●APPLICATION FORM with checklist (Eng. 20240312)

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※ All applicants must have the Correct Documents when applying and must submit the hard
copy application form by post (DHL etc.) or at the university office during the application

※ Emailed and Scanned application forms and related documents will not be accepted. (Transcript
of Records (TOR) and Graduation certificate can be photocopied or scanned and printed, but
the authentication which is the stamp of Consular or Apostille must be original.)

For Burundi applicants, you must submit an Original Apostille with the Korean
Embassy stamped on the Graduation certificate and transcripts.

※ Achievement, Completion, and Provisional certificates will not be accepted. Certification

must have a Bachelor's Degree for a Master's Application and both a Bachelor's and Master's
for a Ph.D. Application.

※ Bank Statement/Certificate MUST be original. (Original seal or signature from the bank)

※ All authentication of certificates including bank certificates must be within the last 3 months.

※ Application fee should be paid upon submission of application forms. The application fee is
non-refundable. **(Master’s degree_₩50,000 | Doctor’s degree_₩100,000)

Bank: Woori Bank Account: 1005-403-347252 Sudo International University

※ All the documents submitted are non-returnable and must be re-submit again, in case of re-
application if the visa was denied.

※ Interviews will only take place after the correct documents have been received before the
application deadline. Incomplete documents will be automatically disqualified and will not be
notified if they did not get through the first round of selection.

※ Thoroughly check the Application "CHECKLIST" before sending the application form.

※ NOTE: When applying to the university, please prepare extra documents beforehand for your
visa Application (Korean Embassy) in your country. This can help you submit your documents
for visa applications smoothly and faster when you receive a Letter of Acceptance from the

※ DENIED VISA AND TUITION FEE REFUND: Apply for a VISA as soon as possible as a late
visa application may result in getting your visa results late. A full refund of your tuition fees
will not be possible if you apply for a refund of tuition fees after the start of the semester.
(Refer to the refund policy on our website-Refund Form)

MAILING ADDRESS: Sudo International University 1548, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Korea 08773

Please check the following list for a complete application and indicate the status of
each part (mark‘∨’).
1. □ Application (using the official form, 2 photos {3*4 ㎝} attached)
2. □ Personal Statement (using the official form)
3. □ Pledge (using the official form)
4. □ Letter of Recommendation (1, using the form by any Prof or Pastor)
5. □ Reference (using the official form)
6. □ Affidavit of Financial Support (using the official form)
7. □ Documents for Financial Statement:
Original bank statement/certificate with a min. of USD 20,000 both for MA and Ph.D. and copy
of Valid ID and Business Certificate in case of sponsorship/organization
8. □ Certificate of Graduation (either in English or Korean)
*Must obtain original apostille stamps or consular authentication
9. □ Official Transcripts (either in English or Korean)
*Must obtain original apostille stamps or consular authentication
10. English Test Results should be submitted upon application
□ TOEFL 530 (□ CBT 197, □ IBT 71), □ IELTS 5.5, □ New TEPS 326
*Persons from countries where English is the official language are exempt from this language proficiencies.
*But you will be eligible to get a scholarship if you meet at least one of the above language proficiencies.
11. □ Receipt of payment of Application fee.
12. □ Tuberculosis Test Results from an accredited hospital or medical center.
*Required for citizens of Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mongol, India, Indonesia,
Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, China, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Kyrgyzstan, Laos

● For Internationals:
□ Foreign Registration Card (Applicants in Korea)
□ A copy of the Passport
□ Financial Statement (Min. of USD 20, 000 for both Masters Applicants and Ph.D. Applicants)

● For Ph. D. Applicants:

□ A copy of the Thesis Abstract from your Master’s studies
□ Research proposal


Name (Signature) _____________________________________

Sudo International University
Application for Admission


SEMESTER □ Spring □ Fall YEAR

● Theology
□ Master of Divinity (MDiv) □ Master of Theology (ThM)

□ Doctor of Ministry (DMin) □ Ph.D. in Theology (PhDTh)

Major: Major:

● Counseling
□ M.A. in Leadership&Coaching (MALC) □ Ph.D. in Leadership&Coaching (PhDLC)

□ M.A. in Counseling(MAC) □ Ph.D. in Counseling (PhDC)

PROGRAMS ● Global Leadership & Int’l Development

□ M.A. in Global Leadership (MAGL) □ Ph.D. in Global Leadership (PhDGL)

□ M.A. in Intercultural Relations (MAIR) □ Ph.D.in Intercultural Relations (PhDIR)

□ M.A. in International Development (MAID)

● Global MBA & Education

□ Global Master of Business Administration (MBA)

□ M.A. in Education (ME)


Name (in English): According to the name on your Passport

Date of Birth: yyyy-mm-dd Gender:

Alien Registration number: Recent

3*4cm or
Passport number: Visa type: Passport size
Home Address:

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Phone: Cell Phone:

Address in Korea:

Phone (Home):

Marital status (mark ‘V.’)

SINGLE Never Married Divorced / year: ____ Widowed / year: ____
MARRIED First marriage / year: ____ Remarried / year: ____


HighSchool Name of School Period. yyyy-mm-dd. ~ yyyy-mm-dd

Major Location

Status Degree conferred date GPA

Bachelor Name of School Period. yyyy-mm-dd. ~ yyyy-mm-dd

Major Location

Status Degree conferred date GPA

Master Name of School Period. yyyy-mm-dd. ~ yyyy-mm-dd

Major Location

Status Degree conferred date GPA

Doctoral Name of School Period. yyyy-mm-dd. ~ yyyy-mm-dd

Major Location

Status Degree conferred date GPA


1. English Test
Name of Test Score Date yymmdd

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2. Native language(s)


List all significant employment and/or ministry experiences you have had. (* Please attach a resume if available.)

Title/nature of work Employer/Church/organization Period

VI. MAILING AGREEMENT: (√ check please)

I or my representative will get the document package.

I would like the University to send the admission package by DHL (Mail fees are subject to change depending
on your respective region, please confirm with the Coordinator
Fill up your Address for DHL:


I________________________(name of applicant) affirm that my statements in this application and in the attached
pages are correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing below, I agree to the procedure of application and the
process of admission, as conducted by Sudo International University and prescribed by the Korean Ministry of


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If you have any questions concerning this application, please contact the Admissions Office.
Phone: 82-2-839-0388 loc.9 for English Homepage: www.siu.ac.kr

Sudo International University 1548, Nambusunhwan-ro,Gwanak-gu, Seoul Korea 08773

Personal Statement


Name (First name) (Last/Family name)

Degree Program / Major Applying for:

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1. I will do my best as a _________________________ program student of Sudo International University

in Korea for pursuing my study and follow the University rules and guidance.

2. I will inform the officer at the University in advance if any long-term absence from the classes
may be expected. I fully understand that I will be reported to the immigration office and I will
be expelled from the University if there is no contact after more than two weeks of absence
from the classes without any prior notice.

3. I, my family, and the guarantor will take responsibility for any subsequent problem in case of no
prior report of absence from the classes will happen more than two weeks and there will be no
contact with the student.

4. I am fully aware that I may take a part-time job (as an activity besides my qualification of stay)
after the permission of the immigration office and I will take any regal responsibility in case of
exposure to the judicial authorities by doing any activity besides my qualification of stay without
prior report.

5. I will faithfully follow the laws and order while staying in Korea. I, my family, or my guarantor will
take any responsibility for the financial expense of living and studying in Korea and even
returning to my country.

6. I, my family, or my guarantor will take any financial responsibility for paying the penalty, the
charge, and the compensation caused by breaking the law or illegal activity by myself.

As of today, I am admitted to Korea and enter the Sudo International University.

I hereby agree to adhere to the agreement mentioned above.

Date (yyyy/mm/dd) __________________________________

학생(Name) __________________________________________서명(Signature)

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Please complete the top portion of this form before giving it to your recommender. Print neatly, please.

Name (Last, First, Middle)

Degree Program / Major


Cell Phone/ e-mail @

This recommendation is from a (mark ‘V’.) Pastor Former Professor Other


Relationship to the Applicant (mark ‘V’.):

1. How long have you known the applicant?

2. How well do you know the applicant? Very well Rather well Casually Not

3. Check the context(s) in which you know the applicant

As a member/attender of where I am ___________________________________________________

As a student in my class / How many classes? Undergraduate: __________ Graduate: _____________

As a student engaged in research or independent study under my direction

As an employee under my supervision within the same organization

Other (please specify):

Assessment of Applicant’s Abilities

1. How do you assess the applicant in the following categories as compared to his or her peers? (mark ‘V’)

Unknown Weak Fair Average Good Outstanding

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Emotional Stability
Unknown Weak Fair Average Good Outstand

Leadership Qualities


Intellectual Ability



Servant Attitude

Cooperation & Teamwork


2. How would you rank overall this individual compared to others at the same education level or peer group?
Below 50% Top 50% Top 40% Top 30% Top 20% Top 10% Can’t assess

3. Is the applicant’s academic record, as you know it, an accurate reflection of the applicant’s abilities?
Yes No (if no, please explain):

Summary and Signature

Recommendation for admission to Sudo International University (mark ‘V’):

Highly recommend Recommend Recommend with reservations Do not recommend

I certify that the information given in this recommendation is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Recommender’s Name

Signature Date


Home Phone Work Phone

Cell Phone E-mail

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신원보증서 Reference
1. 외국인 지원자 Foreign Applicant

성명 Name in Full: ___________________________________________ 성별 Gender: □남 Male □여 Female

생년월일 Date of Birth ____________국적 Nationality: ____________ 여권번호 Passport No.: ________________

대한민국 내 주소 Address in Korea: _______________________________________________________________________

전화 Phone: ________________ 휴대폰 Cell Phone: _______________ 이메일 E-mail: __________________________

체류목적 Purpose of Stay: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. 신원보증인 Guarantor *Mentor in Korea, if available fill up the form below

가. 인적사항 Personal Information

성명 Name in Full: ___________________________________________ 성별 Gender: □남 Male □여 Female

주민등록번호 National Registration No.: __________________________________________________________________

국적 Nationality: _________________ 전화 Phone: ________________ 이메일 E-mail: ________________________

대한민국 내 주소 Address in Korea: ______________________________________________________________________

근무처 Office Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

직위 Position: _____________________________ 피보증외국인과의 관계 Relationship: _______________________

비고 etc.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

나. 보증기간 Term of Guarantee . . 부터 from . . 까지 till

다. 보증내용 Details
(1) 체류 중 제반법규를 준수하도록 한다. To keep every regulation while staying in Korea.
(2) 필요한 경우 신청자와 연락하는 것을 도울 것입니다. I will help contact the applicant when needed.

위 보증인은 피보증외국인이 대한민국에 체류함에 있어 신원에 이상이 없음을 확인하고, 보증합니다.

The reference above hereby confirms that the person above has no disqualification to stay in Korea.
Therefore, I guarantee that the details above are true and correct.

날짜 Date _______________________________

신원보증인 서명 Reference (Signature or seal) _____________________________________

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유학경비 부담 서약서 Affidavit Of Financial Support

1. 지원자 Applicant’s
이름 Name Pierre Uwiringiyimana

여권번호 Passport No. : PC640575 국적 Nationality: Rwandese

외국인등록번호 Alien Registration No. ____________________________________________

전화번호 Phone No.: +25078-0257-333 이메일 E-mail: [email protected]

2. 재정보증인 또는 기관 Financial Sponsor or Organization

Indicate the person (Including yourself) or organization that will be responsible for your tuition fees and
living expenses.

개인 또는 기관명 Name : Edouard Hagenimana

관계 Relationship :Friend 직업 Occupation : : Businessman

주소 Address : Kigali City

전화번호 Phone No. : +250-784-712-847 이메일 E-mail :[email protected]

3. 재정보증인의 서약 Affidavit of Financial Sponsor

본인은 상기 지원자의 유학기간 중 일체의 경비부담을 보증합니다.
I certify that I will be responsible for the above-named applicant’s tuition fees and living expenses
for the duration of the whole program.

재정보증인의 이름 Name of Financial Sponsor :Edouard Hagenimana

서명 Signature: 날짜 Date (YY/MM/DD) : April 24, 2024

이 지원서에 기재된 내용이 모두 사실임을 확인합니다.

I certify that all information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Pierre Uwiringiyimana April 24, 2024

학생성명 Name of Student 서명 Signature of Student 날짜 Date

※ 제출서류 Required documents of the financial sponsor/organization.

• 재정보증인의 재직증명서 또는 사업자등록증 (재정보증인은 지원자와 동일국적을 소유한 자 또는 한국인에 한함)
Certificate of Employment or Certificate of Business Registration of the financial sponsor (The financial sponsor must be
either the one who has the same nationality as the applicant or a Korean.)
• 재정보증인의 미화 $20,000(석사&박사) 이상 3 개월 이상 계속 예치된 예금잔액증명서
Bank Certificate showing that the sponsor has had more than US 20,000 both for Masters Ph.D. applicants) in his/her
account for more than three months, counting backward from the date of application.
• 재정보증인의 신분증 또는 여권 A copy of the sponsor’s valid ID or Passport.

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Letter of Recommendation

To be filled in only by a current student of SIU (for scholarship purposes)

Date: _____________

To Whom This May Concern,

My name is [ Recommender’s Name ] current student of Sudo International University.

I am proud to offer my recommendation of_[ Applicant’s Name ] to SIU,

whom I have personally known for ______ years as my [ Relationship ].

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should require any further information.

Recommender Name: [ Recommender’s Name ]

Degree Program / Major: __________________________________

Bank Name/Account No.: _________________________________

Cell Phone/ e-mail: ______________________________________

Date (yyyy/mm/dd) _______________

Applicant Name __________________________________________(Signature)

Recommender Name ______________________________________(Signature)

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