Strike Force Prime Actual
Strike Force Prime Actual
Strike Force Prime Actual
Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Imperial Fists) [68 PL, 4CP, 1,250pts]
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Angels of Death, Armour of Contempt, Bolter Discipline, Combat Doctrines, Shock Assault
Configuration [6CP]
**Chapter Selector**
Selections: Bolter Fusillades, Custom Chapter, Duellists, Imperial Fists Successor
Categories: PC: IF, Configuration, PC: IF Successor
Abilities: Bolter Fusillades, Duellists
Each time a model with this tactic makes a ranged attack with a bolt weapon (pg 195), re-roll a hit roll of 1.
Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack against an INFANTRY or BIKER unit, an unmodified
hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.
You cannot select this tactic if you have already selected the Whirlwind of Rage tactic.
Game Type
Selections: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim
Categories: Configuration
Camo Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in this unit while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an
cloak additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack
Psychic Each time a Deny the Witch test is taken for this model, if the unit attempting to manifest the psychic power is
Hood within 12" of this model, add 1 to that Deny the Witch test
Unless this WARLORD is the closest eligible target, enemy models cannot target it with ranged attacks
Psychic Warp
Range Details Ref
Power Charge
Iron Inferno has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, select one point on the battlefield
3) Iron
6 18" within 18" of and visible to this psyker. Roll one D6 for each enemy unit within 6" of that point;
on a 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Fortify has a warp charge value of 4. If manifested, select one friendly IMPERIAL FISTS
4 12" INFANTRY or IMPERIAL FISTS BIKER model within 12" of the psyker; that model regains up to
D3 lost wounds.
Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of
Smite 5 18" the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than
10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
Heavy bolt pistol, Master-crafted power sword and Relic shield [15pts]
Selections: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted power sword [5pts], Relic Shield [10pts]
Abilities: Relic Shield, Weapon: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted power sword
In your Command phase select one friendly <CHAPTER> CORE or <CHAPTER> CHARACTER within
6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes
an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.
Relic Each time the bearer suffers a mortal wound, roll a D6; on a 4+, that mortal wound is ignored. Add
Shield 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer.
Rites of While a friendly <CHAPTER> CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit
Battle makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1
War Zone
Stratagem: Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, after selecting your
Warlord WARLORD. If your WARLORD is a CHARACTER model, determine a Warlord Trait for them (this
Trait must be a Warlord Trait they could have). You can only use this Stratagem once.
4x Intercessor [80pts]
Selections: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
Unit: Intercessor, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
Frag grenades 6" 3 0 1 Blast.
Krak grenades 6" 6 -1 D3 -
4x Intercessor [80pts]
Selections: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
Unit: Intercessor, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
Frag grenades 6" 3 0 1 Blast.
Krak grenades 6" 6 -1 D3 -
Aggressor 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 3 3 7 3+
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1
Melee Melee x2 -3 2
(Melee) from the hit rolls.
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher 18" 4 0 1 Blast
Storm shield The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer.
Duty Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack(to a
Eternal minimum of 1)
2x Eradicator [90pts]
Selections: 2x Bolt pistol
Unit: Eradicator, Weapon: Bolt pistol
In your shooting phase, each time this unit is selected to shoot, if it has not Advanced this turn, it can
Total unleash total obliteration, If it does, select one enemy unit; models in this unit can shoot twice this phase,
Obliteration but they can only make attacks that target that enemy unit(and only if that enemy unit is an eliglbe target for
those attacks)
Eradicator 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 3 2 7 3+
12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 -
Melta Assault Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range,
24" 8 -4 D6
rifle 1 that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2
Force Rules
And They Shall Know No Fear: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, ignore any or all modifiers ()
Angels of Death: This unit has the following abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault and Combat Doctrines. ()
Armour of Contempt: Each time an attack is allocated to an ASTRA MILITARUM VEHICLE, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, SANCTIC ASTARTES, HERETIC
ASTARTES or ADEPTA SORORITAS model, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
This rule does not apply to any of the following:
• Models equipped with a storm shield, a relic shield or a combat shield (or a Relic that replaces one of these shields).
• Models with either the Sacresant Shield or Force Shielding ability (Celestian Sacresant and Nemesis Dreadknight units).
• Models that are under the effects of any other rule that worsens or reduces the Armour Penetration characteristic of an attack. (The Balance
Dataslate p1)
Bolter Discipline: Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the
number of attacks if any of the following apply
For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt weapon is any bolt weapon (see page 195) with the Rapid Fire type. ()
Combat Doctrines: (See page 125 of Codex Space Marines) ()
Shock Assault: Each time this unit fights if it made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is
resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit. ()
Selection Rules
Angels of Death: This unit has the following abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault and Combat Doctrines. ()
Astartes Grenade Launcher: Before selecting targets, select one of the following profiles to make attacks with. ()
Combat Squads: Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number of models, may be split
into two units each containing an equal number of models. ()
Concealed Positions: During Deployment when you set up this unit, if every model in this unit has this ability then it can be set up anywhere on the
battlefield that is more than 9" away from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models ()
Explodes (6"/D3): When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal
wounds. ()