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Sub: Programming in C and Data Structures Topic: Structures & Unions

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Features of structures
5.3. Declaration and Initialization of structures
5.4. Nested structures
5.5. Array of structures
5.6. Arrays within Structures
5.7. Structures and Functions
5.8. Pointers to structures
5.9. typedef & Enumerated data types
5.10 Size of structures
5.11. Bit fields
5.12. Unions
5.13. Self-Referential Structures
5.14. Objective type questions
5.15. Descriptive type questions

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Sub: Programming in C and Data Structures Topic: Structures & Unions

Structures provide a way to organize related collection of data. Unlike arrays,
structures allow organization of collection of variables with different data types. Unions
also provide a way to organize related data, but only one item within the union can be
used at a time. The structures and unions in C language are discussed in this unit.

5.1. Introduction:
We have seen that arrays can be used to represent a group of data items that
belong to the same type, such as int or float. However we cannot use an array if we want
to represent a collection of data items of different types using the single name. C supports
a constructed data type known as Structures, a mechanism for packing data of different
types. The concept of a structure is analogous to that of a record in many other languages.

Time Seconds (int), Minutes (int), Hours (float)
Date Day (int), Month (string), Year (int)
Book Author (string), Title (string), Price (float)
Address Name (string), Door_number (string), Street(string),City(string)

Structures help to organize complex data in a more meaningful way. It is a

powerful concept that we may often need to use in our program design.

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Sub: Programming in C and Data Structures Topic: Structures & Unions

5.2. Features of Structures

5.2.1. Definition:
A Structure in C is a heterogeneous compound data type, similar to the records
of data base and PASCAL. It is a collection of logically related data items grouped
together under a single name called Structure tag. The data items that make up a structure
are known as Structure members, components, or fields and they can be of different

5.2.2. The General Format of Declaration of a Structure:

struct tag_name
type var1;
type var2;
type var3;
type varn;
Where ‘struct’ is a key word, which declares a structure to hold the details of ‘n’
number of data fields. These fields are called as Structure elements (or) members. Each
member may belong to a different type of data.
struct book_bank
char title[25];
char author[20];
int pages;
float price;

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In the above example, book_bank is the name of the structure and it is called as
the structure-tag. It may be used subsequently to declare structure variables, which have
the specified tag’s structures.
Note that the above definition has not declared any structure variables. It simply
describes a format called as template.

Whenever, we are defining a structure, we should follow the following syntax:

 The tag-name may be used to declare variables that have the tag structure.
 Note that the above declaration has not declared any variables. It simply describes
a format called ‘template’.
 The template is terminated with a semicolon.

5.3 Declaration of Structure variables

After defining a structure format, we can declare variables of that structure type.
A structure variable declaration is similar to the declaration of variables of other data
types. It includes the following elements:
1) The key word struct
2) The structure tag name
3) List of variables names, which are separated by commas
4) Terminated with a semicolon.
 We can declare the structure variables using the tag name anywhere in the
program as shown below.
struct books b1, b2, b3…..;
The above declaration declares b1, b2 & b3 as variables of the type struct books.
 Members of a structure themselves are not variables. They do not occupy any
memory until they are associated with the structure variables.
struct books
char title[40];
int pages;
} b1, b2, b3;

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The above statement declares b1, b2 and b3 as structure variables representing

three books.
 It is also allowed to combine template declaration and structure variable
declaration in one statement as shown below.
struct books
char title[40];
int pages;
float price;
} struct books b1, b2, b3;
 The use of tag name is optional.

Alternative representation to define a structure by using ‘typedef’:

typedef struct
type member1;
type member 2;
} type_name;

Where the ‘type_name’ represents structure definition associated with it and

therefore it can be used to declare structure variables as shown below:

type_name var1, var2, ….;

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5.3.1. Accessing Structure Elements:

The members of structure themselves are not variables. They should be
linked to the structure variable in order to make them meaningful members .The link
between a member and a variable are established using a member operator “.” which
is also known as dot operator or period operator.
For example, book2.price is the variable representing the price of book2 and can
be treated like any other ordinary variables.
How can we assign values to the members of structure variables?

strcpy (book1.title, “Let us C”);

We can also use scanf to give the values through the keyboard.
scanf(“%d\n”,book1.pages); are valid statements.
struct personal
char name[20];
int day;
char month;
int year;
float salary;
struct personal person;

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printf(“ Enter a person details:\n\n”);
printf(“ Enter person name : “);
printf(“Enter a person joining day : “);
printf(“Enter a person joining month: “);
printf(“Enter a person joining year: “);
printf(“Enter a person salary: “);
printf(“\n\n person’s name is : %s\n”,;
printf(“\n\n person’s joining day is : %s\n”,;
printf(“\n\n person’s joining month is : %s\n”,person.month);
printf(“\n\n person’s joining year is : %s\n”,person.year);
printf(“\n\n person’s salary is : %s\n”,person.salary);
Enter a person details:
Enter a person name: Srinivas
Enter a person joining day: 9
Enter a person joining month: November
Enter a person salary: 5260.97
Enter a person joining year: 1997
Person’s name is : Srinivas
Person’s joining day is: 9
Person’s joining month is: November
Person’s joining year is: 1997
Person’s salary is :5260.970215

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5.3.2. Structure Initialization:

Like other data types, a structure variable also can be initialized.

main( )
struct std
int age;
float height;
This assigns the value 20 to student. age and 180.75 to student. height. There is
a one-to-one correspondence between the members and their initializing values.
Suppose you want to initialize more than one structure variable:
struct st_record
int age;
float height;
struct st_record student1={20,180,75};
struct st_record student2={22,177,25};

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Another method is to initialize a structure variable outside the function

struct st_record
int age;
float height;
main( )
struct st_record student2={22,177,25};

 C language does not permit the initialization of individual structure members within
the template.
 The initialization must be done only in the declaration of the actual variables.

Rules for initializing Structures:

1) We cannot initialize individual members inside the structure template.

2) The order of values enclosed in brace must match the order of members in the
structure definition.
3) It is permitted to have a partial initialization. We can initialize only the first few
members and leave the remaining blank. The uninitialized members should be
only at the end of the list.
4) The uninitialized members will be assigned default values as follows:
 Zero for integer and floating point numbers.
 ‘\0’ for character strings.

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5.3.3. Copying & Comparing Structure Variables

Two variables of the same structure type can be compared the same way as
ordinary variables. If person1 and person2 belongs to the same structure, then the
fallowing operations are valid:
person1 = person2; ------ assigns person1 to person2
person2 = person1; ------ assigns person2 to person1
However, the statements such as,
person1 = = person2
person1! = person 2 are not permitted.
C does not permit any logical operations on structure variables. In such cases, we
need to compare them by comparing the members individually.
struct class
int no;
char name[20];
float per;

int x;
struct class stu1={111,”Ramu”,72.50};
struct class stu2={222,”Reddy”,67.00};
struct class stu3;
printf(“\n student2 and student3 are same\n”);
printf(“\n student2 and student3 are different\n”);

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5.3.4. Operations on Individual Members of the Structure:

As pointed earlier, the individual members are identified using the member
operator (.). A member with the dot operator along with it’s structure variable can be
treated like any other variable name and therefore it can be manipulated using
expressions and operators. Consider the previous example program, we can perform the
following operations.

if( = = 111)

stu1.per +=10.00;
float sum =stu1. per + stu2.per;
stu2.per *= 0.5;

We can also apply the increment and decrement operators to numeric type
members. For example, the following statements are valid:;

The precedence of the member operator is higher than all arithmetic and relational
operators and therefore no parenthesis are required.

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5.4. Structures within Structures [Nested Structures]

A structure within a structure means nesting of structures. Nesting of structures

is permitted in C. Let us consider the fallowing structure defined to store information
about the salary of employees.
struct salary
char name[20];
char dept[20];
int basic_pay;
int dearness_allowance;
int house_rent_allowance;
int city_allowance;
} employee;
This structure defines name, department, basic pay and three kinds of allowances.
We can group all the items related to allowances together and declare them under a
substructure as shown below:
struct salary
char name[20];
char dept[20];
int dearness;
int house_rent;
int city;
} allowance;
} employee;
The ‘salary’ structure contains a member named ‘allowance’, which itself is a
structure with three members. The members contained in the inner structure namely,
dearness, house_rent, and city.

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These members can be referred to as:

An inner-most member in a nested-structure can be accessed by chaining all the
concerned structure variables (from outer-most to inner-most) with the member using the
dot operator.

The fallowing statements are invalid:

employee.allowance ------------- actual member is missing
employee.house_rent ------------- inner structure variable is missing

We can also use tag names to define inner structures. For example,
struct pay
int da;
int hra;
struct salary
char name[10];
struct pay allowance;
struct pay arrears;
struct salary employee [100];

Here, pay template is defined outside the salary template and is used to define the
structure of allowance and arrears in side the salary structure.

C permits nesting up to 15 levels. However, C99 allows 63 levels of nesting.

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5.5. Arrays of Structures

We use structures to describe the format of a number of related variables. For
example, in analyzing the marks obtained by a class of students, we may use a template
to describe student name and marks obtained in various subjects and then declare all the
students as structure variables. In such cases, we may declare an array of structures, each
element of the array representing a structure variable.
For example, the below statement,
struct class student [100];

defines an array called ‘student’ that consists of 100 elements. Each element is defined
to be of the type struct class.

Consider the following declaration:

struct marks
int eng;
int tel;
int sci;

main( )
struct marks student[3]={45,76,87},{78,68,79},{34,23,14};

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This declares the student as an array of three elements student [0], student [1],
student [2] and initializes the members as follows:

Ex: 1

struct marks
int eng;
int tel;
int sci;
int tot;
main( )
int i;
struct marks student[3]={{45,67,81,0},{75,53,69,0},{57,36,71,0};
struct marks t;

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printf(“ STUDENT TOTAL \n\n”);
printf(“ stu[%d] : %d\n”,i+1,stu[i].tot);
printf(“ SUBJECT TOTAL\n\n”);
printf(“English : %d\n Telugu : %d\n Science :
printf(“\n Grand total : %d\n”,t.tot);
getch( );
Ex 2:
/* Write a program to enter 5 dates. Store this information in array of structures*/
struct date
int day, year;
char month[10];
} b_days [5];
main( )
int i;
printf(“\nEnter 5 dates:”);
scanf(“%d %d %s”,&b_days[i].day, &b_days[i].year, b-days[i].month);
printf(“\nbirth day dates are %d %d %s”, b_days[i].day, b_days[i].year,b_days[i].month);
An array of structures is stored in memory in same way as a multi-dimensional array.

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5.6. Arrays within Structures:

C permits the use of array as structure members. We have already used arrays
of characters inside the structure. Similarly, we can use single or multi-dimensional
arrays of type either int or float.
struct marks
int no;
int sub[5];
float fee;
} stu [10];
Here, the member ‘sub’ containing 5 elements. These elements can be accessed
using appropriate subscripts.
For example,
stu[1].sub[2]; would refer to the marks of third subject by the
second student.

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Ex 1: Rewrite the program of above example 1 using an array member to represent
the three subjects.
main( )
struct marks
int sub[3];
int total;
struct marks student[3]= {45,67,81,0,75,53,69,0,57,36,71,0};
struct marks total;
int i,j;
for(i=0;i<=2;i++) /* ‘i’ represent student*/
for(j=0;j<=2;j++) /* ‘j’ represent subjects */
total. total= student[i].total;
printf(“\nSTUDENT TOTAL\n\n”);
printf(“student[%d] %d\n”, i+1,student[i].total);
printf(“\nSUBJECT TOTAL\n\n”);
printf(“subject-%d %d\n”,j+1,total.sub[j]);
printf(“\nGrand Total = %d\n”,;

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5.7. Structures and Functions

C supports the passing of structure values as arguments to a function. There are
three methods by which the values of a structure can be transferred from one function to

 The first method is to pass each member of the structure as an actual argument of
the function call. The actual arguments are then read independently like ordinary
variables. This is the most elementary approach and becomes unmanageable and
inefficient when the structure size is large.

 The second method involves passing of a copy of the entire structure to the called
function [Like, call by value]. Since the function is working on a copy of the
structure, any changes to the structure members within the function are not
reflected in the original structure. Therefore, it is necessary for the function to
return the entire structure back to the calling function.
Note: All the compilers may not support this method of passing the entire
structure as a parameter.

 The third approach employs a concept called pointers to pass the structure as an
argument. In this case, the address location of the structure is passed to the called
function. The function can access indirectly the entire structure and work on it.
This is similar to the way, arrays are passed to functions. This method is more
efficient as compared to the second one.

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 Now, we’ll discuss about the second method:

General format of sending a copy of a structure to the called function:

function name (structure variable name);

The called function takes the fallowing form:

data type function name (struct_type st_name)

return (expression);

Important points to remember:

i) The called function must be declared for it’s type, appropriate to the data type
it is expected to return. For example, if it is returning a copy of the entire
structure, then it must be declared as struct with an appropriate tag name.
ii) The structure variable used as the actual argument and the corresponding
formal argument in the called function must be of the same struct type.
iii) The return statement is necessary only when the function is returning some
data. The expression may be any simple variable or structure variable or an
expression using simple variables.
iv) When a function returns a structure, it must be assigned to a structure of
identical type in the calling function.
v) The called function must be declared in the calling function, if it is placed
after the calling function.

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Ex 1:
Write a simple program to illustrate the method of sending an entire structure as a
parameter to a function.
Passing a copy of the entire structure as an argument to a function
struct stores
char name[20];
float price;
int qty;
main( )
struct stores update(struct stores,float,int); /*function prototype*/
float mul(struct stores); /*function prototype*/

float p_inc,val;
int q_inc;
struct stores item={"pen",5.50,10};

printf("\nInput increment values :");

printf("\nprice increment and quantity increment\n");
scanf("%f %d",&p_inc,&q_inc);

item=update(item,p_inc,q_inc); /*function call*/

printf("\nUpdate values of item:\n");
printf("Name :%s\n",;

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printf("Price :%f\n",item.price);
printf("Quantity :%d\n",item.qty);
val=mul(item); /*function call*/
printf("\nValue of the item=%f\n",val);

struct stores update(struct stores prod,float p,int q)


float mul(struct stores stock)

return(stock.price * stock.qty);

Note: Template of ‘stores’ is defined before main( ) function, i.e., the data type ‘struct
stores’ is defined as global and has enabled the functions ‘update & mul’ to make

use of this definition.

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5.8. Pointers and Structures

The way we can have a pointer pointing to an int, or a pointer pointing to a char,
similarly we can have a pointer pointing to the structure also. Such pointers are known as
‘structure pointers’. Like arrays, in the case of arrays of structure variables also, the
name of structure variable stands for the address of it’s first (i.e., 0th element) element.
Consider the following declaration:

struct inventory
char name[30];
int number;
float price;
}product[2], *ptr;

This statement declares that, product as an array of 2 elements, each of the type
‘struct inventory’ and ‘ptr’ as a pointer to the data objects of the type ‘struct inventory’.
The assignment statement
ptr = product;
would assign the address of 0th element of ‘product’ to ‘ptr’. That is, the pointer ‘ptr’
points to ‘product [0]’. It’s members can be accessed using the following notation.
ptr -> name;
The symbol ‘->’ is called as the arrow operator and it is comprised of a minus
sign & a greater than sign. Note that ptr-> is simply another way of writing product [0].
Whenever the pointer is incremented by one, it is made to point to the next record,
i.e., product[1].
We could also use the following notation,
(*ptr).name to access the member ‘name’.
Note: The parenthesis around ‘*ptr’ are necessary because, the member operator (.) has
higher precedence than the operator ‘*’.

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While using the structures pointers, we should take care of the precedence of
operators. The operators ‘->’, ‘.’, ( ), [ ] have the highest priority among the operators.
They bind very tightly with their operands. For example, consider the following

struct xyz
int count;
float *p; /* Pointer inside the struct xyz */
} *ptr; /* struct xyz type pointer */

For the above definition, the statement,

++ptr -> count; increments count, not ptr.
However, the following statement,
(++ptr) -> count; increments ptr first, and then links count.
The statement
ptr ++ -> count; is legal and increments ptr after accessing count.

The following statements also behave in the similar fashion.

*ptr-> p fetches whatever p points.
*ptr -> p++ Increments p after accessing whatever it points to.
(*ptr -> p)++ Increments whatever p points.
*ptr++ -> p Increments ptr after accessing whatever it points to.

We are already discussed about passing of a structure as an argument to a

function. We also saw an example, where a function receives a copy of an entire structure
and returns it after working on it. As we mentioned earlier, this method is inefficient in
terms of both, the execution speed and memory. We can overcome this drawback by
passing a pointer to the structure and then using this pointer to work on the structure

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Ex 1:
#include <stdio.h>
main( )
struct book

char title[25];
char author[25];
int no;
struct book b={“ RGM ‘C’ Notes”,”DCSE”,9};
struct book *ptr;
printf(“%s %s %d\n”,b.tittle,,;
printf(“%s %s %d\n”, ptr->tittle,ptr->author,ptr->no);
RGM C Notes DCSE 9
RGM C Notes DCSE 9

Explanation: The first printf( ) is as usual way of accessing the members of the structure.
The second printf( ) however is peculiar. We cannot use ptr.tittle, and
because ptr is not a structure variable but it is a pointer to a structure, and the dot operator
requires a structure variable on its left. So, In such cases C provides an operator -> called
as an arrow operator to refers the structure elements.

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NOTE:  This notation is used, whenever you’re already got the address
of the content of the member ‘no’.
b->no  This notation is used, whenever you’re got the pointer to the
address, where the actual content (i.e., ‘no’) is stored.
[Both notations will gives the value of the member ‘no’.]
Ex 2:
main( )
struct book
char title[25];
char author[25];
int no;
struct book b={“ RGM ‘C’ Notes”,”DCSE”,9};
display(struct book *b)
printf(%s\n %s\n %d\n”,b->tittle,b->author,b->no);
RGM ‘C’ notes

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Ex 3: C Program to illustrate the use structure ponters.

struct invent
char name[20];
int number;
float price;

main( )
struct invent product[3], *p;
clrscr( );
printf(“\n INPUT \n\n”);
for( p = product; p<product+3; p++)
scanf(“%s %d %f”,p->name, &p->number, &p->price);
while(p < product +3)
printf(“%-20s %5d %11.5f\n”, p->name, p -> number, p ->price);
getch( );

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5.9. typedef & Enumerated data types

i) typedef

The users can define an identifier that represent an existing data type by a feature
known as “type definition”. The user defined data type identifier can later be used to
declare variables.
General form:

typedef type identifier;

Where type refers to an existing data type and identifier refers to the new name
given to the specified data type.

typedef int sno;
typedef float salary;
Here sno symbolizes as int and salary symbolizes as float. These can be used to
declare variables as follows.
sno c1,c2;
salary e1,e2;
Note: The main advantage of typedef is that we can create meaningful data type names
for increasing the readability of the program.

ii) enumerated data type:

The enum is a keyword. It is used for declaring enumeration types. The

programmer can create his/her own data type and define what values the variables of
these data types can hold. This enumeration data type helps in reading the program.

General form:
enum identifier {value 1, value 2, ……, value n};

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The identifier is a user defined enumerated data type which can be used to declare
variables that can have one of the values which are enclosed within the braces. After that
we can declare variables to be of this new type.
enum identifier v1, v2, ….vn;
The enumerated variables v1, v2, …..,vn can only have one of the values, such as
value 1, value 2, ……value n.
Ex 1:
enum month {january, february, ….december};
enum month month_st, month_end;
enum month {january, february, …., December} month_st, month_end;
Here the declaration and definition of enumerated variables can be combined in
one statement.

Ex 2:
enum day{Monday,Tuesday……Sunday};
enum day week_st,week_end;
The compiler automatically assigns integer digits beginning with 0 to all the
enumeration constants. That is, the enumeration constant Monday is assigned with 0,
Tuesday is assigned with 1 and so on. However, the automatic assignments can be
overridden by assigning values explicitly to the enumeration constants.
For example,
enum day{Monday=1,Tuesday, ……., Saturday};
here, the constant Monday is assigned the value 1.The remaining constants are assigned
values that increases successively by 1.

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5.10. Size of structures

We normally use structures and arrays to create variables if larger sizes. The
actual size of these variables in terms of bytes may change form machine to machine. We
may use the unary operator sizeof to tell us the size of a structure.
The expression sizeof(struct x) will evaluate the number of bytes required to hold
all the members of the structure x.
If y is a simple structure variable of type struct x, then the expression sizeof (y)
would also give the same answer.

5.11. Bit fields

Bit fields are the special features provided in ‘C’ to change the order of allocation
of memory from bytes to bits. Generally, we are using integer fields of size 16 bits to
store data. There are some occasions where data items require much less than 16 bits
space. In such cases, we waste memory space.
General format of bit field definition:

struct tag_name
data type var_name1:bit_length;
data type var_name2:bit_length;

 data type is either int or unsigned int or signed int.
 bit length is the number of bits used for the specified variable name.

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Note: Signed bit field should have at least 2 bits (one bit for sign).

Features of Bit Fields:

 A bit field is a set of adjacent bits whose size can be from 1 to 16 bits in length.
 The field name is followed by a colon.
 Using bit fields we can specify the exact number of bits required for the storage
of values.
 The name and size of bit fields are defined using a structure.
 The bit length is decided by the range of value to be stored.
 The largest value that can be stored is 2n-1. Where, n is the bit length.
 The size of the field cannot exceed the number of bits required to store an integer
variable on the machine, for which the program is written.
 No C compiler permits fields to be declared with non-integral types, such as
float and no compiler permits array of fields.
 We can not take the address of a bit-field variable. This means we cannot use
scanf to read values into bit fields.
 Pointers cannot be used to access the bit fields.
 Bit-fields cannot e arrayed.
 Bit fields cannot be the members of unions, but they can be members of the
structures which are themselves the members of unions.
 It is possible to combine normal structure elements with bit-field elements.
Ex 1:
struct personal
unsigned age: 7 (range is 0 to 127)
unsigned m_status: 1 (0 or 1)
} employee;
The above example defines a structure variable ‘employee’ with two fields. Once
bit fields are defined, they can e referenced just as any other structure-type data item
would be referenced. The following assignment statements are valid.
employee.age = 28;

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employee.m_status = 1;
Ex 2: /*Using bit fields, Write a C program to store the information of vehicles.*/
main( )
struct vehicle
unsigned type: 3;
unsigned fuel: 2;
unsigned model: 3;
} V;
printf(“Type of vehicle:%d\n”, V.type);
printf(“Fuel is %d\n”, V.fuel);
printf(“Model is %d\n);
getch( );
Ex 3:
struct vehicle
unsigned type: 3;
unsigned model: 3;
unsigned : 2; /* These two bits are reserved in the structure, but
it can not be accessed, because it has no name*/
int reg_ no:
} V;
Integer member must start at beginning of the new byte. In the above example,
type and model requires only 6 bits. If an integer member reg_no is declared by
following these two members, then starts from new byte, so, the remaining 2 bits
are unused.
The programmer has some control over alignment with in a structure declaration,
when only the size of bit field is specified, with no name, such as unsigned: 2.

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5.12. Unions

Unions are a concept borrowed from structures and therefore it follows the same
syntax as structures. However there is major distinction between them is, in terms of
storage. In structures, each member has its own storage location, whereas all the members
of a union use the same location. This implies that, although a union may contain many
members of different types, it can handle only one member at a time. Like structures, a
union can be declared using the keyword union as follows.
General format:
union name
type var1;
type var2;
union class
int marks;
float average;
char grade;
} student;
This declares a variable ‘student’ of type union ‘class’. The union contains three
members each with a different data type.
However we can use only one of them at a time. This is due to the fact that only
one location is allocated for a union variable, irrespective of its size.

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65497 65498 65499 65500

Fig: Sharing of a storage locating by union members
The compiler allocates a piece of storage that is large enough to hold the largest
variable type in the union. In the declaration above the member ‘average’ requires 4 bytes
which is the largest among the members. The above figure shows how all the three
variables share the same address.
Consider an example:

struct conditions
float temp;
union feels_like
float wind_chill;
float heat_index;
} today;
As you know, wind_chill is only calculated when it is "cold" and heat_index
when it is "hot". There is no need for both. So when you specify the temp in today,
feels_like only has one value, either a float for wind_chill or a float for heat_index.
Types inside of unions are unrestricted; you can even use structs within unions.

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5.12.1. Accessing Union elements:

To access a union member we can use the same syntax that we use for structure
class.average; ....and so on.
During accessing, we should make sure that we are accessing the member whose
value is currently stored. For example, the statements such as,
printf(“%d”, class.marks);

would produce erroneous output (which is machine independent).

A union creates a storage location that can be used by any one of it’s members at
a time. When a different member is assigned a new value, this new value supersedes the
previous member’s value.
Unions may be used in all places where a structure is allowed. The notation for
accessing a union member, which is nested inside a structure, remains the same as for the
nested structures.
Ex: Write a C Program to use structure within union. Display the contents of
structure elements.
main( )
struct x
float f;
char p[2];
union z
struct x set;
union z st;

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st.set.f = 5.5;
st.set.p[0]= 65;
printf(“\n%f\t%c\t%c”, st.set.f,st.set.p[0],st.set.p[1]);
getch( );

Unions may be initialized when the variable is declared, but, unlike structures, it
can be initialized only with a value of the same type as the first union member. Other
members can be initialized by either assigning values or reading from the keyboard.

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5.13. Self-Referential Structures

One restriction on structure nesting is that, a structure can not contain an image of
itself. That is, a structure cannot contain a member defined with the same tag as the
outside structure. Such a construct would leads to an infinite recursion.
A structure contains a member, which is a pointer to the structure of same type.
Such a kind of structure is known as “Self-referential structure”. (OR) In other words, as
the name suggests, a self-referential structure references itself through one of it’s member
struct card
char title[30];
char author[30];
char month[3];
int day;
int year;
} date;
int no_copies;
struct card *next_card; /* Points to the next card in the catalogue */
} one_card;

In the above example, each card structure contains a member, that is a pointer to
another card structure. This does not cause infinite recursion, since a pointer to a structure
does not physically contain any member, it is used to hold the address of another card
Suppose, we wish to refer the title member of the structure to which
one_card.next_card points.

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 One way is to refer to the whole structure as

 Therefore the title member can be referred as following:
 Another way to refer the title member of one_card.next_card is as follows:
(one_card.next_card) -> title
Here, ‘->’ operator returns the member named on it’s right side from the structure
pointed to by the pointer to it’s left. This operator is called as structure pointer operator,
but we shall refer to it as the arrow operator.

i) Both dot (.) and arrow (->) have the same precedence.
ii) Linked list is one of the typical applications of self-referential structure.

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5.14. Objective type questions

5.15. Descriptive type questions

Pointers to remember:

 Struct is a key word which shows the start of a structure.

 A structure can be passed to as a single variable to function.
 A union can also be stored as a member of the structure.
 Pointers can also store the address of heterogeneous types of elements i.e.,

Structures :: Abilities and Limitations

 You can create arrays of structs.
 Structs can be copied or assigned.
 The & operator may be used with structs to show addresses.
 Structs can be passed into functions. Structs can also be returned from functions.
 Structs cannot be compared!

Structures Review
 Structures can store non-homogenous data types into a single collection, much like an array does
for common data (except it isn't accessed in the same manner).
 Pointers to structs have a special infix operator: -> for dereferencing the pointer.

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 typedef can help you clear your code up and can help save some keystrokes.
 Enumerated types allow you to have a series of constants much like a series of #define statements.

Sample theory questions:

1) Distinguish between structure and union?

2) When an array of structures is used? Declare a variable as array of structure as
initialize it?
3) Write about passing of structures as arguments to functions?

Sample objective questions:

1) Keyword used to represent a structure data type is struct.
2) Structure is a data type in which each element that has different Data type.
3) The member variable of structure is accessed by using dot operator.

4) Union holds one object at a time.

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