , which can either be a physical switch port n or one of the virtual ports ood or controller, where ood forwards the packet out on all physical ports (except the ingress port) and controller sends the packet to the controller. The action modify(h, n) instructs the switch to rewrite the header eld h to n. The list of actions in a rule can contain both output and modify actionse.g., [output(2), output(controller), modify(nw src,] forwards packets out on switch port 2 and to the controller, and also rewrites their source IP address to NOX Controller The controller manages the set of rules installed on the switches in the network by reacting to network events. Most controllers are currently based on NOX, which is a simple operating system for networks that provides some primitives for managing events as well as functions for communicating with switches [11]. NOX de nes a number of events including,
packet in(s, n, p), triggered when switch s forwards a packet p received on physical port n to the controller, stats in(s, xid , pat, ps, bs), triggered when switch s responds to a request for statistics about rules contained in pat , where xid is an identi er for the request, ow removed (s, pat, ps, bs), triggered when a rule with pattern pat exceeds its timeout and is removed from ss ow table, switch join(s), triggered when switch s joins the network, switch leave(s), triggered when switch s leaves the network, port change(s, n, u), triggered when the link attached to physical port n on switch s goes up or down, with u a boolean value representing the new status of the link,

and provides functions for sending messages to switches:

install (s, pat, pri , t, [a1 , . . . , ak ]), which installs a rule with pattern pat , priority pri , timeout t, and actions [a1 , . . . , an ] in the ow table of switch s, uninstall (s, pat), which removes all rules contained in pattern pat from the ow table of the switch, send (s, p, a), which sends packet p to switch s and applies action a to it there, and query stats(s, pat), which issues a request for statistics from all rules contained in pattern pat on switch s and returns a request identi er xid , which can be used to match up the asynchronous response from the switch.

The controller program de nes a handler for each event, but is otherwise an arbitrary program. Example To illustrate a simple use of OpenFlow, consider a controller program written in Python that implements a repeater. Suppose that the network has a single switch connected to a pool of internal hosts on port 1 and a wide-area network on port 2, as shown in Figure 2(a). The repeater function below installs rules on switch s that instruct the switch to forward packets from port 1 to port 2 and vice versa. The switch join handler calls repeater when the switch joins the network.
def repeater(s): pat1 = {IN_PORT:1} pat2 = {IN_PORT:2} install(s,pat1,DEFAULT,None,[output(2)]) install(s,pat2,DEFAULT,None,[output(1)])


Frenetic Program
subscribe register E Packet E int

1 Switch

Run-Time System

install uninstall

packet_in stats_in




Figure 2. (a) Simple network topology (b) Frenetic architecture

def switch_join(s): repeater(s)

Note that both calls to install use the DEFAULT priority level and None as the timeout, indicating that the rules are permanent.


Analysis of OpenFlow/NOX Dif culties

OpenFlow provides a standard interface for manipulating the rules installed on switches, which goes a long way toward making networks programmable. However, the programming model currently provided by NOX has several de ciencies that make it dif cult to use in practice. While our analysis focuses solely on the NOX controller, other OpenFlow controllers such as Onix [15] and Beacon [1] suffer from similar issues. In this section, we describe three of the most substantial dif culties that arise when writing programs in NOX.
3.1 Interactions Between Concurrent Modules

The rst issue is that NOX program pieces do not compose. Suppose that we want to extend the repeater to monitor the total number of bytes of incoming web traf c. Rather than counting the web traf c at the controller, a monitoring application could install rules for web traf c, and periodically poll the byte and packet counters associated with those rules to collect the necessary statistics:
def monitor(s): pat = {IN_PORT:2,TP_SRC:80} install(s, pat, DEFAULT, None, []) query_stats(s, pat) def stats_in(s, xid, pat, ps, bs): print bs sleep(30) query_stats(s, pat)

The monitor function installs a rule that matches all incoming packets with TCP source port 80 and issues a query for the counters associated with that rule. The stats_in handler receives the response from the switch, prints the byte count to the console, sleeps for 30 seconds, and then issues the next query. Ideally, we would be able to compose this program with the repeater program to obtain a program that forwards packets and monitors traf c:
def repeater_monitor_wrong(s): repeater(s)


Unfortunately, naively composing the two programs does not work due to interactions between the rules installed by each program. In particular, because the programs install overlapping rules on the switch, when a packet arrives from port 80 on the source host, the switch is free to process the packet using either rule. But using the repeater rule does not update the counters needed for monitoring, while using the monitor rule breaks the repeater program because the list of actions is empty (so the packet will be dropped). To obtain the desired behavior, we have to manually combine the forwarding logic from the rst program with the monitoring policy from the second:
def repeater_monitor(s): pat1 = {IN_PORT:1} pat2 = {IN_PORT:2} pat2web = {IN_PORT:2, TP_SRC:80} install(s, pat1, [output(2)], DEFAULT) install(s, pat2, [output(1)], DEFAULT) install(s, pat2web, [output(1)], HIGH) query_stats(s, pat2web)

Performing this combination is non-trivial: the pat2web rule needs to include the output(1) action from the repeater program, and must be installed with HIGH priority to resolve the overlap with the pat2 rule. In general, composing OpenFlow programs requires careful, manual effort on the part of the programmer to preserve the semantics of the original programs. This makes it nearly impossible to factor out common pieces of functionality into reusable libraries and also prevents compositional reasoning about programs.
3.2 Low-Level Programming Interface

Another dif culty of writing NOX programs stems from the low-level nature of the programming interface, which is derived from the features of the switch hardware rather than being designed for ease of use. This makes programs unnecessarily complicated, as they must describe low-level details that do not affect the overall behavior of the program. For example, suppose that we want to extend the repeater and monitoring program to monitor all incoming web traf c except traf c destined for an internal server (connected to port 1) at address To do this, we need to subtract patterns, but the patterns in OpenFlow rules can only directly express positive constraints. To simulate the difference between two patterns, we have to install two overlapping rules on the switch, using priorities to disambiguate between them.
def repeater_monitor_noserver(s): pat1 = {IN_PORT:1} pat2 = {IN_PORT:2} pat2web = {IN_PORT:2, TP_SRC:80} pat2srv = {IN_PORT:2, NW_DST:, TP_SRC:80} install(s, pat1, DEFAULT, None, [output(2)]) install(s, pat2, DEFAULT, None, [output(1)]) install(s, pat2web, MEDIUM, None, [output(1)]) install(s, pat2srv, HIGH, None, [output(1)]) query_stats(s, pat2web)

This program uses a separate rule to process web traf c going to the internal serverpat2srv matches incoming web packets going to the internal server, while pat2web matches all other incoming web packets. It also installs pat2srv at HIGH priority to ensure that the pat2web rule only processes (and counts!) packets going to hosts other than the internal server. More generally, describing packets using the low-level patterns that OpenFlow switches support is cumbersome and error-prone. It forces programmers to use multiple rules and priorities to encode patterns that could

be easily expressed using natural logical operations such as negation, difference, and union. It adds unnecessary clutter to programs that is distracting and further complicates reasoning about their behavior.
3.3 Two-Tiered System Architecture

A third challenge stems from the two-tiered architecture where a controller program manages the network by (un)installing switch-level rules. This indirection forces the programmer to specify the communication patterns between the controller and switch and deal with tricky concurrency issues such as coordinating asynchronous events. Consider extending the original repeater program to monitor the total amount of incoming traf c by destination host.
def repeater_monitor_hosts(s): pat = {IN_PORT:1} install(s, pat, DEFAULT, None, [output(2)]) def packet_in(s, inport, p): if inport == 2: m = dstmac(p) pat = {IN_PORT:2, DL_DST:m} install(s, pat, DEFAULT, None, [output(1)]) query_stats(s, pat)

Unlike the previous examples, we cannot install all of the rules we need in advance because, in general, we will not know the address of each host a priori. Instead, the controller must dynamically install rules for the packets seen at run time. The repeater_monitor_hosts function installs a single rule that handles all outgoing traf c. Initially, the ow table on the switch does not contain any entries for incoming traf c, so the switch sends all packets that arrive at ingress port 2 up to the controller. This causes the packet_in handler to be invoked; it processes each packet by installing a rule that handles all future packets to the same host (identi ed by its MAC address). Note that the controller only sees one incoming packet per hostthe rule processes all future traf c to that host directly on the switch. As this example shows, NOX programs are actually implemented using two programsone on the controller and another on the switch. While this design is essential for ef ciency, the two-tiered architecture makes applications dif cult to read and reason about, because the behavior of each program depends on the other e.g., installing/uninstalling rules on the switch changes which packets are sent up to the controller. In addition, the controller program must specify the communication patterns between the two programs and deal with subtle concurrency issuese.g., if we were to extend the example to monitor both incoming and outgoing traf c, the controller would have to issue multiple queries for the statistics for each host and synchronize the resulting callbacks. Although OpenFlow makes it possible to manage networks using arbitrary general-purpose programs, its two-tiered architecture forces programmers to specify the asynchronous and event-driven interaction between the programs running on the controller and the switches in the network. In our experience, these details are a signi cant distraction and a frequent source of bugs.



Frenetic is a domain-speci c language for programming OpenFlow networks, embedded in Python. The language is designed to solve the major OpenFlow/NOX programming problems outlined in the previous section. In particular, Frenetic introduces a set of purely functional abstractions that enable modular program development; de nes high-level, programmer-centric packet-processing operators; and eliminates many of the dif culties of the two-tier programming model by introducing a see-every-packet programming paradigm. In this section, we explain the basics of the Frenetic language, and use a series of examples to illustrate how our design principles simplify NOX programming. However, these examples take the see-every-packet abstraction far too literallythey process every packet on the controller. In the next section, we will introduce additional

features of Frenetic that preserve the key high-level abstractions, while also making it possible to reduce the traf c handled by the controller to the levels seen by vanilla NOX programs.
4.1 Basic Concepts

Inspired by past work on functional reactive programming, Frenetic introduces three important datatypes for representing, transforming, and consuming streams of values. Events represent discrete, time-varying streams of values. The type of all events carrying values of type is written E. To a rst approximation, values of type E can be thought of as possibly in nite lists of pairs (t, v) where t is a timestamp and v is a value of type . Examples of primitive events available in Frenetic include Packets, which contains all of the packets owing through the network; Seconds, which contains the number of seconds since the epoch; and SwitchJoin and SwitchLeave, which contain the identi ers of switches joining and leaving the network respectively. Event functions transform events of one type into events of a possibly different type. The type of all event functions from E to E is written EF. Many of Frenetics event functions are based on standard operators that have been proposed in previous work on FRP. For example, the simplest event function, Lift(f ), which is parameterized on an ordinary function f of type , is an event function of type EF that works by applying f to each value in its input event. Frenetic also includes some novel event functions that are speci cally designed for processing network traf c. For example, if g has type packet bool then Group(g) splits the stream of packets into two streams, one for packets on which g returns true and one for packets on which g returns false. More generally, and precisely, if g has type packet , the result has type packet ( packet E) EF. The elements of the resulting event are pairs of the form (v, e) where v is a value of type and e is a nested event containing all the packets that g maps to v . We use Group, and its variants, to organize network traf c into streams of related packets that are processed in the same way. A listener consumes an events stream and produces a side effect on the controller. The type of all listeners of events E is written L. Examples of listeners include Print, which has a polymorphic type L and prints each value in its input to the console, and Send, which has type (switch packet action) L and sends a packet to a switch and applies an action to it there. The rest of this section presents a series of examples that illustrate how these types t together and demonstrate the main advantages of Frenetics programming model over the OpenFlow/NOX model. As in the previous section, we will assume the network topology shown in Figure 2(a). For simplicity, we elide the details related to the switch joining and leaving the network and assume that a global variable switch is bound to its identi er.
4.2 The See-Every-Packet Abstraction

To get a taste of Frenetic, consider the web-monitoring program from the last section. Note that this program only does monitoring; we extend it with forwarding later in this section.
def web_monitor_ef(): return ( Filter(inport_p(2) & srcport_p(80)) >> Lift(size) >> GroupByTime(30) >> Lift(sum) ) def web_monitor(): ( Packets() >> web_monitor_ef() >> Print() )

The top-level web_monitor function takes the event Packets, which contains all packets owing through the network (!) and processes it using the web_monitor_ef event function. This yields an event stats containing the number of bytes of incoming web traf c in each 30-second window, which it prints to the console by attaching a Print listener.

The web_monitor_ef event function is structured as the composition of several smaller event functionsthe in x operator >> composes event functions. Filter discards packets that do not match the predicate supplied as a parameter. Lift applies size to each packet in the result, yielding an event carrying packet sizes. GroupByTime, which has type ( list) EF (and is derived from other Frenetic operators) divides the event of packet sizes into an event of lists containing the packet sizes in each 30-second window. The nal event function, Lift, uses Pythons built-in sum function to add up the packet sizes in each list, yielding an event of integers as the nal result. Note that unlike the NOX program, which speci ed the layout of switch-level rules as well as the communication between the switch and controller (to retrieve counters from the switch), Frenetics uni ed architecture makes it possible to express this program as a simple, declarative query.
4.3 High-Level Patterns

Frenetic includes a rich pattern algebra for describing sets of packets. Suppose that we want to change the monitoring program to exclude traf c to the internal server. In Frenetic, we can simply take the difference between the pattern describing incoming web traf c and the one describing traf c to the internal web server.
def monitor_noserver_ef(): return( Filter((inport_p(2) & srcport_p(80)) - dstip_p("")) >> Lift(size) >> GroupByTime(30) >> Lift(sum) )

The only change in this program compared to the previous one is the pattern passed to Filter. The - operator computes the difference between patterns and the run-time system takes care of the details related to implementing this pattern. Recall that crafting rules to implement the same behavior in NOX required simulating the difference using two rules at different priorities.
4.4 Compositional Semantics

Frenetic makes it easy to compose programs. Suppose that we want to extend the monitoring program from above to also behave like a repeater. In Frenetic, we just specify the forwarding rules and register them with the run-time system.
rules = [(switch, inport_p(1), [output(2)]), (switch, inport_p(2), [output(1)])] def repeater(): register_static_rules(rules) def repeater_web_monitor(): repeater() web_monitor()

The register_static_rules function takes a list of high-level rules (different than the low-level rules used in NOX) each containing a switch, a high-level pattern, and a list of actions, and installs them as the current forwarding policy in the Frenetic run-time. Note that the monitoring portion of the program does not need to change at allthe run-time ensures that there are no harmful interactions between the forwarding and monitoring components. To illustrate the bene ts of composition, let us carry the example a step further and extend it to monitor incoming traf c by host. Implementing this program in NOX would be dif cultwe cannot run the two smaller programs side-by-side because the rules for monitoring web traf c overlap with the rules for monitoring traf c by host. We would have to rewrite both programs to ensure that the rules installed on the switch by the programs do not interfere with each othere.g., installing two rules for each host, one for web traf c and another for all other traf c. This could be made to work, but it would require a major effort from the programmer, who would need to understand the low-level implementations of both programs in full detail.

In contrast, extending the Frenetic program is simple. The following event function monitors incoming traf c by host.
def host_monitor_ef(): return ( Filter(inport_p(2)) >> Group(dstmac_g()) >> RegroupByTime(60) >> Second(Lift(lambda l:sum(map(size,l)))) )

It uses Filter to obtain an event carrying all packets incoming on port 2, Group to aggregate these ltered packets into an event of pairs of destination MACs and nested events that contain all packets destined for that host, RegroupByTime to divide the nested event streams into an event of pairs of MACs and lists that contain all packets to that host in each 60-second window, and Second and Lift to add up the size of the packets in each window. The RegroupByTime event function (which like GroupByTime is a derived operator in Frenetic) has type ( E) ( list) EF. It works by splitting the nested event stream into lists containing the values in each window. The Second event function takes an event function as an argument and applies it to the second component of each value in an event of pairs. Putting all of these together, we obtain an event function that transforms an event of packets into an event of pairs containing MACs and byte counts. The top-level program applies both stream functions to Packets and registers the forwarding policy with the run-time. Despite the slightly different functionality and polling intervals of the two programs, Frenetic allows these programs to be easily composed without any concerns about undesirable interactions or timing issues between them.
def repeater_monitor_hosts(): repeater() stats1 = Packets() >> web_monitor_ef() stats2 = Packets() >> host_monitor_ef() Merge(stats1,stats2) >> Print()

Raising the level of abstraction frees programmers from worrying about low-level details and enables writing programs in a modular style. This represents a major advance over NOX, where programs must be written monolithically to avoid harmful interactions between the switch-level rules installed by different program pieces.
4.5 Learning Switch

So far, we have mostly focused on small examples that illustrate the main features of Frenetic. The last example in this section describes a more realistic applicationan Ethernet learning switch. Learning switches provide easy plug-and-play functionality in local-area networks. When the switch receives a packet, it remembers the source host and ingress port that the packet came in on. Then, if the switch has previously received a packet from the destination host, it forwards the packet out on the port that it remembered for that host. Otherwise, it oods the packet out on all ports (other than the packets ingress). In this way, over time, the switch learns the information needed to route packets to each active host in the network and avoids unnecessary ooding. Figure 3 gives the de nition of a learning switch in Frenetic. Just like the other Frenetic programs we have seen, it structured as the composition of several smaller event functions. It uses Group to aggregate the input event of packets by source MAC and Regroup to split the nested events whenever a packet from a given host appears on a different ingress port (i.e., because the host has moved). This leaves an event of pairs (m, e) where m is a source MAC and e is a nested event containing packets that share the same source MAC address and ingress switch port. The Ungroup event function extracts the rst packet from each nested event, yielding an event of pairs of MACs and packets. The LoopPre event function takes an initial value of type and an event function of type ( ) ( ) EF as an arguments and produces an event function of type EF that works by looping the second component of each pair into the next iteration of the top-level event function. In this instance, it builds up a dictionary structure that associates MAC addresses to a rule that forwards

# helper functions def add_rule(((m,p),t)): a = forward(inport(header(p))) pat = dstmac_p(m) t[m] = (switch,pat,[a]) return (t,t) def complete_rules(t): l = t.values() ps = map(lambda r: r.pattern, l) r = (switch,reduce(diff_p, ps, true_p()),[flood()]) l.append(r) return l # main definition def learning(): ( Packets() >> Group(srcmac_g()) >> Regroup(lambda p1,p2: inport_r()) >> Ungroup(1, lambda n,p:p, None) >> LoopPre({}, Lift(add_rule)) >> Lift(complete_rules) >> Register() )

Figure 3. Frenetic learning switch

packets to that host (the helper add_rule inserts the rule into the dictionary). The Lift event function uses complete_rules to extract the list of rules from the dictionary and add a catch-all rule that oods packets to unknown hosts. Finally, it registers the resulting rule list event in the Frenetic run-time. Note that unlike the previous examples, the rules generated for the learning switch are not static. The Register listener takes a rule list event and registers each new list as the forwarding policy in the run-time.
4.6 Other Operators

Frenetic includes a number of additional operators, which space constraints prevent us from discussing in detail. Figure 4 lists a few of the most important operators and their types. Note that the composition operator >> is overloaded to work with events, event functions, and listeners.


Subscribe Queries

Each of the Frenetic programs in the previous section applies a user-de ned event function to Packets, the built-in event containing every packet owing through the network. These programs are easy to write and understandmuch easier than their NOX counterpartsbut implementing their semantics directly would require sending every packet to the controller, which would lead to unacceptable performance. Frenetic sidesteps this issue by providing programmers with a simple query language that allows them to succinctly express the packets and statistics needed in their programs. The Frenetic run-time takes these queries and generates events that contain the appropriate data, using rules on the switch to move packet processing into the network and off of the controller. Frenetic queries are expressed using orthogonal constructs for ltering using high-level patterns, grouping by one or more header elds, splitting by time or whenever a header eld changes value, aggregating by number or size of packets, and limiting the number of values returned. The syntax of Frenetic queries is given in Figure 5. Each of the top-level constructs are optional, except for the Select, which identi es the type of values returned by the queryactual packets, byte counts, or packet counts. The in x operator * combines query operators. As an example, the following query generates an event that may be used in the learning switch:

Events Seconds Packets SwitchJoin SwitchLeave PortChange Event Functions

int E packet E switch E switch E (switch int bool) E E EF E (a ) EF EF EF EF EF ( ) ( ) EF EF ( ) ( ) EF ( E E) ( option option) E ( (( ) ( ) EF)) EF EF ( bool) EF ( ) ( E) EF (( ) bool) ( E) ( E) EF (int option ( ) ) ( E) ( ) EF E L unit L (packet action list) list L (switch packet action) L


First Second Merge LoopPre Calm Filter Group Regroup Ungroup

Print Register Send

Figure 4. Core Frenetic Operators


q ::= Select(a) * Where(qp) * GroupBy([qh1 , . . . , qhk ]) * SplitOn([qh1 , . . . , qhk ]) * Every(n) * Limit(n) Aggregates a ::= packets | bytes | counts Headers qh ::= inport | srcmac | dstmac | ethtype | vlan | srcip | dstip | protocol | srcport | dstport Patterns qp ::= true p() | qh p(n) | qp & qp | qp qp | qp qp | ~qp

Figure 5. Frenetic query syntax

Select(packets) * GroupBy([srcmac]) * SplitOn([inport]) * Limit(1)

It groups packets (using Select) by source MAC (using GroupBy), splits each group when the ingress port changes (using SplitOn), and limits the number of packets in each group to one (using Limit). The event generated by this query contains pairs (m, e), where m is a MAC address and e is an event carrying the rst packet sent from that host. We can use this event to rewrite the learning switch as follows:
def learning(): ( Select(packets) * GroupBy([srcmac]) * SplitOn([inport]) * Limit(1) >>

Ungroup(1,lambda n,p:p,None) >> LoopPre({}, Lift(add_rule)) >> Lift(complete_rules) >> Register() )

In this program, the grouping and regrouping of packets is done using a query instead of an event function. This revised program makes it easier for the run-time to determine which packets need to be sent up to the controller and which ones can be processed using rules on the switch. It also helps the programmer predict how their program will performin general, the run-time will move as much processing from the controller to the switches as possible. In this case, since the learning switch only needs a single packet from each host (as long as that host does not move to a different port on the switch), the run-time will indeed install switch-level rules that forward most traf c without having to send it up to the controller. Queries can subscribe to streams of traf c statistics. For example, the following query looks only at web traf c, groups by destination MAC, and aggregates the number of bytes every 60 seconds:
Select(bytes) * Where(srcport_p(80)) * GroupBy([dstmac]) * Every(60)

Queries such as this can be used to implement many monitoring applications. The run-time can implement them ef ciently by polling the counters associated with rules on the switch. Subscribing to queries is fully compositionala program can subscribe to multiple, overlapping events without worrying about harmful low-level interactions between the switch-level rules used to implement them. In addition, the policy for forwarding packets registered in the run-time does not affect the values sent to the subscribers. In contrast, in OpenFlow/NOX installing a rule can prevent future packets from being sent to the controller.


Frenetic Implementation

Frenetic provides high-level programming abstractions that free programmers from reasoning about many low-level details involving the underlying switch hardware. However, the need to deal with these details does not disappear just because the language raises the level of abstraction. The rubber meets the road in the implementation, which is described in this section. We have implemented a complete working prototype of Frenetic as an embedded combinator library in Python. Figure 2(b) depicts its architecture, which consists of three main pieces: an implementation of the language itself, a run-time system, and NOX. The use of NOX is convenient but not essentialwe borrow its OpenFlow API but could also use a different back-end. The core piece of the implementation is the run-time system, which sits between the high-level FRP program and NOX. The run-time system manages all of the bookkeeping related to installing and uninstalling rules on switches. It also generates the necessary communication patterns between switches and the controller. To do all of this, the run-time maintains several global data structures:
rules, a set of high-level rules that describe the current packet-forwarding policy, ows, a set of low-level rules that are currently installed on the switches in the network, and subscribers, a set of tuples of the form (q, e, cs, rs) where q is the query that de nes the subscriber, e is the event for that subscriber, cs tracks byte and packet counts, and rs is a set of identi ers for outstanding requests for statistics,

Currently, our implementation translates the high-level forwarding policy installed in the run-time into switchlevel rules using a simple strategy that reacts to ows of network traf c as they occur. At the start of the execution of a program, the ow table of each switch in the network is empty, so all packets are sent up to the controller and passed to the packet in handler. Upon receiving a packet, the run-time system iterates

function packet in(packet, inport)

isSubscribed := false actions := [] for (query, event, counters, requests) subscribers do if query.matches(packet.header) then event.push(packet) isSubscribed := true for rule rules do if (rule.pattern).matches(packet.header) then actions.append(rule.actions) if isSubscribed then send packet(packet, actions) else install(packet.header, DEFAULT, None, actions) ows.add(packet.header)

function stats in(xid, ps, bs) for (query, event, counters, requests) subscribers do if requests.contains(xid) then counters.add(ps, bs) requests.remove(xid) if empty() then event.push(counters) function stats loop() while true do for (query, event, counters, requests) subscribers do if query.ready() then counters.reset() for pattern ows do if query.matches(pattern) then xid := stats request(pattern) requests.add(xid) sleep(1)

Figure 6. Frenetic run-time system handlers

through the set of subscribers and propagates the packet to each subscriber whose de ning query depends on being provided with this packet. Next, it traverses the set of rules and collects the list of actions speci ed in all rules. Finally, it processes the packet in one of two ways: If there were no subscribers for the packet, then it installs a micro ow rule that processes future packets with the same header elds on the switch. Alternatively, if there were subscribers for the packet, then the run-time sends the packet back to the switch and applies the actions there, but does not install a rule, as doing so would prevent future packets from being sent to the controller, and, by extension, the subscribers that need to be supplied with those packets. In effect, this strategy dynamically unfolds the forwarding policy expressed in the high-level rules into switch-level rules, moving processing off the controller and onto switches in a way that does not interfere with any subscriber. The run-time uses a different strategy to implement aggregate statistics subscribers, using the byte and packet counters maintained by the switches to calculate the values. The run-time system executes a loop that waits until the window for a statistics subscriber has expired. At that point, it traverses the ows set and issues a request for the byte and packet counters from each switch-level rule whose pattern matches the query, adding the request identi er to the set of outstanding requests maintained for this subscriber in subscribers. The stats_in handler receives the asynchronous replies to these requests, adds the byte and packet counters to the counters maintained for the subscriber in subscribers, and removes the request id from the set of outstanding

requests. When the set of outstanding requests becomes empty, it pushes the counters, which now contain the correct statistics, onto the subscribers event stream. Figure 6 gives pseudocode for the NOX handlers used in the Frenetic run-time system. These algorithms describe the basic behavior of the run-time, but elide some additional complications and details with which the actual implementation has to deal. For example, if the forwarding policy changese.g., because the rule_listener receives a new set of rulesthe micro ow rules that the run-time has installed on some of the switches in the network may be stale. To repair them, the run-time system traverses the set of ows, uninstalling stale rules and re-installing fresh ones using the actions speci ed in the updated policy. Of course, when the run-time uninstalls a rule on a switch due to a change in the high-level forwarding policy, the byte and packet counters associated with the switch-level rule should not be lost. Thus, the Frenetic run-time also de nes a handler for flow_removed messages that receives the counters for uninstalled rules and adds them to the counters maintained for the subscriber on the controller. The run-time deals with several other complications, such as spurious packets that get sent to the controller due to race conditions between the receipt of a message to install a rule and the arrival of the packet at the switch. The other major piece of the Frenetic implementation is the library of FRP operators themselves. This library de nes representations for events, event functions, and listeners, as well as each of the primitives in Frenetic including Lift, Filter, LoopPre, etc. Unlike classic FRP implementations, which support both continuous streams called behaviors and discrete streams called events, Frenetic focuses almost exclusively on discrete streams. This means that the pull-based strategy used in most previous FRP implementations, which is optimized for behaviors, is not a good t for Frenetic. Instead, our FRP library uses a push-based strategy to propagate values from input to output streams. The run-times current use of micro ow (exact-match) rules follows the approach of Ethane [6] and many OpenFlow-based applications [10, 12], and is well-suited for dynamic settings. Moreover, micro ow rules can use the plentiful conventional memory (e.g., SRAM) many switches provide for exact-match rules, as opposed to the small, expensive, power-hungry Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs) needed to support wildcard matches. Still, wildcard rules are more concise and well-suited for static settings. We plan to develop a more proactive, priority-based wildcard approach as part of Frenetics run-time in the future. Longer term, we plan to extend the run-time to choose adaptively between exact-match and wildcard rules, depending on the capabilities of the individual switches in the network.



Section 4 described a naive version of Frenetic that leads to programs that forward all traf c to the controller. In Section 5 we described subscribe queries, which allow us to provide optimized functionality where programs process most packets directly in the switches. We now compare these two implementations of Frenetic to pure NOX programs. We evaluate the programs according to two metrics: lines of code and total traf c between the switch and the controller. The lines of code gives a sense of how much Frenetic simpli es the programmers task, as well as the savings from code reuse in composed modules. The total traf c gauges how well Frenetic keeps traf c in the fast pathcrucial to assessing the feasibility of using Frenetic in practice. We compare pure NOX, naive Frenetic, and optimized Frenetic programs using four micro-benchmark experiments. Setup We ran the experiments using the Mininet virtualization environment [16] on a Linux host with a 2.4GHz Intel Core2 Duo processor and 2GB of RAM. Although Mininet cannot provide performance delity, it does give accurate measurements of the volume of traf c owing through the network. Microbenchmarks We compared the performance of Frenetic against NOX using the following microbenchmarks: LSW: In the learning switch (LSW) benchmark, the switch forwards packets from hosts it has learned directly but sends packets from unknown hosts to the controller. Our experiment sends ICMP echo request (pings)





Pure NOX Lines of Code Controller Traf c (Bytes) Naive Frenetic Lines of Code Controller Traf c (Bytes) Optimized Frenetic Lines of Code Controller Traf c (Bytes)

55 71224 15 120104 14 70694

29 1932 7 6590 5 3912

121 5300 19 14075 16 5368

125 18010 36 95440 32 19360

Figure 7. Experimental results.

between all-pairs of four hosts. This experiment evaluates the effectiveness of programs that reactively install micro ow rules. WSS: In the web statistics static (WSS) benchmark, the switch behaves like a repeater between a client and server. The forwarding rules do not change during the experiment but the controller collects HTTP request statistics every ve seconds. Our experiment sends multiple HTTP requests to a single web server. This experiment evaluates the effectiveness of monitoring queries. WSL: The web statistics learning (WSL) benchmark combines the forwarding logic from LSW with the monitoring logic from WSS. Our experiment sends multiple HTTP requests from three hosts to a single web server. This experiment illustrates the composition of two modules and the effectiveness of monitoring queries in a dynamic forwarding context. HHL: The heavy hitters learning (HHL) benchmark combines the forwarding logic from LSW with a monitoring program that computes the top-k source MACs by total bytes sent. Our experiment sends a varying number of ICMP echo requests from three hosts, which are measured and tabulated on the controller. This experiment illustrates the behavior of a more sophisticated monitoring application. We measured lines of code (up to 80 characters of properly-indented Python, excluding non-essential whitespace) as well as the total amount of controller traf ccontrol messages, switch responses, and whole packets sent to the controller on ow-table misses. Results The results of our experiments, shown in Figure 7, demonstrate that naive Frenetic achieves signi cant savings in code complexity over NOX, but sends more traf c to the controller. The data shows that naive Frenetic does not scale well. However, we also see that optimized Frenetic does perform comparably with the pure NOX implementations of each benchmark. Optimized Frenetics performance in the WSS benchmark is an outlier because the benchmark exploits an inherent weakness in a reactive ow installation strategy. While the pure NOX program can install permanent static forwarding rules in the switch immediately after coming online, Frenetics run-time waits for the switch to send a packet to the controller before consulting the forwarding rules that a program registers, even if they are static in nature. Conversely, we also see in LSW where the optimized Frenetic implementation actually (slightly) outperforms the traditional NOX implementation in terms of traf c between the switch and the controller. To deal with the two-tiered architecture of OpenFlow and the nite size of the ow table, many NOX programs use ow timeouts to evict installed ows from the switch. Using timeouts ensures that installed rules self-destruct without the programmer needing to perform extra bookkeeping to remember all of the installed rules. However, such timeouts result in additional packets being sent to the controller for subsequent ow setups. In contrast, Frenetics run-time system can react to changes in the forwarding logic and manage the set of installed rules, obviating the need for short ow timeouts, without burdening the programmer.

8 .0

F . renetic N . OX

C . ontroller Traf c (kB)

6 .0

4 .0

2 .0

0 .

2 .5 # . Hosts 5 .0

Figure 8. Controller traf c as number of hosts grows.

Scalability In addition to the micro-benchmarks we measured, we also conducted a host scalability analysis against a single benchmark to evaluate whether or not Frenetic programs could continue performing comparably to traditional NOX programs as the number of devices in the network grows. In the WSL experiment, we varied the number of hosts fetching web resources on a single switch. The results shown in Figure 8 demonstrate that not only does optimized Frenetic perform comparably with pure NOX in this benchmark, but it also scales with the pure NOX implementation.


Case Studies

This section describes two more substantial network applications we have developed in Frenetic. The rst is a monitoring application that detects network scans as they occur and adaptively blocks the scanning host from sending additional packets into the network. The second is an in-network query router for the Memcached key-value store that makes it possible to seamlessly add and remove servers without rebooting clients. Detecting and Blocking Scanning Traf c Malicious users often scan the the hosts in a network to identify machines that are vulnerable to attack. Although scanning also has legitimate uses, many operators block scans to prevent unknown users from probing their network. Using Frenetic, we implemented a proof-of-concept scan detector that can be composed with the learning switch from Section 4 to obtain a switch that adaptively responds to scans by blocking offending hosts from sending packets on the network. The high-level architecture of the detector is shown in Figure 9(a). The LearningSwitch event function at the top-left of the diagram subscribes to an event with source MACs and produces an event carrying rules. The ScanDetect event function at the top-right subscribes to an event with pairs of source-destination MACs and produces a set of suspected scanners. We currently use a simple strategy to detect scannersmaintaining a table that counts the number of unique destination hosts contacted recently by each source and considering a host a scanner if the number exceeds a thresholdbut plan to explore more sophisticated strategies in the future. Next, the Merge event function combines the rules and scanners and the FilterScanners event function transforms the rules to another set in which scanning hosts are explicitly prevented from sending traf c on the network. The Register operator at the bottom of the diagram represents a listener that registers this nal set of rules with the run-time. This application demonstrates how Frenetic facilitates building large programs in a compositional way. In particular, we did not have to make any modi cations to the learning switchwere able to use it off the shelf. It also shows the bene ts of being able to subscribe to events identi ed by different, overlapping queries as manually crafting rules for these subscribers would be tedious and dif cult to get right.

PortChange Subscribe(src) Subscribe(src,dst)


ServerStatus Merge

DHCPServer Send

Learning Switch


Merge MakePartitions

FilterScanners Register


ARPServer Send




Figure 9. (a) Scan Detector (b) Memcached Request Router

Routing Requests to Memcached Servers Memcached [2] is a distributed key-value store used by many online services to cache data objects in memory. In a typical usage scenario, a collection of Memcached servers handles get and set requests from clients, with the keyspace partitioned between the servers. The current Memcached con gures a static set of servers at each client, a restriction that prevents services from automatically adapting to new servers becoming available or existing servers failing. We developed a novel plug-and-play solution to this problem in Frenetic that adapts dynamically to server churn. We introduce a layer of indirection between the clients and servers: clients are con gured with a large number of virtual addresses and an OpenFlow switch translates between these virtual addresses and servers physical addresses. When a server fails, the controller program reassigns its virtual addresses to another server; when a new server becomes available, a virtual addresses belonging to some other server is remapped to it. As this solution works entirely in the network, it can be used with existing, unmodi ed servers and clients. Figure 9(b) depicts the high-level structure of the Frenetic Memcached application. The DHCPServer event function at the top right of the gure implements a DHCP server that subscribes to DHCP requests, generates responses, and emits them onto the network using a Packet listener. The DHCP server also generates an event with tuples of the form (p, m, a), where p is a physical switch port, m is a MAC address, and a is the IP address assigned to m. The ServerStatus event function at the top left monitors PortChange events and produces an event with sets of active physical ports. This event is merged with the DHCP event and the result is supplied to the MakePartitions function, which reconciles the set of known servers with the set of active ports and generates a event with the mapping between virtual and physical addresses. MakeRules converts the event with the current partitioning into the forwarding policy, which is installed in the run-time using a Register listener. In the future, we plan to add a heartbeat mechanism to help cope with soft failures, where servers have not crashed outright but applications are unresponsive. Because Frenetic supports a compositional style of programming, we believe this extension should be easy to integrate into our existing application.


Related Work

Frenetics event functions are modeled after functional reactive languages such as Yampa and others [9, 21, 23, 24]. Its push-based implementation is based on FrTime [7] and is similar to self-adjusting computation [5]. The key differences between Frenetic and these previous languages are in the application domain (networking as opposed to animation, robotics and others) and in the design of our query language and run-time system, which uses the capabilities of switches to avoid sending packets to the controller. The Flask [19] language applies FRP in a staged language to assemble ef cient programs for sensor networks.

The most similar language to Frenetic is Nettle [26]. Nettle is also based on FRP, but it operates at a different level of abstraction than Frenetic: Nettle is an effective substitute for NOX; Frenetic, in contrast, sits on top of NOX, and, in the future, could potentially sit on top of Nettle. In other words, Nettle is designed to issue streams of (low-level) OpenFlow commands directly; it does not have any analogue of Frenetics run-time system or its support for composition of possibly overlapping modules. Another related language is NDLog, which has been used to specify and implement routing protocols, overlay networks, and services such as distributed hash tables [17, 18]. NDLog differs from Frenetic in that it is designed for distributed systems (rather than a centralized controller) and is based on logic programming. Also based on logic programming, FML focuses on specifying policies such as access control in OpenFlow networks [14]. Finally, the SNAC OpenFlow controller [4] provides a GUI for specifying access control policies using high-level patterns similar to the ones we have developed for Frenetic. However, SNAC provides a much less general programming environment than Frenetic. One of the main challenges in the implementation of Frenetic involves splitting work between the (powerful but slow) controller and the (fast but limited) switches. A similar challenge appears in the implementation of Gigascope [8], a stream database for monitoring networks. In terms of expressiveness, Gigascope is more limited than Frenetic, as it only supports querying traf c and cannot be used to control the network itself.


Conclusions and Future Work

This paper describes the design and implementation of Frenetic, a new language for programming OpenFlow networks. Frenetic addresses some serious problems with the OpenFlow/NOX platform by providing a highlevel, compositional, and uni ed programming model. It includes a collection of operators for transforming streams of network traf c, and a run-time system that handles all of the details related to installing and uninstalling switch-level rules. We are currently working to extend Frenetic in several directions. We are developing applications for a variety of tasks including load balancing, authentication and access control, and a framework inspired by FlowVisor [25] for ensuring isolation between programs. We are developing a front-end and an optimizer that will transform programs into a form that can be ef ciently implemented on the run-time system. Finally, we are exploring a proactive strategy that generates rules from the registered subscribers and forwarding rules eagerly. We plan to compare the tradeoffs between different rule generation strategies empirically. Acknowledgments We wish to thank Matt Meola and Minlan Yu for many helpful discussions. Our work is supported by ONR grant N00014-09-1-0770 Networks Opposing Botnets. Any opinions, ndings, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily re ect the views of the ONR.

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