TCISKL_Subject Overview_2024 Y9 Math
TCISKL_Subject Overview_2024 Y9 Math
TCISKL_Subject Overview_2024 Y9 Math
Topics/Skills Covered
Chapter 1: Number
Chapter 2: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Chapter 3: Ratio and Proportion
Chapter 4: Algebra
Chapter 5: Inequalities, Sequences, Functions and Graphs
Chapter 6: 2D and 3D Shapes
Chapter 7: Angles, Bearings and Scale Drawing
Chapter 8: Coordinates and Transformation
Chapter 9: Statistics
Chapter 10: Probability
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Chapter 1: Number
1.1 Recognise the difference between rational and irrational numbers
1.2 Use knowledge of square and cube roots to estimate surds.
1.3 Use positive, negative and zero indices, and the index laws for multiplication and division.
1.4 a. Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 10 to the power of any positive or negative
b. Recognise the standard form for representing large and small numbers.
Chapter 9: Statistics
9.1 a. Select, trial and justify data collection and sampling methods to investigate predictions for a
set of related statistical questions, considering what data to collect, and the appropriateness
of each type (qualitative or quantitative; categorical, discrete or continuous).
b. Explain potential issues and sources of bias with data collection and sampling methods,
identifying further questions to ask.
c. Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data. Choose and
explain which representation to use in a given situation:
⮚ Venn and Carroll diagrams
⮚ tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
⮚ dual and compound bar charts
⮚ pie charts
⮚ line graphs, time series graphs and frequency polygons
⮚ scatter graphs
⮚ stem-and-leaf and back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams
⮚ infographics.
9.2 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data. Choose and explain
which representation to use in a given situation:
⮚ Venn and Carroll diagrams
⮚ tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
⮚ dual and compound bar charts
⮚ pie charts
⮚ line graphs, time series graphs and frequency polygons
⮚ scatter graphs
⮚ stem-and-leaf and back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams
⮚ infographics.
9.3 a. Use mode, median, mean and range to compare two distributions, including grouped data.
b. Interpret data, identifying patterns, trends and relationships, within and between data sets, to
answer statistical questions. Make informal inferences and generalisations, identifying wrong
or misleading information.