Towards an environmental approach for the sustainability of buildings in Algeria

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Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and
Sustainability, TMREES17, 21-24 April 2017, Beirut Lebanon

Towards an environmental approach for the sustainability of

buildings in Algeria
Hocine Tebbouchea, Ammar Bouchairb, *, Saïd Grimesc
Departement of architecture,Faculty of Sciences and technology, University Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, B.P.98, Ouled Aïssa, 18000 Jijel,
ć Algeria; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


Sustainable architecture (HQE in France, Green Buildings in the USA, Sustainable Buildings in Northern Europe) is a profound
initiative whose objective is to achieve sustainability of buildings. This concept has spread throughout the world and each
country worked to develop its approach (depending upon its physical and cultural conditions) to minimize the negative impacts
of buildings on the natural environment and improving the comfort and quality of life. These international initiatives are
characterized by multi-criteria vision, contextuality, flexibility and scalability. What strategy should be developed for sustainable
buildings in Algeria? This is the fundamental question for which we try to provide some answers. On the basis of a thorough
study of the Algerian context, we aim at the presentation of the foundations of an approach to the sustainability of buildings
which would be adjustable to different regions of the country and whose peculiarity lies in the consideration of the major
concerns of our country and its specificities. Including, for instance seismic risk, sociocultural practices of the population, as well
as the diversity that characterizes the climatic and geographical data of the entire national territory, by following the existing
national legislation, regulations and standards.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD).

Keywords:sustainability; ecological building, green architecture; quality; environment; Algerie.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213-345 02688; fax: +213-345 02688.

E-mail address:[email protected]

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD).
Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 99

1. Introduction

Unlike bioclimatic architecture that addresses only the energy aspect of the buildings in order to save the
consumption of conventional fossil fuels and promote the use of the so-called renewable energy, sustainable
architecture is an approach that aims to control the different dynamic relations between built space and its external
environment and harmonize the internal space with the social, natural and architectural surroundings. Although
various research topics in bioclimatic architecture have dealt with traditional techniques of adaptation [1-5]. Stephan
et al. [6] has shown that passive houses may not be energy efficient. They can have total energy consumption similar
or more than a new standard building. It was shown that poorly insulated city apartments can use less energy than a
very energy efficient passive house in the suburbs. The house size can significantly reduce the life cycle energy
demand per capita. Current European building energy regulations and certifications do not always result in a lower
overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Their policies should adopt wider system boundaries
including embodied, transport energy requirements and other environmental impacts. Scofield [7] criticized the
question of to what extent do LEED-certified buildings save energy studied earlier by Newsham [8]. He wonders
that energy consumption in larger buildings is dominated by plug-loads and operating practices-which are not even
addressed by LEED. Rather than to utilize a non-physical averaging technique that under-weighs large buildings, it
would be better to change the LEED-certification process so that inefficient buildings do not gain LEED-
certification-particularly large inefficient buildings. Blengini [9] has recently conducted a detailed life cycle
analyses study on a low energy house built in northern Italy. He has confirmed that the initial goal of environmental
sustainability is reached, but to a lower degree than initially believed. In comparison to a standard house, while the
winter heat requirements reduced by 10:1, the life cycle energy was only reduced by 2.1:1 and the carbon footprint
by 2.2:1. Perez-Lombard [10] analyses offered data concerning energy depletion in buildings linked to HVAC
systems. They addressed the questions of the availability of the necessary information, the main building types and
the end uses which should be considered in the failure. Comparison using commercial buildings for some countries
(USA, UK, Spain, etc.) is presented. According to them, energy consumption of buildings in developed countries
comprises 20–40% of total energy use and is above industry and transport figures in EU and USA. However,
available data is not sufficient and not proportional to its importance. The lack of information makes it difficult to
understand the basic changes that affect energy consumption in this sector. Lausten [11] presents an overview and
analyses current approaches for enhancing energy efficiency in building codes for new buildings. He then outlines
some valuable recommendations related to energy efficiency promotion for new buildings. According to Anderson
et al. [12] the built environment is the dominant source of energy consumption (62%) and greenhouse gas emissions
(55%).Achieving environmental goals, including climate change mitigation, has led to the development of robust
methods to assess the impacts from this sector. These methods focus on either individual buildings or on the urban
scale. Anderson et al. [12] shows that these topics are strongly divided between the scales of analysis: the building
and the urban scale. They think that separation per scale is problematic as it ignores the actual pattern of
construction: new buildings within existing cities. A new approach is therefore needed to link the knowledge gap
between the building and urban scale. Fabbri et al. [13] presented an Energy Retrofit simulation about an Italian case
study: one building typology that is supposed realized in several different periods, having different thermo-physic
parameters. For each period, four energy retrofit actions will be applied, together with the software evaluation of
energy performance. Gillingham et al. [14] reviews literature on several types of energy efficiency policies:
appliance standards, financial incentive programs, information and voluntary programs, and management of
government energy use. They provide an overview of the relevant programs, along with available existing estimates
of energy savings, costs, and cost-effectiveness at a national level. The literature examining these estimates points to
potential issues in determining the energy savings and costs, but recent evidence suggests that techniques for
measuring both have improved. Kaoula and Bouchair [15] showed that it is possible to assess energy performance
and environmental impacts of three hotel buildings having various envelope configurations built in different
climates using a life cycle analysis approach. The assessment was performed using PLEIADES software tools.
Facing the environmental challenges of the early 21st century, the building sector is experiencing a real
environmental revolution for the integration of eco- sustainable principles in the production process of the built
environment. Some attempts were made by [16] to find a policy that addresses all the environmental challenges to
gradually enter the era of multiple energy and sustainable developments, especially in the field of housing through a
100 Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

concept of ecological habitat conducted in Tlemcen city, in Algeria. They found that the achievement of ecological
homes is no more than the choice of ecological means.Combining socio-economic development and environmental
protection, sustainable development, finds its meaning in building sector by the notion of "sustainable architecture",
which is defined as a new practice in the production of healthy, environmentally friendly buildings efficient in terms
of natural resources, economically efficient and offering maximum comfort and safety to their users [17]. This has
led in practice to the implementation of a multitude of approaches to the environmental quality of sustainable
buildings. Following the global energy and climate issues, the first appearance of these efforts goes back to early 90s
of 20th century in Europe and in the USA. The number of labels and certifications resulting has been in constant
development. Most of multiple criteria approaches were initially simple and entirely voluntary. However, the
importance of making these approaches more compatible with the sustainability principles has led to the
development of varied number of standards and normative requirements for certification of sustainable construction
by offering a series of eco-labels and certifications.

2. The existing environmental approaches for sustainable buildings

Recognizing the importance of the environmental quality of their housing stock, many developed countries have
developed in recent years environmental quality measures applied to building sectors. For these, environmental
parameters that take into account their geographical situation and culture were determined and integrated into the
process of design, implementation and management of future construction and evaluation of the quality of existing
ones with a view to a possible improvement in their performance without denaturing them[18, 19]. Dascalaki et al.
[20] presented an overview of the database and its available tools, and the main results from a case study on
Hellenic buildings that reveals relevant characteristics. The Hellenic database included as ample of 250 buildings
from different regions in Greece, with a breakdown that is representative of the national building stock. The main
results focus on the buildings’ energy performance, thermal envelope characteristics and the exploitation of solar
thermal energy. In Germany and Austria, for example, all stakeholders (designers, builders and occupants) are
involved in an empirical environmental approach. In France, the UK and Scandinavia, the approach is often based
on simple goals grids to quantify. It is based on individual mobilization of every citizen motivated by tax incentives
and very precise regulations. Most of these processes are dynamic and subject to change based on the results of
experimental achievements [21].Many initiatives have been launched in this area since early 1990s. There are now
around the world sixty approaches for sustainable buildings [22, 23]. All these approaches deliver environmental
certification for sustainable buildings today both existing and future buildings. These are: The U.K BREEAM, the
US LEED, the Japanese CASBBE the German DGNB, the Swiss MENERGIE, Green Star in Australia and South
Africa, as well as HQE in France, Estidama for the United Arab Emirates, EDAMA for Jordan and Lebanon
approach ARZ Building Rating System(Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Logos of some environmental approaches for sustainable buildings.

Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 101

All existing approaches at the Mediterranean area, such as HQE in France, Spain VERDE, Lider Portugal and
Protocollo ITACA-Italy, were developed by the of southern European countries. Noting that there is currently a
project called "OPEN HOUSE" initiated by the European Union, which aims to develop and promote a method of
assessing the environmental quality of buildings and a certification that will be common managed by a European
council. This will may complete or replace all existing approaches [24]. However, most of these multi-criteria
approaches were contextual and entirely voluntary. They are now beginning to rely more and more on labelling and
certification systems to integrate the dimension of eco-sustainability in the building sector. These environmental
labels developed according to precise standards are often referred to as the only ones that integrate all objectives of
the construction known as "sustainable" [25].
A significant increase in interest and research in the development of environmental analysis methods of the
buildings is observed in recent years around the world (Fig. 2). Now, owners and designers have a multitude of
choices for the large number and variety of approaches and existing tools. The evaluation can be performed at
different levels, from the simple assessment (or opinion poll) to a complete analysis of the life cycle.

Fig. 2. Creative spaces of certification systems for some buildings sustainability.

3. The criteria and building sustainability assessment indicators

Most approaches try to standardise the sustainability of both existing or future buildings in order to improve their
environmental and energy performances [26].According to the geographical, environmental and sociocultural of
buildings, these initiatives can be outlined as follows:

• Those focusing exclusively on energy;

• Those with quantified or qualified performance targets;
• Those with obligation to use an environmental management system (EMS);
• Those which have issues or criteria to be fulfilled;
• Those with obligation results [27].

The evaluation criteria which constitutes the system of indicators of the environmental quality evaluation
operations of buildings is not only limited to energy considerations. These include many other crosswise dimensions
of sustainable development, sanitation (eco-materials) and environmental (land, waste, water) as well as economic
(development of eco-construction sector). Based on a global approach, they cover all the technical parameters that
would be improved which revolve around the following main themes:
102 Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

• Insertion of the building in the site;

• Water management;
• Energy efficiency;
• Hygiene and waste management;
• Quality of indoor environments, (acoustic comfort, hygrothermal, visual, olfactory and quality of indoor air);
• Quality of materials and construction products;
• Measures of security and protection against dangerous.

The divergences between the different qualitative sustainable environmental approaches of buildings, relate
primarily to the nature and number of criteria considered by their evaluation systems, and the importance they place
on certain indicators compared to other. These are naturally selected and classified according to the environmental,
climatic and socio-cultural characteristics for each region and the legislative and regulatory context specific to each
country. For example, the major concern of the Japanese system "CASBEE" considered the most complex and most
complete echo-sustainable construction certification system is the use of the land, while the "MINERGIE
Switzerland and "DGNB" German are much more focused on energy performance. However, it is not surprising that
the approach of the United Arab Emirates "Estidama" gives more importance to water management.
It is important to note, that existing environmental approaches to the sustainability of buildings in different
countries do not respond to of sustainable architecture requirements, given the fact that their environmental
assessment systems put much more emphasis on environmental performance, whereas socio-cultural and economic
parameters are given less consideration.

Table 1. Comparison between some key sustainability approaches used for evaluating sustainability.
Harmonious relationship between buildings and their Management Site sustainability
immediate environment
Integrated choice of processes and construction products Health and comfort Water management
Building low nuisance Energy Energy and atmosphere
Energy management Transport Materials and resources
Water management Water Quality of interior environment
Waste management activities Materials innovation
Care and Maintenance Waste
Hygrothermal comfort Management of site and ecology
Acoustic comfort Pollution
Visual Comfort
Olfactory comfort
Health conditions of spaces
Air quality
Water quality

Even though for Newsham [8], these approaches seem rather simplistic, exigent, technical and sometimes
obscuring the social and cultural dimensions which remain very subjective assessment. The complexity and the cost
of certification process are often excessive and confusing due to multiple concept meanings used.
Environmental approaches to sustainable buildings offer many advantages. In addition to a guarantee for the
building, they are considered as a support for the promotion of sustainable environmental quality of construction
projects. They provide the design offices, builders, building owners and their companies’ repositories to optimize
the design of their projects [25].
Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 103

4. The Algerian context

Despite the quantitative evolution of the housing stock, many buildings have not been conceived, designed and
built with regard to the specific nature and context of the environment where they are located. The issue of
sustainability and environmental quality of buildings in Algeria remains central for the development of green
buildings. The recent achievements in the construction sector are inadequate with the requirements imposed by the
rapid scientific development and technological knowledge as well as modern information and communication
occurred in different areas such as sustainable building. The imbalanced distribution of the population and the
economic activities across the territory, desertification, irrational use of natural resources, seismic hazards,
degradation of living conditions, the diversity of socio-cultural practices of the population and the climatic and
geographic data throughout the national territory, are the main features which characterize the Algerian context.
To face these major challenges impeding the implementation of the national strategy for the environment and
sustainable development, several actions have been launched at various levels affecting several areas of
development [28].

4.1. Legislative, institutional and regulatory framework

From the beginning of the 21st century Algeria initiated institutional and legal reforms to incorporate the
requirements of sustainable development into national development policy. Thus, the number of laws and legal texts
implementing the 2nd generation for sustainable development has been promulgated. Strategically, several programs
have been developed to ensure better management of this policy within the framework of the National Action Plan
for Environment and Sustainable Development NEAP-DD developed in 2002 including:

• National Action Plan for Environment and Sustainable Development;

• National Plan of Special Wastes Management;
• Improvement Programme for Built Environment;
• National Integrated Household Haste Management Program;
• National Energy Management Program;
• National Programme for Integrated Management of Household and Assimilated Waste.

In terms of institutional strengthening of the integration of sustainable development, it is worth noting the
creation of several specialized agencies including:

• National Observatory of the Environment and Sustainable Development;

• High Council for Environment and Sustainable Development;
• National Waste Agency;
• Development Centre of Biological Resources;
• National Agency for Integrated Management of Water Resources;
• National Agency of Waste [29].

4.2. Physical and territorial environment

Algeria, one of the largest countries of Africa has a vast area of 2,381,741 km². The temperature difference
reaches 25 degrees during the same day and in the same season between its regions. Algeria is a rich country and has
natural and multicultural potential. It has a rate of urbanization of the order of 70%. Twenty two million Algerians
live in cities (63% of the overall population) spread mainly on the North of the country that represents only 4% of
the national territory (Fig. 3).This northern part of the country is characterized, among others, by:

• High density (high urbanization), with lack of urbanized land which stops the development of these cities;
• An area subject to major natural hazards (floods, earthquakes etc.);
• Insufficient renewable energy sources (solar);
104 Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

Fig. 3. Population densities per wilaya Algeria [30].

The rebalancing of the urban framework is among the priority concerns listed by the National Land Planning
Scheme, prepared by the Ministry of Spatial Planning and the Environment in 2008, which consists of:

• The stabilization of the growth of large cities in the littoral band;

• Stabilization of the increase in medium-sized cities of the Tell strip;
• Strengthening of urbanization in the highlands;
• Development of urbanization in the south;

It is with this objective that a new set of cities integrating sustainability principles into the process of their design,
implementation and management. Designed to accommodate a large number of housing projects, in addition
to administrative public facilities, educational, cultural and others, the future new towns, are aimed to decongest
existing large urban centers and ensure balanced distribution of the population throughout the country (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.Geographical location of the new sustainable cities of Algeria [31].

Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 105

4.3. Energy management

The building sector, whose energy consumption accounts about 40% of the total energy, is responsible for 20 %
of global emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of a global environmental dimension, energy efficiency in building
sector has been a fundamental worldwide concern since 1970. It aims to fight against waste and exhaustible
conventional fossil resources by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the development of renewable energy.In
Algeria, energy management is regulated by the laws: 99-09 of 28/07/1999 and 04-09 of 14/ 08/2004 on the
promotion of renewable energy within the framework of sustainable development. They promote the
implementation of measures and other actions for the rational use of energy and reduction of the impact of the
energy system on the environment. As part of the national energy conservation policy, the government has launched
in 2011, the national program for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency. It is conceded as a
social and economic development pedal. This ambitious program aims to diversify sources of energy, and promotion
of everlasting resources, especially solar, which are expected to produce 22000 megawatts by 2030, including 12000
megawatts for the domestic market which represents 37% of electricity needs. In Algeria, the building sector
(residential and commercial) consumes more than 30% of the total national energy production (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Distribution of final energy consumption by sector in Algeria [32].

The agency for the promotion and rationalization of the use of energy launched, in partnership with the Ministry
of Housing and Urban Development, a pilot project called "Eco- pack ". This involves the construction of 600
housing units with high energy performance across three climatic zones in 11 provinces of the country. These are:
50 homes in Algiers, 50 homes in Skikda, 80 in Oran, 80 in Blida, 30 in Tamanrasset, 82 in Mostaganem, 30 in
Bechar, 32 in Laghouat, 80 in Djelfa, 32 in El Oued and 54 in Setif.
The objectives of the project included in the national energy control program (PNME), whose construction works
started in June 2011, are:

• The improvement of thermal comfort in homes and reduction of energy consumption for heating and cooling,
• Activating the actors of buildings on the issue of energy efficiency ;
• Conducting a demonstrative action to show the achievability of the high energy performance projects in Algeria,
• Provoking a flow effect of consideration practical aspects of energy management in architectural design [32].
106 Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

This initiative is still very reluctant and insufficient. Algeria has a significant potential green energy, where the
solar exposure time on almost the national territory exceeds 2500 hours per year which can reach 3900 hours per
year. The energy used in buildings remains largely based on fossil and non-renewable conventional energy.

The reality on the ground shows many deficiencies regarding the energy mastering in buildings including:

• The absence of technical means and equipment for the rationalization of energy consumption, such as using low-
energy bulbs, or the double glazing which, according to experts, could reduce consumption energy 30%
compared to single glazing thin;
• Lack of constructive and architectural design measures which can ensure better control of consumption of
conventional energy resources and reducing the impact of energy fossil on the environment (location and
orientation, size and location of the glass surfaces, volume and depth of local, composition of walls and choice of
materials, insulation and inertia, ...);
• Lack of initiatives to promote the use of new and renewable energies, clean and sustainable;
• Lack of motivations for the use of renewable energy.

4.4. Water management

The global water need could exceed the supply by 40% by the horizon 2030 according to the report "Measuring
the use of water in a green economy" of the United Nations Environment Programme. As an element vital to our
life, water requires special attention and effective and thoughtful management that relies primarily on the economy
of the so-called safe, clean and unpolluted. According to experts from UNEP, one of the keys to better manage water
today would be to estimate the available resources, prioritize the uses and identify their impacts on ecosystems.
Algeria is not a country with high rainfall; it has always considered the water resources sector as a strategic
sector. Its management is primarily by the law no. 05-12 of 4/08/2005 on water which stresses the importance of
integrating the long term and sustainability in the use and management of this important natural resource. By the
early 2000s important actions were taken by the government through a comprehensive action program to mobilize
new water resources and qualitatively ensure their mastery and their rational management. Currently, the water
resources sector in Algeria, which has grown significantly in recent years, has 72 dams with a capacity of seven
billion cubic meters per year, 9 seawater desalination plants in operation and 165 treatment plants wastewater.
Despite all the efforts, for the development and management of water resources in Algeria, it should be noted that
the consumption and management of water in the building sector is experiencing a multitude of failures including:
• Irrational consumption in the absence of measures to limit water waste,
• Absence of development strategy for rainwater harvesting techniques;
• Damaged network for drinking water distribution which requires urgent therapy works;
• Lack of efficient strategy in the supply of drinking water;

Table 2.Drinking water supply – indicators evolution between 1999- 2015 [33].
Indicators 1999 2011 2012 2014 1015
Linear network of sanitation and rain water (5Km) 50 000 102 000 105 000 112 000 116 000
Rate of linking (*) 78% 94% 95% 96% 98%
Staffing litter/day/inhabitant 123 170 175 175 180
Water production (billions of m3/year) 1.25 2.9 3.1 3.6 3.6
Frequency of distribution
Daily 45% 73% 75% 75% 75%
1 day of 2 30% 17% 17% 16% 16%
1 day of 3 and plus 25% 10% 10% 9% 9%
The connection national average rate (including rural) reached 96 %. Urban area; the connection rate is around 100 %.
Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 107

4.5. Waste management

With very diverse sources: food, chemical and ferrous, plastic and other paper, garbage require special attention
and a very strict management to limit their negative impact on health and the environment. Waste from construction
sites and public works are an important part of the total waste generated annually at the global level, according to
the construction sites, demolition or rehabilitation of structures.
Algeria according to the National Waste Agency, annually produces around 10.5 million tonnes of household
waste including more than 7 million tonnes is municipal waste (14 million of M3). The area of Building and Public
Works generates a significant proportion of total waste. Before these amounts, the challenge of sorting and recovery
of building waste remains crucial to ensure sustainable management. Sixty two (62) % of waste collected annually
in Algeria are organic materials. The remains are of paper and cardboard (9%), plastics (12%), glass (1%), metals
(2%) and others (14%). Waste from construction and demolition are generally disposed in uncontrolled landfills
(Fig. 6).Sixty two (62) % of waste collected annually in Algeria are organic materials. The remains are of paper and
cardboard (9%), plastics (12%), glass (1%), metals (2%) and others (14%). Waste from construction and demolition
are generally disposed in uncontrolled landfills (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.Ratios of municipal solid waste in Algeria for 2009 [34].

Waste management policy has in recent years, through the Household Waste Management Programme and the
National Plan of Special Wastes Management, enormous progress. In this context, it is planned including: closure
and rehabilitation studies of landfills; the realization of landfills; achieving 300 landfills; the introduction of
recycling and the production of several centres Burial Techniques for special industrial waste. Unfortunately, the
current situation regarding waste management in the construction sector remains totally ineffective. It is
characterized by:

• Lack of strategy to reduce the production of harmful of waste;

• Lack of clear strategy for waste collection;
• Lack of waste sorting;
• Failure in the treatment recycling and recovery of waste.
108 Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110

4.6. Materials and construction techniques

With the major concern to mop up the increased insufficiency registered since independence in terms of
infrastructure, Algeria has resorted to the use of all kind of prefabricated construction systems, to abusive use of new
materials issued from technology and industry of buildings, up to the almost universal standardization of equipment
projects prototyped to adapt to different sites, neglecting both the geographical, bioclimatic characteristics of
climatic zones and socio-cultural practices of the local population. It is important to note that some materials
harmful to health of customers were widely used by domestic and foreign construction companies in the
construction of some buildings during the eighties in Algeria such as asbestos, lead and oils ASKARELS etc.

5. Discussion and recommendations

Despite all the efforts and resources deployed by the public authority for the application of the concept of
sustainable development in all active sectors, it is noted that building sector is still shortage of sustainable
architecture. The development and implementation of an environmental approach to the promotion of sustainable
buildings, suitable for Algeria, seems to be imperative.
However, the utmost importance should be given to the choice of construction implantation site to ensure good
land management. It is also recommended to strengthen the existing national legislative and regulatory framework,
through implementing legislation and regulations and the establishment of control and monitoring of the application
of these texts. For the integrated choice of construction materials, the return to the use of local materials with high
thermal inertia, healthy, recyclable and environmentally friendly, widely used in vernacular architecture, such as raw
land and natural stone should be strongly encouraged.
In terms of energy, and in order to ensure maximum energy efficiency, the energy strategy to rationalize
consumption is by using energy efficient appliances. It is also suggested to develop he exploitation of solar energy
especially in the southern part of the country where the solar thermal potential, photovoltaic and wind power is the
highest in the country. Citizens should be encouraged by the authorities help to use renewable energy such as the
installation of solar water heaters.
Finally, for better waste management, efficacy techniques should aim in improving the collection, sorting,
transport, treatment, disposal and recovery of waste sites by their reuse and recycling. Particular attention should be
paid to water management to preserve this vital natural resource increasingly scarce in Algeria in particular by:

• The awareness of water saving and its valorisation;

• The judicious choice of water-saving equipment;
• The rainwater collecting;
• The treatment and reuse of wastewater.

6. Conclusion

It is well recognized today that the field of standardization of sustainability of constructions through the different
environmental approaches knows a great spread in all countries of the world. Although, these systems tend to be
voluntary and non-compulsory, the fact remains that they are effective in promoting sustainable urban and
architectural production of high environmental quality. They also contribute to improving the quality of the built
environment in general and participate in a mature reflection on the most relevant and the most appropriate approach
to achieve design and build buildings where quality and environment are optimally taken into account. Algeria
cannot under any circumstances be marginalized in this worldwide dynamic. It is imperative to acquire technical,
human and material necessary for the establishment of an appropriate national strategy.
In light of the results of our study, the environmental approach we advocating for sustainable buildings in Algeria
would be a flexible, easily adaptable to different regions according to their physical characteristics, geographic and
climatic and socio-cultural practices that characterize their populations; an approach whose parameter priorities are
adapted with the major concerns of our country such as the rebalancing of the urban structure, energy management,
water and waste management. Remaining within the legal, regulatory and national normative framework, it would
Hocine Tebbouche et al. / Energy Procedia 119 (2017) 98–110 109

allow Algeria to develop a national strategy which defines a clear and precise manner of the environmental
requirements for the qualitative evaluation of sustainable buildings analogous to those existing in other countries.


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