Agenda & Minutes
Agenda & Minutes
Agenda & Minutes
1. Welcome Members & Guests.........Lynn Dumais 2. Consent Items (No discussion is planned unless requested) a. December 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1) b. January 2012 Financial Report (Not yet available) c. 2011 Year End Financials (DRAFT) 3. New Business a. New Foundation members to vote on: i. Bill Winters ii. Bob Blanchard iii. Judge Dennis Alvarez iv. Allen Brinkman, II v. Tarra Mitchell 4. Strategy Report a. Strengthening the Board..Scott Jacobsen 5. Reports a. Community Relations.....................Ricky Gallon b. Development......Brad Baumgardner c. Pasco County/Grants.................................. .Chris Letsos 6. Presidents Report.....Brad Baumgardner 7. Executive Session 8. Adjorn
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting December 8, 2011 Present: Luis Garcia, Eddie Gomez, Scott Jacobsen, Vic Holcomb, Shelley Kolseth, Marc Spencer, Don Smith Staff: Brad Baumgardner, Chris Letsos, Lisa Richardson, Bill Ross, Debbie McCarthy, Ricky Gallon Guest: Mary Gamble
Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports: Eddie made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous board meeting and the financial reports provided at the current meeting. Scott seconded the motion. The motion carried. Strategy Session Update: Mary Gamble provided an update on the strategy session held in October, reviewing with the board the highlights of the pre-session research, surveys and resulting board discussion: The 2011 survey centered on academic achievement, healthy lifestyles and character & leadership, and what nonprofits are top-of-mind with funders. BGC came in third with regard to academic achievement, behind the YMCA. Based on these research outcomes, the Board decided at the retreat that going forward, efforts must center on understanding our competition and developing marketing and communication strategies to address funders, emphasizing BGCs strengths in these areas. Mary cautioned that this strategy team needs to understand that the teams task is to develop marketing plans aimed at funders. Mary also expressed the observation that the attendance was very low for the strategy session and that the group should be aware of new ideas that may be added from those who were not in attendance. The board survey revealed that the boards feeling is that we need to provide more publicity around testimonials from club members and alumni. Mary cautioned that while testimonial is effective with individual donors, that grant funders and agencies are much more interested in hard data and measured outcomes. At the retreat, the board agreed that a visioning exercise would be important for 2012. It is important to re-define the vision of the organization, so the board can sell the new story. Chris Letsos emphasized that funders to call on BGC as experts in the community, but noted there were some missed opportunities for BGC when funders began to focus on Sulphur Springs, and we are working to catch up and have now assumed a leadership role as a lead agency for Sulphur Springs efforts. Marc Spencer also emphasized that it is important that we do not lose sight of our mission for the sake of forced competition with the YMCA that it is important to not overlook Chris point that we are the go to organization for expertise in areas directly related to youth development. Mary also discussed the lack of board education and that lack of attendance is a factor in that as well.
New Business: Marc Spencer provided a summary of board candidate Matt Dumars qualifications. Scott Jacobsen made a motion to approve Matt Dumar for board membership. Eddie Gomez seconded the motion. Motion carried. Community Relations Report: Ricky provided an update on community relations. To date this year, he has provided more than 60 United Way, CFC and other presentations in the community. Donatello provided Thanksgiving meals and gifts for 75 club youth and their families. Through several sponsored parties and other group donations, all Club kids are assured of receiving support for Christmas this year. Development Report: Lisa provided a development update. Annual fund revenues are on target to finish ahead of budget for the year; events, largely due to the success of the East Pasco fundraiser, will finish approximately $11,000 ahead of budget. Lisa thanked Marc Spencer for his leadership as Chair of Steak Dinner, noting that the event will just reach the increased stretch goal for 2011. She also thanked Scott Jacobsen for his efforts in hosting a One Club reception, which brought in nearly $8,000 this week. Lisa provided a handout summarizing the current benchmark report, board giving, and important upcoming dates. Pasco County & Grants Update: Chris Letsos provided an update on Pasco County and grants. East Pasco has its fundraiser coming up. Several new board members have been recruited. The Eckerd Foundation is sponsoring photography program at the Town-N-Country and Sulphur Springs Clubs; they approached us about providing this support. Working on more support for West Pasco. Town-N-Countrys numbers have doubled in the last few months. OJP funding will remain the same for 2012. There is not much available in the way of federal grants; there may be no SES or 21st Century funding available beyond our current contracts, but we continue to work towards stronger relations to increase opportunity and are working to get in to see the Governor and we are included in the State budget at this point. While the Childrens Board has eliminated OST funding, there is a new RFP available and six organizations have already approached BGC to be the lead agency in applying, so there may be some outside opportunities for funding still. USF graduate students are partnering with BGC to provide SmartMoves programming and also teen programming. Approximately 80 students will be delivering programs and also possibly conducting some research as well. Approval of proposed 2012 budget: Bill Ross provided a summary of the proposed 2012 budget, noting that 2012 is budgeted with a deficit. He further noted that cutbacks have allowed the organization to finish the last several years with a surplus, and that the organization has not taken the full available distribution from the foundation each year as well. Bill asked that the board approve the proposed budget at this time, with surplus and as-yet unused foundation funds to be utilized to balance the budget. Eddie Gomez made a motion to approve the proposed 2012 budget as is. Shelley Kolseth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Presidents Report: Brad distributed the minutes from the last BGC Foundation board meeting and discussed the Foundations goals, including a new fundraiser to take place in 2012, involving a breakfast or lunch to celebrate the 85th anniversary. The goal for the fundraiser will be to have table captains host 85 tables. Hal Steinbrenner will be sending a year-end appeal to Foundation board members to ask for a year-end gift to match his own. Glenn Permuys leadership with the Foundation board has produced good results and helped to strengthen the board and move its progress forward. Riverview still needs to complete $18,000 of the match challenge; Joe Capitano indicated he will be providing $7,500. Riverview is serving approximately 55 kids per day, with an increase to the clubs capacity of 110 by next year. The Riverview community and Chamber have been very active and supportive. The Riverview board will still need to raise approximately $25,000 - $30,000 per year to support operations and Brad is confident of the boards ability to achieve this.