Abortion Stats by Country and Age Grouping
Abortion Stats by Country and Age Grouping
Abortion Stats by Country and Age Grouping
AGI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation, a special affiliate of PPFA (Planned Parenthood Federation of America).
Country Total abortion rate1 Abortion rate per 1,000 Abortion rate per 1,000
women younger than 20 women 20-24
Year AGI report
published/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source 1999/Source
South Africa 2 0.08 nd nd
Zambia 2 0.01 nd nd
Tunisia 0.26 nd nd
Bangladesh 2, 3 0.11 nd nd
China 2 0.78 nd nd
Hong Kong 2 0.45 nd nd
India 2 0.08 nd nd
Korea (South) 2, 4, 5, 6 0.59 u 79
Singapore 0.48 12 36.4
Turkey 2, 7, 8, 6 0.75 16.1 27.2
Vietnam 2, 9 2.5 nd nd
Cuba 2.33 90.7 87.9
Puerto Rico 0.68 nd nd
Albania 2 0.82 nd nd
Armenia 2 1.06 nd nd
Australia 0.57 23.9 36.9
Azerbaijan 2 0.49 nd nd
Belarus 2.04 nd nd
Belgium 10 0.21 6.2 10.1
Bulgaria 1.55 32.7 85.4
Canada 11 0.49 21.8 31.5
Croatia 2 0.38 nd nd
Czech Republic 0.63 12.4 26.7
Denmark 0.48 14.8 22.5
England & Wales 12 0.48 19.2 25.5
Estonia 1.63 33.1 85.3
Finland 0.31 9.6 15.6
France 2, 13, 6 0.37 8.9 18.2
Georgia 2 0.66 nd nd
Germany 0.23 3.1 7.5
Hungary 1.07 30.4 46.8
Ireland 2, 14 0.18 nd nd
Israel 0.43 10.2 16.3
Italy 2, 6 0.34 5.9 12.6
Japan 2, 6 0.4 6.3 16.6
Kazakhstan 8 1.32 14.4 72.3
Kyrgyzstan 2, 8, 6 0.67 4.9 50.8
Latvia 1.33 nd nd
Lithuania 2 1.03 nd nd
Macedonia 2 0.86 nd nd
Moldova 2, 15, 6 0.83 12 74
Mongolia 2 0.78 nd nd
Netherlands 12 0.2 4.2 7.4
New Zealand 0.49 19.3 27.3
Norway 0.47 15.2 23.9
Romania 2, 16, 6 2.34 32 153
Russian Federation 2 2.56 nd nd
Scotland 17, 18 0.34 16.6 19.5
Slovak Republic 0.59 11.1 31.5
Slovenia 0.7 10.9 26.3
Spain 2, 6 0.17 4.3 8
Sweden 0.56 17.7 27.5
Switzerland 19 0.25 nd nd
Tajikistan 2, 20 1.47 nd nd
Turkmenistan 2, 20 1.35 nd nd
Ukraine 2 1.72 nd nd
United States 0.69 33.6 53
Uzbekistan 2, 8, 6 0.35 1.4 18.2
Yugoslavia 2 1.64 nd nd