Qï. The rcsistance /t — —¡-, whereV (200 + 5)V and/ — (20 0.2) A. the percentage error in the
izzcasurumcrit ot“R is:
( I ) 3. 5% (2) 79
(3) 3% (4) 5. 5%
Q2. A body starts moving fi om rcst with constant acc Icration covcrs displuccmcntSi infirst (g — 1) seconds artd
S.› in firstp seconds. The Jispiacenze»t Si + 2 Will he made intime:
( i ) (2p -T- 1) s (2) ( p2 -I- ) s
(3) (2p — 1) s (4) (2p” — 2p 3- 1) ñ
Q3. lf the radius or“ etirnature of the path of two particles of s‹ure mass areintheratio3 : 4, then in order to have
constait centi ipetal torce, their velociries will he in the iatio of:
(I) É :2 (2}1 :
(3) 3 : 1 (4) 2 : 3
Q4. A block of mast 100 kg st ides ‹wera distance of 10 nr on a htirizontal surface. II’ the co-efficient of frictinn
betwcen the surfaccs is 0. 4, then the work dnnc against Ii iction (in J) is:
( I) 4200 (2)39OfJ
(1) 4000 (4)4500
Q1. The potential energy function (inJ ) ofa particIe ina region of syacc is given asU —— (2z* + 3y3 -I- 2z). Hero
z,y andz arcirt meter. Tlzc magnitude uf z - cu‹Tlponcnt ct forcc (in N ) acting on tl+c part clc at pcint
P 1, 2, 3) m is:
( I) 2 (2) 6
(1) 4 (4) 8
Q6. At what distance abovc and below’ the surfacc of the eartha body will 1iax'e same wright‘? (Take radius of earth
as R)
(I) ASR —R
Qb. A thcrmodynamic system is taken from an original statcA to an intermediate stateB by a linear process as
shown iii the figure. Its vtilurne is theta reclticed to the original value fromB tt›C by arii sobaric pi ocess. The
total work done by thegas fromA toB andB toC would be:
Pressure (Dyne/cm’)
Q9.T o vesselsA and & are of the same size and are at same temper aturc.A contains1 g of hydrogen and &
contains1 g of‘oxygeti. Pg and Pp are the pressures of the gases inA and & respectively, thenp is:
(1) 16 (2) 8
(3) 4 (4) 32
@T 0. Two clznrges of 5@ and —2@ are situated at the \›oints (3c, 0) and (—5c, 0) respectively. The electric flux
th oucha sphere of radius 4ciIiax'ing centre at origin is:
I) 12. A capacitor of‘ capacitance 10fl [tF is charged to ii potential of’ 12 V and connected toa 6.4 mH inductor to
produce oscillations. The maximum cuirent in the circuit would bc
(1)3.2 A (2) 1.5 A
(3) 2.0 A (4) 1.2 A
QI 3. The electric curi cut througha wire varies with time as = Iq -I- Qt. where /t — 20A and 3 A s ', The
amount ot“ clcctric charge crossed througha section of the v°ire in 20s is:
(1) 80 C (2) 1000C
(1)800C (4)1600C
Ql4. A galvanoinctcr havine coil resistance 10 I) showsa frill scale dc flcction tera currcnt of3 rnA. For it to
measurea current of8 A, the value of the shunt should be:
(1) 3 x 10 "N (2) 4. 85 z 10 "D
(3) 3. 75 x 10 ”D (4) 2. is io "n
Q 15. The cleflection in moving coil galvanc›nieter f‹ills from 25 divisions to5 division when ‹i shunt o1“ 24 I) is
appl ied. The resistance ot’ galvanorneter coil witI be:
( I) 12D (2) 96 D
(3) 48 D (4) 100 R
Q16.A convex mirror ofi adius of ciirvature 30 cm forms an image that is half the size of the object. The object
distancc is:
(1) —45 cm (2) 45 cm
(3) —15 cm (4) l5 cm
Q17. A biconvex lens of i‘efractive index 1.5 has a focal length of 20 rr in air. Its focal length when immersed ina
liquiJ ot"refracti've irtdex 1.d tvill be:
( I ) —16 cms (2) —160 cut
(?) + 60 cm (4)
+ 16 cm
Ql8. The de-BrogliC wavelength of an electron is the same asthat of’a Photon. If veloc ity of electron is 25+o of the
v'c1ocity of light. then thei atio of K. fi. of electron and K.F. of photon will bc:
( 1) 11 (z) J
Q19. 4’he explosive ina I[ydrogen bomb isa mixture of H2,H3 andLi" in soiiie condensed form. 4’hc chain
reaction is given byjLi -I- n' —› 2He“ + lH";;H2 -F lH" —r 2He‘ 1 „n'
During the exJo1osit›n the energy released is approximately Given
2 4
II ii 6. 01690 anlu, /lr(1H ) = 2. 01471 amu, M(2He ) = 4. 00388 amu and1 anlu = 931.5 NteV]
( 1) 28. 12 MeV (2) 12. 64 MeV
(3) lG. 48 MeV (4) 22. 22 hleV
Q20. Inthegiven cii'cuit. the breakdown voltage of the Zener diode is 3.0 V. W hat is the value of /. ’*
(13.3 nA (2)
. mA
3)l0mA (4)
7 t»A
Q2l. A ball rolls off the top ofa stairway with horizontal velocity u. The steps arc 0.1 rn high and 0.1 rn wide. The
minimum velocity u w itla which that ball just hits the step5 ot’ the stairw‹iy will be ms , where z
[useq = 10 in s* ].
Q22.A cy lirtdcr isi ollin down on an inclined plaric of irtc linztiun 60”. Its accclcration during rolling down will be
Q2.3. Ina test experi rnrnt ona model aeroplane in wind tunnel, the t)ou' speeds on the upper and lower surfaces of
the u°ings arc 70 m s ' and 65 m s*’ respectively. 11“ thc wing area is2 m°, the lift of the wing is N.
(€iiven density of‘ air = 1.2 kg m*’)
Q24. When thedisplacement of’a simple harmonic oscillator is one third of its aiiiplitude, the ratio of’ total enei'gy to
the kinetic energy is , , w'hcrcz =
Q25. An electron is sieving under the infiticnec of the electric ficld ofa uniformly charged infinitc plane shcciS
h‹ix ing surface charge density +w. The electron atI = 0 is ata di stance tif1 m fromS onâ hasa spced of
I m s*’. ’the maximum value of v, ifthe electron strikesS atI = 1 s is n " ' . The value of o is
Q26. A 16D wire is bend toforma square loop. A 9 V battery with internal resistance1 R is connected acrtiss one
of its sidcs. Ifa 4 pF capacitor is conncclcd across one of its diagonals, the energy storcd by the capacitor will
be NJ, wheie z —
Q27.1“lzc mugnctic potential dnc toa magnetic dipolc ata point on its axis situated ata distance of 20 cx from its
center is 1.5 x 10**T m. The magnetic moment ofthedipole is A m°. (G iven:
Q28.A square loop of side 10 cm and resistance 0.7 I) is placed vertically in the east-west plane.A uniform
magnetic field of 0. 20 T is set rip across the plane in the north-east direction. The magnetic licltl is clecrcased
to zero in1 s ata steady rate. Then, the magnitude of induced eml’ is x 10.3 V, The value of z is
Q29. Ina double slit ex perinaent shown infigure. whenI ight of wavelength 400 rim is used, dark fringe is obsem'ed
atP. IfD = 0.2 m, thc ininiiiium distance betivcen the slits Hi and St is o mm. Write the value of 10a to the
nearest integer.
Q30. Whena hydrogen atom going from ri ==2 to rt == 1 emitsa photon, its recoil speed is m x 1. W here z
7 l
. (Use: mass ofhydrogen atom = 1.6 x 10*° kg, charge of’electrone = 1.6 x 10° ' C)
Q1 . The correct set of four quantum numbers fo the›’alcncc electrrjn of rubiditim atom (Z 37) is:
(1) 5, 0, 0,I — (2) 5, 0, 1, + -
(3) G, 1, 0, (4) 5, 1, 1, I
O2. Gix'en below aretwo statements: one is labelled as AssertitinA and the other is labelled as Reason R:
Assertion A: ’fhc first ion isation enthalpy dcci'eascs acrossa ]9ci iod.
Reason R: The increasing nuclear ehar;je outweighs the shiclding across the pcriod.
In theI ight ot’the above statements, choose the most appi'opriate tion theoptions given below.-
( 1) BothA andk aretrue and R is the correct (2)A is true butR is false
explanation of’,fi
(3) A is false butR is true (4) BothA andR aretrue butR is NOT the correct
explanation ofA
07. The interaction between bond and lone paii’ of’electrons present on an adjacent atom is responsible for
( 1) 1-lypcrconjugation (2) Inductive effect
(3) Electromeric cI1'ect (4) Resonance et'fect
Q8. The difference in energy between the actual structure and the lowest energy resonance structure tor the given
compound is:
( 1) elcctroineric energy (2)resonance energy
(3) ionization energy (4)liypercoiijugation energy
09. Appearance of blood retl colour, on treatment of the sodium fusion extract of an organic compound with
FeSO.; inpresence of ctincentrated H2 SO:t indicates the presence of’element/s
(1) Br (2)N
(3)N and S (4) S
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
Major product
t“II —(“II.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
II I3t
(3) (4)
O 13. The final product A formed in the following multistep reaction sequence is
(i) H,f9.H"
(ii) CrO,
(ii) H,N NH , KOH
(1) ()
(3) (4)
Cl 15. In chromyI chloride test for confirmation of Cl ion,a ycllow solution is obtained. Acidification of ihc solution
and addition of aiiiyl alcohol and 10% HCO; turns organic layer blue indicating forinati‹in t›f chromium
pentoxide. The oxidation state of chromium inthat is
(1) +6 (2)+5
(3) —t—10 (4)+3
Ct48. Given below arctwo statcmcnts: onc is labelled as Assertion A and the othcr is labcllcd as RcasonR :
Assertion A : Aryl halides can not be prepared by replacement ot’ hydroxyl grtiup uf Phenol by halogen atoms.
ReasonR : Phenols react with halogen acids x'iolent1y,
In the light of the above statements, choose thelTlOst appropriate from theoptions given below:
(1) BothA andR aretrue butR is Nf)T thecorrect (2)A is false butR is ti ue
explanation ofA
(3) A isn die but R is ftse (4)Both A andR aretrue alidR is the correct
explanation ofA
Ct2fi. Number ofcoinpounds with one lone pair of clcctrons on central atorn amongsi rollow'ing is_
03, HUO, SFR, CIF i, NH3, BrF 5, XeF
Ct22. The iunnber of species troiu the following which areparainagnetic anal with bond order equal to true is
Ht, He2,O , N2 ,02 ,F›,
Q23. Forthcreaction 204( ) 2 1Om( g),X 0.492 atm at300K.K, Koi thei ca tion at sumc tcmpcrzturc
is .__ _ x 10*°. (G iven :R = 0. 082 L atm mol K ')
Ct24. Number tit’ compounds airung the following which contain sulphur as heterO‹itoir is
Furan,Tliiophene, Pyridine, Pyrrole, Cysteine, Tyrosine
Consider thc yivcn rcactiuh. The total numhcr oL oxygen atoms prcscnt pcr molecule of the product (P) is
Cl26. A solution of IN›SO4 is 31. 4Wo H2 SOA by wass and hasa clensity of 1. 25 g/ mL. The inolarity of’the I-I2 SOA
solution is h( (nearest integer) Given molar mass ofH2 SO,= 58
g mol']
Q27. Thc osmotic prcssurc ofa diItitc solution is7 x 10* Pa at 273 K. Osmotic prcssurc of the some solution at
28J K il_ _ _ _ x 10 Ne" '.( Nègret intc er)
CI28. The mass ofzinc produced by theelectrolysis Of’ zinc sulphate sc› lution witha ste‹idy current ot’ 0. 015 A for 15
iiiinutes is_ ___ x 10 " g. (Atomic mass ofzinc = 65.4 ainu)
029 . Fora rcaction taking place in thrcc stcps at same tcmpcraturc, overall ratc constantK
Ea3 are 40, 50 and G0 kJ/ mol respectively, the ovei'all Ea is kJ / iliol.
Q30 . From thecompounds givcn below,n umbcr ofcompounds which give positive Fchlin@ s lcst is
Benxaldehydc, Acctaldchvde, Acetone, Acetophenone, Methanal, 4-nitrobenzaldehyde, cyclohexane
caihaldel ydc.
Q1 . If z — — 2i, is such that z + 1 = oz -+-6 $1 + t$ i 1 and o, C R, theta n + /i is equal to
(1)—4 {2)3
2 (4) —1
Ct2. In an A.P., the sixth ienn ab = 2. if the at i is the greatest, their the common difference ol“ the A.P., is equal
(3) (4)
CI3.If ina G.P. of 54 terms, the surri uf all the terns is7 times the sum of the ould ter ins ‹›f the Ct.P, then the
common ratio of the G.P. i$equals to
(1)7 (2)4
(3)5 (4)6
O4. II’ o, -y r› -y" is the selutiod of4 cos8 + 5 sin8 = 1, then the value of ten o is
( I) ’U— v’ (2)
() 12
Ct5. Let (5,* ), be the circumc8nter ofa triangle with venices A(a, —2), D(a, 6) and U( , —2). Let n denote the
circiimradius, denote the urea ahd denote the perimeter of the triangle. "l“hen o 1 Q -I- is
(1) G0 (2) o3
(3) 62 (4) 30
Cl6. Ina A ABC, supposey x ig the equation of the bisector of the angle & and the equation of the sideAC' is
2z — p 2. If2 A 1!f —— BE a$d the pointA and & are respectively (4, 6) and (n, Q), then n -I- 2Q is equal to
(1) —4 (2) 42
(3)2 (4) —1
J cos(J) d( is equal to
(2) 4—
(3) (4) 4
Cl8. Let fi be relation n fi fi efined by (o, h)fi(c, d) if and only ifod — he is divisible by 5 . ThenR is
(1) Refie ive ands mme ic ut not transitive (2) Reflexive but neither symmetric not transitive
(3) Refle ive, Sym etric nd ransitive (4) Reflexive and transitive but not symmetric
gg 1 0 0
LetA —— 0 n Q and 2A 3
= 221 where a,Q C fi, Thena value of a is
0 # n
(1)3 (2)
(3) 17 (4)
CIJ0- LetA be} square rrlatrix}uchithat AAT — I. Then 21 A t(A + A”) + (A — A”) t is equal to
(I)A' I (2) A’ +I
A2 +A’
(3) (4) A’ —t— A’
ppose J(z) " * . Then thevalue of /'(0) is eq ual to
(1)n (2)0
(3) ? (4)
1 +sin2z
Cl14• If the valtle of the iiltegra *_(
1+e!^ "* ”
2 ) dz — ( v4 a) — 2, then the value ofa is
(1)3 (2)
(3)2 (4)
rosecz +sin ,t!
dz and lini y(z) = 0 thcn //( ) il cc lai to
coscca seca' -ktun z biii* a
(3) — (4) ( 2
obs . A r f»ctiony /(z) satisfies /(z) sin2z sinz — (1 -F cos2 z)/'(z) = 0 with condition /(0) = 0. Then
/(-) is equal to
(S)—1 (4)2
OJ7 • Let a, b and c be three non-zero vectors such thatb and c are non-collinear ifa + 5b is collinear with
—+ .. . —+ -—+
c,b 6c is collinear witha anda + ob §c = 0, theno + b is equal to
(I) 35 (2) 30
(3) —3f) (4) —25
O48. LetO be theorigin and the position vector ofA and & be 2‹ -2 -F /r and 2i + 4) -h 4k respectively. If the
internalh i5ectvrv f Z AOB meets theline AB ut C. then the lenuth o1’OG' is
1)- (2)j
CPi9. LetP QR be ‹i triangle with fi(— 1,4,2).Suppose 1/(2, 1, 2) is the mid point ofP Q. The distance of flic
controid ot” ÖP@R thorn the point of intersection of”the line * and *, 1S
( I) 69 (2)9
Ct20. A fair die is throw'n until2 appears, Then theprobabil ity, that2 appears in even number ofthrows, is
(1) — (2) 6—
(3) (4)
Q21. Letu, rte the r‹›ut6 nf fhe cqu‹itiun z“ — z -I-2 0 with Inc (o) >I (/). Then ” o* -I- g’ — 5o* is equai
Q22. AIIthctcttcis où thc word C7’WEN7'V arcwritt n in all possible u'ays with or v'ithotii mcaning and thosc
xvords are wi itten as ina dictionary. The serial nrimber of the word GTWENTY IS
Ci23. If 10
Cl24. Equations of two diameters of’a circlc are 2z — 3p = 5 and 3z — 4p = 7. ”1he I inc joining the points
(— , —4) and (— , 3) intersects the circle at only one joint P o, Q). Then 17a — n is equal Io
Q25. Ifthcpoints of intcrscction of tu‘o distinct comics z* + y” - 46 and + - 1 IiC On tl1 Cur›c ¿* 3z*.
thcn 33 times the area of the rectangle formed by thcintcrsection points is
Q26. Ïfthemcari and x'ariuncc of the data 65, 68, 58, 44, 48, 45, 60, u, /4, 60 v'hcrc o > g art 56 and 66.2
respcctively, then ri" + b* is cqiial to
Ct 27. Let f(x) == 2^ — x2, xC R.If inand n arerespectively the number ofpoints at which thecurvesy == f(x) and
y = f'(x) intersects the x—axis, then the value of’m -i- n is
Q 28. The area (in sq. units) of the part of circle z* -I- g* 169 whicl› is hc]u the line 5z — g 13 is
"—sin (—y) where a, ,B arc copriinc ntimbcrs. Then o+ is equal to
£2 29. It’the solution curvcp — p(z) oi’the differential equation (1 d- p") (1+ log,. z)dz A-xdy ——t1,* > Fa^s*s
through thc point (1,1) and y(e) — a- 2bis
CI 30. .4I inc with direction r‹itio 2, 1,2 meets theI ines x = y -I-2 = z anal x -i-2 = 2y = 2z respectively at the point
P aiid @. if the lcngth of the perpendicular from thepoint (I,2, 12) to the line PQ is /, then/2 is