Study performed at Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, São Paulo State
University (Unesp). Brazil.
Financial Support: None.
Conflict of interest: None.
Corresponding author: José Antonio de Oliveira Street. 72. Cidade Morumbi. São José dos
Campos, SP – Brazil. Postal code: 12236-690 [email protected]/
[email protected].
Submitted: feb 14; accepted after revision, sep 16, 2021.
The purpose of this review was to give the reader an update about the postoperative
period and healing outcome after surgical endodontic retreatment. Endodontic surgery
has become a standard of care for dental maintenance if conventional endodontic
retreatment is not able to eliminate the infection, it is important to know how to manage
the post-surgical care, due it might directly interfere in the healing outcome after the
surgical procedure. An electronic search of the relevant English-language literature was
conducted in the MEDLINE/ PubMed database using the following key-words
combinations: Postoperative care; apical surgery; apicoectomy; wound healing. Articles
from 1980 to 2011 were included. Based on the results of this present review, the
postoperative period after the surgery treatment is very mild, without any
complications, being similar to any dental surgical discomfort, as swelling, bleeding and
pain, which could be easily controlled with simple medicine. Regarding the repair after
endodontic surgery, the length of follow-up time and the healing evaluation criteria
affect the outcome, and 1-year follow-up periods might be insufficient to predict a long-
term healing.
Key words: Apicoectomy. Endodontics. Postoperative Care. Postoperative Period.
Wound Healing.
divided into three sections: Endodontic surgery definition and its indication,
postoperative management, and healing outcome.
technique has been refined and this procedure has been practiced by both the general
dentist and the specialty one 19,20.
Torabinejad et al. (1995) 15 report that if conservative therapy does not lead to
healing after a reasonable follow-up, this failure indicates that the periapical lesion
remained unchanged because the root canal was not adequately treated and filled. If
periapical pathology persists and / or treatment through the orthograde route is
impracticable or exhausted, endodontic surgery is indicated 15.
The work done by El Swiah and Walter (1996) 21 evaluated the clinical factors
involved in the decision to perform an apicectomy, they concluded that a sum of
technical and biological factors lead to 60% of apicectomies. The most common
biological factors are: persistent symptoms, continuous presence of root lesions and
persistent exudate (2%). Therefore, these factors must be taken into consideration
when indicating the case for surgery 21.
Nishiyama et al. (2002) 22 state that parendodontic surgery (belongs to the field
of endodontic surgery) is indicated when signs and / or symptoms remain after all
Table 1 – Indications for endodontic surgery present in the articles included in this
Author Indications for Endodontic surgery
Torabinejad et al. Periapical pathology persists and /or treatment through the orthograde
(1995) route is impracticable or exhausted.
El Swiah and Walter The most common biological factors are: persistent symptoms,
(1996) continuous presence of root lesions and persistent exudate (2%).
Nishiyama et al. Indicated when signs and /or symptoms remain after all possibilities of
(2002) solution by endodontic treatments have been exhausted.
Apical surgery must be based on a careful and thorough clinical and
Von Arx (2011)
radiographic examination.
Radiological findings of apical periodontitis and/or symptoms associated
with an obstructed canal;
Extruded material with clinical or radiological findings of apical
European Society of
periodontitis and / or persistent symptoms over a prolonged period;
Endodontics (ESE)
Persistent or emerging disease after, root canal treatment when root
canal retreatment is inadequate;
Perforation of the root or pulp chamber floor, where treatment by the
pulp cavity is impossible.
Kim and Kratchman Tooth with acceptable endodontics and a new restoration with root
(2006) retainer and crown, but a persistent or enlarged periapical lesion
There are not many contraindications for endodontic surgery in the literature,
they were updated by Chong & Rhodes (2014) 25 and divided into general and local
factors as the following:
Patient factors including psychological considerations and systemic disease for
example, bleeding dyscrasias
Clinician factors including the training, skill and experience of the operator,
availability of equipment and facilities.
Dental factors including restorability of the tooth, root length, periodontal
support and the patient's oral hygiene status
Anatomical factors including the proximity of neurovascular structures. For
example, the inferior alveolar and mental nerves may be at risk with surgery of
mandibular molars and premolars; similarly, the palatal neurovascular bundle with a
palatal flap
Surgical access factors. For example, the ability of a patient to open their mouth
wide, which will affect the operator's ability to easily see and access the surgical site. In
the posterior region of the mandible the extended width of the external oblique ridge,
when combined with lingually-placed root apices of molar teeth, may complicate
visibility and access. Another example is the presence of a large bony exostosis, which
may make incision and reflection of a flap considerably more difficult.
Postoperative management
The postoperative period of an endodontic surgery should occur as optimally as
possible, so that repair of the periapical region could happen. As a surgical procedure,
some discomfort may occur after the surgery, as swelling, pain, discoloration of the soft
tissues and bleeding.
There are some studies which report the most common symptoms that may
occur after the endodontic surgery and how to deal with them. It is important to
consider, the main role of the patient in the postoperative care, they need to be
informed about the procedure, and follow correctly the surgeon´s instruction for a
postorerative period without any complications.
Swelling is a well-recognised postoperative manifestation and has been
thoroughly investigated with endodontic surgical procedures 26–28. The Royal College of
Surgeons (Eng) dental faculty suggests that application of an ice pack 4-6 hours post-
surgery minimises postoperative swelling 29. Currently, no data exists to study whether
this has any significant impact in postoperative pain, but the findings of Chong & Pitt
Ford (2005) 30 were that non-prescription analgesia provided adequate relief in
symptoms following endodontic surgery in two treatment groups who received different
root-end filling materials 30. This study also concluded that pain was experienced early
in the postoperative period and decreased in intensity with time. A similar outcome is
proposed for swelling: that this is worst 24-48 hours post-surgery, and the autor
suggests the application of an ice pack for 20 minutes in each hour throughout the day
during the day of surgery 31. There is also evidence to suggest that pain and swelling is
more severe in patient with poor oral hygiene and those that smoke 27.
Moreover, the pain following an endodontic surgery is usually minimal. The pain,
if any, is of short duration and reaches its maximum intensity on the day of surgery.
Iqbal et al. (2007) 32 reported data from 199 patients undergoing surgery through
a self-assessment questionnaire. The results showed that pain and edema were
significantly related to females and younger patients (p <0.05). Extreme pain and
swelling were reported on the first day after surgery. Anterior maxillary surgeries were
related to the presence of more pain and swelling. Most patients (67%) rated surgical
endodontics more pleasant than expected with less symptomatology (46%) or the same
(38%) than non-surgical treatment. The results also show that patients generally have
negative feelings and limited knowledge about parendodontic surgery 32.
A significant reduction in pain usually occurs on the first postoperative day,
followed by a steady, progressive decrease in discomfort each succeeding day 33. Some
articles shows that just a few patients experience pain that cannot be contoled it by mild
analgesics 33–36. As it is easier to prevent pain than to eliminate pain, analgesic therapy
should be initiated prior to surgery 14.
The postoperative symptoms after endodontic surgery in the articles included in
this review are shown (Table 2).
Table 2. Postoperative symptoms after endodontic surgery present in the articles
included in this review.
Author Postoperative symptoms
Penarrocha et al
Swelling is a well-recognized postoperative symptom
Garcia et al.
Swelling as the first postoperative symptom.
Chong & Pitt Ford Pain was experienced early in the postoperative period and
(2005) decreased in intensity with time.
Rhodes JS
Swelling is worst 24-48 hours post-surgery.
Iqbal et al. Extreme pain and swelling were reported on the first day
(2007) after surgery.
Pain usually occurs on the first postoperative day. followed
Seymour et al.
by a steady, progressive decrease in discomfort each
succeeding day.
Seymour & Rawlins
Intensive pain, not controlled by mild analgesics.
Intensive pain, not controlled by mild analgesics.
studies indicated the use of both acetaminophen (1000 mg) and ibuprofen (600 mg) in
combination to eliminate or minimize pain 37.
The use of an antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended for endodontic surgey,
because the post-surgical infections following surgical endodontic procedures are very
rare. When the infection occur it may result from non-oral microorganisms, as a result
of inadequate aseptic surgical techniques, or from bacterial penetration of the surgical
site because of poor re-approximation and stabilization of elevated and reflected
tissues, which can result in a continuous influx of oral microorganisms that overwhelm
the tissues’ defensive mechanisms 14. If an infection should develop, signs and
symptoms of infection are usually present 36–48 h after the procedure and include
increased and progressive swelling and pain, which may or may not be associated with
suppuration, fever, and lymphadenopathy 38. Antibiotic therapy is initiated promptly
and the patient is monitored to ensure the selected antibiotic is effective. There is a
tendency to use penicillinase-resistant drugs, extended spectrum drugs such as
ampicillin and amoxicillin, cephalosporins, azithromycin, clarithromycin or clindamycin,
or some combination of the above. However, there is no scientific evidence available to
support the choice of these drugs for the antibiotic therapy following surgical
endodontic intervention 14.
As a preventative measure, the use of chorhexidine gluconate is indicated not
just for preoperatively, but during the post-surgical care, as a way to reduce the number
of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.
When discussed in relation to endodontic surgery performed in the modern day,
it is recommended Chorhexidine for use twice daily for one minute, around the surgical
site 39. Its use is recommended particularly at the surgical site, as tooth brushing is often
not possible, and chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwashes do demonstrate evidence to
suppress the formation of dental plaque 40.
The patient restriction of activity is recommended during the 6–8 h following
endodontic surgery, when rest and the intermittent application of ice compresses are
necessary. Patients can usually return to work the day following surgery, but those in
strenuous occupations should limit their activity for 2 days. Medically compromised and
geriatric patients may require longer periods of activity restriction 14.
The removal of sutures in endodontic surgery can carry particular importance as
their prolonged presence has been associated with a 'wicking' effect' 29,41. One animal
study divided rabbits into three groups, raised a mucoperiosteal flap and then
repositioned this. Sutures were removed at three, five and seven days, and the
investigators demonstrated significant differences between the groups to recommend
the removal of sutures after five days 42 This has been strongly refuted by other studies,
which suggest sutures may be removed after 48 hours, but should not be allowed to
remain post-96 hours 43–46. In microsurgical procedures, Eliyas et al. (2014) 47 advise the
removal of surgical sutures after only three days 47.
Healing outcome
Repair is the absence of bone defect and symptomatology after the endodontic
surgery, and should be assessed clinically and radiographically, with follow up at least of
one year.
Clinical healing is based on the absence of signs and symptoms such as pain, sinus
tract, swelling, apico-marginal communication, and tenderness to palpation or
percussion. Standard radiographic healing classes include complete healing, incomplete
healing (“scar tissue formation”), uncertain healing (partial resolution of postsurgical
radiolucency), and unsatisfactory healing (no change or an increase in postsurgical
radiolucency). This classification is based on landmark studies that have compared
radiographic findings with histopathologic results of periapical tissues of teeth that had
to be extracted after apical surgery 48,49.
Regarding to healing outcome, the classification of healing should be based on
defined clinical and radiographic healing criteria. Cases should be monitored at yearly
intervals until a final diagnosis (success or failure) can be established. It has been shown
that 95–97% of cases classified as successful at the 1-year control remain so over the
long term (5 years). Generally, lower success rates have been reported for re-surgery
cases, and for teeth with combined endodontic–periodontal lesions. For both problems,
the indication to perform apical surgery must be carefully weighed against extraction
and implant/prosthodontic rehabilitation.16
Torabinejad et al. (2009) 50 showed in his systematic review a statistically
significant decrease in success with each increasing follow-up interval for endodontics
surgery studies. The endodontic surgery weighted success for 2–4 years was 77.8%,
which declined at 4–6 years to 71.8% and further declined at 6+ years to 62.9%. With
respect to the nonsurgical retreatment success rates, a statistically significant increase
in weighted success was observed from 2–4 years (70.9%) to 4–6 years (83.0%) 50 . Frank
et al (1992) 51 reported surgical outcomes from a population that showed healing at an
early recall but found that 43% failed when the recall was extended beyond 10 years 51.
Mead et al. (2005) 52 published a literature review for clinical studies related to
endodontic surgery. They reported that the search found 79 clinical studies. Among
these studies, there was no one at the highest level of evidence and that the vast
majority of literature are low-level case series 52.
Several articles analyzed the healing outcome after endodontic surgery and
reported their success rates below, as Rapp et al. (1991) 53 performed a radiographic
analysis of apicectomies in 424 patients after five years of surgery and found success in
65% of cases 53.
Molven et al. (1996) 54, in his study with 24 cases, showed that 1 case was
completely repaired, 1 failed and 22 remained in the same repair group and
characterized by a reduction in bone defect 54 . Also, Kim et al. (2008) 55 reported a
successful outcome of 77.5% in apicoectomized teeth with combined endodontic–
periodontal lesions, compared to a successful outcome of 95.2% in teeth with isolated
endodontic lesions 55.
The correlation between follow-up period and endodontic surgery success rates
in the articles included in this review are shown (Table 3).
Table 3 – Correlation between follow-up period and endodontic surgery success rates
presents in the articles included in this review.
Heling outcome after
Author Follow-up time (year) endodontic surgery.
Success rate (%)
All these studies indicates that the length of follow-up time and the healing
evaluation criteria affect the outcome, and 1-year follow-up periods might be
insufficient to predict a long-term healing.
The postoperative period after an endodontic surgery, is very mild, without any
complications, being similar to any dental surgical discomfort, as swelling, bleeding, and
pain, which could be easily controlled with simple medicine. It is also important to
consider, the main role of the patient in the postoperative care, they need to be
informed about the procedure, and follow correctly the surgeon´s instruction, for a
better outcome.
Some articles report the symptoms, and the swelling is a well-recognised
postoperative manifestation and has been thoroughly investigated with endodontic
surgical procedures 26–28. They suggests the application of an ice pack 4-6 hours post-
surgery, to minimize the swelling 29. Rhodes et al. (2005) 31 states that swelling is worst
24-48 hours post-surgery, and the autor suggests the application of an ice pack for 20
minutes in each hour throughout the day during the day of surgery 31. There is also
evidence to suggest that pain and swelling is more severe in patient with poor oral
hygiene and those that smoke 27.
Futhermore, the pain following an endodontic surgery is usually minimal. The
pain, if any, is of short duration and reaches its maximum intensity on the day of surgery.
Chong & Pitt Ford (2005) 30 concluded that pain was experienced early in the
postoperative period and decreased in intensity with time 30. Some articles shows that
just a few patients experience pain that cannot be contoled it by mild analgesics 33–36.
As it is easier to prevent pain than to eliminate pain, analgesic therapy should be
initiated prior to surgery 14.
Regarding the use of an antibiotic prophylaxis for endodontic surgey, is not
recommended, because the post-surgical infections following surgical endodontic
procedures are very rare. It will only be used in case of microbial infection, as drug
Concerning about the healing outcome, there are many factors that can directly
and indirectly interfere in the process of bone defect repair, futhermore, the analysis of
the results of this search shows that very few high-level studies proved the success and
failure rates after an endodontic surgery with relevant clinical and radiography criteria,
due several studies had various variables, and different follow-up times, that might
reflect in the successful cases rates.
Torabinejad et al. (2009) 50 showed in his systematic review a statistically
significant decrease in success with each increasing follow-up interval for endodontics
surgery studies. The endodontic surgery weighted success for 2–4 years was 77.8%,
which declined at 4–6 years to 71.8% and further declined at 6+ years to 62.9% 50.
Penarrocha et al. (2007) 56 reported a success rate of 73.9% after 12 months of follow-
up, and 71,77% success rate after 2-4 years of follow-up 56. Also, Wesson & Gale (2003)
57 reported a 'complete healing' rate at 5 years of 57% 57.
These datas shows a decrease in success rate with each increasing follow-up
interval for endodontics surgery, futhermore, the shortcoming is that they determine
success or failure strictly on the basis of radiographic findings. Different observers may
not agree with what they see on a radiograph, and the same observer may disagree with
himself or herself if asked to reassess the same radiograph later 58. In addition,
radiographic studies can be considered of limited use when radiographic images are not
evaluated using standardized angles (custom jigs) along with standardized evaluation
criteria 52.
Therefore, based on the results of the present review, the endodontic surgery
has become a standard of care for dental maintenance if conventional endodontic
retreatment is not able to eliminate the infection. The postoperative period after the
surgery treatment is very mild, without any complications, being similar to any dental
surgical discomfort, which could be easily controlled with simple medicine. Regarding
the repair after endodontic surgery, the length of follow-up time and the healing
evaluation criteria affect the outcome, and 1-year follow-up periods might be
insufficient to predict a long-term healing.
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