Abortion Stats by Country and Age Grouping

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Abortion Stats by Country & Age Grouping

AGI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation, a special affiliate of PPFA (Planned Parenthood Federation of America).
Country Total abortion rate1 Abortion rate per 1,000 Abortion rate per 1,000
women younger than 20 women 20-24
Year AGI report
published/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source
South Africa 2 0.08 nd nd
Zambia 2 0.01 nd nd
Tunisia 0.26 nd nd
Bangladesh 2, 3 0.11 nd nd
China 2 0.78 nd nd
Hong Kong 2 0.45 nd nd
India 2 0.08 nd nd
Korea (South) 2, 4, 5, 6 0.59 u 79
Singapore 0.48 12 36.4
Turkey 2, 7, 8, 6 0.75 16.1 27.2
Vietnam 2, 9 2.5 nd nd
Cuba 2.33 90.7 87.9
Puerto Rico 0.68 nd nd
Albania 2 0.82 nd nd
Armenia 2 1.06 nd nd
Australia 0.57 23.9 36.9
Azerbaijan 2 0.49 nd nd
Belarus 2.04 nd nd
Belgium 10 0.21 6.2 10.1
Bulgaria 1.55 32.7 85.4
Canada 11 0.49 21.8 31.5
Croatia 2 0.38 nd nd
Czech Republic 0.63 12.4 26.7
Denmark 0.48 14.8 22.5
England & Wales 12 0.48 19.2 25.5
Estonia 1.63 33.1 85.3
Finland 0.31 9.6 15.6
France 2, 13, 6 0.37 8.9 18.2
Georgia 2 0.66 nd nd
Germany 0.23 3.1 7.5
Hungary 1.07 30.4 46.8
Ireland 2, 14 0.18 nd nd
Israel 0.43 10.2 16.3
Italy 2, 6 0.34 5.9 12.6
Japan 2, 6 0.4 6.3 16.6
Kazakhstan 8 1.32 14.4 72.3
Kyrgyzstan 2, 8, 6 0.67 4.9 50.8
Latvia 1.33 nd nd
Lithuania 2 1.03 nd nd
Macedonia 2 0.86 nd nd
Moldova 2, 15, 6 0.83 12 74
Mongolia 2 0.78 nd nd
Netherlands 12 0.2 4.2 7.4
New Zealand 0.49 19.3 27.3
Norway 0.47 15.2 23.9
Romania 2, 16, 6 2.34 32 153
Russian Federation 2 2.56 nd nd
Scotland 17, 18 0.34 16.6 19.5
Slovak Republic 0.59 11.1 31.5
Slovenia 0.7 10.9 26.3
Spain 2, 6 0.17 4.3 8
Sweden 0.56 17.7 27.5
Switzerland 19 0.25 nd nd
Tajikistan 2, 20 1.47 nd nd
Turkmenistan 2, 20 1.35 nd nd
Ukraine 2 1.72 nd nd
United States 0.69 33.6 53
Uzbekistan 2, 8, 6 0.35 1.4 18.2
Yugoslavia 2 1.64 nd nd

na = not applicable, u = unavailable in original

publication, nd = no data in database for this
The number of abortions that
would be experienced by the
average woman during her
reproductive lifetime, given
present age-specific abortion
rates; where age-specific
rates are not available, the
total abortion rate is
calculated from the annual
2 Statistics incomplete or of
unknown completeness.
3 Menstrual regulations.
In Korea, based on survey of
ever-married women 20-44.
Rates are based on a survey
of married women 20-44.
6 Statistics incomplete or of
unknown completeness.
In Turkey, based on survey of
ever-married women 15-49.
Rates are based on average
number of abortions for the
three years preceding the
9 Excludes an estimated
500,000 private-sector
Including abortions obtained
in the Netherlands.
Including abortions obtained
in the United States.
12 Residents only.
13 Age is defined as the age
attained during the year,
rather than at the time of the
14 Based on Irish residents who
obtained abortions in
Rates are calculated for the
three years preceding the
survey, based on a survey of
women, from published
Rates are calculated for the
three years preceding the
survey, based on a survey of
women aged 15-44, from
published report.
Including abortions obtained
in England and Wales.
Includes abortions performed
in England and Wales.
19 Includes estimates for two of
the 26 cantons.
20 Includes miscarriages.
Survey Years: South Africa,
1997; Zambia, 1983; Tunisia,
1996; Bangladesh, 1995-
1996; China, 1995; Hong
Kong, 1996; India, 1995-
1996; Korea (South), 1996;
Singapore, 1983; Turkey,
1993; Vietnam, 1996; Cuba,
1990; Puerto Rico, 1991-
1992; Albania, 1996;
Armenia, 1996; Australia,
1995-1996; Azerbaijan, 1996;
Belarus, 1996; Belgium,
1995; Bulgaria, 1995;
Canada, 1995; Croatia, 1996;
Czech Republic, 1996;
Denmark, 1995; England &
Wales, 1996; Estonia, 1996;
Finland, 1996; France, 1995;
Georgia, 1996; Germany,
1995; Hungary, 1996;
Ireland, 1996; Israel, 1996;
Italy, 1995; Japan, 1995;
Kazakhstan, 1995;
Kyrgyzstan, 1997; Latvia,
1996; Lithuania, 1996;
Macedonia, 1996; Moldova,
1994-1997; Mongolia, 1996;
Netherlands, 1992; New
Zealand, 1994; Norway,
1995; Romania, 1990-1993;
Russian Federation, 1995;
Scotland, 1995; Slovak
Republic, 1995; Slovenia,
1996; Spain, 1994; Sweden,
1996; Switzerland, 1996;
Tajikistan, 1990;
Turkmenistan, 1990; Ukraine,
1996; United States, 1994;
Uzbekistan, 1996;
Yugoslavia, 1993.
Abortion rate per 1,000 Abortion rate per 1,000 Abortion rate per 1,000 Abortion rate per 1,000
women 25-29 women 30-34 women 35-39 women 40 or older

1999/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source

nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
51 49 16 3
40.3 33.7 24 10.2
39.9 36.9 27.3 15.5
nd nd nd nd
54.4 33.2 15.6 6.1
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
29.3 21.9 15.2 6.2
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
8.4 6.7 4.5 1.7
84.1 60.1 30.8 10.9
20.9 12.9 8 2.8
nd nd nd nd
30.8 28 18.9 9.5
21.4 19.1 12.5 5.4
18.6 12.4 7.9 3.2
80.5 62.1 44.2 21.6
13.8 11.2 7.5 3.9
16.6 14.4 10.8 5.3
nd nd nd nd
7.6 7.1 5.3 2.6
48.7 43.5 30.7 13
nd nd nd nd
16.8 17 15.9 9.9
13.8 14 12.5 6.9
15.4 17.2 16.9 8.4
106.8 76.6 50.8 19.9
77.4 79.4 51.8 27.6
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
81 46 31 16
nd nd nd nd
7.2 6.6 5 1.9
20.7 13.8 8.6 3.1
20.1 15.1 9.7 4.6
209 167 79 40
nd nd nd nd
12.4 8 4.8 2
38.8 32.7 21.3 8.9
27.7 32.1 27.3 14.8
6.6 5.5 4.5 2.3
24.7 20.9 14.8 6.5
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
nd nd nd nd
33.1 18.4 10 3.2
31.5 34.7 22 17.4
nd nd nd nd
Albania 2 0.82
Armenia 2 1.06
Australia 0.57
Azerbaijan 2 0.49
Bangladesh 2, 3 0.11
Belarus 2.04
Belgium 10 0.21
Bulgaria 1.55
Canada 11 0.49
China 2 0.78
Croatia 2
Cuba 2.33
Czech Republic 0.63
Denmark 0.48
England & Wales 12 0.48
Estonia 1.63
Finland 0.31
France 2, 13, 6 0.37
Georgia 2 0.66
Germany 0.23
Hong Kong 2 0.45
Hungary 1.07
India 2 0.08
Ireland 2, 14 0.18
Israel 0.43
Italy 2, 6 0.34
Japan 2, 6 0.4
Kazakhstan 8
Korea (South) 2, 4, 5, 6 0.59
Kyrgyzstan 2, 8, 6
Latvia 1.33
Lithuania 2 1.03
Macedonia 2 0.86
Moldova 2, 15, 6
Mongolia 2 0.78
Netherlands 12
New Zealand 0.49
Norway 0.47
Puerto Rico 0.68
Romania 2, 16, 6 2.34
Russian Federation 2 2.56
Scotland 17, 18
Singapore 0.48
Slovak Republic 0.59
Slovenia 0.7
South Africa 2 0.08
Spain 2, 6 0.17
Sweden 0.56
Switzerland 19 0.25
Tajikistan 2, 20 1.47
Tunisia 0.26
Turkey 2, 7, 8, 6 0.75
Turkmenistan 2, 20 1.35
Ukraine 2 1.72
United States 0.69
Uzbekistan 2, 8, 6 0.35
Vietnam 2, 9 2.5
Yugoslavia 2 1.64
Zambia 2 0.01

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